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  1. 517
  3. by: Susan Hirschmann, Executive Director
  4. Eagle Forum
  5. To the Senate Judiciary Committee
  6. July 23, 1993
  7. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's writings show her to be a radical,
  8. doctrinaire feminist, far out of the mainstream. She shares the
  9. chip-on-the-shoulder, radical feminist view that American women
  10. have endured centuries of oppression and mistreatment from men.
  11. That's why, in her legal writings, she self-identifies with
  12. feminist Sarah Grimke's statement, "All I ask of our brethren is
  13. that they take their feet off our necks," and with feminist
  14. Simone de Beauvoir's put-down of women as "the second sex." (De
  15. Beauvoir's most famous guote is, "Marriage is an obscene
  16. bourgeois institution.")
  17. A typical feminist. Ruth Bader Ginsbura wants affirmative
  18. action quota hiring for career women but at the same time wants
  19. to wipe out the special rights that state laws traditionally gave
  20. to wives. In a speech published by the Phi Beta Kappa Kev
  21. Reporter in 1974, Ginsburg called for affirmative action hiring
  22. quotas for career women, using the police as an example in point.
  23. She said, "Affirmative action is called for in this situation."
  24. On the other hand, she considered it a setback for "women's
  25. rights" when the Supreme Court, in Kahn v. Shevin (1974), upheld
  26. a Florida property tax exemption for widows. Ginsburg disdains
  27. what she calls "traditional sex roles" and demands strict gender
  28. neutrality (except, of course, for quota hiring of career women).
  29. Ginsburg's real claim to her status as the premier feminist
  30. lawyer is her success in winning the 1973 Supreme Court case
  31. Frontiero v. Richardson, which she unabashedly praised as an
  32. "activist" decision. She obviously shares the view of Justice
  33. William Brennan's opinion that American men, "in practical
  34. effect, put women, not on a pedestal, but in a cage," and that
  35. "throughout much of the 19th century the position of women in our
  36. 518
  37. society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under
  38. the pre-Civil War slave codes."
  39. Anyone who thinks that American women in the 19th century
  40. were treated like slaves, and in the 20th century were kept in a
  41. "cage," has a world view that is downright dangerous to have on
  42. the U.S. Supreme Court. She's another Brennan, and no
  43. conservative should vote to confirm her.
  44. Of course, Ginsburg passed President Clinton's selfproclaimed
  45. litmus test for appointment to the Supreme Court — she
  46. is "pro-choice." But that's not all; she wants to write taxpayer
  47. funding of abortions into the U.S. Constitution, something that
  48. 72% of Americans oppose and even the pro-abortion, pro-Roe v.
  49. Wade Supreme Court refused to do.
  50. It has been considered settled law since the Supreme Court
  51. decisions in a trilogy of cases in 1977 fBeal v. Doe. Maher v.
  52. Roe, and Poelker v. Doe) that the Constitution does not compel
  53. states to pay for abortions. These cases were followed by the
  54. 1980 Supreme Court decision of Harris v. McRae upholding the Hyde
  55. Amendment's ban on spending federal taxpayers' money for
  56. abortions. The Court ruled that "it simply does not follow that
  57. a woman's freedom of choice [to have an abortion] carries with it
  58. a constitutional entitlement to the financial resources to avail
  59. herself of the full range of protected choices."
  60. Ginsburg has planted herself firmly in opposition to this
  61. settled law. In a 1980 book entitled Constitutional Government
  62. in America. Judge Ginsburg wrote a chapter endorsing taxpayer
  63. funding of abortions as a constitutional right and condemning the
  64. high Court's rulings.
  65. "This was the year the women lost," Ginsburg wrote in her
  66. analysis of the 1977 cases. "Most unsettling of the losses are
  67. the decisions on access by the poor to elective abortions."
  68. Criticizing the 6-to-3 majority in the funding cases, Ginsburg
  69. asserted that "restrictions on public funding and access to
  70. 519
  71. public hospitals for poor women" were a retreat from Roe v. Wade,
  72. as well as a "stunning curtailment" of women's rights.
  73. The phony "concern" expressed by pro-abortion lobbyists like
  74. Kate Michelman is just a smokescreen. Ginsburg's article
  75. criticizing Roe v. Wade, which has received some attention since
  76. her nomination, merely complained that the Court didn't adopt the
  77. "women's equality" theory that she had personally developed in
  78. the 1970s. Ginsburg's article was not a legal criticism, but a
  79. political one: if the Court had been less categorical in its Roe
  80. language, she said, it would not have provoked the "wellorganized
  81. and vocal right-to-life movement." Ginsburg preferred
  82. to legalize abortion with arcane and obtuse legal gobbledegook
  83. that didn't agitate the grassroots.
  84. Feminists Want to Change Our Laws
  85. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a longtime advocate of the extremist
  86. feminist notion that any differentiation whatsoever on account of
  87. gender should be unconstitutional. Her radical views are made
  88. clear in a book called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, which she coauthored
  89. in 1977 with another feminist, Brenda Feigen-Fasteau,
  90. for which they were paid with federal funds under Contract No.
  91. CR3AK010.
  92. Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published by the U.S. Commission
  93. on Civil Rights, was the source of the claim widely made in the
  94. 1970s that 800 federal laws "discriminated" on account of sex.
  95. The 230-page book was written to identify those laws and to
  96. recommend the specific changes demanded by the feminist movement
  97. in order to conform to the "equality principle" and promote
  98. ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, for which Ginsburg
  99. was a fervent advocate. (The ERA died in 1982.)
  100. Sex Bias in the U.S. Code is a handbook which shows how the
  101. feminists want to change our laws, our institutions and our
  102. attitudes, and convert America into a "gender-free" society. It
  103. clearly shows that the feminists are not trying to redress any
  104. 520
  105. legitimate grievances women might have, but want to change human
  106. nature, social mores, and relationships between men and women —
  107. and want to do that by changing our laws. Despite the noisy
  108. complaints of the feminists about the oppression of women, a
  109. combing of federal laws by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, then a Columbia
  110. University Law School professor, and her staff under a federal
  111. grant of tax dollars, unearthed no federal laws that harm women!
  112. The feminists' complaints about "discriminatory laws" are either
  113. ridiculous or offensive.
  114. Here are some of the extremist feminist concepts from the
  115. Ginsburg book, Sex Bias in the U.S. Code:
  116. . . . in the Military
  117. 1. Women must be drafted when men are drafted.
  118. "Supporters of the equal rights principle firmly reject
  119. draft or combat exemption for women, as Congress did when it
  120. refused to qualify the Equal Rights Amendment by incorporating
  121. any military service exemption. The equal rights principle
  122. implies that women must be subject to the draft if men are, that
  123. military assignments must be made on the basis of individual
  124. capacity rather than sex." (p. 218)
  125. "Equal rights and responsibilities for men and women implies
  126. that women must be subject to draft registration ... " (p. 202)
  127. 2. Women must be assigned to military combat duty.
  128. "Until the combat exclusion for women is eliminated, women
  129. who choose to pursue a career in the military will continue to be
  130. held back by restrictions unrelated to their individual
  131. abilities. Implementation of the equal rights principle requires
  132. a unitary system of appointment, assignment, promotion,
  133. discharge, and retirement, a system that cannot be founded on a
  134. combat exclusion for women." (p. 26)
  135. 3. Affirmative action must be applied for women in the armed
  136. services.
  137. "The need for affirmative action and for transition measures
  138. is particularly strong in the uniformed services." (p. 218)
  139. 521
  140. . . . in Moral Standards
  141. 1. The age of consent for sexual acts must be lowered to 12
  142. years old.
  143. "Eliminate the phrase 'carnal knowledge of any female, not
  144. his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years' and
  145. substitute a federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense. . .
  146. A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act
  147. with another person, . . . [and] the other person is, in fact,
  148. less than 12 years old." (p. 102)
  149. 2. Bigamists must have special privileges that other felons
  150. don't have.
  151. "This section restricts certain rights, including the right
  152. to vote or hold office, of bigamists, persons *cohabiting with
  153. more than one woman,' and women cohabiting with a bigamist.
  154. Apart from the male/female differentials, the provision is of
  155. questionable constitutionality since it appears to encroach
  156. impermissibly upon private relationships." (pp. 195-196)
  157. 3. Prostitution must be legalized: it is not sufficient to
  158. change the law to sex-neutral language.
  159. "Prostitution proscriptions are subject to several
  160. constitutional and policy objections. Prostitution, as a
  161. consensual act between adults, is arguably within the zone of
  162. privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions." (p. 97)
  163. "Retaining prostitution business as a crime in a criminal
  164. code is open to debate. Reliable studies indicate that
  165. prostitution is not a major factor in the spread of venereal
  166. disease, and that prostitution plays a small and declining role
  167. in organized crime operations." (p. 99)
  168. "Current provisions dealing with statutory rape, rape, and
  169. prostitution are discriminatory on their face. . . . There is a
  170. growing national movement recommending unqualified
  171. decriminalization [of prostitution] as sound policy, implementing
  172. equal rights and individual privacy principles." (pp. 215-216)
  173. 522
  174. 4. The Mann Act must be repealed; women should not be protected
  175. from "bad" men.
  176. "The Mann Act . . . prohibits the transportation of women
  177. and girls for prostitution, debauchery, or any other immoral
  178. purpose. The act poses the invasion of privacy issue in an acute
  179. form. The Mann Act also is offensive because of the image of
  180. women it perpetuates. .. . It was meant to protect from
  181. xthe
  182. villainous interstate and international traffic in women and
  183. girls,' *those women and girls who, if given a fair chance,
  184. would, in all human probability, have been good wives and mothers
  185. and useful citizens. . . . The act was meant to protect weak
  186. -women from bad men." (pp. 98-99)
  187. 5. Prisons and reformatories must be sex-integrated.
  188. "If the grand design of such institutions is to prepare
  189. inmates for return to the community as persons equipped to
  190. benefit from and contribute to civil society, then perpetuation
  191. of single-sex institutions should be rejected. .. . 18 U.S.C.
  192. §4082, ordering the Attorney General to commit convicted
  193. offenders to *available suitable, and appropriate' institutions,
  194. is not sex discriminatory on its face. It should not be applied
  195. . . . to permit consideration of a person's gender as a factor
  196. making a particular institution appropriate or suitable for that
  197. person." (p. 101)
  198. 6. In the merchant marine, provisions for passenger
  199. accommodations must be sex-neutralized, and women may not
  200. have more bathrooms than men.
  201. "46 U.S.C. §152 establishes different regulations for male
  202. and female occupancy of double berths, confines male passengers
  203. without wives to the * forepart' of the vessel, and segregates
  204. unmarried females in a separate and closed compartment. 46
  205. U.S.C. §153 requires provision of a bathroom for every 100 male
  206. passengers for their exclusive use and one for every 50 female
  207. passengers for the exclusive use of females and young children."
  208. (P- 190)
  209. 523
  210. "46 U.S.C. §152 might be changed to allow double occupancy
  211. by two ^consenting adults.' . . . Requirements for separate
  212. bathroom facilities stipulated in Section 153 should be retained
  213. but equalized so that the ratio of persons to facility is not
  214. sex-determined." (p. 192)
  215. . . . in Education
  216. 1. Sinale-sex schools and colleges, and sinale-sex school and
  217. college activities must be sex-integrated.
  218. "The equal rights principle looks toward a world in which
  219. men and women function as full and equal partners, with
  220. artificial barriers removed and opportunity unaffected by a
  221. person's gender. Preparation for such a world requires
  222. elimination of sex separation in all public institutions where
  223. education and training occur." (p. 101)
  224. 2. All-boys' and all-girls' organizations must be sexintegrated
  225. because separate-but-equal organizations
  226. perpetuate stereotyped sex roles.
  227. "Societies established by Congress to aid and educate young
  228. people on their way to adulthood should be geared toward a world
  229. in which equal opportunity for men and women is a fundamental
  230. principle. The educational purpose would be served best by
  231. immediately extending membership to both sexes in a single
  232. organization." (pp. 219-220)
  233. 3. Fraternities and sororities must be sex-integrated.
  234. "Replace college fraternity and sorority chapters with
  235. college
  236. 'social societies.'" (p. 169)
  237. 4. The Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and other Congressionallvchartered
  238. youth organizations, must change their names and
  239. their purposes and become sex-integrated.
  240. "Six organizations, which restrict membership to one sex,
  241. furnish educational, financial, social and other assistance to
  242. their young members. These include the Boy Scouts, the Girl
  243. 524
  244. Scouts, Future Farmers of America . . . , Boys' Clubs of America
  245. . . ., Big Brothers of America . . . , and the Naval Sea Cadets
  246. Corps. . . . The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, while ostensibly
  247. providing *separate but equal' benefits to both sexes, perpetuate
  248. stereotyped sex roles to the extent that they carry out
  249. congressionally-mandated purposes. 36 U.S.C. §23 defines the
  250. purpose of the Boy Scouts as the promotion of '. . . the ability
  251. of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in
  252. scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance,
  253. and kindred virtues. . . .' The purpose of the Girl Scouts, on
  254. the other hand, is
  255. x. . .to promote the qualities of truth,
  256. loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courtesy, purity, kindness,
  257. obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness, and kindred virtues among
  258. girls, as a preparation for their responsibilities in the home
  259. and for service to the community. . . ' (36 U.S.C. §33.)" (pp.
  260. 145-146)
  261. "Organizations that bestow material benefits on their
  262. members should consider a name change to reflect extension of
  263. membership to both sexes . . . [and] should be revised to conform
  264. to these changes. Review of the purposes and activities of all
  265. these clubs should be undertaken to determine whether they
  266. perpetuate sex-role stereotypes." (pp. 147-148)
  267. 5. The 4-H Bovs and Girls Clubs must be sex-integrated into 4-H
  268. Youth Clubs.
  269. "Change in the proper name M-H Boys and Girls Clubs' should
  270. reflect consolidation of the clubs to eliminate sex segregation,
  271. e.g., M-H-Youth Clubs.'" (p. 138)
  272. 6- Men and women should be required to salute the flag in the
  273. same wav.
  274. "Differences [between men and women] in the authorized
  275. method of saluting the flag should be eliminated in 36 U.S.C.
  276. §177." (p. 148)
  277. 525
  278. . . . in the Family
  279. 1. The traditional family concept of husband as breadwinner and
  280. wife as homemaker must be eliminated.
  281. "Congress and the President should direct their attention to
  282. the concept that pervades the Code: that the adult world is (and
  283. should be) divided into two classes — independent men, whose
  284. primary responsibility is to win bread for a family, and
  285. dependent women, whose primary responsibility is to care for
  286. children and household. This concept must be eliminated from the
  287. code if it is to reflect the equality principle." (p. 206)
  288. "It is a prime recommendation of this report that all
  289. legislation based on the breadwinning, husband-dependent,
  290. homemaking-wife pattern be recast using precise functional
  291. description in lieu of gross gender classification." (p. 212)
  292. "A scheme built upon the breadwinning husband [and]
  293. dependent homemaking wife concept inevitably treats the woman's
  294. efforts or aspirations in the economic sector as less important
  295. than the man's." (p. 209)
  296. 2. The Federal Government must provide comprehensive government
  297. child-care.
  298. "The increasingly common two-earner family pattern should
  299. impel development of a comprehensive program of governmentsupported
  300. child care." (p. 214)
  301. 3. The right to determine the family residence must be taken
  302. awav from the husband.
  303. "Title 43 provisions on homestead rights of married couples
  304. are premised on the assumption that a husband is authorized to
  305. determine the family's residence. This
  306. xhusbana s prerogative'
  307. is obsolete." (p. 214)
  308. 4. Homestead law must give twice as much benefit to couples who
  309. live apart from each other as to a husband and wife who live
  310. together.
  311. "Married couples who choose to live together would be able
  312. 526
  313. to enter upon only one tract at a time." (p. 175) "Couples
  314. willing to live apart could make entry on two tracts." (p. 176)
  315. 5. No-fault divorce must be adopted nationally.
  316. "Consideration should be given to revision of 38 U.S.C.
  317. §101(3) to reflect the trend toward no-fault divorce." (p. 159)
  318. "Retention of a fault concept in provisions referring to
  319. separation .. . is questionable in light of the trend away from
  320. fault determinations in the dissolution of marriages." (pp. 214-
  321. 215)
  322. . . . in Language
  323. 1. About 750 of the 800 federal laws that allegedly
  324. "discriminate" on account of sex merely involve the use of socalled
  325. "sexist" words which the ERAers wanted to censor out of
  326. the English language. "The following is a list of specific
  327. recommended word changes" which the feminists want censored out
  328. of Federal laws (pp. 15-16, 52-53).
  329. Words To Be Removed Words To Be substituted
  330. 13
  331. manmade artificial
  332. man, woman person, human
  333. mankind humanity
  334. manpower human resources
  335. husband, wife spouse
  336. mother, father parent
  337. sister, brother sibling
  338. paternity parentage
  339. widow, widower surviving spouse
  340. entryman enterer
  341. serviceman servicemember
  342. midshipman midshipperson
  343. longshoremen stevedores
  344. postmaster postoffice director
  345. plainclothesman plainclothesperson
  346. watchman watchperson
  347. lineman line installer, line maintainer
  348. businessman businessperson
  349. duties of seamanship nautical or seafaring duties
  350. Sex Bias even demands bad grammar to appease the feminists:
  351. "All federal statutes, regulations, and rules shall [use] plural
  352. constructions to avoid third person singular pronouns." (pp. 52-
  353. 53)
  354. 527
  355. 2. In another piece of silliness, Sex Bias demands that
  356. Congress create a female anti-litter symbol to match "Johnny
  357. Horizon."
  358. "A further unwarranted male reference . . . regulates use of
  359. the ^Johnny Horizon' anti-litter symbol. . . • This sex
  360. stereotype of the outdoorsperson and protector of the environment
  361. should be supplemented with a female figure promoting the same
  362. values. The two figures should be depicted as persons of equal
  363. strength of character, displaying equal familiarity and concern
  364. with the terrain of our country." (p. 100)
  365. 3. On the other hand, Sex Bias shows its hypocrisy by
  366. demanding that the "Women's Bureau" in the U.S. Department of
  367. Labor be continued. Although the authors admit that this is
  368. "inappropriate" (it is obviously sex discriminatory), they simply
  369. demand it anyway. "The Women's Bureau is .. . a necessary and
  370. proper office for service during a transition period until the
  371. equal rights principle is realized." (p. 221)
  372. 4. Sex Bias in the U.S. Code makes a fundamental error in
  373. stating: "The Constitution, which provides the framework for the
  374. American legal system, was drafted using the generic term 'man'."
  375. (p. 2) The word "man" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution
  376. (except in a no-longer-operative section of the 14th Amendment,
  377. which is not in effect now and was not in effect when the
  378. Constitution was "drafted"). The U.S. Constitution is a
  379. beautiful sex-neutral document. It exclusively uses sex-neutral
  380. words such as person, citizen, resident, inhabitant, President,
  381. Vice President, Senator, Representative, elector, Ambassador, and
  382. minister, so that women enjoy every constitutional right that men
  383. enjoy — and always have.
  384. Sex Bias in the U.S. Code proves that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's
  385. "equality principle" would bring about extremist changes in our
  386. legal, political, social, and educational structures. The
  387. feminists are working hard — with our tax dollars — to bring this
  388. 528
  389. about by constitutional mandate (through the Equal Rights
  390. Amendment) OJC by legislative changes ££ by judicial activism.
  391. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been their premier lawyer for two
  392. decades.
  393. Finally, who but an embittered feminist could have said what
  394. Ruth Bader Ginsburg said when she stood beside President Clinton
  395. in the Rose Garden the day of her nomination for the Supreme
  396. Court: She wished that her mother had "lived in an age when
  397. daughters are. cherished as much as sons." Where in the world has
  398. Ginsburg been living? In China? In India? Her statement was an
  399. insult to all American parents who do, indeed, cherish their
  400. daughters as much as their sons.
  401. 529
  402. The CHAIRMAN. We are happy to have your testimony. I might
  403. add that I know that some of you did not know whether you wanted
  404. to testify until late in the process, and I particularly appreciate
  405. you coming across the country from California and from Illinois,
  406. and I hope, as this has gone, we have tried to accommodate those
  407. who asked to testify, even when it has been a little down the line.
  408. Mr. Phillips asked early on.
  409. It is nice to see you again, Kay Coles James. The last time we
  410. saw you before this committee, you were a nominee. It is nice to
  411. see you again.
  413. Ms. JAMES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I must admit that I prefer
  414. this seat in terms of the one I had before.
  415. The CHAIRMAN. Being a witness, rather than a nominee.
  416. Ms. JAMES. Exactly right.
  417. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would also like to thank the rest of
  418. the committee for this opportunity to contribute to the deliberative
  419. process on Judge Ginsburg.
  420. Judge Ginsburg has presented herself as a moderate and as an
  421. advocate of judicial moderation. Yet, many of her remarks reveal
  422. a philosophy of judicial activism, most notably with regard to abortion,
  423. where she clearly revealed views that I believe are radical and
  424. activist, and I will even argue wrong.
  425. Judge Ginsburg rightly claimed the privilege of refusing to answer
  426. questions that might commit her on issues likely to come before
  427. the Court, and she exercised this privilege on a wide range of
  428. issues, refusing, for instance, either to endorse or reject the view
  429. that sexual orientation is a suspect classification for equal protection
  430. purposes, or the view that the capital punishment violates the
  431. eighth amendment, even though it is specifically contemplated by
  432. the fifth.
  433. But on abortion, Judge Ginsburg not only declined to exercise the
  434. privilege, she reached out, in answering a question from Senator
  435. Brown that could have been answered much less broadly, and delivered
  436. a ringing statement of her pro-abortion position.
  437. Specifically, she said that the abortion right is, in her words, essential
  438. to women's equality and dignity. She said, furthermore,
  439. that when government controls that decision for a woman, she is
  440. being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her
  441. own choices.
  442. Let me point out first that there is not a shred of law in that
  443. statement. Right or wrong, it is pure policy. This is a very strange
  444. comment coming from someone who postures as a believer in judicial
  445. moderation.
  446. Though, Senator I don't think that she ever really answered your
  447. question on how she can reconcile her advocacy of a broad policy
  448. driven construction of the equal protection clause with her more recent
  449. advocacy of a restrained judiciary, the answer is not hard to
  450. find in her speeches and, in fact, in her articles.
  451. She believes the Supreme Court can and should promote radical
  452. change, but it should be done slowly, and the slowness is based not
  453. on principle, but on expediency. If the Court moves too fast, the
  454. electorate reacts in the opposite direction, and this is precisely her
  455. 530
  456. so-called criticism of Roe v. Wade. She understands that the electorate
  457. in the hands of a liberal, yet cautious judiciary is like a frog
  458. in a pot of slowly-heating water. It will never notice the increasing
  459. temperature and will get boiled to death, rather than jump out.
  460. But I will leave equal protections of history to one side, because
  461. I am not an attorney. What I am is an African-American woman
  462. who has put a certain amount of effort into reminding our increasingly
  463. self-obsessed society about the right of the most vulnerable
  464. category of human beings, the only ones who have been held as a
  465. matter of constitutional law to be completely without rights, the
  466. human unborn.
  467. Judge Ginsburg believes that laws that command people to respect
  468. the rights of the human unborn treat the mother as "less
  469. than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices." Mr.
  470. Chairman, a similar critique could be leveled at any law whatsoever.
  471. All laws direct human conduct in some fashion, and, to that
  472. extent, all laws deprive people of absolute autonomy.
  473. Senator Simon is concerned that any Supreme Court nominee he
  474. votes for be someone who will increase freedom. But I don't think
  475. he means he wants someone who will, say, rule that the 1960 Civil
  476. Rights Act is unconstitutional. That act unquestionably limited
  477. what some people regard as freedoms, the freedom to decide whom
  478. to associate with on the job, the freedom to control the use of one's
  479. own property, and so forth. Many employers and restaurant owners
  480. argued, in fact, that the act treats them as "less than fully adult
  481. humans responsible for their own choices." But it passed, as well
  482. it should have, and it continues to command overwhelming support
  483. in the electorate, because the limitations it imposed on freedom
  484. were necessary to protect the rights of other people whose rights
  485. and dignity were being denied, just as the rights and dignity of
  486. children in the womb are being denied today.
  487. Judge Ginsburg frames the abortion right with no trace of having
  488. confronted the question of whether there might be a party other
  489. than the mother with a life-or-death stake in the abortion decision.
  490. One of her formulations of the abortion right is that "women
  491. have a right free from unwarranted governmental intrusion whether
  492. or not to bear children." That is something I myself could say
  493. amen to, were it not for the question of those conceived but not yet
  494. born. But asserting a right not to bear a child, regardless of whether
  495. or not that child has already come into existence, is like asserting
  496. a right to fire a loaded gun, regardless of whether or not there
  497. is someone standing in the path of the bullet.
  498. Finally, I would like to say a few words about this notion that
  499. the right to take the life of the innocent preborn child as necessary
  500. to women's equality and freedom in society. This view, in my belief,
  501. is a total capitulation to the old saw about how it is a man's world.
  502. Those who adhere to it are, in effect, saying that in order to
  503. achieve dignity and standing in the world, women have to have the
  504. equivalent of male bodies, but they don't. Women don't need to mutilate
  505. their bodies or take the lives of their children in order to be
  506. equal to any man. The real feminists are those who say I'm pregnant,
  507. I can bear children, and you had better be prepared to deal
  508. with it. [Applause.]
  509. 531
  510. The Senate is about to put an advocate of the male assimilation
  511. theory of women's rights onto the Supreme Court and to earn plaudits
  512. from the feminist establishment for doing so, not to mention
  513. plaudits from the media for confirming a moderate.
  514. So it probably won't matter that, for this nominee, moderation is
  515. a political tactic, rather than a legal practice. Nor will it matter
  516. that the nominee's reasoning on abortion is premised on the notion,
  517. to paraphrase the Dred Scott decision, that the unborn have no
  518. rights that the born are bound to respect. But I think it is a tragedy
  519. that we have sunk to the point that this is our idea of a noncontroversial
  520. nominee.
  521. Mr. Chairman, I do thank you and the committee for the opportunity
  522. to come here and say so today.
  523. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you for a reasoned, dispassionate, wellstated
  524. statement. As I said, it is nice to have you back before the
  525. committee and it is nice to know that you would rather be a witness
  526. than a nominee. I guess it is a different role.
  527. Welcome back, Mr. Phillips. One thing for certain, you are nonpartisan
  528. in your criticism. The last time you were here, if I remember—I
  529. mean this to establish your bona fides here—you were not
  530. reluctant to oppose a Republican nominee, and you are not reluctant
  531. to oppose a Democratic nominee.
  532. Mr. PHILLIPS. I am nonpartisan. I am bipartisan.
  533. The CHAIRMAN. That is a better way of saying it. The floor is
  534. yours.
  536. Mr. PHILLIPS. Thank you very much, sir, Senator Hatch, Senator
  537. Specter.
  538. When we are told that a unanimous vote is in the offing, the
  539. American people have the right to ask, in all seriousness, do all
  540. Senators share the same standard of judgment. In 1990, when you
  541. accorded me the opportunity to testify in opposition to the nomination
  542. of David Souter, I asserted that the overarching moral issue
  543. in the political life of the United States in the last third of the 20th
  544. century is the question of abortion: Is the unborn child a human
  545. person entitled to the protections pledged to each of us by the
  546. Founders of the Nation?
  547. The first duty of the law and the civil government established to
  548. enforce that law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. As
  549. Notre Dame law professor Charles Rice has pointed out, this is so,
  550. because the common law does not permit a person to kill an innocent
  551. nonaggressor, even to save his own life.
  552. I have no reason to believe that Mrs. Ginsburg has personally
  553. caused human lives to be extinguished, as was clearly the case
  554. with David Souter, when President Bush put his name forward.
  555. Nor do I in any other way challenge Mrs. Ginsburg's nomination
  556. on grounds of personal character. I do, however, urge that Mrs.
  557. Ginsburg's nomination be rejected on grounds that the standard of
  558. judgment she would bring on the overriding issue of whether the
  559. Constitution protects our God-given right to life is a wrong standard.
  560. Instead of defending the humanity and divinely imparted right
  561. to life of preborn children, she would simply be another vote for the
  562. 532
  563. proposition that our unborn children are less than human, and that
  564. their lives may be snuffed out, without due process of law and with
  565. impunity. As a matter of practice and belief, Mrs. Ginsburg has
  566. failed to acknowledge or recognize that the first duty of the law is
  567. indeed the defense of innocent human life.
  568. If it is Mrs. Ginsburg*s position, and it does seem to be her view,
  569. that the extinguishment of innocent unborn human lives without
  570. due process of law is not only constitutionally permissible, but that
  571. those who engage in the practice of destroying unborn lives should
  572. enjoy constitutional protection for doing so, she may have a perspective
  573. consistent with that held by members of this committee.
  574. But it is not one which is consistent with either the plain language
  575. of the Constitution or with the revulsion toward abortion which
  576. prevailed at the time when our Constitution was drafted and ratified.
  577. While Ms. Ginsburg has disagreed with the reasoning in Roe. v.
  578. Wade, she has at no time expressed dissatisfaction with the millions
  579. of legal abortions which were facilitated by that decision, even
  580. though she would have argued that discrimination rather than privacy
  581. was the core issue. By Ms. Ginsburg's logic, it is unconstitutional
  582. discrimination to deny females the opportunity to extinguish
  583. any lives which may result from their sexual conduct. Her argument
  584. would seem to be with our creator inasmuch as he did not
  585. equally assign the same childbearing function to males. Consistent
  586. with her warped perspective, Ms. Ginsburg as a litigator argued
  587. that pregnancy should be treated as a disability rather than as a
  588. gift from God.
  589. The question of personhood and of the humanity of the preborn
  590. child is at the very heart of the abortion issue in law, in morals,
  591. and in fact. Justice John Paul Stevens expressed his opinion in the
  592. 1986 Thornburgh case that there is a fundamental and well-recognized
  593. difference between a fetus and a human being. He admitted
  594. that indeed if there is not such a difference, the permissibility of
  595. terminating the life of a fetus could scarcely be left to the will of
  596. the State legislatures.
  597. In the Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court indicated that
  598. if the unborn child is a person, the State could not allow abortion
  599. even to save the life of the mother. In fact, the majority opinion deciding
  600. Roe v. Wade—in that opinion, the Supreme Court said that
  601. if the personhood of the unborn child is established, the pro-abortion
  602. case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then
  603. be guaranteed specifically by the 14th amendment.
  604. Although my reasoning is different, I agree with Justice Stevens
  605. when he argues that if the unborn child is recognized as a human
  606. person, there is no constitutional basis to justify Federal protection
  607. of abortion anywhere in the United States of America. Indeed, on
  608. the contrary, if the preborn child is, in fact, a human person created
  609. in God's image, premeditated abortion is unconstitutional in
  610. every one of the 50 States.
  611. Ms. Ginsburg should be closely questioned by members of the Judiciary
  612. Committee concerning whether she believes the unborn
  613. child is a human person created in God's image. This is the core
  614. issue. If this is not her understanding—and it does not seem to
  615. 533
  616. be—she should be asked to indicate by what logic she reaches a
  617. contrary conclusion.
  618. It has been reported concerning Ms. Ginsburg that several of her
  619. writings provide a glimpse into her approach to the Constitution.
  620. In an article in Law and Inequality, a journal of theory and practice,
  621. she wrote that, "a too strict jurisprudence of the Framers'
  622. original intent seems to me unworkable." She went on to write that
  623. adherence to our 18th century Constitution is dependent on change
  624. in society's practices, constitutional amendment, and judicial interpretation.
  625. Furthermore, in the Washington University Law Quarterly she
  626. remarked that boldly dynamic interpretation, departing radically
  627. from the original understanding of the Constitution, is sometimes
  628. necessary. And in a speech this March at New York University,
  629. Judge Ginsburg advocated using the Supreme Court to enact social
  630. change. Without taking giant strides, the Court, through constitutional
  631. adjudication, she said, can reinforce or signal a green light
  632. for social change.
  633. It is not surprising that different people might reach different
  634. conclusions about the intent of the Framers, but it is quite another
  635. thing for a prospective Justice of the Supreme Court to presume to
  636. substitute his or her own opinion for the plain meaning of the original
  637. document, as lawfully amended.
  638. I hope the members of this committee will probe more deeply
  639. into Ms. Ginsburg's present view of the opinions she expressed in
  640. these briefs, articles, and speeches. If she is unwilling to repudiate
  641. them credibly and entirely, then even aside from her apparent failure
  642. to recognize the duty of the State to safeguard innocent humanity,
  643. she would seem to have disqualified herself from a position
  644. in which she is expected to be a guardian of the Constitution. Otherwise,
  645. a vote to confirm Ms. Ginsburg becomes a vote to empower
  646. a permanent one-woman constitutional convention which never
  647. goes out of session.
  648. Indeed, in view of the position taken by Ms. Ginsburg that it is
  649. the duty of Supreme Court Justices to disregard the plain words
  650. and intentions of the Constitution, it is particularly important that
  651. her personal opinions be even more closely scrutinized.
  652. It is the particular obligation of those who might disagree with
  653. Ms. Ginsburg's ideology and policy objectives to either oppose her
  654. nomination on the basis of such disagreement or to henceforth
  655. cease their personal professions of conviction on those particular issues,
  656. whether they relate to abortion, to homosexuality, or to some
  657. other issue where Ms. Ginsburg's philosophical predilections are a
  658. matter of public record.
  659. I see that my time is up, so I will terminate my testimony there,
  660. asking that the balance of it be submitted to the record.
  661. The CHAIRMAN. It will be placed in the record.
  662. [The prepared statement of Mr. Phillips follows:]
  663. 534
  664. "A vote to confirm Mrs. Ginsburg
  665. becomes a vote to empower
  666. a permanent one-woman Constitutional Convention
  667. which never goes out of session."
  671. Excerpts from Testimony of Howard Phillips
  672. When we are told that a unanimous vote is in the offing, the
  673. American people have the right to ask in all seriousness: "Do all
  674. Senators share the same standard of judgment?"
  675. By Mrs. Ginsburg's logic, it is unconstitutional discrimination
  676. to deny females the opportunity to extinguish any lives which may
  677. result from their sexual conduct. Her argument would seem to be with
  678. our Creator, inasmuch as he did not equally assign the same childbearing
  679. function to males. Consistent with her warped perspective, Mrs.
  680. Ginsburg, as a litigator, argued that pregnancy should be treated as a
  681. disability rather than as a gift from God.
  682. Indeed, in a 1972 brief, Mrs. Ginsburg argued that "exaltation of
  683. woman's unique role in bearing children has, in effect, restrained
  684. women from developing their individual talents...and has impelled them
  685. to accept a dependent, subordinate status in society."
  686. Moreover in 1984, in a soeech at the University of North Carolina,
  687. Mrs. Ginsburg went so far as to maintain that the government has a
  688. legal "duty" to use taxpayer funds to subsidize abortion.
  689. In an article in Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and
  690. Practice, she wrote that 'a too strict jurisprudence of the framers'
  691. original intent seems to me unworkable.' She went on to write that
  692. adherence to 'our eighteenth century Constitution' is dependent on
  693. 'change in society's practices, constitutional amendment, and judicial
  694. interpretation.' Furthermore, in the Washington University Law
  695. Quarterly, she remarked that 'boldly dynamic interpretation departing
  696. radically from the original understanding' of the Constitution is
  697. sometimes necessary."
  698. It is not surprising that different people might reach different
  699. conclusions about the intent of the Framers. But it is quite another
  700. thing for a prospective Justice of the Supreme Court to presume to
  701. substitute his or her own opinion for the plain meaning of the original
  702. document as lawfully amended. If she is unwilling to repudiate it
  703. credibly and entirely, then, even aside from her apparent failure to
  704. recognize the duty of the state to safeguard innocent humanity, she
  705. would seem to have disqualified herself from a position in which she
  706. is expected to be a guardian of the Constitution. Otherwise, a vote
  707. to confirm Mrs. Ginsburg becomes a vote to empower a permanent one
  708. woman Constitutional convention which never goes out of session.
  709. Mrs. Ginsburg's views on virtually every subject which might
  710. conceivably be addressed by the Supreme Court are relevant to the
  711. consideration of this body.
  712. It is the particular obligation of those who might disagree with
  713. Mrs. Ginsburg's ideology and policy objectives to either oppose her
  714. nomination on the basis of such disagreement, or to henceforth cease
  715. their personal professions of conviction on those particular issues
  716. whether they relate to abortion, to homosexuality, or to some other
  717. issue where Mrs. Ginsburg's philosophical predilections are a matter
  718. of public record.
  719. Mrs. Ginsburg's nomination should be rejected.
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