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a guest
Sep 15th, 2019
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  1. {
  2. "ph1": [
  3. "Mi dispiace ma questo comando non mi è ancora stato insegnato",
  4. "I'm sorry but this command has not been taught to me yet",
  5. "Je suis désolé, mais cette commande ne m'a pas encore été enseignée",
  6. "Spanish here",
  7. "Es tut mir leid, aber diese Anweisung wurde mir noch nicht beigebracht"
  8. ],
  9. "ph2": [
  10. "Inizia subito a giocare! Clicca sul bottone in basso!",
  11. "Start playing now! Click on the button below!",
  12. "Commencez à jouer tout de suite! Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous!",
  13. "Spanish here",
  14. "Fange jetzt an zu spielen! Drücke unten auf den Knopf!"
  15. ],
  16. "ph3": [
  17. "Operazione annullata, torno al menu principale.",
  18. "Operation canceled, Returning to the main menu.",
  19. "Opération annulée, retour au menu principal.",
  20. "Spanish here",
  21. "Anweisung gelöscht, zurückkehren zum Hauptmenü"
  22. ],
  23. "ph4": [
  24. "Massimo 15 caratteri!",
  25. "Not more than 15 letters!",
  26. "Le maximum est de 15 caractères!",
  27. "Spanish here",
  28. "Maximal 15 Buchstaben!"
  29. ],
  30. "ph5": [
  31. "Confermare?",
  32. "Confirm?",
  33. "Confirmer?",
  34. "Spanish here",
  35. "Bestätigen?"
  36. ],
  37. "ph6": [
  38. "Confermare!",
  39. "Confirm!",
  40. "Confirmez!",
  41. "Spanish here",
  42. "Bestätigen!"
  43. ],
  44. "ph7": [
  45. "Sei stato bannato da questo bot per un tempo indefinito, per maggiori informazioni contatta @FrAgOrDiE",
  46. "You have been banned from this bot for an indefinite time, for more information contact @FrAgOrDiE",
  47. "Vous êtes banni de ce bot pour une durée indéterminée. Pour plus d'informations, contactez @FrAgOrDiE",
  48. "Spanish here",
  49. "Du bist auf unbestimmte Zeit verbannt und kannst diesen Bot nicht mehr nutzen, für mehr Informationen wenden dich an @FrAgOrDIE"
  50. ],
  51. "ph8": [
  52. "Sei stato sbannato da questo bot, per maggiori informazioni contatta @FrAgOrDiE",
  53. "You have been unbanned from this bot, for more information contact @FrAgOrDiE",
  54. "Tu as été débanni du robot. pour plus d'informations contact @FrAgOrDiE",
  55. "Spanish here",
  56. "Du bist nicht mehr gebannt und kannst den Bot nutzen, für mehr Informationen wende dich an @FrAgOrDiE"
  57. ],
  58. "ph9": [
  59. "Questo referral code non esiste.",
  60. "This referral code doesn't exist.",
  61. "Ce code de référence n'existe pas.",
  62. "Spanish here",
  63. "Dieser Empfehlungscode existiert nicht"
  64. ],
  65. "ph10": [
  66. "Non puoi usare questo referral code.",
  67. "You can't use this referral code.",
  68. "Tu ne peux pas utiliser ce code de référence.",
  69. "Spanish here",
  70. "Du kannst diesen Empfehlungscode nicht verwenden"
  71. ],
  72. "ph11": [
  73. "Hai già usato il tuo referral code.",
  74. "You already used your referral code.",
  75. "Tu as déjà utilisé ton code de référence.",
  76. "Spanish here",
  77. "Du hast deinen Empfehlungscode bereits verwendet."
  78. ],
  79. "ph12": [
  80. "Questo codice è già stato usato da qualcuno.",
  81. "This code has been already used by someone else.",
  82. "Ce code a déjà été utilisé.",
  83. "Spanish here",
  84. "Dieser Code wurde bereits von jemand anderem verwendet."
  85. ],
  86. "ph13": [
  87. "Referral code accettato! Hai ricevuto 40 coins.",
  88. "Referral code accepted! You received 40 coins.",
  89. "Code de référence accepté! Tu as reçu 40 pièces.",
  90. "Spanish here",
  91. "Empfehlungscode akzeptiert! Du hast 40 Coins erhalten."
  92. ],
  93. "ph14": [
  94. "Il tuo referral code è stato usato da qualcuno! Hai ricevuto 40 coins.",
  95. "Your referral code has been used by someone! You received 40 coins.",
  96. "Ton code de référence a été utilisé par quelqu'un! Tu as reçu 40 pièces.",
  97. "Spanish here",
  98. "Dein Empfehlungscode wurde von jemandem verwendet! Du erhältst 40 Coins."
  99. ],
  100. "ph15": [
  101. "Il tuo nickname sembra cambiato\nVecchio: ",
  102. "Your nickname seems changed\nOld: ",
  103. "French here",
  104. "Spanish here",
  105. "Dein Spitzname sieht aus als ob er verändert wurde\nAlt"
  106. ],
  107. "ph16": [
  108. "\nNickname aggiornato a @",
  109. "\nNickname updated to @",
  110. "\nSurnom actualisé pour@",
  111. "Spanish here",
  112. "\nSpitzname aktualisiert zu @"
  113. ],
  114. "ph17": [
  115. "Sei passato al rank 💎No Rank💎",
  116. "You just got the rank 💎No Rank💎",
  117. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎No Rank💎",
  118. "Spanish here",
  119. "Du erhälst den Rang 💎No Rank💎"
  120. ],
  121. "ph18": [
  122. "Sei passato al rank 💎Ferro💎",
  123. "You just got the rank 💎Iron💎",
  124. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Fer💎",
  125. "Spanish here",
  126. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Eisen💎"
  127. ],
  128. "ph19": [
  129. "Sei passato al rank 💎Bronzo💎",
  130. "You just got the rank 💎Bronze💎",
  131. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Bronze💎",
  132. "Spanish here",
  133. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Bronze💎"
  134. ],
  135. "ph20": [
  136. "Sei passato al rank 💎Argento💎",
  137. "You just got the rank 💎Silver💎",
  138. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Argent💎",
  139. "Spanish here",
  140. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Silber💎"
  141. ],
  142. "ph21": [
  143. "Sei passato al rank 💎Oro💎",
  144. "You just got the rank 💎Gold💎",
  145. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Or💎",
  146. "Spanish here",
  147. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Gold💎"
  148. ],
  149. "ph22": [
  150. "Sei passato al rank 💎Platino💎",
  151. "You just got the rank 💎Platinum💎",
  152. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Platine💎",
  153. "Spanish here",
  154. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Platin💎"
  155. ],
  156. "ph23": [
  157. "Sei passato al rank 💎Diamante💎",
  158. "You just got the rank 💎Diamond💎",
  159. "Tu viens d'obtenir le rank 💎Diamand💎",
  160. "Spanish here",
  161. "Du erhältst den Rang 💎Diamant💎"
  162. ],
  163. "ph24": [
  164. "Esci",
  165. "Quit",
  166. "Quitter",
  167. "Spanish here",
  168. "Verlassen"
  169. ],
  170. "ph25": [
  171. "Non sei in partita.",
  172. "You're not in a game.",
  173. "Tu n'es pas dans un jeu.",
  174. "Spanish here",
  175. "Du bist nicht in einem Spiel"
  176. ],
  177. "ph26": [
  178. "Il gioco corrente è stato annullato\n",
  179. "The current game has been stopped\n",
  180. "Le jeu actuel a été arrêté\n",
  181. "Spanish here",
  182. "Das derzeitige Spiel wurde gestoppt\n"
  183. ],
  184. "ph27": [
  185. "La tua parola ha ",
  186. "Your word has ",
  187. "Ton mot a ",
  188. "Spanish here",
  189. "Dein Wort hat "
  190. ],
  191. "ph28": [
  192. " lettere.\nCategoria parola: ",
  193. " letters.\nWord category: ",
  194. "French here",
  195. "Spanish here",
  196. " Buchstaben.\nWortkategorie: "
  197. ],
  198. "ph29": [
  199. "\n\nVite: 💙",
  200. "\n\nLives: 💙",
  201. "\n\nVies: 💙",
  202. "Spanish here",
  203. "\n\nLeben💙"
  204. ],
  205. "ph29a": [
  206. "\n\nVite: ❤️",
  207. "\n\nLives: ❤️",
  208. "\n\nVies: ❤️",
  209. "Spanish here",
  210. "\n\nLeben❤️"
  211. ],
  212. "ph30": [
  213. "🔥 Giocatori: ",
  214. "🔥 Players: ",
  215. "🔥 Joueurs: ",
  216. "Spanish here",
  217. "🔥 Spieler: "
  218. ],
  219. "ph31": [
  220. "\n🔥 Partite totali giocate: ",
  221. "\n🔥 Total played games: ",
  222. "\n🔥 Total des parties jouées: ",
  223. "Spanish here",
  224. "\n🔥insgesamt gespielte Runden: "
  225. ],
  226. "ph32": [
  227. "\n🔥 Partite totali vinte: ",
  228. "\n🔥 Total won games: ",
  229. "\n🔥 Total des parties gagnées: ",
  230. "Spanish here",
  231. "\n🔥insgesamt gewonnene Runden: "
  232. ],
  233. "ph33": [
  234. "\n\n🌱 Partite da te giocate: ",
  235. "\n\n🌱 Games played by you: ",
  236. "\n\n🌱 Parties que tu as jouées: ",
  237. "Spanish here",
  238. "\n\n🌱 Von dir gespielte Runden: "
  239. ],
  240. "ph34": [
  241. "\n🌱 Partite da te vinte: ",
  242. "\n🌱 Games won by you: ",
  243. "\n🌱 Parties que tu as gagnées: ",
  244. "Spanish here",
  245. "\n🌱 davon gewonnen: "
  246. ],
  247. "ph35": [
  248. "🌀 Top 5 migliori giocatori 🌀",
  249. "🌀 Top 5 best players 🌀",
  250. "🌀 Top 5 des meilleurs joueurs 🌀",
  251. "Spanish here",
  252. "🌀 Top 5 beste Spieler 🌀"
  253. ],
  254. "ph36": [
  255. "❇️ Quanti stanno giocando ora? ❇️",
  256. "❇️ How many people are playing now? ❇️",
  257. "❇️ Combien de personne sont en train de jouer maintenant? ❇️",
  258. "Spanish here",
  259. "❇️ Wie viele Leute spielen gerade?❇️"
  260. ],
  261. "ph37": [
  262. "Inserisci il nickname. (massimo 15 caratteri)",
  263. "Type your nickname. (maximum 15 letters)",
  264. "Ecris ton surnom. (le maximum est de 15 caractères)",
  265. "Spanish here",
  266. "Tippe deinen Spitznamen ein. (maximal 15 Buchstaben)"
  267. ],
  268. "ph38": [
  269. "Sei già registrato con il nickname \"",
  270. "You're already registered with the following nickname \"",
  271. "Tu as déjà été enregistré avec ce surnom suivant \"",
  272. "Spanish here",
  273. "Du bist bereits mit dem folgenden Spitzname registriert \""
  274. ],
  275. "ph39": [
  276. "⚠️[Messaggio dall'ADMIN]: ",
  277. "⚠️[Message from ADMIN]: ",
  278. "⚠️[Message d'ADMIN]: ",
  279. "Spanish here",
  280. "⚠️[Nachricht vom ADMIN]:"
  281. ],
  282. "ph40": [
  283. "➕ Guadagna coins gratuiti ➕",
  284. "➕ Gain free coins ➕",
  285. "➕ Gagne des pièces gratuites➕",
  286. "Spanish here",
  287. "➕ Erhalte kostenlose coins➕"
  288. ],
  289. "ph41": [
  290. "Attualmente hai ",
  291. "Currently you have ",
  292. "French here",
  293. "Spanish here",
  294. "Derzeit hast du "
  295. ],
  296. "ph42": [
  297. "Appartieni al rank ",
  298. "You belong to the rank ",
  299. "French here",
  300. "Spanish here",
  301. "Du gehörst zum Rang "
  302. ],
  303. "ph43": [
  304. " 💎\n\nPagamenti rank ",
  305. " 💎\n\nRank payments ",
  306. "French here",
  307. "Spanish here",
  308. "💎\n\nRang Bezahlung "
  309. ],
  310. "ph44": [
  311. ":\nVittoria partita: ",
  312. ":\nGame won: ",
  313. "French here",
  314. "Spanish here",
  315. "\nGewonnene Spiele: "
  316. ],
  317. "ph45": [
  318. " coins \nPerdita partita: ",
  319. " coins \nLost game: ",
  320. "French here",
  321. "Spanish here",
  322. " Coins \nVerlorene Spiele: "
  323. ],
  324. "ph46": [
  325. "/altri_rank",
  326. "/other_ranks",
  327. "French here",
  328. "Spanish here",
  329. "/anderer_rang"
  330. ],
  331. "ph47": [
  332. "Che parole vuoi usare?",
  333. "Which words do you want to use?",
  334. "French here",
  335. "Spanish here",
  336. "Welche Wörter möchtest du verwenden?"
  337. ],
  338. "ph48": [
  339. "💎No Rank (0-)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 9\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -1\n\n💎Rank Ferro (0-44)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 3\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -1\n\n💎Rank Bronzo (45-79)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 5\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -1\n\n💎Rank Argento (80-94)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 7\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -1\n\n💎Rank Oro (95-144)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 9\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -2\n\n💎Rank Platino (145-199)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 14\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -4\n\n💎Rank Diamante (200+)💎\n🔥Coins per vittoria: 20\n🔥Coins per sconfitta: -5",
  340. "💎No Rank (0-)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 9\n🔥Coins for lose: -1\n\n💎Rank Iron (0-44)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 3\n🔥Coins for lose: -1\n\n💎Rank Bronze (45-79)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 5\n🔥Coins for lose: -1\n\n💎Rank Silver (80-94)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 7\n🔥Coins for lose: -1\n\n💎Rank Gold (95-144)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 9\n🔥Coins for lose: -2\n\n💎Rank Platinum (145-199)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 14\n🔥Coins for lose: -4\n\n💎Rank Diamond (200+)💎\n🔥Coins for win: 20\n🔥Coins for lose: -5",
  341. "French here",
  342. "Spanish here",
  343. "No Rank (0-)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 9\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -1\n\n💎Rank Eisen (0-44)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 3\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -1\n\n💎Rank Bronze (45-79)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 5\n🔥Coins for lose: -1\n\n💎Rank Silber (80-94)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 7\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -1\n\n💎Rank Gold (95-144)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 9\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -2\n\n💎Rank Platin (145-199)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel: 14\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -4\n\n💎Rank Diamant (200+)💎\n🔥Coins pro gewonnenes Spiel:20\n🔥Coins pro verlorenes Spiel: -5"
  344. ],
  345. "ph49": [
  346. "Consiglialo ad un amico!",
  347. "Recommend it to a friend!",
  348. "French here",
  349. "Spanish here",
  350. "Empfehle es einem Freund!"
  351. ],
  352. "ph50": [
  353. "Provalo!",
  354. "Try it!",
  355. "French here",
  356. "Spanish here",
  357. "Versuche es!"
  358. ],
  359. "ph51": [
  360. "Inserisci il codice per ricevere coins. (minuscolo)",
  361. "Type the code to receive coins. (lowercase)",
  362. "French here",
  363. "Spanish here",
  364. "Tippe den Code ein um Coins zu erhalten(Kleinbuchstaben)"
  365. ],
  366. "ph52": [
  367. "Devi inserire una lettera sola!",
  368. "You have to type only one letter!",
  369. "French here",
  370. "Spanish here",
  371. "Du musst nur einen Buchstaben eigeben!"
  372. ],
  373. "ph53": [
  374. "Questa volta ti è andata male, riprova!\nLa parola era ",
  375. "You lost, retry!\nThe word was ",
  376. "French here",
  377. "Spanish here",
  378. "Du hast verloren, versuche es nochmal!\nDas Wort war "
  379. ],
  380. "ph54": [
  381. "Perchè non ti registri? Potresti apparire nella top 5 migliori giocatori!\nClicca su 📊 Statistiche 📊 e poi su 🌀 Top 5 migliori giocatori 🌀.",
  382. "Why don't you register? You could be in the \"top 5 best players\"!\nClick on 📊 Statistics 📊 and then on 🌀 Top 5 best players 🌀.",
  383. "French here",
  384. "Spanish here",
  385. "Wieso hast du dich nicht registriert? Du könntest in den \"top 5 beste Spieler\" sein!\nDrücke auf 📊 Statistik 📊 und anschließend auf🌀 Top 5 beste Spieler 🌀."
  386. ],
  387. "ph55": [
  388. "Questa lettera l'avevi già selezionata, ed è sbagliata\n\n✂️ ",
  389. "You have already choosed this letter, it's wrong\n\n✂️ ",
  390. "French here",
  391. "Spanish here",
  392. "Du hast diesen Buchstaben bereits ausgewählt, und dieser ist falsch\n\n✂️"
  393. ],
  394. "ph56": [
  395. "Lettera sbagliata\n\n✂️ ",
  396. "Wrong letter\n\n✂️ ",
  397. "French here",
  398. "Spanish here",
  399. "Falscher Buchstabe\n\n✂️"
  400. ],
  401. "ph57": [
  402. "\n\nI coins servono per apparire in classifica! Clicca su 📊 Statistiche 📊 ---> Top 5, per capire di più.\nQuesto messaggio non ci sarà più quando ti sarai registrato.",
  403. "\n\nCoins are needed to show up your nickname on the \"top 5\"! Click on 📊 Statistics 📊 ---> Top 5, to understand more.\nThis message will no longer been showed up when you register.",
  404. "French here",
  405. "Spanish here",
  406. "\n\nCoins werden gebraucht damit dein Spitznamen unter den \"top 5 auftaucht\"! Drücke auf📊 Statistik 📊 ---> Top 5, um es besser zu verstehen.\nDiese Nachricht wird nicht mehr auftauchen, sobald du dich registriert hast."
  407. ],
  408. "ph58": [
  409. "La parola era ",
  410. "The word was ",
  411. "French here",
  412. "Spanish here",
  413. "Das Wort war "
  414. ],
  415. "ph59": [
  416. "!\nHai vinto!\n +",
  417. "!\nYou won!\n +",
  418. "French here",
  419. "Spanish here",
  420. "!\nDu hast gewonnen!\n +"
  421. ],
  422. "ph60": [
  423. "Il tuo nickname ora è \"",
  424. "Your nickname is now \"French here",
  425. "Spanish here",
  426. "Dein Spitzname ist jetzt \""
  427. ],
  428. "ph61": [
  429. "Sembrerebbe la prima volta che accedi alla classifica, per guardarla devi prima inserire un tuo nickname con il quale avrai la possibilità di apparire nella classifica. /registrati",
  430. "It's the first time you come here, to see the top you first have to register your nickname which will be shown on the top. /register",
  431. "French here",
  432. "Spanish here",
  433. "Es scheint als wäre dies dein erstes Mal hier, um die Ranglisten einzusehen, musst du erst deinen Spitznamen registrieren, dann kansnt du dir die Ranglisten anzeigen lassen. /registrieren"
  434. ],
  435. "ph62": [
  436. "/registrati",
  437. "/register",
  438. "French here",
  439. "Spanish here",
  440. "/registrieren"
  441. ],
  442. "ph63": [
  443. " con ",
  444. " with ",
  445. "French here",
  446. "Spanish here",
  447. " mit "
  448. ],
  449. "ph64": [
  450. " partite vinte e ",
  451. " games won and ",
  452. "French here",
  453. "Spanish here",
  454. " Gewonnene Spiele und "
  455. ],
  456. "ph65": [
  457. "(tu!)\n",
  458. "(you!)\n",
  459. "French here",
  460. "Spanish here",
  461. "(du!)\n"
  462. ],
  463. "ph66": [
  464. "utente non registrato (",
  465. "not registered user (",
  466. "French here",
  467. "Spanish here",
  468. "Spieler ist nicht registriert ("
  469. ],
  470. "ph67": [
  471. "°: 🎗",
  472. "th: 🎗",
  473. "e: 🎗",
  474. "Spanish here",
  475. ". 🎗"
  476. ],
  477. "ph68": [
  478. "°: ",
  479. "th: ",
  480. "e: ",
  481. "Spanish here",
  482. ". "
  483. ],
  484. "ph69": [
  485. "\nLa tua posizione: ",
  486. "\nYour position: ",
  487. "French here",
  488. "Spanish here",
  489. "\nDeine Position: "
  490. ],
  491. "ph70": [
  492. "°",
  493. "th",
  494. "French here",
  495. "Spanish here",
  496. ""
  497. ],
  498. "ph71": [
  499. "Attualmente stanno giocando ",
  500. "Currently ",
  501. "French here",
  502. "Spanish here",
  503. "Derzeit spielen "
  504. ],
  505. "ph72": [
  506. " utenti.",
  507. " users are playing.",
  508. "French here",
  509. "Spanish here",
  510. " Spieler"
  511. ],
  512. "ph73": [
  513. "L'amministratore mi ha ordinato di riavviarmi, la tua partita è stato annullata e non hai perso coins, ti porgo le scuse da parte sua.\nRiprendi pure a giocare!",
  514. "The administrator ordered me to restart, your game has been canceled and you have not lost coins, I apologize to you.\nStart playing now!",
  515. "French here",
  516. "Spanish here",
  517. "Der Administrator befiehlt mir wieder neu zu starten, dein Spiel wurde annulliert und du hast keine Coins verloren, ich bitte um Entschuldigung. \nSpiele nochmal!"
  518. ],
  519. "ph74": [
  520. "Mandalo ad un amico!",
  521. "Send it to a friend!",
  522. "French here",
  523. "Spanish here",
  524. "Sende es einem Freund!"
  525. ],
  526. "ph75": [
  527. " | manda il mio codice di riferimento: ",
  528. " | send my referral code: ",
  529. "French here",
  530. "Spanish here",
  531. "| sende mein Empfehlungscode: "
  532. ],
  533. "ph76": [
  534. " al bot dopo aver digitato /referral ed entrambi riceveremo coins gratuiti!",
  535. " to the bot after typed /referral and both will receive free Coins!",
  536. "French here",
  537. "Spanish here",
  538. "an den Bot nachdem eingetippt wurde / (?) Und beide erhalten kostenlose Coins!"
  539. ],
  540. "ph77": [
  541. "Il tuo referral code è: ",
  542. "Your referral code is: ",
  543. "French here",
  544. "Spanish here",
  545. "Dein Empfehlungscode ist: "
  546. ],
  547. "ph78": [
  548. "\nInvialo ad un amico, fallo inviare al bot, entrambi riceverete 40 coins e... tutti contenti!\n\n️⬇⬇️⬇️",
  549. "\n Send it to a friend, tell him to send it to the bot, you both will receive 40 coins and... all happy!\n\n️⬇⬇️⬇️",
  550. "French here",
  551. "Spanish here",
  552. "\nSende es einem Freund, sage ihm er muss es an den Bot senden, ihr erhaltet beide 40 Coins und... alle sind glücklich!\n\n️⬇⬇️⬇️"
  553. ],
  554. "ph79": [
  555. "⚠️Inattività rilevata⚠️\nSono 5 minuti che sei in partita.\nLa tua partita è stata annullata.",
  556. "⚠️Inactivity detected⚠️\n you have been in game for 5 minutes.\nYour game has been canceled.",
  557. "French here",
  558. "Spanish here",
  559. "⚠️Inaktivität erkannt⚠️\nDu bist seit 5 Minuten untätig im Spiel.\nDein Spiel wurde annulliert."
  560. ],
  561. "ph80": [
  562. "📝 Totale messaggi ricevuti: ",
  563. "📝 Total received messages: ",
  564. "French here",
  565. "Spanish here",
  566. "📝 Gesamtanzahl an erhaltenen Nachrichten: "
  567. ],
  568. "ph81": [
  569. "\n🔥 Di cui 🇮🇹italiani: ",
  570. "\n🔥🇮🇹 Italian players: ",
  571. "French here",
  572. "Spanish here",
  573. "\n🔥🇮🇹 Italienische Spieler: "
  574. ],
  575. "ph82": [
  576. "\n🔥 Di cui 🇬🇧inglesi: ",
  577. "\n🔥🇬🇧 English players: ",
  578. "French here",
  579. "Spanish here",
  580. "\n🔥🇬🇧 Englische Spieler: "
  581. ],
  582. "ph82a": [
  583. "\n🔥 Di cui 🇩🇪tedeschi: ",
  584. "\n🔥🇩🇪 German players: ",
  585. "French here",
  586. "Spanish here",
  587. "\n🔥🇩🇪 Deutsche Spieler: "
  588. ],
  589. "ph82b": [
  590. "\n🔥 Di cui 🇪🇸spagnoli: ",
  591. "\n🔥🇪🇸 Spanish players: ",
  592. "French here",
  593. "Spanish here",
  594. "\n🔥🇪🇸 Spanisch Spieler: "
  595. ],
  596. "ph83": [
  597. "❤️Invia❤️",
  598. "❤️Send❤️",
  599. "French here",
  600. "Spanish here",
  601. "❤️Sende❤️"
  602. ],
  603. "ph84": [
  604. "❤Fatto, grazie❤️",
  605. "❤Done, thank you❤️",
  606. "French here",
  607. "Spanish here",
  608. "❤️Fertig, Dankeschön ❤️"
  609. ],
  610. "ph85": [
  611. "Hey, è tanto che giochi e sarei felice di chiederti per favore di lasciare una piccola recensione. La vedrà solo l'amministratore. Lo faresti? /rate\nGrazie❤️❤️",
  612. "Hey, it's so much you play and I'd be happy to ask you to leave a little review. Only the administrator will see it. Would you do it? /rate\nThank you❤️❤️",
  613. "French here",
  614. "Spanish here",
  615. "Hey, du spielst dieses Spiel wirklich viel und ich würde mich sehr über eine kleine Bewertung freuen. Nur dem Inhaber des Bots wird es möglich sein, deine Bewertung zu sehen. Würdest du das tun? /rate\nDankeschön❤️❤️"
  616. ],
  617. "m1": [
  618. "⛔️ Annulla ⛔️",
  619. "⛔️ Cancel ⛔️",
  620. "French here",
  621. "Spanish here",
  622. "⛔️ Annullieren ⛔️"
  623. ],
  624. "m2": [
  625. "💚 Inizia Gioco 💚",
  626. "💚 Start Game 💚",
  627. "French here",
  628. "Spanish here",
  629. "💚 Spiel starten 💚"
  630. ],
  631. "m3": [
  632. "📊 Statistiche 📊",
  633. "📊 Statistics 📊",
  634. "French here",
  635. "Spanish here",
  636. "📊 Statistik 📊"
  637. ],
  638. "m4": [
  639. "⚙️ Cambia Parole ⚙️",
  640. "⚙️ Change words ⚙️",
  641. "French here",
  642. "Spanish here",
  643. "⚙️ Wörterkategorie verändern ⚙️"
  644. ]
  645. }
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