
Xi Feng - A Royal Smackdown!

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [18:35] <Feldion> Carrying herself with confidence, Xi makes her way, about an hour later, to the entrance of the Storm Dragon estate, wearing a rather well-fitting dress. Nothing too fancy but still pleasing to the eye. A faint scent of mixed flowers hangs about her fitting her as well as her clothes.
  2. [18:39] <Deedles> As she knocked on the door it took a moment before it opened, lo and behold it's Sanru, wearing his black mask this time, which obscured his expression. "Oh, it's you." he said in a low mutter.
  3. [18:42] <Feldion> Xi smiles at him, ignoring the slight slight. "I am here to see the Empress. If she is available?"
  4. [18:43] <Deedles> "She's in the garden." Sanru replied as he eyed her "I trust I don't need to explain what would happen if you tried anything, do I?" his tone, which might surprise her, isn't threatening, just very blunt.
  5. [18:47] <Feldion> Xi looks the imposing man up and down. "Is this going to be how you'll treat the other Societies and Clans when their representatives arrive?"
  6. [18:49] <Deedles> "Yes. It's the Empress' job to be a Diplomat, if she wishes to be, mine is to protect her." Sanru replied simply
  7. [18:52] <Feldion> Xi brightens just a shade. "Oh, good! It is nice to know I'm not getting special treatment! Now do I head through the house to the garden or around?"
  8. [18:54] <Deedles> "Either way." Sanru answered, pointing a thumb towards a doorway behind him to the right "Head through the living room and there's a door to the garden." he instructed her, waiting long enough for her to enter the house so he could close the door and then return to his office.
  9. [18:56] <Feldion> Xi enters the house. "The Empress spends a lot of time in the garden?" Xi asks as she watches Sanru close the door behind her.
  10. [19:00] <Deedles> "Ask her yourself." Came Sanru's short reply before he entered and closed the door to his office.
  11. [19:02] <Feldion> Xi stares at the closed door for a long moment before turning on her heel and walking off into the house, inspecting it as she goes. Trying to loosen her gritted teeth.
  12. [19:03] <Deedles> Like the tea room she'd been in before the floors were all covered in dark, polished wood, the walls following a similar theme, various pieces of art and scrolls hanging on them, along with the occasional weapon, most of them sabers.
  13. [19:08] <Feldion> As Xi passes one piece of art, she knocks it just slightly ruining the impeccable alignment. She lets out a satisfied breath and makes her way more calmly to the garden.
  14. [19:10] <Deedles> As Xi made her way to the glass doors leading to the garden she'll see Blossom sat on the grass, currently holding a flute to her lips as she played a soft tune.
  15. [19:11] <Feldion> Quietly, Xi slides the glass doors open and then closed behind her.
  16. [19:18] <Deedles> If Blossom heard her she didn't react, instead she kept playing the gentle melody, her fingers deftly shifting between the keys.
  17. [19:19] <Feldion> Xi sits on the wooden deck before the garden, folding her legs beneath her and listening to the soft, lilting music.
  18. [19:22] <Deedles> After a little bit the song came to an end, Ming lowering the flute onto her lap with a thoughtful smile.
  19. [19:23] <Feldion> "That was a beautiful melody," Xi speaks up. "How long have you been playing?"
  20. [19:25] <Deedles> She jerked slightly as Xi spoke, turning her face in her direction "Ah, since I was a child, around 5, I believe."
  21. [19:27] <Feldion> "Sorry for startling you, I didn't want to interrupt your playing," Xi looks at the flute. "Did you teach yourself?"
  22. [19:31] <Deedles> "Yeah, my father liked music, but he was partial to the violin." Blossom replied as her smile returned faintly.
  23. [19:33] <Feldion> "Was he a traveling musician?" Xi asks.
  24. [19:33] <Deedles> She laughed softly "No, he as a Doctor, a very skilled one at that."
  25. [19:35] <Feldion> Xi nods to herself. "He sounds like a good man. I'm sorry for his loss."
  26. [19:36] <Deedles> Blossom nodded as she looked down at her flute "Yeah, so am I, but... Life goes on, and I've found others to love instead, which I know he would of wanted."
  27. [19:38] <Feldion> "What father would ask for more?" Xi tilts her head armed with a smile. "Especially when one of them is a dashing young Storm Dragon, perhaps?"
  28. [19:39] <Deedles> Blossom blinked at that, her cheeks flushing a bit "Huh?"
  29. [19:41] <Feldion> "Your blood betrays you," Xi comments with a soft chuckle. "You have a long way to go before you could fulfill Legalism's demands of a ruler, I feel."
  30. [19:44] <Deedles> "No, I imagine not." Ming confessed as she raised a hand to one of her cheeks.
  31. [19:52] <Feldion> "So you know of Legalism's doctrine?" Xi queries.
  32. [19:55] <Deedles> "I know that it states that the ruler should uphold the mystery of authority." The blind girl answered with a thoughtful expression. "Something which I know I can't do very well... Don't think I'd even want to if I could."
  33. [19:55] <Feldion> Xi nods. "Do you know why it suggests that a ruler should be mysterious?"
  34. [19:57] <Deedles> "I believe ... It was so that the ruler remains revered by his or her people, and they thus are likelier to respect and obey the ruler's decisions."
  35. [12:14] <Feldion> Xi nods. "It assumes several things. The most important being that the ruler will have enemies. A ruler that is loved by everyone would have no need to conceal their intentions but a ruler with enemies," Xi looks up into the morning sky, "does well to conceal what is important to them."
  36. [12:21] <Deedles> Blossom looked thoughtful at that, uncertain and faintly worried. "... What do you suggest?" she asked, quietly "It seems like you have something in mind."
  37. [12:26] <Feldion> "You are in a strong position at the moment," Xi starts. "No one likes the current Emperor. For obvious reasons. You're the foretold true heir to the throne even if your gender came as a bit of a surprise." Xi sighs.
  38. [12:27] <Deedles> "And?" Blossom inquired, her tone wasn't impatient, only curious
  39. [12:31] <Feldion> "And from that base, it will be easy to gather support to your cause and you will be received gratefully by most of Mei Lifa once on the throne. However the societies, clans, and nobles might wish for something more concrete, even from the start, and the help of goodwill will likely only last into your fifth reigning year."
  40. [12:32] <Feldion> "They will start to wonder if they really are better off under you."
  41. [12:34] <Deedles> "What can I do to prevent that?" She wondered. It wasn't like she didn't have ideas herself, but Xi did seem to know what she was talking about.
  42. [12:43] <Feldion> "Recognition. It is surprising what a Society or Clan will put up with from an Emperor as long as it is thought that the Emperor truly considered the Society's ideas and wishes. A rejected, ostracized group will quickly turn and become an enemy or at least a thorn in the side. Because they will fear what you might order your own allies to do."
  43. [12:43] <Feldion> Xi looks back at the house she just came through. "You /will/ come into power with your own Black Lotus."
  44. [12:46] <Deedles> Mingxia blinked "I will?" she seemed confused by that
  45. [12:49] <Feldion> Xi laughs, "Well, not really. But for many it will look as if you will. They might not see much difference between one secretive, hidden society tasked with the protection of the Emperor and another."
  46. [12:52] <Deedles> "From what I hear the Black Lotus are hardly secretive with the opression that they exact over people." Blossom replied calmly "But I see your meaning."
  47. [12:55] <Feldion> "Thank you. Now, how will you recognize the Mountains and Forests of Mei Lifa? And when?"
  48. [12:58] <Deedles> Blossom thought about that before she smiled "I can't answer that question right now." she confessed, but continued to speak. "It entirely depends on what they want and what needs restoring after the current Emperor's rule."
  49. [13:03] <Feldion> Xi nods, smiling. "I simply wanted to bring up the topic and its importance. Once you are the Empress on the throne, it will have to be second nature to you to think about the wishes of the powerful."
  50. [13:05] <Deedles> "Only if those wishes won't trample on the weak." Blossom replied, her tone still calm, but her words definetly firm. "Otherwise I will be no different from Yinzhuran Iaohu-Xun."
  51. [13:13] <Feldion> "I have no doubts that your rule will be as near the opposite of his rule as yin and yang are."
  52. [13:15] <Deedles> "I hope so. I will certainly do my best to make it so." Mingxia said as she smiled gently at Xi.
  53. [13:21] <Feldion> "I will help make that a reality. If that is acceptable to you?" Xi tilts her head in question, wondering just what the answer will be.
  54. [13:24] <Deedles> The blind girl raised a hand to her lips in thought "I don't know you very well yet, but I've not felt anything bad from you and the mists did let you through." her hand lowered as her smile returned, earnestly "I can't think of a reason why that couldn't be acceptable."
  55. [13:28] <Feldion> Xi shoots to her feet, "Yes! Empress, I definitely won't let you down! If you need advice, a spar, or someone made to grovel for mercy, you'll just need to call on me!"
  56. [13:30] <Deedles> Blossom blinked before she laughed softly "First of all I'd just like you to be my friend." she said with a smile as she join Xi on her feet.
  57. [13:35] <Feldion> "I can't promise that," Xi says with a chuckle. "After all, we barely know each other!"
  58. [13:39] <Deedles> "And yet you wanted to marry me." Blossom said with another gentle laugh. "Which was a very flattering offer by the way, but I'd sadly have to decline." she added with a playful look.
  59. [13:46] <Feldion> Xi moves into the garden, inspecting the workmanship that had gone into the grounds. "Oh? But you barely know what I have to offer yet~ Then again, what friend would come between young loves?"
  60. [13:51] <Deedles> The garden was large, most of it consisted of well-kept grass, though by the porch outside the house there was areas were bushes and flowers were growing, most of them roses. Further out into the garden, on the right side, was an area paved with stone slabs, in which a single traning dummy stood, and even further out was a house with a sakura tree and a pond on the side of it. Xi could currently see
  61. [13:51] <Deedles> a woman with medium long brown hair lounging by said tree, and her attention seemed to be on the pair of young girls by the main house, even if she was too far away to hear what they were saying. The blind girl's cheeks flushed faintly as she followed Xi's movements. "You're very certain about that, aren't you?"
  62. [13:54] <Feldion> "Every time you blush you make me more certain," Xi waves a hand in greeting to the woman by the tree. "You're also not denying it which speaks louder than dismissing it."
  63. [13:57] <Deedles> The woman waved in return before having a swig from a gourd that laid beside her. Blossom shifted her chi gaze to the side, studying the faint glow of the flowers by the porch as she smiled, faintly, but it held a lot of affection. "I couldn't deny it if I wished to. I love him, it's that simple." she confessed.
  64. [14:04] <Feldion> "Simple," Xi tastes the word, not sure if its to her liking. "He's certainly pleasing to the eye, if you didn't know," Xi says, "and he seems a lot more pleasant that his brother."
  65. [14:07] <Deedles> "He's handsome?" Blossom paused at that, the thought had never really crossed her mind, for obvious reasons. His chi was alluring to her, and he felt nice to hold close, but now when she thought about it... He knew what she looked like, but she would never know the same in return.
  66. [14:11] <Feldion> "Well," Xi waves the idea away with a hand, "I'm sure you can make your own decision about that once you've traced his face, and the rest of him," Xi adds with a chuckle, "with your hands."
  67. [14:13] <Deedles> She blushed at that, pushing back some of her own hair "Time will tell. Obviously such things don't matter much to me." she said with a soft smile.
  68. [14:23] <Feldion> Xi bends to admire a rose, brushing a finger across a soft petal with a pleased hum. "Trust someone bearing the Divine Mandate to be unswayed by appearances. I yet I have to suffer through the indignities of beauty!"
  69. [14:23] <Feldion> Yet I*
  70. [14:30] <Deedles> "Indignities of beauty?" Ming asked softly as she moved up beside Xi
  71. [14:36] <Feldion> "The indignities of seeing someone whose beauty makes your heart stop only to find that the spirits have arranged them to already be taken and are forever out of reach, like the stars in the heavens! Proof that we live in an unjust world!"
  72. [14:38] <Feldion> Xi complains dramatically.
  73. [14:38] <Deedles> Blossom seemed thoughtful at that "It's not like I can't experience that." she said quietly after a moment, a distant smile on her lips "I remember meeting a boy who's chi I got attached to, but because I had to keep my identity secret I could never get close to him, not like that. I just watched from afar."
  74. [14:40] <Feldion> Xi gives Blossom an odd look. "Can you see through walls?"
  75. [14:43] <Deedles> "In a way, walls don't stop me from sensing people, even if the faint traces of wood chi in wooden walls can muddle it a bit if I'm not attentive." Mingxia answered honestly
  76. [14:44] <Feldion> "That's a useful ability." Xi puts a hand to her chin in thought. "It would be so easy to find out who was sleeping with who at court..."
  77. [14:45] <Deedles> The blind girl went red at that "W-why would I want to know that?!" she half exclaimed
  78. [14:50] <Feldion> "Because it is useful information," Xi responds matter-of-factly a grin across her face. "Alliances, who is leaking information to who, blackmail material, possibilities of marriages to drive peace between two rival factions that just want to keep the young lovers apart, the whole world against them, but then the Empress speaks out for them...!"
  79. [14:50] <Feldion> Xi gets swept away a little.
  80. [14:51] <Deedles> Blossom's cheeks were still a shade of red, but Xi's words made her ponder on it "That could actually be quite useful, helping people like that..." she agreed softly, tapping her lips with one of her fingers.
  81. [14:55] <Feldion> Xi blinks twice, recovering herself from her reverie. "Never reject something that could be used for an advantage!"
  82. [14:55] <Deedles> "I just don't think that way." The young doctor replied with an embarrassed smile.
  83. [14:57] <Feldion> "Maybe that's why I'm here?" Xi smiles at the shorter girl.
  84. [14:58] <Deedles> "Maybe..." Blossom contemplated that
  85. [15:02] <Feldion> "It wasn't the Phoenix spirit that showed me the way here or a Storm Dragon. It was the Golden Dragon which is the spirit watching over you."
  86. [15:03] <Deedles> She went quiet at that, blinking, before she smiled at Xi "That must be a sign that you are meant to help me." she concluded
  87. [15:05] <Feldion> Xi smiles back. "That or maybe I should stop eating spicy food before bed."
  88. [15:06] <Deedles> Blossom laughed "At least you found your way here, so there has to be some truth of it."
  89. [15:07] <Feldion> "I'll accept your view, Empress." Xi replies.
  90. [15:10] <Feldion> Xi looks out over the garden. "It is a shame Shen is gone. I feel in the mood for a fight."
  91. [15:13] <Deedles> she went quiet at that "Well... Bourbon is here, could always ask if she could observe in Shen's place?" she suggested, slowly, after some thought.
  92. [15:31] <Feldion> "Would that be alright?" Xi asks.
  93. [15:32] <Deedles> "I think so, Shen really trusts Bourbon." Blossom replied with a smile
  94. [15:33] <Feldion> "Let's go ask her then!" Xi heads off towards the woman she'd seen in the garden. Who else could it be but Bourbon?
  95. [15:34] <Deedles> Blossom followed close behind. Bourbon perked up as she noticed them approaching her, her silk jacket fall back slightly as she sat up. "Hey you two!" she greeted them with a smile and a wave.
  96. [15:38] <Feldion> Xi smiles back. "Good afternoon! Do we find you well?"
  97. [15:39] <Deedles> "Very well, thank you, even if I do miss the company of my husband." Bourbon answered as her smile widened, the tall and shapely women beginning to get to her feet. "I can understand how you feel." Blossom chimed with a soft smile.
  98. [15:41] <Feldion> Xi looks over at Blossom, "you're not even trying to hide it now?" She asks with a smile.
  99. [15:43] <Deedles> Blossom gained a red tint as she averted her faded eyes "Shen already mentioned that he spoke to Bourbon about it." Bourbon nodded with a grin "He sure did."
  100. [15:47] <Feldion> Xi sighs, "I find myself a little out of place with no one to miss. I shall have to enjoy myself with the company I have." Xi chuckles looking between the other two women. "We were hoping that you would watch over us as we spar?"
  101. [15:52] <Deedles> "Don't worry, the right man, or woman if that's your thing, will come your way sooner or later." Bourbon said in way that made it into a statement, not an encouragement. She smiled "I sure can." she answered
  102. [15:54] <Feldion> "Where's the best place?" Xi asks the two of them. "I don't want to risk harming this wonderful garden."
  103. [15:56] <Deedles> "The garden should be large enough for you to spar. I don't exactly imagine that either of you are the destructive type." Bourbon chuckled as she folded her arms. Blossom nodded as she began moving into the middle of the large area of grass.
  104. [15:59] <Feldion> Xi follows after Blossom, bringing her sleeves together hiding her hands. "I don't like to assume."
  105. [16:00] <Deedles> "You can correct me if I'm wrong." Bourbon said as she leaned her back against the sakura tree, casually watching the two girls.
  106. [16:01] <Deedles> Blossom raised her hands in front of her, open palm with her ring and little finger only faintly bent inwards. "I'm ready when you are." she smiled sweetly at Xi.
  107. [16:06] <Feldion> Within her sleeves, Xi grasps thin wires between her fingers. "So am I."
  108. [16:22] <Deedles> Blossom's eyes closed momentarily before she suddenly moved forward, quickly reaching Xi where her fingers pushed forward for an attack. Her middle and index finger stiffened right before she jabbed at the muscle at Xi's shoulder joint.
  109. [16:26] <Feldion> "So you learned more than music from your father?" Xi asks as she allows herself to be turned by the Empress's attack a sleeve floating up to brush the Empress's arm lightly .
  110. [16:30] <Deedles> "Yes, much more, but not just from my father." Mingxia replied with a smile as she followed Xi's movements with her senses
  111. [16:39] <Feldion> "Now how are you seeing me?" Xi ducks under Mingxia's arms slowly and takes a few slow steps away. Her scent, already floral begins to fade away overpowered by the blooming power of roses, the rustling of bushes covers her footsteps, her chi is still present but it wavers oddly, not quite following her body.
  112. [16:40] <Feldion> There's only the suggestion of movement before the Empress can hear a soft whine coming toward her from both sides!
  113. [16:48] <Deedles> Blossom's eyes widened faintly at the sudden sound, quickly going to move, though she tripped and fell onto her ass, the wires passing above her head.
  114. [16:49] <Feldion> Xi zips the wires back into her sleeves. "Hmm, you're quick."
  115. [16:49] <Deedles> She rubbed her butt slightly as she emitted a soft laugh "Dumb luck more like it."
  116. [16:51] <Feldion> Xi continues to stalk around the fallen Empress. "Luck does eventually run out."
  117. [16:53] <Deedles> Blossom slowly got onto her feet as she took up her stance again "I'm not too bothered if it does, it's always given me all I could ever ask for." she said with a happy smile.
  118. [16:58] <Deedles> The blind girl gained a focused look, before she darted forward again, feinting a jab for Xi's arm before the middle and index finger came for the same shoulder muscle she'd hit before.
  119. [17:04] <Feldion> Xi hisses as the arm goes tingly and numb. She tilts back letting the sleeve of her numb arm brush against the Empress's outstretched one as she spins back With her other hand, she whips her a set of wires forward, each as hard to track with the eye . "Too close to dodge now!"
  120. [17:09] <Deedles> Blossom still tried to shift to the side to avoid the incoming blow, thinking for a moment that she had!
  121. [17:15] <Feldion> Two wires wrap around Blossom's left arm, biting in uncomfortably. Then the real attack strikes, strange rippling chi flooding through the wires to bury itself in Blossom! To Blossom's senses, bundles of chi just randomly appear and fade everywhere, obscuring all!
  122. [17:17] <Deedles> Mingxia struggled against the wires at first as they muddled her senses, but after a moment she calmed down, her eyes gaining that look of focus again as she breathed easy, re-aligning her chi senses.
  123. [17:23] <Deedles> A brief moment passed before her gaze moved to Xi, ignoring the wires attached to her as she saw through the disruption of her senses and came in for yet another attack.
  124. [17:24] <Feldion> "W-what?!" Xi can only shout in dismay as her attack completely fails.
  125. [17:26] <Deedles> Blossom's looked calm as she moved forward, there was no joy or gloat in her expression at her opponent's surprise, simply two fingers connecting with a point right beneath Xi's ribs.
  126. [17:36] <Feldion> Xi grits her teeth as she allows herself to be pushed back to give herself enough room to throw her wires out once more!
  127. [17:36] <Deedles> Blossom ducked beneath them as she continued her relentless approach, remaining close to Xi despite the risk she took herself.
  128. [17:45] <Deedles> Mingxia closed her eyes, her head lowering with an almost reluctant expression as her fingers shot up for another powerful jab at Xi's shoulder, the numbness and sluggishness, as well as the pain if the arm moved, only growing.
  129. [17:54] <Feldion> To Mingxia's eyes, Xi's chi begins to center itself around her liver; its flows blocked in some way. As Mingxia hits Xi's shoulder, once more Xi turns but this time the wires flair out and wrap around the smaller girl's arm with a harder bite. A soft pull and a retreat later, all that's left is a soft ache of pulled muscles.
  130. [18:07] <Deedles> Blossom rolled her shoulder a little as she got adjusted to the ache, quickly coming at Xi again. She turned her face away as her hand came up for a quick jab at the courtier's neck, making her breating suddenly feel laboured and jagged.
  131. [18:11] <Feldion> Xi spins away lashing out with a flailing wire. She stands a distance away panting, arm heavy at her side. Her cheeks are red and her one good hand is clenched in a fist.
  132. [18:14] <Deedles> The blind girl stood, calm, her breathing slow and deep as she focused fully on Xi, a hesitant look on her face despite her swiftly going on the offensive again. She was going to prove that she could take care of herself!
  133. [18:23] <Deedles> Blossom shifted up to Xi in a series of quick steps, holding one arm close to her own body as the other shot out like an arrow for the tips of her middle and index fingers to hit Xi's solar plexus.
  134. [18:26] <Feldion> Xi feels the numbness from her arm rush through her chest and she tips forward unable to hold her upper body up any longer.
  135. [18:32] <Deedles> The Empress was there to catch her, keeping her on her feet "... I'm sorry..." she mumbled apologetically.
  136. [18:33] <Feldion> Xi doesn't respond, swallowing heavily past the lump in her throat, body shaking of its own accord.
  137. [18:39] <Deedles> Blossom gently lowered her onto the ground, keeping her held up with one arm while the other made several different, swift jabs at pressure points across Xi's body to relieve the numbness and pain.
  138. [18:56] <Feldion> Even as she regains some feeling in her chest, Xi doesn't stop shaking. She closes her eyes and takes several long shuddering breaths, feeling her throat open up once more.
  139. [18:57] <Deedles> "I'm sorry..." Ming repeated as she looked at Xi with a concerned and guilty expression.
  140. [18:58] <Feldion> As Blossom practices her medicine, she can feel clogged flows in Xi's liver and lungs, obvious also in her still short breaths. "I-I'll be fine." Xi swallows, "I've h-had worse before, r-really."
  141. [19:00] <Deedles> Blossom gently presses a few different points around Xi's chest and stomach "I'm sure you have, but I'm still sorry." she said quietly, feeling a bit guilty at her own joy over having done as well as she had. "Can you stand? I should make you some tea to help your body." she wondered softly.
  142. [19:07] <Feldion> "I t-think so." Xi does stumble but gets steadily enough to her feet after that. She faces away from the watching Bourbon. "T-tea would be nice but," Xi swallows, "m-maybe I should go. I need to move m-my stuff out of Chiyokos..."
  143. [19:45] <Deedles> Bourbon was watching in silence. "Tea first, your things second." Blossom insisted, her voice still soft despite her tone being firm.
  144. [19:49] <Feldion> "If y-you want." Xi
  145. [19:50] <Feldion> 's shaking starts to subside though she still won't look at anyone.
  146. [19:52] <Deedles> The Empress began helping her back onto her feet, before she lead her back towards the house.
  147. [19:57] <Feldion> Xi follows after, taking calming breaths.
  148. [20:03] <Deedles> Blossom walked slow to ensure that the pace was right for Xi, sliding the glass door open for them to let them inside. "You can stay here if you want, I'll be back with tea shortly." she offered with a faint smile.
  149. [20:06] <Feldion> "Thank you," Xi says more steadily. "I'll stay here."
  150. [20:08] <Deedles> Ming nodded before she scurried out of the room, Xi hearing a dull thump as she rounded the corner and tripped, quickly followed by the ruffle of her hurridly getting back to her feet to continue to the kithcen.
  151. [20:11] <Feldion> Xi snorts and then stands motionless just inside the house making nearly no sound except for the occasional sniffle for a time.
  152. [20:30] <Feldion> Eventually, she moves to a chair and sits herself as straight and proper in it as she can.
  153. [20:31] <Deedles> After a little while Blossom came back, carrying a tray with a teapot and two cups, which she proceeded to put on the table. "Sorry about the wait." she smiled faintly
  154. [20:32] <Feldion> Xi laughs, sounding sincere, then groans. "O-ow...I don't mind. I needed some time to collect myself anyway."
  155. [20:35] <Deedles> "How are you feeling?" Mingxia asked as she poured Xi some tea and held the cup forward to her.
  156. [20:39] <Feldion> Xi takes the cup gladly, feeling the warmth spread through her skin like a spring thaw. "Better. The numbness is fading. Thanks to you."
  157. [20:41] <Deedles> "I'm glad. I don't like fighting in ways that cause lasting damage." Blossom said as she had a seat herself and picked up her own cup of tea.
  158. [20:43] <Feldion> Xi takes a sip and then looks down into the depths of cup as she considers her next few words. "I haven't lost a fight in a long time. Not so badly as that...." Xi looks up over her cup. "But then you are the Empress..."
  159. [20:54] <Deedles> Blossom was silent for a little while before she nodded, her lips quirking into a small smile "Yeah, I guess I am." she replied before quietly drinking some of her own tea
  160. [21:15] <Feldi> Xi take some time to let the tea warm her up.
  161. [21:16] <Feldi> "I wonder what I should do now."
  162. [21:27] <Deedles> Blossom looked thoughtful as she lowered her cup to the table "I'm not sure... Why don't you talk a bit to Bourbon? I need to go to Tsula to train soon." she said softly
  163. [21:31] <AndChat|> Xi thinks back to Bourbon's gourd. "It would be good to get to know one of the masters..."
  164. [21:40] <Deedles> "She's also a courtier, you might find something new to learn from her." Blossom added as she smiled.
  165. [21:57] <AndChat|> "Something that the Phoenix doesn't know? Impossible."
  166. [22:09] <Deedles> "Never assume that you know it all." The blind girl said as her smile widened into an amused look.
  167. [22:40] <AndChat|> "I'm just assuming I know more," Xi replies with a faint smile.
  168. [22:42] <Deedles> "Heh, good answer." Blossom said as she drink the last of her tea and began getting to her feet. That was when a thought struck her "By the way, where are you moving your things if you're not staying at Chiyoko's place?" she asked softly
  169. [23:10] <AndChat|> "I was going to ask for a room off of Satzu and his wife."
  170. [23:11] <Deedles> "Well, then you'll want to be talking to Bourbon anyway since Satzu has gone further into the mountains with Shen and the others." Ming informed her with a faint laugh.
  171. [23:21] <AndChat|> "Then I'll definitely speak with her. I don't want to impose on Chiyoko again."
  172. [23:22] <Deedles> "How so?" Mingxia continued to ask with a curious expression
  173. [23:28] <AndChat|> "Oh, I'm sure Chiyoko would be happy to host me again. Who wouldn't be? But there is only the one bed. It is a house for one person."
  174. [23:31] <Deedles> "Oh, that makes sense. Bourbon and Satzu have a lot of space." Blossom said as she smiled.
  175. [23:41] <AndChat|> "Just as I hoped," Xi smiles.
  176. [23:42] <Deedles> The Empress began moving towards the door "I should get going to the Wood Temple now." she said before turning back towards Xi with a sweet smile "There is still tea in the teapot if you want some more."
  177. [00:00] <AndChat|> "I think I'll have one more cup~ I hope your training goes well and I'm sure I'll see you later."
  178. [00:01] <Deedles> Blossom bowed at the waist "Thank you. Talk to you later, Xi." she replied before she exited the living room, and, a couple of moments later, the house.
  179. [00:04] <AndChat|> Xi waves her off and ponders the weirdness of being bowed to by the woman who would become ruler of Mei Lifa one day.
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