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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. [19:49] Session Ident: Coach (MWTC, Damon|away|) (
  2. [19:49] <Coach> u around?
  3. 04[19:49] <Damon|away|> yea
  4. [19:50] <Coach> I saw you were here last night with the fight again.. and the night before...
  5. [19:50] <Coach> do you think Paul would delete the page?
  6. 04[19:52] <Damon|away|> Was my first if i go with my first instinct yes....
  7. 04[19:52] <Damon|away|> but after more time to think...just not so sure he would...
  8. [19:53] <Coach> he was mad at snafu.. no one else
  9. 04[19:54] <Damon|away|> well is that enuf to make him delete page...i dunno he was pretty pissed when he got banned from chat at that time.
  10. [19:55] <Coach> I dont think he would want to hurt me.. or shreyas.. or his other friends here
  11. [19:55] <Coach> so I have my doubts on that
  12. 04[19:56] <Damon|away|> after talkin with paul ...i dont think he either
  13. 04[19:56] <Damon|away|> he said snafu was attackin him with the account he stole or jo3 gave him and took back :(
  14. [19:56] <Coach> I heard that.. he just messaged me
  15. [19:57] <Coach> that was childish - to take the account like that
  16. [20:03] <Coach> the attacks are too personal :(
  17. 04[20:05] <Damon|away|> Yes i agree...i rarely get involved in any of the drama....few times i do have to say something tho :)
  18. 13[20:07] <Coach> I saw some last night.. with the comments with shirina and roger too
  19. 04[20:09] <Damon|away|> Yea he really needs to stop going there....w/e happen ..happened...think most of its in his head :) ....but shes a woman...he really dont
  20. need attack with personal comments...
  21. [20:10] <Coach> yes - well - both he and Snafu are getting very personal...
  22. [20:10] <Coach> the comments snafu was making were way out of line..
  23. [20:10] <Coach> snafu and roger seem to be more buddy buddy now...
  24. 04[20:11] <Damon|away|> yes i have noticed .
  25. [20:11] <Coach> Roger wants to be sop.. be lead admin... with Bob and frederik.. given how close he has gotten to snafu, I'm not comfortable with that. he thinks I should give snafu zline/gline powers too... which isn't going to happen
  26. 04[20:12] <Damon|away|> oh please no he dont need any more powers than he has :)
  27. [20:12] <Coach> who? snafu or roger? lol
  28. 04[20:12] <Damon|away|> snafu mainly...but well both
  29. [20:13] <Coach> heh
  30. [20:14] <Coach> I removed the sop from Roger this morning.. tired of snafu giving it to him - even temp
  31. [20:15] <Coach> but - no way I would let snafu have gline/zline... he drinks way too much.. too much hatred in his mind
  32. 04[20:15] <Damon|away|> yes thats one things i askin bout last night....its fine i was just curious why he sop all time ....just many here dont feel he deserve ..he rarely help in main.....then he pm me gave me all the things he is doing "behind the scenes" is why he dont help much
  33. [20:16] <Coach> like what behind the scenes? cause I'm not aware of it....
  34. 04[20:17] <Damon|away|> honestly i didnt read all ...he does ramble to much for me
  35. [20:17] <Coach> I find it hard to believe he gets soooo many emails... and others dont
  36. 04[20:17] <Damon|away|> lmao yep i know thats a lie
  37. 04[20:17] <Damon|away|>He say somethinmg about a new website, flashplayer, how he picked diego blah blah blah
  38. [20:22] <Coach> funny - I'm not aware of any new website.. nor will flash work with some of the stuff that has to take place...
  39. [20:22] <Coach> nor did HE choose Diego - I did
  40. 04[20:22] <Damon|away|> lol well i dont belive half stuff he say...honeslty i just let him ramble figured i might read later if i got bored
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