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  14. [-] File: 1372354233270.jpg (56.4 KB, 550x412, that-feel-guy-14.jpg)
  16. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 10:30:33 No.33410
  17. >end of high school
  18. >lots of people brag about having internships lined up
  19. >"my dad/uncle/grampa set me up, I'll be dicking on facebook all day XD XD"
  20. >tfw these people now have "experience" and get to be successful
  21. >tfw it's all about who you know
  23. Can society please accept that success is 90% nepotism? The least these people could do is stop acting so smug about having popped out of the right vagina.
  25. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 10:46:54 No.33415>>33422
  27. File: 1372355214085.png (730.6 KB, 1126x653, Detroit.png)
  28. Not just contacts, lots of other factors. Imagine a salesperson. Does being a good salesman take skill, courage, charisma, contacts?
  30. I made an image to illustrate good salesmanship. One will get signatures, the other will not.
  32. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:17:38 No.33422
  33. >>33415
  34. Are you implying that the thing on the left will get signatures?
  36. Don't be ridiculous.
  38. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:17:43 No.33423>>33425>>33426>>33491
  39. >Can society please accept that success is 90% nepotism
  40. I'm pretty sure it's already this way. People just don't like to talk about it.
  42. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:25:00 No.33425>>33427
  43. >>33423
  44. This.
  45. It's just a very rude awakening for young people like us because parents, teachers, politicians and friends kept telling us that we "live in a meritocracy" throughout our childhood.
  47. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:25:16 No.33426>>33458
  48. >>33423
  50. There was this young millionaire. 17 and already a successful businessman. He said anyone can start a company, that it is easy to get rich and succeed.
  52. Both this kids parent are entrepreneurs, he is born and raised in the elite. His parents started companies during his entire life.
  54. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:26:46 No.33427>>33430>>33443
  55. >>33425
  57. >and friends
  59. Someone might think you have friends when you talk like that. Remember where you are.
  61. And yes, the world and society tells us we can do anything.
  63. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:31:04 No.33428>>33556
  64. I got my first (and so far only) job at 17 as a direct result of the owner being friends with my parents. I didn't even need to go in for an interview or anything. Of all the other jobs I applied to, I only ever made it past the application once. I realize that my fortunate circumstances are the only reason I have a job and that the whole process of finding work is unjust. I don't see why anyone would feel prideful over circumstances out of their control, but that's normalfags for you.
  66. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:32:52 No.33430
  67. >>33427
  68. Poor choice of words, I apologize; I was speaking in general terms.
  70. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:33:20 No.33431>>33433>>33434>>33441
  71. Most people in other societies have the balls to embark upon a career of crime or organized crime if they are ambitious, yet born into the wrong family
  72. (which for example in a country like Brazil means you are sentenced to a life of poverty regardless of education or merits)
  74. Americans are pussified, people are scared of prison and their nonexistent reputation.
  76. This is the only shot you get at life, and yet you choose to spend it in front of a computer doing nothing.
  78. Meanwhile youth in other countries born into the wrong circumstances are risking their life to improve their position in life. Most fail and the smartest, cunning portion succeeds.
  80. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:38:02 No.33433>>33579
  82. File: 1372358282018.jpg (41.72 KB, 600x449, Mexican_Girls.jpg)
  83. >>33431
  85. Lol, what are you talking about? Doesn't matter what country. The rich in Mexico have the same opportunities as the rich in the USA. The poor in Mexica have it as bad as the poor in Detroit.
  87. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:47:00 No.33434>>33437
  88. >>33431
  90. You need street smarts and excellent social skills to make it in the world of crime.
  92. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:53:36 No.33437>>33438
  93. >>33434
  94. Even white collar crime?
  96. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 11:55:36 No.33438>>33441
  97. >>33437
  99. Pretty much the same. Criminals are alpha normalfags.
  101. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:09:27 No.33441
  102. >>33431
  103. >there are no criminals in America >there are no law-abiding wizards in Brazil
  104. You might be the dumbest person I've ever encountered here.
  106. >>33438
  107. Sure, the most successful criminals are alpha males but you need look no further than shows like "World's Dumbest Criminals" to see examples of delta and omega criminals; the underbelly of society has an internal hierarchy just like every other part.
  109. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:17:26 No.33442
  110. This is one of many reasons why i'm at my parents for having me.
  112. Why would two poor under-achievers have a child!?
  114. Society is fucked. You either have it or you don't.
  116. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:18:55 No.33443
  117. >>33427
  118. I didn't know it was against the rules to have friends. That's s little harsh.
  120. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:21:22 No.33444>>33446
  121. >and yet you choose to spend it in front of a computer doing nothing.
  123. Your one to talk. Unless you're some drug kingpin.
  125. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:26:49 No.33446>>33453
  126. >>33444
  128. >tfw even criminals achieved more in life than you.
  130. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:35:42 No.33453>>33456
  132. File: 1372361742181.jpg (88.38 KB, 400x388, 34785181.jpg)
  133. >>33446
  135. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 12:54:09 No.33456
  136. >>33453
  138. Want more?
  140. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:04:44 No.33458>>33464
  141. This topic makes me pissed off because it's such bullshit. Connections can help you skip a few steps, but they can't take you all the way. Companies can't have passengers. People can pull strings to get people in the door, or get people unpaid internships. They can't pull strings to make someone a success.
  143. There are rare isolated occasions where the owner of a company might give his son in law a job even though he is useless, but those are rare isolated incidents and getting rarer all the time.
  145. Stop acting like there's a conspiracy against you being successful. The only conspiracy is you conspiring against yourself by giving you excuses why you don't have to try.
  146. >>33426
  147. Yeah but he started his own company, he didn't go and work for his parent's company. What's stopping you from doing the same? Absolutely jack shit except: Lack of intelligence, lack of talent, and laziness.
  149. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:11:31 No.33464>>33465
  150. >>33458
  151. Of course these people are not completely useless, nobody ever claimed that.
  153. But they may not be any more capable than a guy without the right connections; still, they will get to have a career while isolated people won't.
  155. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:18:29 No.33465>>33473
  156. >>33464
  157. None of the people I work with got the job because of connections. There was a kid in for an internship last because she was friends of the CEO's daughter though, but also there was a kid in for an internship at the same time who had no such connections.
  159. And I work in a really competitive industry where there is much more demand then there are jobs. Everyone with a permanent seat got there because of hard work and force of personality.
  161. There is one person in another, rival company across town who got the job (possibly) through connections. At least that's the rumour. Everyone holds her in contempt because it's so unusual and unfair.
  163. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:19:48 No.33466>>33467
  164. We're just losers who can't get a job, deal with it and don't make up stupid excuses.
  166. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:24:55 No.33467
  167. >>33466
  169. >tfw not employable
  171. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:32:11 No.33470>>33472>>33473>>33478
  172. >You need connections to be successful
  174. Is a lie. Almost every super successful entrepreneur came from nothing. Sure, people like Bill Gates had wealthy parents, but his dad was a lawyer. Nothing to do with computers, so the connections hardly helped him build Microsoft. Or look at someone like Steve Jobs. His parents weren't even college graduates.
  176. Of course, as well as hard work, these people were extremely lucky to become so successful. But the circumstances of that luck were nothing to do with being born into connected families, and having strings pulled for them while they sat back and took it easy. That's bullshit.
  178. Let's look at people who are more moderately successful, like a doctor or a lawyer. They got good grades in school and went to a good university, then went to a law school or medical school. Where's the connections there? Maybe like 0.0001% of the time someone's dad knew someone on the admissions board or something, but the vast majority of people got there through hard work and intelligence.
  180. A sinecure is an important position where you don't have to do any work. There are only two organizations where you can have this: the Mafia and the Roman Catholic Church. They don't exist in corporations, because corporations have to answer to shareholders who would not allow this to occur.
  182. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:40:33 No.33472>>33556
  183. >>33470
  184. While you don't necessarily require connections to be successful, being connected is like playing the game with a cheatcode on.
  186. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 13:48:47 No.33473>>33475
  187. >>33465
  188. >None of the people I work with got the job because of connections. There was a kid in for an internship last because she was friends of the CEO's daughter
  190. And why were they hired? Because they had experience from previous jobs? Where did they get that experience? From "just being hired as an intern" because they were friends with some CEO's daughter perhaps?
  192. You see where this is going?
  194. >>33470
  195. >They got good grades in school and went to a good university, then went to a law school or medical school.
  197. Yeah, and then what? Some of them will end up being ambulance chasers and pay back their law school debts until they're 55. Others will get a recommendation, intern at a major firm, get nice eye candy for their résumé and end up making big bucks.
  199. Again, I'm sure these people are all capable of doing a good job. But so are a brazillion other candidates. They simply stuck out from the rabble because someone picked them out out of personal sympathy, not because of their sheer awesomeness.
  201. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:09:13 No.33475
  202. >>33473
  203. No.
  205. People who were hired at my job got internships through personal merit. Every single person in the company of 50 people. Including myself. What you are saying is insulting and disrespectful to everyone there.
  207. The CEO's daughters friend is an isolated, unusual incident. You are talking like everyone there got a break because of connections. When actually only a tiny fraction of people in the whole industry will have.
  209. Sometimes people that first door opened for them, sure. Other people have to bang on the door for a while before someone lets them in. So what? It's the same door, and they still have to climb the same ladder once they are in. Start banging or shut up.
  211. If you can't get in it's because of your own failings. You would never have made it on the other side anyway.
  213. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:13:53 No.33478>>33480
  214. >>33470
  216. People like Bill Gates aren't really an example of anything. He's a fluke. For every person like him there are hundreds of failed entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs who were successful thanks mainly to being highly social and having connections.
  218. Most jobs are not listed anywhere - you have to know about them by hearing about them from a friend or contact within the business. Connections don't usually get you a well-paid position with literally no interview, that is true, but they make you aware of opportunities that socially isolated people didn't know existed.
  220. Also, it does give you an edge if you have someone within a business pulling for you. Not to mention many other people getting positions in a job thanks to a parent or relative. I have known multiple people who benefited from this. It's not 90% as OP claims, but it's quite common.
  222. Obviously nothing is black and white, and it's rare that someone can literally just use social connections in lieu of actual effort, but the point is, almost everyone works and tries hard in life, and the most social people with the most connections will prosper the most as a result of that.
  224. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:28:15 No.33480>>33483
  225. >>33478
  226. I agree with what you are saying. Being highly social is going to help you in any part of life. But it's the difference between being born with connections and making your own connections that is the distinction here. Making your own connections is just another type of hard work. If people want to curse the fact they aren't capable of charming people and being influential, then that's fair enough. But to claim that success is just an accident of birth is fucking stupid.
  228. OP makes it seem like you are cursed with failure unless your dad gets you a job. It's bullshit.
  230. The ability to write good letters of introduction and then meet people and impress them is way beyond any advantage that a family connection can give you.
  232. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:34:29 No.33483>>33486
  233. >>33480
  235. >OP makes it seem like you are cursed with failure unless your dad gets you a job. It's bullshit.
  238. Well, I agree with that. But I'm not sure if success is due to people's own efforts nearly as much as they like to think it is. I don't think being social and making connections is an accident of birth exactly, but I do think it's something a lot of people are able to do almost passively, as a cumulative result of life experience and circumstances from a very young age.
  240. I think that's why many here are in the position they're in - it's like other people were snowballs running down a hill and getting bigger and bigger, and people here just fell behind in that roll and haven't built up enough momentum. They can pick things up if they force it, but it takes a lot more work and effort for the same results, and beyond a certain point it's almost like you're stuck in a prison that you don't remember creating for yourself.
  242. I guess OP was a little too specific and unrealistic in his complaint, but when it comes to people being smug about their success and life situation without considering all the circumstances that got them there and all the things that may have prevented others from finding success, it really irks me too, so I know his feel.
  244. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:39:47 No.33486>>33488
  245. >>33483
  246. >but it takes a lot more work and effort for the same results
  248. This is how things always have been and always will be. The game is unfair. There are a lot of other people playing with worse disadvantages than anyone here though.
  250. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:41:33 No.33487
  251. >>33485
  252. Reported.
  254. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:43:06 No.33488>>33489
  255. >>33486
  256. >There are a lot of other people playing with worse disadvantages than anyone here though
  257. How do you know?
  258. inb4 >they have access to internet
  260. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:44:44 No.33489
  261. >>33488
  262. Is
  263. >they have access to internet
  264. an invalid advantage?
  266. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:45:22 No.33491>>33492
  267. >>33423
  268. You're wrong, they stopped not talking about it. Now they call it "networking" and it's the most important skill to anyone who wants to have any kind of career and it's basically "make friends".
  270. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:54:43 No.33492>>33493>>33494>>33500
  271. >>33491
  272. Why is that so unfair? In 99% of jobs you have to work closely with other people. In many of them you need to deal with clients. Why should they hire people who are incapable of making friends?
  274. It sucks because it's something none of us are good at, but it doesn't change the fact it's an important skill.
  276. If you can't do it there are still lots of ways to be successful. You could start an online business, or learn how to play poker to a professional standard.
  278. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:55:10 No.33493
  279. >>33492
  280. >in b4 excuses
  282. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 14:57:28 No.33494
  283. >>33492
  284. >Why is that so unfair?
  286. He never said it was.
  288. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 15:06:56 No.33500>>33503
  289. >>33492
  290. >You could start an online business, or learn how to play poker to a professional standard.
  292. I've done both, the latter with greater success than the former, and I will tell you the key difference between being successful in those fields and being successful through being social:
  294. Both poker and online crap, and any other job where analytical thinking is the main requirement, eventually become bottom feeder disciplines because that shit can be automated. Diminishing returns are very strong. Having a "network", on the other hand, yields ever-increasing returns for you as your peers get more successful. Just grease the wheels with some BS pleasantries every now and then and you're set.
  296. So yeah. You can be "successful" from your basement, too. The difference is that you'll staring at poker tables all day is incredibly draining and risky while going to a networking lunch with your suited-up buddies is probably even considered fun among the social people.
  298. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 15:14:59 No.33503>>33505
  299. >>33500
  300. You can't automate poker, not texas hold-em anyway, and not beyond microstakes.
  302. You can call playing poker online for a living incredibly draining if you like, it's nowhere near as draining as a career in an office. (I've done both so I know) Lunch with your suited "buddies" (more likely to be people you can't stand) isn't the hardest part. 90% of the time you are in front of your computer grinding, just like with poker.
  304. What stakes do you play and what's your win rate?
  306. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 15:25:16 No.33505>>33515
  307. >>33503
  308. It's true that botting is only possible on microstakes, but if you don't want to risk losing substantial amounts playing regularly on NL100, it's your best bet.
  310. I grinded NL25 with about 3BB/100 over 200.000 hands. Also played some tourneys and got lucky. Cashed out shortly before Full Tilt went bust and have been pursuing other online ventures since.
  312. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 15:43:37 No.33515>>33522
  313. >>33505
  314. That's pretty good man. I beat NL200 at 5bb/100 but I've been playing way longer than you I'd imagine.
  316. In all honesty I don't think a bot could even beat NL50, you will get crushed playing ABC poker there.
  318. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 15:51:04 No.33522>>33524
  319. >>33515
  320. >In all honesty I don't think a bot could even beat NL50, you will get crushed playing ABC poker there.
  322. For the same reason that poker in general has become a huge grind: people get better, especially with all the strategy material out now, so even playing the lower stakes requires constant attention.
  324. It's true, I only started playing in late 2010. Wish I had started during the boom years in the mid 2000s, but I was too young back then to play.
  326. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 16:02:24 No.33524>>33537
  327. >>33522
  328. There's a lot less fish in the game than there used to be, at any level.
  330. There are also people out there who used to crush NL5000 and now make a living grinding NL200 online or NL1000 in casinos.
  332. NL200 is probably the highest I'll ever play hold-em. I've taken shots at NL500 and it's too tough. It's hard to put into words the skill difference between players at NL200 and NL500. It's a vast, vast gulf. Right now my focus is on learning other games, particularly Omaha (PLO and split 8 or better) but also Razz, Badugi, etc. I think that's the future of poker.
  334. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 16:39:04 No.33537
  335. >>33524
  336. Winning at NL200 is pretty impressive. One could make a decent middle-class living doing that.
  338. Do you think there will be money in these new games that is comparable to Texas Hold'em? It would seem to me that the player base splitting all these new variants bring along will severely hamper the profitability potential.
  340. Also, sorry for being such a dick about the whole nepotism thing before. But to stick with a card game analogy, the deck seems so stacked against you at times that you just have to vent.
  342. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 17:20:43 No.33556
  343. >>33428
  344. Oh, this so much. My sisters are both very smart, very professional, and even attractive, but can hardly find a job at all on their own. Despite their qualifications, the only places that would actually hire them for anything were restaurants looking for waitresses. Then our dad talked to a few of his friends, and suddenly they both have jobs that give them experience in the fields they're going to college for.
  346. >>33472
  347. And also this. Both of my parents succeeded without having prior connections, but they said it was difficult, and that it's only gotten worse for young people today. Employers want prospective employees to jump through ridiculous hoops and put up with low compensation if they're strangers, but they open right up to the friend of a friend. Although that might seem sensible from one standpoint, when you take into consideration that they're wanting to pay the stranger less and the friend more for doing the same job with the same results, it's really not.
  349. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 17:44:52 No.33558
  350. >>33410
  351. >lots of people brag about having internships lined up
  352. I know that feel. I was too socially anxious to ever go out and get a job on my own and was envious of a few of my 'friends' because they got easy as fuck jobs like dentist receptionist or bakery cashier because of their friends/friends parents
  354. Anonymous 06/27/13 (Thu) 18:17:22 No.33579
  355. >>33433
  356. The poor in Detroit are nigs and not likely to be wizards.
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