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a guest
Oct 13th, 2017
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  1. terraform apply
  3. aws_db_instance.myrds: Creating...
  4. address: "" => "<computed>"
  5. allocated_storage: "" => "5"
  6. apply_immediately: "" => "<computed>"
  7. arn: "" => "<computed>"
  8. auto_minor_version_upgrade: "" => "true"
  9. availability_zone: "" => "<computed>"
  10. backup_retention_period: "" => "<computed>"
  11. backup_window: "" => "<computed>"
  12. ca_cert_identifier: "" => "<computed>"
  13. character_set_name: "" => "<computed>"
  14. copy_tags_to_snapshot: "" => "false"
  15. db_subnet_group_name: "" => "<computed>"
  16. endpoint: "" => "<computed>"
  17. engine: "" => "mysql"
  18. engine_version: "" => "<computed>"
  19. hosted_zone_id: "" => "<computed>"
  20. identifier: "" => "<computed>"
  21. identifier_prefix: "" => "<computed>"
  22. instance_class: "" => "db.t2.small"
  23. kms_key_id: "" => "<computed>"
  24. license_model: "" => "<computed>"
  25. maintenance_window: "" => "<computed>"
  26. monitoring_interval: "" => "0"
  27. monitoring_role_arn: "" => "<computed>"
  28. multi_az: "" => "<computed>"
  29. name: "" => "mydb"
  30. option_group_name: "" => "<computed>"
  31. parameter_group_name: "" => "<computed>"
  32. password: "<sensitive>" => "<sensitive>"
  33. port: "" => "0"
  34. publicly_accessible: "" => "false"
  35. replicas.#: "" => "<computed>"
  36. resource_id: "" => "<computed>"
  37. skip_final_snapshot: "" => "false"
  38. status: "" => "<computed>"
  39. storage_type: "" => "gp2"
  40. timezone: "" => "<computed>"
  41. username: "" => "test"
  42. vpc_security_group_ids.#: "" => "<computed>"
  43. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
  44. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (20s elapsed)
  45. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (30s elapsed)
  46. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (40s elapsed)
  47. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (50s elapsed)
  48. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m0s elapsed)
  49. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m10s elapsed)
  50. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m20s elapsed)
  51. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m30s elapsed)
  52. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m40s elapsed)
  53. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (1m50s elapsed)
  54. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m0s elapsed)
  55. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m10s elapsed)
  56. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m20s elapsed)
  57. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m30s elapsed)
  58. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m40s elapsed)
  59. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (2m50s elapsed)
  60. aws_db_instance.myrds: Still creating... (3m0s elapsed)
  61. aws_db_instance.myrds: Creation complete after 3m5s (ID: terraform-20171012125457328000000001)
  63. Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
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