

Nov 30th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. zmb: &a[&4&lZombies&a]
  3. on join:
  4. broadcast "&e[&bJoin&e] &a%player%"
  5. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1"
  6. teleport the player to {joinplace}
  7. on quit:
  8. broadcast "&e[&bQuit&e] &a%player%"
  9. on first join:
  10. broadcast "&e[&d&lFirstJoin&e] &a%player%"
  11. wait 2 tick
  12. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1"
  13. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1"
  14. teleport the player to {joinplace}
  15. command "/gamemode 2 %player%"
  16. set {zc.%player%} to 0
  17. on chat:
  18. if {prefix.%player%} is set:
  19. cancel event
  20. broadcast "%{prefix.%player%}%&a: &f%message%"
  21. on place of a tnt:
  22. cancel event
  23. command /prefix <player> <text>:
  24. permission: sk.admin
  25. trigger:
  26. if arg-1 is set:
  27. if arg-2 is set:
  28. set {prefix.%arg-1%} to coloured "%arg-2%%arg-1%"
  29. send "&a%arg-1%の&bPrefix&aを%arg-2%&aに変更しました。"
  30. command /zombies [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  31. permission: sk.admin
  32. trigger:
  33. if arg-1 is "start":
  34. start()
  35. if arg-1 is "stop":
  36. stop()
  37. if arg-1 is "set":
  38. function start():
  39. if {game} is not "true":
  40. set {game} to "true"
  41. broadcast "&eゲームはあと20秒で始まります!"
  42. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  43. wait 10 second
  44. broadcast "&eゲームはあと&610&e秒で始まります!"
  45. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  46. wait 5 second
  47. broadcast "&Eゲームはあと4&e秒で始まります!"
  48. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  49. wait a second
  50. broadcast "&Eゲームはあと3&e秒で始まります!"
  51. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  52. wait a second
  53. broadcast "&Eゲームはあと2&e秒で始まります!"
  54. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  55. wait a second
  56. broadcast "&Eゲームはあと1&e秒で始まります!"
  57. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1 "
  58. wait a second
  59. loop all players:
  60. if {joiners::*} contain loop-player:
  61. teleport loop-player to {mapspawn}
  62. command "/effect @a 16 100000 127 true"
  63. set {timerstart} to "true"
  64. round()
  66. function stop():
  67. if {game} is "true":
  68. set {game} to false
  69. delete {joiners::*}
  70. delete {p::*}
  71. set {down} to ""
  72. set {players} to 0
  73. set {round} to 0
  74. set {zmbleft} to 0
  75. set {s} to 0
  76. set {m} to 0
  77. set {timerstart} to false
  78. broadcast "{@zmb}&e不具合が発生したためゲームを終了しました。"
  79. loop all players:
  80. set {down.%loop-player%} to false
  81. set {downtime.%loop-player%} to -1
  82. command "effect %loop-player% 14 0 127 true"
  83. set {died.%loop-player%} to false
  84. set {coin.%loop-player%} to 0
  85. set loop-player's fly mode to false
  86. set {rivive.%loop-player%} to "false"
  87. set {down.%{r.%loop-player%}%} to "false"
  88. set {revive.%loop-player%} to "false"
  89. set {revivet.%loop-player%} to 0
  90. set {r.%loop-player%} to ""
  91. set {downtime.%{r.%loop-player%}%} to -2
  92. delete {death::%{r.%loop-player%}%}
  93. set {down} to ""
  94. function round():
  95. add 1 to {round}
  96. execute console command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.wither.spawn master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 0 "
  97. on break:
  98. if player's tool is stick:
  99. if {stick.%player%} is "true":
  100. cancel event
  101. add event-block to {spzombies::*}
  102. send "&aスポーン場所を設定しました。"
  103. if {stick.%player%} is false:
  104. cancel event
  105. send "&cスポーン場所から削除しました。"
  106. remove event-block from {spzombies::*}
  107. command /stick <text>:
  108. permission: sk.admin
  109. trigger:
  110. if arg-1 is "place":
  111. set {stick.%player%} to "true"
  112. send "{@zmb}&a設置モード"
  113. send "&a使用するには棒をもってスポーン場所を殴ってください"
  114. if arg-1 is "delete":
  115. send "{@zmb}&4リセットモード"
  116. delete {spzombies::*}
  117. if arg-1 is "off":
  118. set {stick.%player%} to ""
  119. send "{@zmb}&cオフ"
  120. command /setplace [<text>]:
  121. permission: sk.admin
  122. trigger:
  123. if arg-1 is "lobby":
  124. set {joinplace} to player's location
  125. send "&aスポーン場所を設定しました。"
  126. if arg-1 is "map":
  127. set {mapspawn} to player's location
  128. send "&aスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  129. command /check:
  130. permission: sk.admin
  131. trigger:
  132. send "&aSpzombies: %{spzombies::*}%"
  133. send "Game %{game}%"
  134. send "window %{window::*}%"
  135. command /join:
  136. trigger:
  137. if {game} is false:
  138. if {joiners::*} do not contain player:
  139. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1.8"
  140. add player to {joiners::*}
  141. add 1 to {players}
  142. broadcast "&f%player% &ehas joined (&b%{players}%/8&e)!"
  143. else:
  144. send "&cすでに参加しています"
  145. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0"
  146. else:
  147. send "&cゲームは既に始まっています"
  148. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.dispense master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0"
  149. every 1 second:
  150. loop all players:
  151. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  152. if {game} is "true":
  153. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lZombies"
  154. set score "&7%now%" in sidebar of loop-player to 15
  155. set score "&a📞" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
  156. set score "&c&lRound %{round}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  157. set score "Zombies Left: &a%{zmbleft}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  158. set score "&a📞" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  159. set {_player::*} to {joiners::*}
  160. loop number of {joiners::*} times:
  161. add 1 to {_n}
  162. if {p::%{_n}%} is not set:
  163. set {p::%{_n}%} to random player of {_player::*}
  164. set score "%{p::%{_n}%}% &6&l%{coin.%{_n}%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11-{_n}
  165. remove {p::%{_n}%} from {_player::*}
  166. set score "Zombie Kills: &a%{zmbkill.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  167. set score "Time: &a%{m}%:%{s}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  168. set score "Map: &aDead End" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  169. set {_n} to 0
  170. else:
  171. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lZombies"
  172. set score "&7%now%" in sidebar of loop-player to 15
  173. set score "&a📞" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
  174. set score "&eZC: &6%{zc.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  175. set score "Players: &a%number of all players%/8" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  176. loop all players:
  177. if {down.%loop-player%} is "true":
  178. if {downtime.%loop-player%} is greater than 0.1:
  179. remove 1 from {downtime.%loop-player%}
  180. send action bar from "&eDiedするまで%{downtime.%loop-player%}%秒" to loop-player
  181. if {downtime.%loop-player%} is 0:
  182. set {downtime.%loop-player%} to 20
  183. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.hurt ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1"
  184. set {down.%loop-player%} to false
  185. set {died.%loop-player%} to "true"
  186. send loop-player title "&4&lYou Died"
  187. send "&a次のラウンドで復活できます。" to loop-player
  188. command "effect %loop-player% 14 10000 127 true"
  189. set loop-player's fly mode to true
  190. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.player.hurt ambient %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ "
  191. set tab header to "&e&LZombies" and footer to "&" for player
  192. every 1 second:
  193. if {timerstart} is "true":
  194. add 1 to {s}
  195. if {s} is 60:
  196. add 1 to {m}
  197. set {s} to 0
  198. on damage of player:
  199. if {game} is "true":
  200. health of victim*2 <= final damage
  201. cancel event
  202. set {down.%victim%} to "true"
  203. set {downtime.%victim%} to 20
  204. set {down} to "%victim%"
  205. set {death::%victim%} to location of victim
  206. command "heal %victim%"
  207. loop all players:
  208. send loop-player title "&7%victim% is down &ein Map"
  209. command "execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.wolf.growl ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5"
  210. set {down} to ""
  211. on break:
  212. if player is not op:
  213. if {build.%player%} is "true":
  215. else:
  216. cancel event
  217. on place:
  218. if player is not op:
  219. if {build.%player%} is "true":
  221. else:
  222. cancel event
  223. command /reset:
  224. permission: sk.admin
  225. trigger:
  226. delete {death::*}
  227. set {_p} to ""
  228. every ticks:
  229. if {game} is "true":
  230. loop {death::*}:
  231. set {_p} to loop-index parsed as player
  232. loop all players in radius 2 of location of {_p}:
  233. loop-player is not {_p}
  234. if loop-player is sneaking:
  235. remove 1 from {tasukeru.%loop-player%}
  236. send action bar "&e蘇生完了まで%{tasukeru.%loop-player%}/20%秒" to loop-player
  237. send action bar "&e復活まで%{tasukeru.%loop-player%}/20%秒" to {_p}
  238. if {tasukeru.%loop-player%} is 0:
  239. broadcast "&e%loop-player%が%{_p}%を蘇生しました"
  240. delete {death::%{_p}%}
  241. delete {down.%{_p}%}
  242. delete {downtime.%{_p}%}
  243. stop
  244. else:
  245. set {tasukeru.%loop-player%} to 60
  246. loop all players in radius 2 of location of {w1}:
  247. if loop-player is sneaking:
  248. set {w1re} to "true"
  249. if {w1re} is "true":
  250. remove 1 from {w1t}
  251. send "&e窓を修復中..." to loop-player
  252. send "&6+10 coin" to loop-player
  253. command /builder <player>:
  254. permission: sk.admin
  255. trigger:
  256. if arg-1 is set:
  257. set {build.%arg-1%} to "true"
  258. send "&a%arg-1%をビルダーにしました"
  259. send "&aあなたはビルダーになった為、/gamemode 1が利用可能です。" to arg-1
  260. command /nobuilder <player>:
  261. permission: sk.admin
  262. trigger:
  263. if arg-1 is set:
  264. set {build.%arg-1%} to "true"
  265. send "&a%arg-1%をビルダーから除外しました"
  266. on command "/gamemode 1":
  267. if {builder.%player%} is "true":
  268. set player's gamemode to creative
  270. command /setwindow <text>:
  271. permission: sk.admin
  272. trigger:
  273. if arg-1 is "1":
  274. set {w1} to player's location
  275. send "&a設定しました。"
  276. if arg-1 is "2":
  277. set {w2} to player's location
  278. send "&a設定しました。"
  279. if arg-1 is "3":
  280. set {w3} to player's location
  281. send "&a設定しました。"
  282. if arg-1 is "4":
  283. set {w4} to player's location
  284. send "&a設定しました。"
  285. if arg-1 is "5":
  286. set {w5} to player's location
  287. send "&a設定しました。"
  288. if arg-1 is "6":
  289. set {w6} to player's location
  290. send "&a設定しました。"
  291. if arg-1 is "7":
  292. set {w7} to player's location
  293. send "&a設定しました。"
  294. if arg-1 is "8":
  295. set {w} to player's location
  296. send "&a設定しました。"
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