
Arc 1-Session 4-Mini 12 - Strike/Shade

Sep 8th, 2017
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  1. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:01 PM
  2. ~~~~~~~~
  3. Strike. There's a Shade at your door. She knocked. She does that.
  4. Even though you know full well that she could just slip into your room and your shadow no problem.
  5. Real D - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
  6. It would be pretty inpolite to do that, of course! But with Shade, it's not like anyone would know if she was creeping around or not. She's pretty good at that sort of thing.
  8. "Oh hey Shade," the red head greets her team mate at the door. "What's up?"
  9. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:09 PM
  10. "hi! you mind if i come in?" ...She's got pamphlets.
  11. You're 90% sure that she's on the cover of those pamphlets.
  12. Real D - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
  13. "S-" ... Pamphlets. Oh boy. Those were... Sigh. "Sure."
  15. She opens the door to let Shade in. Her room's a lot bigger than it was before the dorm expansion, actually looking like a pretty sweet place to live now! There's a few comfy chairs around a reading table, which has a few books on it - some of which... seem to have caught fire or something? They look pretty charred.
  17. "Take a seat. Do you want a drink?"
  18. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:22 PM
  19. "thank you! um..." She fidgets. "....that would be very nice strike!" She puts the pamphlets down. Oh god, they're totally of her. In a cool actiony pose. The Temple of the Warding Dark. ....bad Shade. Bad! ....That might also explain what Shade and Kintara were doing in the danger room a few days ago....
  20. Real D - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
  21. Oh boy. "What would you like? I think I've got some milkshakes left - oh, or cola. Or something purple, so it might be healthy." Strike, your diet is terrifying.
  23. There's some zipping about, and then she's sat down across from you, and there's a glass on the table for you next to your pamphlets! "So, what's up?"
  24. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:25 PM
  25. ""
  26. "i was went to class and turns out that um...if people pray to me sometimes i get stronger so um..."
  27. "....a"
  28. Shade fidgets.
  29. Real D - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
  30. You now have a milkshake! With a straw! Yay!
  32. "So you're out looking for worshipers, huh?" Strike smiles, trying to help the poor adorable shadowgirl out. Yeah, she can imagine this is... difficult.
  33. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
  34. "well...not like worshiperers worshipers. but people who say a prayer or two to me sometimes..."
  35. "i mean, i don't think i'm powerful enough for actual worshipers yet..."
  36. "but kintara thought it'd be a good idea to make pamphlets and i thought it'd be fun..."
  37. Real D - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
  38. "Heh. Can I see- Do you have multiple copies of these, or should I be careful?" Strike reaches for the pamphlets. The ones with the BOLD POSING! Oh my.
  39. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
  40. She's got about 100 of them!
  41. "i made a ton!"
  42. Real D - Yesterday at 9:42 PM
  43. "Oh, well, so-" She picks one up and leafs through it. Unfortunately, she does this at Strike speeds, and, uh. It bursts into flames. "Crap. Damnit, I was sure I was getting the trick to this," she mutters as she claps the fire out with her hands. "Sorry, sorry. I read it! You put it together pretty nicely! ... Uh. D-does accidentally burning a goddess' pamphlet in front of her count as... um..."
  45. Nicely done, Strike.
  46. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
  47. "!"
  48. "...that um...that felt..." She blushes, faintly.
  49. "i mean, you were thinking about me and's weird. it's like i know and it makes me feel nice."
  50. "like...not who really, but it's like "someone out there is thinking nice thimgs about me" and i try and think nice things back about them."
  51. "i think that's how it works? i'm in a class for divine science."
  52. "professor mae is very intense."
  53. Real D - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
  54. "Huh." Well that's neat. "So you got this idea from her? I don't... really know how gods actually work, honestly."
  55. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:51 PM
  56. "sort of! i don't know really either. we're apparently like islands in a planar sea that affects things here."
  57. "like i'm a body there and projecting my body and mind to here."
  58. "but i'm super small."
  59. Real D - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  60. You are small! Dare I say it, you may even qualify for smol. "Huh. So sort of... between dimensions? Kind of a dangerous place - though I guess for you, maybe not so much."
  62. Dangerous things come from the unbound corners of reality...
  63. Hoshi - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
  64. "well, i mean, it's like i'm in a pool. and i'm me, in the pool. and there's bigger things and nothing will hurt me unless they're a jerk. i think..."
  65. She frowns a bit.
  66. "i sort of doodled a bit while the teacher was talking.
  67. Real D - Yesterday at 10:00 PM
  68. Strike gives Shade a look that is likely common among all semi-authoratitive adults around teenagers. The 'I know you can do better' look. With the raised eyebrow. Fortunately she doesn't say it out loud.
  70. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying class. So you get prayers or attention, and maybe get bigger and more powerful?"
  71. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:04 PM
  72. "well, more powerful. i don't think i actually get bigger"
  73. "....i mean, i'm not sure if i want to, at least not yet."
  74. Real D - Yesterday at 10:05 PM
  75. You are adorably small, this should be a preserved. "Hm. Well... Uh."
  77. Strike rubs the back of her head. "The thing is, I don't know how much I can... really give you. Exactly. Um. You know where my powers are from?"
  78. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:07 PM
  79. "from a goddess, right?"
  80. "i think that's what i heard..."
  81. Real D - Yesterday at 10:08 PM
  82. "Right. It's a blessing from her. So... I'm not sure exactly where that leaves me on the worship front? I mean, are we allowed to timeshare? And is she going to be cool with it if I do? She hasn't minded me not really being religious at all, but this is a sliiightly different thing, y'know? I'd want to be careful."
  84. She pauses. "Or she might show up again."
  85. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:09 PM
  86. "...did she show up before?"
  87. "...was she terirble? :<!"
  88. Real D - Yesterday at 10:11 PM
  89. "Uh. She was... Hard to describe." Strike looks more embaressed than fearful. "We didn't spend much time together. But thanks to that brief encounter I'm over here now instead of back home. Not sure I want to risk what'd happen if I met her again..."
  90. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:12 PM
  91. " you like here more?"
  92. Real D - Yesterday at 10:14 PM
  93. "Like it more?" Strike blinks. "Uh. I mean, it's fine, really. And it's worth it to be here. But... It's not home?" She sighs. "I kind of miss... my world. But I'm not going back until I'm done here. I'm decided on that. So..." She shrugs.
  94. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:16 PM
  95. "well, when that time comes, you'll have me to help you!"
  96. "...i mean, if you want me to."
  97. Real D - Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  98. The speedster grins. "I appreciate it. And maybe! When the times comes. It'll be a while yet." She chuckles, before picking up another one of the pamphlets. "Anyway... Yeah, I'm not sure how much I can really do for you, myself. Have you talked to the others yet?"
  99. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:19 PM
  100. "no. um, you're the leader so i wanted to see if you thought htis was okay first?"
  101. "...and to see if you thought the pamphlet looked good."
  102. Real D - Yesterday at 10:22 PM
  103. "It looks adorable so cute! D'awwhhh great!" The speedster sets the pamphlet back on the pile. "I mean, I don't have a problem with it, unless the Dean starts banging the door down complaining about a cult or something..."
  104. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
  105. "do you think she'd care if i was anything other than malovolent?"
  106. Real D - Yesterday at 10:25 PM
  107. "... Probably not."
  108. Hoshi - Yesterday at 10:33 PM
  109. "exactly! <3"
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