
CICADA 3301 Deepweb Puzzle

Sep 12th, 2017
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  1. [DEEPWEB CICADA 3301]
  2. So i was searching the darknet and I came across this image and it was named "17" and another image which was corrupted it showed only a head of a cicada when I seen it but I gathered some other evidence along with it from the one that wasn't corrupted.
  4. Page title: III
  6. http://vj7suk6t5bfjugdv.onion/
  8. a cicada motif in the same style as the landing page, upside down on the right top hand corner, and right way up on the lower left.
  9. fourteen coded lines consisting of vertical bars, sloping bars, dots and X's.
  10. a key-like symbol on the lower right hand side.
  11. seven trees:
  12. ...three with The Eye of Horus/Providence,
  13. ...two cicada motifs: one on a bare tree, one on a leafy tree,
  14. ...two trees sans symbols: one bare, one leafy.
  17. There is a relationship between the Main Page title III and the image name 17 - we get a bonus cicada biology lesson, along with a serving of prime numbers. Magicicada is a type of periodical cicada found in eastern North America with a 13-year to 17-year life cycle (the majority of which it spends underground). The evolution of life cycles based on prime numbers has proved a successful strategy as it minimizes contact with predators, whom are less able to sync with their reproductive cycle. Reproductive ninja's. Brood III Magicicadas (whose evil headquarters are stationed in Iowa) have a 17-year life cycle, last emerged in 2014 and are due to return in 2031.
  20. Here is a rough translation.
  22. Kinda looks to be DNA or more links.
  24. EAurugribabl
  25. ad lumul
  26. lun umnrA yMoruo
  27. AMtilra lumEAur EAuTubl
  28. ib AMil fil ut firTul
  29. aMil fil uT firTul
  30. AcuiMa bob caEAiT caEAit cicaDau
  31. AuDaTia EAarTuMi TibDubT
  32. auderu ult raCuru
  33. auDacul rorTba CuTaT
  34. ut aD furum duCiT
  35. uam ombia ibCiEAiT hiS
  36. bofum ordo occidubtil
  37. chao an ordo
  38. -------------------------
  39. Cicada line 7
  40. Ordo= Order line 13
  41. Chao ab ordo = Order of Chaos Line 14
  43. -------------------------------
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