

Nov 19th, 2016
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  1. ! function(e, t, o) {\r\n function a() {}\r\n\r\n function i(e, t, o, a, i) {\r\n = e, this.nick = t, this.skinID = o, this.skinURL = a, 7 == i.length && (this.color = i)\r\n }\r\n\r\n function s() {}\r\n\r\n function n() {\r\n if (document.getElementById(\"canvas\")) {\r\n var e = document.getElementById(\"canvas\");\r\n return void e.addEventListener(\"mousemove\", function(e) {\r\n && t.cursorTracking && t.setCursorPosition && (t.clientX = e.clientX, t.clientY = e.clientY, t.setCursorPosition())\r\n }, !1)\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(n, 50)\r\n }\r\n\r\n function l() {\r\n return e.MC && e.MC.showNickDialog ? (e.MC._showNickDialog = e.MC.showNickDialog, e.MC.showNickDialog = function() {\r\n e.MC._showNickDialog.apply(this, arguments), o(\"#main-panel\").show(), e.onkeydown = function() {}\r\n }, e.MC._showStatsDialog = e.MC.showStatsDialog, e.MC.showStatsDialog = function() {\r\n e.MC._showStatsDialog.apply(this, arguments), e.onkeydown = function() {}\r\n }, e.MC._onPlayerSpawn = e.MC.onPlayerSpawn, e.MC.onPlayerSpawn = function() {\r\n e.MC._onPlayerSpawn.apply(this, arguments), t.playerColor = null, C && C.onPlayerSpawn()\r\n }, e.MC._onPlayerDeath = e.MC.onPlayerDeath, e.MC.onPlayerDeath = function() {\r\n e.MC._onPlayerDeath.apply(this, arguments), C && C.onPlayerDeath()\r\n }, e.MC._onAgarioCoreLoaded = e.MC.onAgarioCoreLoaded, e.MC.onAgarioCoreLoaded = function() {\r\n e.MC._onAgarioCoreLoaded.apply(this, arguments), r()\r\n }, e.MC._wasInitialized = e.MC.wasInitialized, void(e.MC.wasInitialized = function() {\r\n e.MC._wasInitialized.apply(this, arguments), setTimeout(function() {\r\n r(), C && C.getDefaultSettings(), o(\".btn-spectate\").prop(\"disabled\", !1), e.onkeydown = function() {}\r\n }, 1e3)\r\n })) : void setTimeout(l, 50)\r\n }\r\n\r\n function r() {\r\n var a = 1 * e.innerWidth,\r\n i = 1 * e.innerHeight,\r\n s = o(\"#helloContainer\"),\r\n n = s.innerHeight();\r\n n > 0 ? t.menuHeight = n : n = t.menuHeight || 570;\r\n var l = Math.min(1, i \/ n),\r\n r = n * l,\r\n c = Math.round(i \/ 2 - .5 * r),\r\n h = \"translate(-25%, 0%) scale(\" + l + \")\";\r\n s.css(\"transform\", h), s.css(\"-ms-transform\", h), s.css(\"-webkit-transform\", h), s.css(\"top\", \"\" + c + \"px\"), t.innerW = a, t.innerH = i\r\n }\r\n\r\n function c() {\r\n return ? p[d].exit : void 0\r\n }\r\n\r\n function h() {}\r\n \"\/ogario\" == e.location.pathname && e.history && e.history.replaceState && e.history.replaceState({}, e.document.title, \"\/\" + e.location.hash),\r\n function() {\r\n e.NREUM && (e.NREUM = null, delete e.NREUM), e.core && (e.core = null, delete e.core), o.ajax(\"http:\/\/\/agario.core.js\", {\r\n success: function(e) {\r\n var t = e;\r\n t = t.replace(\/(\\(function\\(([\\w$]+)\\){)\/i, \"$1 var ogario=$2.ogario,gameCtx=null;\"), t = t.replace(\/(([\\w$]+)=[\\w$]+\\.getContext\\(\\\"2d\\\"\\);)\/i, \'if($\"canvas\"){$1 gameCtx=$2;}else{$1}\'), t = t.replace(\/(setTarget:function\\((\\w),(\\w)\\)\\{)([\\w$]+\\(\\w,\\w\\)})\/i, \"$1if(ogario.pause){$2=ogario.innerW\/2*ogario.canvasScale; $3=ogario.innerH\/2*ogario.canvasScale;}$4\"), t = t.replace(\/(function\\s*([\\w$]+)\\(\\w\\){return\\s*[\\w$]+\\(\\w,\\w\\)})\/i, \"$1 ogario.getString=$2;\"), t = t.replace(\/(\\w\\[\\w\\+(\\d+)>>3]=(\\w);\\w\\[\\w\\+(\\d+)>>3]=(\\w);\\w\\[\\w\\+(\\d+)>>3]=(\\w);\\w\\[\\w\\+(\\d+)>>3]=(\\w);)\/i, \"$1 if(ogario.setMapCoords){ogario.setMapCoords($3,$5,$7,$9,$2,$8);}\"), t = t.replace(\/if\\((\\+\\w\\[\\w>>3\\])<1\\.0\\){\/i, \"if($1<ogario.zoomResetValue){\"), t = t.replace(\/(\\w)(=\\+(\\w\\[\\w>>3\\])\\*\\+\\w\\()(\\.\\d)(,\\+\\w\\);)\/i, \"if(!ogario.autoZoom){$3=ogario.zoomValue;} $1$2 (ogario.zoomSpeedValue||0.9) $5 ogario.zoomValue=$1;\"), t = t.replace(\/(\\w=\\w\\[\\w>>2\\]\\|0;)((\\w\\[\\w>>3\\])=(\\w);)(\\w\\[\\w>>0\\]=a\\[\\w>>0\\];)\/i, \"$1 if(!ogario.a
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