
import style from '/.style.css' fail

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. app
  2. -assets
  3. -client
  4. --feathers
  5. --middleware
  6. --screens
  7. ---App
  8. ---components
  9. ---Users
  10. ----components
  11. ----UserEmailChange
  12. ----UserForgotPwdReset
  13. ----UserForgotPwdSendEmail
  14. ----UserPasswordChange
  15. ----UserProfile
  16. ----UserProfileChange
  17. ----UserRolesChange
  18. -----Form.js
  19. -----FormContainer.js
  20. -----index.js <------------- location of import style from './style.css'; - came with repository throws no error
  21. -----style.css <--------------(came with repository & throws no errors in Webpack)
  22. ----UserSignIn
  23. -----Form.js
  24. -----FormContainer.js
  25. -----index.js <--------------- import style from './style.css'; IDE/ESLint shows import as unused
  26. -----style.css <--------------- MY stylesheet, was throwing intermittent errors on build in Webpack
  27. ----UserSigninPending
  28. ----UserSignInPending
  29. ----UserSignUp
  30. ----UserSignUpSendEmail
  31. ----UserSignUpValidateEmail
  32. -----Component.js
  33. -----Container.js
  34. -----index.js <---------------location of import style from './style.css'; - came with repository throws no error
  35. -----style.css <--------------(came with repository & throws no errors in Webpack & no IDE/ESLint Unused import errors)
  36. -index.js
  37. --svg
  38. --utils
  39. --index.js
  40. --reducers.js
  41. --router.js
  42. --store.js
  43. --style.css (MY stylesheet, place when testing this problem, now deleted)
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