

Feb 8th, 2017
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  1. Name: Shannon Cotterill
  3. Age: 17
  5. Physical Description: -- Relatively tall, 5'10 in height. Build is a bit athletic/curvy.
  7. Has a few stud piercings; one on her tongue, nose, and one for each ear.
  9. Light green eyes contrasting with her black hair, typically kept in a bob with even bangs.
  11. Tattoos on left arm. It's a large snake, depicted to coil around the arm, its mouth opening to where the forked tongue extends across the thumb.
  13. Personality: Relatively laid back, though incredibly foul-mouthed. A bit lecherous, and will always try to find humour in something, no matter the morbidity.
  15. Sadomasochist; Shannon is fond of pain coming from either direction, basically. A little blood is only icing on the cake.
  17. Brief background about childhood/life: Shannon never really met her real parents; in fact, they weren't really the type that were loving in general. Father was a deadbeat that decided to fuck off and do his own thing, while the mother ended up growing into a drug addict. Fortunately for Shannon, this didn't last far too long, and she was taken away and put up for adoption at age 3.
  19. Out with that, and in with Shannon being adopted at 5 years old, handed off to a pair of crazy catholic parents that followed the lovely stereotype of being both harsh and brutal towards a fuck-up. Especially step children, apparently. Add in their actual daughter to this equation and you basically have a recipe for pain. Throughout the years of living with her parents she was basically always told to withhold the same standards followed by her sister; unfortunately the only thing that their abuse really did was give her both a hardened heart and resentment. She just ended up growing more and more into a rebel.
  22. Fourteen was when she first had her little 'taste' of power, and basically when her parents thought she was beginning to spiral out of control. She got into her first big fight. And won. Dramatically. The poor kid had the absolute snot kicked out of her; by the time the teachers realized she was kicking the girl up the curb she had already bruised several ribs, broke her nose, and left their eye swollen shut. It felt great to be the one throwing the fists for once. To have some form of control in her life.
  24. Naturally, her parents hated their 'hellspawn daughter from hell' for this and gave her yet another good licking. Things continued somewhat normally here and there; few fights, but none as severe as before.
  26. BUT! In the end, Shannon ended up going a little...overboard, in a fight. One of the prissy popular chicks gave her a little too much hell, and while she swallowed her pride and bit the bullet for some time, she eventually snapped. The next day she came in with a small knife, easily concealed in the land of America! The first word that girl said quickly turned to a scream when Shannon tackled her to the dirt, relentlessly stabbing at her body.
  28. And so, her parents thought "Enough was a enough", and sent her straight on to the correctional program to get herself fixed up while they paid for any charges pressed by the prissy cheerleader's parents!
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