
Years Past (AiE Short)

Apr 2nd, 2013
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  1. >The whirr of charging magic and the sound of spinning propeller blades fill the late morning air high above the Equestrian landscape.
  2. >You grip the sides of the door tightly as you dangle your feet out of the chopper, observing the forest below you.
  3. >The "Everfree Forest," as it would be.
  4. >Fascinating.
  5. >It's not as expansive as you'd have thought.
  6. >Your friend and pilot glances back at you, and smirks.
  7. >She slams a hoof against the metal interior, sounding off to grab your attention.
  8. >"We in the right area, Anon?" she yells over the loud noises around her.
  9. >You dart your head toward her, and smile.
  10. Yeah, I think so! It shouldn't be too much farther!
  11. >"Great! I'll pick it up then!"
  12. >She focuses her magic a bit more, and the blades of the helicopter start to spin quicker.
  13. >The nose dips a little, and you gain some speed.
  14. >"So!" she calls back, "You still haven't told me what you're looking for!"
  15. >Still gazing at the landscape below, you barely hear her question.
  16. >You look to her, then chuckle a little.
  17. ...Well, don't laugh!
  18. >She gives you a look.
  19. >"No promises!"
  20. >You smile again.
  21. ...Ever heard of the Elements of Harmony?
  22. >Her eyes widen a little.
  23. >Then, she grins.
  24. >"...You CAN'T be serious, Anon," she taunts. "You know those relics are just fairy tales and stories."
  25. >You furl your brow a bit.
  26. We thought the same of Princess Celestia and Luna, didn't we Shimmer?
  27. >Something in her mind clicks a little.
  28. From what we've learned in those mountainous ruins, that doesn't seem to be the case, does it?
  29. >She turns her head back to the windshield, and waves her hoof dismissively.
  30. >"...Yeah, I suppose you have a point."
  31. >You laugh a little, knowing you have her beat.
  32. >You reach into your satchel on your waist and open the map you found earlier, carefully holding it so it isn't taken by the wind.
  33. >You compare the markings to the earth below.
  34. ...Here, this should be the place!
  35. >You glance to a clearing in the landscape below.
  36. Just land there, I'll be able to make my way!
  37. >She nods, and begins to make her descent.
  38. >The helicopter gracefully drops from the air, slowly and delicately touching down to the land below.
  39. >She ceases her spell, and the blades slow to a stop.
  40. >Finally, you can hear properly again.
  41. >You secure your backpack tightly to yourself, and ensure your satchel is tight to your waist, before hopping out of the helicopter.
  42. >"Be careful," Shimmer warns from the pilot's seat, "We don't know if the air or land are really safe. You won't be long, right?"
  43. >You do your final checks, then meet her eyes, shaking your head.
  44. No, I shouldn't be. Give me two hours or so, we'll rendezvous here.
  45. >Shimmer pokes the inside of her cheek with her tongue, then nods.
  46. >"Alright, Mr. Archeologist."
  47. >She charges up her spell once more, and the helicopter springs back to life.
  48. >"Come back safe!" She calls over the noise as the machine lifts back off the ground.
  49. >You hold your hat down from the wind, and wave goodbye to her.
  50. >The vehicle takes off, flying into the distance.
  51. >Performing one last check, you bring out your ancient map again, trying to locate yourself as you begin walking.
  52. >...This looks familiar enough...
  53. >The map seems to place you in a forest-like area.
  54. >Drawings of apples adorn it.
  55. >It's labeled, but you haven't been able to decipher this ancient p0ny language yet.
  56. >So you'll have to stick with your gut, and assume some sort of apple forest or plantation.
  57. >You raise your head from the parchment and glance around.
  58. >...Nothing but flat land.
  59. >A few dead trees litter the area, but that seems to be about it.
  60. >Each step you take sinks roughly into the eroding dirt below you.
  61. >...It must have been a long time since this land was fertile.
  62. >As you continue your trek, you finally see a structure not too far off.
  63. >It appears to be...
  64. >...A house of some sort.
  65. >You perk up.
  66. >This could be interesting.
  67. >You quickly make your way over to the rotting, decrepit piece of architecture.
  68. >You approach where it seems a door would have been at some point, and enter.
  69. >It's dusty, isolated, and possesses a very lonely atmosphere.
  70. >You glance at the inners of the house around you.
  71. >The wood is absolutely ancient; any unnecessary pressure would surely cause it to snap or break.
  72. >A second floor seems to have existed once, but large portions of it, along with the staircase leading up to it, are now collapsed.
  73. >...Well, you'll work with what you have.
  74. >You swing over your backpack and bring out your dusting brush.
  75. >Approaching what seems to be old furniture, you begin swishing against it, removing the centuries, perhaps even millennia, worth of dirt and dust.
  76. >You cough a little as the room around you fills up with these particles.
  77. >A set of drawers, it would seem.
  78. >You grip the handle and pull one out.
  79. >Nothing but ancient, illegible papers.
  80. >You can't even make out the shapes of the characters.
  81. >You check the next one.
  82. >Nothing.
  83. >Moving to another piece, you quickly begin dusting again.
  84. >A shelf is revealed.
  85. >You move and rearrange some of the various pieces of debris blocking it to get a fuller view.
  86. >When the actual shelves themselves are revealed, you dust the items sitting on it.
  87. >Nothing noteworthy.
  88. >...Except...
  89. >You reach over, grabbing a small, rectangle-like item.
  90. >...A picture frame.
  91. >You dust the glass protecting the image.
  92. >...A family.
  93. >...Four happy Earth p0nies sit around a table.
  94. >A small yellow filly.
  95. >An elderly, green mare.
  96. >A large, red stallion.
  97. >And an orange mare wearing a cowboy hat.
  98. >...They all have something apple-related for a cutie mark.
  99. >You stand up and walk away from the dusty room, trying to get a little more light.
  100. >Your shoes knock softly against the wooden floor below you.
  101. >This orange mare, for example...
  102. >...Three apples in a triangular order.
  103. >Hmm...
  104. >...
  105. >You swing your backpack around, and place the picture frame inside.
  106. >Time is of the essence, and you've spent enough of it here.
  107. >You step out of the ancient structure back into the desolate plain.
  108. >Quickly glancing over the land, you spot a path leading up and over a small hill.
  109. >Looking around to ensure you wouldn't be missing out on anything else, and it doesn't seem like you would, you head to the path and begin to follow it.
  111. >It empties out into the ruins of an old town, obscured from above by a soft fog.
  112. >Your mouth gapes.
  113. >How...
  114. >How does no one know about this...?
  115. >You venture further in, your footsteps shifting from padded grass to an age-old cobbled street.
  116. >This has to be it...
  117. >This has to be the home of the legendary Elements of Harmony.
  118. >It makes too much sense.
  119. >You quickly bring out your map once more, glancing over it.
  120. >...It doesn't say much else.
  121. >Just outlines of supposed buildings.
  122. >...One catches your attention.
  123. >It's faded, but you make out what you assume to be a structure, surrounded by diamonds.
  124. >...Diamonds, huh?
  125. >It's not very far.
  126. >You roll up the map and stick it into your back pocket.
  127. >Glancing around as to where you should go, you spot the collapsed ruin of a colorful building.
  128. >You nod to yourself, and head in its direction.
  129. >A chilling wind blows past you, whistling as you close the gap between yourself and this decrepit building.
  130. >When you finally arrive, you assess the damage.
  131. >...Still somewhat standing, but with a lot junk in the way.
  132. >...Light junk.
  133. >The perks of being a human.
  134. >You crouch down and begin shifting debris out of the way.
  135. >Ancient, plastic... mannequins?
  136. >Furniture.
  137. >Small rocks.
  138. >An assortment of things.
  139. >Until, at last, a clear path reveals itself.
  140. >You approach the door and grip the handle.
  141. >It breaks off in your hand.
  142. >...You laugh a little.
  143. >Dropping the handle to the ground with a high-pitched "clink," you ready your foot, and powerfully boot in the wooden door.
  144. >It careens off its hinges and crashes into the dark room in front of you.
  145. >Darkness...
  146. >Luckily, you always come prepared.
  147. >You reach for your backpack, digging around for what you need...
  148. >...Aha.
  149. >You pull out your flashlight.
  150. >Giving it a click, a strong, bright beam bursts forth, illuminating the room before you.
  151. >Perfect.
  152. >You take a step inside, pointing your electric torch in all manner of directions.
  153. >The inside of the structure doesn't seem much different than the outside.
  154. >Broken furniture, mannequins, and various other pieces of debris plague the interior.
  155. >Large boulders have crashed through parts of the wall and ceiling, blocking off access to other parts of the house.
  156. >No matter.
  157. >Again, you work with what you get.
  158. >Reaching again for your brush, you begin dusting the various articles around.
  159. >At first, all that's brought up is age-old pieces of fabric and sewing utensils.
  160. >Fascinating...
  161. >You continue your search.
  162. >Until finally...
  163. Another one, huh...?
  164. >You pick up the rectangular shape, and dust it off.
  165. I wonder who lived here, then...
  166. >The dirt and grime coating the glass frame shake and fly off into the air around you, revealing the portrait of a white unicorn.
  167. >Her purple hair is expertly kept, styled very professionally.
  168. >A very lady-like appearance.
  169. >Upon her flank rests three diamonds.
  170. >Much like the three apples from before...
  171. >...Hmm.
  172. >You place this photo into your backpack as well.
  173. >These are some decent finds.
  174. >Very interesting.
  175. >But not exactly what you're looking for.
  176. >You exit the structure, and click off your flashlight, pocketing it.
  177. >You reach for you map, ready to--
  178. >...Wait.
  179. >You bring up your wrist, glancing at your watch.
  180. >...
  181. >You don't have much time.
  182. >...Better make this count.
  183. >Grabbing the map once more, you glance over it.
  184. >These markings...
  185. >...They're cutie marks, it would seem.
  186. >If there's a pattern, that is.
  187. >The apples...
  188. >The diamonds...
  189. >...Hmm... What's this?
  190. >Balloons?
  191. >You study the building marker on the map.
  192. >It's not far.
  193. >You should be able to see it from here.
  194. >You glance up to the desolate town and take a glance.
  195. >...
  196. >There's the building alright.
  197. >...Completely collapsed.
  198. >And completely inaccessible.
  199. >...Not an option.
  200. >You look back down.
  201. >There's butterflies... and a rainbow bolt...
  202. >...But these are too far.
  203. >You'd never get there in time.
  204. >You scan the map one more time.
  205. >...Ahh... What's this?
  206. >You rub your thumb on the map a bit, to wipe away some concealing grime.
  207. >...A purple star...
  208. >It looks like--
  209. >...
  210. >!
  211. >Your heart skips a beat.
  212. >You know that symbol!
  213. >You glance up from the map in disbelief.
  214. >The wind howls around you.
  215. >...At those mountainous ruins...
  216. >It was all over the castle...
  217. >...Does it share some connection to royalty?
  218. >To Princess Celestia?
  219. >Maybe even...
  220. >...The Elements?
  221. >You fling your head back down, studying the location.
  222. >You begin walking as you do, eager to arrive at this...
  223. >...This tree.
  224. >A tree?
  225. >Odd...
  226. >Your steps are wide, covering a lot of ground.
  227. >Your shoes clock down loudly on the ancient street, echoing throughout the isolated town.
  228. >Until finally...
  229. >...Ah.
  230. >You roll up the map, and place it back into your back pocket.
  231. >An old, gnarled tree sits before you.
  232. >Not a single leaf rests on its branches.
  233. >It died long ago.
  234. >You slowly approach the plant.
  235. >You rest your palm and fingers on its bark, slowly dragging them across as you pace around it.
  236. >The wood softly presses against your skin.
  237. >What secrets does this tree hold...?
  238. >You continue your lap.
  239. >You're about halfway around the tree.
  240. >When suddenly...
  241. ...Oh, my.
  242. >The trunk is split down the middle.
  243. >This large crack opens up into a dark, hollow center.
  244. >You poke your head inside and look around.
  245. >...Jackpot.
  246. >You bring out your flashlight once more, using it to illuminate the ancient sprout.
  247. >You reach your leg over and take a step inside.
  249. >Your flashlight reveals what seems to have been another building.
  250. >...Disguised as a tree?
  251. >Or perhaps just carved from one.
  252. >How resourceful.
  253. >You fumble in the pitch-blackness, stepping around more debris; branches, gnarled wood, furniture.
  254. >Your light shines upon the walls of the tree.
  255. >Lined with old, empty shelves.
  256. >You drag your light across more sides of the wall.
  257. >More shelves...
  258. >...Why would a tree need so many shelves?
  259. >You almost trip over a broken table as you strafe, barely catching yourself.
  260. >You get steady, then opt to stand in place as you glance around.
  261. >You point the flashlight up.
  262. >...You figured.
  263. >Another second floor.
  264. >But inaccessible.
  265. >You point the light in other directions.
  266. >Hmm...
  267. >...
  268. >Ah... What's this?
  269. >Temporarily shining the light below you to ensure a safe trip over, you approach what caught your eye.
  270. >A ground-level door.
  271. >You grip the handle.
  272. Now where do you lead...?
  273. >After a small push, a bigger push, then a full shoulder-barging push, you finally work the door open.
  274. >It groans and creaks loudly as it swings on its ancient hinges.
  275. >Stone steps are revealed, leading down into a seemingly endless darkness.
  276. >...
  277. >You grip your flashlight in your palm.
  278. >This could be good.
  279. >Slowly, you drop your first foot down, planting it onto the rock below.
  280. >Then your other.
  281. >And you descent slowly into the darkness below you.
  283. >After a few minutes of quick steps, you finally level off.
  284. >You shine your light around you.
  285. >...Quite the space under this tree.
  286. >A large, expansive cave is set before you.
  287. >Judging by the lack of stalagmites and a nicely carved wall, you assume it's pony made.
  288. >Perfect.
  289. >That just means more organized.
  290. >You glance to your watch.
  291. >...Better be quick.
  292. >You point the light in front of you and adopt a quick pace.
  293. >Your footsteps bouncing off the walls around you.
  294. >You shine the light in all manner of directions.
  295. >Plain wall... plain wall... nothing here...
  296. >Nothing... wait.
  297. >You quickly swing your flashlight back in the direction you came from.
  298. >...There.
  299. >You do it once more.
  300. >Then hold it.
  301. >...A glimmer.
  302. >Something is reflecting the light.
  303. >You get a little excited.
  304. >Picking up the pace, you quickly approach the object of your desire.
  305. >You close the distance in a short time.
  306. >Soon, you can make it out.
  307. >A chest.
  308. >A wooden, golden-metal decorated chest.
  309. >You smile out of sheer excitement.
  310. >The eerie silence is broken as you approach the chest and drop your pack off your back and onto the ground.
  311. >Digging through it, you bring out a chisel and hammer.
  312. >Carefully positioning the chisel over the decrepit, rusted lock, you swing the hammer down on it hard.
  313. >It doesn't take much to snap the lock right from the box.
  314. >You place the tools down, grip the head of the box with both hands, and push up forcefully.
  315. >The old box groans as you finally give its joints their first stretch in however long.
  316. >Grabbing your flashlight, you take a look inside.
  317. >The beam instantly reflects back to you, nearly blinding you.
  318. >Adjusting your beam to be less direct, you glance inside one more time.
  319. >...
  320. >Could these be it...?
  321. >You drop your hand inside, grabbing one of the golden pieces of jewelry.
  322. >...A necklace, it seems.
  323. >...A jeweled butterfly is set in the middle.
  324. >...
  325. >Glancing at the others, you softly put down the butterfly necklace and pick up another.
  326. >This one decorated with a diamond...
  327. >...Diamond?
  328. >You shift your eyes through the chest.
  329. >...You thought as much.
  330. >You grab another necklace.
  331. >...An apple.
  332. >...
  333. >You put down the jewelry, and reach into your backpack.
  334. >You pull out the two photos you've collected.
  335. >You rest them against the wall, next to the chest.
  336. Diamond...
  337. >You mutter, pointing to the flank of the white unicorn for yourself.
  338. ...Apple.
  339. >To the flank of the orange mare in the cowboy hat.
  340. >You look inside the chest once more.
  341. >These necklaces...
  342. >...No, wait, they aren't all necklaces.
  343. >You reach inside, picking up and placing some of the lesser jewels to the side for this... larger one.
  344. >A tiara.
  345. >You bring it to your face and examine it closely.
  346. >...That star-like marking.
  347. >...The same as on the map.
  348. >The same as in the ruins in the mountains...
  349. >It's here as well, on this tiara.
  350. >You look to the two photos.
  351. >And if these match the cutie marks of those mares...
  352. >...Then this mark must be...
  353. >...
  354. >You can barely contain the well of excitement brewing inside of you.
  355. >Good God...
  356. >...These have to be it...
  357. >...They have to!
  358. >These have to be The--!
  359. >A deep, rumbling growl erupts from behind the curtain of darkness.
  360. >You nearly drop the tiara in your hands from surprise.
  361. >You bolt your head in the direction.
  362. >...
  363. >An enormous thud radiates from the same direction.
  364. >Then another...
  365. >...Footsteps?
  366. >You swiftly place the relic back into the chest and reach for your flashlight.
  367. >You whip it around towards the footsteps.
  368. >The light reveals your visitor.
  369. >Or, a portion of it.
  370. >Purple...
  371. >You stand up quickly and back away.
  372. >You shine your light up higher...
  373. >...Its head is revealed.
  374. >A giant, purple dragon stares back at you.
  375. >Its eyes scan you as it takes another step closer.
  376. >Its green spines pointing straight into the air.
  377. >You back away slowly, reaching onto your belt for your pistol.
  378. >You grip the handle, and--
  379. >"Never seen anything like you before..." it grumbles.
  380. >You freeze.
  381. >What...?
  382. >Did this dragon...?
  383. >...Did this dragon just willingly talk to you?
  384. >You keep your hand on your pistol just to be safe.
  385. >"Are you what's occupying up there now?" It asks, lying back down to the cave floor with a crash, "It's been ages since I've been up there."
  386. >You loosen your body slightly.
  387. >You release your grip from your pistol.
  388. >...He seems... nice...
  389. ...No...
  390. >You finally say, standing up straight.
  391. I'm... rare. The only of my kind, really...
  392. >The dragon looks at you intently.
  393. ...P0nies are what occupy the land above... mainly...
  394. >The dragon nods.
  395. >"Ah, good... so not too many things have changed, it seems..."
  396. >...
  397. >You still can't believe this...
  398. >Such a friendly dragon?
  399. >Is it even possible?
  400. >"What's your name, boy?" He asks.
  401. >His voice is booming and commanding, yet, soothing and conversational as well.
  402. ...Anonymous.
  403. >You shuffle in place a little.
  404. Or, Anon for short.
  405. >The dragon nods once more.
  406. >"You may call me Spike," he says, waving his claw around in the air, "All of my friends do."
  407. >Friends...?
  408. >"Or, did." He corrects himself.
  409. >You eye Spike a little bit.
  410. >You're still a little hung up over him being here.
  411. >You'd have figured you could spot a dragon lair.
  412. >But there's no hoarded treasure...
  413. >You eye the chest once more.
  414. >...Is that all he's guarding?
  415. >Spike takes notice to your wandering eyes.
  416. >"So, Anon..." he calls, snapping you to attention once more, "what brings you down here to my humble abode? Touching my... things."
  417. >Your heart skips a beat.
  418. Oh, I'm... sorry, Spike. I didn't know they belonged to anyone.
  419. >The dragon smiles.
  420. >"It matters not."
  421. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  422. >Looks like you'll get out of here alive after all.
  423. Actually...
  424. >You continue.
  425. >You have Spike's attention.
  426. I'm here looking for something... a few relics. They're referred to as... Well, they're referred to as The Elements of Harmony.
  427. >Spike's eyes widen a little.
  428. >Then, he lets out a deep laugh.
  429. >Smoke gathers around his maw.
  430. >He picks up his paw and uses it to pat the chest.
  431. >"Well, I don't think you'd need to look any further, my friend."
  432. >You look to the chest, wide eyed.
  433. >So... it's true.
  434. >"These are those very elements."
  435. >First, the confirmation of the two Princess Sisters...
  436. >Now, the discovery of the legendary Elements of Harmony...
  437. >...What would Shimmer think?
  438. >This'll change EVERYTHING we know about the past...
  439. >...You think you can trust this dragon.
  440. >You slowly walk toward the chest once more.
  441. >Spike doesn't seem to mind.
  442. >You glance into the it.
  443. >Those five glimmering necklaces... that one shining tiara...
  444. >And a dragon has been guarding them all this time...
  445. ...Spike,
  446. >You say.
  447. >The dragon nods, confirming his attention.
  448. How did these... work? Is it like the legends say?
  449. >Spike clears his throat a little.
  450. >"Well, what do the legends say?"
  451. >You look to the giant, purple creature.
  452. ...The legends speak of six Elements of Harmony, used by six heroes to vanquish evil... but... that's all that's ever been written about them, really.
  453. >Spike lets loose a slow, jolly laugh.
  454. >You look to him in confusion.
  455. >"I'd say the legends are right in that case..."
  456. >You feel that excitement well up once more.
  457. >It's all so much to handle at once.
  458. >"And I knew those six heroes... they were all very close friends of mine..." the dragon says this with a lingering smile.
  459. >What!?
  460. >The six heroes of the Elements...
  461. >He... He knows them!?
  462. >Spike can sense your excitement, and laughs a little.
  463. >Then he lets out a happy sigh.
  464. >As if reminiscing...
  465. >...
  466. >You walk over beside the chest, and pick up the two photographs.
  467. Are... these your friends, Spike?
  468. >"Hmm?" the dragon mutters.
  469. >You hold up the photo of the orange mare and her family.
  470. >Spike adjusts and focuses his eyes to the photo...
  471. >...
  472. >His maw drops, and his eyes almost glaze over, opening widely.
  473. >He simply stares at the photo for a moment.
  474. >...
  475. >"Applejack..." he finally says.
  476. >He brings his massive, clawed finger up to the frame, stroking it slightly.
  477. >"I... I haven't seen any likeness of her in..."
  478. >He trails off.
  479. >...
  480. >You feel an odd sensation settle in your chest.
  481. >Your mood drops as you look at this dragon... lost in nostalgia...
  482. >...
  483. >You slowly bring the photo down.
  484. And what about...
  485. >You slowly raise the white unicorn's picture.
  486. ...Her?
  487. >Spike looks to the portrait.
  488. >Upon viewing it, he emits a subtle, slight gasp.
  489. >...
  490. >He stares.
  491. >Not saying a word.
  492. >...
  493. >The cave is steeped in a melancholic silence.
  494. >Only the far-off dripping of water offers any noise.
  495. >...
  496. >"R-Rarity..." he mutters.
  497. >You gaze at the massive creature's face.
  498. >...Such... shock.
  499. >Such...
  500. >...Emotion.
  501. >You think you see a lone tear form in one of his eyes.
  502. >"It's been... so long..."
  503. >...
  504. >He blinks finally, raising his head slowly.
  505. >"I... I had a bit of a crush on that p0ny... as a child..."
  506. >He lets loose a single, breathy "heh," as if forcing a mask to his emotions.
  507. >...It doesn't work.
  508. >A wet blanket is still draped over your heart.
  509. >Or, so it feels.
  510. >Spike looks to these pictures once more, then glances back to the box of the Elements.
  511. >He sits in simple nostalgia.
  512. >...
  513. >"Rarity and Applejack... Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie..."
  514. >He takes a breath.
  515. >"...Twilight Sparkle..."
  516. >You listen to his now soft voice.
  517. >"These were all my... very best friends. Each and every one."
  518. >He sighs, and places his head on the ground.
  519. >"We've been through so much together... so many adventures, simple day-to-day activities..."
  520. >...
  521. >He sighs once more.
  522. >"But as I grew in size, they grew in age, and, well..."
  523. >...You feel a soft pang against your heart.
  524. >...You know enough about dragons to know what he's getting at.
  525. >He shifts his eyes from the wall to you.
  526. >You meet his gaze.
  527. >His eyes, so deep, full of age, wisdom, and...
  528. >...Sadness.
  529. >"Anon..." he states.
  530. >You listen.
  531. >"The life of a dragon can be a lonely life indeed..."
  532. >...You nod.
  533. >"I never was around my own kind much... I was a p0ny, at heart, you could say..."
  534. >He pauses, gazing to the wall, as if lost in thought.
  535. >"...Perhaps that was a bad long term choice..."
  536. >He looks to the chest once more.
  537. >"They used these Elements to fight countless foes when Equestria needed them..."
  538. >He reaches a claw inside, dangling a necklace from his nail.
  539. >The diamond one.
  540. >"These are all I have to remember them by. Not since the town became uninhabitable all those centuries ago..."
  541. >...
  542. >He places the necklace back into the chest.
  543. >And shuts it.
  544. >...
  545. >You stand solemnly.
  546. >You look to the two pictures in your hand...
  547. >...
  548. >Suddenly, Spike stands back up on his hind legs and rubs his belly.
  549. >"Ah, but I'm sorry," he says, wiping his eyes a little, "I've grown a little sentimental. It happens from time to time, you know."
  550. >He laughs to punctuate a change of mood.
  551. >...For now, anyway.
  552. >"So, Anon," he says, in the same welcoming voice he greeted you with, "what is it I can do for you? Do you need anything?"
  553. >...What?
  554. >Is he...?
  555. >You look to the smiling dragon.
  556. >You catch yourself with your mouth open, and shut it quickly.
  557. >You look to the now-closed chest.
  558. >There it sits.
  559. >What you toiled for for so long...
  560. >...
  561. >But...
  562. >...
  563. >Should you...
  564. >...
  565. >You smile.
  566. ...No, Spike, I don't.
  567. >The dragon looks to you, then smiles himself.
  568. >"Just paying a visit, eh?" He asks jokingly.
  569. >You laugh a little.
  570. Just paying a visit.
  571. >...
  572. >You glance to your watch.
  573. >...Oh man.
  574. >You look up to the large purple creature.
  575. Spike, it was great to meet you, but I need to leave.
  576. >The dragon eyes you a bit, then nods.
  577. >"I understand, Anon. Things to do. Your kind must be busy, huh?"
  578. >You laugh again.
  579. Yeah, very.
  580. >You pick up your backpack, and grip your flashlight.
  581. I'll just head back the way I came.
  582. >The dragon nods.
  583. >"I trust you'll find your way out just fine."
  584. >You look to each other one last time.
  585. >"...May Celestia guide you, Anon."
  586. >...You're taken aback a bit.
  587. ...And... and you too, Spike.
  588. >He smiles.
  589. >"Farewell."
  590. >Then, with a loud boom from his feet, he turns around and walks back into the darkness.
  591. >You hear the footsteps trail off.
  592. >Until the cave descends once again into silence.
  593. >...
  594. >You glance to the chest once more.
  595. >...This legendary chest...
  596. >You step toward it...
  597. >...
  598. >You look to your hand.
  599. >...And lean the two pictures you're holding against it.
  600. >The white unicorn Rarity... and the orange Earth p0ny Applejack...
  601. >Long lost friends...
  602. >...
  603. >You smile one more time.
  604. >And wipe your eyes a little bit.
  605. >Then, aiming your light the way you came, you begin your trek back.
  607. >You remembered your way, but it still took a little bit.
  608. >You can hear the helicopter blades chopping into the air as you finally make it back to the clearing.
  609. >Shimmer sits in the pilot's seat.
  610. >She doesn't look all too impressed.
  611. >"Anon!" she calls when you finally make it within earshot.
  612. >You quickly approach the machine and hop into it from the side doors.
  613. >"Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick!"
  614. >You wave her off with your hand.
  615. I'm sorry! Things took a little longer than expected!
  616. >"Psh," she sneers as the helicopter begins to take off.
  617. >Soon, you're in the air once more, trailing through the skies above Equestria.
  618. >"So!" she calls, "Was your trip at least worth it!? Anything on those Elements!?"
  619. >You gaze out back toward the town you know resides there.
  620. >...
  621. No, nothing on any Elements. Nothing at all, really.
  622. >You turn your head to meet hers.
  623. Guess you were right.
  624. >Shimmer smirks.
  625. >"I'm ALWAYS right, Anon," she remarks.
  626. >You smile, then avert your gaze back out the doors.
  627. >"Now hold on tight, we've got a long trip ahead of us!"
  628. >The whirr of magic picks up as the helicopter gains a little speed.
  629. >You smile at the diminishing landscape and forest as they fade back into obscurity.
  630. >Back into peaceful isolation.
  631. >...As it should be.
  633. The End
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