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Skrypt 4w1

a guest
May 3rd, 2017
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  1. ############################################################
  2. # Skrypt stworzony przez: "TalhaSG"! #
  3. # Nie pozwalam na podrzywanie się pod autora skryptu. #
  4. # Pozwalam na Edycje kodu Jedynie w pluginie: #
  5. # pomoc/sklepsms/bc. #
  6. # E-mail: #
  7. ############################################################
  9. command /autorInfa:
  10. trigger:
  11. send "&4&l@@@@ Email do autora&7&l: &7& "
  12. send "&4&lAutor skryptu&7&l: &3&lTalhaSG"
  13. send "&4&lWersja skryptu&7&l: &3&l0.7"
  14. send "&4&l@@@@ Email do autora&7&l: &7& "
  16. command /pomoc:
  17. trigger:
  18. send "&e/drop &7- drop z stone"
  19. send "&e/autorinfa &7- autor Ogloszenia/Informacji"
  20. send "&e/helpop &7- Zglos cheater lub kolesia co reklamuje!"
  21. send "&e/sklepsms &7- informacje o sklepie!"
  23. command /sklepsms:
  24. trigger:
  25. send "&4/&6minivip &7- Minivip na 7 dni"
  26. send "&4/&6vip7 &7- VIP na 7 dni!"
  27. send "&4/&6vip30 &7- VIP na 30 dni"
  28. send "&4/&6vipzawsze &7- VIP na zawsze
  29. send "&4/&6MiniSVIP &7- MiniSuperVip na 7 dni"
  30. send "&4/&6svip7 &7- SuperVIP na 7 dni!"
  31. send "&4/&6svip30 &7- SuperVIP na 30 dni"
  32. send "&4/&6svipzawsze &7- SuperVIP na zawsze"
  35. command /bc [<text>]:
  36. permission: ogloszenie.broadcast
  37. komendy! permission message: &cNie znam takiej idz do admina sie pozalic ze niemaja pluginu Essentials #Tak dla zmylki xd#
  38. trigger:
  39. if arg 1 is not set:
  40. send "&cChyba cos Ci sie pomylilo... Sprobuj &e/bc <ogloszenie> &e!" #Chyba nie trzeba tlumaczyc.#
  41. else:
  42. broadcast "&4&lInfo &7&l> &6&l%colored arg 1%"
  43. command /ogloszenie:
  44. trigger:
  45. execute player command "/broadcast"
  46. command /ogloszenie:
  47. trigger:
  48. execute player command "/bc"
  50. # Gluteek-chat
  52. #-----------------#
  53. # gluteek-Chat #
  54. # Gluteek #
  55. #-----------------#
  56. # Zakaaz #
  57. # kopiowania #
  58. #-----------------#
  59. # v.0.8 #
  60. #-----------------#
  64. # Dostepne permissje do skryptu/komendy :
  66. # gluteek-chat.on - komenda /chat on
  67. # - komenda /chat off
  68. # gluteek-chat.clear - komenda /chat clear
  69. # gluteek-chat.write - pozwala na pisanie przy wylaczonym czacie
  70. # gluteek-chat.write2 - pozwala na pisanie zawsze i ciągle
  73. options:
  74. tag: &a& # Nazwa Servera
  75. ilesekund: 3 # Co ile sekund bedzie mozna pisac
  77. variables:
  78. {chat} = true
  80. command /chat [<text>]:
  81. trigger:
  82. if arg 1 is not set:
  83. send "&8######## &7Gluteek-Chat &8######## "
  84. send "&6/chat on &7- wlacza chat"
  85. send "&6/chat off &7- wylacza chat"
  86. send "&6/chat clear &7- czysci chat"
  87. send " "
  88. send "&8----------------------------- "
  89. send " "
  90. send "&6Autor: &7Gluteek"
  91. send "&6E-mail: &"
  92. send "&6Skype: &7vertez284"
  93. if arg 1 is "on":
  94. if {chat} is false:
  95. if player has permission "gluteek-chat.on":
  96. set {chat} to true
  97. broadcast ""
  98. broadcast " {@tag}"
  99. broadcast "&7Chat zostal &aWlaczony"
  100. broadcast ""
  101. stop
  102. else:
  103. send "&7Nie masz &auprawnienia&7 do tej komendy !"
  104. stop
  105. else:
  106. send "&7Chat jest juz &aWlaczony"
  107. stop
  108. if arg 1 is "off":
  109. if {chat} is true:
  110. if player has permission "":
  111. set {chat} to false
  112. broadcast ""
  113. broadcast " {@tag}"
  114. broadcast "&7Chat zostal &aWylaczony"
  115. broadcast ""
  116. stop
  117. else:
  118. send "&7Nie masz &auprawnienia&7 do tej komendy !"
  119. stop
  120. else:
  121. send "&7Chat jest juz &aWylaczony"
  122. stop
  123. if arg 1 is "clear":
  124. if player has permission "gluteek-chat.clear":
  125. broadcast ""
  126. broadcast ""
  127. broadcast ""
  128. broadcast ""
  129. broadcast ""
  130. broadcast ""
  131. broadcast ""
  132. broadcast ""
  133. broadcast ""
  134. broadcast ""
  135. broadcast ""
  136. broadcast ""
  137. broadcast ""
  138. broadcast ""
  139. broadcast ""
  140. broadcast ""
  141. broadcast ""
  142. broadcast ""
  143. broadcast ""
  144. broadcast ""
  145. broadcast ""
  146. broadcast ""
  147. broadcast ""
  148. broadcast ""
  149. broadcast ""
  150. broadcast ""
  151. broadcast ""
  152. broadcast ""
  153. broadcast ""
  154. broadcast ""
  155. broadcast ""
  156. broadcast ""
  157. broadcast ""
  158. broadcast ""
  159. broadcast ""
  160. broadcast ""
  161. broadcast ""
  162. broadcast ""
  163. broadcast ""
  164. broadcast ""
  165. broadcast ""
  166. broadcast ""
  167. broadcast ""
  168. broadcast ""
  169. broadcast ""
  170. broadcast ""
  171. broadcast ""
  172. broadcast ""
  173. broadcast ""
  174. broadcast ""
  175. broadcast ""
  176. broadcast ""
  177. broadcast ""
  178. broadcast ""
  179. broadcast ""
  180. broadcast ""
  181. broadcast ""
  182. broadcast ""
  183. broadcast ""
  184. broadcast ""
  185. broadcast ""
  186. broadcast ""
  187. broadcast ""
  188. broadcast ""
  189. broadcast ""
  190. broadcast ""
  191. broadcast ""
  192. broadcast ""
  193. broadcast ""
  194. broadcast ""
  195. broadcast ""
  196. broadcast ""
  197. broadcast ""
  198. broadcast ""
  199. broadcast ""
  200. broadcast ""
  201. broadcast ""
  202. broadcast ""
  203. broadcast ""
  204. broadcast ""
  205. broadcast ""
  206. broadcast ""
  207. broadcast ""
  208. broadcast ""
  209. broadcast ""
  210. broadcast ""
  211. broadcast ""
  212. broadcast ""
  213. broadcast ""
  214. broadcast ""
  215. broadcast ""
  216. broadcast ""
  217. broadcast ""
  218. broadcast ""
  219. broadcast ""
  220. broadcast ""
  221. broadcast ""
  222. broadcast ""
  223. broadcast ""
  224. broadcast ""
  225. broadcast ""
  226. broadcast ""
  227. broadcast ""
  228. broadcast ""
  229. broadcast ""
  230. broadcast ""
  231. broadcast ""
  232. broadcast " {@tag}"
  233. broadcast "&7Chat zostal &aWyczyszczony"
  234. broadcast ""
  235. stop
  236. else:
  237. send "&7Nie masz &auprawnienia&7 do tej komendy !"
  238. stop
  239. on chat:
  240. if {chat} is false:
  241. if player has permission "gluteek-chat.write":
  242. stop
  243. else:
  244. cancel event
  245. send "&7Chat jest aktualnie &aWylaczony!"
  246. stop
  247. else:
  248. if player has permission "gluteek-chat.write2":
  249. stop
  250. set {_waited} to difference between {gluteek-chat.%player%.spam} and now
  251. if {_waited} is less than 3 real seconds seconds:
  252. send "&7Nastepna&a wiadomosc&7 bedziesz mogl wyslac za &c{@3} sekundy"
  253. cancel event
  254. stop
  255. set {gluteek-chat.%player%.spam} to now
  256. stop
  257. on chat:
  258. replace all "kurwa" with "k***a" in the message
  259. replace all "chuj" with "c**j" in the message
  260. replace all "pierdolony" with "p********y" in the message
  261. replace all "pedal" with "p***l" in the message
  262. replace all "gej" with "g*j" in the message
  263. replace all "suka" with "s**a" in the message
  264. replace all "cipa" with "c**a" in the message
  265. replace all "dupa" with "d**a" in the message
  266. replace all "pierdolona" with "pi*******a" in the message
  267. replace all "pojebalo" with "p*****lo" in the message
  268. replace all "zajebe cie" with "z****e cie" in the message
  269. replace all "debil" with "d***l" in the message
  270. on chat:
  271. if player is not op:
  272. replace all "A" with "a" in the message
  273. replace all "B" with "b" in the message
  274. replace all "C" with "c" in the message
  275. replace all "D" with "d" in the message
  276. replace all "E" with "e" in the message
  277. replace all "F" with "f" in the message
  278. replace all "G" with "g" in the message
  279. replace all "H" with "h" in the message
  280. replace all "I" with "i" in the message
  281. replace all "J" with "j" in the message
  282. replace all "K" with "k" in the message
  283. replace all "L" with "l" in the message
  284. replace all "M" with "m" in the message
  285. replace all "N" with "n" in the message
  286. replace all "O" with "o" in the message
  287. replace all "P" with "p" in the message
  288. replace all "R" with "r" in the message
  289. replace all "S" with "s" in the message
  290. replace all "T" with "t" in the message
  291. replace all "U" with "u" in the message
  292. replace all "W" with "w" in the message
  293. replace all "Y" with "y" in the message
  294. replace all "Z" with "z" in the message
  295. on chat:
  296. replace all "wbijac na moj server LeCraft.Pl" with "&4&lreklamoje serwer zbanujcie mnie" in the message
  297. replace all "IP mojego servera LeCraft.PL" with "&4&lReklamoje serwer zbanujcie mnie" in the message
  298. replace all "zapraszam na moj server LeCraft.Pl" with "&4&lReklamoje serwer zbanujcie mnie!" in the message
  299. replace all "zapraszam na server mojego kolegi LeCraft.Pl" with "&4&lReklamoje serwer zbanujcie mnie!" in the message
  300. replace all "moj server IP: LeCraft.Pl" with "&4&lReklamoje serwer zbanujcie mnie@" in the message
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