
Twist Quest part 1

Jul 13th, 2012
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  1. the last time you saw Twist, she was still an awkward nerd with glasses and a lisp.
  3. you've just seen her again, after ten years, speech therapy, contacts, and hair conditioner.
  5. what is your face?
  7. fine. thin-frame glasses that make her look less like a dweeb and more like a girl next door.
  9. either way, you've been asked by your mother (who's friends with Twist's mother) to pick her up from the train station. she's just come back from college, you see. your buddies, who you were going to go with, only remember the nerd from grade school, and decide not to go.
  11. and it'll be just the two of you on the way back into town.
  13. what will you do?
  15. she teases you a bit, remembering how you used to make fun of her in school. but she's forgiven you. after all, you and the rest of the class were the reason she decided to change her look in the first place. though you do see a smile when you tell her that Diamond Tiara got knocked up shortly after high school.
  17. she asks how your grades are; just because she looks different doesn't mean she's not still clever.
  19. she offers to help you study if you need help. from the smile, you can tell that it isn't a double entendre. she's just offering to help you study, tutor if need be.
  21. are needs be?
  23. she tells you that she'll help you tomorrow. you take her back to your mother's house, several hours before dinner is ready, and Twist asks to use the shower. you show her upstairs to the bathroom, and excuse yourself.
  25. an hour or two later, your mother tells you to get Twist for dinner. you go upstairs and knock on the guest room door, to no response. again, nothing. you open it slowly, to find it's empty.
  27. you wonder where she could've gone. you start checking the rest of the rooms. the last one you check is your old room. you knock, and you hear a shuffling inside, then "come in". you open the door, and you find Twist inside, still a bit sleep-groggy. she grins sheepishly when you tell her that this was your room; some of the stuff from your childhood is still here. she apologizes for crashing on your bed, but the mattress in the guest room was lumpy, and she didn't want to ruin your mother's bed. she smiles when you tell her that dinner is ready.
  29. after dinner, she tell you that she's called her mother, who rented her old room out, and your mother has offered to let her stay over. she asks if you wouldn't mind her sleeping in your old bed.
  31. what do you do?
  33. what, when you woke her up? just slightly damp. she dried it pretty thoroughly, and had the fan on while she napped. after dinner, not damp at all.
  35. as for clothes, she's wearing a pair of sweats that she borrowed from your mom, and a band tee-shirt of yours that she found (because none of your mother's shirts fit that well).
  37. if you were wondering, yes, i am operating off Humanized. if you'd like me to do pony, please say so now, though i can't guarantee spectacular results.
  39. she smiles and laughs. "great! but... i'm going to need you to come over tomorrow and pick me up again. i need a lift to my mom's, to pick up some clothes. we can go hang out with your friends. i haven't seen them in years! or, y'know, whatever you wanna do."
  41. what do you want to do tomorrow?
  43. she's slim, with a flat stomach and B-cup breasts that she's a bit embarrassed about. her hips are average, as is her ass, but her legs are divine. as for muscle, she's a bit wiry, though hardly a bodybuilder.
  45. the others ditched you when they found out you had to go pick Twist up
  47. she says she'd like to go to the arcade. she wants to see if her old time on Cruis'n Exotica still stands.
  49. it does. after an hour or so, running out of quarters, she asks you if you want to waste the rest of them playing Time Crisis 4 together. how good are you at Time Crisis 4?
  51. she thinks they're a bit small. she only had one boyfriend while she was in college; she might've had more, but most of the girls had bigger breasts. she believes this is the main reason she only had the one boyfriend, and why he eventually broke up with her.
  53. on only respawns, you manage to get all the way to WILD DOG. unfortunately, that death-escaping motherfucker manages to kill the two of you. Twist is amazed at how far you got through the game. you even managed to average a better score than she did. the two kids that were waiting for you to die congratulate you as well.
  55. as you leave the arcade, you notice that she's walking a bit closer to you than she was yesterday. she asks you if you're hungry.
  57. if you are, where do you want to go for lunch?
  59. she agrees, and laughs. "i'll admit, i've never had Mediterranean food before. Massachusetts is hardly a multicultural mecca." apologies to any Massachusettsanons if it actually IS a cultural mecca.
  61. when you get there, you're surprised to find a bit of a line. usually, it's pretty empty. once you get inside, though, you find out why it's so packed. there's a belly dancer performing. she snakes her way through the crowd, dancing in front of each table in turn. most of the men are already looking. the ones that aren't, she likes to embarrass by dancing right next to until they can't help but stare.
  63. as she slinks towards your table, what do you do?
  65. was she just another girl in Boston, on the road, trying to make ends meet?
  67. no. hardly.
  69. she was in Cambridge.
  71. she dances, at first near you, but then, as she notices how you keep your eyes on everything but her, she starts dancing FOR you. after a few tense moments, with all eyes in the place on you, she smiles, deciding that you've earned your peace.
  73. or, maybe, though you didn't see it yourself, Twist's glare scared her off.
  75. either way, you leave happy and full. she hugs you, arms thrown around your neck, and kisses you on the cheek, thanking you for a great day. as you get ready to take her home, though, she realizes that she still needs to swing by her mom's house and get some clothes.
  77. she seems a bit fidgety as you pull up outside the house, though she won't say what's wrong. she tells you she'll only be a few seconds.
  79. do you go inside with her?
  81. "of course i am", she snaps.
  83. she rings the doorbell, and within moments the light from inside the hall that you can see through the glass is swallowed up by a huge frame. the door opens to a mountainous man with an impressive beard and sleeves of tattoos down both arms. his eyes light up at seeing Twist, and he scoops her up in a hug. he speaks (not surprisingly, from looking at him) with a thick Kentucky accent. "aw, i ain't seen you since you gone off to college, girl! how the hell are ya? what'cha, too busy to call me?"
  85. she laughs as he sets her down. "sorry, Uncle Rex. got caught up in... y'know. stuff."
  87. "mm-hm. so i see." he sniffs as he turns toward you, his expression hardening, though still hardly hostile. he extends his leathery hand, and nearly crushes yours as he shakes it. "you datin' my niece, son?"
  89. Twist swats him before you can answer, though. "how's mom?"
  91. Rex's expression darkens. you sense that, whatever it is Rex has to say, it won't be good news. what do you do?
  93. sorry this is taking so long, guys.
  95. "she's... she's getting worse", Rex says, slowly. he seems to be choosing his words with care. "sometimes she has trouble remembering names, places, dates. she hasn't forgotten you, or me, or your father, though."
  97. Twist puts on a brave, but you can see cracks in her stoicism. you reach out and put a hand on her shoulder. she brushes it off. then she reaches out and takes it in her hand, and squeezes as Rex continues.
  99. she says she wants to go see her mother; she has to go upstairs to get her clothes, anyway. Rex nods, and the two of you wait by the foot of the stairs for her. five minutes later, she comes back down, a stack of clothes in her arms. she looks shaken, and sad, but relieved. "she was totally lucid."
  101. you take the clothes from her, and she stands up on her toes to kiss Rex's bearded face. "bye, Uncle Rex. i'll come over and see you guys again soon."
  103. the two of you walk to the car, and she barely closes the door before a wave of emotions sweeps over her. she doesn't cry, though. she seems more scared than anything else.
  105. what do you do?
  107. don't worry, this isn't going to turn into grimderp. just characterization.
  109. she gladly takes hold of your hand, squeezing with both of hers. the entire ride back, she doesn't say anything, and you don't ask her to.
  111. the sun is starting to dip behind the hills in the west as you get home, and by that time, she's more-or-less back to her normal, chipper self, though she hasn't let go of your hand. she thanks you for ferrying her around the whole day, and asks if you're going to be staying for dinner tonight again.
  113. are you?
  115. you and Twist decide to go up to your room and play on your old N64 before dinner. the only cartridge you could blow into life is Mario Kart N64. the race is neck-and-neck almost the entire way, but at the very end, you manage to pull ahead after a banana peel from Bowser, and a blue shell from you to Bowser, and you win. she laughs and gives you a shove. you roll onto your back, and she lies down next to you.
  117. just then, you hear your mother calling up to the two of you that dinner is ready. she smiles at you, but waits for you to sit up first.
  119. what do you do?
  121. she grins, and promises to beat you. you sit up, and pull her to her feet.
  123. dinner is fantastic, and proceeds without incident, though Twist did stiffen a bit when your mother asked about her mom.
  125. after dinner, the two of you head back upstairs to play more Mario Kart. before you know it, you've been playing for several hours, and you find yourself starting to yawn. "oh, thanks a lot", Twist complains through a yawn of her own. you look over at the clock: it's nearly one in the morning! she follows your gaze and giggles. "i think it might be beddy-bye time for me."
  127. you agree, for yourself as well. she walks with you to the door, your mother having long since gone to bed. "i had a great time today. really. i've... y'know how they say kids don't get into a really good school unless they've had something driving them their whole lives? it's my mom. i don't get out much, and when i do, it's not usually to just have fun. i'd almost forgotten how to. so, thanks for helping me remember to have fun." she smiles at you in the porch lamplight.
  129. what do you do?
  131. is anyone besides the three anons reading this?
  133. roll to extend hug: DT 13
  134. roll: 15
  135. roll to extend hug successful
  137. you hug her, telling her that you're glad she's back. she wraps her arms around your waist, and thanks you for being there with her. the two of you stay that way for almost a minute, your arms around her shoulders, hers around your waist.
  139. finally, you pull away. as you begin to walk away, though, she catches your arm. "hey, you forgot something."
  141. you turn around to ask her what it was, but before you can, she reaches up and kisses you. it isn't a deep kiss. it isn't a long kiss. in fact, she breaks it off before you even have a chance to kiss her back. but it leaves a fire on your lips even hotter than the summer night air.
  143. she smiles shyly over her shoulder as she walks back inside the house, and murmurs good night.
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