
Keyword Research

Jun 5th, 2020
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  1. Keyword Research
  2. I'm looking to start a new journey for an affiliate site and am in the process of doing keyword research. I have a subcription to kwfinder and allot of the keywords that I'm interested in are around 30-35 difficulty, however I noticed that allot of these keywords have sites like amazon in or near the top 3. So my question is why is the difficulty only 30-35 for these keywords when there are big websites in the top 10 ranking for the keyword?
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  14. Also when I use Ahrefs to check the competition it is even lower than what kwfinder gives me.
  15. Interested in the topic. Following.
  16. According to Ahrefs " we analyze the search results for a given keyword and look at the number of referring domains the Top10 ranking pages have. In simple terms, the more referring domains across the top ranking pages, the higher the Keyword Difficulty. " Read here details
  18. Where KWFinder do it a little bit different and based on by Moz data
  20. No tool is almost 100% accurate. That's why you have to analyze manually each primarily selected keywords. Keyword tools just help to sort out close keywords. And you do final selection doing a manual analysis. So don't fully depend on the tool.
  21. specially for the ecommerce keywords, you can not rely on keyword tools.
  22. Interested in the topic. Following.
  23. You know, rather than post in a thread to watch it, there's a "watch thread" button at the top of this thread you can click. ;)
  24. Better in my opinion for concurrence analyse to check into Google Adwords
  25. I have seen a step by step guide on this forum but couldn't find it right now, I will share once I find it.
  26. www.
  27. I'm looking to start a new journey for an affiliate site and am in the process of doing keyword research. I have a subcription to kwfinder and allot of the keywords that I'm interested in are around 30-35 difficulty, however I noticed that allot of these keywords have sites like amazon in or near the top 3. So my question is why is the difficulty only 30-35 for these keywords when there are big websites in the top 10 ranking for the keyword?
  29. Also when I use Ahrefs to check the competition it is even lower than what kwfinder gives me.
  30. Difficulty scores aren't always accurate. They'll tend to show "lower" for ecommerce keywords, but actually are not as easy as the score indicates. Are you looking at product name keywords? See what kind of sites are dominating the rest of 1st page. If it's all authority ecommerce sites, I'd consider looking for another keyword. If you see some affiliate sites, it might be worthwhile.
  31. exactly. This is the 1st mistake I did in my IM career.
  32. here is my suggestion Keyword Planner and SemRush are best tool for keyword analysis.
  33. I have been {answering | Warning } about this. So called SEO difficulty is not accurate at all. Do your manual research with the tools. Don't let it to decide the decision.
  34. kwfinder does pretty good job too, semrush is mostly recommended but every tool has different keyword difficulty algorithm.
  35. You can put your keyword in Google search box like this: allintitle:"YOUR KEYWORD" and see how many pages exist on internet with your keyword in title tag in exact match order.
  36. If it's less than 500, then it would be good to invest in that keyword.
  37. You have tried word tracker ? It free and gives lot of keyword ideas.
  38. I prefer, especially for youtube
  39. And you have to use imagination to create 3-4 words keyword
  40. I'm looking to start a new journey for an affiliate site and am in the process of doing keyword research. I have a subcription to kwfinder and allot of the keywords that I'm interested in are around 30-35 difficulty, however I noticed that allot of these keywords have sites like amazon in or near the top 3. So my question is why is the difficulty only 30-35 for these keywords when there are big websites in the top 10 ranking for the keyword?
  42. Also when I use Ahrefs to check the competition it is even lower than what kwfinder gives me.
  43. You can check ahrefs. its give you better result than kwfinder.
  44. In my opinion, Google adwords keyword planner is the most preferable keyword tool. It will give the exact results.
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