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Jaiden: Always Let the Bugbear Win

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Sep 15th, 2019
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  2. Otter-Hasse DK GMT+2Today at 4:03 PM
  3. ''Not the best to be honest. We went to search a temple for them snake people, but got attacked by a big, dangerous beast just outside. The others kept attacking it, even after it tried to leave and made it mad. I stayed out of trouble the whole time. Some might call me a coward for that. But i know a losing battle when i see one.''
  5. Ariel GMT-4Today at 4:08 PM
  6. "That big of a beast huh? Can't say I blame you then. I don't think it makes you a coward, if it was really that dangerous."
  8. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 4:09 PM
  9. "Some would call you that. Others would say you have good survival instincts,." Jaiden, walking towards his newly-claimed room, decides to join the conversation.
  10. "All I know is that bastard still has three of my arrows sunk into its hide."
  12. Otter-Hasse DK GMT+2Today at 4:10 PM
  13. ''I'm not easily scared, but that thing might hunt me tonight. You are correct. I'm not searching for my end just yet. I'm still a young dwarf.''
  15. Ariel GMT-4Today at 4:10 PM
  16. Davina looks over to the new voice in the room and waves.
  18. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 4:11 PM
  19. Jaiden gives a slight nod in her direction. "There's a reason I ran with the rest. You saw how many shots I landed. Yet it almost incapacitated me with a single swipe."
  21. Otter-Hasse DK GMT+2Today at 4:13 PM
  22. ''Yea. Not a fun fight. The other day i was fighting alone with someone for a while. One on one it would have been a fun fight. One worthy of dying, trying to win. But a damn frog stole the victory from me... Damn Frogs...''
  24. Ariel GMT-4Today at 4:13 PM
  25. Her eyes widen, must be a very strong best then. She makes a mental note to be careful if she ever finds herself there.
  26. Davina laughs as she hears about the frogs again.
  27. "Those things were everywhere."
  29. Krosul |Thranwulf||HUN|+2Today at 4:14 PM
  30. A faint laugh comes from Krosul, who's sitting at the inn, with the stone tablet in his hands. Those damn frogs.
  32. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 4:15 PM
  33. "Ah yes. Our Druid summoned an army of them to aid in killing an elemental, in my expedition prior."
  35. Otter-Hasse DK GMT+2Today at 4:16 PM
  36. ''Odin. I believe his name was. The one who summoned the frogs.''
  38. Ariel GMT-4Today at 4:17 PM
  39. "Yep, Odin. He who pisses dragons off."
  41. Otter-Hasse DK GMT+2Today at 4:18 PM
  42. ''Ay. That too.''
  44. >insert mushy romance moment from other peeps
  46. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:45 PM
  47. Jaiden's mask remains expressionless as always, but you can totally see that he's rolling his eyes underneath it. He takes this as his cue to skeddadle, and walks off nonchalantly... Need to make sure that damn cat isn't hiding in there again.
  49. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:46 PM
  50. "Uhh.. Jaiden" ..
  52. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:46 PM
  53. He stops as he's about to leave. "... Yes?"
  55. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:47 PM
  56. "I think you should take this" Ghor hands you a piece of green chalk
  57. "If you need me just draw a flame with that, I'll come find you, or if we're out and about and we get lost, I'll know where to go to find you"
  59. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:49 PM
  60. He reaches for it, somewhat confused. Then he straightens up after the explanation, not taking the chalk from the Bugbear. "The gesture is appreciated, but unnecessary. I'm a Ranger. I don't get lost."
  62. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:50 PM
  63. "But, we could still lose you.. Don't let your confidence be your end, friend"
  65. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:50 PM
  66. "If you need to find me, ask J'mes. He always seems to know where I am."
  68. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:51 PM
  69. "Not here, I mean while we're out, you could get taken or something.. Might be good to have something on you to leave a mark, and you can keep a piece under your armbands or your sleeves"
  71. Ariel GMT-4Today at 5:51 PM
  72. "Well someone is all about being dark and mysterious."
  73. blink, blink.
  75. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:52 PM
  76. Ghor chuckles and closes his eyes momentarily
  78. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:52 PM
  79. "I doubt it. Additionally-" Jaiden turns to look at the new conversational participant. "Everyone has their secrets. I just keep mine hidden better than most."
  81. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:52 PM
  82. "What do you expect, everyone that wears a mask is mysterious, no other reason to hide your face.. Maybe he just doesn't think he's pretty enough"
  84. Ariel GMT-4Today at 5:53 PM
  85. "Aw, I think you're very pretty." She grins.
  87. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:53 PM
  88. "Appearance is irrelevant. After all, if I'd judged you on sight there would have been an arrow through your skull."
  90. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:54 PM
  91. Ghor's eyes tear up a little ".. That wasn't very nice"
  93. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:54 PM
  94. "I never said I was."
  96. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:54 PM
  97. Ghor walks away with his head down
  99. Ariel GMT-4Today at 5:55 PM
  100. Davina Pat's Ghor's arm "There, there. He's just got some demons to deal with I'm sure it wasnt personal."
  102. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:55 PM
  103. Ghor wipes his eye and sighs "Thanks, I guess his mysterious secret is that he's an asshole"
  105. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:56 PM
  106. Jaiden makes a slight tch at that, folding his arms. "The last Bugbear I encountered nearly tore both my arms off because I was beating him in a game of Dragonchess."
  108. Skumbag - WalesToday at 5:56 PM
  109. "What's a bugbear?"
  110. He says as his eyes inquisitively light up
  112. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:57 PM
  113. Jaiden pauses at that, trying to get a read on Ghor's intentions behind the statement.
  115. Ariel GMT-4Today at 5:57 PM
  116. Davina glances to Jaiden and observes him seriously for a moment, then tilts her head. "Mmm. Wouldnt be as pretty without arms, sorry."
  118. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 5:59 PM
  119. Seeing that Ghor is entirely serious, Jaiden's stance softens a bit, nearly imperceptibly. "... It's not important. Forget I said anything."
  121. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:00 PM
  122. "But.. That sounds really cool.. .. What's dragonchess?"
  124. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:01 PM
  125. "A game for rich snobs, or geniuses with far too much free time. And for people who are neither to lose at."
  127. Ariel GMT-4Today at 6:02 PM
  128. "Meh, I prefer drinking games. So which are you, a rich snob or too much free time?"
  130. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:04 PM
  131. "Neither. He was just far worse than I."
  133. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:07 PM
  134. "Hmm.. Could you teach me how to play?"
  135. "It's not the kind of game where I get hit with a sword or anything.. is it?"
  137. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:08 PM
  138. Cue a blank stare from Jaiden. "I have about as much of a clue to the strategies of dragonchess as you. I was winning because I was unlucky."
  140. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:10 PM
  141. "Oh.. Right" .. "Well, sorry for saying you're an asshole if you heard that.. I have a bad temper, and sometimes I can't control it"
  143. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:11 PM
  144. "It's not as bad as ones I've seen. You're not currently attempting to rip my arms off."
  146. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:12 PM
  147. "No, I wouldn't.. You're on our side right, well.. Whatever side that is, I'm still confused"
  148. Gary looks at Davina, as if expecting something wise to sprout from your mouth
  150. Ariel GMT-4Today at 6:13 PM
  151. "Pretty sure this is a good side." Davina chimes in as she turns her eyes pure black again.
  153. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:17 PM
  154. "There are no sides, truly. Everyone is out for themselves in one way or another. Sometimes, goals align. Enjoy them while it lasts."
  156. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:18 PM
  157. Ghor looks totally mindblown for a moment "Ahh uh.. Yeah I get what you mean* he totally doesn't get what you mean
  158. "But we have to be there for eachother and ourselves.. Otherwise there's no reason for any of this"
  160. Ariel GMT-4Today at 6:18 PM
  161. "You have some things right and some wrong Jaiden. The world is full of fucked up things, but good lives in it."
  163. Leon the Pained | CDT | GMT -5Today at 6:22 PM
  164. "Not as much as everyone believes. Either way, now is when I take my leave." Jaiden shoulders his pack, and begins making his way to his newly-claimed room- the highest one he could get with a balcony. Hopefully roof access.
  166. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:22 PM
  167. "See you later!" Ghor exclaims
  169. Ariel GMT-4Today at 6:23 PM
  170. "Toodles, mystery man!" Davina waves him off.
  172. Skumbag - WalesToday at 6:23 PM
  173. Ghor laughs "haha, mystery man.. I like that"
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