

Aug 7th, 2014
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  1. Blisk: Lifeboats launching, decks 4 through 20!
  2. Blisk: Decks 23 through 35, lifeboats away!
  3. Blisk: Hangar and motor pool, lifeboats away!
  4. Blisk: Engineering, lifeboats clear!
  5. MacAllan: All Militia Forces, we're outta time! Rendezvous at the evac point and wait for pickup!
  6. Sarah: But the Sentinel's still in the air!
  7. Bish: Not for long. They're down for the count.
  8. Sarah: Roger. Pilots, get to the evac point!
  9. MacAllan: We've lost enough lives today already.
  10. Spyglass: Vice Admiral, Pilots have secured the outposts. Militia forces are falling back.
  11. Graves: Good work, Pilots. Non-essential crew, get to your lifeboats! Everyone else, strap in and prep for emergency landing.
  12. Blisk: Sir, the Sentinel has critical structural damage. Crash-landing will ground her forever.
  13. Graves: She's still valuable, Blisk. We'll strip her weapons, armor and drive systems.
  14. Blisk: Understood, Sir. Prepping lifeboats for launch.
  15. Sarah: Mac- the Sentinel's moving! They're trying to make a warp jump!
  16. MacAllan: Bish, we gotta take out the jump drives!
  17. Bish: Working... got it! Firing now!
  18. Sarah: Impact confirmed. The Sentinel's jump drives are down.
  19. MacAllan: Keep it up, team. We'll need a LOT more firepower to take out the Sentinel.
  20. Bish: Boss, I just lost my signal again.
  21. Sarah: Pilots, let's go! We need to keep the outpost clear for Bish!
  22. Blisk: Vice Admiral Graves, the outpost cannon array! It's being bypassed remotely!
  23. Graves: They're going to use the outpost cannon to destroy the Sentinel! Warp us out of here!
  24. Blisk: No time sir!
  25. Graves: All hands, brace for impact!
  26. Blisk: Jump drives are dead, sir. We're not going anywhere.
  27. Graves: Pilots, we need more time! If the Militia control the outpost cannon, we'll lose the Sentinel!
  28. Bish: Boss, I just lost my signal.
  29. Sarah: Pilots, let's go! Spectres get in your way, try the data knife. Bish isn't the only one who can hack.
  30. Bish: Okay Boss, decoy's ready.
  31. MacAllan: Here we go team. Bish, send it.
  32. Bish: Decoy warping in 3...2...1...mark.
  33. Sarah: Pilot dropships, that's our cue, hit it!
  34. Sarah: We can see the decoy- it's working! The cannon's powering up!
  35. MacAllan: Dropships, stay clear of the blast zone.
  36. IMC Grunt: There's a Militia ship coming into our airspace sir!
  37. Blisk: The Militia's never been desperate enough to attack us they want to get rid of the Sentinel that bad, eh?
  38. Graves: Doesn't matter- we're ready for them. Spyglass, get our Pilots to the outpost.
  39. Graves: Doesn't matter- we're ready for them.
  40. Graves: Blisk! Charge the cannons!
  41. Spyglass: Jumping in now, Vice Admiral.
  42. Blisk: There's the target! Firing now!
  43. Sarah: They took the bait, we're in!
  44. Bish: Problem, boss: my signal's jammed. We gotta clear out the IMC on the outposts.
  45. MacAllan: You heard him team, this is a battle of Attrition. Kill every IMC soldier you can find, so Bish can get a clear signal.
  46. Blisk: Sir, that ship- it had no life signs, no shields.
  47. Graves: Of course- it's a decoy!
  48. IMC Grunt: The Militia just landed on Outpost 210!
  49. IMC Grunt: Outpost 197 here, we're under attack!
  50. IMC Grunt: They're inside! They're inside Fire Control! They're...ugh!
  51. IMC Grunt: They're inside! They're inside!
  52. Blisk: Sir, if they control the cannon array, the Sentinel's got no chance.
  53. Graves: Blisk, what the hell is going on down there- we're being targeted by our own guns!
  54. Spyglass: Sir, there is heavy Militia resistance on the outposts.
  55. Spyglass: Sir, Militia dropships on the outposts. Spectres reporting heavy resistance.
  56. Graves: Pilots, this'll be a battle of Attrition. Clear the outposts of ALL Militia forces!
  57. Militia Titan Pilot: ALRIGHT! We all know the mission! We're taking out THAT SHIP, so we need THIS OUTPOST SECURED! Now MOVE OUT!
  58. Bish: Clear out the IMC on the outpost so I can hack into those cannons remotely.
  59. Bish: Clear out the IMC on the Outpost so the tech teams can get me remote access to the cannon.
  60. MacAllan: You heard him team, this is a battle of Attrition. Kill every IMC soldier you can find, so Bish can get a clear shot.
  61. MacAllan: You heard him team, this is a battle of Attrition. Kill every IMC soldier you can find, so the tech teams can get Bish a clear signal.
  62. Sarah: Alright, Pilots. Take out the IMC forces. My tech teams are gonna take over their cannon arrays so Bish can remote fire the big gun.
  63. Bish: Pilots, as long as you keep the defenses busy, the faster the tech teams can do their job and the easier it'll be for me to operate the cannon.
  64. Graves: Blisk, status?
  65. Blisk: Militia warp signatures have dropped by 25%.
  66. Spyglass: The outposts are under control, Vice Admiral.
  67. Graves: Good work so far, Pilots. Keep killing 'em, they'll crawl back into their holes soon enough.
  68. MacAllan: 25% on the mission timer, gimme an update!
  69. Sarah: MacAllan, our Pilots are taking lots of casualties.
  70. Bish: My signal's jammed, Boss. The Pilots need to wipe out the opposition so the tech teams can get through and patch me in.
  71. MacAllan: Pilots, our tech teams can't keep Bish patched in if they're under fire. Eliminate as many hostiles as you can.
  72. Blisk: Militia warp jump rate is down 50 percent, sir!
  73. Graves: They're running out of resources. Keep the pressure up, Pilots.
  74. MacAllan: Team, mission timer's at 50%. We're falling behind schedule.
  75. Bish: My signal's jammed Boss, I can't fire the cannon.
  76. Sarah: Pilots! Fight harder, we have to clear the outposts!
  77. Sarah: Pilots, our tech teams are running into a lot of opposition. You gotta thin out the IMC up top!
  78. Graves: Blisk! Spyglass! Report.
  79. Blisk: Militia warp rate has dropped by 75%, sir.
  80. Spyglass: Our Pilots are effectively defending the outposts, sir.
  81. Graves: Good. We're wearing them out. Pilots, stay focused and finish the job.
  82. MacAllan: Mission timer's at 75%. Why'd the cannon stop firing?
  83. Bish: I got no signal, Boss!
  84. Sarah: MacAllan, our Pilots are losing ground.
  85. MacAllan: Hey Pilots- we're gonna lose it! Get those outposts under control!
  86. Blisk: Sir! Hull shielding on the Sentinel is down 25%!
  87. Graves: Damn. Spyglass, ground status?
  88. Spyglass: Pilots have lost control of the outposts, the Sentinel is being targeted.
  89. Graves: Sentinel crew, brace for impact!
  90. Graves: Pilots, focus up, you need to re-establish control down there.
  91. Graves: Get those Outposts under control or the Sentinel won't stand a chance!
  92. Blisk: I'll dispatch another rack of Spectres to re-establish control down there.
  93. MacAllan: Quarter of the way through, what's our status?
  94. Sarah: Our Pilots are keeping the IMC busy and the underground tech teams are transmitting to Bish.
  95. Bish: I got a clean signal!
  96. MacAllan: What're you waiting for Bish, take the shot!
  97. Sarah: The Pilots are fighting hard down here Bish, check your signal again!
  98. Bish: Signal's clear again! I've got control of the cannon!
  99. MacAllan: Hit it while we can!
  100. Bish: On it! Firing now.
  101. Sarah: Good effect on target.
  102. MacAllan: Keep pushing, team. We can do this. Clear the outposts!
  103. MacAllan: Nice job down there Pilots. Keep it up.
  104. Graves: Blisk, how're we holding up?
  105. Blisk: Shields are at 50%...Sir! They're targeting the Sentinel again!
  106. Blisk: Sir! We just lost cannon control again! They're targeting the Sentinel for another shot!
  107. Graves: All hands! Brace for impact!
  108. Blisk: We've got fires on decks 25 through 29!
  109. Spyglass: Fire control Marvins have been dispatched.
  110. Graves: Keep fighting, Pilots. We can still pull out of this.
  111. Graves: Pilots, we're taking some huge shots up here! Get focused and CLEAR THE OUTPOSTS!
  112. MacAllan: Halfway through, team, what's going on?
  113. Sarah: Our Pilots are taking care of business down here. Bish, how's the signal?
  114. Bish: Nice and clean. Cannon just cooled down enough to refire, here we go again.
  115. MacAllan: Great job, team! Keep it up, we're taking this ship DOWN today!
  116. MacAllan: Bish, we're running out of time...
  117. Bish: Whoa, we're okay, my signal just cleared up! Tech teams got the uplink back on! I'm firing again!
  118. Sarah: Nice comeback Pilots. Keep pushing to keep those outposts clear!
  119. Blisk: Sir, hull shielding reduced by 75%. The cannon array is targeting the Sentinel again.
  120. Graves: Starboard decks, get to your lifeboats! All hands, brace for impact!
  121. Graves: Blisk?! We're being targeted again!
  122. Blisk: Yes sir! My targeting controls just went offline.
  123. Spyglass: Militia forces are rallying on the outposts. The cannon array is targeting the Sentinel.
  124. Graves: All hands, brace for impact!
  125. Blisk: Our shields are almost gone sir. We can't take another shot like that!
  126. Graves: Pilots, I need your best right now. You WILL give me a chance to land this ship!
  127. MacAllan: Bish! 75% on the mission timer, how we lookin?
  128. Bish: Looking great Boss. Spinning up the cannon for another shot.
  129. MacAllan: We're too close to fail now, team- just need ONE MORE SHOT to kill the Sentinel!
  130. Sarah: You heard him, Pilots! Finish it!
  131. Sarah: We're pushing 'em back Bish! Try the cannon again!
  132. Bish: It's not- oh, there it is! Signal's clear, here we go!
  133. MacAllan: Keep pushing everyone! We just need ONE MORE SHOT to take down the Sentinel!
  134. MacAllan: We've got the outposts, the Sentinel's going down- Bish, hit it with everything we've got!
  135. Bish: Taking the shot, Boss, this oughta do it.
  136. MacAllan: That's it! The Sentinel's dead!
  137. Sarah: That's a nice piece of work people. Sweep the outposts again- make sure those Pilots don't escape.
  138. Spyglass: Vice Admiral, Militia forces have taken the outposts.
  139. Blisk: The Sentinel can't survive another shot, sir.
  140. Graves: All hands, get to the lifeboats! GO!
  141. Spyglass: Sir, Spectres are en route to the bridge to extract you.
  142. Graves: To hell with that, Spyglass, I can fly my own lifeboat.
  143. Graves: Deploy all lifeboats!
  144. Blisk: Sir! Are you there? Sir! Do you read me!?
  145. Graves: I'm clear!
  146. Graves: Copy that- I'm clear.
  147. Blisk: Pilot, this is a battle of Attrition. Eliminate all enemy forces.
  148. Bish: Ok, this is a battle of Attrition. Eliminate all enemy forces. Good luck.
  149. Blisk: This is a battle of Attrition, Pilot. Target and destroy all enemy forces.
  150. Bish: Hey, this is a battle of Attrition. Target and destroy all enemy forces.
  151. Blisk: Oi, this is a battle of Attrition. Wipe out all enemy forces that stand in your way.
  152. Bish: All right boss, this is a battle of Attrition. Eliminate all enemy forces.
  153. Militia Grunt: We're inside! We got the gun!
  154. Blisk: If it was just a diversion sir, they certainly paid a high price for it.
  155. Blisk: The dropships aren't going to wait for you. Get to the evac point now!
  156. Blisk: Pilots, the battle's over, we've taken too many losses! All IMC forces, prepare to withdraw from the area. Blisk out!
  157. Blisk: Be advised, we've taken some losses, and our ground forces are now at 75%.
  158. Blisk: Our ground forces are down to 50%!
  159. Blisk: Our ground forces are down to 25%. Heavy losses across the board. We can't take much more of this.
  160. Blisk: That's it, we've got them on the run. Sir, we've established control of the Harbor District.
  161. Blisk: The Sentinel's taken severe internal damage sir, she'll need some repairs.
  162. Blisk: Mission accomplished Sir!
  163. Excellent. Just in time.
  164. Blisk: Roger that, all fighters, watch for friendly fire, engage at will.
  165. Blisk: Copy that sir. We'll secure the ground for your arrival.
  166. Blisk: No sign of Barker or MacAllan yet, but the Militia's putting up a hell of a fight in the Harbor District; chances are they're hiding out in there.
  167. Blisk: Sir, these Militia bastards don't know when to quit! I need more air support to search the Harbor District!
  168. IMC Grunt Captain: You were saying!?
  169. IMC Grunt Captain: Then they must be here! Keep looking!
  170. Graves: Our search parties are getting wiped out down there. Your mission is to eliminate enemy forces interfering with the search.
  171. Graves: Sergeant Blisk, get your search parties working double time. Now if this was just a diversion...
  172. Graves: Sergeant Blisk, get your search parties working double time. I have a feeling this was a diversion, but we have to make sure.
  173. Graves: Sergeant Blisk, the Sentinel has arrived. You've got your air support.
  174. Graves: Sargeant, the Sentinel is en route and will be arriving shortly.
  175. Graves: Blisk, gimme a sitrep, how are the search teams doing?
  176. Graves: Copy that, keep me posted. Graves out.
  177. Graves: The Sentinel will be there in the next ten mikes. MacAllan's crew have killed a lot of good people, Blisk! You will not let them escape. Graves out.
  178. Graves: All forces, brace for impact!
  179. Graves: All forces, brace for impact!...Blisk, they just took out the flight deck, I'm cancelling the operation. Get your forces to the evac point, we're jumping out!
  180. Graves: Copy that, good work everyone. Now let's finish off the stragglers.
  181. Graves: Set a course for the Freeport system. We'll repair the ship there. We'll get MacAllan later.
  182. Graves: Good work Sargeant. It's only a matter of time before we find MacAllan now. Graves out.
  183. IMC Grunt: Captain, we've cleared districts 10 and...
  184. IMC Grunt: Districts 10 and 11 have been cleared! No sign of Barker or MacAllan!
  185. IMC Grunt: HORNET!
  186. IMC Grunt: Take cover!
  187. IMC Grunt: Move out!
  188. Spyglass: In position. Pilots, prepare to disembark.
  189. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, be advised, the Sentinel will be jumping in directly over the city in 3...2...1...mark.
  190. Spyglass: Warning! Mass jump signatures detected! Enemy fleet incoming!
  191. Spyglass: The Sentinel has sustained critical damage. Recommend docking for repair.
  192. IMC Titan Pilot: Get down!
  193. IMC Titan Pilot: Alpha Squad! Move out!
  194. Barker: Oh, I don't feel so good...
  195. Barker: You ever love someone in a bar? Huh? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought!
  196. Barker: Frontier whiskey? You can't drink that piss! Hey, lemme go!
  197. Barker: Put me down! Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?
  198. Barker: I'm through with the Frontier! Ya hear me MacAllan? I'm through!
  199. Barker: I'm gonna kick ALL your asses! Hey what do you think you're doing?
  200. Bish: Copy that Mac. All pilots, keep the IMC distracted topside until we get the all clear. Good luck.
  201. Bish: Oh great. Mac, an IMC carrier just jumped better get Barker outta there quick!
  202. Bish: Alright, our combat effectiveness is down to 75%. We're doin' ok but things could be better.
  203. Bish: Heads up, intel says we're down to 50% combat effectiveness. Let's pull it together team.
  204. Bish: Hey! We've taken heavy losses! Combat effectiveness is down to 25%! We're gonna have to bug out if this keeps up.
  205. Bish: Pilots, the battle's over- we've taken too many losses. Fall back and secure the evac point for extraction. Mac, what's your status!
  206. Bish: OK pilots, our little diversion- and by diversion, I mean total ass whoopin'- was a complete success. Mac, you clear?
  207. Bish: Copy that. Keep your fingers crossed...
  208. Bish: Got it. OK Pilots, our diversion's still working, we just need to buy MacAllan and Barker a little more time...
  209. Bish: Sarah, he's in command now. I'm launching the fighters. Hornets, target the Sentinel's aft stabilizer.
  210. Militia Grunt: Damn this guy smells; you know him or somethin'?
  211. Militia Titan Captain: Ok, let's move people! Let's buy 'em some time!
  212. MacAllan: Ok Bish, package on the way. Start the music.
  213. MacAllan: Good luck people, give' em hell. MacAllan out.
  214. MacAllan: Yeah...Barker was my...wingman in the Titan Wars.
  215. MacAllan: ...He may not look like much, but trust me, we're gonna need him, he's a helluva Pilot.
  216. MacAllan: Copy that Bish, I'm working on it!
  217. MacAllan: Copy that. We're moving out! Advise fighters to target the MegaCarrier's aft stabilizer.
  218. MacAllan: They don't have to take her down. Just hurt her.
  219. MacAllan: Trust me- launch the fighters.
  220. MacAllan: We got Barker and we're clear- but just barely. See you back on the Redeye.
  221. MacAllan: We got Barker and we're clear- but just barely. See you back onboard.
  222. MacAllan: Roger that! The package is secure, we'll see you back at base! MacAllan out.
  223. Militia Cruiser Captain: All Militia forces. 3rd Merchant Fleet at your service. We'll take it from here.
  224. Sarah: Bish, I'm picking up a MASSIVE incoming jump signature directly above the city. I don't know what it is, but it's...big...and whoa, heads up!
  225. Sarah: I'm sending in some Hornets to keep that carrier busy. Pilots, focus on clearing out the IMC forces on the ground.
  226. Sarah: MacAllan, our fighters can't take the Sentinel down. There's no way.
  227. Sarah: It's a suicide mission!
  228. Sarah: Forget it Pilot, it's time to get outta here. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point! Move!
  229. Sarah: Bish, I'm tracking MacAllan's team in the sewers. They're doing OK so far. Our topside diversion is definitely working.
  230. Sarah: Bish, MacAllan's team is almost clear of the sewers.
  231. Bish: Air defense network is down. Accessing fueling systems.
  232. Bish: Air defense network is down at Alpha. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!
  233. Bish: Air defense network is down at Bravo. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!
  234. Bish: Air defense network is down at Charlie. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!
  235. Bish: OK, I'm in, and I'm deactivating the air defense network.
  236. Bish: OK, I'm in, and I'm deactivating the air defenses for Alpha.
  237. Bish: OK, I'm in, and I'm deactivating the air defenses for Bravo.
  238. Bish: OK, I'm in, and I'm deactivating the air defenses for Charlie.
  239. Bish: The civilian fleet is right behind us. Most of the ships are running on fumes right now.
  240. Bish: I just lost the connection! You gotta get closer to the terminal!
  241. Bish: I've lost the connection- get closer to the terminal!
  242. Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online and the Redeye is taking on fuel. Defend the hardpoint!
  243. Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Alpha. The Redeye is taking on fuel.
  244. Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Bravo. The Redeye is taking on fuel.
  245. Bish: OK buddy, the fuel pumps are online at Charlie. The Redeye is taking on fuel now.
  246. Militia Titan Captain: McCord, take your squad up this road! The rest of you move through this building behind me and secure the area!
  247. Militia Grunt: Jump Control, this is Phantom One, flight of TREE, FIFTY klicks from I.P. LYNX, kps is two-point-two-five, over.
  248. Militia Grunt: Roger, Phantom One, proceed to LYNX then track radial ONE FOUR NINER, align to primary JP and sound off.
  249. Militia Grunt: Two standing by.
  250. Militia Grunt: Three good to go.
  251. Militia Grunt: Roger that. All flights: initiate jump sequence!
  252. Bish: All right! We got all three hardpoints! Let's keep it that way!
  253. Bish: All right! We got all three hardpoints! Let's keep it that way!
  254. Bish: All right! We got all three hardpoints! Let's keep it that way!
  255. Bish: Be advised, we now have control of all three hardpoints. You're doin' great out there.
  256. Bish: Be advised, we now have control of all three hardpoints. You're doin' great out there.
  257. Bish: We just got control of all three hardpoints, don't let the IMC retake them.
  258. Bish: We just got control of all three hardpoints, don't let the IMC retake them.
  259. Bish: The IMC have all the hardpoints! You've got to get them back!
  260. Bish: Hey you need to secure some hardpoints, buddy! The enemy has all of them!
  261. Bish: Pilots, the enemy is in control of all hardpoints! Get in the fight and take 'em back!
  262. Bish: Hey whats going on down there?! The IMC have all the hardpoints! Get 'em back!
  263. Bish: This is looking kinda bad! We need to take some hardpoints! Like now!
  264. Bish: Uh Pilots...the enemy have all the hardpoints! You might want to do something about that...
  265. Crew Chief: I don't give a damn, just do it! Jump now! Now damnit! Now!
  266. Crew Chief: Everyone, hold on!
  267. Crew Chief: Wilson, get us the hell out of here!
  268. Militia Grunt: Hard right!
  269. Militia Grunt: Jumping in 3! 2! 1! Mark!
  270. Militia Grunt: Brace for impact!
  271. Militia Grunt: Sir, jump calculations haven't finished yet. We might not...
  272. Militia Grunt: Jump Control, this is Mercury 2. We're at the LZ but Mercury 1 is not. Repeat Mercury 1 is not where they're supposed to be.
  273. Militia Grunt: Jump Control. we don't have enough forces to secure the hardpoints.
  274. MacAllan: Pilots Take those hardpoints, and overload the reactor core!
  275. Sim AI: Signal decryption handshake is unstable. You may experience visual artifacts.
  276. Sim AI: Gen 2 Pilot detected.
  277. Sim AI: Gen 2 Pilot onboard.
  278. Sim AI: Gen 2 Pilot on deck.
  279. Sim AI: Gen 3 Pilot detected.
  280. Sim AI: Gen 3 Pilot onboard.
  281. Sim AI: Gen 3 Pilot on deck.
  282. Sim AI: Gen 4 Pilot detected.
  283. Sim AI: Gen 4 Pilot onboard.
  284. Sim AI: Gen 4 Pilot on deck.
  285. Sim AI: Gen 5 Pilot detected.
  286. Sim AI: Gen 5 Pilot onboard.
  287. Sim AI: Gen 5 Pilot on deck.
  288. Sim AI: Gen 6 Pilot detected.
  289. Sim AI: Gen 6 Pilot onboard.
  290. Sim AI: Gen 6 Pilot on deck.
  291. Sim AI: Gen 7 Pilot detected.
  292. Sim AI: Gen 7 Pilot onboard.
  293. Sim AI: Gen 7 Pilot on deck.
  294. Sim AI: Gen 8 Pilot detected.
  295. Sim AI: Gen 8 Pilot onboard.
  296. Sim AI: Gen 8 Pilot on deck.
  297. Sim AI: Gen 9 Pilot detected.
  298. Sim AI: Gen 9 Pilot onboard.
  299. Sim AI: Gen 9 Pilot on deck.
  300. Sim AI: Gen 10 Pilot detected.
  301. Sim AI: Gen 10 Pilot onboard.
  302. Sim AI: Gen 10 Pilot on deck.
  303. Sim AI: Welcome back.
  304. Sim AI: Prepare for combat.
  305. Sim AI: Combat simulation initializing.
  306. Sim AI: Ready up.
  307. Sim AI: Prepare for combat.
  308. Sim AI: Initializing simulation.
  309. Sim AI: Simulation mode is:
  310. Sim AI: Attrition.
  311. Sim AI: Pilot Hunter.
  312. Sim AI: Hardpoint Domination.
  313. Sim AI: Last Titan Standing.
  314. Sim AI: Capture the Flag.
  315. Sim AI: Wingman LTS.
  316. Sim AI: Wingman Last Titan Standing.
  317. Sim AI: Wingman Pilot Hunter.
  318. MacAllan: This is James MacAllan. If you're hearing this, then I'm already dead.
  319. MacAllan: The Frontier is our land, and now the tide has turned.
  320. MacAllan: Each day, more IMC garrisons will fall to uprisings, their calls for reinforcements unanswered.
  321. MacAllan: And though the IMC will remain a force to be reckoned with, each day, more and more will rally to our cause.
  322. MacAllan: This is our land, and we will fight for it.
  323. Spyglass: All IMC forces, this is your Vice Admiral, Designation: Spyglass.
  324. Spyglass: The destruction of Demeter and the loss of many robotics factories has put us on a defensive footing.
  325. Spyglass: Although reinforcements from the Core Systems are unable to reach us, battle projections indicate we are still an effective fighting force.
  326. Spyglass: Our garrisons continue to maintain order on the Frontier.
  327. Spyglass: Until we are relieved, we will remain vigilant.
  328. Spyglass: We will adapt, and we will prevail.
  329. MacAllan: They'll follow you, Marcus. Just lead them. They can forgive a former IMC. Look at me.
  330. Blisk: He really believes he can turn you, sir.
  331. MacAllan: It's up to you now, my friend. (cough)
  332. MacAllan: It's up to you now, my friend. Take the ship.
  333. MacAllan: It's your turn, my friend. Take the ship.
  334. MacAllan: It's your turn...take the ship.
  335. MacAllan: It's your turn to take the ship.
  336. Blisk: They just cut us off from the Core Systems. We're stuck on the wrong side of the Frontier, Sir.
  337. Graves: Yes, you are.
  338. Graves: Yes, we are.
  339. Bish: Sarah, I've pinpointed the source of the transmission! Channel's open.
  340. Sarah: To whoever's on this channel, identify yourself!
  341. Voice: We didn't want any part of your war so you brought it to our doorstep?! Those were civilians getting slaughtered!
  342. Voice: Never mind who this is! They were tracking you and they found us instead. Damn Militia...
  343. Sarah: We came to answer your distress signal! I repeat, identify yourself!
  344. MacAllan: This is James MacAllan, formerly of the IMC! You wanna help? You come and get me. I have a lot of survivors here that need an evac.
  345. Blisk: Vice Admiral Graves, I have the enemy transmission. Patching in.
  346. Voice: We didn't want any part of your war so you brought it to our doorstep?! Those were civilians getting slaughtered!
  347. Graves: MacAllan. Spyglass! Open a channel!
  348. Spyglass: Yes sir.
  349. Spyglass: Channel open, Vice Admiral.
  350. Bish: I'm getting IMC Command trying to break in on this frequency.
  351. Bish: Hold on- I'm getting IMC Command on this frequency.
  352. Graves: You should have stayed gone, MacAllan.
  353. MacAllan: Graves- you're still on the wrong side, aren't you?
  354. Graves: We're soldiers, Mac. You're dreaming if you think you can sit it out.
  355. MacAllan: I'm awake now, you son of a bitch.
  356. MacAllan: Maybe I was dreaming before, but I'm awake now, you son of a bitch.
  357. Bish: It's working great, Mac! The IMC can't fight us and the locals at the same time. And the locals, hehe, they're hungry.
  358. MacAllan: Great work, people. We'll head to Demeter within the hour. It's time for the main event. MacAllan out.
  359. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, I've received word from our 2nd, 5th, and 12th battle groups. They have engaged the Militia fleet at the Demeter gateway. It is the largest Militia fleet on record we have ever encountered.
  360. Graves: Of course it is. Let fleet command know we're coming. It's time we ended this.
  361. Sarah: It's useless trying to reason with that side, Graves.
  362. Graves: I was on that side. It's worth a try.
  363. Spyglass: Shutting down transmission with the enemy.
  364. Blisk: Wasn't getting us anywhere anyhow. His forces were stronger.
  365. Blisk: All Pilots, you heard the tin can- head for the evac point. Mission terminated.
  366. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, I believe the Militia has enough data on the repulsor tower to formulate a means of exploiting its weaknesses. Your orders, Sir?
  367. Graves: Who dares wins, Spyglass. Notify all airbases within range of the Demeter gateway. They're about to come under attack.
  368. Graves: Spyglass, notify IMC Airbase Sierra. They're about to come under attack.
  369. Blisk: Good work Pilots! We've routed enough power to the facility's reactor core! It's about to go critical!
  370. Spyglass: All ground forces, move clear of the buildings. Core detonation in 3...2...1...mark.
  371. Spyglass: All ground forces, move clear of the buildings. Core detonation in 5...4...3...2...1...mark.
  372. Spyglass: Militia forces are attempting to escape. Pursue and destroy them.
  373. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, my analysis of the base archive indicates that despite our best efforts, the Militia may have obtained enough data to find a weakness in the repulsor towers.
  374. Graves: I'm not taking any chances, Spyglass. Inform all airbases within jump range of the Demeter gateway.
  375. Sarah: Well I hope we got something useful...all pilots head for the evac point. Move.
  376. MacAllan: Bish, tell me it wasn't a complete loss...
  377. Bish: Well...we got a lot of data, but it's gonna take a while to sift through it all.
  378. MacAllan: We'll make it work, Bish. We always do.
  379. MacAllan: Bish, did you get everything you needed?
  380. Bish: Hell yeah, Mac. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Building a bypass for these towers should be child's play.
  381. Sarah : All right Pilots, we've won and the IMC are trying to retreat. Take 'em out. Good hunting.
  382. MacAllan: Marcus, they trusted me as an ex-IMC officer, and they're going to need someone after I'm gone. (cough)
  383. MacAllan: You told me 15 years ago, on board the Odyssey, to take the ship. Now I'm giving you the same choice.
  384. MacAllan: You told me 15 years ago, on board the Odyssey, to take the ship. Now I'm giving you the same choice.
  385. MacAllan: Marcus, you told me 15 years ago, on board the Odyssey, to take the ship. Now I'm giving you the same choice.
  386. Bish: Why are we taking orders from this guy, Sarah? Well, he just uploaded more intel than we've grabbed in the past year. I think we just might have a chance of taking the fight back to the IMC.
  387. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, scans indicate that MacAllan may have escaped with classified data.
  388. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, scans indicate that MacAllan may have escaped with classified data from the Odyssey.
  389. Graves: MacAllan's got the plans for Demeter. If the Militia didn't trust him before, they will now.
  390. MacAllan: You read me Graves? You know what's coming. All-out assault. Doesn't have to go down like this.
  391. Graves: A lot's changed in the 15 years since you wore this uniform, Mac. I won't let you walk away this time.
  392. MacAllan: Have you really made a difference in the IMC, Marcus? Or did you just turn into another company man along the way? All I see is bloodshed. I don't see any change.
  393. Graves: Then we'll let the endgame decide- who's right, and who's dead.
  394. MacAllan: Bish, patch me into the IMC.
  395. Sarah: This isn't the end of the war, not by a long shot.
  396. Graves: No. It's just the first battle of many. But for the first time, we can truly hope for victory.
  397. Blisk: Hmph, we didn't even kill half their fleet. 54 ships destroyed. That's it.
  398. Graves: How many of those ships were civilian?
  399. Blisk: Today's civilians are tomorrow's Militia, sir. What do you want me to do? Wait?
  400. Graves: Start a search. I want that fleet found. Graves out.
  401. Bish: Well, the fleet's got enough fuel to get through another month.
  402. Sarah: That was chaos down there, Bish. Our tactics are a mess.
  403. Bish: Sarah, neither of us has any experience leading a force of this size.
  404. Sarah: Then we're gonna have to work with what we've got. We're outta options.
  405. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, the Sentinel is lost.
  406. Graves: Spyglass, direct Command personnel to IMC Colossus, raise her designation to Flagship of the fleet.
  407. Spyglass: Yes Sir.
  408. Graves: Chart a course for installation designate 'Boneyard.'
  409. Spyglass: 'Boneyard' location is classified, sir.
  410. Graves: Override at my authorization. MacAllan's man Barker knows the way. We're gonna beat them there.
  411. MacAllan: Bish, this is MacAllan. You got Barker on the line?
  412. Bish: He's standing by, Mac.
  413. Barker: Nice fireball, Mac. Seems to be your specialty.
  414. MacAllan: You didn't think we could do it.
  415. Barker: No, I just didn't care.
  416. MacAllan: Time to care, Barker. Time to do your part. Show Bish how to plot a course to the 'Boneyard.'
  417. Barker: You gotta be kidding me. I said I'd never go back there.
  418. MacAllan: I know the feeling, man. This world makes liars of us all.
  419. MacAllan: Graves once told me we could change the IMC from the inside, but it's only gotten worse.
  420. Bish: Call the shot, Mac. Where to next?
  421. MacAllan: Angel City.
  422. Graves: And if they're following the playbook, what they need next is in Angel City.
  423. Spyglass: I will alert all informants in Angel City to be on the lookout. What is he after?
  424. Graves: It's not a what. It's a who.
  425. Blisk: How the hell did you know MacAllan would come here for the tower, sir?
  426. Graves: He told me, Blisk. We ran the simulations fifteen years ago. How we'd fight if we were on the other side.
  427. Blisk: Then what's next?
  428. Graves: All the plans end in the same place- set a course for Demeter.
  429. Graves: All the plans end in the same place- set a course for the Demeter system.
  430. Sarah: Mac, how the hell did the IMC know we were gonna be here?
  431. MacAllan: Graves and I ran war games fifteen years ago. How we'd fight if we were on the other side...
  432. Bish: Great. Who won the most?
  433. MacAllan: It was even. This war's gonna be the tiebreaker.
  434. Blisk: You're the last Pilot! Watch your six and get it done.
  435. Bish: Ok boss, you're the last Pilot alive on our team. Be careful.
  436. Blisk: It's just you now. Remember your training, Pilot.
  437. Bish: You're on your own down there. Good luck.
  438. Blisk: You're all alone now, Pilot. Finish the mission.
  439. Bish: You're the last one left, Pilot! Get it done!
  440. Blisk: There's only one enemy Pilot left, but you're on your own. It's a one-on-one fight, good luck.
  441. Bish: Looks like there's only one enemy Pilot left, but you're on your own. Good luck.
  442. Blisk: There's only one enemy Pilot left. Hunt him down.
  443. Bish: There's only one enemy Pilot left. Take him out.
  444. Blisk: Alright, find that last Pilot and take him down.
  445. Bish: Good news, there's only one enemy Pilot left.
  446. Blisk: The enemy team is down to their last Pilot...finish him!
  447. Bish: The enemy team has only one Pilot left. Find him.
  448. Blisk: You have the Titan, bring it home!
  449. Bish: You have the Titan, bring it home!
  450. Blisk: You have the Titan, bring it back to base!
  451. Bish: You have the Titan, bring it back to base!
  452. Blisk: We have the Titan, keep those enemies off of it!
  453. Bish: We have the Titan, keep those enemies off of it!
  454. Blisk: The enemy has the Titan, destroy it!
  455. Bish: The enemy has the Titan, destroy it!
  456. Blisk: This is Capture the Titan. Don't let the enemy take the Titan.
  457. Bish: This is Capture the Titan. Don't let the enemy take the Titan.
  458. Blisk: This is Capture the Titan. Grab the Titan and bring it back to our base.
  459. Bish: This is Capture the Titan. Grab the Titan and bring it back to our base.
  460. Blisk: We've captured the Titan!
  461. Bish: We've captured the Titan!
  462. Blisk: You've captured the Titan, nice work!
  463. Bish: You've captured the Titan, nice work!
  464. Blisk: The enemy captured the Titan!
  465. Bish: The enemy captured the Titan!
  466. Blisk: We're falling behind! Don't let them win, eh?
  467. Bish: We're falling behind! Don't let them win!
  468. Blisk: Oi, we're falling behind, Pilot! Don't let them win!
  469. Bish: Hey, we're falling behind, Pilot! Don't let 'em win!
  470. Blisk: You are marked for death!
  471. Bish: You are marked for death!
  472. Blisk: A teammate is marked for death.
  473. Bish: A teammate is marked for death.
  474. Blisk: An enemy is marked for death.
  475. Bish: An enemy is marked for death.
  476. Blisk: You killed the marked enemy.
  477. Bish: You killed the marked enemy.
  478. Blisk: Marked teammate down.
  479. Bish: Marked teammate down.
  480. Blisk: Marked teammate has died.
  481. Bish: Marked teammate has died.
  482. Blisk: Marked teammate has been killed.
  483. Bish: Marked teammate has been killed.
  484. Blisk: Marked enemy has been killed.
  485. Bish: Marked enemy has been killed.
  486. Blisk: Marked enemy has died.
  487. Bish: Marked enemy has died.
  488. Blisk: Marked enemy down.
  489. Bish: Marked enemy down.
  490. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. Take out the marked target on the other team, while protecting our own.
  491. Bish: This is Marked For Death. Take out the marked target on the other team, while protecting our own.
  492. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. Defend our marked Pilot and kill theirs!
  493. Bish: This is Marked For Death. Defend our marked Pilot and kill theirs!
  494. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. Eliminate enemy marks and defend your own.
  495. Bish: This is Marked For Death. Eliminate enemy marks and defend your own.
  496. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. Assassinate enemy targets without compromising your allies.
  497. Bish: This is Marked For Death. Assassinate enemy targets without compromising your allies.
  498. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. Kill enemy targets and protect friendly targets.
  499. Bish: This is Marked For Death. Kill enemy targets and protect friendly targets.
  500. Blisk: This is Marked For Death. We are tracking marked targets now.
  501. Bish: This is Marked For Death. We are tracking marked targets now.
  502. Blisk: Targets have been marked.
  503. Bish: Targets have been marked.
  504. Blisk: We've got our targets people.
  505. Bish: We've got our targets people.
  506. Blisk: I've marked the targets for you.
  507. Bish: I've marked the targets for you.
  508. Blisk: Kill the enemy target and protect ours!
  509. Bish: Kill the enemy target and protect ours!
  510. Blisk: Kill the enemy mark and protect ours!
  511. Bish: Kill the enemy mark and protect ours!
  512. Blisk: Protect our target, and kill the enemy target!
  513. Bish: Protect our target, and kill the enemy target!
  514. Blisk: Protect our target, and take out the enemy target!
  515. Bish: Protect our target, and take out the enemy target!
  516. Blisk: Targets have been marked. Kill the enemy target and protect ours!
  517. Bish: Targets have been marked. Kill the enemy target and protect ours!
  518. Blisk: We've got our targets people. Kill the enemy mark and protect ours!
  519. Bish: We've got our targets people. Kill the enemy mark and protect ours!
  520. Blisk: I've marked the targets for you. Protect our target, and kill the enemy target!
  521. Bish: I've marked the targets for you. Protect our target, and kill the enemy target!
  522. Blisk: Targets have been marked. Protect our target, and take out the enemy target!
  523. Bish: Targets have been marked. Protect our target, and take out the enemy target!
  524. Blisk: We've killed their mark.
  525. Bish: We've killed their mark.
  526. Blisk: The enemy mark is down.
  527. Bish: The enemy mark is down.
  528. Blisk: Enemy mark eliminated.
  529. Bish: Enemy mark eliminated.
  530. Blisk: Enemy target down.
  531. Bish: Enemy target down.
  532. Blisk: Good job pilots, their mark has been terminated before ours.
  533. Bish: Good job pilots, their mark has been terminated before ours.
  534. Blisk: They've killed our mark.
  535. Bish: They've killed our mark.
  536. Blisk: They got our mark.
  537. Bish: They got our mark.
  538. Blisk: Our mark is down.
  539. Bish: Our mark is down.
  540. Blisk: They killed our mark before we killed theirs!
  541. Bish: They killed our mark before we killed theirs!
  542. Blisk: They've eliminated our mark!
  543. Bish: They've eliminated our mark!
  544. Blisk: Tracking a new mark now.
  545. Bish: Tracking a new mark now.
  546. Blisk: I'm searching for the next target.
  547. Bish: I'm searching for the next target.
  548. Blisk: New marks are being tracked.
  549. Bish: New marks are being tracked.
  550. Blisk: Prepare for new marks.
  551. Bish: Prepare for new marks.
  552. Blisk: Tracking new target now.
  553. Bish: Tracking new target now.
  554. Blisk: Get ready for new marks.
  555. Bish: Get ready for new marks.
  556. Blisk: Good job, you outlasted their pilot.
  557. Bish: Good job pilot, you outlasted their pilot.
  558. Blisk: We've killed their mark, good job staying alive down there.
  559. Bish: We've killed their mark, good job staying alive down there.
  560. Blisk: Enemy target has been neutralized, you're no longer marked.
  561. Bish: Enemy target has been neutralized, you're no longer marked.
  562. Blisk: You just killed the enemy mark, nice work.
  563. Bish: You just killed the enemy mark, nice work.
  564. Blisk: You've neutralized the enemy mark, good work.
  565. Bish: You've neutralized the enemy mark, good work.
  566. Blisk: That was the enemy mark you killed, keep it up.
  567. Bish: That was the enemy mark you killed, keep it up.
  568. Blisk: That's how its done, you neutralized the enemy mark.
  569. Bish: That's how its done, you neutralized the enemy mark.
  570. Blisk: You got the mark, impressive Pilot.
  571. Bish: You got the mark. Impressive!
  572. Blisk: You're a natural assassin Pilot.
  573. Bish: You're a natural assassin.
  574. Blisk: You've killed a lot of marked Pilots, good work.
  575. Bish: You've killed a lot of marked Pilots, that's some fine work.
  576. Blisk: Keep up the killing Pilot.
  577. Bish: Keep taking out those marks, you're doing great down there.
  578. Blisk: You're eliminating enemy marks with extreme prejudice.
  579. Bish: You're taking out enemy marks left and right.
  580. Blisk: Nice work, you've killed so many marks I've lost count.
  581. Bish: Nice work, you've killed so many marks I've lost count.
  582. Blisk: You're terrorizing them down there Pilot.
  583. Bish: You are terrorizing them down there.
  584. Blisk: Nice work, you're annihilating those enemy marks.
  585. Bish: Nice work boss, you're annihilating those enemy marks.
  586. Blisk: Pilots! We've lost this match.
  587. Bish: Pilots! We've lost this match.
  588. Blisk: Pilots! We've lost this round.
  589. Bish: Pilots! We've lost this round.
  590. Blisk: Pilots, we've lost this one.
  591. Bish: Pilots, we've lost this one.
  592. Blisk: Pilots, we've lost this battle. We'll get them next time.
  593. Bish: Pilots, we've lost this battle. We'll get them next time.
  594. Blisk: Excellent work Pilots. We've won this match.
  595. Blisk: Excellent work Pilots. We've won this round.
  596. Blisk: Excellent work Pilots. We've won.
  597. Bish: Excellent work Pilots. We've won.
  598. Blisk: Pilots! We've won the battle! Good work.
  599. Bish: Pilots! We've won the battle! Good work.
  600. Blisk: We're in the lead, Pilot! Keep it up!
  601. Bish: We're in the lead! Keep it up, Pilot!
  602. Blisk: We're in the lead, Pilot! You're doing well!
  603. Bish: We're in the lead! Keep up the good work Pilot!
  604. Blisk: Pilots, finish up what you're doing, we're about to switch sides.
  605. Bish: OK people, we're gonna switch sides soon. Get ready.
  606. Bish: OK people, we're gonna switch sides soon. Get ready.
  607. Bish: OK people, we're gonna switch sides soon. Get ready.
  608. Blisk: Alright everyone, we're about to switch sides.
  609. Bish: Pilots, we'll be switching sides soon.
  610. Blisk: Heads up, we're switching sides soon.
  611. Bish: Pilots, we'll be switching sides soon.
  612. Bish: Pilots, we'll be switching sides soon.
  613. Bish: Hey everyone, we're about to switch sides.
  614. Blisk: Switching sides.
  615. Bish: Switching sides.
  616. Bish: We're about to switch sides. Get ready.
  617. Blisk: Your wingman has ejected.
  618. Bish: Your wingman has ejected.
  619. Blisk: Your wingman is down. The pilot survived.
  620. Bish: Your wingman is down. The pilot survived.
  621. Blisk: Your wingman's Titan is down. The pilot did not eject.
  622. Bish: Your wingman's Titan is down. The pilot did not eject.
  623. Blisk: Your wingman's Titan is down.
  624. Bish: Your wingman's Titan is down.
  625. Blisk: Your wingman has killed an enemy Titan.
  626. Bish: Your wingman has killed an enemy Titan.
  627. Blisk: Your wingman has been killed.
  628. Bish: Your wingman has been killed.
  629. Blisk: You're on your own down there.
  630. Bish: You're on your own down there.
  631. Blisk: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. You and your buddy need to take out the enemy's Titans!ýÿ
  632. Bish: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. You and your buddy need to take out the enemy's Titans!ýÿ
  633. Blisk: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. It's just the 2 of you. Destroy the enemy's Titans!
  634. Bish: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. It's just the 2 of you. Destroy the enemy's Titans!
  635. Blisk: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. Watch each other's backs down there!
  636. Bish: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. Watch each other's backs down there!
  637. Blisk: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. Work as a team down there!
  638. Bish: This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. Work as a team down there!
  639. Blisk: This is a 2 on 2 Titan skirmish. Eliminate the enemy Titans.
  640. Bish: Alright boss, This is Wingman Last Titan Standing. Destroy the enemy Titans.
  641. Sarah: Bish! We're taking orders from this MacAllan now?
  642. Bish: The guy knows the area better than we do, Sarah.
  643. Sarah: He's ex-IMC! I don't trust him and neither should you.
  644. Bish: Maybe, but our tactics are a mess, and he's seen more combat than both of us combined. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. Out.
  645. Graves: All ground forces, neutralize the terrorists. Secure the area for salvage recovery.
  646. Blisk: The enemy evac is turning around, you killed them all off. Nice work!
  647. Bish: Boss, we're seriously losing this fight, you gotta step it up out there!
  648. Bish: We're losing man...we gotta turn this fight around, and I mean right now.
  649. Bish: Bad news boss. They're way ahead of us but we can still catch up. Don't give up!
  650. Bish: We're crushing them big time, don't let up!
  651. Bish: We're doing great man, keep it up!
  652. Bish: Hey buddy, we're doing great- if this keeps up, I think we're gonna win this fight.
  653. Bish: Ok buddy, it's still a close fight, but we're definitely behind right now.
  654. Bish: Hey buddy, we're still in the fight, but the IMC have the upper hand right now.
  655. Bish: We're barely ahead of the IMC, man. The battle projections say it's gonna be real close.
  656. Bish: Team, we have the upper hand right now but not by much.
  657. Bish: Arrrgh, chalk one up for the bad guys. We lost this one, it's over.
  658. Bish: They kicked our ass man...get the hell outta there, we'll get 'em next time.
  659. Bish: It's over guys. We lost- fall back to base.
  660. Bish: And that, my friends, is how we do that. Mission accomplished, come on home.
  661. Bish: All right, we got what we came for! Awesome work team, mission accomplished.
  662. Bish: We took a lot of losses but we got what we came for. Good work out there.
  663. Sarah: You're out of time Pilot! Check your HUD and get to the evac point!
  664. Sarah: Looks like we've lost this one. I'm sending in the dropships. Get to the evac point A-SAP.
  665. Sarah: Pilots, the IMC have us beat this time. I'm sending dropships to get you outta there. Get to the evac point!
  666. Sarah: We've lost all our Pilots. I'm cancelling the evac.
  667. Sarah: I've gotta abort the evac! We lost all our Pilots...
  668. Sarah: All Militia Pilots have been killed. I'm cancelling the evac.
  669. Sarah: Mission accomplished! Now don't let any IMC Pilots make it out of there! Cut them off at their evac point!
  670. Sarah: Good work team! Finish off all remaining IMC forces before they get away!
  671. Sarah: Well that was fast, the enemy have cancelled their evac!
  672. Sarah: Good work people, you've eliminated all enemy pilots! The IMC are cancelling their evac!
  673. Bish: Good job, you finished them off! Their evac has been cancelled!
  674. Titan OS: Warning, recommend regen.
  675. Titan OS: Warning, excessive damage sustained.
  676. Titan OS: Warning, high damage sustained.
  677. Titan OS: Warning, health systems low.
  678. Titan OS: Warning, recovery recommended.
  679. Titan OS: Warning, heavy damage incoming.
  680. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take cover.
  681. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take evasive action.
  682. Titan OS: Critical damage. Seek cover.
  683. Titan OS: Caution!
  684. Titan OS: Ability not ready.
  685. Titan OS: Ability recharging.
  686. Titan OS: All systems offline.
  687. Titan OS: All systems, online.
  688. Titan OS: Be advised, friendly Pilot on board.
  689. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot on board.
  690. Titan OS: Be advised, you have a friendly Pilot riding on board.
  691. Titan OS: Be advised, you have a friendly Pilot on your Titan.
  692. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has detached from your Titan.
  693. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  694. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has left your Titan.
  695. Titan OS: Be advised, friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  696. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your 40 mil cannon now has Automatic Fire.
  697. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Arc Cannon will now hit all nearby targets.
  698. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Cluster Missile flight stabilizers improved.
  699. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Dash Capacity increased.
  700. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Electric Smoke Duration Extended.
  701. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Explosive Titan Punch active.
  702. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Quad Rocket will now fire Cluster munitions.
  703. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Missile pod now has increased ammunition
  704. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Quad Rocket Missile Speed increased.
  705. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Railgun Charge Rate increased.
  706. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Rocket Salvo payload increased.
  707. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: You can now deploy up to 2 Particle Walls at a time.
  708. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled.
  709. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Triple Threat damage increased.
  710. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Triple Threat will now fire Magnetic Grenades.
  711. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Vortex Shield will now auto-reflect incoming fire.
  712. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: XO-16 Chaingun damage increased against Shields.
  713. Titan OS: Warning: Collateral damage sustained from arc cannon fire. Recommend maintaining a safe distance from allies.
  714. Titan OS: A pilot is attacking your target.
  715. Titan OS: A friendly Titan is attacking your target.
  716. Titan OS: Auto-Ejecting.
  717. Titan OS: Forcing Pilot Eject.
  718. Titan OS: Eject Override.
  719. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  720. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  721. Titan OS: Avenge Me. Avenge Me. Avenge Me.
  722. Titan OS: Avenge Me.
  723. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile infantry.
  724. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy infantry.
  725. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy Pilot.
  726. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile Pilot.
  727. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile Titan.
  728. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy Titan.
  729. Titan OS: Warning, Auto-Titan engaging multiple Titans.
  730. Titan OS: Warning, Auto-Titan under attack by multiple Titans.
  731. Titan OS: Cluster rocket offline.
  732. Titan OS: Cluster rocket online.
  733. Titan OS: Warning, systems malfunctioning.
  734. Titan OS: Warning, systems online.
  735. Titan OS: Warning, systems disrupted.
  736. Titan OS: Critical hit sustained.
  737. Titan OS: Critical hit.
  738. Titan OS: Caution, stabilizing.
  739. Titan OS: Dash core activated.
  740. Titan OS: Unlimited dash enabled.
  741. Titan OS: You now have: elevated dash capacity.
  742. Titan OS: You now have: increased dash capacity.
  743. Titan OS: Dash core expiring.
  744. Titan OS: Dash core offline.
  745. Titan OS: Dash core is offline and recharging.
  746. Titan OS: Dash core available.
  747. Titan OS: Dash core online.
  748. Titan OS: Dash offline.
  749. Titan OS: Dash thrusters offline.
  750. Titan OS: Dash online.
  751. Titan OS: Internal processor destroyed, rerouting to backup.
  752. Titan OS: Actuator integrity- left leg- minus 16%.
  753. Titan OS: Engaging starboard fire suppression system.
  754. Titan OS: Gyro destabilized. Compensating.
  755. Titan OS: Structural failure detected, compensating.
  756. Titan OS: Critical failure detected, compensating.
  757. Titan OS: Damage core activated.
  758. Titan OS: Damage output increased.
  759. Titan OS: You now have: elevated damage output.
  760. Titan OS: You now have: increased damage output.
  761. Titan OS: Damage core expiring.
  762. Titan OS: Damage core offline.
  763. Titan OS: Damage core is offline and recharging.
  764. Titan OS: Damage core available.
  765. Titan OS: Damage core online.
  766. Titan OS: Recommend eject.
  767. Titan OS: Enemy Titan has ejected.
  768. Titan OS: Friendly Titan has ejected.
  769. Titan OS: Electric cloud online.
  770. Titan OS: Electric smoke offline.
  771. Titan OS: Electric smoke online.
  772. Titan OS: Electric smoke online.
  773. Titan OS: Enemy pilot eliminated.
  774. Titan OS: Enemy Titan down.
  775. Titan OS: Friendly Titan down.
  776. Titan OS: You have eliminated your target.
  777. Titan OS: Your target has been eliminated.
  778. Titan OS: Warning, enemy Pilot is disembarking.
  779. Titan OS: Warning, hostile Pilot exiting the Titan.
  780. Titan OS: Warning, enemy Pilot is exiting the Titan.
  781. Titan OS: Warning, the enemy Pilot is exiting the Titan.
  782. Titan OS: Engaged defensive, 2 to 1.
  783. Titan OS: Engaged defensive, 3 to 1.
  784. Titan OS: Engaged defensive, 4 to 1.
  785. Titan OS: A friendly pilot is rodeoýÿing your target.
  786. Titan OS: Eject.
  787. Titan OS: Eject, Eject, Eject.
  788. Titan OS: Warning! Eject!
  789. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall detected!
  790. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall incoming!
  791. Titan OS: Hull threat eliminated.
  792. Titan OS: Hostile threat removed from hull.
  793. Titan OS: Ejecting.
  794. Titan OS: Ejecting Pilot.
  795. Titan OS: Pilot Ejecting.
  796. Titan OS: Missile locked.
  797. Titan OS: Lock-on acquired.
  798. Titan OS: Target acquired.
  799. Titan OS: Mortar system offline.
  800. Titan OS: Orbital strike online.
  801. Titan OS: Rockets offline.
  802. Titan OS: Homing rockets offline.
  803. Titan OS: Homing rockets online.
  804. Titan OS: Warning, hostile Pilot detected on board.
  805. Titan OS: Warning, a hostile Pilot is attached to the hull.
  806. Titan OS: Warning, enemy Pilot detected on hull.
  807. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and engage the threat directly.
  808. Titan OS: Recommend you request help from allies.
  809. Titan OS: No allies in range. Recommend you disembark and engage the threat directly.
  810. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and remove the threat manually.
  811. Titan OS: Shield core activated.
  812. Titan OS: Overcharging shields.
  813. Titan OS: You now have: elevated shield capacity.
  814. Titan OS: You now have: increased shield capacity.
  815. Titan OS: Shield core expiring.
  816. Titan OS: Shield core offline.
  817. Titan OS: Shield core is offline and recharging.
  818. Titan OS: Shield core available.
  819. Titan OS: Shield core online.
  820. Titan OS: Warning. Shields Low.
  821. Titan OS: Shields offline.
  822. Titan OS: Shields depleted.
  823. Titan OS: Shielding system offline.
  824. Titan OS: Shields online.
  825. Titan OS: Shields at maximum.
  826. Titan OS: Shielding system recharged.
  827. Titan OS: Signature core expiring.
  828. Titan OS: Signature core online.
  829. Titan OS: Signature core ready.
  830. Titan OS: Vortex blocker at 100%.
  831. Titan OS: Vortex blocker at 50%.
  832. Titan OS: Vortex blocker offline.
  833. Titan OS: Vortex offline.
  834. Titan OS: Vortex blocker online.
  835. Titan OS: Vortex online.
  836. Titan OS: Warning: An enemy pilot is attacking you.
  837. Titan OS: Warning: Multiple enemy pilots are attacking you.
  838. Titan OS: Pilot exiting, AI mode engaged.
  839. Titan OS: AI mode engaged.
  840. Titan OS: Engaging AI mode.
  841. Titan OS: Engaging guard mode.
  842. Titan OS: Engaging follow mode.
  843. Titan OS: AI online.
  844. Titan OS: Warning, core-reactor overload.
  845. Titan OS: Warning, severe reactor damage sustained.
  846. Titan OS: Warning, reactor unstable.
  847. Titan OS: Pilot mode, engaged.
  848. Titan OS: Control transferring to Pilot.
  849. Titan OS: AI offline, Pilot mode engaged.
  850. Titan OS: Transferring control to Pilot.
  851. Titan OS: Pilot mode online.
  852. Titan OS: AI offline.
  853. Titan OS: Disengage.
  854. Titan OS: Warning, multiple Titans engaging.
  855. Titan OS: Warning, another Titan is attacking you.
  856. Titan OS: Warning, multiple threats attacking.
  857. Titan OS: Warning, threat-level high.
  858. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 2 to 1.
  859. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 3 to 1.
  860. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 4 to 1.
  861. Titan OS: Warning, ammunition low.
  862. Titan OS: Reload.
  863. Titan OS: Low ammunition.
  864. Titan OS: Warning!
  865. Titan OS: Warning, recommend regen.
  866. Titan OS: Warning, excessive damage sustained.
  867. Titan OS: Warning, you have sustained high damage.
  868. Titan OS: Warning, high damage sustained.
  869. Titan OS: Warning, you have sustained heavy damage.
  870. Titan OS: Warning, health systems low.
  871. Titan OS: Warning, recovery recommended.
  872. Titan OS: Warning: Recommend evasive maneuvers.
  873. Titan OS: Warning, heavy damage incoming.
  874. Titan OS: Warning: Critical damage sustained.
  875. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take cover.
  876. Titan OS: Critical damage. I recommend a tactical withdrawal.
  877. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take evasive action.
  878. Titan OS: Critical damage. I recommend taking cover.
  879. Titan OS: Critical damage. Seek cover.
  880. Titan OS: Critical damage. I recommend evasive maneuvers.
  881. Titan OS: Caution!
  882. Titan OS: Be advised - friendly Pilot on board.
  883. Titan OS: I'm detecting a friendly Pilot on board.
  884. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot on board.
  885. Titan OS: Be advised - you have a friendly Pilot riding on board.
  886. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot riding on board.
  887. Titan OS: Be advised- you have a friendly Pilot on your Titan.
  888. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot on your Titan.
  889. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has detached from your Titan.
  890. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  891. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has left your Titan.
  892. Titan OS: Be advised- friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  893. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot is now clear of your Titan.
  894. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your 40 mil cannon now has Automatic Fire
  895. Titan OS: Your 40 mil cannon now has Automatic Fire
  896. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Arc Cannon will now hit all nearby targets.
  897. Titan OS: Your Arc Cannon will now hit all nearby targets.
  898. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Cluster Missile flight stabilizers improved.
  899. Titan OS: Cluster Missile flight stabilizers improved.
  900. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Dash Capacity increased.
  901. Titan OS: Dash Capacity increased.
  902. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Electric Smoke Duration Extended.
  903. Titan OS: Electric Smoke Duration Extended.
  904. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Explosive Titan Punch active.
  905. Titan OS: Explosive Titan Punch active.
  906. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Quad Rocket will now fire Cluster munitions.
  907. Titan OS: Your Quad Rocket will now fire Cluster munitions.
  908. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Missile pod now has increased ammunition
  909. Titan OS: Your Missile pod now has increased ammunition
  910. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Quad Rocket Missile Speed increased.
  911. Titan OS: Quad Rocket Missile Speed increased.
  912. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Railgun Charge Rate increased.
  913. Titan OS: Railgun Charge Rate increased.
  914. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Rocket Salvo payload increased.
  915. Titan OS: Rocket Salvo payload increased.
  916. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: You can now deploy up to 2 Particle Walls at a time.
  917. Titan OS: You can now deploy up to 2 Particle Walls at a time.
  918. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled.
  919. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled.
  920. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Triple Threat damage increased.
  921. Titan OS: Triple Threat damage increased.
  922. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Triple Threat will now fire Magnetic Grenades.
  923. Titan OS: Your Triple Threat will now fire Magnetic Grenades.
  924. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Vortex Shield will now auto-reflect incoming fire.
  925. Titan OS: Your Vortex Shield will now auto-reflect incoming fire.
  926. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: XO-16 Chaingun damage increased against Shields.
  927. Titan OS: XO-16 Chaingun damage increased against Shields.
  928. Titan OS: Warning: Collateral damage sustained from arc cannon fire. Recommend maintaining a safe distance from allies.
  929. Titan OS: A pilot is attacking your target.
  930. Titan OS: A friendly Titan is attacking your target.
  931. Titan OS: Auto-Ejecting.
  932. Titan OS: Forcing Pilot Eject.
  933. Titan OS: Eject Override.
  934. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  935. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  936. Titan OS: Avenge Me. Avenge Me. Avenge Me.
  937. Titan OS: Avenge Me.
  938. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging hostile infantry.
  939. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging enemy infantry.
  940. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging an enemy Pilot.
  941. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging a hostile Pilot.
  942. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging a hostile Titan.
  943. Titan OS: Be advised - I am engaging an enemy Titan.
  944. Titan OS: Warning, I am engaging multiple Titans.
  945. Titan OS: Warning, I am under attack from multiple Titans.
  946. Titan OS: Activating Dash Core.
  947. Titan OS: You now have: increased dash capacity.
  948. Titan OS: Dash core expiring.
  949. Titan OS: Dash core offline.
  950. Titan OS: Dash core is offline and recharging.
  951. Titan OS: Your Dash Core is ready to go.
  952. Titan OS: Activating Damage Core
  953. Titan OS: You now have increased damage output.
  954. Titan OS: Damage core expiring.
  955. Titan OS: Your Damage Core is offline and recharging.
  956. Titan OS: Your Damage Core is ready.
  957. Titan OS: Recommend eject.
  958. Titan OS: Enemy Titan has ejected.
  959. Titan OS: Friendly Titan has ejected.
  960. Titan OS: Enemy pilot eliminated.
  961. Titan OS: Enemy Titan down.
  962. Titan OS: Friendly Titan down.
  963. Titan OS: You have eliminated your target.
  964. Titan OS: Your target has been eliminated.
  965. Titan OS: A friendly pilot is rodeoýÿing your target.
  966. Titan OS: Eject.
  967. Titan OS: Eject, Eject, Eject.
  968. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall detected!
  969. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall incoming!
  970. Titan OS: Hull Threat Eliminated.
  971. Titan OS: Hostile Threat Removed from Hull.
  972. Titan OS: Ejecting.
  973. Titan OS: Ejecting Pilot.
  974. Titan OS: Pilot Ejecting.
  975. Titan OS: Missile locked.
  976. Titan OS: Lock-on acquired.
  977. Titan OS: Warning, hostile Pilot detected on board.
  978. Titan OS: Warning, I'm detecting a hostile Pilot on board.
  979. Titan OS: Warning, a hostile Pilot is attached to the hull.
  980. Titan OS: Warning, I'm detecting a hostile Pilot on the hull.
  981. Titan OS: Warning, enemy Pilot detected on hull.
  982. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and engage the threat directly.
  983. Titan OS: I suggest removing him personally.
  984. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and remove the threat manually.
  985. Titan OS: I suggest cleaning him off personally.
  986. Titan OS: Activating Shield Core.
  987. Titan OS: You now have: increased shield capacity.
  988. Titan OS: Shield core expiring.
  989. Titan OS: Shield core offline.
  990. Titan OS: Shield core is offline and recharging.
  991. Titan OS: Your Shield Core is ready.
  992. Titan OS: Warning. Shields Low.
  993. Titan OS: Warning: An enemy pilot is attacking you.
  994. Titan OS: Warning: Multiple enemy pilots are attacking you.
  995. Titan OS: Pilot exiting, AI mode engaged.
  996. Titan OS: Acknowledged. AI mode engaged.
  997. Titan OS: AI mode engaged.
  998. Titan OS: Good luck out there.
  999. Titan OS: Engaging AI mode.
  1000. Titan OS: If you insist. Engaging AI mode.
  1001. Titan OS: Engaging guard mode.
  1002. Titan OS: Standing guard as instructed.
  1003. Titan OS: Engaging follow mode.
  1004. Titan OS: I'm on my way.
  1005. Titan OS: AI online.
  1006. Titan OS: I'll do my best while you're away. AI mode online.
  1007. Titan OS: Warning, core-reactor overload.
  1008. Titan OS: Warning, severe reactor damage sustained.
  1009. Titan OS: Warning, reactor unstable.
  1010. Titan OS: Pilot mode, engaged.
  1011. Titan OS: Control transferring to pilot.
  1012. Titan OS: AI offline, pilot mode engaged.
  1013. Titan OS: Transferring control to Pilot.
  1014. Titan OS: Transferring control to pilot.
  1015. Titan OS: Welcome back Pilot, I've kept the seat warm for you.
  1016. Titan OS: Pilot mode online.
  1017. Titan OS: Welcome back. Pilot mode online.
  1018. Titan OS: AI offline.
  1019. Titan OS: Very well. Restoring manual control.
  1020. Titan OS: Disengage.
  1021. Titan OS: Warning, multiple Titans engaging.
  1022. Titan OS: Warning, we are being attacked by multiple Titans.
  1023. Titan OS: Warning, another Titan is attacking us.
  1024. Titan OS: Warning, multiple threats attacking.
  1025. Titan OS: Warning, threat-level is high.
  1026. Titan OS: Caution, we are outnumbered 2 to 1.
  1027. Titan OS: Caution, we are outnumbered 3 to 1.
  1028. Titan OS: Caution, we are are outnumbered 4 to 1.
  1029. Titan OS: Warning!
  1030. Titan OS: Warning, recommend regen.
  1031. Titan OS: Warning, excessive damage sustained.
  1032. Titan OS: Warning, high damage sustained.
  1033. Titan OS: Warning, health systems low.
  1034. Titan OS: Warning, recovery recommended.
  1035. Titan OS: Warning, heavy damage incoming.
  1036. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take cover.
  1037. Titan OS: Critical damage. Take evasive action.
  1038. Titan OS: Critical damage. Seek cover.
  1039. Titan OS: Caution!
  1040. Titan OS: Be advised- friendly Pilot on board.
  1041. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot on board.
  1042. Titan OS: Be advised- you have a friendly Pilot riding on board.
  1043. Titan OS: Be advised- you have a friendly Pilot on your Titan.
  1044. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has detached from your Titan.
  1045. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  1046. Titan OS: Friendly Pilot has left your Titan.
  1047. Titan OS: Be advised- friendly Pilot is clear of your Titan.
  1048. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your 40 mil cannon now has Automatic Fire.
  1049. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Arc Cannon will now hit all nearby targets.
  1050. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Cluster Missile flight stabilizers improved.
  1051. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Dash Capacity increased.
  1052. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Electric Smoke Duration Extended.
  1053. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Explosive Titan Punch active.
  1054. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Quad Rocket will now fire Cluster munitions.
  1055. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Missile pod now has increased ammunition
  1056. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Quad Rocket Missile Speed increased.
  1057. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Railgun Charge Rate increased.
  1058. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Rocket Salvo payload increased.
  1059. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: You can now deploy up to 2 Particle Walls at a time.
  1060. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled.
  1061. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Triple Threat damage increased.
  1062. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Triple Threat will now fire Magnetic Grenades.
  1063. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: Your Vortex Shield will now auto-reflect incoming fire.
  1064. Titan OS: Titan Burn Card enabled: XO-16 Chaingun damage increased against Shields.
  1065. Titan OS: Warning: Collateral damage sustained from arc cannon fire. Recommend maintaining a safe distance from allies.
  1066. Titan OS: A pilot is attacking your target.
  1067. Titan OS: A friendly Titan is attacking your target.
  1068. Titan OS: Auto-Ejecting.
  1069. Titan OS: Forcing Pilot Eject.
  1070. Titan OS: Eject Override.
  1071. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  1072. Titan OS: Have a nice day.
  1073. Titan OS: Avenge Me. Avenge Me. Avenge Me.
  1074. Titan OS: Avenge Me.
  1075. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile infantry.
  1076. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy infantry.
  1077. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy Pilot.
  1078. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile Pilot.
  1079. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging hostile Titan.
  1080. Titan OS: Auto-Titan engaging enemy Titan.
  1081. Titan OS: Warning- Auto-Titan engaging multiple Titans.
  1082. Titan OS: Warning- Auto-Titan under attack by multiple Titans.
  1083. Titan OS: Dash core activated.
  1084. Titan OS: You now have: increased dash capacity.
  1085. Titan OS: Dash core expiring.
  1086. Titan OS: Dash core offline.
  1087. Titan OS: Dash core is offline and recharging.
  1088. Titan OS: Dash core online.
  1089. Titan OS: Damage core activated.
  1090. Titan OS: You now have: increased damage output.
  1091. Titan OS: Damage core expiring.
  1092. Titan OS: Damage core offline.
  1093. Titan OS: Damage core is offline and recharging.
  1094. Titan OS: Damage core online.
  1095. Titan OS: Recommend eject.
  1096. Titan OS: Enemy Titan has ejected.
  1097. Titan OS: Friendly Titan has ejected.
  1098. Titan OS: Enemy pilot eliminated.
  1099. Titan OS: Enemy Titan down.
  1100. Titan OS: Friendly Titan down.
  1101. Titan OS: You have eliminated your target.
  1102. Titan OS: Your target has been eliminated.
  1103. Titan OS: A friendly pilot is rodeoýÿing your target.
  1104. Titan OS: Eject.
  1105. Titan OS: Eject, Eject, Eject.
  1106. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall detected!
  1107. Titan OS: Warning! Hostile Titanfall incoming!
  1108. Titan OS: Hull Threat Eliminated.
  1109. Titan OS: Hostile Threat Removed from Hull.
  1110. Titan OS: Ejecting.
  1111. Titan OS: Ejecting Pilot.
  1112. Titan OS: Pilot Ejecting.
  1113. Titan OS: Missile locked.
  1114. Titan OS: Lock-on acquired.
  1115. Titan OS: Warning, hostile Pilot detected on board.
  1116. Titan OS: Warning, a hostile Pilot is attached to the hull.
  1117. Titan OS: Warning, Enemy Pilot detected on hull.
  1118. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and engage the threat directly.
  1119. Titan OS: Recommend you disembark and remove the threat manually.
  1120. Titan OS: Shield core activated.
  1121. Titan OS: You now have: increased shield capacity.
  1122. Titan OS: Shield core expiring.
  1123. Titan OS: Shield core offline.
  1124. Titan OS: Shield core is offline and recharging.
  1125. Titan OS: Shield core online.
  1126. Titan OS: Warning. Shields Low.
  1127. Titan OS: Warning: An enemy pilot is attacking you.
  1128. Titan OS: Warning: Multiple enemy pilots are attacking you.
  1129. Titan OS: Pilot exiting, AI mode engaged.
  1130. Titan OS: AI mode engaged.
  1131. Titan OS: Engaging AI mode.
  1132. Titan OS: Engaging guard mode.
  1133. Titan OS: Engaging follow mode.
  1134. Titan OS: AI online.
  1135. Titan OS: Warning, core-reactor overload.
  1136. Titan OS: Warning, severe reactor damage sustained.
  1137. Titan OS: Warning, reactor unstable.
  1138. Titan OS: Pilot mode, engaged.
  1139. Titan OS: Control transferring to pilot.
  1140. Titan OS: AI offline, pilot mode engaged.
  1141. Titan OS: Transferring control to pilot.
  1142. Titan OS: Pilot mode online.
  1143. Titan OS: AI offline.
  1144. Titan OS: Disengage.
  1145. Titan OS: Warning, multiple Titans engaging.
  1146. Titan OS: Warning, another Titan is attacking you.
  1147. Titan OS: Warning, multiple threats attacking.
  1148. Titan OS: Warning, threat-level high.
  1149. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 2 to 1.
  1150. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 3 to 1.
  1151. Titan OS: Caution, you are outnumbered 4 to 1.
  1152. Titan OS: Warning!
  1153. Bish: Secure the hardpoints. Good luck.
  1154. Bish: OK buddy, you need to secure hardpoints Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. I'll take care of the rest. Good luck.
  1155. Bish: OK boss, this is a Hardpoint Operation. Take control of as many hardpoints as you can, patch me in to them, and I'll take care of the rest.
  1156. Bish: OK buddy, this is a Hardpoint Mission.
  1157. Bish: Good work people, I'm getting a lot of good data about the tower. I need you to patch me into one more hardpoint to max out the download speed.
  1158. Blisk: Outstanding work, we're routing a tremendous amount of power to the reactor core. Get me one more hardpoint for maximum power flow, and we'll trigger the core meltdown in no time.
  1159. Bish: Good work, Alpha's ours and the download's looking good here. Now go to Bravo and get me patched in.
  1160. Blisk: Good work, I've got power flowing from Hardpoint Alpha to the reactor core. Now get me patched into Bravo.
  1161. Bish: Good job, Alpha is connected and online, but we still need Bravo and Charlie to speed up the process.
  1162. Blisk: Good work- Alpha is feeding power to the reactor core, but we still need Bravo and Charlie to accelerate the reactor overload.
  1163. Bish: All right, Alpha is online but I need Hardpoint Charlie to max out the download speed.
  1164. Blisk: Alpha's under control, but we still need Charlie. The more hardpoints we hold, the sooner I can get the reactor core to overload and scuttle the base!
  1165. Bish: Good job Pilots, we've got all the hardpoints and the data transfer is at max speed. Make sure it stays that way.
  1166. Bish: Awesome- I'm getting all kinds of useful info about the tower. We're in control of all the hardpoints right now, so keep it that way.
  1167. Bish: We're in control of all the hardpoints. I'm getting lots of good intel about the tower. Keep those hardpoints under our control.
  1168. Blisk: All hardpoints are under our control. Power transfer to the facility's reactor core is at 100%. Defend the hardpoints until we have enough energy to trigger a core meltdown!
  1169. Blisk: We now control all the hardpoints. Defend them until we have enough power built up to detonate the facility's reactor core.
  1170. Blisk: Excellent work! Alpha, Bravo and Charlie are now under our control. Power transfer to core reactor is at maximum. Defend the hardpoints!
  1171. Bish: We have control of all three hardpoints. Keep it up and we'll have every Spectre on the assembly line set to self-destruct. Then we can take out this factory for good.
  1172. Bish: Good work, we're controlling all three hardpoints. I'm trying to reprogram the Spectres to self-destruct and take out this facility once and for all.
  1173. Bish: Defend those hardpoints!
  1174. Bish: Alright! We're dominating all three hardpoints. Keep it up and I'll have every one of these metal abominations re-wired for self-destruct!
  1175. Blisk: Excellent work, we have all three hardpoints. All Spectres in the assembly line will soon be under our control. Defend the terminals!
  1176. Blisk: Good, we are dominating all three hardpoints. Keep it up and I'll have every Spectre in the assembly line activated and fighting for us. Defend the hardpoints!
  1177. Blisk: Well done, pilots. We have control of every hardpoint terminal. Maintain control and we'll be able to activate the entire Spectre production line to take out these thieves for good.
  1178. Bish: Good work Pilot, we have control of all three hardpoints. Keep it up and the core'll go critical in no time.
  1179. Bish: Good work, we're controlling all three hardpoints. Keep it that way and I'll be able to detonate the core soon- after I get you outta there, of course.
  1180. Bish: Defend those hardpoints!
  1181. Bish: Alright! We're dominating all three hardpoints. Those IMC bastards won't know what hit 'em when we detonate that core!
  1182. Bish: Good work Pilot, we have control of all three hardpoints.
  1183. Bish: Good work, we're controlling all three hardpoints.
  1184. Bish: Alright! We're dominating all three hardpoints.
  1185. Spyglass: Excellent work, Pilots. We have all three hardpoints. Full reactor core shutdown is imminent. Defend the terminals.
  1186. Spyglass: We are dominating all three hardpoints. Maintain control and I will be able to shut down the core. Defend the hardpoints.
  1187. Spyglass: Well done, Pilots. We have control of every hardpoint. Maintain control and we will be able to shut down the core completely so they cannot destroy this facility.
  1188. Bish: Systems are up at Bravo, but we still need access to Alpha.
  1189. Blisk: Good. We've got Bravo, and pressure is rising in the reactor. We'll overload the core even faster if we can control Alpha as well.
  1190. Bish: Ok, Bravo is ours, but I still need Alpha and Charlie for faster system access.
  1191. Blisk: Bravo is ours, but we still need Alpha and Charlie to accelerate the reactor overload.
  1192. Bish: I'm getting a good data feed at Bravo but Charlie's still offline. Head over there and patch me in so I can download from that location.
  1193. Blisk: Power relay at Bravo is flowing at 100%. Get to Charlie so I can reroute its power to the reactor core. Move!
  1194. Bish: We've got Charlie, I'm downloading now. Head to Alpha
  1195. Blisk: Good. The reactor core's getting power from Charlie. I need you to take over Alpha to speed up the reactor overload.
  1196. Bish: Ok, we have Hardpoint Charlie under control. Patch me into Alpha and Bravo for full speed system access.
  1197. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie is routing power to the reactor core, but I still need you to patch me into Alpha and Bravo to accelerate the reactor overload.
  1198. Bish: Charlie is ours but Bravo is still moving power to the reactor core for the IMC. Get over to Bravo and patch me in A-SAP.
  1199. Blisk: Ok, Charlie is ours but Bravo is still under Militia control. They're pulling a lot of data about the tower from the hardpoint there. Patch me into Bravo as soon as you can!
  1200. Blisk: Good. I have control back for this section of the mainframe. Activating all nearby Spectres to protect the terminal.
  1201. Blisk: Well done, we've reestablished control for this section. Initializing nearby Spectres to fight for us.
  1202. Blisk: Excellent. I have mainframe control for this section. Activating Spectre combat troops in the area.
  1203. Spyglass: Good. I have control back for this terminal. Reducing core pressure.
  1204. Spyglass: Well done. We have stabilized core pressure for this section and begun cooling procedures.
  1205. Spyglass: Excellent. I have control for this hardpoint. Pressure reduced.
  1206. Bish: Good work. I've locked down this section. I'm activating Spectres near the hardpoint to help you out.
  1207. Bish: Right on. I have access to this section of the mainframe...I'm activating Spectres in the area to fight for us.
  1208. Bish: Alright I have control over this section of the mainframe...let's activate some shiny metal friends to help us out, shall we?
  1209. Bish: Good work. Reactor pressure is increasing at this hardpoint.
  1210. Bish: Right on. I have full access to this hardpoint...increasing reactor pressure in that area.
  1211. Bish: Alright I have control over this hardpoint...let's heat things up.
  1212. Blisk: Power relay connection at 25%.
  1213. Blisk: Power relay connection at 50%.
  1214. Blisk: Spectre mainframe override at 50%.
  1215. Blisk: Override of unauthorized users at 50%.
  1216. Blisk: Spectre mainframe 50% reestablished.
  1217. Spyglass: Reactor mainframe override at 50%.
  1218. Spyglass: Override of unauthorized users at 50%.
  1219. Spyglass: Reactor mainframe 50% reestablished.
  1220. Blisk: Power relay connection at 75%.
  1221. Bish: Connection progress at 25%.
  1222. Bish: Connection progress at 50%.
  1223. Bish: Spectre mainframe bypass at 50%.
  1224. Bish: 50% bypass of Spectre mainframe.
  1225. Bish: 50% bypass complete.
  1226. Bish: Reactor overload pressure at 50%.
  1227. Bish: 50% reactor overload pressure.
  1228. Bish: 50% overload pressure complete.
  1229. Bish: Connection progress at 75%.
  1230. MacAllan: Pilots- this is MacAllan. (cough) If you're still on the ground out's been an honor serving with you.
  1231. MacAllan: Pilots- this is MacAllan. (cough) If you're still on the ground out's been an honor serving with you.
  1232. Base PA: Pulse detonation in 5...4...3...2...1...
  1233. Bish: Adios my friend.
  1234. Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for this hardpoint. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!
  1235. Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for Alpha. Accessing fueling systems. Standby!
  1236. Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for Bravo. Activating fueling systems. Standby!
  1237. Bish: I've disabled the enemy turret for Charlie. Activating fueling systems. Standby!
  1238. Bish: Defense network bypass at 25%.
  1239. Bish: Defense network bypass at 25%.
  1240. Bish: Defense network bypass at 50%.
  1241. Bish: Defense network bypass at 50%.
  1242. Bish: Defense network bypass at 75%.
  1243. Bish: Defense network bypass at 75%.
  1244. Bish: OK, I've taken down the air defense network at this hardpoint.
  1245. Bish: OK, I've taken down the air defense network at this hardpoint.
  1246. Bish: OK, we've got all of the hardpoints- the Redeye's refueling at maximum flow. Keep it that way!
  1247. Bish: OK, we've got all of the hardpoints- the Redeye's refueling at maximum flow. Keep it that way!
  1248. Bish: We own all the hardpoints buddy- the Redeye's taking on fuel at full speed.
  1249. Bish: We own all the hardpoints buddy- the Redeye's taking on fuel at full speed.
  1250. Bish: All the fuel pumps just went offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  1251. Bish: All the fuel pumps just went offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  1252. Bish: All the fuel pumps are offline! Get me patched into one of the hardpoints!
  1253. Bish: All the fuel pumps are offline! Get me patched into one of the hardpoints!
  1254. Bish: All the fuel pumps are offline! Get me patched into one of the hardpoints!
  1255. Bish: All fuel systems are offline! I can get them working again, if you patch me into a hardpoint!
  1256. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for this hardpoint, standby.
  1257. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Alpha, standby.
  1258. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Bravo, standby.
  1259. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Charlie, standby.
  1260. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for this hardpoint, stay close to the terminal.
  1261. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Alpha, stay close to the terminal.
  1262. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Bravo, stay close to the terminal.
  1263. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the anti-air turret for Charlie, stick close to the terminal.
  1264. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for this hardpoint, standby.
  1265. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Alpha, standby.
  1266. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Bravo, standby.
  1267. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Bravo, standby.
  1268. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Charlie, standby.
  1269. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for this hardpoint, standby.
  1270. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Alpha, standby.
  1271. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Bravo, standby.
  1272. Bish: OK, I'm in- deactivating the turret for Charlie, standby.
  1273. Bish: Running a bypass to get fuel to the Redeye. Standby!
  1274. Bish: Running a bypass to get fuel to the Redeye. Standby!
  1275. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 25%.
  1276. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 25%.
  1277. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 50%.
  1278. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 50%.
  1279. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 75%.
  1280. Bish: Fuel system bypass at 75%.
  1281. Bish: Bypass complete! Redeye's taking on fuel, keep up the good work!
  1282. Bish: Bypass complete! Redeye's taking on fuel, keep up the good work!
  1283. Bish: Rerouting fuel systems, standby!
  1284. Bish: Rerouting fuel systems, standby!
  1285. Bish: System bypass at 25%.
  1286. Bish: System bypass at 25%.
  1287. Bish: System bypass at 50%.
  1288. Bish: System bypass at 50%.
  1289. Bish: System bypass at 75%.
  1290. Bish: System bypass at 75%.
  1291. Bish: Fuel systems rerouted to the Redeye. She's taking on fuel, people! Keep up the good work!
  1292. Bish: We're supporting the fleet's refueling operation. You're gonna help me keep the IMC's turrets offline so the Redeye doesn't get ripped to shreds.
  1293. Bish: Get close to a hardpoint to patch me in. I'll shut down the connected turrets and activate the fuel pumps.
  1294. Bish: Get close to a hardpoint to patch me in. I'll shut down the connected turrets and activate the fuel pumps.
  1295. Bish: Get to the hardpoints to patch me into their system. I'll be able to shut down their turrets and activate the fuel pumps.
  1296. Bish: Get to the hardpoints to patch me into their system. I'll be able to shut down their turrets and activate the fuel pumps.
  1297. Bish: OK buddy, we've got Alpha under control, but I need access to Bravo and Charlie to get the rest of the fuel lines open!
  1298. Bish: Bravo is ours, but I still need hardpoints Alpha and Charlie for max fuel pressure! Go!
  1299. Bish: OK we have Hardpoint Charlie. I still need Alpha and Bravo for maximum fuel flow, get over there and patch me in!
  1300. Bish: OK we have Hardpoint Charlie. I still need Alpha and Bravo for maximum fuel flow, get over there and patch me in!
  1301. Bish: Bad news! All their turrets are back up and they've shut off the fuel! I can switch it, but you gotta get me patched into a hardpoint, now!
  1302. Bish: All their turrets are back up! Get me patched into a hardpoint now, before they shred the Redeye!
  1303. Bish: All the fuel systems are down and their turrets are back up! They're in control of all the hardpoints! Get 'em back!
  1304. Bish: All the fuel systems are down and their turrets are back up! They're in control of all the hardpoints! Get 'em back!
  1305. Bish: We're on it!- Boss, get close to a hardpoint and patch me in so I can deal with the turrets!
  1306. Bish: Understood Redeye- buddy you gotta get me patched into another hardpoint, move!
  1307. Bish: Working on it Redeye!- Boss, you gotta patch me into a hardpoint, like now!
  1308. Bish: Our ship is fully gassed up and on the way out! Great job, Pilots! We won! Mission accomplished!
  1309. Bish: Turret deactivation at 25%.
  1310. Bish: Turret deactivation at 25%.
  1311. Bish: Turret deactivation at 25%.
  1312. Bish: Turret deactivation at 50%.
  1313. Bish: Turret deactivation at 50%.
  1314. Bish: Turret deactivation at 50%.
  1315. Bish: Turret deactivation at 75%.
  1316. Bish: Turret deactivation at 75%.
  1317. Bish: Turret deactivation at 75%.
  1318. Bish: OK, I've disabled the turret for this hardpoint.
  1319. Bish: OK, I've disabled the turret for this hardpoint.
  1320. Blisk: We are crushing them! Our Spectre army will be online soon enough!
  1321. Spyglass: Pilot, we are winning the battle by a significant margin. Maintain the current operational tempo to achieve victory.
  1322. Blisk: We're ahead, but its close. Give it everything you've got and we'll be able to crush them with every Spectre in the production line.
  1323. Spyglass: Pilot, we are winning by a small margin. Maintain tactical superiority at all costs.
  1324. IMC Grunt: They're setting the entire production line to self-destruct! We've got to evac now!
  1325. Spyglass: Proceed to the evac point. We have lost control of this facility. The enemy is setting all Spectre assets in the facility to self-destruct.
  1326. Blisk: We lost. Militia has taken control of every Spectre and they're setting them to self-destruct. Pilots, retreat to the evac point.
  1327. Blisk: We're getting obliterated! If we lose this factory there will be hell to pay!
  1328. Spyglass: Pilot, we are losing the battle by a significant margin. If we are unable to shutdown the reactor core, you will not survive the resulting detonation.
  1329. Blisk: Step it up, team! We're barely losing to these terrorists, don't let them take control of our production line or it will be a bloody mess!
  1330. Spyglass: Pilot, we are losing the battle by a small margin. Establish control of all hardpoint terminals immediately.
  1331. Blisk: Good news! Your job is about to get easier. Activating Spectres now!
  1332. Spyglass: Our spectres are hunting the retreating terrorists. Do not allow them to escape.
  1333. Blisk: You did it! I have control of the production line. I'm activating every Spectre and setting them to suicide mode to help you chase them down.
  1334. Bish: Hey, we've lost control of all the hardpoints. I'm not getting any data about the tower without a connection. Get me patched into a hardpoint, now!
  1335. Bish: The IMC have control of all the hardpoints and I'm locked out again. Get me patched into a hardpoint so I can get more info about the repulsor tower.
  1336. Bish: The IMC are in control of all the hardpoints! If they overload the core and scuttle the base, I might not get all the intel I need. Now find a hardpoint and patch me in.
  1337. Blisk: All the hardpoints are under enemy control. They're pulling data from the base computer. Get me patched into a hardpoint so I can stop them and overload the core!
  1338. Blisk: The enemy has all the hardpoints. Someone get me patched into a hardpoint NOW or they'll get what they came for!
  1339. Blisk: The Militia are in control of all the hardpoints. I can't scuttle the base unless you patch me in. Get those hardpoints back under control!
  1340. Bish: All hardpoints are under enemy control! Take over those hardpoints or they'll be able to activate the Spectres and wipe us off the map!
  1341. Bish: The enemy has control of the hardpoints! We need to regain control or they're going to activate every Spectre in storage!
  1342. Bish: The IMC has all three hardpoints. If we don't get them back they'll turn every Spectre against us!
  1343. Blisk: We've lost control of all three hardpoints! You need to regain control of this situation or the terrorists will turn all of our Spectres against us!
  1344. Blisk: The enemy has taken over all hardpoints, I can't activate our Spectre army unless we control the terminals!
  1345. Blisk: The terrorists have all the hardpoints. I need control or they'll be able to activate every Spectre in the facility before we do!
  1346. Bish: All hardpoints are under enemy control! Take over those hardpoints or they'll shut down the core entirely and we'll never get it to meltdown!
  1347. Bish: Enemy has control of the hardpoints! We need to regain control or we'll never destroy that facility!
  1348. Bish: IMC has all three hardpoints. If we don't get them back, the reactor core will go completely offline and be useless!
  1349. Spyglass: We have lost control of all three hardpoints. You must regain control before the Militia can detonate the reactor core.
  1350. Spyglass: The enemy has control of all hardpoint terminals. You must control them for me to shut down the reactor core.
  1351. Spyglass: The Militia has all hardpoints. You must provide me access to the hardpoints to stop a meltdown.
  1352. MacAllan: Negative! (cough)
  1353. MacAllan: Negative!
  1354. Militia Grunt: Welcome to hell!
  1355. Militia Grunt: Keep your guard up, these damn flyers have been picking off my men...
  1356. Militia Grunt: Agghhhh!
  1357. Militia Grunt: Like I said! Move out!
  1358. Militia Grunt: Titan!
  1359. Militia Grunt Captain: The IMC have already activated several squads of spectres. These things are agile and vicious, try to turn them over to our side at every opportunity.
  1360. Militia Grunt: What the hell was that? Never seen 'em move like that.
  1361. Militia Grunt: Some kind of advanced combat prototype, this place is an IMC R&D hub.
  1362. Militia Grunt: Bravo team, check for survivors.
  1363. Militia Grunt: Control, this is Coffin 2-2. Enemy has deployed advanced Titan chassis, advise all reinforcement squads to use caution.
  1364. Militia Grunt: Control, this is Coffin 2-2. One of our birds just went down, enemy has aquired unknown Titan chassis, sending a team after it now.
  1365. Militia Grunt: Copy, 2-2. Pull whatever intel you can...try to keep it in one piece.
  1366. Militia Grunt: Not making any promises. Coffin 2-2 out.
  1367. Militia Grunt: Lets take those hardpoints stat!
  1368. IMC Grunt Captain: Meet the BRD-01 Spectre synthetic combat troop. They'll be backing us up on this mission, trust me, these things are ruthless.
  1369. IMC Grunt Captain: This is Mayhem 2-1, Spectres are active and engaging Militia forces...might want to stay out of their way.
  1370. IMC Grunt Captain: This is Mayhem 2-1, first Spectre squad is on the ground and has made enemy contact...they're tearing the Militia a new one.
  1371. IMC Grunt Captain: This is Mayhem 2-1, first Spectre squad is on the ground and raising hell.
  1372. IMC Grunt Captain: This is Mayhem 2-1, I have visual on our Spectre ground forces...looks like they're taking down an enemy Titan!
  1373. IMC Grunt Captain: This is Mayhem 2-1, Spectre friendlies engaging an enemy Titan...he's going down. Vicious little bastards, glad they're on our side.
  1374. IMC Grunt: Those things are creepy as hell.
  1375. IMC Grunt: Glad these things are on our side.
  1376. Militia Grunt: Mayday! Mayday! Bail out! Repeat...
  1377. Militia Grunt: We're going down! Everyone, bail out, now! We're going down!
  1378. Militia Grunt: Got him, Titan down.
  1379. Militia Grunt: Copy that two two.
  1380. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves be advised: sensors indicate MacAllan is at Reactor Core 5 and is attempting to infiltrate the facility.
  1381. Graves: Blisk, we cannot lose this reactor. Get your gear in case we need you to go down there and stop MacAllan. Spyglass, take over for Blisk on ops.
  1382. Blisk: You got it. On my way.
  1383. IMC Grunt: That was one hell of a ride!
  1384. Militia Grunt: Holy shit, it's MacAllan!
  1385. Militia Grunt: Those 11th gen pilots have all the best toys.
  1386. Bish: The IMC is 25% of the way to activating their Spectre army! Control those hardpoints!
  1387. Blisk: We're 25% of the way to activating our Spectre army! Keep it up!
  1388. Bish: The IMC are 25% of the way to shutting down the reactor core! Control those hardpoints!
  1389. Spyglass: Reactor core shutdown at 25%. Continue at present progress.
  1390. Bish: The IMC is 50% of the way to activating every Spectre in the assembly line!
  1391. Bish: Take those hardpoints or we're going to have a swarm of blood-thirsty robots on our hands.
  1392. Blisk: We're halfway there! Keep taking those hardpoints and I'll have our Spectre army online in no time.
  1393. Bish: The IMC are 50% of the way to shutting down the reactor core!
  1394. Bish: Take those hardpoints or we'll never be able to get this reactor to explode!
  1395. Spyglass: Reactor core shutdown at 50%. Maintain control of the hardpoints.
  1396. Bish: This is bad, the IMC is 75% of the way to activating their Spectre army.
  1397. Bish: Get control of those hardpoints or every Spectre in the facility is going to be up our ass.
  1398. Blisk: Good. We're 75% of the way to gaining control of the entire Spectre assembly line.
  1399. Blisk: Keep me connected at those hardpoints.
  1400. Bish: This is bad, the IMC are 75% of the way to shutting down the reactor core!
  1401. Bish: Guys, you gotta step it up. The IMC has almost shut down the reactor core!
  1402. Spyglass: Good work, Pilots. We are 75% of the way to shutting down the core and preventing a meltdown.
  1403. Spyglass: Maintain my connection to the hardpoints.
  1404. Bish: We're 25% of the way there!
  1405. Bish: Keep those hardpoints and I'll have every Spectre here wired for self-destruct.
  1406. Blisk: A.I. Mainframe is 25% corrupted!
  1407. Blisk: Control the hardpoints or they'll activate every Spectre in the factory and set it to self-destruct!
  1408. Bish: We're 25% of the way there!
  1409. Bish: Control those hardpoints and I'll make sure this place gets vaporized.
  1410. Spyglass: Pilots, the reactor core overload is at 25%. Control the hardpoints to stop the overload.
  1411. Spyglass: Vaporization of core reactor is imminent if you fail to control the hard points.
  1412. Bish: Good, we're halfway there!
  1413. Bish: Keep control of the hardpoints or the IMC is going to gain control of all those sleeping Spectres before we do.
  1414. Blisk: Militia is 50% of the way to turning this whole Spectre factory against us!
  1415. Blisk: We need control of those hardpoint terminals!
  1416. Bish: We're halfway there!
  1417. Bish: Keep control of the hardpoints or the IMC is going to shut down the reactor core!
  1418. Spyglass: Militia is 50% of the way to overloading the reactor core.
  1419. Spyglass: Pilots, your vaporization is inevitable should you fail to maintain control of the hardpoints.
  1420. Bish: Good. We're 75% of the way to getting every Spectre here to blow this place sky high.
  1421. Bish: Keep me patched in to those hardpoints!
  1422. Blisk: We're losing. The enemy has 75% control of the Spectre A.I. mainframe.
  1423. Blisk: Control those hardpoints or they'll have complete control over every Spectre in storage.
  1424. Bish: Good. We're 75% of the way to blowing this place sky high!
  1425. Bish: Keep me patched in to those hardpoints!
  1426. Spyglass: We are losing. The enemy has overloaded 75% of the reactor core.
  1427. Spyglass: Pilots, you must obtain hardpoint control in order to prevent a meltdown. Your uniforms will not block radiation of that magnitude.
  1428. Blisk: I hope you brought sunscreen, Pilots!
  1429. Bish: Securing hardpoint.
  1430. Bish: Now securing hardpoint.
  1431. Bish: Neutralizing complete, now securing hardpoint.
  1432. Bish: Ok, I'm securing this hardpoint. Almost there...
  1433. Bish: Ok, just a little longer while I secure this hardpoint.
  1434. Bish: I've neutralized IMC control of this terminal. Securing the hardpoint.
  1435. Bish: IMC access neutralized. Now securing hardpoint.
  1436. Bish: Twenty-five percent.
  1437. Bish: Fifty percent.
  1438. Bish: Half-way to securing the hardpoint.
  1439. Bish: Seventy-five percent.
  1440. Bish: Almost there.
  1441. Bish: We've almost got it.
  1442. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha's inside the building just up ahead.
  1443. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha's inside the building just up ahead.
  1444. Bish: OK buddy, Hardpoint Alpha is dead ahead. Get in there and patch me into the terminal.
  1445. Bish: OK buddy, Hardpoint Alpha is dead ahead. Get in there and patch me into the terminal.
  1446. Bish: You're almost at Hardpoint Alpha. Keep going, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1447. Bish: You're almost at Hardpoint Alpha. Keep going, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1448. Bish: Ok buddy, Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead.
  1449. Bish: Ok buddy, Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead.
  1450. Bish: Heads up. Hardpoint Bravo's in the building dead ahead. Get in there and find me the terminal.
  1451. Bish: Heads up. Hardpoint Bravo's in the building dead ahead. Get in there and find me the terminal.
  1452. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Get inside and patch me into the terminal.
  1453. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Get inside and patch me into the terminal.
  1454. Bish: Hey, Hardpoint Charlie's in that building, dead ahead.
  1455. Bish: Hey, Hardpoint Charlie's in that building, dead ahead.
  1456. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie, dead ahead. Get in that building and patch me into the terminal.
  1457. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie, dead ahead. Get in that building and patch me into the terminal.
  1458. Bish: You're almost at Hardpoint Charlie, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1459. Bish: You're almost at Hardpoint Charlie, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1460. Bish: You're close to Hardpoint Alpha, check your HUD.
  1461. Bish: You're close to Hardpoint Alpha, check your HUD.
  1462. Bish: Hey man, check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Bravo.
  1463. Bish: Hey man, check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Bravo.
  1464. Bish: Hey, check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1465. Bish: Hey, check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1466. Bish: Hey buddy, you're close to Hardpoint Alpha, it's on your map.
  1467. Bish: Hey buddy, you're close to Hardpoint Alpha, it's on your map.
  1468. Bish: Check your map, you're close to Hardpoint Bravo.
  1469. Bish: Hey look at your map, you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1470. Bish: Hey look at your map, you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1471. Bish: Hey, there's a hardpoint in that building. Get in there and patch me in.
  1472. Bish: Hey, there's a hardpoint in that building. Get in there and patch me in.
  1473. Bish: OK, keep going, there's a hardpoint in that building dead ahead. Go inside and patch me in.
  1474. Bish: OK, keep going, there's a hardpoint in that building dead ahead. Go inside and patch me in.
  1475. Bish: Hey you're getting close to a hardpoint- it's somewhere inside a building, check your map.
  1476. Bish: Hey you're getting close to a hardpoint- it's somewhere inside a building, check your map.
  1477. Bish: OK boss, you're close to a hardpoint. Check your map, it's inside a building.
  1478. Bish: OK boss, you're close to a hardpoint. Check your map, it's inside a building.
  1479. Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Alpha. Watch for hostiles.
  1480. Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Alpha. Watch for hostiles.
  1481. Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.
  1482. Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.
  1483. Bish: Hey, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.
  1484. Bish: Hey, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.
  1485. Bish: OK buddy, you're approaching Charlie. Watch for hostiles.
  1486. Bish: Hey, you're approaching Charlie. Watch for hostiles.
  1487. Bish: OK buddy, this is a Hardpoint Mission.
  1488. Bish: We're here to grab some intel on IMC weapons research.
  1489. Bish: Capture the hardpoints, patch me in, and kill everything else.
  1490. Bish: As soon as I've downloaded the data, we can get the hell outta here. Good luck.
  1491. Bish: Take over the hardpoints and patch me in to each one. As soon as I've downloaded the data, we can all get the hell outta here.
  1492. Bish: Download's at 25%.
  1493. Bish: Download is at 50%.
  1494. Bish: Download is at 75%.
  1495. Bish: Download complete!
  1496. Bish: OK, I'm in! Downloading the data!
  1497. Bish: OK, I'm in! Downloading the schematics!
  1498. Bish: OK, I'm in! Downloading the IMC project files!
  1499. Bish: OK, I'm in! Grabbing the data! This'll take some time.
  1500. Bish: OK, I'm in! I've got control of the air defense network.
  1501. Bish: Ok, I'm running a bypass, standby.
  1502. Bish: Ok, I'm running a bypass, standby.
  1503. Bish: Bypass at 25%.
  1504. Bish: Bypass at 25%.
  1505. Bish: Bypass at 50%.
  1506. Bish: Bypass at 50%.
  1507. Bish: Bypass at 75%.
  1508. Bish: Bypass at 75%.
  1509. Bish: Bypass complete!
  1510. Bish: Seventy-five percent.
  1511. Bish: Fifty percent.
  1512. Bish: Twenty-five percent.
  1513. Bish: We're all good here, but Hardpoint Alpha's still not ours! Get over there and stop 'em!
  1514. Bish: We're all good here, but Hardpoint Alpha's still not ours! Get over there and stop 'em!
  1515. Bish: Great, this hardpoint's ours- we got one more to go, get over to Bravo!
  1516. Bish: Good job on taking this hardpoint! Now we just gotta take Charlie!
  1517. Bish: Ok, we're all good here. Hardpoints Bravo and Charlie are still open, get over there and patch me in!
  1518. Bish: Bravo is under control, but hardpoints Alpha and Charlie are still open! I need you to get over there and patch me in!
  1519. Bish: Bravo is under control, but hardpoints Alpha and Charlie are still open! I need you to get over there and patch me in!
  1520. Bish: Well, we're in control of Hardpoint Charlie, but hardpoints Alpha and Bravo are still open! You better get a move on, buddy.
  1521. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha is secure, but we still need Bravo and Charlie.
  1522. Bish: Good job! Hardpoint Alpha is secure, but we still need Bravo and Charlie!
  1523. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha is secure. Now we need Bravo and Charlie!
  1524. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha secured, nice work. You've still got to get Bravo and Charlie though.
  1525. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo is secure, but we still need Alpha and Charlie.
  1526. Bish: OK, Hardpoint Bravo is secure, but we still need Alpha and Charlie.
  1527. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo is secure. Now we need Alpha and Charlie. Get over there and patch me in.
  1528. Bish: OK, Hardpoint Charlie is secure, but we still need Alpha and Bravo.
  1529. Bish: Good. Hardpoint Charlie is secure, but we still need Alpha and Bravo.
  1530. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie is secure. Now we need Alpha and Bravo. Get over there and patch me in.
  1531. Bish: Hardpoint secure. Good job. Alpha is still not ours, get over there and patch me in!
  1532. Bish: This hardpoint's secure. You might want to get over to Alpha next.
  1533. Bish: Great, this hardpoint's secured. We have one more to go, get over to Alpha.
  1534. Bish: OK, this hardpoint's secure. We still need Bravo if you can get over there.
  1535. Bish: OK, we've secured this hardpoint, but we still need Bravo. Head over there and get me patched in.
  1536. Bish: This hardpoint's secured; but we still need Bravo.
  1537. Bish: Great, we've secured this hardpoint. Now we just need Charlie!
  1538. Bish: OK, this hardpoint's secure. One more to go. Get over to Charlie.
  1539. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha's just up ahead. Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1540. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha's inside the building just up ahead. Now find the terminal and stand close to it.
  1541. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha is dead ahead. Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1542. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Find the terminal and get close to it so I can patch in.
  1543. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Now find a terminal and get close to it.
  1544. Bish: All right, this hardpoint's under control. Now hold your position, and watch for hostiles.
  1545. Bish: All right, this hardpoint's under control. Now hold your position, and watch for hostiles.
  1546. Bish: Watch it- the hardpoint's ours but I'm picking up more hostiles en route.
  1547. Bish: OK, the hardpoint is ours. Now hold your position- you got incoming IMC forces, but I can't get a fix on their numbers.
  1548. Bish: This hardpoint's secure, but it looks like you've got incoming hostiles. Hold your position and defend that hardpoint!
  1549. Bish: Got it, this hardpoint's secure, but I'm detecting hostiles nearby. Don't let them near that terminal!
  1550. Bish: This hardpoint's secure, but you've got hostiles in the area. Defend that terminal!
  1551. Bish: Hey, Hardpoint Charlie is dead ahead. Now find the terminal inside this building and stand close to it.
  1552. Bish: Hey, Hardpoint Charlie is dead ahead. Now find the terminal inside this building and stand close to it.
  1553. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie dead ahead. Find the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1554. Bish: My signal's getting jammed. That means you got hostiles in the area.
  1555. Bish: I'm picking up some active jamming. There's gotta be hostiles nearby. Watch your back.
  1556. Bish: Check the area for hostiles, I'm getting a lotta interference. They're jammin' my signal.
  1557. Bish: The signal's getting jammed again. Check the area, you got hostiles moving in.
  1558. Bish: I'm picking up more jamming near the hardpoint. You gotta find those hostiles and take 'em out.
  1559. Bish: Getting a lotta interference again- watch your back down there.
  1560. Bish: I just lost my signal buddy! There's a lot of hostiles jamming the airwaves in your area.
  1561. Bish: I just lost the connection! There's too many hostiles in the area; they're jamming the signal. Take 'em out.
  1562. Bish: The uplink's dead man! You gotta clear out the hostiles in the area; they're messing with the signal!
  1563. Bish: You're doing good, you're doin' good, the signal's comin' back.
  1564. Bish: Doin' good, doin' good, the signal's comin' back.
  1565. Bish: Keep up the good work buddy, the signal strength's getting better...
  1566. Bish: Whatever you're doing man, it's working- I'm getting a decent uplink now, almost full strength.
  1567. Bish: Whatever you're doing man, it's working- I'm getting a decent uplink now, almost full strength.
  1568. Bish: Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1569. Bish: Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1570. Bish: Find the terminal inside the building, then get close to it so I can patch in.
  1571. Bish: Find the terminal inside the building, then get close to it so I can patch in.
  1572. Bish: Find the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1573. Bish: Find the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1574. Bish: Locate the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1575. Bish: Locate the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1576. Bish: Locate the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1577. Bish: Locate the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1578. Bish: So far so good- now find the terminal inside this building and stand close to it.
  1579. Bish: So far so good- now find the terminal inside this building and stand close to it.
  1580. Bish: Doing good buddy- now find a terminal and get close to it.
  1581. Bish: You're doing good buddy- now find a terminal and get close to it.
  1582. Bish: All right, we're twenty-five percent of the way through the mission. Keep control of the hardpoints!
  1583. Bish: We're at twenty-five percent of our mission goal. Let's keep it rollin'!
  1584. Bish: Hey we've got about twenty-five percent of what we need. Keep it coming!
  1585. Bish: We've got about half of what we need to finish the mission. Keep the pressure on those hardpoints!
  1586. Bish: We're halfway to our mission goal. Keep the pressure on!
  1587. Bish: Alright we are about half-way through. Don't let up.
  1588. Bish: We got about seventy-five percent of what we need to complete the mission. Don't let up on those hardpoints!
  1589. Bish: We got about seventy-five percent of what we need to complete the mission. Don't let up on those hardpoints!
  1590. Bish: We're seventy-five percent to our mission goal. Don't let up on those hardpoints!
  1591. Bish: All right, I'm in. Stay close while I neutralize this hardpoint.
  1592. Bish: Neutralizing hardpoint. Standby.
  1593. Bish: Neutralizing enemy control of hardpoint. Standby.
  1594. Bish: All right, I'm neutralizing this hardpoint. Standby.
  1595. Bish: Neutralizing IMC control. Stay close to the terminal.
  1596. Bish: Neutralization in progress.
  1597. Bish: Twenty-five percent.
  1598. Bish: Fifty percent.
  1599. Bish: Seventy-five percent.
  1600. Bish: Hardpoint is secure. Good work.
  1601. Bish: All right, this hardpoint is secure. Nice work.
  1602. Bish: Good job. Hardpoint secured.
  1603. Bish: Good work, hardpoint secured. Don't let the IMC near it!
  1604. Bish: Got it. Hardpoint secured. Defend it from the IMC!
  1605. Bish: OK boss, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  1606. Bish: OK boss, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  1607. Bish: OK boss, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  1608. Bish: Remember buddy, the more hardpoints you patch me into, the faster we can finish the job.
  1609. Bish: Remember buddy, the more hardpoints you patch me into, the faster we can finish the job.
  1610. Bish: Remember buddy, the more hardpoints you patch me into, the faster we can finish the job.
  1611. Bish: We just took control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  1612. Bish: We just took control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  1613. Bish: We're now in control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  1614. Bish: We now have control of Hardpoint Bravo!
  1615. Bish: We now have control of Hardpoint Bravo!
  1616. Bish: We now have control of Hardpoint Bravo!
  1617. Bish: We're now in control of Hardpoint Charlie!
  1618. Bish: We're now in control of Hardpoint Charlie!
  1619. Bish: We're now in control of Hardpoint Charlie!
  1620. Bish: We're now in control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  1621. Bish: We just captured Hardpoint Bravo!
  1622. Bish: We just captured Hardpoint Bravo!
  1623. Bish: One of our teams just took Hardpoint Charlie!
  1624. Bish: One of our teams just took Hardpoint Charlie!
  1625. Bish: One of our teams just took Hardpoint Charlie!
  1626. Bish: One of our teams just took Hardpoint Charlie!
  1627. Bish: Two outta three ain't bad, my friend, but let's go for three.
  1628. Bish: Two outta three ain't bad, my friend, but let's go for three.
  1629. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Alpha.
  1630. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Alpha.
  1631. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Alpha.
  1632. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Bravo.
  1633. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Bravo.
  1634. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Bravo.
  1635. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Charlie.
  1636. Bish: The IMC still have control of Hardpoint Charlie.
  1637. Bish: We just lost Hardpoint Alpha! I got nothin'! Someone get over there!
  1638. Bish: We just lost Hardpoint Alpha! I got nothin'! Someone get over there!
  1639. Bish: We just lost Hardpoint Alpha! I got nothin'! Someone get over there!
  1640. Bish: We just lost Alpha! I got nothin'! Someone get over there!
  1641. Bish: We just lost Hardpoint Bravo! Get over there and patch me in!
  1642. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!
  1643. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!
  1644. Bish: Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!
  1645. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie just went offline. All units, I need you to retake Charlie immediately!
  1646. Bish: We got Alpha!
  1647. Bish: We got Alpha!
  1648. Bish: We got Alpha!
  1649. Bish: We got Bravo!
  1650. Bish: We got Bravo!
  1651. Bish: We got Bravo!
  1652. Bish: We got Charlie!
  1653. Bish: We got Charlie!
  1654. Bish: We got Charlie!
  1655. Bish: We just lost Alpha!
  1656. Bish: We just lost Alpha!
  1657. Bish: We just lost Alpha!
  1658. Bish: We just lost Alpha!
  1659. Bish: We just lost Bravo!
  1660. Bish: We just lost Bravo!
  1661. Bish: We just lost Charlie!
  1662. Bish: We just lost Charlie!
  1663. Bish: We just lost Charlie!
  1664. Bish: Hey buddy, Hardpoint Alpha is under attack! Get over there and stop 'em!
  1665. Bish: Hey buddy, Hardpoint Alpha is under attack! Get over there and stop 'em!
  1666. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo is going down! Get over there if you can!
  1667. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo is going down! Get over there if you can!
  1668. Bish: Bravo is going down! Get over there if you can!
  1669. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie is under attack buddy! You gotta get over there!
  1670. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie is under attack buddy! You gotta get over there!
  1671. Bish: Charlie is under attack! You gotta get over there!
  1672. Bish: Charlie is under attack! You gotta get over there!
  1673. Bish: Alpha is under attack!
  1674. Bish: Alpha is under attack!
  1675. Bish: Alpha is under attack!
  1676. Bish: Alpha is under attack!
  1677. Bish: Bravo is under attack!
  1678. Bish: Bravo is under attack!
  1679. Bish: Bravo is under attack!
  1680. Bish: Bravo is under attack!
  1681. Bish: Bravo is under attack!
  1682. Bish: Charlie is under attack!
  1683. Bish: Charlie is under attack!
  1684. Bish: Charlie is under attack!
  1685. Bish: Charlie is under attack!
  1686. Bish: We're taking Alpha!
  1687. Bish: We're taking Alpha!
  1688. Bish: We're taking Bravo!
  1689. Bish: We're taking Bravo!
  1690. Bish: We're taking Charlie!
  1691. Bish: We're taking Charlie!
  1692. Bish: We're losin' Alpha!
  1693. Bish: We're losin' Alpha!
  1694. Bish: We're losin' Bravo!
  1695. Bish: We're losin' Bravo!
  1696. Bish: We're losin' Charlie!
  1697. Bish: We're losin' Charlie!
  1698. Bish: OK, I'm in- stay close to the terminal.
  1699. Bish: OK, I'm in- now stay close the terminal.
  1700. Bish: OK, I'm in- now stay close the terminal.
  1701. Bish: OK, I'm in- stick close to the terminal.
  1702. Bish: I'm securing the hardpoint. Stay close to the terminal.
  1703. Bish: OK, stay close to the terminal while I secure this hardpoint.
  1704. Bish: We're in. I'm securing the hardpoint. Stick close to the terminal.
  1705. Bish: OK, stay near the terminal. This won't take long.
  1706. Bish: We're doing great, keep it up. This place will be going up in flames soon!
  1707. Bish: We're doing great, keep it up. This place is going up in flames soon!
  1708. Bish: We're doing great, keep it up.
  1709. Bish: We're winning, but just barely. Keep it up and we'll be able to turn this factory against them.
  1710. Bish: We're winning, but just barely. Keep it up and we'll be blasting this place in no time.
  1711. Bish: We're winning, but just barely.
  1712. Bish: We lost. The IMC have activated every Spectre in the facility and put them into hunter-suicide mode. Get to the evac point ASAP.
  1713. Bish: We lost. The IMC shutdown the reactor.
  1714. Bish: We're getting destroyed, pull it together. You do NOT want these Spectres fighting for the IMC.
  1715. Bish: We're getting hammered down there! Get it together or we won't have a chance to destroy this facility.
  1716. Bish: We're losing, but just barely. You need to push harder or every Spectre here is going to wake up angry.
  1717. Bish: We're losing, but just barely. You need to push harder or the IMC is going to shut down the reactor core.
  1718. Bish: Alright, setting these badboys to detonate! The show is about to begin!
  1719. Militia Grunt: We're being overrun! Combat Spectres are making suicide runs on us! We've got to bug-out now!
  1720. Sarah: Bish will handle blowing up the rest of this factory. Pilot, chase down any remaining ground forces to their evac point.
  1721. Sarah: Get to the evac point now! The IMC has a whole robot army coming down on our heads and they're suicide-running every Militia uniform they see.
  1722. Bish: You did it! I'm setting all Spectres to self-destruct...time to take this killer-robot factory offline for a while! Get to their evac point and don't let the IMC escape!
  1723. Bish: You did it! The reactor core is ready to blow!
  1724. Bish: This is a Hardpoint Mission. Taking the hardpoints will give us control of the facility and keep the IMC from activating every Spectre here. Once we have control, I'm detonating these things and crippling the facility.
  1725. Blisk: This is a Hardpoint Mission. We need to activate Spectre reinforcements in storage but the terrorists have hacked our corporate A.I. mainframe. Take over those terminals!
  1726. Bish: This is a Hardpoint Battle. Hold points Alpha, Bravo and Charlie, so we can overload the reactor core, trigger a chain reaction, and wipe out Demeter. If we pull this off, it'll take years for the IMC to send ships back into the Frontier.
  1727. Blisk: This is a Hardpoint Battle. Hold Alpha, Bravo and Charlie, so we can shut down the reactor core...before the Militia trigger a chain reaction that destroys Demeter.
  1728. Blisk: Let's go, Pilots. The enemy's already on the ground.
  1729. Spyglass: Pilot, be advised, Sergeant Blisk is operating on the surface for this mission. I will be handling his tactical duties until his return.
  1730. Spyglass: This is a Hardpoint Mission. The Militia are trying to overload the reactor core in an attempt to destroy Demeter. Patch me into the hardpoints so I can shut down the core as soon as possible.
  1731. Blisk: Hardpoint reset at 25%.
  1732. Blisk: Hardpoint reset at 50%.
  1733. Blisk: Hardpoint reset at 75%.
  1734. Bish: Hardpoint reset at 25%.
  1735. Bish: Hardpoint reset at 50%.
  1736. Bish: Hardpoint reset at 75%.
  1737. Bish: I've reset the hardpoint. Preparing to download.
  1738. Blisk: I've reset the hardpoint. Rerouting power to the reactor core.
  1739. Bish: Hardpoint neutralized. Preparing to access the Spectre mainframe.
  1740. Bish: I'm in...shutting down all enemy Spectres in range. Keep me connected while I take control.
  1741. Bish: Neutralizing all hostile Spectres in the area...standby.
  1742. Blisk: Hardpoint neutralized. I'm shutting down all enemy Spectres near the terminal.
  1743. Blisk: I've gained access...neutralizing all hostile Spectres in the area.
  1744. Blisk: I'm patched in. Deactivating all enemy Spectres near the terminal.
  1745. Bish: Hardpoint neutralized. Preparing to access the reactor's mainframe.
  1746. Bish: I'm in...shutting down safety protocols and increasing reactor pressure. Keep me connected while I overload the system.
  1747. Bish: Bypassing security protocols and increasing reactor pressure...standby.
  1748. Spyglass: Hardpoint neutralized. Restabilizing pressure in that building.
  1749. Spyglass: I have gained preliminary access...regulating core pressure for that hardpoint.
  1750. Spyglass: I am patched in. Restoring normal core pressure near the terminal.
  1751. Bish: Hardpoint Alpha's reset. I'm preparing to download.
  1752. Bish: Great, I'm setting up the download at Alpha.
  1753. Blisk: I've reset the hardpoint. Rerouting power at Alpha to the reactor core.
  1754. Blisk: Diverting power at Alpha to the reactor core. Standby.
  1755. Bish: Hardpoint Bravo's reset. I'm preparing the download.
  1756. Bish: Good work, I'm setting up the download at Bravo.
  1757. Blisk: I've reset the hardpoint. Diverting power at Bravo to the reactor core.
  1758. Blisk: Rerouting power at Bravo to the reactor core. Standby.
  1759. Bish: Hardpoint Charlie's reset. I'm preparing the download.
  1760. Bish: All right, I'm setting up the download at Charlie.
  1761. Blisk: I've reset the hardpoint. Redirecting power at Charlie to the reactor core.
  1762. Blisk: Redirecting power at Charlie to the reactor core. Standby.
  1763. Bish: Ok, I'm in. I'm disabling enemy control of the hardpoint before I start the download.
  1764. Blisk: Ok, I'm in- disabling enemy control of the hardpoint. Standby.
  1765. Bish: Stay close to the hardpoint while I patch into the Spectre mainframe.
  1766. Bish: Keep close to the terminal while I try to gain access to the Spectre mainframe.
  1767. Bish: Attempting to bypass security for all dormant Spectres...stay close to the terminal.
  1768. Blisk: Overriding access to Spectre mainframe, standby.
  1769. Blisk: Stay close to the hardpoint while I regain control of the Spectre mainframe in this area.
  1770. Blisk: Bypassing unauthorized access to the Spectre mainframe, standby.
  1771. Bish: Stay close to the hardpoint while I patch into the reactor's mainframe.
  1772. Bish: Keep close to the terminal while I try to gain access to the reactor's mainframe.
  1773. Bish: Attempting to bypass security protocols for the reactor...stay close to the terminal.
  1774. Spyglass: Beginning pressure stabalization for that hardpoint, standby.
  1775. Spyglass: Stay close to the hardpoint while I stabilize the pressure and initiate cooling procedures.
  1776. Spyglass: Shutting down Militia access to the hardpoint and beginning cooling procedures, standby
  1777. Bish: Disabling enemy control of Alpha. Standby.
  1778. Blisk: Disabling enemy control of Hardpoint Alpha- standby.
  1779. Bish: Disabling enemy control of Bravo. Standby.
  1780. Blisk: Disabling enemy control of Hardpoint Bravo- standby.
  1781. Bish: Disabling enemy control of Charlie. Standby.
  1782. Blisk: Disabling enemy control of Hardpoint Charlie- standby.
  1783. Sarah: Mac, I don't know what's wrong, but the hardpoints aren't routing enough power to the core. Between that and the fleet taking a pounding, we might have to abort the mission.
  1784. MacAllan: I didn't come all this way to give up, Sarah!
  1785. Bish: Mac, uh, I think she might be right. The reactors are way more shielded than the intel indicated- the Pilots on the ground might not be able to make it go critical the way we planned!
  1786. MacAllan: I said we're not giving up! Pilots, keep those hardpoint terminals under control and get me a little more time! We'll figure something out!
  1787. Blisk: Well at least you've done your part, Spyglass. I'll handle the other.
  1788. Sarah: We're running outta time and the fleet up there is in bad shape. If you're gonna do something MacAllan, you'd better do it fast!
  1789. MacAllan: Bish! Talk to me! Gimme something I can work with!
  1790. MacAllan: Bish! Talk to me! Gimme something I can work with!
  1791. Bish: Mac, if you can find a way to trigger a manual overload, that'll work, even if they manage to shut down the reactor core. Except there's one problem- there isn't a Titan in the world that could protect you against that kind of radiation.
  1792. MacAllan: You let me worry about that. We're not giving up, Bish. Not yet. Pilots, you're doing great, keep up the fire! MacAllan out!
  1793. MacAllan: You let me worry about that. We're not giving up, Bish. Not yet. Pilots, you're doing great, keep up the fire! MacAllan out!
  1794. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, incoming transmission from James MacAllan. He is asking for you.
  1795. Graves: Blisk, get down to the reactor core, now.
  1796. Blisk: Yes sir, on my way.
  1797. MacAllan: Sarah, Bish, I've got this. Get the fleet outta here.
  1798. Sarah: What the hell are you talking about Mac?! Mac! Come in! Bish, get him back on comms, now!
  1799. Bish: He's still transmitting, just not to us. I'm patching into his feed.
  1800. MacAllan: Open your eyes, Marcus. Even if you win this one, you're gonna lose. You want to be on my side. You could have stopped me. Instead you gave me the ship.
  1801. MacAllan: Open your eyes, Marcus. You could have stopped me 15 years ago. Instead, you gave me the ship.
  1802. MacAllan: Open your eyes, Marcus. You could have stopped me 15 years ago. Instead, you gave me the ship.
  1803. Bish: He's talking to Graves, but I'm getting too much interference! I'm patching into the camera feeds. Pilots, stay in control of the hardpoints, we need to the keep the cores hot!
  1804. Blisk: Sir, I've got the bastard in my sights! I'm going after him! Standby!
  1805. Graves: Blisk, hold your fire! You're going to rupture a coolant circuit and blow the place to hell! Hand to hand combat only! Move!
  1806. Sarah: He's gonna get himself killed.
  1807. Blisk: With pleasure, sir.
  1808. Sarah: Bish, I'm picking up a spike in the reactor core- patching in now.
  1809. Sarah: Oh no.
  1810. Bish: Damn it, Mac, you crazy sonuvabitch, what the hell are you doing?
  1811. Bish: Damn it, Mac, you crazy sonuvabitch, what the hell are you doing?
  1812. Sarah: All ships, the core is going critical! Lock in your jump coordinates and prepare the evac crews.
  1813. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, I am picking up a spike in the reactor core.
  1814. Graves: MacAllan...
  1815. Blisk: Vice Admiral! MacAllan's locked himself in the reactor core chamber! He'll be bloody dead in minutes. That chamber's completely irradiated.
  1816. Graves: Blisk, there's nothing you can do. Get to your ship and get out of there.
  1817. MacAllan: Marcus, I've got the reactor set to pulse detonate- and all the coolant in the system isn't gonna save this place anymore. (cough)
  1818. MacAllan: Marcus, I've got the reactor set to pulse detonate- and all the coolant in the system isn't gonna save this place anymore. (cough)
  1819. MacAllan: Marcus, I've got the reactor set to pulse detonate- and all the coolant in the system isn't gonna save this place anymore. (cough)
  1820. Spyglass: Vice Admiral Graves, MacAllan has destabilized the core. Shutting down the reactor now will cause a reverse pulse detonation. This will result in the destruction of Demeter. The situation is untenable.
  1821. Blisk: Securing hardpoint.
  1822. Blisk: Now securing hardpoint.
  1823. Blisk: Neutralizing complete, now securing hardpoint.
  1824. Blisk: OK, I'm securing this hardpoint. Almost there...
  1825. Blisk: OK, just a little longer while I secure this hardpoint.
  1826. Blisk: I've neutralized Militia control of this terminal. Now securing the hardpoint.
  1827. Blisk: Militia access neutralized. Now securing hardpoint.
  1828. Blisk: Bypass complete! Now securing hardpoint.
  1829. Blisk: Twenty-five percent.
  1830. Blisk: Fifty percent.
  1831. Blisk: Half-way to securing the hardpoint.
  1832. Blisk: Seventy-five percent.
  1833. Blisk: Almost there.
  1834. Blisk: We've almost got it.
  1835. Blisk: The enemy just captured our flag.
  1836. Blisk: The enemy captured our flag. We've got to protect our flag as well, Pilot.
  1837. Blisk: They captured our flag!
  1838. Blisk: The enemy dropped our flag!
  1839. Blisk: The enemy just returned their flag!
  1840. Blisk: The enemy has returned their flag!
  1841. Blisk: The Militia have our flag!
  1842. Blisk: They have our flag!
  1843. Blisk: They picked up our flag!
  1844. Blisk: They grabbed our flag!
  1845. Blisk: The enemy has our flag!
  1846. Blisk: Our flag's been taken!
  1847. Blisk: Pilot, until our flag is returned to base, you won't be able to capture.
  1848. Blisk: Pilot, we've got their flag, but until ours is back at base, we can't capture.
  1849. Blisk: This is a Flag mission. Steal the enemy's flag and bring it back to base. And don't let them grab our flag.
  1850. Blisk: Capture the enemy's flag, and make sure you defend our own.
  1851. Blisk: Grab the enemy flag and bring it back to base. Don't let the enemy grab our flag!
  1852. Blisk: Pilots, this is a Capture the Flag mission. Steal the enemy's flag and bring it back to base. And don't let them grab our flag.
  1853. Blisk: Our flag's been returned to base. Good work.
  1854. Blisk: Our flag's been returned to base. Good work.
  1855. Blisk: Our flag has been returned to base.
  1856. Blisk: Get that flag back to our base!
  1857. Blisk: You've got the enemy flag; now bring it home!
  1858. Blisk: We captured the enemy flag. Excellent work Pilots.
  1859. Blisk: We captured the enemy flag! Nicely done.
  1860. Blisk: We captured the enemy flag!
  1861. Blisk: We dropped the enemy flag!
  1862. Blisk: We took the enemy flag!
  1863. Blisk: We have their flag!
  1864. Blisk: We picked up their flag!
  1865. Blisk: We've got the enemy flag!
  1866. Blisk: We've got the Militia flag!
  1867. Blisk: We're getting destroyed out here! We've got to do whatever it takes to turn it around!
  1868. Blisk: All units, be advised, we're taking excessive losses. We may need to abort the mission if we don't turn it around now!
  1869. Blisk: All units, be advised, we're taking excessive losses. We may need to abort the mission if we don't turn it around now!
  1870. Blisk: All units, be advised, we are losing the battle and have sustained massive casualties. Defeat is imminent!
  1871. Blisk: All units, this is Tac Six, we are crushing the insurgents. This battle's almost over.
  1872. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, victory is imminent. This battle is almost over, well done.
  1873. Blisk: Tac Six to all Pilots, we're crushing the terrorists, they're barely putting up a fight. Whatever you're doing, it's working, keep it up.
  1874. Blisk: Be advised, we're losing the fight but not by much. Don't underestimate these terrorists.
  1875. Blisk: Be advised, we're losing the fight but not by much. Don't underestimate these terrorists.
  1876. Blisk: All units, the Militia have the upper hand at the moment, but we can still regain control of the situation.
  1877. Blisk: Listen up- we're doing alright against these outlaws, but not by much.
  1878. Blisk: All units, we've got the upper hand for now, but it's a close fight. Don't let your guard down.
  1879. Blisk: All units, return to HQ, we are terminating this mission effective immediately.
  1880. Blisk: All units, abort mission, I repeat, abort mission. We are out of here.
  1881. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, we have been defeated. We're cutting our losses and getting the hell out of here.
  1882. Blisk: Tac Six to all ground forces. The situation is under our control. Well done.
  1883. Blisk: Tac Six to all ground units- the Militia have been defeated. Excellent work.
  1884. Blisk: All units, be advised, we are mission complete. Nice work.
  1885. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, the Militia are barely putting up a fight. It's only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.
  1886. Blisk: All units, this is Tac Six. We've been completely crushing these terrorists. They don't stand a chance.
  1887. Blisk: Tac Six to all IMC units, we're completely outclassing the Militia. Keep up the good work
  1888. Blisk: All units, this is Tac Six. It's a close fight, but we definitely have an edge over these terrorists. Keep your guard up, and let's finish the rest of them off.
  1889. Blisk: Tac Six to all ground forces, we've suffered some casualties, but the enemy's nearly defeated. Take out the rest of these terrorists and victory will be ours!
  1890. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, it's been a hard battle, but we've nearly finished off the enemy. Let's wipe out the rest of these insurgents!
  1891. Blisk: Blisk to all units, you're doing a fine job, but its still early in the fight. Keep the pressure on those terrorists.
  1892. Blisk: Pilots, we're off to an excellent start, but don't let up- the battle's only just begun.
  1893. Blisk: All units, so far so good. Keep fighting this well, and we'll have the Militia on the run in no time.
  1894. Blisk: All units, we've got the upper hand for now, but it's a close fight. Don't let your guard down.
  1895. Blisk: Be advised, we're only slightly ahead of the insurgents. There's still lots of time to improve our situation. Get to it.
  1896. Blisk: All units, it's a very close fight- closer than I'd like. Step it up down there.
  1897. Blisk: Blisk to all IMC units: we're completely outclassing the Militia. Keep up the good work!
  1898. Blisk: All units, we're destroying the Militia forces, and we're about halfway through the mission. Keep pouring it on.
  1899. Blisk: Blisk to all Pilots: we're crushing the terrorists, they're barely putting up a fight. Whatever you're doing, it's working- keep it up.
  1900. Blisk: All units, we have only a slight edge on these terrorists. There's still some time left in the mission, so let's stay ahead.
  1901. Blisk: All units be advised, we're slightly ahead of the insurgents. There's still some time left, so don't let up.
  1902. Blisk: Blisk to all units: It's a very close fight, but we still have time to secure a lead over these outlaws. I need you to step it up, immediately.
  1903. Blisk: All units, we are crushing the insurgents. This battle's almost over.
  1904. Blisk: All units, we are crushing the insurgents. The battle's almost over.
  1905. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, victory is imminent. The battle is almost over, well done.
  1906. Blisk: Tac Six to all units, it's been a close battle. We've got a slight lead on the enemy. Keep it together and we'll win this one.
  1907. Blisk: We've almost secured victory, but the insurgents aren't far behind. Let's stay on top and shut 'em down.
  1908. Blisk: All units, this battle is way too close. This is your last chance to pull it together and win this fight decisively.
  1909. Blisk: All units, we're neck and neck with the Militia. You only have a short time left to secure victory!
  1910. Blisk: Tac Six to all forces: we've suffered heavy casualties. We've got to turn this around now or it's all over!
  1911. Blisk: All remaining units: This is our last chance! We need to take out these insurgents now before it's too late!
  1912. Blisk: Tac Six to all remaining units: the terrorists have a slight lead, but they're taking losses too. We can still take this fight!
  1913. Blisk: All remaining units, be advised, it's been a close fight, but the Militia forces are slightly ahead.
  1914. Blisk: Tac Six to all remaining units: The fight is nearly over. The Militia have a slight edge.
  1915. Blisk: All IMC units: the Militia are dominating the fight, but we've still got plenty of time to turn it around. Get to it!
  1916. Blisk: All IMC units: battle projections say we're going to lose by a landslide, but it's still early in the fight. Let's turn this around.
  1917. Blisk: All units be advised, we've allowed the enemy to start with a comfortable lead. Fix it. Blisk out.
  1918. Blisk: Be advised, the Militia have a small lead in this fight, but there's still plenty of time to retake the initiative.
  1919. Blisk: All units, the Militia are slightly ahead of us, but there's plenty of time to turn it around. Get it done, Blisk out.
  1920. Blisk: All units, these Militia terrorists are destroying us! We may need to abort the mission if we don't turn it around now!
  1921. Blisk: All units, we're getting destroyed out here, but there's still time left. Do whatever it takes to turn it around!
  1922. Blisk: Pilots, we're losing badly, but we still have time to regain control of the situation.
  1923. Blisk: Be advised, we're losing the fight but not by much. We still have time to regain the lead.
  1924. Blisk: All units, the Militia have the upper hand at the moment, but we can still regain control of the situation.
  1925. Blisk: All units, be advised, we are losing the battle and there's not much time left. Defeat is imminent!
  1926. Blisk: All IMC units, battle projections are looking grim. There's not much time left to turn it around.
  1927. Blisk: All units: it's been a close fight, but the Militia forces are slightly ahead. We need to turn this around, now!
  1928. Blisk: Blisk to all remaining units: the Militia have a slight edge, and the fight is nearly over. You've got to turn this fight around before it's too late!
  1929. Blisk: Blisk to all units, all hardpoints are now under IMC control.
  1930. Blisk: Be advised, we now have control of all three hardpoints.
  1931. Blisk: We just got control of all three hardpoints, don't let the Militia take 'em back.
  1932. Blisk: What the hell is going on down there? The Militia have ALL the hardpoints! I want those terminals secured immediately!
  1933. Blisk: Pilots! You need to secure some hardpoints! The enemy has all of them!
  1934. Blisk: Pilots, I do not like what I'm seeing down there. You WILL take those hardpoints back from the Militia. Now.
  1935. Blisk: Pilots, the enemy is in control of all hardpoints! Get those hardpoint terminals secured immediately.
  1936. Blisk: The Milita have all the hardpoints! Get in the fight and take them back!
  1937. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha's inside the building just up ahead.
  1938. Blisk: Pilot, Hardpoint Alpha is dead ahead. Get in there and patch me into the terminal.
  1939. Blisk: You're almost at Hardpoint Alpha. Keep going, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1940. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha's just up ahead. Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1941. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha's inside the building just up ahead. Now find the terminal and stand close to it.
  1942. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead.
  1943. Blisk: Heads up. Hardpoint Bravo's in the building dead ahead. Get in there and find me my terminal.
  1944. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Get inside and patch me into the terminal.
  1945. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Find the terminal and get close to it so we can patch in.
  1946. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo's in that building up ahead. Now find a terminal and get close to it.
  1947. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie's in that building, dead ahead.
  1948. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie, dead ahead. Get in that building and patch me into the terminal.
  1949. Blisk: You're almost at Hardpoint Charlie, it's in that building dead ahead.
  1950. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie is dead ahead. Now find the terminal inside this building and stand close to it.
  1951. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie dead ahead. Find the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  1952. Blisk: You're close to Hardpoint Alpha, check your HUD.
  1953. Blisk: You're close to Hardpoint Alpha, check your HUD.
  1954. Blisk: Check your HUD Pilot- you're close to Hardpoint Bravo.
  1955. Blisk: Recommend you check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1956. Blisk: Recommend you check your HUD- you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1957. Blisk: Be advised, you're close to Hardpoint Alpha, check your map.
  1958. Blisk: Check your map, you're close to Hardpoint Bravo.
  1959. Blisk: Look at your map, you're close to Hardpoint Charlie.
  1960. Blisk: Pilot, there's a hardpoint in that building. Get in there and patch me in.
  1961. Blisk: Pilot, keep going, there's a hardpoint in that building dead ahead. Go inside and patch me in.
  1962. Blisk: Pilot you're getting close to a hardpoint- it's inside a building, check your map.
  1963. Blisk: Pilot you're getting close to a hardpoint- it's inside a building, check your map.
  1964. Blisk: Pilot, you're close to a hardpoint. Check your map, it's inside a building.
  1965. Blisk: Pilot, you're close to a hardpoint. Check your map, it's inside a building.
  1966. Blisk: Pilot, I'm not paying you to sit around like this, eh?
  1967. Blisk: The IMC's paying you to fight, Pilot. Get moving!
  1968. Blisk: The IMC's paying you to fight, Pilot. Get moving!
  1969. Blisk: Pilot, this is a Hardpoint Mission. Check your HUD for the positions of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.
  1970. Blisk: Pilot, I need you to secure the hardpoints. Eyes up! Check your map.
  1971. Blisk: We're here for the hardpoints, Pilot, not the kills.
  1972. Blisk: We're here for the hardpoints, Pilot, not the kills.
  1973. Blisk: Hey! Your objectives are the hardpoints, not a bodycount.
  1974. Blisk: Hey! Your objectives are the hardpoints, not a bodycount.
  1975. Blisk: Pilot, you're approaching Alpha. Watch for hostiles.
  1976. Blisk: Pilot, you're approaching Bravo. Watch for hostiles.
  1977. Blisk: Pilot, you're approaching Charlie. Watch for hostiles.
  1978. Blisk: Pilot, this is a Hardpoint Mission.
  1979. Blisk: We're here to grab some intel on Militia smuggling routes.
  1980. Blisk: Capture the hardpoints, patch me in and kill everything else.
  1981. Blisk: As soon as I've got the data, we can exfil. Good luck.
  1982. Blisk: Take over the hardpoints and patch me in to each one. As soon as I've downloaded the data, we're out of here.
  1983. Blisk: Download's at 25%.
  1984. Blisk: Download is at 50%.
  1985. Blisk: Download is at 75%.
  1986. Blisk: Download complete!
  1987. Blisk: Ok, I'm in! Downloading the data!
  1988. Blisk: Ok, I'm in! Downloading the schematics!
  1989. Blisk: Ok, I'm in! Downloading the Militia transport manifests!
  1990. Blisk: Ok, I'm in! Grabbing the data! This'll take some time.
  1991. Blisk: Ok, I'm in! I've got control of the air defense network.
  1992. Blisk: Be advised, we control all the hardpoints. All our turret systems are locked onto the Redeye for maximum damage.
  1993. Blisk: All units, this is Blisk, we have all the hardpoints and we are targeting the Redeye for maximum damage.
  1994. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for this hardpoint, standby.
  1995. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Alpha, standby.
  1996. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Bravo, standby.
  1997. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Charlie, standby.
  1998. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for this hardpoint, stay close to the terminal.
  1999. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Alpha, stay close to the terminal.
  2000. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Alpha, stay close to the terminal.
  2001. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Bravo, stay close to the terminal.
  2002. Blisk: OK, I'm in- deactivating the fuel pumps for Charlie, stick close to the terminal.
  2003. Blisk: I've disabled the fuel pumps for this hardpoint. Accessing turret systems. Standby!
  2004. Blisk: I've disabled the fuel pumps for Alpha. Accessing turret systems. Standby!
  2005. Blisk: I've disabled the fuel pumps for Bravo. Activating turret systems. Standby!
  2006. Blisk: I've disabled the fuel pumps for Charlie. Activating turret systems. Standby!
  2007. Blisk: That's Alpha under control, but I need access to Bravo and Charlie to get all the turrets online against the Redeye!
  2008. Blisk: Bravo is ours, but I still need hardpoints Alpha and Charlie in order to inflict maximum damage on the Redeye! Go!
  2009. Blisk: OK we have Hardpoint Charlie. I still need Alpha and Bravo for maximum firepower, get over there and patch me in!
  2010. Blisk: Fuel pump deactivation at 25%.
  2011. Blisk: Fuel pump deactivation at 50%.
  2012. Blisk: Fuel pump deactivation at 75%.
  2013. Blisk: OK, I've taken down the fuel pumps for this hardpoint.
  2014. Blisk: OK, we've taken down the fuel pumps for this hardpoint.
  2015. Blisk: OK, we've taken down the fuel pumps for this hardpoint.
  2016. Blisk: Well done Pilots, the Redeye's at 75% hull integrity and decreasing.
  2017. Blisk: Keep up the good work Pilots- the Redeye's at 50% hull integrity now.
  2018. Blisk: Excellent, the Redeye's now at 25% hull integrity. Let's finish her off, eh?
  2019. Blisk: All units, be advised, mission accomplished, we have destroyed the Redeye. Fine work all around. Come on home.
  2020. Blisk: All units, be advised, mission accomplished, we have destroyed the Redeye. Fine work all around. Come on home.
  2021. Blisk: We're getting the turret systems online. Standby!
  2022. Blisk: We're getting the turret systems online. Standby!
  2023. Blisk: Turret system activation at 25%, still offline.
  2024. Blisk: Turret system activation at 25%, still offline.
  2025. Blisk: Turret system activation at 50%.
  2026. Blisk: Turret system activation at 50%.
  2027. Blisk: Turret system activation at 75%.
  2028. Blisk: Turret system activation at 75%.
  2029. Blisk: The turrets for this hardpoint are back online and we are engaging the Redeye!
  2030. Blisk: Our turrets are all offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  2031. Blisk: Our turrets are all offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  2032. Blisk: Our turrets are all offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  2033. Blisk: Our turrets are offline! Get me patched into one of the hardpoints!
  2034. Blisk: All of our turrets just went offline, get me patched into a hardpoint! Hurry!
  2035. Blisk: Be advised, all of our turrets are offline! Get me patched into one of the hardpoints!
  2036. Blisk: All of our guns are offline! I can get them working again, if you patch me into a hardpoint!
  2037. Blisk: All our guns are down and they're controlling all the fueling pumps! We can reverse this, but you gotta get us patched into a hardpoint, now!
  2038. Blisk: They've gained control of all the fueling pumps! Get me patched into a hardpoint now, before the Redeye refuels and escapes!
  2039. Blisk: They've gained control of all the fueling pumps! Get me patched into a hardpoint now, before the Redeye gets away!
  2040. Blisk: All the turrets are down and the fueling pumps have been rerouted! They're in control of all the hardpoints! Get 'em back!
  2041. Blisk: All units be advised, the turret systems are online and we are targeting the Redeye. Maintain control of the hardpoint!
  2042. Blisk: All units be advised, the turrets are online for Alpha, and the Redeye's taking major damage.
  2043. Blisk: All units be advised, the turrets are online for Alpha, and the Redeye's taking major damage.
  2044. Blisk: All units, the turrets are online for Bravo, and we're targeting the Redeye.
  2045. Blisk: All units, the turrets are online for Charlie. The Redeye's taking some heavy damage.
  2046. Blisk: All units, the turrets are online for Charlie. The Redeye's taking some heavy damage.
  2047. Blisk: We're all good here, but Hardpoint Alpha's still not under control! Get over there and stop 'em!
  2048. Blisk: All right, this hardpoint's ours- we got one more to go, get over to Bravo! Move!
  2049. Blisk: Hardpoint secure! Continue on to Charlie!
  2050. Blisk: OK, we're all good here. Hardpoints Bravo and Charlie are still open, get over there and patch my team into the system!
  2051. Blisk: Bravo is under control, but hardpoints Alpha and Charlie are still open! I need you to get over there and patch us in!
  2052. Blisk: Pilot, we're in control of Hardpoint Charlie, but hardpoints Alpha and Bravo are still open. You're free to engage either one.
  2053. Blisk: OK, Hardpoint Alpha is secure, but we still need Bravo and Charlie.
  2054. Blisk: Excellent, Hardpoint Alpha is secure, but we still need Bravo and Charlie!
  2055. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha is secure, now we need Bravo and Charlie!
  2056. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha secured, nice work. You've still got to get Bravo and Charlie.
  2057. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo is secure, but I still need Alpha and Charlie.
  2058. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo is secure, but we still need Alpha and Charlie.
  2059. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo is secure. Now we need Alpha and Charlie. Get over there and patch me in.
  2060. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie is secure. But we still need Alpha and Bravo.
  2061. Blisk: We've secured Hardpoint Charlie, but we still need Alpha and Bravo.
  2062. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie is secure. Now we need Alpha and Bravo. Get over there and patch me in.
  2063. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but Alpha is still not ours. Get over there so my team can patch in!
  2064. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but Alpha is still not under control! Get over there and clear out any hostiles.
  2065. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured. We have one more to go, get over to Alpha.
  2066. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured. We still need Bravo; get over there so my team can patch in!
  2067. Blisk: Ok, we've secured this hardpoint, but we still need Bravo. Head over there and get us patched in.
  2068. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but we still need Bravo. Head over there and secure the terminal.
  2069. Blisk: We've secured this hardpoint, but Charlie is still compromised. Get over there and secure Charlie!
  2070. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but we still need Charlie. Get over there and secure the terminal.
  2071. Blisk: All right, this hardpoint's under control. Now hold your position, and watch for hostiles.
  2072. Blisk: All right, this hardpoint's under control. Now hold your position, and watch for hostiles.
  2073. Blisk: Pilot, the hardpoint's ours but I'm picking up more hostiles en route.
  2074. Blisk: Pilot, the hardpoint's secure. Now hold your position. You've got hostile forces en route.
  2075. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured. I'm detecting hostiles nearby. Hold your position and defend that hardpoint!
  2076. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but I'm detecting hostiles nearby. Don't let them near that terminal!
  2077. Blisk: This hardpoint's secured, but you've got hostiles in the area. Defend that terminal!
  2078. Blisk: The signal's getting jammed. That means you've got hostiles in the area.
  2079. Blisk: Pilot, I'm getting interference in your sector. There must be hostiles nearby. Watch your back.
  2080. Blisk: Check the area for hostiles, I'm getting too much interference. They're jamming my signal.
  2081. Blisk: The signal's getting jammed again. Check the area, you got hostiles moving in.
  2082. Blisk: I'm picking up more jamming near the hardpoint. You've got to find those hostiles and take 'em out.
  2083. Blisk: Picking up interference again- watch your back down there, Pilot.
  2084. Blisk: Picking up interference again- watch your back down there, Pilot.
  2085. Blisk: The uplink's gone. There's too many hostiles jamming the airwaves in your sector.
  2086. Blisk: We just lost the connection! There's too many hostiles in the area; they're jamming the signal. Take 'em out.
  2087. Blisk: The uplink's down! Clear out the hostiles in the area; they're interfering with the signal!
  2088. Blisk: Pilot be advised, the signal's back at partial strength. Continue to search and eliminate hostiles in the area.
  2089. Blisk: You're doing well Pilot, the signal strength's getting better...
  2090. Blisk: You're doing well Pilot, the signal strength's getting better...
  2091. Blisk: All right, I'm getting a decent uplink now, almost full strength.
  2092. Blisk: Pilot, this is a data extraction mission. Secure the hardpoints and my remote operations unit will take care of the rest.
  2093. Blisk: I'm picking up three hardpoints in the area. Check your HUD- I've marked them as Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.
  2094. Blisk: I'm picking up three hardpoints in the area. Check your HUD- I've marked them as Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.
  2095. Blisk: Keep going, you got a hardpoint dead ahead.
  2096. Blisk: You're close to one of the hardpoints. They're usually inside a building.
  2097. Blisk: Pilot, look for the hardpoint terminal. It's gonna look like this.
  2098. Blisk: Pilot, look for a computer terminal with four seats around it.
  2099. Blisk: You're looking right at it. That's the hardpoint terminal.
  2100. Blisk: You're looking right at it. That's the hardpoint terminal.
  2101. Blisk: Locate the terminal inside the building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  2102. Blisk: Find the terminal inside the building, then get close to it so I can patch in.
  2103. Blisk: Find the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  2104. Blisk: Locate the terminal inside this building. Get close to it so I can patch in.
  2105. Blisk: I just lost the connection! Get closer to the terminal!
  2106. Blisk: I've lost the connection- get closer to the terminal!
  2107. Blisk: Pilot, find the terminal inside this building and get close to it.
  2108. Blisk: Pilot, find the terminal and get close to it.
  2109. Blisk: There's no time to explain, just stay close to the terminal.
  2110. Blisk: Pilot, stay close to the terminal! These hardpoints have a lot of shielding, that's why they called hardpoints!
  2111. Blisk: Get in close, and the Icepick's WiFi should kick in.
  2112. Blisk: Get in close, and stay there until the connection's made.
  2113. Blisk: I'm accessing your onboard signal relay- all you have to do is stay close to the terminal.
  2114. Blisk: The Militia took the hardpoint! I'm locked out! Get me patched in again!
  2115. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2116. Blisk: Alpha just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2117. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2118. Blisk: Bravo just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2119. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2120. Blisk: Charlie just went down! Get over there and get me patched in again!
  2121. Blisk: Alright, we're twenty-five percent through the mission. Keep control of the hardpoints!
  2122. Blisk: We're at twenty-five percent of our mission goals. Keep at it!
  2123. Blisk: We've got about half of what we need. Keep the pressure on those hardpoints!
  2124. Blisk: We're halfway to completing our mission goals. Keep the pressure on!
  2125. Blisk: We got about seventy-five percent of what we need to complete the mission. Don't let up on those hardpoints!
  2126. Blisk: We're seventy-five percent to mission completion. Don't let up on those hardpoints!
  2127. Blisk: All ground forces, secure the hardpoints.
  2128. Blisk: Pilot, you need to secure hardpoints Alpha, Bravo and Charlie so my team can access the system. Good luck.
  2129. Blisk: Attention all units, this is a Hardpoint Operation. Take control of as many hardpoints as you can, patch my team in to them, and we'll take care of the rest.
  2130. Blisk: This is a Hardpoint Mission.
  2131. Blisk: Alright, I'm in. Stay close while I neutralize this hardpoint.
  2132. Blisk: Neutralizing hardpoint. Standby.
  2133. Blisk: Neutralizing enemy control of hardpoint. Standby.
  2134. Blisk: Alright, I'm neutralizing this hardpoint.
  2135. Blisk: Neutralizing Militia access. Stay close to the terminal.
  2136. Blisk: Pilot, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  2137. Blisk: Pilot, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  2138. Blisk: Pilot, the more hardpoints you can connect me to, the sooner we win.
  2139. Blisk: Pilot, the more hardpoints you can patch me into, the faster we can end this mission in our favor.
  2140. Blisk: We just took control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  2141. Blisk: We now have control of Hardpoint Bravo!
  2142. Blisk: We're now in control of Hardpoint Charlie!
  2143. Blisk: We're now in control of Hardpoint Alpha!
  2144. Blisk: We just captured Hardpoint Bravo!
  2145. Blisk: One of our units just took Hardpoint Charlie!
  2146. Blisk: Two more hardpoints and we'll be done in no time.
  2147. Blisk: Two outta three ain't bad, Pilot but I want three.
  2148. Blisk: The Militia still have control of Hardpoint Alpha.
  2149. Blisk: The Militia still have control of Hardpoint Bravo.
  2150. Blisk: The Militia still have control of Hardpoint Charlie.
  2151. Blisk: We just lost Hardpoint Alpha! I got nothin'! Someone get over there!
  2152. Blisk: We just lost Hardpoint Bravo! Get over there and patch me in!
  2153. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie just went offline. All units, take Charlie back now!
  2154. Blisk: We got Alpha!
  2155. Blisk: We got Bravo!
  2156. Blisk: We got Charlie!
  2157. Blisk: We just lost Alpha!
  2158. Blisk: We just lost Bravo!
  2159. Blisk: We just lost Charlie!
  2160. Blisk: Hardpoint Alpha is under attack! Get over there and stop 'em!
  2161. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo is going down! Get over there if you can!
  2162. Blisk: Hardpoint Bravo is going down! Get over there!
  2163. Blisk: Hardpoint Charlie is under attack! You gotta get over there!
  2164. Blisk: Alpha is under attack!
  2165. Blisk: Bravo is under attack!
  2166. Blisk: Charlie is under attack!
  2167. Blisk: We're taking Alpha!
  2168. Blisk: We're taking Bravo!
  2169. Blisk: We're taking Charlie!
  2170. Blisk: We're losing Alpha!
  2171. Blisk: We're losing Bravo!
  2172. Blisk: We're losing Charlie!
  2173. Blisk: OK, I'm in- stay close to the terminal.
  2174. Blisk: OK, I'm in- now stay close the terminal.
  2175. Blisk: OK, I'm in- stick close to the terminal.
  2176. Blisk: Securing hardpoint. Stay close to the terminal.
  2177. Blisk: OK, stay close to the terminal while we secure this hardpoint.
  2178. Blisk: We're in. I'm securing the hardpoint now. Stick close to the terminal.
  2179. Blisk: Bullseye!
  2180. Blisk: Great shot!
  2181. Blisk: Back in the game.
  2182. Blisk: Fresh start.
  2183. Blisk: Clean slate.
  2184. Blisk: Way to shake it off.
  2185. Blisk: You're picking that Pilot apart.
  2186. Blisk: You're dominating that Pilot.
  2187. Blisk: Dominating.
  2188. Blisk: He's going to hold a grudge.
  2189. Blisk: That's two down.
  2190. Blisk: That's two down.
  2191. Blisk: That's two in a row.
  2192. Blisk: That's two in a row.
  2193. Blisk: Double the fun.
  2194. Blisk: That's a double kill.
  2195. Blisk: Not bad.
  2196. Blisk: You've got talent, I'll give you that.
  2197. Blisk: You've got talent, I'll give you that.
  2198. Blisk: First blood.
  2199. Blisk: That must have hurt.
  2200. Blisk: You get to wash that off.
  2201. Blisk: That should cool him off.
  2202. Blisk: Shut down!
  2203. Blisk: Impressive streak.
  2204. Blisk: Nice moves.
  2205. Blisk: Ahh it's like shootin' fish in a barrel!
  2206. Blisk: I lost count.
  2207. Blisk: That was AWESOME.
  2208. Blisk: That's what I call a Mega Kill.
  2209. Blisk: Pull!
  2210. Blisk: Nice shooting.
  2211. Blisk: You almost feel bad for them.
  2212. Blisk: That Pilot didn't stand a chance.
  2213. Blisk: Impressive- you just took down an Atlas.
  2214. Blisk: You just downed an Ogre.
  2215. Blisk: That's a Stryder down.
  2216. Blisk: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
  2217. Blisk: Timber!
  2218. Blisk: Way to watch their back!
  2219. Blisk: Nice save!
  2220. Blisk: Nice save!
  2221. Blisk: He's gonna owe you a drink or two, eh.
  2222. Blisk: You're unstoppable.
  2223. Blisk: Rock and rolling.
  2224. Blisk: You got him!
  2225. Blisk: That's how you settle the score.
  2226. Blisk: Bring it down.
  2227. Blisk: Take it down.
  2228. Blisk: Nice moves, now finish the job.
  2229. Blisk: Finish him.
  2230. Blisk: This is gonna hurt.
  2231. Blisk: Nice hat-trick.
  2232. Blisk: Three in a row.
  2233. Blisk: That's a triple kill.
  2234. Blisk: Worth it.
  2235. Blisk: Going down in a blaze of glory, eh?
  2236. Blisk: Nice job taking them down with you.
  2237. Blisk: Bypass at 25%.
  2238. Blisk: Neutralization in progress.
  2239. Blisk: Twenty-five percent.
  2240. Blisk: Fifty percent.
  2241. Blisk: Bypass at 50%.
  2242. Blisk: Seventy-five percent.
  2243. Blisk: Almost there.
  2244. Blisk: We've almost got it.
  2245. Blisk: Hardpoint is secure. Good work.
  2246. Blisk: All right, this hardpoint is secure. Nice work.
  2247. Blisk: Good job. Hardpoint secured.
  2248. Blisk: Good work, hardpoint secured. Don't let the Milita near it!
  2249. Blisk: Hardpoint secured. Defend it from the Militia!
  2250. Blisk: This is a strike mission. Eliminate all hostiles. Good luck.
  2251. Blisk: This is a strike mission. Eliminate all hostiles. Good luck.
  2252. Blisk: All right, this is a strike mission. Get in there and kill every Militia terrorist you get in your sights.
  2253. IMC Titan Captain: We gotta secure the hardpoints and neutralize all hostiles! Move out!
  2254. IMC Titan Captain: DeRose, Grenier, all Pilots, secure hardpoints Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie! The rest of you on me!
  2255. IMC Titan Captain: All Pilots, secure hardpoints Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie! The rest of you on me!
  2256. IMC Grunt: Everyone's aboard! Get us out of here! Go! Go!
  2257. IMC Grunt: They're all aboard! Hit it!
  2258. IMC Grunt: All right they're all aboard! Full power, go!
  2259. IMC Grunt: We can't wait any longer! We're out of here!
  2260. IMC Grunt: Time's up, we're taking off! Hit it!
  2261. IMC Grunt: Time's up, we're taking off!
  2262. IMC Grunt: Vice Admiral Graves, Zulu Three shows multiple jump signatures three klicks out.
  2263. Spyglass: Warning: enemy evac ship has arrived. Destroy it immediately.
  2264. Spyglass: Warning: Militia dropship has arrived at the evac point. Intercept and destroy it.
  2265. Spyglass: Warning: Militia forces are boarding their dropship. Destroy it before it escapes.
  2266. Spyglass: Be advised, the Militia fleet has completed refueling their ship at this station. Mission terminated- proceed to the evac point for extraction.
  2267. Spyglass: Pilot, enemy forces are rallying at the evac point. Eliminate them.
  2268. Spyglass: Pilot, stop the enemy ground forces from escaping at the evac point.
  2269. Spyglass: Do not allow any Militia ground forces to escape.
  2270. Spyglass: There are still Militia forces in your sector. Terminate with extreme prejudice.
  2271. Spyglass: You have arrived at the enemy evac point. Stay alert.
  2272. Spyglass: The Militia will attempt to evacuate near your current location. Intercept and destroy any forces attempting to escape.
  2273. Spyglass: Enemy forces are rallying on your current position. Neutralize them.
  2274. Spyglass: Be advised, the Militia forces have been defeated, but enemy survivors remain in your area. Do not allow them to escape.
  2275. Spyglass: Be advised, our forces have assembled at rally point Charlie. Captain Riggs is on deck and ready to engage.
  2276. Spyglass: All personnel report to your stations. Prepare for combat.
  2277. Spyglass: Titan en route. Standby for Titanfall.
  2278. Spyglass: Titan launched. Standby for Titanfall.
  2279. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  2280. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  2281. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 30 seconds.
  2282. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 15 seconds.
  2283. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in five seconds.
  2284. Spyglass: Your Titan is being prepped. You will be notified when it is ready. But it will take some time.
  2285. Spyglass: I am commencing production on your Titan. But it will take some time.
  2286. Spyglass: Your Titan is entering production. But it will be some time before it is ready.
  2287. Spyglass: Your Titan is still in production, please wait.
  2288. Spyglass: Your Titan is almost ready, but a few calibrations must be made. Please wait.
  2289. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan is almost ready, standby.
  2290. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan is almost ready for launch. Standby.
  2291. Spyglass: Mission Aborted. Proceed to nearest evac point for evacuation.
  2292. Spyglass: A tactical withdrawal has been ordered. Dropships deployed for evacuation. Proceed to nearest evac point.
  2293. Spyglass: Mission Accomplished. Evacuation dropships deployed. Proceed to the nearest evac point
  2294. Spyglass: The Militia forces have been defeated. Proceed to the nearest evac point for dropship evacuation.
  2295. Spyglass: Your dropship is at evac point. Lift-off in T-minus ten seconds.
  2296. Spyglass: Dropship has arrived. Commencing evacuation procedures.
  2297. Spyglass: Your evacuation dropship has arrived. Dust off will commence in ten seconds.
  2298. Spyglass: Your dropship is at the evac point. Evacuation procedures will now commence.
  2299. Spyglass: Dropship en route. Recommend proceeding to the evac point.
  2300. Spyglass: Warning: dropship will not wait past scheduled departure. Recommend proceeding to evac point.
  2301. Spyglass: Dropship arrival imminent. Proceed to the evac point before departure.
  2302. Spyglass: Enemy Pilot presence not detected at the evac point. Recommend proceeding to the evac point before dropship departure.
  2303. Spyglass: Arrival at the evac point detected. Recommend clearing area of hostiles and awaiting dropship arrival.
  2304. Spyglass: Evac point reached. Recommend securing area from enemy forces.
  2305. Spyglass: Command authenticated. Standby for Titanfall.
  2306. Spyglass: Acknowledged. Standby for Titanfall.
  2307. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan is ready for launch. Signal when ready.
  2308. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan is ready to launch. Signal when ready.
  2309. Spyglass: Titan Online. Signal when ready.
  2310. Spyglass: Your Titan is ready to drop. Signal when ready.
  2311. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan has been destroyed. Constructing replacement. Standby.
  2312. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan has been neutralized. Constructing replacement. Standby.
  2313. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan has been eliminated. Constructing replacement. Standby.
  2314. Spyglass: Replacement Titan deployed. Standby for impact.
  2315. Spyglass: Replacement Titan launched. Standby for impact.
  2316. Spyglass: Acknowledged. Standby for Titanfall.
  2317. Spyglass: Command authenticated. Standby for Titanfall.
  2318. Spyglass: Be advised, your replacement Titan is standing by. Signal when ready.
  2319. Spyglass: Be advised, your replacement Titan is ready to drop. Signal when ready.
  2320. Spyglass: Replacement Titan online. Signal when ready.
  2321. Spyglass: Your replacement Titan is ready for launch. Signal when ready.
  2322. Spyglass: Pilot, be advised, I am launching Spectres to provide backup near your location.
  2323. Spyglass: Pilot, be advised, I am dropping Spectres to assist you now.
  2324. Spyglass: Be advised, I am dropping in Spectres now.
  2325. Spyglass: I am dropping Spectres on Alpha. Standby.
  2326. Spyglass: Deploying Spectre drop team to Bravo.
  2327. Spyglass: Be advised, I am dropping a team of Spectres on Hardpoint Charlie.
  2328. Spyglass: I am deploying a team of Spectres outside your hardpoint to assist you.
  2329. Spyglass: I am dropping a team of Spectres outside Alpha. They will help you defend the hardpoint.
  2330. Spyglass: I am dropping a group of Spectres outside Bravo. They will help you protect the hardpoint.
  2331. Spyglass: I am dropping a team of Spectres outside Charlie. They will help you cover the hardpoint.
  2332. Spyglass: Be advised, your Replacement Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  2333. Spyglass: Be advised, your Replacement Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  2334. Spyglass: Be advised, your Replacement Titan will be ready in 30 seconds.
  2335. Spyglass: Be advised, your Replacement Titan will be ready in 15 seconds.
  2336. Spyglass: Be advised, your Replacement Titan will be ready in five seconds.
  2337. Spyglass: Be advised, your replacement Titan is almost ready, standby.
  2338. Spyglass: Pilot, your replacement Titan is almost ready for launch. Standby.
  2339. Spyglass: Your Titan is still in production, please wait.
  2340. Spyglass: Your replacement Titan is almost ready, but a few calibrations must be made. Please wait.
  2341. Spyglass: Your replacement Titan is being prepared. But it will take some time.
  2342. Spyglass: I am commencing production of your replacement Titan. But it will take some time.
  2343. Spyglass: Your replacement Titan is entering production. But it will be some time before it is ready.
  2344. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  2345. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  2346. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 30 seconds.
  2347. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in 15 seconds.
  2348. Spyglass: Be advised, your Titan will be ready in five seconds.
  2349. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  2350. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  2351. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in 30 seconds.
  2352. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in 15 seconds.
  2353. Spyglass: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in five seconds.
  2354. Spyglass: Uplink established. Rerouting vital systems.
  2355. Spyglass: Uplink established. Rewriting hardware protocols.
  2356. Spyglass: Uplink established. Copying mission-critical data.
  2357. Spyglass: Replacement Titan en route. Standby for Titanfall.
  2358. Spyglass: Replacement Titan launched. Standby for Titanfall.
  2359. Spyglass: All units be advised- the repulsor towers have been destroyed. Wildlife intrusions have been detected across the entire base perimeter, the facility is being overrun by indigenous life. Mission terminated. All Pilots head for the evac point.
  2360. Spyglass: Sergeant Blisk, we have been defeated. Communications intercepts indicate that the Militia have completed their analysis of the repulsor tower.
  2361. Spyglass: We have been defeated- mission terminated. All Pilots, head for the evac point.
  2362. Spyglass: Commander Blisk, clear your forces from the ground.
  2363. Blisk: What do you think I'm trying to do, Spyglass? Ya know I just loved taking orders from Graves, and it's a real peach takin' 'em from a machine.
  2364. Blisk: We've lost this battle, Pilot. Fall back to the evac point. If there are more terrorists out there, we'll find 'em soon enough.
  2365. Blisk: Titan support incoming. You need to step it up down there.
  2366. Sarah: We've lost. Get to your evac ships. Got a partial upload of the carrier's intel. We're gonna have to rely on MacAllan to fill in the blanks.
  2367. Blisk: Well done! We've secured the area. MacAllan escaped but we should be able to find out what they were trying to pull from the core of the Odyssey.
  2368. Blisk: Pilots, good work, looks like the Militia had enough. Spyglass, report.
  2369. Spyglass: 30% of our fleet is lifting off to reinforce Demeter. The mission is a success in those terms, but this facility will certainly fall within seven hours to the local wildlife.
  2370. Sarah : All units, we have to scrub the mission- I'm detecting a massive power spike in the core; it's about to go critical!
  2371. Spyglass: We have achieved victory. All remaining Spectres are under our control.
  2372. Blisk: Good. We've turned back the Militia. Permission to unleash all remaining Spectres and wipe 'em out.
  2373. Spyglass: Granted.
  2374. Blisk: Pilots, we've routed the Militia- hunt them to their evac point. I'm still decoding the intercepted transmission- if there are more terrorists out there, we'll find 'em soon enough.
  2375. Bish: Bullseye!
  2376. Bish: Great shot!
  2377. Bish: Back in the game.
  2378. Bish: Fresh start.
  2379. Bish: Clean slate.
  2380. Bish: Way to shake it off.
  2381. Bish: You're picking that Pilot apart.
  2382. Bish: You're dominating that Pilot.
  2383. Bish: Dominating.
  2384. Bish: He's going to hold a grudge.
  2385. Bish: Two down.
  2386. Bish: Two in a row.
  2387. Bish: Double the fun.
  2388. Bish: That's a double kill.
  2389. Bish: You're off to a good start!
  2390. Bish: Way to get it started.
  2391. Bish: First blood.
  2392. Bish: That must have hurt.
  2393. Bish: You get to wash that off.
  2394. Bish: That should cool him off.
  2395. Bish: Shut down!
  2396. Bish: Impressive streak.
  2397. Bish: Nice moves.
  2398. Bish: Like shootin' fish in a barrel.
  2399. Bish: I lost count.
  2400. Bish: That was AWESOME.
  2401. Bish: That's what I call a Mega Kill.
  2402. Bish: Pull!
  2403. Bish: Nice shooting.
  2404. Bish: You almost feel bad for them...naah...
  2405. Bish: Man, that Pilot didn't stand a chance.
  2406. Bish: Atlas down.
  2407. Bish: Downed an Ogre.
  2408. Bish: Stryder is down.
  2409. Bish: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
  2410. Bish: Timber!
  2411. Bish: Way to watch their back!
  2412. Bish: Way to watch their back!
  2413. Bish: Nice save!
  2414. Bish: Nice save!
  2415. Bish: They owe ya one.
  2416. Bish: They owe ya one.
  2417. Bish: They owe ya one.
  2418. Bish: You're unstoppable.
  2419. Bish: Rock and rolling.
  2420. Bish: You got him!
  2421. Bish: Way to settle the score.
  2422. Bish: Bring it down.
  2423. Bish: Take it down.
  2424. Bish: Nice moves, now finish the job.
  2425. Bish: Finish him.
  2426. Bish: This is gonna hurt.
  2427. Bish: Hat trick. Nice.
  2428. Bish: Three in a row.
  2429. Bish: That's a triple kill.
  2430. Bish: Worth it.
  2431. Bish: Going down in a blaze of glory.
  2432. Bish: Nice job taking them down with you.
  2433. MacAllan: Crew, this is MacAllan.
  2434. MacAllan: Good news- we got what we needed off that tower.
  2435. MacAllan: Only one thing remains between us and the Demeter - the greatest concentration of IMC power on the Frontier.
  2436. MacAllan: If any attack on Demeter is to have a chance of success, this airbase must be destroyed. Bish has the details.
  2437. Bish: The airbase is defended from local wildlife by three towers, like the one we saw in our last mission.
  2438. Bish: Using the data from that mission, I've built a device that will take down the towers. I call it the 'Icepick'.
  2439. Bish: Because every ship in our fleet will be needed at Demeter, a full-scale aerial assault is not an option.
  2440. Bish: But if we take out the towers, the wildlife will finish the job. Sarah?
  2441. Sarah: Covert ops will handle the towers. Pilots, I am asking you to guard our backs.
  2442. Sarah: Our fleet at Demeter is counting on us to come through. Get to your dropships and ready up. Good luck.
  2443. Graves: Attention on deck- this is Vice Admiral Graves.
  2444. Graves: The entire Militia fleet is holding at a rally point beyond attack distance from the Demeter Gateway.
  2445. Graves: They are still vastly outnumbered by the dedicated reserve fleet stationed at the airbase on the fourth moon.
  2446. Graves: I believe this airbase will be their next target. Sergeant Blisk?
  2447. Blisk: The Militia First Fleet didn't make the trek to the boneyard for a safari.
  2448. Blisk: They were trying to find a way to take down the 'dog whistle' towers. The airbase depends on these to keep the creatures out.
  2449. Blisk: Now despite the losses they took, we have to assume they found a way to take down the towers.
  2450. Blisk: If they did- that's just the domino they'll need.
  2451. Graves: Sergeant Blisk will co-ordinate a protective force on the ground, assigned explicitly to the towers.
  2452. Graves: All Pilots, you will engage any Militia infantry you encounter at the airbase.
  2453. Graves: No one gets through. Graves out.
  2454. MacAllan: Attention all personnel. My name is James MacAllan.
  2455. MacAllan: You have saved lives this day, and we are all in your debt.
  2456. MacAllan: Now I'm going to return the favor. I'm going to help you beat the IMC.
  2457. MacAllan: Any small victory has been offset by the IMC's superior numbers, with reinforcements arriving daily from Demeter.
  2458. MacAllan: I believe we can bring the fight to them.
  2459. MacAllan: I believe we can change the balance of power on the Frontier.
  2460. MacAllan: We're heading to Angel City to acquire Barker, an old compatriot of mine, who believes, as I do, that the IMC's reign cannot last forever. Pilots, prepare to deploy.
  2461. MacAllan: Let's get it done. MacAllan out.
  2462. Graves: Attention all Pilots, this is Vice Admiral Graves.
  2463. Graves: We have confirmed that the traitor MacAllan has joined forces with the Militia's First Fleet.
  2464. Graves: I know this man and I know how his mind works.
  2465. Graves: He will attempt to make contact with a retired IMC officer named Barker last seen in Angel City.
  2466. Graves: Our operatives are tracking Barker within the city as we speak.
  2467. Graves: If MacAllan does make contact, we can expect heavy firepower to support him.
  2468. Graves: Your assignment is to eliminate all Militia forces who stand with him.
  2469. Graves: Prepare for combat.
  2470. MacAllan: Crew, this is MacAllan.
  2471. MacAllan: With the IMS Sentinel out of commission, we've got a window of opportunity to make a jump to a place that does not officially exist.
  2472. MacAllan: Barker, however, can get us there. Go ahead, Barker.
  2473. Barker: Well, first I'd like to say this is a horrible, horrible idea.
  2474. Sarah: Argh, not again...
  2475. Barker: You want to go to the abandoned IMC base where I used to work?
  2476. Barker: I'm not dumb enough to go down there myself, but I'll plot the jump coordinates from memory and fly you there.
  2477. Barker: Titan Pilots! Once you're on the ground, look up, and you'll see a massive tower.
  2478. Barker: It was- was- designed to keep out the wildlife, past tense.
  2479. Barker: I'd say don't feed the animals but you might not have a choice, because they're a lot bigger than you are.
  2480. Barker: That's it from me.
  2481. Barker: Mac, I'll be at the bar if you need me.
  2482. MacAllan: Pilots, the tower technology is still used at the airbase that protects Demeter. If we can learn how it works, we can use it against the IMC. MacAllan out.
  2483. Graves: Attention all personnel, this is the six.
  2484. Graves: We are approaching the first of twenty-six jump points to Tower Station Zulu.
  2485. Graves: You have all been given Code Black-Five clearance for this operation.
  2486. Graves: Understand that you are going to a hostile planet. It will try to kill you.
  2487. Graves: The 'dog whistle' tower at this site has not functioned for 20 years, so you will be exposed to the wildlife out there.
  2488. Graves: When you make planetfall, you will encounter flyers with beaks powerful enough to pierce nine inch armor plating.
  2489. Graves: You will see creatures so massive they affect the calculation of jump coordinates.
  2490. Graves: Do not allow these hazards to distract you from the mission at hand.
  2491. Graves: The Militia seeks to exploit the repulsor technology, and we cannot allow that to happen.
  2492. Graves: Take control of all generator hardpoints, overload the tower, and scuttle the base.
  2493. Graves: Graves out.
  2494. Bish: Listen up. Much has changed since we fought at Demeter three months ago.
  2495. Bish: With the destruction of Demeter, IMC reinforcements are now years from arriving on the Frontier. Sarah?
  2496. Sarah: As the Human numbers keep shifting in our favor, we've witnessed many defections from the IMC to our cause.
  2497. Sarah: Trust is earned, not given, and I know you are all wary of fighting alongside former foes.
  2498. Sarah: But this man comes with MacAllan's own seal of approval.
  2499. Sarah: I give you Field Commander...Marcus Graves.
  2500. Graves: Pilots, this is a war. The Militia are not guerillas, we do not have to run, we do not have to hide.
  2501. Graves: We stand and fight.
  2502. Graves: Because for the first time, we are not trapped in their world- they are trapped in ours.
  2503. Graves: Today we strike at the first of many IMC robotics factories.
  2504. Graves: Check your loadouts and ready up. Graves out.
  2505. Blisk: Attention all Pilots. Listen up, you bastards. This is Commander Blisk.
  2506. Blisk: For three months we have been pursuing the traitor Graves.
  2507. Blisk: We followed him into disaster and now we follow him into one of Hammond's classified production facilities.
  2508. Blisk: Please standby for your new Vice Admiral- Spyglass.
  2509. Spyglass: We are still two years from completion of the new Gateway at Demeter which will bring with it the arrival of reinforcements from the core systems.
  2510. Spyglass: At present, Spectre combat drones compose the bulk of our fighting force.
  2511. Spyglass: The location of drone production facilities therefore is of paramount importance to our survival here in the Frontier.
  2512. Spyglass: The traitor Graves has stolen racks of Spectres and the locations of the facilities.
  2513. Spyglass: He must be apprehended before he can lead the Militia to our destruction.
  2514. Blisk: Prepare to deploy, Pilots. We've got a lot of killing to do.
  2515. Bish: Listen up crew, the good news is we are still alive.
  2516. Bish: The majority of our fleet survived the raid with enough fuel to run for another month.
  2517. Bish: According to the tactical computers, the operation was a success, but we cannot continue to trade human lives for fuel.
  2518. Bish: If anything, we need to recruit more people to our cause wherever we can find them. Sarah?
  2519. Sarah: Two hours ago, we received this on the distress channel:
  2520. Transmission: ...we are a small colony...what the hell are these things!?...we need help, activate the distress beacon, now!...they're getting through the door, they're getting through the door...noooo!
  2521. Sarah: The origin of the signal is from a sector that isn't populated. It's not on any chart.
  2522. Sarah: There is a chance it could be an IMC trap. That's why we're sending you to check it out first.
  2523. Sarah: But if these guys are homesteaders and we help 'em out...they might join our cause.
  2524. Sarah: Good luck, Pilots. Signing off.
  2525. Graves : All personnel, this is Vice Admiral Graves.
  2526. Graves : As you know, the Militia fleet remains operational in the wake of their refueling raid in the Yuma system, and we have deployed probes to a number of sectors.
  2527. Graves : Spyglass will brief you on the results of the search.
  2528. Spyglass: Pilots, I have scanned all possible destinations within jump range of the Yuma System.
  2529. Spyglass: Lifeforms have been detected in sector Bravo 217, previously believed to be uninhabited.
  2530. Spyglass: The Militia forces we seek may be hiding there.
  2531. Spyglass: Recommend an advance team led by Sargeant Blisk to investigate, with a suitable complement of supporting units.
  2532. Graves : Very well. So ordered.
  2533. Graves : All Pilots, gear up and standby for deployment. Sargeant Blisk has command on the ground.
  2534. Graves : Good luck, Graves out.
  2535. Bish: Crew, this is Bish. At 0800 today, General Anderson succumbed to wounds sustained in battle.
  2536. Bish: We are out of jump range of every other fleet in the sector.
  2537. Bish: In short, we are on our own- as we have always been.
  2538. Bish: Every ship in this fleet is down to less than two hours of fuel.
  2539. Bish: Our options are limited. Either we get the fuel we need, or we die out here.
  2540. Bish: Sarah, tactical report.
  2541. Sarah: All the viable fuel sources within range are heavily fortified and under IMC control.
  2542. Sarah: We've selected a remote target in the Yuma system, which gives us the most time to conduct the raid.
  2543. Sarah: Titan Pilots, you will keep the anti-air defenses offline while the fleet refuels overhead.
  2544. Bish: Let's make this count, people. We'll have the element of surprise but not for long.
  2545. Bish: Good luck. Signing off.
  2546. Graves: All personnel, this is Vice Admiral Graves. We have a rare opportunity to destroy an entire Militia fleet.
  2547. Graves: We know these terrorists are almost out of fuel, but desperation will make them unpredictable.
  2548. Graves: Do not underestimate them.
  2549. Graves: They can't run far and they will most likely hit a fueling facility in the next few hours.
  2550. Graves: Spyglass will fill you in.
  2551. Spyglass: Titan Pilots, you will be assigned to dropships at all potential targets in the Yuma System.
  2552. Spyglass: A heavy patrol rotation will be maintained at all sites.
  2553. Spyglass: At the first sign of Militia forces, you will deploy to the ground and ensure that the air defense turrets remain online.
  2554. Graves: You are cleared weapons free for this operation.
  2555. Graves: Stay vigilant. Graves out.
  2556. MacAllan: Pilots.
  2557. MacAllan: All of our fight, all of our sacrifice has bought us this one day.
  2558. MacAllan: Every ship in the Militia's fleet is marshaling for the battle of Demeter.
  2559. MacAllan: This is the IMC refueling station that connects the Frontier to the Core Systems, and its endless supply of enemy reinforcements.
  2560. MacAllan: It falls to you, Pilots, to destroy the Demeter base.
  2561. MacAllan: I will personally take command of Sarah's covert assault squad and initiate a chain reaction of the IMC fuel cells.
  2562. MacAllan: I ask you Pilots to engage the IMC infantry. If you can win this battle on the ground, you will alter the course of history.
  2563. MacAllan: I swore I'd never climb back into one of these things; I would never order you into the fire that I would not enter myself.
  2564. MacAllan: Pilots. Prepare for Titanfall. MacAllan out.
  2565. Graves: Attention, all Pilots, this is your commanding officer Vice Admiral Graves.
  2566. Graves: Please standby for a transmission from your employer- Mr. Hammond.
  2567. Hammond: Are you receiving me, Graves?
  2568. Graves: Yes, sir. Proceed.
  2569. Hammond: All loyal members of the IMC, I have been informed of the recent loss of our air support responsible for the security of Demeter.
  2570. Hammond: Rest assured I am presently fueling reinforcements to be dispatched from the Core Systems on the long jump to the Frontier.
  2571. Hammond: You will hold the port of Demeter this day, you will crush the terrorists' last ditch attempt at disrupting our civilization and you will find yourselves relieved and rewarded tomorrow.
  2572. Hammond: Vice Admiral Graves, our world is in your hands.
  2573. Graves: Yes, sir. All Pilots, prepare for battle.
  2574. Barker: You guys are all going to die a horrible death.
  2575. Barker: Your fight is futile.
  2576. Barker: All I wanted was my damned drink, and you took me away from my happy place you...
  2577. MacAllan: Gimme that thing.
  2578. Barker: I know what you've got planned, Mac. I knew the second you came to drag me outta there.
  2579. Barker: But that Sentinel's everywhere in your way.
  2580. Barker: And it's gonna kick your ass no matter what you try.
  2581. Bish: Hold on, Mac. This clown suggesting we need to take down an IMC supercarrier?
  2582. MacAllan: I've done it before.
  2583. Barker: That's cause you don't know how to fly!
  2584. Barker: Crashing a carrier into a backwater planet's not the same as shootin' one on the move!
  2585. MacAllan: That's why we're gonna take it down while it's sitting still.
  2586. Sarah: So that's why you sent the Hornets after it. You knew it would go back to drydock.
  2587. Bish: Uh, Mac, the mike's still on.
  2588. Bish: All right. For those of you who missed that, we're going to take down the supercarrier IMS Sentinel.
  2589. Bish: That's it. Titan Pilots, suit up and get ready.
  2590. Spyglass: Damage assessment complete.
  2591. Spyglass: Flagship: IMS Sentinel. Damage report.
  2592. Spyglass: During the Battle of Angel City, the Sentinel took critical internal damage from Militia fighter craft.
  2593. Spyglass: The aft stabilizer was rendered inoperative.
  2594. Spyglass: Vice Admiral, I recommend three days in repairs.
  2595. Graves: There's a purpose to their sacrifice.
  2596. Blisk: What, to show how desperate they are?
  2597. Graves: They were. A few weeks ago, I'd accept that.
  2598. Graves: But with MacAllan calling the shots, I think he wants to move the Sentinel out of his way.
  2599. Graves: You gotta see the whole board, Blisk.
  2600. Spyglass: The nearest drydock large enough to house the Sentinel is on Outpost 207.
  2601. Graves: Spyglass, divert a destroyer to cover the Sentinel's patrol route until the repairs are complete.
  2602. Graves: Activate all orbital cannons on the deck, and deploy pilots to the outposts, just in case.
  2603. Bish: Listen up crew, we don't have much time.
  2604. Bish: The surviving colonists have fallen back to the cliffs overlooking the colony. They're hiding in some hills around a large shipwreck.
  2605. Bish: Sarah's gonna fill you in on the details.
  2606. Sarah: Our dropships are standing by to rescue the surviving colonists.
  2607. Sarah: Titan Pilots, your objective is to hold off the IMC at the shipwreck, until we've recovered the colonists and their leader, James MacAllan.
  2608. Sarah: His last detail was first mate of the IMS Odyssey. That's where we're headed.
  2609. Bish: MacAllan's an ex-IMC officer; used to be one of their best Pilots and tacticians.
  2610. Bish: He's agreed to help us fight the IMC, if we get his people out safely. So let's get it done people! Lock and load!
  2611. Graves: All personnel, this is Vice Admiral Graves. Our pursuit of the First Militia Fleet has produced surprising results: we have flushed the mutineer MacAllan from hiding.
  2612. Graves: MacAllan is now the IMC's most wanted target in this sector. Blisk?
  2613. Blisk: MacAllan is a notoriously dangerous tactician. If he falls in with the terrorists then they will gain a considerable advantage.
  2614. Blisk: We've picked up transmissions that suggest they will attempt to extract him from the northern plateau, near the wreckage of the IMS Odyssey- the very ship MacAllan stole from us.
  2615. Graves: All Pilots- your objective is to eliminate all Militia forces and secure the site. Under cover of your fire, Blisk's capture team will attempt to locate MacAllan, and take him into custody.
  2616. Graves: Good luck. Graves out.
  2617. Blisk: This battle will be won by Titans. Make sure you're the Last Titan Standing!
  2618. Bish: This is a Titan fight, plain and simple. You have to be the Last Titan Standing.
  2619. Blisk: This is Last Titan Standing. Eliminate the opposition, you've got one shot at this.
  2620. Bish: This is Last Titan Standing. Take out the enemy team, you've only got one shot at this.
  2621. Blisk: This is a Titan mission. Wipe out the enemy Titans and make sure we're the last ones standing.
  2622. Bish: This is a Titan mission. Wipe out the enemy team's Titans and make sure we're the last ones standing.
  2623. Blisk: This is Last Titan Standing. Watch your back out there, you have one Titan and it's the only one you're going to get. Make it last, Pilot.
  2624. Bish: This is Last Titan Standing. Stay focused, you have one Titan and it's the only one you're gonna get.
  2625. Blisk: One enemy Titan remaining! End it.
  2626. Bish: There's only one enemy Titan left. You got this.
  2627. Blisk: There's only one enemy Titan left. Hunt him down.
  2628. Bish: One enemy Titan left down there. You can finish this.
  2629. Blisk: They only have one Titan left, but you're on your own. Take him out.
  2630. Bish: OK, they have one Titan left, but you're on your own. Stay focused, you got this.
  2631. Blisk: You need to call in your Titan! We can't win this without it.
  2632. Bish: Pilot, you need to call in a Titan. You're gonna need it.
  2633. Blisk: Your Titan is ready, better call it in before it's too late.
  2634. Bish: Your Titan's ready- you'd better call it in before you get shot.
  2635. Blisk: Your Titan is ready but you haven't called it in yet. You like to live dangerously, eh?
  2636. Bish: Hey, your Titan's ready but you haven't called it in yet. I guess you like livin' on the edge.
  2637. Blisk: They have two Titans remaining.
  2638. Bish: Two enemy Titans remaining. Keep it up.
  2639. Blisk: Only two enemy Titans are left.
  2640. Bish: Hey, only two enemy Titans are left.
  2641. Blisk: You're the last Titan on the field. Don't let me down.
  2642. Bish: You're the last Titan we got down there. Good luck.
  2643. Blisk: It's just you now. I'm expecting a win, eh?
  2644. Bish: You're our last hope. Keep it together, you got this.
  2645. Sarah: Pilots, the core is going critical. We're sending evac ships to your location. Find MacAllan and get the hell out of there.
  2646. MacAllan: Fleet, this is MacAllan. I've triggered the reactor core overload manually. Clear out as fast as you can. Do not wait for ground forces. Repeat: There is no time for evac.
  2647. Graves: Pilots, the core is going critical. We're sending evac ships to your location. We're gonna get you out of there.
  2648. Spyglass: Negative- executing command override. Evacuation dropships- cancelled. All Capital ships- auto pilot engaged. Forcing jump to minimum safe distance.
  2649. Spyglass: Negative- executing command override. Evacuation dropships- cancelled.
  2650. Spyglass: Acknowledged Mr. Hammond- executing command override. Evacuation dropships- cancelled.
  2651. Graves: Dammit Spyglass! What the hell do you think you're doing?
  2652. Spyglass: All Capital ships- auto pilot engaged. Forcing jump to minimum safe distance.
  2653. MacAllan: Fleet, this is MacAllan. I've triggered the reactor core overload manually. Clear out as fast as you can. Do not wait for ground forces. Repeat, there is no time for evac.
  2654. Sarah: This isn't going to be easy, keep the IMC forces focused on the Central Tower while I take out the other two.
  2655. Sarah: This isn't gonna be easy! Titan Pilots, keep the IMC forces focused on this area while I take out the towers!
  2656. Bish: This is your stop.
  2657. Bish: Good luck!
  2658. Bish: Sarah, I've got you linked up on comms, we'll keep them busy over here.
  2659. Dropship Pilot: Where's our backup?
  2660. Dropship Pilot: Where's our backup?
  2661. Bish: There is no backup.
  2662. Bish: There is no backup.
  2663. Bish: Unload! Go Go!
  2664. Bish: Unload! Go Go!
  2665. Graves: Attention. This is Vice Admiral Graves to all personnel. A Militia attack on this base is imminent.
  2666. Graves: Prepare for hostile Titanfall.
  2667. Graves: There are strong indications that they intend to destroy the repulsor towers at the heart of this facility.
  2668. Graves: The Militia will do anything to destroy these towers.
  2669. Graves: If we lose, there's nothing to protect this place from the elements.
  2670. Graves: Now let's go kick some ass. Graves out.
  2671. Barker: All dropships- prepare for the last jump in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, mark!
  2672. MacAllan: They still use these towers at the airbase that guards Demeter! We need a way to shut 'em down!
  2673. Barker: You know, Mac, the tower here hasn't worked in 20 years! You sure about this?
  2674. MacAllan: Pilots! Take the hardpoints, so Bish can analyze the tower! Ready up!
  2675. Blisk: Pilots, we got word the Militia are trying to reverse engineer our repulsor technology!
  2676. Blisk: The old tower here was our prototype!
  2677. Blisk: Became the key advantage in colonizing worlds with hostile indigenous creatures.
  2678. Blisk: Our objective is to scuttle this facility before the Militia learns too much about the tower.
  2679. Blisk: Patch me into the hardpoints, and we'll overload the core! That should do the trick. Ready up!
  2680. Graves: The IMC can no longer transport human forces to the Frontier fast enough to defeat us!
  2681. Graves: But what they have is an endless supply of Spectres, and we're gonna put an end to it!
  2682. Spyglass: Militia forces are using unauthorized remote terminals in an attempt to destroy the Spectre production line.
  2683. Spyglass: Keep Blisk patched in and he will be able to pull Spectres off the racks to back you up down there.
  2684. Spyglass: Once we have control, all Spectre forces on the assembly line will be activated and the terrorists will have nowhere to run.
  2685. Blisk: They're trying to activate all remaining Spectres in the facility to self-destruct and cripple our manufacturing.
  2686. Blisk: Pilots, get in there and keep control of those hardpoints so we can activate all the Spectres in storage and drive these terrorists back.
  2687. Transmission: Mayday, mayday! We are a small civilian colony on planet Troy. We are under attack from IMC forces and require immediate assistance. Please send help. Embedding coordinates.
  2688. Bish: That distress call was four hours old. Okay...first squad on the ground, they have eyes on the distress signal coordinates.
  2689. Sarah: What do you see 3-2? Anything by the tower?
  2690. Militia Grunt: Nothing. The tower looks abandoned. We got dead colonists in the streets. No sign of the others.
  2691. Sarah: Got it. Pilots, let's find out what the hell happened here. Fan out through the village and we'll meet up by the south gate. Be careful down there.
  2692. Sarah: Bish, start playback.
  2693. IMC Grunt: Sir! It looks like Militia ships! They're deploying ground forces at the north end of the village.
  2694. Blisk: Now that's a real threat. Perhaps it's time to start phase two.
  2695. Graves: Agreed. Activate 3 more racks of Spectres- let's see how they do in a real fight.
  2696. Blisk: Yes sir. Deploying additional Spectres at the south gate.
  2697. Blisk: We haven't found any Militia, just a handful of civilians, but I like the way these Spectres kill!
  2698. Blisk: Sir, we haven't found any Militia, just a handful of civilians!
  2699. Blisk: But I like the way these Spectres kill, eh!
  2700. Graves: Copy that, continue your search.
  2701. Graves: Copy that, keep looking.
  2702. Blisk: Next-gen automated infantry's the future, but taking out a bunch of civilians is hardly a test.
  2703. Blisk: Next-gen automated infantry's the future, but taking out a bunch of civilians is hardly a test. Perhaps it's time to start phase two.
  2704. Blisk: Perhaps it's time to start phase two!
  2705. Blisk: Let's start phase two! Deploy three more racks!
  2706. Blisk: Now that's a real threat. Deploy three more racks of Spectres!
  2707. Militia Grunt: First squad, move up.
  2708. Militia Grunt: Hey! I've got a live one here!
  2709. Militia Grunt: Take it out! Open fire!
  2710. Militia Grunt: This is Wildcard 3-2, we've made contact with the enemy. Some new generation of automated combat troop! These things are everywhere!
  2711. Militia Grunt: Copy that, 3-2. Sending in additional dropships, ETA, 30 seconds.
  2712. IMC Grunt: Get those other Spectres online, we've got Militia pilots moving in from the east.
  2713. IMC Grunt: Charlie Squad is still rounding up colonists.
  2714. IMC Grunt: Well tell those metal bastards to wrap it up, we've got bigger fish to fry.
  2715. IMC Grunt: Copy that.
  2716. Graves: In space, fuel is life, and the Militia fleet is running low.
  2717. Graves: Only seven planets in the Yuma system can replenish a fleet of that size. This is one of them.
  2718. Graves: We've setup turrets, like this one, just in case the Militia decide to pay this site a visit.
  2719. Graves: That's Charlie, this one's Bravo.
  2720. Graves: Bravo. Gimme a sitrep.
  2721. Graves: Blisk, tell Riggs to get his squad on the deck- now.
  2722. Blisk: Sir, our forces have assembled at rally point Alpha.
  2723. Graves: Pilots, today, you have a chance to establish peace on the Frontier. Make it count!
  2724. IMC Grunt: Turret online and operational sir.
  2725. Graves: Graves to all personnel- Demeter is the gateway to the Frontier.
  2726. Graves: By attacking our largest refueling depot, the Militia think they can shut the door on us.
  2727. Graves: You will correct that perspective. Graves out.
  2728. Graves: Pilots! Defend the hardpoints at all costs! If the Militia overload the reactor core, it's all over! Strap in!
  2729. IMC Grunt: Anvil 1 is a go.
  2730. IMC Grunt: Anvil 2 standing by.
  2731. IMC Grunt: Anvil 3 is good to go.
  2732. IMC Grunt: Anvil 4 is a go.
  2733. IMC Grunt: I hate this part.
  2734. IMC Grunt: Try not to throw up.
  2735. IMC Grunt: Cut the chatter. Initiating drop sequence.
  2736. Onboard CPU: Re-entry vector...confirmed.
  2737. Onboard CPU: Launching in 3, 2, 1, mark.
  2738. Onboard CPU: Separation...confirmed.
  2739. Onboard CPU: Recalculating angle of attack.
  2740. Onboard CPU: Applying course correction: Yaw, 3.15 degrees
  2741. Onboard CPU: Applying course correction: Yaw, 3.15 degrees
  2742. Onboard CPU: Standby. Approaching shock layer.
  2743. Onboard CPU: Aeroshell within acceptable parameters.
  2744. Onboard CPU: Standby for Distortion Braking.
  2745. Onboard CPU: Impact in 3, 2, 1, mark.
  2746. Onboard CPU: Impact in 3, 2, 1, mark.
  2747. Onboard CPU: Course complete.
  2748. Onboard CPU: Ambient temperature is 32.5 degrees celsius.
  2749. Onboard CPU: Warning- hostile forces detected. Exercise caution.
  2750. Crew Chief: Jump control, we made it.
  2751. Crew Chief: En route to Reactor Core 5.
  2752. Militia Grunt: Misfit 2's been hit!
  2753. Militia Grunt: Misfit 2 you're too close! Roll out! Roll out!
  2754. Crew Chief: Brace for impact!
  2755. Militia Grunt: Mayday! Mayday! Misfit 1 is going down!
  2756. Crew Chief: We made it.
  2757. Crew Chief: Nice work Wilson.
  2758. Militia Grunt: We're hit! Hang on!
  2759. Militia Grunt: Mayday mayday this is Misfit 2, we're goin' down! I repeat, we're goin' down!
  2760. Militia Grunt: Mayday mayday this is Misfit 2!
  2761. Militia Grunt: We're goin' down! I repeat, we're goin' down!
  2762. Militia Grunt: Mayday! Mayday! Misfit 2 is going down!
  2763. Militia Grunt: Mayday! Mayday! We're goin' down!
  2764. Onboard CPU: Impact warning. Impact warning.
  2765. Onboard CPU: Warning. Altitude. Altitude. Altitude.
  2766. MacAllan: Misfit, this is MacAllan. Hang on, I'm on my way.
  2767. MacAllan: Misfit, this is MacAllan. Hang on, I'm on my way.
  2768. MacAllan: Prepare for Titanfall.
  2769. MacAllan: Ready for Titanfall. Comin' down.
  2770. MacAllan: We're getting off this hill! Come with me!
  2771. MacAllan: Move out and secure the hardpoints!
  2772. MacAllan: Move out and secure the hardpoints!
  2773. Spyglass: I am scanning the wreckage of the ship. Registered as the Odyssey. Reported lost to mutiny under your command, Vice Admiral.
  2774. Graves: I'm well aware of the history of the ship, and I know who's responsible for its present condition. What I want to know is how it got here.
  2775. Graves: It was only a matter of time. Pilots, get ready to move! Secure the site!
  2776. Bish: There he is! Put her down at the edge of the cliff!
  2777. Bish: MacAllan!
  2778. MacAllan: They don't know what they've started...
  2779. MacAllan: You! Get me to the top of that carrier!
  2780. Bish: You got it.
  2781. MacAllan: Deploy all your forces around this area. We need to buy time for the survivors to escape!
  2782. Sarah: North tower coming down!
  2783. Bish: Pilots, keep clearing the area of IMC soldiers. We need to buy Sarah some time.
  2784. Spyglass: They have destroyed the north tower.
  2785. Blisk: Take out the Militia forces!
  2786. Sarah: East tower coming down! Only one more remaining.
  2787. Spyglass: We have lost the east tower! The central base is holding strong.
  2788. Spyglass: We have lost the east tower!
  2789. Blisk: Pilots, keep taking out the incoming Militia forces.
  2790. Blisk: Pilots, you need to step it up or we'll lose the whole base!
  2791. Bish: You're doing great. Take out the remaining IMC forces.
  2792. Bish: You need to step it up, we can't send Sarah into a hot zone. Kill as many IMC as you can.
  2793. Sarah: We're not going to have time to take them all out, give me two minutes, I have an idea.
  2794. Blisk: Vice Admiral Graves, the Militia have accessed the distress beacon logs and are attempting to locate the remaining terrorists.
  2795. Graves: Blisk, you said this camp was wiped out...find out where the rest of them went.
  2796. Spyglass: Militia forces have penetrated the Odyssey.
  2797. Graves: What the hell are they doing in there? Hiding? Spyglass, scan for electronic activity.
  2798. Spyglass: Low level frequency only, Vice Admiral.
  2799. Graves: Keep an eye on them, Spyglass. I want to know what they're up to.
  2800. Blisk: Sir, I've intercepted an enemy transmission. Voice only. Playing it now.
  2801. Transmission: Looks like...finally have found our little corner of the universe...we are not 'terrorists', we are not part of your damn war...we're falling back to...and, colonists, if you can hear me, do not engage the IMC. They can't be reasoned with...
  2802. Blisk: You know that voice, Vice Admiral?
  2803. Graves: Is that the best you can do, Spyglass? Keep working on it, get it cleaned up.
  2804. Graves: Spyglass, intercept that signal and clean it up.
  2805. Graves: It's the voice of a dead man. Get it cleaned up.
  2806. Spyglass: Vice Admiral, I'm detecting increased heat signatures in the Odyssey's central core.
  2807. Graves: They're trying to spin her up. But she's half in the ground.
  2808. Spyglass: Damage to her stabilizers make flight operations impossible, sir.
  2809. Graves: They're not trying to fly her. They're looting her. Blisk, flush the terrorists from the ship.
  2810. Spyglass: Sir, I've intercepted another fragment. Voice only.
  2811. Transmission: ...we're falling back to higher ground...we're falling back to the carrier...the Odyssey is our only chance...
  2812. Blisk: You know that voice, Sir?
  2813. Graves : It's the voice of a dead man. Find out where it's coming from.
  2814. Spyglass: Vice Admiral, scans indicate the Militia still have a stable uplink with the Odyssey's CPU.
  2815. Blisk: The Odyssey just shook off an engine- not going to be much left to salvage.
  2816. Graves: They're extracting crucial information from her every second. We have to secure the site immediately.
  2817. Graves: Sever the Militia's connection, Blisk. Do whatever it takes.
  2818. Spyglass: Sir, the broadcaster is using an unknown encryption format. I will require more time to triangulate his position.
  2819. Graves : Very well. Blisk, turn that colony upside down if you have to.
  2820. Blisk: Who is this guy?
  2821. Graves : His name is James MacAllan, former IMC commander. He's wanted for mutiny. Find him.
  2822. Blisk: Sir, I'm in the ship's command center. There's no one here now, but it looks like MacAllan tapped into the ship's archive.
  2823. Graves: Well, Mac, I guess you're with them now. Blisk, secure the ship for salvage detail. We'll deal with MacAllan later.
  2824. Graves: Well, Mac, I guess you're with them now. Blisk, return to base. We'll deal with MacAllan later.
  2825. Sarah: Bish, any progress on tracking the remaining colonists?
  2826. Bish: I'm picking up an incoming transmission, but it's garbled. Give me some time to clean it up.
  2827. MacAllan: Bish, I'm patching you into the Odyssey's flight computers and black box. Gonna have to fire her up to start the transmission.
  2828. MacAllan: Bish, I'm gonna transmit some intel from the Odyssey. I'm going in. Stand by.
  2829. Bish: The better half of this wreck is a scrapheap, Mac. What's on there? What's so important?
  2830. MacAllan: Trust me- you wanna take the fight back to the IMC? Then you're gonna want this data. Standby while I fire up the reactor.
  2831. Bish: Mac! The Odyssey's shaking itself apart! You sure this is gonna work?
  2832. MacAllan: Have a little faith Bish, we're not flying this thing. She'll hold together for what we need.
  2833. Bish: I've decoded an incoming transmission. Can't quite make it out. Voice only.
  2834. Sarah: Play the transmission.
  2835. Transmission: Looks like...finally have found our little corner of the universe...we are not 'terrorists', we are not part of your damn war...we're falling back to...and, colonists, if you can hear me, do not engage the IMC. They can't be reasoned with...
  2836. Sarah: Bish, clean it up and find out where the remaining colonists went.
  2837. Bish: Got it.
  2838. Bish : Mac, the Odyssey is coming online. Transfer initiated. Whoa! You're getting schematics for Demeter?
  2839. MacAllan: Damn right, Bish. Shut that place down, and the IMC lose their access to the Frontier. That's how we're gonna take the fight to them.
  2840. Sarah: We don't know the half of it? We've been taking the fight to 'em every day, while you've been hiding out in the sticks.
  2841. MacAllan: Believe me, I'm not hiding anymore.
  2842. Sarah: Bish, gimme a status update!
  2843. Bish: Still working on decrypting the full transmission. Here's what I've got.
  2844. Transmission: ...we're falling back to higher ground...we're falling back to the carrier...the Odyssey is our only chance...
  2845. Bish: I know that voice- I've heard it somewhere before. I'm gonna run voice analysis, it's gonna take a little more time.
  2846. Bish: What we need?! MacAllan, you're crazy if you think we can take out Demeter. The air support there alone is bigger than all the Militia fleets combined.
  2847. MacAllan: You don't know the half of it.
  2848. Bish: Sarah, I got a positive ID, but it doesn't make any sense...this guy fell off the radar 15 years ago.
  2849. Sarah: Spit it out, Bish, we're running outta time.
  2850. Bish: His name's MacAllan. He was already a legend when I was just a rookie- only not on our side.
  2851. Sarah: All right, find out where he's transmitting from.
  2852. Bish: Hot damn, this intel is a goldmine, Mac! But kicking the IMC out of the Frontier? That's just impossible.
  2853. MacAllan: Wrong word, Bish. This scenario can work, I know it. And so does Graves.
  2854. Bish: Yeah? How?
  2855. MacAllan: Let's just say that once upon a time, we worked it out together.
  2856. Bish: Hold off the IMC, Pilot. We need more time to evacuate the colonists from the mountains around the carrier!
  2857. Bish: We're gettin' our asses handed to us. Keep it together down there!
  2858. Bish: Step it up Pilot, we're losing! Keep the IMC busy at the carrier, so we can get MacAllan's people outta the surrounding hills!
  2859. Blisk: You're letting the Militia control the battlefield! Push them back, Pilot.
  2860. Blisk: You have to do better then this. Secure the crash site, Pilot.
  2861. Blisk: The Militia are all over the Odyssey! Pilot, I need you to secure that site immediately!
  2862. Bish: Great, we're getting MacAllan's people out from the hills around the carrier. You're doing great, Pilot, keep up the fire.
  2863. Bish: We're about halfway to getting MacAllan's people outta the surrounding hills. Hold off the IMC a little longer, Pilot.
  2864. Bish: Pilot, we're on track to get all of MacAllan's people evac'd on time. Keep up the pressure on the IMC!
  2865. Blisk: We're routing the Militia, Pilot. Keep up the good work and secure the area.
  2866. Blisk: We're controlling the crash site! Pilot, keep it that way.
  2867. Blisk: You're doing great down there, Pilot. At this rate, we'll have this area locked down shortly.
  2868. Bish: Bad news man, they captured our flag.
  2869. Bish: The enemy captured the flag.
  2870. Bish: They captured our flag!
  2871. Bish: The enemy dropped our flag!
  2872. Bish: The enemy returned their flag to their base! You're gonna have to go grab it again.
  2873. Bish: The enemy returned their flag!
  2874. Bish: The IMC have our flag!
  2875. Bish: The enemy has our flag!
  2876. Bish: The enemy picked up our flag!
  2877. Bish: They've got our flag!
  2878. Bish: The enemy has our flag!
  2879. Bish: Our flag's been taken!
  2880. Bish: Hey man, until our flag's returned, you won't be able to capture.
  2881. Bish: Hey man, until our flag's returned, you won't be able to capture.
  2882. Bish: OK boss, we've got their flag, but until ours is back at base, we can't capture.
  2883. Bish: OK, this is a Flag mission. Steal the enemy's flag from their base and bring it back to ours. Oh, and while you're at it, don't let 'em take our flag.
  2884. Bish: Capture the enemy's flag, and make sure you defend our own flag.
  2885. Bish: Grab the enemy flag and bring it back to base. Don't let the enemy grab our flag!
  2886. Bish: This is a Capture the Flag mission. Steal the enemy's flag from their base and bring it back to ours. Oh, and while you're at it, don't let 'em take our flag.
  2887. Bish: Our flag has been returned to base. Good work.
  2888. Bish: Our flag has been returned to base. Good work.
  2889. Bish: Ok, our flag's back at our base.
  2890. Bish: All right, get that flag back to base! Move!
  2891. Bish: You've got the enemy flag, now bring it home!
  2892. Bish: All right, we captured the enemy flag. Awesome work people.
  2893. Bish: We captured the enemy flag! Well done.
  2894. Bish: We captured the enemy flag!
  2895. Bish: We dropped the enemy flag!
  2896. Bish: We took the enemy flag!
  2897. Bish: Ok, we have their flag!
  2898. Bish: We picked up their flag!
  2899. Bish: We've got the enemy flag!
  2900. Bish: We've got the IMC flag!
  2901. Bish: Uh, we're off to a really bad start and the IMC are way ahead. Pull it together man, we have lots of time to turn it around.
  2902. Bish: Bad news man, combat projections have the IMC tracking way ahead of us. We gotta catch up before it's too late!
  2903. Bish: Pilot, the battle projections aren't looking too good for us. We gotta catch up and turn this fight around, like now.
  2904. Bish: Hey, we're doing all right, but the IMC is slightly ahead of us. We've still got plenty of time to show 'em who's boss though.
  2905. Bish: Pilots, we're tracking slightly behind the enemy right now, but its still early; we've got time to turn this around.
  2906. Bish: Bad news boss. The IMC are way ahead of us! There's still some time to catch up though.
  2907. Bish: Boss, we're seriously losing this fight, you gotta step it up out there!
  2908. Bish: We're losing man...we gotta turn this fight around, and I mean right now.
  2909. Bish: Hey buddy, we're still in the fight, but the IMC have the upper hand right now. We still have time to get ahead, so don't let up.
  2910. Bish: Ok buddy, it's still a close fight, but we're definitely behind right now. There's some time left to turn things around.
  2911. Bish: Hey man, this is not looking good- we're way behind, and we're running out of time!
  2912. Bish:'s looking pretty grim...we don't have much time left for a comeback! Pull it together!
  2913. Bish: The enemy is slightly ahead of us, and the battle's almost over! If you're planning a comeback, now's the time!
  2914. Bish: Hey, we're running out of time and the enemy is slightly ahead! We gotta turn it around now, or we're done!
  2915. Bish: Uh, it's a close battle, but we're slightly behind! We need to do something now, or we're gonna lose the fight!
  2916. Bish: Good work guys, the IMC have been dropping like flies. It's only a matter of time before they're completely wiped out.
  2917. Bish: We're totally crushing it. The IMC don't stand a chance. Not too long now before we finish them off!
  2918. Bish: You're doing great out there man! Keep it up, and this battle will be over before you know it!
  2919. Bish: It's a close fight guys, but we're definitely ahead. Keep it up, and let's finish this.
  2920. Bish: We've had some losses, but the IMC are nearly finished. Just keep doing what you're doing, and this fight should be ours.
  2921. Bish: We've got a slight edge over the IMC, but don't let up! Finish them off before they get a chance to regroup!
  2922. Bish: Hey buddy, we're in really bad shape. You've got to step it up. It's now or never!
  2923. Bish: Boss, the IMC have nearly finished us off. You've got to turn this fight around now, or it's all over!
  2924. Bish: Things are looking really bad for us out there! If you don't step it up, it's going to be over soon!
  2925. Bish: The IMC are slightly ahead, but they've taken heavy losses too. We can still take this fight!
  2926. Bish: It's been a close fight guys, but the IMC are ahead of us. We've got to turn this around or it's all over!
  2927. Bish: We're crushing them big time, but we've got a ways to go. Don't let up!
  2928. Bish: We're off to a great start man; keep it up!
  2929. Bish: We're just getting started, but this is looking really good. Keep up the fire.
  2930. Bish: We're off to a good start, but we're not ahead by much. Stay sharp my friend.
  2931. Bish: Hey, we're barely ahead of the IMC right now, but there's plenty of time left to step it up.
  2932. Bish: It's been a really close fight so far, but the mission's far from over. Let's step it up and show the IMC what we can do.
  2933. Bish: Hey buddy, we're doing great- if this keeps up, I think we're gonna win this fight.
  2934. Bish: We're way ahead of the IMC! We're only partway through the mission, so keep doing what you're doing!
  2935. Bish: You're doing great out there man! Keep it up, and this battle will be ours before you know it!
  2936. Bish: Team, we're looking good, but the IMC isn't far behind. We have a way to go, so don't let up.
  2937. Bish: We're looking good team, but it's a close fight, and there's plenty of time left in this mission. Don't give the IMC any ground.
  2938. Bish: Man...this fight's too close to call but there's still plenty of time to bury the IMC- team, let's step it up.
  2939. Bish: We're totally crushing it. The IMC don't stand a chance. Won't be long before we finish this fight!
  2940. Bish: We're looking real good team- short of a miracle for the IMC, there's no way we're losin' this fight.
  2941. Bish: Ok team, the mission's almost over. The IMC aren't far behind though. Keep at it!
  2942. Bish: There's not much time left in the mission, but the IMC aren't far behind. Let's stay on top and end this fight.
  2943. Bish: Hey Pilots, the IMC are giving us a run for our money. It's gonna be a close battle. Let's make sure we get there first.
  2944. Bish: We're neck and neck with the IMC, man. The battle projections say it's gonna be real close.
  2945. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! We're taking a lot of flak! Bish, we need those turrets offline a-sap!
  2946. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! We're taking a lot of flak! Bish, we need those turrets offline a-sap!
  2947. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! Bish, we're at 50% hull integrity and dropping fast!
  2948. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! Bish, we're at 50% hull integrity and dropping fast!
  2949. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! Bish, we're at 50% hull integrity and dropping fast!
  2950. Redeye Com: This is the Redeye! We're almost done for! Bish I need those turrets offline now!
  2951. Redeye Com: Mayday! Mayday! This is the Redeye, we're going down, we're going down!
  2952. Redeye Com: Mayday! Mayday! This is the Redeye, we're going down, we're going down!
  2953. Redeye Com: Mayday! Mayday! This is the Redeye, we're going down, we're going down!
  2954. Militia Grunt: Everyone's aboard! Get us outta here! Go! Go!
  2955. Militia Grunt: They're all aboard! Hit it!
  2956. Militia Grunt: OK, they're all aboard! Punch it!
  2957. Militia Grunt: We can't wait any longer! We're outta here!
  2958. Militia Grunt: Time's up, we gotta take off! Hit it!
  2959. Militia Grunt: Time's up, we're taking off!
  2960. Militia Grunt: Jumping in 3...2...1...mark!
  2961. Sarah: Pilot, it's time to clear out! Head for an evac point, now!
  2962. Sarah: Pilot, it's time to clear out! Head for an evac point, now!
  2963. Sarah: Pilot, it's time to clear out! Head for an evac point, now!
  2964. Sarah: Pilots, I'm sending in dropships to get you out. Check your HUD for the evac points, move!
  2965. Sarah: Pilots, I'm sending in dropships to get you out. Check your HUD for the evac points, move!
  2966. Sarah: Looks like you cleared us a nice evac point.
  2967. Sarah: This could be a bumpy ride!
  2968. Sarah: Welcome aboard.
  2969. Sarah: Glad to have you join us.
  2970. Sarah: Nice work out there.
  2971. Sarah: Watch your head.
  2972. Sarah: Nice work, we're coming to get you. Head to the evac point
  2973. Sarah: Nice work, we're coming to get you. Check your HUD for the evac point
  2974. Sarah: Good work team, we're sending in a dropship to extract you. Check your HUD and head to the evac point.
  2975. Sarah: OK, you're at the evac point, now stay alive till the ship arrives!
  2976. Sarah: The ship is en route to your position, hold out till it arrives!
  2977. Sarah: Keep yourself alive until the ship arrives!
  2978. Sarah: Just a few more seconds, look alive down there!
  2979. Sarah: Don't die on me now, the ship will be there soon!
  2980. Sarah: The ship is almost there!
  2981. Sarah: You made it to the evac point! The ship is just about there!
  2982. Sarah: The dropship is en route, it won't wait long
  2983. Sarah: The dropship is en route, hurry to the evac point
  2984. Sarah: I've sent the dropship, hurry!
  2985. Sarah: I've sent the dropship, it'll be there soon.
  2986. Sarah: Hurry to the evac point!
  2987. Sarah: The dropship is en route!
  2988. Sarah: Hurry to the evac point, the ship won't wait forever!
  2989. Sarah: Come on! Hurry to the evac point!
  2990. Sarah: You better be at the evac point when that dropship arrives!
  2991. Sarah: Forget it Pilot, it's time to get outta here. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point! Move!
  2992. Sarah: Forget it Pilot, it's time to get outta here. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point! Move!
  2993. Sarah: Forget it Pilot, it's time to get outta here. Check your HUD and get to the evac point! Move!
  2994. Sarah: We've lost this sector to the IMC. I'm sending in the dropships. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point!
  2995. Sarah: We've lost this sector to the IMC. I'm sending in the dropships. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point!
  2996. Sarah: We've lost this sector to the IMC. I'm sending in the dropships. Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point!
  2997. Sarah: We've lost this sector to the IMC. I'm sending in the dropships. Check your HUD and get to the evac point!
  2998. Sarah: Evac is there, all aboard.
  2999. Sarah: Evac has arrived, jump on!
  3000. Sarah: Evac has arrived, hurry!
  3001. Sarah: Evac has arrived, it won't wait forever!
  3002. Sarah: Evac is there, get on!
  3003. Sarah: Evac has arrived!
  3004. Sarah: Evac is there, you got 10 seconds!
  3005. Sarah: Evac is there, we can't wait too long!
  3006. Sarah: We've done our part, and now it's time to get you outta there! Check your HUD and get to the nearest evac point!
  3007. Sarah: We've done our part, and now it's time to get you outta there! Check your HUD and get to the evac point!
  3008. Sarah: Your mission's accomplished, now get outta there- Check your HUD for the evac points!
  3009. Sarah: Your mission's accomplished, now get outta there- Check your HUD for the evac points!
  3010. Sarah: Your dropship is here, hurry!
  3011. Sarah: The dropship is here, get on it!
  3012. Sarah: Your ride's here, let's go let's go!
  3013. Sarah: Evac is here and it's not going to wait!
  3014. Sarah: Evac's here! Dust-off in 10!
  3015. Sarah: We're out of options. It's now or never.
  3016. Sarah: The Fleet's counting on you! Go! Go! Go!
  3017. Sarah: Either way we need this fuel, or none of us are going to make it!
  3018. Sarah: Hey, your Titan's good to go. Call it when ready.
  3019. Sarah: Hey, your Titan's good to go. Call it when ready.
  3020. Sarah: Hey, your Titan's good to go. Call it when ready.
  3021. Sarah: Ok your Titan's prepped for launch. Call it when ready.
  3022. Sarah: Ok your Titan's prepped for launch. Call it when ready.
  3023. Sarah: Ok your Titan's prepped for launch. Call it when ready.
  3024. Sarah: It's on the way. Standby for Titanfall.
  3025. Sarah: It's on the way. Standby for Titanfall.
  3026. Sarah: It's on the way. Standby for Titanfall.
  3027. Sarah: It's on the way. Standby for Titanfall.
  3028. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3029. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3030. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3031. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3032. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3033. Sarah: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3034. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  3035. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  3036. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  3037. Sarah: Hey, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  3038. Sarah: Hey, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  3039. Sarah: Be advised, titan ready in 30 seconds.
  3040. Sarah: Titan ready in 15 seconds.
  3041. Sarah: Titan ready in 15 seconds.
  3042. Sarah: Titan ready in five seconds.
  3043. Sarah: Titan ready in five seconds.
  3044. Sarah: Pilot, I'm getting your Titan ready, but it's gonna be awhile.
  3045. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan is being prepped. I'll let you know when it's ready.
  3046. Sarah: Hey, your Titan is going into production, but its going to be a while. Stay sharp.
  3047. Sarah: We're almost ready with your Titan. Just hang on a little bit longer.
  3048. Sarah: Hey, your Titan is almost online. I just need to make a few more adjustments.
  3049. Sarah: Hey, your Titan is almost ready. Standby.
  3050. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan is almost ready. Standby.
  3051. Sarah: Hey, your Titan is coming online shortly.
  3052. Sarah: We might have lost the battle, but there's still a chance to make the IMC pay. Proceed to their extraction point and wipe them out!
  3053. Sarah: I'm detecting incoming IMC dropships. Take out the IMC before they have a chance to escape!
  3054. Sarah: Well done guys! The IMC are attempting to escape by dropship, but I've marked their extraction points for you. Don't let them get away!
  3055. Sarah: We've beaten the IMC, but the battle's not over! Intercept any stragglers before they get away!
  3056. Sarah: The enemy dropship is here! Take it out!
  3057. Sarah: The IMC dropship has arrived! Take it out before it gets away!
  3058. Sarah: The enemy dropship has arrived! Destroy it before they get away!
  3059. Sarah: The enemy dropship has arrived! Focus your fire on it before it gets away!
  3060. Sarah: Take out that IMC dropship before it gets away!
  3061. Sarah: The IMC are trying to escape by dropship. I've marked their evac point for you. Take them out before they get away!
  3062. Sarah: I'm still detecting IMC pilots in the area. Cut them off before they get to the evac point!
  3063. Sarah: The IMC will be heading towards the evac point. Don't let them escape!
  3064. Sarah: You're at the enemy evac point. Clear out the area of enemy Pilots!
  3065. Sarah: You're right at the IMC landing zone. Watch for incoming enemy pilots!
  3066. Sarah: You've reached the enemy evac point! Watch your six!
  3067. Sarah: Heads up- I'm sending in a team of Spectres to help you defend the area.
  3068. Sarah: I'm sending in a team of Spectres to help you out.
  3069. Sarah: I'm sending in a team of Spectres to help you out.
  3070. Sarah: Dropping in the Spectres now.
  3071. Sarah: Dropping in the Spectres now.
  3072. Sarah: I'm dropping Spectres on Alpha.
  3073. Sarah: I'm dropping Spectres on Alpha.
  3074. Sarah: I'm sending Spectres to Bravo.
  3075. Sarah: I'm sending Spectres to Bravo.
  3076. Sarah: Heads up- I'm dropping a team of Spectres on Charlie.
  3077. Sarah: I'm dropping a team of Spectres outside. They'll help you defend the hardpoint.
  3078. Sarah: I'm dropping a team of Spectres outside Alpha. They'll help you defend the hardpoint.
  3079. Sarah: OK, I'm dropping a group of Spectres outside Bravo. They'll help you protect the hardpoint.
  3080. Sarah: OK, I'm dropping a group of Spectres outside Bravo. They'll help you protect the hardpoint.
  3081. Sarah: Hey, I'm dropping a team of Spectres outside Charlie. They'll help you cover the hardpoint.
  3082. Sarah: Hey, I'm dropping a team of Spectres outside Charlie. They'll help you cover the hardpoint.
  3083. Sarah: Hey, I'm sending Spectres to Charlie. They'll help you cover the hardpoint.
  3084. Sarah: Hey, I'm sending Spectres to Charlie. They'll help you cover the hardpoint.
  3085. Sarah: Hey, I'm sending Spectres to Charlie. They'll help you cover the hardpoint.
  3086. Sarah: Pilot, your Replacement Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  3087. Sarah: Pilot, your Replacement Titan will be ready in two minutes.
  3088. Sarah: Hey, your Replacement Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  3089. Sarah: Hey, your Replacement Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  3090. Sarah: Be advised, Replacement Titan ready in 30 seconds.
  3091. Sarah: Be advised, Replacement Titan ready in 30 seconds.
  3092. Sarah: Replacement Titan ready in 15 seconds.
  3093. Sarah: Replacement Titan ready in 15 seconds.
  3094. Sarah: Replacement Titan ready in five seconds.
  3095. Sarah: Replacement Titan ready in five seconds.
  3096. Sarah: Pilot, I'm getting a replacement Titan ready, but it's gonna be a while.
  3097. Sarah: Pilot, your replacement Titan is being prepped. I'll let you know when it's ready.
  3098. Sarah: Hey, your replacement Titan is going into production, but it will be a while. Stay sharp.
  3099. Sarah: We're almost ready with your replacement Titan. Just hang on a little bit longer.
  3100. Sarah: Hey, your replacement Titan is almost online. I just need to make a few more adjustments.
  3101. Sarah: Hey, your replacement Titan will be ready soon.
  3102. Sarah: Pilot, your replacement Titan is almost ready.
  3103. Sarah: Hey, your replacement Titan is coming online shortly.
  3104. Sarah: Launching now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3105. Sarah: Launching now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3106. Sarah: Launching now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3107. Sarah: It's en route. Standby for Titanfall.
  3108. Sarah: It's en route. Standby for Titanfall.
  3109. Sarah: Dropping now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3110. Sarah: Dropping now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3111. Sarah: Dropping now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3112. Sarah: Dropping now. Standby for Titanfall.
  3113. Sarah: Got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3114. Sarah: Got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3115. Sarah: Pilot, your replacement Titan is good to go. Call it when ready.
  3116. Sarah: Pilot, your replacement Titan is good to go. Call it when ready.
  3117. Sarah: Hey, you're on deck for a new Titan. Call it in when you're ready.
  3118. Sarah: Hey, you're on deck for a new Titan. Call it in when you're ready.
  3119. Sarah: Good news, got a replacement Titan ready for you. Signal me when you need it.
  3120. Sarah: Good news, got a replacement Titan ready for you. Signal me when you need it.
  3121. Sarah: Heads up: That Titan you requested is good to go. Call it in anytime.
  3122. Sarah: Heads up: That Titan you requested is good to go. Call it in anytime.
  3123. Sarah: Head's up dropping off a Titan for you
  3124. Sarah: Head's up dropping off a Titan for you
  3125. Sarah: Launching another Titan for you now.
  3126. Sarah: Good news, replacement Titan inbound.
  3127. Sarah: Sending down a new Titan.
  3128. Sarah: Sending down a new Titan.
  3129. Sarah: Sending down a new Titan.
  3130. Sarah: Hey- your Titan's been destroyed. I'll get you another as soon as I can.
  3131. Sarah: Great, your Titan's been destroyed. We're working on a replacement. I'll get back to you when it's done.
  3132. Sarah: Great, your Titan's been destroyed. We're working on a replacement. I'll get back to you when it's done.
  3133. Sarah: Great, your Titan's been destroyed. We're working on a replacement. I'll get back to you when it's done.
  3134. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan's been destroyed. I've got a replacement underway. I'll let you know when it's done.
  3135. Sarah: Pilot, your Titan's been destroyed. I've got a replacement underway. I'll let you know when it's done.
  3136. Bish: We gotta ditch the party early, people. What's left of this fleet is flying the coop. We didn't win this one, but we did a lot of damage- hopefully enough to make a difference.
  3137. MacAllan: All ground forces, head for the evac point. This'll have to be enough. We're jumping to Demeter and regrouping with our main assault fleet. MacAllan out.
  3138. Sarah: Pilots, they're scuttling the base! Stay clear of any interiors! Detonation in 3...2...1...mark!
  3139. Sarah: Pilots, they're scuttling the base! Stay clear of any interiors! Detonation in 5...4...3...2...1...mark!
  3140. Bish: Sarah, I've been locked out of the mainframe! They've got control of the remaining Spectres! Get our people outta there, now!
  3141. Sarah: All Pilots, fall back to the evac site! Move!
  3142. Bish: Guys, we've lost this one but it's not over yet. Get to the evac point. I'm working on the location of the survivors.
  3143. Bish: Titan support incoming. You need to step it up down there.
  3144. Sarah: Well done team! All the survivors escaped and MacAllan got the intel. Now chase those IMC Pilots back to their evac ships.
  3145. Blisk: Mission failed! We gotta get the hell outta here. Get to your evac ships.
  3146. Bish: Pilots, all towers are down, I repeat, all towers are down. Watch out for the incoming wildlife- they won't play favorites between you and the IMC.
  3147. Bish: Mac, it's working! I've got remote control of the IMC ships! I'm gonna use 'em to cut down the tower.
  3148. Bish: Timber!
  3149. MacAllan: Step lively, people. We got Leviathans on the tarmac and Flyers overhead. Take out any IMC Pilots attempting to evac. We've won this battle, but the war's not over yet.
  3150. Bish: Mac, I've got all the data! I'm gonna pulse the tower one more time to make sure the numbers work out.
  3151. Bish: We have control, I'm detonating these things and crippling the facility.
  3152. Sarah: We've won! Intercept and take down any remaining IMC Pilots in the area!
  3153. Graves: And Pilots, there're Spectres everywhere, so stay clear of the detonations!
  3154. Bish: Yeah, these things pack a punch and they don't care who they take with 'em.
  3155. Bish: Good job, Pilot. We kicked their asses! Don't let 'em get to their evac point. I almost have a fix on the location of the survivors.
  3156. Bish: This is a battle of Attrition. Take out all the IMC forces, while Sarah hits the towers with the Icepick. Good luck!
  3157. Militia Grunt: Pilots, clear out the IMC forces in the area!
  3158. Blisk: This is a battle of Attrition. Take out all Militia forces.
  3159. IMC Grunt: We've got an invasion force on the ground, and our air forces can't take them out! That's up to you, Pilots! Infantry- move out!
  3160. Sarah: Pilot, this is no longer a search and rescue! Get ready for a battle of Attrition. Kill 'em all. Bish, access the logs on that distress beacon, I want to know what happened here.
  3161. Blisk: Listen up, Pilots. This will be a good test of our new Spectres. Prepare for a battle of Attrition- neutralize every Militia unit in the area. Good luck.
  3162. Bish: All right guys, this is a battle of Attrition. Keep the IMC out of MacAllan's hair and buy time for the survivors to escape. Let's move out!
  3163. Blisk: Listen up, this is a battle of Attrition. Wipe out anyone and everyone who gets in your way. Let's take this ship back.
  3164. Titan OS: Guard mode engaged. Scanning for targets.
  3165. Titan OS: Guard mode disabled. Pilot control restored.
  3166. Newscaster: On the Frontier today, the IMC's port of Demeter was attacked by Militia insurgents.
  3167. Newscaster: Reports are sketchy, but indications are that the refueling facilities sustained major damage in the battle.
  3168. Newscaster: Mr. Hammond is confident that the interruption in transportation services, to the Frontier, will be temporary.
  3169. Newscaster: Numerous casualities are indicated, including the mutineer James MacAllan, formerly believed missing in action.
  3170. Newscaster: Numerous casualities are indicated, including the mutineer James MacAllan, formerly believed missing in action.
  3171. Newscaster: High command in the IMC could not be reached for comment.
  3172. Newscaster: High command in the IMC could not be reached for comment.
  3173. Newscaster: The whereabouts of several high-ranking officers involved in the conflict, including Vice Admiral Marcus Graves, is presently...unknown.
  3174. Pod Warning: This unit is authorized for: military use only.
  3175. Pod Warning: Possession by an individual is a Class One felony.
  3176. Spyglass: Incoming transmission. It is MacAllan. Patching in.
  3177. Spyglass: Pilots, I am taking over operations for Sergeant Blisk.
  3178. Spyglass: This is a Hardpoint Battle. Hold the hardpoints so we can shut down the reactor core before the Militia can trigger a meltdown. If they succeed, the resulting chain reaction will destroy Demeter, and prevent IMC reinforcements from reaching the Frontier for years.
  3179. Barker: Pilot, your Titan will be ready in 2 minutes.
  3180. Barker: Hey, your Titan will be ready in 60 seconds.
  3181. Barker: Be advised, Titan ready in 30 seconds.
  3182. Barker: Titan ready in 15 seconds.
  3183. Militia Grunt: Gunny!
  3184. IMC Grunt: Heads up! Look out for the flyers!
  3185. IMC Grunt: Let's move!
  3186. IMC Grunt: Squad, move out!
  3187. IMC Grunt: The enemy has too many Spectres! We're getting slaughtered out here!
  3188. IMC Grunt: We need to take over the terminals or we're gonna get overrun!
  3189. IMC Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Alpha!
  3190. IMC Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Bravo!
  3191. IMC Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Charlie!
  3192. IMC Grunt: Engaging another hostile Spectre squad...these things are everywhere!
  3193. IMC Grunt: Contact! Enemy Spectre squad is assaulting our position!
  3194. IMC Grunt: Hostile forces have activated multiple Spectre squads, we need to take those hardpoints!
  3195. Militia Grunt: Enemy has too many Spectres! We're getting slaughtered out here!
  3196. Militia Grunt: We need to take over the terminals or we're going to get overrun!
  3197. Militia Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Alpha!
  3198. Militia Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Bravo!
  3199. Militia Grunt: The enemy has activated Spectres at Charlie!
  3200. Militia Grunt: Engaging another hostile Spectre squad...these things are everywhere!
  3201. Militia Grunt: Contact! Enemy Spectre squad is assaulting our position!
  3202. Militia Grunt: Hostile forces have activated multiple Spectre squads, we need to take those hardpoints!
  3203. Graves: Bish, I'd like to open a comm link to a private IMC channel.
  3204. Bish: Uh, why would you do that, Commander?
  3205. Graves: Why would I do it or why would I tell you about it?
  3206. Bish: Um, I'll take a little of both.
  3207. Graves: I'm doing it cause there's not too many actual humans left on that side. I'm telling you about it so you don't get suspicious.
  3208. Bish: Copy that. Trying to establish an open comm.
  3209. Spyglass: Commander Blisk, we are receiving a hailing signal on a private frequency.
  3210. Blisk: Phone's for me, Admiral?
  3211. Spyglass: Only IMC officers would know the frequency.
  3212. Blisk: Graves. What do you wanna do, Sir? Your call whether I take it.
  3213. Spyglass: Patching him through. Standby for a secure line.
  3214. Spyglass: Sir, Militia forces are attempting to divert power to detonate the reactor core.
  3215. Graves: Can you disrupt them remotely, Spyglass?
  3216. Spyglass: Of course, Vice Admiral, although a manual overload will still be possible.
  3217. Sarah: Bish, I've made it to the access point of the north tower. Light resistance, but the bulk of their forces are occupied.
  3218. Bish: Copy that, Sarah. Pilots, keep the IMC engaged right where you are.
  3219. Bish: Copy that, Sarah. Pilots, keep taking out the IMC forces.
  3220. Spyglass: Blisk, I have detected a small unit attempting to access the north tower. Scanning is sporadic and unreliable due to interference and the thickness of the blast walls.
  3221. Blisk: Copy that, Spyglass. I'm sending a separate team to deal with the covert element. All Pilots, stay focused on the main invasion force.
  3222. Graves: Blisk, this is Graves, can you hear me?
  3223. Blisk: What do you want?
  3224. Graves: I want to end the war.
  3225. Blisk: Yeah? Then fight harder. Maybe you will. Quickest way to end it is to wipe out everyone who stands against you.
  3226. Graves: We don't have to be against each other, Blisk. It could be us against the machines.
  3227. Blisk: Then how we gonna ever know who's better?
  3228. Graves: No person is better than another, Blisk.
  3229. Blisk: I disagree. You kill me, you're better. I kill you, I'm better.
  3230. Graves: Blisk, you fight alongside machines, but they believe in nothing. They have no loyalty. They're loyal only to their operator.
  3231. Blisk: You're gonna lecture me about loyalty!? You change your uniform like you're changing socks.
  3232. Graves: In the end, against faceless machines and people like you who fight only for a paycheck, we will win.
  3233. Blisk: Ha, I'll fight you for free, Graves! Hope to find you on the ground soon aye.
  3234. Spyglass: Reactor core overload is at 25%. Signal intercepts indicate that we currently hold the advantage over the Militia.
  3235. Blisk: Good work Pilots! The sooner we scuttle this base, the less time they'll have to analyze the tower.
  3236. Bish: Mac, we got a problem- the IMC are overloading the tower's reactor through the hardpoints, and it's interfering with my access to the tower's systems.
  3237. MacAllan: Got it Bish. Pilot, the IMC are trying to scuttle the base. Get control of the hardpoints, so Bish can complete his analysis of the tower. Let's step it up!
  3238. Bish: I'm tapped in, downloading operational history and running a systems analysis...we're at 25%. Got some damaged circuits, but everything was still fully operational up until 20 years ago.
  3239. Sarah: What was that? Pulse wave just rolled through. Effects are fading.
  3240. MacAllan: You do that Bish?
  3241. Bish: Yeah, the power circuits are kinda sketchy, but I had to see if they still worked. Lemme see if I can do it again in a bit.
  3242. Spyglass: Sir, I've detected a power surge in the repulsor tower. Someone is...
  3243. Blisk: Whoa! Tower just pulsed, Spyglass. She ain't supposed to do that.
  3244. Spyglass: Possible Militia interference. Standby, performing analysis of the tower's system.
  3245. Bish: Mac, I'm gonna try to send a pulse through the tower and record the data. Here goes nothing...
  3246. MacAllan: You get anything from that, Bish?
  3247. Bish: Better than nothing, but the scan is going slow- IMC activity at the hardpoints is messing with the signal.
  3248. MacAllan: You heard him, Pilot. Let's help him out. Take those hardpoints!
  3249. Spyglass: All units, despite our control of the situation, I am detecting a power surge at the tower. Brace for heavy interference.
  3250. Blisk: Spyglass! Find out what's causing it. Those pulses might interfere with the core overload if they continue.
  3251. Bish: Ok, good news, I'm at 35% on my scan of the tower. I'm gonna fire off a pulse to check my data, standby.
  3252. Bish: Great, we're on track guys, but we have a way to go. Keep me patched into those hardpoints!
  3253. Spyglass: All units, I am detecting a power surge at the tower. Brace for heavy interference.
  3254. Blisk: Spyglass! Find out what caused that pulse- I don't like surprises!
  3255. Sarah: Alright Bish, I'm in. I'm using the Icepick on the north tower now. Watch this!
  3256. Sarah: The north tower is out of commission.
  3257. Bish: Nice job Sarah, keep me updated on your position.
  3258. Sarah: Bish, I'm headed to the east tower! I've picked up a pursuit force over here but I should be able to lose them in the service tunnels.
  3259. Blisk: Sir, the Militia have taken out the north tower! Whoever's out there is good.
  3260. Graves: Blisk, have your intercept team cut hard to the east tower and set up an ambush. Don't let them pursue directly. All other Pilots, stay on the main invasion force in case they make an attempt on the main tower.
  3261. Spyglass: Reactor core overload is at 50%. Signal intercepts indicate that we currently hold the upper hand.
  3262. Blisk: Pilots, we're doing well- pressure in the tower's reactor core is rising. Stay in control of the hardpoints.
  3263. Bish: Uh, Mac, pressure in the tower's reactor core is about halfway to critical. They're drawing a lotta juice from the system and it's slow going on my end. Can we do something about this, like now?
  3264. MacAllan: Team, we need to buy Bish more time to analyze the tower. Get control of the hardpoints A-SAP!
  3265. Bish: Ok, tower systems analysis is at 50%! I'm gonna trigger another pulse. Reverb profiling should help us reverse engineer the pulse wave's signature.
  3266. MacAllan: Bish, what the hell are you talking about...
  3267. MacAllan: Yeeah, I'll take your word for it, Bish. Keep at it.
  3268. Spyglass: Reactor core overload at 50%. Circuitry damage detected in the tower...
  3269. Blisk: There she blows! You figured that out yet, Spyglass?
  3270. Spyglass: The Militia are causing the pulses to analyze the tower's vulnerabilities. Whoever is behind this strategy is surprisingly clever for a human.
  3271. Blisk: Yeah, well if you can detect when the next one's coming, a little heads-up would be nice.
  3272. Sarah: Bish! We've 'icepicked' the east tower, but my team's been wiped out down here, and my shooting arm's useless.
  3273. Bish: Can you still move? Can you get outta there?
  3274. Sarah: They've blocked the path to the main tower! There's no way I can get to it now!
  3275. Bish: Sarah, I'm sending you the coordinates of one of the airfields. It should take you away from the IMC pursuit team. If you can 'icepick' an IMC access console, we'll still have a chance to take out the last tower!
  3276. Sarah: Copy that Bish, I'm headed to the surface! Have a Crow on standby for medevac!
  3277. Blisk: We're hammering the Militia covert team in the tunnels by the east tower! One of them's running for it! Female, she's been hit in the arm, and leaving a hell of a blood trail! My men are in pursuit!
  3278. Spyglass: Sergeant Blisk, I'm detecting instability in the east tower...
  3279. Blisk: The damn thing's coming down, Spyglass! They have some kind of device, somehow it destabilizes the tower...
  3280. Graves: Blisk, respond!
  3281. Blisk: The path's blocked! There's too much rubble from the east tower! My men can't get after her! At least she's headed away from the main tower- she'll probably bleed out anyway.
  3282. Spyglass: Reactor core overload nearing 75%.
  3283. Blisk: That's good news, Pilots. Reactor pressure is climbing and we're on track to scuttling the entire base. Stay in control of the hardpoints.
  3284. Bish: Mac, it's going to be hard to find a weakness in the tower without more data. But the tower's reactor pressure is still going up, and all the interference is slowing me down!
  3285. MacAllan: Pilots, capture and hold those hardpoints! We're cutting it close out there- let's get Bish what he needs!
  3286. Bish: Ok guys, we're at 80% on my tower analysis. I'm configuring a patch to measure the pulses. Here comes another one.
  3287. Sarah: The Leviathans and Flyers retreat with each pulse, Bish. An on/off switch would be killer.
  3288. Bish: Like an icepick to the forehead. I'm gonna try to bring it to full power one last time to confirm my findings.
  3289. Spyglass: Sergeant Blisk, Militia power rerouting detected. This is your...
  3290. Spyglass: ...Warning. The Militia analysis of the tower is progressing faster than we can overload the core.
  3291. Blisk: Pilots, get those hardpoints under control! Let's turn it around! Blisk out.
  3292. Sarah: Bish! I've made it to the airfield! What do you need?
  3293. Bish: Locate a fighter launch console. I can configure the system for remote activation with the Icepick.
  3294. Sarah: Ok Bish, I've 'icepicked' the console! I'm getting on the medevac and I'm outta here! Good luck!
  3295. MacAllan: Can you make it happen, Bish?
  3296. Bish: It'll come down to how much time we have left, but yeah, I think I got this, Mac.
  3297. Blisk: Spyglass! Intercept team has lost sight of her! Last seen headed to airfield 24!
  3298. Spyglass: Understood Sergeant Blisk. Scanning airfield 24 for hostiles. None detected.
  3299. Blisk: Keep looking!
  3300. Blisk: Spyglass! There's a Phantom lifting off right now! She's got to be on board!
  3301. Spyglass: Negative. That fighter is operating on an unknown autopilot protocol.
  3302. Graves: Spyglass, decrypt and expedite- the fighters are attacking the main tower!
  3303. Spyglass: Standby- I cannot override it, tower destruction is imminent.
  3304. Bish: This is a strike mission. Eliminate all hostiles. Good luck.
  3305. Bish: This is a strike mission. Eliminate all hostiles. Good luck.
  3306. Bish: This is a strike mission. Eliminate all hostiles. Good luck.
  3307. Bish: OK buddy, this is a strike mission. Get in there and kill every IMC bastard you run into. It's real simple. Good luck.
  3308. Blisk: This is a strike mission. Kill the enemy Pilots.
  3309. Bish: This is a strike mission, people. Kill the enemy Pilots. Good luck.
  3310. Blisk: This is a strike mission. Target all enemy Pilots and neutralize them.
  3311. Bish: This is a strike mission. Target all enemy Pilots and take 'em out.
  3312. Blisk: This is a strike mission. Take out enemy Pilots to achieve victory.
  3313. Bish: This is a strike mission. Take out enemy Pilots to achieve victory.
  3314. Bish: We're going hunting, people. Take out enemy Pilots to achieve victory.
  3315. Bish: We are going Pilot hunting. Take out enemy Pilots to achieve victory.
  3316. Barker: Hey, your Titan's been destroyed. I'll get you another as soon as I can.
  3317. Barker: Ah great, your Titan's been destroyed. Look, we're working on a replacement. I'll get it to you when it's done.
  3318. Barker: Pilot, your Titan's been destroyed. I've got a replacement underway. I'll let you know when it's done.
  3319. Barker: Hey, make it last this time. Standby for Titanfall.
  3320. Barker: You got it. Standby for Titanfall.
  3321. Barker: Hey, wake up! Your Titan's good to go! Call it when ready.
  3322. Barker: Hey! You want your Titan or not? Call it when ready.
  3323. Barker: Hey, your Titan's good to go. Call it when ready.
  3324. Barker: Ok, I got a Titan with your name on it. Call it when ready.
  3325. Barker: Hey Pilots, Sarah can't be in two places at once, so you're stuck with me on this one.
  3326. Barker: I'll be handling Titan production for this operation. Don't screw with me, I got one helluva bad hangover. Barker out.
  3327. Sim AI: Well done.
  3328. Sim AI: Would you like to reverse the vertical look input?
  3329. Sim AI: Please confirm your selection by looking at each of the lights again.
  3330. Sim AI: You may use the simulator menu at any time to adjust the look controls.
  3331. Sim AI: Visual calibration complete. Simulator initializing.
  3332. Sim AI: Simulator initializing.
  3333. Sim AI: Cloaking- making yourself nearly invisible- is essential to Pilot survival.
  3334. Sim AI: To get past the sentries, cloak first, then move through the area quickly.
  3335. Sim AI: Cloaking only lasts for a short time. Make your move decisively after cloaking.
  3336. Sim AI: For best results don't run into the sentries.
  3337. Sim AI: Impressive moves, Pilot. A textbook demonstration of using cloak in melee combat.
  3338. Sim AI: Please proceed to the exit.
  3339. Sim AI: Combat scenario initialized. Destroy all opposition in the area.
  3340. Sim AI: Your minimap is located in the upper-left corner of your AR display.
  3341. Sim AI: Your minimap is located in the upper-left corner of your display.
  3342. Sim AI: Look for the small dots on your minimap to find all the enemy troops.
  3343. Sim AI: Combat scenario initialized. Hostile Titanfall imminent.
  3344. Sim AI: Remember to use your Anti-Titan weapons to destroy hostile Titans.
  3345. Sim AI: Only Anti-Titan weapons can damage Titans.
  3346. Sim AI: Excellent. Combat scenario complete.
  3347. Sim AI: You are free to move around the simulation.
  3348. Sim AI: To proceed, please move around the simulation.
  3349. Sim AI: Please move around to continue.
  3350. Sim AI: Sprint through the tunnel.
  3351. Sim AI: To proceed, please sprint through the tunnel.
  3352. Sim AI: Beat the closing doors by sprinting.
  3353. Sim AI: Start moving first, then start sprinting a moment later.
  3354. Sim AI: Jump over the obstacle.
  3355. Sim AI: For greater distance, jump while sprinting.
  3356. Sim AI: Sprint toward the edge, then jump just before the edge.
  3357. Sim AI: Jump toward the edge of a surface to pull yourself up.
  3358. Sim AI: Jump up, while looking at the ledge, to start pulling yourself up.
  3359. Sim AI: Run toward the wall at a diagonal angle and jump once to start wallrunning.
  3360. Sim AI: Jump again to detach from the wall.
  3361. Sim AI: For best results, first sprint, then jump towards the wall.
  3362. Sim AI: Wallruns can be chained together to travel farther.
  3363. Sim AI: Wallruns only last for a short time.
  3364. Sim AI: Try jumping from one wallrun directly into another.
  3365. Sim AI: If you detach from the first wall too early, you will not be able to run far enough on the second wall to make the jump.
  3366. Sim AI: Be sure to jump toward the second wall before your first wallrun ends.
  3367. Sim AI: Use sprinting, jumping and wallrunning to make your way to the exit.
  3368. Sim AI: The exit is on the opposite side of the room.
  3369. Sim AI: The exit is located above you.
  3370. Sim AI: Head for the objective marker on your AR display to find the exit.
  3371. Sim AI: Jump Kits extend your natural jumping ability. You can jump once more after leaving the ground.
  3372. Sim AI: Let your first jump carry you for a moment before jumping again.
  3373. Sim AI: To cover even more distance, wait longer before starting the second jump.
  3374. Sim AI: Use wallrunning and double jumping to make your way to the exit.
  3375. Sim AI: You are jumping OFF the wall too early.
  3376. Sim AI: After jumping ONCE to start wallrunning, WAIT before jumping off the wall.
  3377. Sim AI: To take a more calculated shot, you can AIM DOWN THE SIGHTS of your weapon.
  3378. Sim AI: To continue, please AIM DOWN THE SIGHTS of your weapon.
  3379. Sim AI: Look to the sky to watch your Titan fall into battle.
  3380. Sim AI: Titans are designed to be a natural extension of the Pilot.
  3381. Sim AI: Firing your Titan's primary weapon is as easy as firing a Pilot weapon.
  3382. Sim AI: Kill the hostiles arriving in drop pods.
  3383. Sim AI: Sprint down the hallway before the doors close.
  3384. Sim AI: Titans can Dash laterally to perform fast directional changes.
  3385. Sim AI: The Dash meter is located beneath the crosshair on the Titan cockpit display.
  3386. Sim AI: Each blue box represents one Dash.
  3387. Sim AI: Dash energy refills over time, so watch the Dash Meter to know when you can Dash again.
  3388. Sim AI: Titans frequently DASH to avoid threats in combat.
  3389. Sim AI: Move down the hallway while avoiding the rockets.
  3390. Sim AI: DASH out of the way of the rockets.
  3391. Sim AI: To defend against ranged threats, Titans can be equipped with the VORTEX SHIELD.
  3392. Sim AI: This weapon absorbs incoming ballistics for a limited time, then refires them.
  3393. Sim AI: Use your VORTEX SHIELD to absorb the projectiles.
  3394. Sim AI: Skilled Pilots often disembark from their Titans on the battlefield.
  3395. Sim AI: Head into the control room to open the gate for your Titan.
  3396. Sim AI: Pilots can control their Titan's AI when they are on foot. The AI can be toggled to FOLLOW you, or GUARD its current location.
  3397. Sim AI: Put your Titan into FOLLOW mode and it will follow you through the gate.
  3398. Sim AI: When your Titan is in FOLLOW mode it will try to stay close to your position.
  3399. Sim AI: Get close to your Titan, AND re-embark.
  3400. Sim AI: To continue, pilot your Titan to the exit.
  3401. Sim AI: Titans also carry OFFHAND WEAPONS into combat.
  3402. Sim AI: These weapons can be fired at times when primary weapons are unavailable, which enhances your Titan's combat effectiveness.
  3403. Sim AI: Your Titan has been equipped with the ROCKET SALVO.
  3404. Sim AI: Your Titan has been equipped with the salvo rockets.
  3405. Sim AI: Try firing your ROCKET SALVO now.
  3406. Sim AI: Try firing your salvo rockets now.
  3407. Sim AI: Be sure to deploy OFFHAND WEAPONS when you need an extra damage boost in combat.
  3408. Sim AI: Use offhand weapons to maximize your firepower in combat.
  3409. Sim AI: Be sure to deploy offhand weapons to maximize your firepower in combat.
  3410. Sim AI: Prepare for final combat test. Try to use all of the skills you have learned.
  3411. Sim AI: ALERT! Titan combat scenario initialized.
  3412. Sim AI: Survive for as long as possible.
  3413. Sim AI: Wave survived. Prepare for the next wave.
  3414. Sim AI: Next wave incoming.
  3415. Sim AI: When your Titan is close to death, your HEALTH BAR changes, and you have a short window of time to EJECT.
  3416. Sim AI: You must EJECT before your Titan goes critical.
  3417. Sim AI: To continue, please EJECT from your Titan.
  3418. Sim AI: Kill the Pilot with one trigger pull by waiting for multiple locks.
  3419. Sim AI: Wait for the weapon to finish the lockon process before pulling the trigger.
  3420. Sim AI: Kill the Pilot with just one trigger pull of your Smart Pistol.
  3421. Sim AI: Wait until the weapon has acquired all of the possible lock points before pulling the trigger.
  3422. Sim AI: The lower RIGHT corner of your Pilot HUD displays your Titan's current AI mode.
  3423. Sim AI: This unit is authorized for: military use only.
  3424. Sim AI: Possession by an individual is a Class One felony.
  3425. Sim AI: Welcome to the Hammond Pilot Certification Simulator. Warning. Unregistered user detec... ...Key Accepted. Training Pod is Authorized.
  3426. Sim AI: Welcome, Pilot.
  3427. Sim AI: Welcome back, Pilot.
  3428. Sim AI: As a Pilot, your most important piece of gear is your JUMP KIT, which allows you to run on walls.
  3429. Sim AI: A Pilot's most important piece of gear is the JUMP KIT, which allows for agile, highly mobile combat tactics, such as vertical flanking.
  3430. Sim AI: To calibrate the AR display, please look at each of the RED lights.
  3431. Sim AI: To continue, please look at both of the lights.
  3432. Sim AI: To continue, please look at the top light.
  3433. Sim AI: To continue, please look at the bottom light.
  3434. Sim AI: If these settings are comfortable, click YES. Otherwise click NO to calibrate again.
  3435. Sim AI: Please look at your AR display for instructions.
  3436. Sim AI: Please walk to the exit pad to proceed.
  3437. Sim AI: Good job.
  3438. Sim AI: Good job.
  3439. Sim AI: Nicely done.
  3440. Sim AI: Objective complete.
  3441. Sim AI: Well played.
  3442. Sim AI: Completion requirements met.
  3443. Sim AI: Module completed.
  3444. Sim AI: Module completed.
  3445. Sim AI: Training module complete.
  3446. Sim AI: Would you like to continue to Titan training?
  3447. Sim AI: Please select a training module.
  3448. Sim AI: Welcome back to Pilot certification.
  3449. Sim AI: Now beginning Titan training.
  3450. Sim AI: Titan certification complete.
  3451. Sim AI: For your safety, please stay in the training pod to regain your equilibrium.
  3452. Sim AI: The view is zooming because you are accidentally aiming down the sights of your weapon. This is only necessary in combat.
  3453. Sim AI: You are currently crouched. To stand back up, look at the onscreen prompt.
  3454. Sim AI: Please WALK through the tunnel in front of you.
  3455. Sim AI: To continue, WALK through the tunnel.
  3456. Sim AI: The doors in front of you will slowly close as you move forward. To proceed, move quickly enough to beat the closing doors.
  3457. Sim AI: To make it past the closing doors, walk steadily through the tunnel.
  3458. Sim AI: To make it past this set of closing doors, you must SPRINT as you move.
  3459. Sim AI: You must SPRINT all the way through the tunnel, from start to finish.
  3460. Sim AI: Pilot, you are not SPRINTING!
  3461. Sim AI: Please refer to the onscreen instructions to learn how to SPRINT.
  3462. Sim AI: If the lights in the tunnel do not turn green, you are not sprinting.
  3463. Sim AI: You do not need to HOLD the SPRINT button down while moving; just CLICK it once to start sprinting.
  3464. Sim AI: To cross this gap, you can JUMP off the wall at the end of your wallrun.
  3465. Sim AI: JUMP off the wall before you lose your grip.
  3466. Sim AI: This distance is too far to cover with wallrun alone. JUMP at the end of your run to extend the distance.
  3467. Sim AI: Make sure to JUMP at the end of your wallrun to make it over the gap.
  3468. Sim AI: Jump!
  3469. Sim AI: Jump!
  3470. Sim AI: Jump now!
  3471. Sim AI: WALLRUN across the gap to proceed.
  3472. Sim AI: To continue, WALLRUN across the gap.
  3473. Sim AI: Make sure to JUMP across the gap to the second wall before your first wallrun finishes.
  3474. Sim AI: If you jump off the wall too early, you will not be able to make the jump.
  3475. Sim AI: WALLRUN, then JUMP, off the wall, towards the ledge. This will give you enough height to MANTLE onto the ledge.
  3476. Sim AI: DOUBLE JUMP across the gap to proceed.
  3477. Sim AI: To continue, please DOUBLE JUMP across the gap.
  3478. Sim AI: For more distance, wait longer before starting your second jump.
  3479. Sim AI: Jump at the very edge of the gap to achieve maximum distance.
  3480. Sim AI: Double jump and mantle into the hole above to proceed.
  3481. Sim AI: Look around the area for a route that can get you to the exit room.
  3482. Sim AI: Remember, to reach the exit you will need to SPRINT, WALLRUN and DOUBLE JUMP.
  3483. Sim AI: Pilot, please CLOAK to avoid detection.
  3484. Sim AI: The sentries will spot you unless you CLOAK.
  3485. Sim AI: You need to CLOAK to get past the sentries without being seen.
  3486. Sim AI: CLOAK only lasts for a short time before needing to be recharged. It has been artificially extended for this excercise.
  3487. Sim AI: Time your moves carefully.
  3488. Sim AI: Physical confrontation is not recommended for new Pilots.
  3489. Sim AI: Be careful: when cloaked, other Pilots will see you more easily than Titans.
  3490. Sim AI: Melee the target without moving into visual range.
  3491. Sim AI: Stay behind the target while meleeing.
  3492. Sim AI: To continue, please pull your weapon.
  3493. Sim AI: To proceed, eliminate the target using your SMART PISTOL.
  3494. Sim AI: Kill the Pilot with your SMART PISTOL.
  3495. Sim AI: Autotargeting is only enabled when aiming from the hip.
  3496. Sim AI: Target locking is disabled while manually aiming.
  3497. Sim AI: To enable autotargeting, do not aim using the iron sights.
  3498. Sim AI: Kill the targets from the high ledge before jumping down.
  3499. Sim AI: Target down.
  3500. Sim AI: Target down.
  3501. Sim AI: Target eliminated.
  3502. Sim AI: Targets neutralized.
  3503. Sim AI: Try aiming down the sights to get a better shot.
  3504. Sim AI: You can zoom your view for a better shot by aiming down the sights.
  3505. Sim AI: Fire in short bursts to aim more accurately and conserve ammunition.
  3506. Sim AI: Use the crosshair to line up your throw with the window, and adjust for distance.
  3507. Sim AI: Tilt your view up slightly to throw farther. Tilt your view down slightly for a shorter toss.
  3508. Sim AI: Use your MINIMAP to find enemies in the area.
  3509. Sim AI: To continue, eliminate as many ground troops as possible.
  3510. Sim AI: For this certification, death simulation has been disabled.
  3511. Sim AI: As a Pilot, when your viewscreen tints red, you are close to death.
  3512. Sim AI: Avoid taking damage for a short time, and your health will re-stabilize.
  3513. Sim AI: Once the red tint on your screen fades away, you have fully recovered.
  3514. Sim AI: All combat Titans are outfitted with DASH jets, allowing for fast directional changes.
  3515. Sim AI: Use DASH to move more quickly, duck in and out of cover, and escape threatening situations.
  3516. Sim AI: To dash, start moving in any direction, then press the DASH button.
  3517. Sim AI: Please dash to the left.
  3518. Sim AI: To continue, please dash to the left.
  3519. Sim AI: Dash to your right.
  3520. Sim AI: To proceed, dash to the right.
  3521. Sim AI: Dash forward.
  3522. Sim AI: Please dash forward.
  3523. Sim AI: To continue, dash forward.
  3524. Sim AI: Dash backwards.
  3525. Sim AI: To proceed, dash backwards.
  3526. Sim AI: DASH in any direction.
  3527. Sim AI: To proceed, please dash in any direction you like.
  3528. Sim AI: Start moving before you press the DASH button, otherwise you will stay in place.
  3529. Sim AI: To proceed, avoid the rockets by dashing.
  3530. Sim AI: Dash into the alcoves to avoid the rockets.
  3531. Sim AI: Move forward, then dash sideways.
  3532. Sim AI: Note that when the lights switch on, the rockets are armed. Use the lights to time your dash.
  3533. Sim AI: Dash now!
  3534. Sim AI: Dash!
  3535. Sim AI: When the Vortex runs out of charge it will REFIRE whatever projectiles it has absorbed.
  3536. Sim AI: Make sure to AIM at the enemy Titan as you absorb his attacks.
  3537. Sim AI: When you eject, you can use the higher vantage point to plan your next move.
  3538. Sim AI: Your Titan's HEALTH BAR status is located at the top center of your HUD.
  3539. Sim AI: Once your HEALTH BAR is depleted, your Titan is DOOMED to die shortly.
  3540. Sim AI: Notice that when your HEALTH BAR goes down, it will not replenish.
  3541. Sim AI: Each Titan has a shield that deflects incoming damage.
  3542. Sim AI: Your SHIELD BAR wraps above the HEALTH BAR, at the top center of your HUD.
  3543. Sim AI: If you avoid taking damage for a short time, your SHIELDS will recharge.
  3544. Sim AI: The best Pilots will monitor their Titan's SHIELDS in combat, taking breaks to recharge as necessary.
  3545. Sim AI: Enemy Titan shields temporarily disabled.
  3546. Sim AI: Enemy Titan shields online. Use caution.
  3547. Sim AI: Be advised, enemy Titans may now appear with more advanced weapons.
  3548. Sim AI: Enemy Titans will now be equipped with the Vortex Shield.
  3549. Sim AI: High-threat hostile wave eliminated. Increasing difficulty.
  3550. Sim AI: Maximum threat wave defeated. Exemplary combat skills, Pilot.
  3551. Sim AI: Initiating forced stand-down.
  3552. Sim AI: Your chosen route indicates above-average navigational skills.
  3553. Sim AI: Only a few Pilots can wallrun in tight spaces.
  3554. Sim AI: Excellent navigational skills, Pilot.
  3555. Sim AI: Your exceptional navigational abilities have been noted.
  3556. Sim AI: Excellent route, Pilot.
  3557. Sim AI: You made very good time.
  3558. Sim AI: You appear quite adept at rapid environment navigation.
  3559. Sim AI: All targets eliminated without a magazine swap. Your ammunition conservation has been noted.
  3560. Sim AI: All headshots. You appear quite ready for ranged combat.
  3561. Sim AI: Four out of four. Nicely done.
  3562. Sim AI: Minimal damage sustained during live fire exercise. Well done.
  3563. Sim AI: Cloaking does not last forever. Look at your CLOAK METER on the bottom left of your screen to monitor your remaining cloak time.
  3564. Sim AI: If you melee an opponent from behind, you will perform an execution. Meleeing an enemy from the front can be faster, but carries more risk of death.
  3565. Sim AI: To continue, disembark from your Titan.
  3566. Sim AI: Remember, many actions- such as sprinting- are controlled in the same way when piloting a Titan.
  3567. Sim AI: Your Titan is critically damaged. Combat veterans refer to this as 'Doomed State.' Your Titan will inevitably self-destruct once it is Doomed.
  3568. Sim AI: In this simulation, you have infinite time to eject. This WILL NOT be the case in actual combat.
  3569. Cargo Ship Captain: All hands, listen up. We're docking at Horizon Station in 5 minutes.
  3570. Cargo Ship Captain: All hands, listen up. We're 5 minutes out from Horizon Station.
  3571. Cargo Ship Captain: Pilots, this is your stop. You got 10 minutes to collect your gear and get off my boat.
  3572. Cargo Ship Captain: Pilots, you got 10 minutes to collect your gear and get off my boat.
  3573. Cargo Ship Captain: Welcome to the Frontier.
  3574. Sim AI: Pilots earn credit toward their next Titan drop by engaging in combat.
  3575. Sim AI: Once your Titan is built, you can drop your Titan onto the battlefield.
  3576. Sim AI: To continue, please initiate Titanfall.
  3577. Sim AI: To proceed, please call in your Titan.
  3578. Sim AI: Get close to your Titan to mount up.
  3579. Sim AI: Excellent. Your Pilot combat certification is complete.
  3580. Sim AI: Get close to the target to melee.
  3581. Sim AI: In close quarters situations, you can kill silently with a melee attack.
  3582. Sim AI: Pull your sidearm.
  3583. Sim AI: Draw your other weapon.
  3584. Sim AI: Draw your sidearm.
  3585. Sim AI: The weapon is empty. Load a fresh magazine.
  3586. Sim AI: Reload your weapon.
  3587. Sim AI: This is the Smart Pistol, an auto targeting weapon.
  3588. Sim AI: Get close enough to a valid target and the Smart Pistol will start locking on. Wait for full lock before pulling the trigger.
  3589. Sim AI: Get close enough to a valid target and the Smart Pistol will start locking on.
  3590. Sim AI: Wait for full lock before pulling the trigger.
  3591. Sim AI: Use your Smart Pistol to NEUTRALIZE the target.
  3592. Sim AI: The Smart Pistol can lock onto more than one target.
  3593. Sim AI: Try to eliminate all the targets with one trigger pull.
  3594. Sim AI: Eliminate all of the targets with your Smart Pistol.
  3595. Sim AI: Some enemies, especially Pilots, require multiple locks to kill with one trigger pull.
  3596. Sim AI: Switch to your rifle.
  3597. Sim AI: To continue, please switch to your rifle.
  3598. Sim AI: To continue, please switch weapons.
  3599. Sim AI: Destroy all of the targets in the shooting range.
  3600. Sim AI: Throw a grenade into each of the windows.
  3601. Sim AI: To throw a grenade higher and farther, tilt your view up slightly while throwing.
  3602. Sim AI: Titans will not take substantial damage from small arms fire. Switch to your Anti-Titan weapon.
  3603. Sim AI: To continue, please switch to your Anti-Titan weapon.
  3604. Sim AI: Destroy the Titan with your Anti-Titan weapon.
  3605. Sim AI: Taking on a Titan is very dangerous even with the right weaponry.
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