
Day 292.1 Team silverscript

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. Day 292.1 Team silverscript George Learns Too Become a Team Player Aug 9 2017 NYC
  5. Transcript
  6. 0:00
  7. okay welcome to day 291 proof of life
  8. 0:04
  9. geolocation seven to twenty seven so
  10. 0:08
  11. this is George gets to becomes a team
  12. 0:11
  13. player and I apologize to Trish and Jays
  14. 0:13
  15. for making their lives holy how the last
  16. 0:16
  17. months but now that I have this case
  18. 0:18
  19. behind me
  20. 0:19
  21. I think these morning walks are gonna be
  22. 0:22
  23. live still I'm gonna try to convince
  24. 0:23
  25. everybody that the morning walks are a
  26. 0:25
  27. good idea stream of consciousness all
  28. 0:28
  29. James Joyce all you know just see things
  30. 0:31
  31. first you know triggered memory that
  32. 0:34
  33. comes to mind but also now we're going
  34. 0:36
  35. to be directing kind of to a format
  36. 0:38
  37. which is we're gonna it looks like we're
  38. 0:40
  39. gonna have kind of a Good Morning
  40. 0:41
  41. America type format at maybe 11 or noon
  42. 0:44
  43. I think maybe noon for a half hour and
  44. 0:47
  45. we have to give our co-hosts a chance I
  46. 0:50
  47. can't just say well you know those
  48. 0:53
  49. Cameron you know trunk missiles look
  50. 0:57
  51. like they could fit into a Nissan previa
  52. 1:01
  53. don't you think so Trish and do you
  54. 1:03
  55. think those have addy you load or a WP
  56. 1:05
  57. load and then they're like I had no idea
  58. 1:08
  59. you're gonna talk about you know car
  60. 1:11
  61. rings in New York and and loading them
  62. 1:13
  63. with with black weapons Georgia you said
  64. 1:16
  65. something about you know call me this
  66. 1:18
  67. morning so we know more blindsiding my
  68. 1:21
  69. team members we got to do a better job
  70. 1:23
  71. of that and I think we're gonna go to
  72. 1:24
  73. more of a you know more of a kind of a
  74. 1:27
  75. CNN not really not that kind of a format
  76. 1:31
  77. just in format we're bring up stories of
  78. 1:33
  79. the day have a great guest oh we got a
  80. 1:35
  81. great guest tonight oh you are gonna
  82. 1:38
  83. love it love it love it and then go over
  84. 1:41
  85. to more of a panel type format so no
  86. 1:44
  87. further ado we're not gonna lose our
  88. 1:45
  89. friends we're not losing our friends
  90. 1:47
  91. we're not going to lose the GID bombers
  92. 1:49
  93. here the GID Egyptian bombers know the
  94. 1:52
  95. roller bombers you see the roller bomber
  96. 1:54
  97. store down there we're not losing them
  98. 1:55
  99. we're gonna say hi to everybody along
  100. 1:56
  101. the way Tony's toys was right over there
  102. 1:58
  103. by the Goodman Center
  104. 1:59
  105. Tony's toys are right over there so
  106. 2:01
  107. you're still going to get your supply
  108. 2:02
  109. heroin now we're a little bit far down
  110. 2:04
  111. the street here but there's a good old
  112. 2:07
  113. Amalgamated Bank
  114. 2:09
  115. kind of George Bailey you know Hey
  116. 2:12
  117. Amalgamated Bank or what it was that
  118. 2:15
  119. building and Loan amalgamated building
  120. 2:16
  121. one so we got across the street now in
  122. 2:18
  123. twenty seven and seven we've got a
  124. 2:20
  125. geolocate out of the way so now we're
  126. 2:23
  127. going to move to a couple different
  128. 2:24
  129. stories one is going to be Tampa gosh as
  130. 2:28
  131. soon as we live leave Tampa we've got a
  132. 2:31
  133. lot of interest going there a lot of
  134. 2:32
  135. stories breaking foolproof foolproof the
  136. 2:35
  137. word of the day is foolproof
  138. 2:36
  139. what I wouldn't want to do in the
  140. 2:37
  141. mornings to start generating links and
  142. 2:41
  143. leads so hey strategy start generating
  144. 2:44
  145. links and leads for the Good Morning
  146. 2:47
  147. America show it's not really a good
  148. 2:49
  149. morning good lunch America I don't know
  150. 2:53
  151. what's gonna be called but start
  152. 2:55
  153. generating WikiLeaks type links in a
  154. 2:58
  155. really just profusion of proof for those
  156. 3:02
  157. shows for Jason's kind of so you can
  158. 3:06
  159. make comments along the way thank you I
  160. 3:08
  161. love the comments but copy and paste see
  162. 3:12
  163. 28th and Bronx hey doctor hey Bronk ER
  164. 3:16
  165. doctor
  166. 3:17
  167. that's a shout-out so paste those links
  168. 3:20
  169. as well into the my comments and then I
  170. 3:23
  171. can feed those just as one big block to
  172. 3:25
  173. Jason and so links are really super
  174. 3:28
  175. appreciated because for instance let's
  176. 3:31
  177. say we started talking about JTTF and
  178. 3:33
  179. fusion centers every is gonna say is
  180. 3:35
  181. this something that George came up with
  182. 3:37
  183. and then I have to explain it all from
  184. 3:38
  185. ground one and it's there's a
  186. 3:40
  187. credibility issue what maybe I don't
  188. 3:41
  189. know I thought they were pretty commonly
  190. 3:43
  191. know but then just do a quick WikiLeaks
  192. 3:46
  193. search on pigeon centers and a chat JTTF
  194. 3:51
  195. and you'll see all kinds of hits and
  196. 3:54
  197. you'll go oh wow this is you know really
  198. 3:56
  199. something and we can talk about that and
  200. 3:59
  201. show those things so we can move along
  202. 4:00
  203. in the evidentiary path where we don't
  204. 4:03
  205. get bogged down with you know can con
  206. 4:05
  207. testing a lot of things so you probably
  208. 4:09
  209. have already guess where I'm walking now
  210. 4:10
  211. that I
  212. 4:11
  213. my reprieve not my reprieve my reproof I
  214. 4:14
  215. think commenting on the case yesterday
  216. 4:20
  217. and everybody wants to Shakespeare Emily
  218. 4:25
  219. my comments on Emily Tarr Paris she's an
  220. 4:28
  221. excellent she's gonna be governor
  222. 4:30
  223. Emily Tarr bear is gonna be governor I
  224. 4:33
  225. think she's just the only thing maybe
  226. 4:38
  227. against Emily Tarr bear and I hate to
  228. 4:40
  229. say this
  230. 4:42
  231. I don't believe these things but she's
  232. 4:45
  233. pumped maybe too beautiful and that may
  234. 4:48
  235. be what holds our back because that
  236. 4:50
  237. somehow big beautiful women aren't smart
  238. 4:53
  239. that's I'm sorry that's what meant a lot
  240. 4:57
  241. of men think so that may be the only
  242. 4:58
  243. thing holding her back but she's a
  244. 5:01
  245. fantastic prosecutor obviously and her
  246. 5:04
  247. reply was cherish my counter check was
  248. 5:06
  249. quarrelsome her reproof for reproof was
  250. 5:10
  251. valiant
  252. 5:16
  253. whenever I talk about JTTF it cuts out
  254. 5:19
  255. I was just going to say this model of
  256. 5:22
  257. JTTF didn't just come up out it really
  258. 5:25
  259. was introduced to Vietnam in the Phoenix
  260. 5:27
  261. project duck Valentine is the author of
  262. 5:30
  263. that book fantastically well-written
  264. 5:32
  265. book galore in terms of
  266. 6:28
  267. you
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