

Jul 28th, 2013
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  1. Tina
  3. Level 15 Ranger (/Thief/Ninja/Samurai)
  5. Destiny: 6
  7. Pow: 4 (8)
  8. Res: 20 (24)
  9. Dex: 28 (32)
  10. Mnd: 1 (5)
  12. Force: 6 (8)
  13. Finesse: 7 (9)
  15. Acc: 11
  16. Avd: 20
  18. Arm: 100
  19. M.Arm: 100
  21. HP: 540/540 (16+20) (600/600)
  22. MP: 0 (0+1)
  24. Origin: Fundaments
  25. 1: Status Resistant: Charm, Fear
  26. 2: Tool Mastery
  27. 4: Smuggler (Concealed weapons, any vehicle has a stash, Stealth gets a bonus of 1/2 Mercantile)
  28. 6: Pommel Strike
  29. 8: Assassin's Kiss
  30. 10: Status Resistant: Stun, Slow
  31. 12: Disabling Shot
  32. 14: Third Eye
  34. Limit 5: Sharpshot
  35. Limit 10: X-Attack
  37. Weapon: The Ultimate Skankbane, 'Bad Romance' (Tier 8 Ghetto Gunblade (Concealed/Blade/Brawl/Reach), Piercing, Skankbane (300% damage vs Bitches and Hos), HP Drain, Triple Critical, Auto-Protect, Innate: Martial Arts, Spellburst (Drill Shot)) (Crit Range: 10-12. Base damage: 2d6+224. On Crit: 300-500% damage and execute Drill Shot. Gains Chain Points with each hit like a Monk and may use Chain Finishers)
  38. Armor: 'Heavy Metal Lover' (Tier 8 Armor, Lucky, Auto-Shell)
  39. Bracer: 'Jewels N' Drugs' (Tier 8 Bracer, Accurate (+2 AVD), Accurate (+2 Acc), +5 AVD)
  40. Add-On: 'Fashion of His Love' (Tier 8, Tetra-Proof (Fire, Earth, Wind, Water immune), Peerless, Thugdere (If inflicted by Theta, Charm becomes a positive status effect for Tina that grants her Auto-Regen, the Cover job ability, and +4 to all Stats. She is not immune to Charm used in this way.))
  42. General Passive: Mage Molester - Tina has perfected her own little style of anti-mage combat and with a successful opposed check (Force or Finesse) as part of an attack, she can interrupt a Slow cast spell.
  44. Geotrance Active: Ice Cold Bitch - When Theta uses an Ice Geotrance, Tina can forgo her turn to lend a few cold words that accentuate Theta's attack - automatically inflicting Magic Break for 4 turns and causing the target to be Frost Burned. A Frost Burned enemy is a valid target for Assassin's Kiss as if Tina had taken it three times, for the entire combat, and everyone besides Tina gets +1 damage step vs the target with physical attacks.
  46. Geotrance Passive: Covered in Hot Ice (Alternatively, 'Are Your Nipples Made of Diamonds Too?') - Something about Tina's presence makes frozen armor more... decorative and shiny, like jewellery, giving a +2 AVD bonus when active. An ally can expend their Frozen Armor when physically struck to have it rapidly thaw and splinter, dealing twice Tina's DEX in piercing ice damage.
  48. Skills:
  50. Athletics 6
  51. Negotiate 6
  52. Mercantile 6
  53. Lore: General 6
  54. Awareness 6
  55. Stealth 6 (+3)
  56. Thievery 6
  57. Lore: Manners 4
  59. Limit Break: Break It Down (Death Attack 20) Tina intitiates a rap battle with the enemy, defeating them SOUNDLY, and making the unfortunate opponent either have a heart attack or leave out of embarassment. With her Add-On's effects, this also works on Notorious Monsters. Only reason it doesn't work on Bosses is cuz they have the sense not to bring it to the table.
  61. Inventory:
  63. Gaga Gown (Tier 6 Medium, Taste the Rainbow (Special Ability: Confers two random elemental resistances every combat, roll 2d6, dubs = absorbancy. 1 = Fire, 2 = Ice or Water, 3 = Thunder or Wind, 4 = Earth, 5 = Holy, 6 = Shadow))
  64. Gold Clock Necklace (Tier 6 Add-On, School's in Sucka (Special Ability: Tina always, ALWAYS wins rap battles))
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