
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 7 (Origins Pt. 1)

Jan 23rd, 2014
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  1. >A bone-chilling breeze howls past your face as you step clumsily through the shin-high banks of snow.
  2. >The night sky is deceptively beautiful. The darkness shields your sight from danger, and there's danger aplenty on this mountain you're somehow on.
  3. >Any wrong move can lead you tumbling down a snow-covered rocky cliff.
  4. >Snow whips all around you, and you wrap your arms around yourself, desperately trying to keep warm. Your jeans and hoodie are barely doing anything in this intense cold.
  5. >Summer was just starting, as far as you knew... how come there's so much goddamn snow?
  6. >And this mountain...?
  7. >What happened? How are you here?
  8. >You try desperately to remember, but nothing is coming to mind.
  9. >All you can do right now is focus on that city.
  10. >Like a beacon of hope, the city's lights shine through the dark night.
  11. >It's built into the side of the mountain, and stands with a kind of medieval beauty.
  12. >By the looks of it, it's about a mile away.
  13. >...If you can make it that far.
  14. >You grit your teeth as the snow stings your numb face, trudging through the high banks.
  15. >Come on, Anonymous... you can do this.
  16. >Your lips feel like they're going to fall off.
  17. >But you continue through. You've dealt with hardships before, and you can damn well make it though this.
  18. >Just make it to the city, and you can get some help.
  19. >Everything will be fine.
  20. >You take a few more steps into the snow, but one step sinks way farther in than you had anticipated.
  21. >The next thing you know, you've completely fallen into the bank, tumbling down a disguised slope on this mountain.
  22. >Blistering cold sears you all around as you roll, white snow tosses up in every direction. Luckily, the snow itself pads any trauma that could potentially have come about from the fall.
  23. >When you come to a stop at the bottom, you're face first in the cold.
  24. >You try to prop yourself up with an arm, but you're too weak.
  25. >Your head plops back down to the ground, and off in the distance, you get another glance of the city.
  26. >...So close.
  27. >You can do it...
  28. >You brace your arms once more and try to pick yourself up. It's a struggle, but you're managing to do it.
  29. >In the middle of this, however, you begin to hear voices.
  30. >They're soft and hard to hear through the whipping wind, but they're definitely there, and growing louder.
  31. >Soon, you hear the crunching of snow under footsteps.
  32. >Oh God... has help actually arrived?
  33. >You turn your head towards the voices.
  34. >"--And the citizens have said they've seen them around here."
  35. >"Changelings? Really? Not after the wedding. Surely they're mistaken."
  36. >You can see figures form from beyond the snowy veil.
  37. >It's...
  38. >Your eyes widen.
  39. >It's not human at all.
  40. >THEY are not human at all.
  41. >You see two four-legged creatures first. They're wearing armor and carrying spears.
  42. >The spears levitate with an odd blue aura, which also seems to encapsulate the creatures'...
  43. >...Horns?
  44. >Oh man, are these things... unicorns? Talking unicorns?
  45. >A third figure reveals itself as they continue closer.
  46. >It is as well a small unicorn. It has a white coat and a golden mane, and wears a blue hooded cloak of sorts.
  47. >"Prince Blueblood," one of the guards says. "I really don't think--"
  48. >He cuts himself off.
  49. >Ahh... the blue robed one is a prince.
  50. >...Prince?
  51. >Is this some kind of weird small horse kingdom?
  52. >...How the hell did you even get here?
  53. >...It's gotten quiet.
  54. >It's now you realize why he cut himself off.
  55. >He's looking at you.
  56. >Directly at you.
  57. >Both guards, with mouths wide open.
  58. >"What is it?" Prince Blueblood asks. He steps forward, and soon, his eyes lock to you too.
  59. >Your pupils dart back and forth between them.
  60. >"...What is it?"
  61. >"I'm not sure, but... look. Its eyes. It's alive."
  62. >You freeze up. [spoiler]Metaphorically.[/spoiler]
  63. >"Well quick!" Blueblood demands. "Capture it before it freezes to death!"
  64. >The two guards spring into action, dashing toward you and pulling you out of the snow by each arm.
  65. >You're too weak to resist. You're too cold to say anything.
  66. >You just allow yourself to be hauled up by these small horses.
  67. >"Tie it up." Blueblood orders. One guard nods, and levitates a rope out from its armor.
  68. >As they bind your hands, Prince Blueblood walks up to you. He stares you directly in the face, foreheads almost touching.
  69. >Your eyes dart back and forth between his.
  70. >"Its eyes... they're so expressive," he comments.
  71. >"How so?" a guard asks as you're pulled to your feet. "Hoo-ee, he's a tall one."
  72. >"It's like he wants to say something to me." Your teeth chatter as you continue staring into his eyes. He looks your whole body over. "Curious... it wears clothes..."
  73. >Man, how you want to say something.
  74. >But for now, better to keep quiet.
  75. >Not like you COULD talk anyway.
  76. >"Good. Now bring it to the chariot, we'll take it back to Canterlot Castle."
  78. >The air isn't any less cold high in the sky.
  79. >You fear you might be developing hypothermia as you fly toward the city on the mountain.
  80. >Well... it's where you were heading anyway, you suppose.
  81. >Two horses, with wings this time, pull the chariot through the air.
  82. >You sit on one side, in between the two unicorn guards, and the prince sits on the other.
  83. >He seems zoned out, glancing off into the night sky.
  84. >The guards whisper things to each other past you.
  85. >"So no changelings in the mountains, huh?" one asks. The other shakes his head.
  86. >"I knew there wouldn't be. It's just some delusional cityfolk spewing rumors."
  87. >"If that were the case, why did Blueblood drag us out there?" The other laughs a little.
  88. >"To impress his new girlfriend, of course."
  89. >"Ahh..." the other nods.
  90. >"He never went out adventuring before this. He just wants to show off to her."
  91. >"I'm surprised this girl can even put up with him and his crap. Remember the last time he was with a girl?"
  92. >"Oh, was that at the gala?"
  93. >"Yeah, the gala girl! The white P0nyville unicorn!" They both silently laugh.
  94. >"She's a national hero too, I think. How hilarious was that?"
  95. >Your head continues to shift back and forth between them as each speaks.
  96. >After a laugh, one of the guard eyes you, and his smile fades from his face.
  97. >"...This thing's giving me a weird vibe."
  98. >"Yeah..." The guard leans into you. "It does have those expressive eyes Blueblood was talking about..."
  99. >Speaking of your eyes, you roll them.
  100. >Dying of cold. Taken hostage. But you can have a little fun and mess with these guys.
  101. >They kind of jump back a bit.
  102. >"D-Did you just see--"
  103. >"With its eyes?"
  104. >"Yeah! It--"
  105. >"Enough!" Blueblood calls from the other end of the carriage. "Do not harass the creature. Let it be until we reach the castle, then the researchers can decide what to do with it."
  106. >"Yes, sire," both guards respond obediently.
  107. >Soon, the city comes into full view.
  108. >As you pass over it, you can see its beauty in the night.
  109. >Its medieval-like architecture is like nothing you've ever seen.
  110. >Many more horse-like creatures walk among its streets.
  111. >It's now you truly begin to realize...
  112. >You've entered some sort of other world...
  113. >The chariot flies in and lands at a castle, and your captors depart with you.
  114. >You walk shakily, still chilled to the bone, up to the doors of the castle, guarded by other sentries.
  115. >They swing open, and as you step inside the grand structure, a wave of heat passes over you.
  116. >It's satisfying beyond all description, and an incredible look of relief graces your face.
  117. >With one more shiver, you truly begin to warm up.
  118. >"Hey," one guard says to the other, motioning with his head to you, "I think its really liking the warmth."
  119. "Fuck, I'll say."
  120. >Every horse around you gasps loudly and freezes.
  121. >...Hmm.
  122. >Maybe that wasn't the BEST idea.
  123. >But it just sort of slipped.
  124. >Ah well. What're you gonna do?
  125. >Blueblood marches over to you. "Creature, you CAN talk!"
  126. >The guards around you point their spears at you.
  127. >Your eyes widen.
  128. "Whoa whoa, guys, let's take it easy."
  129. >"If it talks, it's intelligent," Blueblood says. "Take it to the dungeon, we don't know its motives yet!"
  130. "Dungeon!? Hey, I've been nothing but cooperative, let's instead talk this--"
  131. >"Move, creature!" A guard interrupts. Both sentries that escorted you now violently pull you in a direction.
  132. "Alright, alright, holy shit, chill out."
  133. >They pull you off to the side, down a hallway, then down a staircase.
  134. >It starts to get dark. Lit torches line the walls.
  135. "God, what year is it?"
  136. >Soon, the staircase ends. The guard opens a door at the end, revealing a room with a line of jail cells.
  137. >All remain empty.
  138. >They walk you over to the first available one, open the door, then chuck you in.
  139. >You stumble forward a bit, hands still tied behind your back.
  140. >"Stay there, creature," one says, slamming the door.
  141. "Like I can go anywhere."
  142. >They give you a glare of sorts, then head back the way they came.
  143. >After the entrance door slams, you can hear their hoofsteps clop further and further away.
  144. >Until you're completely alone.
  145. "...Well shit."
  146. >You sit yourself down against the wall.
  147. >God damn...
  148. >This all happened so fast.
  149. >Just where the hell are you, anyway?
  150. >You struggle a bit against your binds, but those horses tied you up real good.
  151. >No squirming your way out of this one.
  152. >You glance up through the barred window above you, looking at the beautiful night for a moment.
  153. >...So much more vibrant than you're used to.
  154. >Could you really be in another world?
  155. >You continue staring out, until soon, your eyes grow heavy.
  156. >You HAVE been out and about a lot. No surprise you're tired.
  157. >Soon they droop, and you find yourself passing out.
  159. >You're not sure how much time has passed, but you can hear a pair of heavy footsteps echoing down the staircase.
  160. >Your eyes flutter awake, and you look outside.
  161. >Still rather dark...
  162. >With a groan, you sit yourself up, then stand to your feet.
  163. >Approaching the bars of your cell, you look at the door, ready to see your guest.
  164. >It swings open, and a feminine looking horse with a red mane and tan coat comes through. She courteously holds the door open.
  165. >Very soon after, a white unicorn with a blonde mane steps in after her.
  166. >The prince from before.
  167. >He smiles smugly with his head held high, walking right past the female horse that let him through. She soon turns and follows him.
  168. >"Hello, creature," the prince greets to you.
  169. "And the same to you."
  170. >He narrows his eyes at you.
  171. >"...Princess Celestia is busy at the moment. Preparations for the sun rise and other duties keep her from being able to see you herself."
  172. >You nod at him. Mostly for show. You still don't know who this 'Princess Celestia' is, or why she'd need to prepare for the sun to rise.
  173. >"Until then, I have been assigned to interview you, to determine whether or not you are a threat."
  174. "Okay, great."
  175. >You look over to the other horse.
  176. "And who is she?"
  177. >Blueblood glances back to his company. "Oh. This is my marefriend, Dahlia." The horse smiles to you. "But she's of no concern to you."
  178. >He paces back and forth a bit.
  179. >"Now. Are you ready to be questioned?"
  180. "Sure. But one condition."
  181. >You glare at this stuck-up horse prince.
  182. "I get to ask some too."
  183. >He glares at you in return. "And why should I agree to that?"
  184. "Because I'm just as lost as you are right now. Me asking can provide just as much information as you asking."
  185. >He lowers his head and thinks for a moment. "...Alright. Fair enough, I suppose. But I shall go first."
  186. "Ask away."
  187. >"Right." He begins his pacing yet again. "Now, first: What are you?"
  188. >You take a seat once again on the floor.
  189. "Sore as hell."
  190. >He flashes a look at you. It brings a smile to your face.
  191. "I'm a human, I guess. That what you're looking for? Name's Anonymous."
  192. >"A human..." Blueblood ponders for a moment. "I don't believe I have any knowledge of a creature by that name."
  193. >You shrug.
  194. "Oh well, 'tis the truth. My turn?"
  195. >Blueblood nods.
  196. "Okay: Why are you horses able to talk?"
  197. >He scoffs. "Horses? Excuse you, human. We are not horses. We are p0nies."
  198. >You roll your eyes.
  199. "Oh, well, my mistake. Forgive me for such an easy error."
  200. >Your sarcasm goes over his head. "As for speech, I am more perplexed as to how YOU can talk."
  201. >You shrug yet again.
  202. "Guess we'll just have to accept that one and move on."
  203. >He nods in agreement. "Well then. Question two: Where do you come from?"
  204. "San Diego."
  205. >"Where is that?"
  206. "California."
  207. >"Where is that?"
  208. "The US...?"
  209. >"...Where is that?"
  210. >You sigh.
  211. "...Earth?"
  212. >He looks at you with a blank expression.
  213. >You return it tenfold.
  214. >...Well what did you expect?
  215. >This sure as hell wasn't Earth.
  216. >Guess this was just confirmation of that.
  217. "...My turn?"
  218. >Blueblood sighs. "I suppose so. I already have a feeling where this is going."
  219. "Where am I right now?"
  220. >"The castle of Canterlot, the capitol of Equestria."
  221. >...Equestria?
  222. >Seriously?
  223. >That's rich.
  224. "...Well, needless to say--"
  225. >"You have no idea where this is?"
  226. "None whatsoever."
  227. >Blueblood nods to himself slowly, then turns to Dahlia. "I suppose that's all we really need for Aunt Celestia."
  228. >Dahlia smiles and nods in return.
  229. >"Okay, Human Anonymous, we will consult with the princess regarding your standing with this kingdom. You will be visited in the near future for information on the subject."
  230. "Yeah yeah, alright."
  231. >After a fairly unorganized and impolite-on-both-sides goodbye, the two of them make their departure, Dahlia again opening the door for Blueblood. Soon, you're alone once again.
  232. >You sigh, and lay on your side on the stone floor.
  233. >Fucking hell, you're tired.
  234. >Quicker than last time, you swiftly fall into a much deeper sleep.
  236. >"Anonymous?"
  237. >You're roused from your deep sleep.
  238. >You can feel sunlight shining down on your eyelids.
  239. >Man, how long were you out?
  240. >You open your eyes, only to be greeted with blinding sunlight.
  241. >Fuck, were you even thinking?
  242. >You squint your eyes and pull yourself up to a sitting position. Rather difficult with your hands still bound.
  243. >Looking to the door of the cell, you see a large, white p0ny with a flowing colorful mane.
  244. >Especially in the sunlight, she looks absolutely majestic.
  245. >"Anonymous?" she asks again, in a motherly tone.
  246. >There's something about her. You instantly like this p0ny.
  247. >Infinitely more than that douchebag Blueblood.
  248. >You sit up a little more straight.
  249. "Yes, that's me. Are you... Princess Celestia?"
  250. >That was her name, right?
  251. >She smiles, and nods.
  252. >"Yes, that's correct, Anonymous." She walks closer to you. "I am so sorry about these accommodations. My nephew can be a little... harsh, at times."
  253. >Her horn glows a yellow color, and you feel the rope around your hands loosen behind your back.
  254. >It levitates in a yellow aura in front of you, then drops to the floor.
  255. >You bring your arms back around to your front, rubbing your wrists a bit.
  256. "Thank you."
  257. >You stand to your feet.
  258. >This princess is much larger than the other p0nies you've seen. She's almost your height.
  259. >"My nephew's methods aside," she starts, "I've been told much about you." She smiles warmly at you. "From that, and from right now, I can tell, feel, and be sure that you are not a threat to this kingdom."
  260. "I'm glad to hear that."
  261. >She turns back toward the door. "Come with me, I'll show you to a much more agreeable stay. I'm sure you'll have many questions to ask along the way."
  262. >You smile in return, and follow her.
  263. >Back up the stairs and through the castle, you ask her about her kingdom.
  264. >Who she is, who these p0nies are, anything you could think of to familiarize yourself with the environment.
  265. >She was more than happy to answer these questions for you.
  266. >With her around, you feel much more relaxed.
  267. >You finish your walk when you approach a quaint, comfortable looking room.
  268. >"And here is where you may stay for now," she concludes. "I hope you don't mind staying in the castle until we get to know you more."
  269. "Nah, it's fine."
  270. >It's not like you'd really be going anywhere else.
  271. >"Do you have any other questions?"
  272. >You think a little.
  273. "...Do you guys have beer here? I'd kill for a cold one right now."
  274. >Princess Celestia laughs.
  275. >"There are bars in the city, though we'd truly appreciate it if you'd simply stay in the castle for now."
  276. >You shrug.
  277. >Ehh, it'll be fine.
  278. >"We do have a library in the castle, if you'd like to keep yourself entertained."
  279. >You smile.
  280. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll ask around for it later."
  281. >She returns your smile. "Most excellent. Although, you may wish to wait til later. In these early hours of the morning, you don't see many p0nies about." She glances over her shoulder. "Now, Anonymous, I must get back to your duties. But please make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay at the castle."
  282. "I will. Thanks, Princess."
  283. >And with that, she leaves back down the hall you came.
  284. >You look into the room you've been gifted with.
  285. >...Hell of a lot better than a dingy jail cell.
  286. >And that Princess... what a sweetheart.
  287. >Makes you have faith in these p0nies after all.
  288. >Too bad you were found by the prince of jackassery rather than her.
  289. >You find yourself standing around for a few moments just thinking over the conversation you had with Celestia.
  290. >Equestria...
  291. >A land populated mostly by sentient p0nies.
  292. >But also with griffons, donkeys... fucking dragons...
  293. >It's a regular fantasy land.
  294. >You sigh, then stretch your back.
  295. >You could really go for a power nap.
  296. >On something that's not a stone floor.
  297. >You glance inside your room and spot a comfy looking bed.
  298. >Yeah... that'll do.
  299. >You begin to make your way over...
  300. >...But a soft clopping sound catches your attention.
  301. >You poke your head out the door and look down the hall.
  302. >It grows gradually louder, until you see a figure approach from around a corridor.
  303. >It's just a p0ny glancing around, and--
  304. >You squint your eyes.
  305. >Wait... that doesn't look much like the p0nies you've been seeing.
  306. >This one is... pure black.
  307. >It has no mane, and wings you can't really make out.
  308. >Its eyes are pure blue, and--
  309. >Before you can make anything else out, it's enveloped in a blinding flash.
  310. >You shield your eyes quickly, and when you next look, an entirely different figure is standing there.
  311. >Red mane, tan coat...
  312. >Is that Dahlia?
  313. >She glances around again once more, then quickly trots off out of sight.
  314. >The halls are again completely empty.
  315. >Yet still, you stare down it for a few moments more.
  316. >...Huh.
  317. >Is that a... regular occurrence?
  318. >Princess Celestia didn't mention anything about it...
  319. >Did she transform or something?
  320. >...You shrug to yourself.
  321. >Maybe you'll ask someone about it later.
  322. >You turn to your room.
  323. >For now, that bed looks damn inviting.
  325. End of Part 7
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