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- !(function (t) {
- var e = {};
- function i(s) {
- if (e[s]) return e[s].exports;
- var n = (e[s] = { i: s, l: !1, exports: {} });
- return t[s].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, i), (n.l = !0), n.exports;
- }
- (i.m = t),
- (i.c = e),
- (i.d = function (t, e, s) {
- i.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: s });
- }),
- (i.r = function (t) {
- "undefined" != typeof Symbol &&
- Symbol.toStringTag &&
- Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }),
- Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- }),
- (i.t = function (t, e) {
- if ((1 & e && (t = i(t)), 8 & e)) return t;
- if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
- var s = Object.create(null);
- if (
- (i.r(s),
- Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }),
- 2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
- )
- for (var n in t)
- i.d(
- s,
- n,
- function (e) {
- return t[e];
- }.bind(null, n)
- );
- return s;
- }),
- (i.n = function (t) {
- var e =
- t && t.__esModule
- ? function () {
- return t.default;
- }
- : function () {
- return t;
- };
- return i.d(e, "a", e), e;
- }),
- (i.o = function (t, e) {
- return, e);
- }),
- (i.p = ""),
- i((i.s = 1));
- })([
- function (t, e, i) {
- var s = i(2),
- n = i(3);
- "string" == typeof (n = n.__esModule ? n.default : n) && (n = [[t.i, n, ""]]);
- var o = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 };
- s(n, o);
- t.exports = n.locals || {};
- },
- function (t, e, i) {
- i(6), (t.exports = i(5));
- },
- function (t, e, i) {
- "use strict";
- var s,
- n = function () {
- return (
- void 0 === s &&
- (s = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob)),
- s
- );
- },
- o = (function () {
- var t = {};
- return function (e) {
- if (void 0 === t[e]) {
- var i = document.querySelector(e);
- if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && i instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement)
- try {
- i = i.contentDocument.head;
- } catch (t) {
- i = null;
- }
- t[e] = i;
- }
- return t[e];
- };
- })(),
- h = [];
- function a(t) {
- for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
- if (h[i].identifier === t) {
- e = i;
- break;
- }
- return e;
- }
- function r(t, e) {
- for (var i = {}, s = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var o = t[n],
- r = e.base ? o[0] + e.base : o[0],
- l = i[r] || 0,
- g = "".concat(r, " ").concat(l);
- i[r] = l + 1;
- var c = a(g),
- d = { css: o[1], media: o[2], sourceMap: o[3] };
- -1 !== c
- ? (h[c].references++, h[c].updater(d))
- : h.push({ identifier: g, updater: f(d, e), references: 1 }),
- s.push(g);
- }
- return s;
- }
- function l(t) {
- var e = document.createElement("style"),
- s = t.attributes || {};
- if (void 0 === s.nonce) {
- var n =;
- n && (s.nonce = n);
- }
- if (
- (Object.keys(s).forEach(function (t) {
- e.setAttribute(t, s[t]);
- }),
- "function" == typeof t.insert)
- )
- t.insert(e);
- else {
- var h = o(t.insert || "head");
- if (!h)
- throw new Error(
- "Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid."
- );
- h.appendChild(e);
- }
- return e;
- }
- var g,
- c =
- ((g = []),
- function (t, e) {
- return (g[t] = e), g.filter(Boolean).join("\n");
- });
- function d(t, e, i, s) {
- var n = i
- ? ""
- :
- ? "@media ".concat(, " {").concat(s.css, "}")
- : s.css;
- if (t.styleSheet) t.styleSheet.cssText = c(e, n);
- else {
- var o = document.createTextNode(n),
- h = t.childNodes;
- h[e] && t.removeChild(h[e]),
- h.length ? t.insertBefore(o, h[e]) : t.appendChild(o);
- }
- }
- function p(t, e, i) {
- var s = i.css,
- n =,
- o = i.sourceMap;
- if (
- (n ? t.setAttribute("media", n) : t.removeAttribute("media"),
- o &&
- btoa &&
- (s += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(
- btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(o)))),
- " */"
- )),
- t.styleSheet)
- )
- t.styleSheet.cssText = s;
- else {
- for (; t.firstChild; ) t.removeChild(t.firstChild);
- t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));
- }
- }
- var u = null,
- m = 0;
- function f(t, e) {
- var i, s, n;
- if (e.singleton) {
- var o = m++;
- (i = u || (u = l(e))),
- (s = d.bind(null, i, o, !1)),
- (n = d.bind(null, i, o, !0));
- } else
- (i = l(e)),
- (s = p.bind(null, i, e)),
- (n = function () {
- !(function (t) {
- if (null === t.parentNode) return !1;
- t.parentNode.removeChild(t);
- })(i);
- });
- return (
- s(t),
- function (e) {
- if (e) {
- if (e.css === t.css && === && e.sourceMap === t.sourceMap)
- return;
- s((t = e));
- } else n();
- }
- );
- }
- t.exports = function (t, e) {
- (e = e || {}).singleton ||
- "boolean" == typeof e.singleton ||
- (e.singleton = n());
- var i = r((t = t || []), e);
- return function (t) {
- if (
- ((t = t || []), "[object Array]" ===
- ) {
- for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
- var n = a(i[s]);
- h[n].references--;
- }
- for (var o = r(t, e), l = 0; l < i.length; l++) {
- var g = a(i[l]);
- 0 === h[g].references && (h[g].updater(), h.splice(g, 1));
- }
- i = o;
- }
- };
- };
- },
- function (t, e, i) {
- (e = i(4)(!1)).push([
- t.i,
- ".stf__wrapper {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n transform: translateZ(0);\n}\n\n.stf__wrapper canvas {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n}\n\n.stf__block {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.stf__item {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.stf__outerShadow {\n position: absolute;\n}\n\n.stf__innerShadow {\n position: absolute;\n}",
- ""
- ]),
- (t.exports = e);
- },
- function (t, e, i) {
- "use strict";
- t.exports = function (t) {
- var e = [];
- return (
- (e.toString = function () {
- return (e) {
- var i = (function (t, e) {
- var i = t[1] || "",
- s = t[3];
- if (!s) return i;
- if (e && "function" == typeof btoa) {
- var n =
- ((h = s),
- (a = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(h))))),
- (r = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(
- a
- )),
- "/*# ".concat(r, " */")),
- o = (t) {
- return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(s.sourceRoot || "").concat(t, " */");
- });
- return [i].concat(o).concat([n]).join("\n");
- }
- var h, a, r;
- return [i].join("\n");
- })(e, t);
- return e[2] ? "@media ".concat(e[2], " {").concat(i, "}") : i;
- }).join("");
- }),
- (e.i = function (t, i, s) {
- "string" == typeof t && (t = [[null, t, ""]]);
- var n = {};
- if (s)
- for (var o = 0; o < this.length; o++) {
- var h = this[o][0];
- null != h && (n[h] = !0);
- }
- for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
- var r = [].concat(t[a]);
- (s && n[r[0]]) ||
- (i && (r[2] ? (r[2] = "".concat(i, " and ").concat(r[2])) : (r[2] = i)),
- e.push(r));
- }
- }),
- e
- );
- };
- },
- function (t, e, i) {},
- function (t, e, i) {
- "use strict";
- i.r(e);
- class s {
- constructor(t) {
- (this.state = {
- angle: 0,
- area: [],
- corners: null,
- position: { x: 0, y: 0 }
- }),
- (this.render = t);
- }
- setPosition(t) {
- this.state.position = t;
- }
- setAngle(t) {
- this.state.angle = t;
- }
- setArea(t) {
- this.state.area = t;
- }
- setCorners(t) {
- this.state.corners = t;
- }
- getAngle() {
- return this.state.angle;
- }
- }
- class n extends s {
- constructor(t, e) {
- super(t),
- (this.image = null),
- (this.isLoad = !1),
- (this.loadingAngle = 0),
- (this.image = new Image()),
- (this.image.src = e);
- }
- draw() {
- const t = this.render.getContext(),
- e = this.render.convertToGlobal(this.state.position),
- i = this.render.getRect().pageWidth,
- s = this.render.getRect().height;
-, t.translate(e.x, e.y), t.beginPath();
- for (let i of this.state.area)
- null !== i &&
- ((i = this.render.convertToGlobal(i)), t.lineTo(i.x - e.x, i.y - e.y));
- if ((t.rotate(this.state.angle), t.clip(), this.isLoad))
- t.drawImage(this.image, 0, 0, i, s);
- else {
- t.beginPath(),
- (t.strokeStyle = "rgb(200, 200, 200)"),
- (t.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"),
- (t.lineWidth = 1),
- t.rect(1, 1, i - 1, s - 1),
- t.stroke(),
- t.fill();
- const e = { x: i / 2, y: s / 2 };
- t.beginPath(),
- (t.lineWidth = 10),
- t.arc(
- e.x,
- e.y,
- 20,
- this.loadingAngle,
- (3 * Math.PI) / 2 + this.loadingAngle
- ),
- t.stroke(),
- t.closePath(),
- (this.loadingAngle += 0.07),
- this.loadingAngle >= 2 * Math.PI && (this.loadingAngle = 0);
- }
- t.restore();
- }
- simpleDraw(t) {
- const e = this.render.getRect(),
- i = this.render.getContext(),
- s = e.pageWidth,
- n = e.height,
- o = 1 === t ? e.left + e.pageWidth : e.left,
- h =;
- if (this.isLoad) i.drawImage(this.image, o, h, s, n);
- else {
- i.beginPath(),
- (i.strokeStyle = "rgb(200, 200, 200)"),
- (i.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"),
- (i.lineWidth = 1),
- i.rect(o + 1, h + 1, s - 1, n - 1),
- i.stroke(),
- i.fill();
- const t = { x: o + s / 2, y: h + n / 2 };
- i.beginPath(),
- (i.lineWidth = 10),
- i.arc(
- t.x,
- t.y,
- 20,
- this.loadingAngle,
- (3 * Math.PI) / 2 + this.loadingAngle
- ),
- i.stroke(),
- i.closePath(),
- (this.loadingAngle += 0.07),
- this.loadingAngle >= 2 * Math.PI && (this.loadingAngle = 0);
- }
- }
- load() {
- this.isLoad ||
- (this.image.onload = () => {
- this.isLoad = !0;
- });
- }
- }
- class o {
- constructor(t, e) {
- (this.pages = []), (this.render = e), ( = t);
- }
- getPageCount() {
- return this.pages.length;
- }
- getPages() {
- return this.pages;
- }
- getPage(t) {
- if (t >= 0 && t < this.pages.length) return this.pages[t];
- throw new Error("Invalid page number");
- }
- show(t) {
- t < 0 ||
- t >= this.pages.length ||
- (,
- "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation()
- ? (this.render.setLeftPage(null), this.render.setRightPage(this.pages[t]))
- : (t === this.pages.length - 1 && t--,
- this.render.setLeftPage(this.pages[t]),
- this.render.setRightPage(this.pages[t + 1])));
- }
- }
- class h extends o {
- constructor(t, e, i) {
- super(t, e), (this.imagesHref = i);
- }
- load() {
- for (const t of this.imagesHref) {
- const e = new n(this.render, t);
- e.load(), this.pages.push(e);
- }
- }
- }
- class a {
- static GetDestinationFromTwoPoint(t, e) {
- return null === t || null === e
- ? 1 / 0
- : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.x - t.x, 2) + Math.pow(e.y - t.y, 2));
- }
- static GetSegmentLength(t) {
- return a.GetDestinationFromTwoPoint(t[0], t[1]);
- }
- static GetAngleFromTwoLine(t, e) {
- const i = t[0].y - t[1].y,
- s = e[0].y - e[1].y,
- n = t[1].x - t[0].x,
- o = e[1].x - e[0].x;
- return Math.acos(
- (i * s + n * o) / (Math.sqrt(i * i + n * n) * Math.sqrt(s * s + o * o))
- );
- }
- static PointInRect(t, e) {
- return null === e
- ? null
- : e.x >= t.left &&
- e.x <= t.width + t.left &&
- e.y >= &&
- e.y <= + t.height
- ? e
- : null;
- }
- static GetRotatedPoint(t, e, i) {
- return {
- x: t.x * Math.cos(i) + t.y * Math.sin(i) + e.x,
- y: t.y * Math.cos(i) - t.x * Math.sin(i) + e.y
- };
- }
- static GetIntersectByLineAndCircle(t, e, i) {
- if (a.GetDestinationFromTwoPoint(t, i) <= e) return i;
- const s = t.x,
- n = t.y,
- o = i.x,
- h = i.y;
- let r =
- Math.sqrt(
- (Math.pow(e, 2) * Math.pow(s - o, 2)) /
- (Math.pow(s - o, 2) + Math.pow(n - h, 2))
- ) + s;
- i.x < 0 && (r *= -1);
- let l = ((r - s) * (n - h)) / (s - o) + n;
- return s - o + n === 0 && (l = e), { x: r, y: l };
- }
- static GetIntersectByTwoSegment(t, e, i) {
- return a.PointInRect(t, a.GetIntersectByTwoLine(e, i));
- }
- static GetIntersectByTwoLine(t, e) {
- const i = t[0].y - t[1].y,
- s = e[0].y - e[1].y,
- n = t[1].x - t[0].x,
- o = e[1].x - e[0].x,
- h = t[0].x * t[1].y - t[1].x * t[0].y,
- a = e[0].x * e[1].y - e[1].x * e[0].y,
- r = i * a - s * h,
- l = n * a - o * h,
- g = -(h * o - a * n) / (i * o - s * n),
- c = -(i * a - s * h) / (i * o - s * n);
- if (isFinite(g) && isFinite(c)) return { x: g, y: c };
- if (Math.abs(r - l) < 0.1) throw new Error("Segment included");
- return null;
- }
- static GetCordsFromTwoPoint(t, e) {
- const i = Math.abs(t.x - e.x),
- s = Math.abs(t.y - e.y),
- n = Math.max(i, s),
- o = [t];
- function h(t, e, i, s, n) {
- return e > t ? t + n * (i / s) : e < t ? t - n * (i / s) : t;
- }
- for (let a = 1; a <= n; a++)
- o.push({ x: h(t.x, e.x, i, n, a), y: h(t.y, e.y, s, n, a) });
- return o;
- }
- }
- class r extends s {
- constructor(t, e) {
- super(t),
- (this.copiedElement = null),
- (this.isLoad = !1),
- (this.element = e),
- this.element.classList.add("stf__item"),
- ( = "absolute"),
- ( = "0"),
- ( = "0"),
- ( = "border-box");
- }
- draw() {
- const t = this.render.convertToGlobal(this.state.position),
- e = this.render.getRect().pageWidth,
- i = this.render.getRect().height;
- this.element.classList.remove("--simple"),
- ( = "block"),
- ( = "0"),
- ( = "0"),
- ( = "0 0"),
- ( = e + "px"),
- ( = i + "px");
- let s = "polygon( ";
- for (const t of this.state.area)
- if (null !== t) {
- let e =
- 1 === this.render.getDirection()
- ? { x: -t.x + this.state.position.x, y: t.y - this.state.position.y }
- : { x: t.x - this.state.position.x, y: t.y - this.state.position.y };
- (e = a.GetRotatedPoint(e, { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.state.angle)),
- (s += e.x + "px " + e.y + "px, ");
- }
- (s = s.slice(0, -2)),
- (s += ")"),
- ( = s),
-"-webkit-clip-path", s),
- ( =
- "translate3d(" +
- t.x +
- "px, " +
- t.y +
- "px, 0) rotate(" +
- this.state.angle +
- "rad)");
- }
- simpleDraw(t) {
- if (this.element.classList.contains("--simple")) return;
- null === this.copiedElement &&
- ((this.copiedElement = this.element.cloneNode(!0)),
- this.element.parentElement.appendChild(this.copiedElement));
- const e = this.render.getRect(),
- i = e.pageWidth,
- s = e.height,
- n = 1 === t ? e.left + e.pageWidth : e.left,
- o =;
- this.element.classList.add("--simple"),
- ( =
- "position: absolute; display: block; height: " +
- s +
- "px; left: " +
- n +
- "px; top: " +
- o +
- "px; width: " +
- i +
- "px; z-index: " +
- (this.render.getSettings().startZIndex + 1) +
- ";"),
- ( = "display: none");
- }
- clearSaved() {
- this.element.classList.remove("--simple"),
- null !== this.copiedElement &&
- (this.copiedElement.remove(), (this.copiedElement = null));
- }
- getElement() {
- return this.element;
- }
- load() {
- this.isLoad = !0;
- }
- }
- class l extends o {
- constructor(t, e, i, s) {
- super(t, e), (this.element = i), (this.pagesElement = s);
- }
- load() {
- for (const t of this.pagesElement) {
- const e = new r(this.render, t);
- e.load(), this.pages.push(e);
- }
- }
- }
- class g {
- constructor(t, e, i, s) {
- (this.direction = t),
- (this.corner = e),
- (this.pageWidth = i),
- (this.pageHeight = s),
- (this.topIntersectPoint = null),
- (this.sideIntersectPoint = null),
- (this.bottomIntersectPoint = null);
- }
- calc(t) {
- try {
- (this.position = this.preparePosition(t)),
- this.calculateIntersectPoint(this.position);
- } catch (t) {}
- }
- getPageRect(t) {
- return "top" === this.corner
- ? this.getRectFromBasePoint(
- [
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 },
- { x: 0, y: this.pageHeight },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }
- ],
- t
- )
- : this.getRectFromBasePoint(
- [
- { x: 0, y: -this.pageHeight },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: -this.pageHeight },
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 }
- ],
- t
- );
- }
- getRectFromBasePoint(t, e) {
- return {
- topLeft: this.getRotatedPoint(t[0], e),
- topRight: this.getRotatedPoint(t[1], e),
- bottomLeft: this.getRotatedPoint(t[2], e),
- bottomRight: this.getRotatedPoint(t[3], e)
- };
- }
- getRotatedPoint(t, e) {
- return {
- x: t.x * Math.cos(this.angle) + t.y * Math.sin(this.angle) + e.x,
- y: t.y * Math.cos(this.angle) - t.x * Math.sin(this.angle) + e.y
- };
- }
- updateAngleAndGeometry(t) {
- (this.angle = this.calculateAngle(t)), (this.rect = this.getPageRect(t));
- }
- calculateIntersectPoint(t) {
- const e = {
- left: -1,
- top: -1,
- width: this.pageWidth + 2,
- height: this.pageHeight + 2
- };
- "top" === this.corner
- ? ((this.topIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [t, this.rect.topRight],
- [
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 }
- ]
- )),
- (this.sideIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [t, this.rect.bottomLeft],
- [
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }
- ]
- )),
- (this.bottomIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [this.rect.bottomLeft, this.rect.bottomRight],
- [
- { x: 0, y: this.pageHeight },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }
- ]
- )))
- : ((this.topIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [this.rect.topLeft, this.rect.topRight],
- [
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 }
- ]
- )),
- (this.sideIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [t, this.rect.topLeft],
- [
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }
- ]
- )),
- (this.bottomIntersectPoint = a.GetIntersectByTwoSegment(
- e,
- [this.rect.bottomLeft, this.rect.bottomRight],
- [
- { x: 0, y: this.pageHeight },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }
- ]
- )));
- }
- checkPositionAtCenterLine(t, e, i) {
- let s = t;
- const n = a.GetIntersectByLineAndCircle(e, this.pageWidth, s);
- s !== n && ((s = n), this.updateAngleAndGeometry(s));
- const o = Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(this.pageWidth, 2) + Math.pow(this.pageHeight, 2)
- );
- let h = this.rect.bottomRight,
- r = this.rect.topLeft;
- if (
- ("bottom" === this.corner &&
- ((h = this.rect.topRight), (r = this.rect.bottomLeft)),
- h.x <= 0)
- ) {
- const t = a.GetIntersectByLineAndCircle(i, o, r);
- t !== s && ((s = t), this.updateAngleAndGeometry(s));
- }
- return s;
- }
- preparePosition(t) {
- let e = t;
- if (
- (this.updateAngleAndGeometry(e),
- (e =
- "top" === this.corner
- ? this.checkPositionAtCenterLine(
- e,
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: 0, y: this.pageHeight }
- )
- : this.checkPositionAtCenterLine(
- e,
- { x: 0, y: this.pageHeight },
- { x: 0, y: 0 }
- )),
- Math.abs(e.x - this.pageWidth) < 1 && Math.abs(e.y) < 1)
- )
- throw new Error("Point is too small");
- return e;
- }
- calculateAngle(t) {
- const e = this.pageWidth - t.x,
- i = "bottom" === this.corner ? this.pageHeight - t.y : t.y;
- let s = 2 * Math.acos(e / Math.sqrt(i * i + e * e));
- i < 0 && (s = -s);
- const n = Math.PI - s;
- if (!isFinite(s) || (n >= 0 && n < 0.003))
- throw new Error("The G point is too small");
- return "bottom" === this.corner && (s = -s), s;
- }
- getAngle() {
- return 0 === this.direction ? -this.angle : this.angle;
- }
- getRect() {
- return this.rect;
- }
- getPosition() {
- return this.position;
- }
- getActiveCorner() {
- return 0 === this.direction ? this.rect.topLeft : this.rect.topRight;
- }
- getDirection() {
- return this.direction;
- }
- getIntersectPoint() {
- return {
- top: this.topIntersectPoint,
- bottom: this.bottomIntersectPoint,
- side: this.sideIntersectPoint
- };
- }
- getSegmentToShadowLine() {
- const t = this.getShadowStartPoint();
- return [
- t,
- t !== this.sideIntersectPoint && null !== this.sideIntersectPoint
- ? this.sideIntersectPoint
- : this.bottomIntersectPoint
- ];
- }
- getShadowStartPoint() {
- return "top" === this.corner
- ? this.topIntersectPoint
- : null !== this.sideIntersectPoint
- ? this.sideIntersectPoint
- : this.topIntersectPoint;
- }
- getShadowAngle() {
- const t = a.GetAngleFromTwoLine(this.getSegmentToShadowLine(), [
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 }
- ]);
- return 0 === this.direction ? t : Math.PI - t;
- }
- getShadowLength() {
- return a.GetSegmentLength(this.getSegmentToShadowLine());
- }
- getFlippingProgress() {
- return Math.abs(
- ((this.position.x - this.pageWidth) / (2 * this.pageWidth)) * 100
- );
- }
- getFlippingClipArea() {
- const t = [];
- let e = !1;
- return (
- t.push(this.rect.topLeft),
- t.push(this.topIntersectPoint),
- null === this.sideIntersectPoint
- ? (e = !0)
- : (t.push(this.sideIntersectPoint),
- null === this.bottomIntersectPoint && (e = !1)),
- t.push(this.bottomIntersectPoint),
- (e || "bottom" === this.corner) && t.push(this.rect.bottomLeft),
- t
- );
- }
- getCorner() {
- return this.corner;
- }
- getBottomClipArea() {
- const t = [];
- return (
- t.push(this.topIntersectPoint),
- "top" === this.corner
- ? t.push({ x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 })
- : (null !== this.topIntersectPoint && t.push({ x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 }),
- t.push({ x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight })),
- null !== this.sideIntersectPoint
- ? a.GetDestinationFromTwoPoint(
- this.sideIntersectPoint,
- this.topIntersectPoint
- ) >= 10 && t.push(this.sideIntersectPoint)
- : "top" === this.corner &&
- t.push({ x: this.pageWidth, y: this.pageHeight }),
- t.push(this.bottomIntersectPoint),
- t.push(this.topIntersectPoint),
- t
- );
- }
- getBottomPagePosition() {
- return 1 === this.direction ? { x: this.pageWidth, y: 0 } : { x: 0, y: 0 };
- }
- }
- class c {
- constructor(t, e) {
- (this.flippingPage = null),
- (this.bottomPage = null),
- (this.calc = null),
- (this.state = "read"),
- (this.render = t),
- ( = e);
- }
- getCalculation() {
- return this.calc;
- }
- start(t) {
- this.reset();
- const e = this.render.convertToBook(t),
- i = this.getBoundsRect();
- let s = 0;
- "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation()
- ? e.x - i.pageWidth <= i.width / 5 && (s = 1)
- : e.x < i.width / 2 && (s = 1);
- const n = e.y >= i.height / 2 ? "bottom" : "top";
- if (!this.checkDirection(s)) return !1;
- try {
- return (
- (this.flippingPage = this.getFlippingPage(s)),
- (this.bottomPage = this.getBottomPage(s)),
- this.flippingPage && this.bottomPage
- ? (this.render.setDirection(s),
- (this.calc = new g(s, n, i.pageWidth, i.height)),
- !0)
- : !1
- );
- } catch (t) {
- return !1;
- }
- }
- showCorner(t) {
- if (!this.checkState("read", "fold_corner")) return;
- const e = this.getBoundsRect(),
- i = e.pageWidth,
- s = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i, 2) + Math.pow(e.height, 2)) / 5,
- n = this.render.convertToBook(t);
- if (
- n.x > 0 &&
- n.y > 0 &&
- n.x < e.width &&
- n.y < e.height &&
- (n.x < s || n.x > e.width - s) &&
- (n.y < s || n.y > e.height - s)
- )
- if (null === this.calc) {
- if (!this.start(t)) return;
- this.setState("fold_corner"), this.calc.calc({ x: i - 1, y: 1 });
- const s = 50,
- n = "bottom" === this.calc.getCorner() ? e.height - 1 : 1,
- o = "bottom" === this.calc.getCorner() ? e.height - s : s;
- this.animateFlippingTo({ x: i - 1, y: n }, { x: i - s, y: o }, !1, !1);
- } else;
- else this.setState("read"), this.render.finishAnimation(), this.stopMove();
- }
- fold(t) {
- this.setState("user_fold"),
- null === this.calc && this.start(t),
- }
- flip(t) {
- if ((null !== this.calc && this.render.finishAnimation(), !this.start(t)))
- return;
- const e = this.getBoundsRect();
- this.setState("flipping");
- const i = e.height / 10,
- s = "bottom" === this.calc.getCorner() ? e.height - i : i,
- n = "bottom" === this.calc.getCorner() ? e.height : 0;
- this.calc.calc({ x: e.pageWidth - i, y: s }),
- this.animateFlippingTo(
- { x: e.pageWidth - i, y: s },
- { x: -e.pageWidth, y: n },
- !0
- );
- }
- flipNext(t) {
- this.flip({
- x: this.render.getRect().left + 2 * this.render.getRect().pageWidth,
- y: "top" === t ? 1 : this.render.getRect().height - 2
- });
- }
- flipPrev(t) {
- this.flip({ x: 10, y: "top" === t ? 1 : this.render.getRect().height - 2 });
- }
- stopMove() {
- if (null === this.calc) return;
- const t = this.calc.getPosition(),
- e = this.getBoundsRect(),
- i = "bottom" === this.calc.getCorner() ? e.height : 0;
- t.x <= 0
- ? this.animateFlippingTo(t, { x: -e.pageWidth, y: i }, !0)
- : this.animateFlippingTo(t, { x: e.pageWidth, y: i }, !1);
- }
- do(t) {
- null !== this.calc &&
- (this.calc.calc(t),
- this.flippingPage.setArea(this.calc.getFlippingClipArea()),
- this.flippingPage.setPosition(this.calc.getActiveCorner()),
- this.flippingPage.setAngle(this.calc.getAngle()),
- this.bottomPage.setArea(this.calc.getBottomClipArea()),
- this.bottomPage.setPosition(this.calc.getBottomPagePosition()),
- this.bottomPage.setAngle(0),
- this.render.setPageRect(this.calc.getRect()),
- this.render.setBottomPage(this.bottomPage),
- this.render.setFlippingPage(this.flippingPage),
- this.render.drawShadow(
- this.calc.getShadowStartPoint(),
- this.calc.getShadowAngle(),
- this.calc.getFlippingProgress(),
- this.calc.getDirection(),
- this.calc.getShadowLength()
- ));
- }
- animateFlippingTo(t, e, i, s = !0) {
- const n = a.GetCordsFromTwoPoint(t, e),
- o = [];
- for (const t of n) o.push(() =>;
- const h = this.getAnimationDuration(n.length);
- this.render.startAnimation(o, h, () => {
- this.calc &&
- (i &&
- (1 === this.calc.getDirection()
- ?
- :,
- s &&
- (this.render.setBottomPage(null),
- this.render.setFlippingPage(null),
- this.render.clearShadow(),
- (this.state = "read"),
- this.reset()));
- });
- }
- getAnimationDuration(t) {
- const e =;
- return t >= 1e3 ? e : (t / 1e3) * e;
- }
- getFlippingPage(t) {
- const e =;
- return "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation()
- ? 0 === t
- ?
- : - 1)
- : e < - 1 && e >= 0
- ? 0 === t
- ? + 2)
- : - 1)
- : null;
- }
- getNextPage() {
- const t =,
- e = "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation() ? 0 : 2;
- return t < - e ? + e + 1) : null;
- }
- getPrevPage() {
- const t =,
- e = "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation() ? 0 : 2;
- return t - e >= 0 ? - e) : null;
- }
- getBottomPage(t) {
- return 0 === t ? this.getNextPage() : this.getPrevPage();
- }
- checkDirection(t) {
- return 0 === t
- ? <= - 1
- : >= 1;
- }
- reset() {
- (this.calc = null), (this.flippingPage = null), (this.bottomPage = null);
- }
- getBoundsRect() {
- return this.render.getRect();
- }
- getPageWidth() {
- return this.getBoundsRect().width / 2;
- }
- getPageHeight() {
- return this.getBoundsRect().height;
- }
- setState(t) {
-, (this.state = t);
- }
- checkState(...t) {
- for (const e of t) if (this.state === e) return !0;
- return !1;
- }
- }
- class d {
- constructor(t, e) {
- (this.leftPage = null),
- (this.rightPage = null),
- (this.flippingPage = null),
- (this.bottomPage = null),
- (this.shadow = null),
- (this.pageRect = null),
- (this.animation = null),
- (this.timer = 0),
- (this.direction = null),
- (this.orientation = null),
- (this.boundsRect = null),
- (this.setting = e),
- ( = t);
- }
- drawShadow(t, e, i, s, n) {
- if (! return;
- const o = 100 * this.getSettings().maxShadowOpacity;
- this.shadow = {
- pos: t,
- angle: e,
- width: (((3 * this.getRect().pageWidth) / 4) * i) / 100,
- opacity: ((100 - i) * o) / 100 / 100,
- direction: s,
- length: n
- };
- }
- clearShadow() {
- this.shadow = null;
- }
- setPageRect(t) {
- this.pageRect = t;
- }
- getOrientation() {
- return this.orientation;
- }
- startAnimation(t, e, i) {
- this.finishAnimation(),
- (this.animation = {
- frames: t,
- duration: e,
- durationFrame: e / t.length,
- onAnimateEnd: i,
- startedAt: this.timer
- });
- }
- finishAnimation() {
- null !== this.animation &&
- (this.animation.frames[this.animation.frames.length - 1](),
- null !== this.animation.onAnimateEnd && this.animation.onAnimateEnd()),
- (this.animation = null);
- }
- render(t) {
- if (null !== this.animation) {
- const e = Math.round(
- (t - this.animation.startedAt) / this.animation.durationFrame
- );
- e < this.animation.frames.length
- ? this.animation.frames[e]()
- : (this.animation.onAnimateEnd(), (this.animation = null));
- }
- (this.timer = t), this.drawFrame(t);
- }
- getRect() {
- return (
- null === this.boundsRect && this.calculateBoundsRect(), this.boundsRect
- );
- }
- calculateBoundsRect() {
- let t = "landscape";
- const e = this.getBlockWidth(),
- i = e / 2,
- s = this.getBlockHeight() / 2,
- n = this.setting.width / this.setting.height;
- let o = this.setting.width,
- h = this.setting.height,
- a = i - o;
- return (
- "stretch" === this.setting.size
- ? (e < 2 * this.setting.minWidth &&
- &&
- (t = "portrait"),
- (o =
- "landscape" === t ? this.getBlockWidth() / 2 : this.getBlockWidth()),
- o > this.setting.maxWidth && (o = this.setting.maxWidth),
- (h = o / n),
- h > this.getBlockHeight() && ((h = this.getBlockHeight()), (o = h * n)),
- (a = "landscape" === t ? i - o : i - o / 2 - o))
- : e < 2 * o &&
- &&
- ((t = "portrait"), (a = i - o / 2 - o)),
- (this.boundsRect = {
- left: a,
- top: s - h / 2,
- width: 2 * o,
- height: h,
- pageWidth: o
- }),
- t
- );
- }
- update() {
- this.boundsRect = null;
- const t = this.calculateBoundsRect();
- this.orientation !== t &&
- ((this.orientation = t),;
- }
- convertToBook(t) {
- const e = this.getRect();
- return { x: t.x - e.left, y: t.y - };
- }
- convertToPage(t, e) {
- e || (e = this.direction);
- const i = this.getRect();
- return {
- x: 0 === e ? t.x - i.left - i.width / 2 : i.width / 2 - t.x + i.left,
- y: t.y -
- };
- }
- convertToGlobal(t, e) {
- if ((e || (e = this.direction), null == t)) return null;
- const i = this.getRect();
- return {
- x: 0 === e ? t.x + i.left + i.width / 2 : i.width / 2 - t.x + i.left,
- y: t.y +
- };
- }
- convertRectToGlobal(t, e) {
- return (
- e || (e = this.direction),
- {
- topLeft: this.convertToGlobal(t.topLeft, e),
- topRight: this.convertToGlobal(t.topRight, e),
- bottomLeft: this.convertToGlobal(t.bottomLeft, e),
- bottomRight: this.convertToGlobal(t.bottomRight, e)
- }
- );
- }
- start() {
- this.update();
- const t = (e) => {
- this.render(e), requestAnimationFrame(t);
- };
- requestAnimationFrame(t);
- }
- setDirection(t) {
- this.direction = t;
- }
- getDirection() {
- return this.direction;
- }
- setFlippingPage(t) {
- this.flippingPage = t;
- }
- setBottomPage(t) {
- this.bottomPage = t;
- }
- setRightPage(t) {
- this.rightPage = t;
- }
- setLeftPage(t) {
- this.leftPage = t;
- }
- getSettings() {
- return;
- }
- }
- class p extends d {
- constructor(t, e, i) {
- super(t, e), (this.canvas = i), (this.ctx = i.getContext("2d"));
- }
- getBlockWidth() {
- return this.canvas.offsetWidth;
- }
- getBlockHeight() {
- return this.canvas.offsetHeight;
- }
- getContext() {
- return this.ctx;
- }
- drawFrame(t) {
- this.clear(),
- "portrait" !== this.orientation &&
- null != this.leftPage &&
- this.leftPage.simpleDraw(0),
- null != this.rightPage && this.rightPage.simpleDraw(1),
- null != this.bottomPage && this.bottomPage.draw(),
- this.drawBookShadow(),
- null != this.flippingPage && this.flippingPage.draw(),
- null != this.shadow && (this.drawOuterShadow(), this.drawInnerShadow());
- const e = this.getRect();
- "portrait" === this.orientation &&
- (this.ctx.beginPath(),
- this.ctx.rect(e.left + e.pageWidth,, e.width, e.height),
- this.ctx.clip());
- }
- drawBookShadow() {
- const t = this.getRect();
-, this.ctx.beginPath();
- const e = t.width / 20;
- this.ctx.rect(t.left,, t.width, t.height);
- const i = { x: t.left + t.width / 2 - e / 2, y: 0 };
- this.ctx.translate(i.x, i.y);
- const s = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, e, 0);
- s.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"),
- s.addColorStop(0.4, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"),
- s.addColorStop(0.49, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)"),
- s.addColorStop(0.5, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"),
- s.addColorStop(0.51, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"),
- s.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"),
- this.ctx.clip(),
- (this.ctx.fillStyle = s),
- this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, e, 2 * t.height),
- this.ctx.restore();
- }
- drawOuterShadow() {
- const t = this.getRect();
- this.ctx.beginPath(),
- this.ctx.rect(t.left,, t.width, t.height);
- const e = this.convertToGlobal({
- x: this.shadow.pos.x,
- y: this.shadow.pos.y
- });
- this.ctx.translate(e.x, e.y),
- this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI + this.shadow.angle + Math.PI / 2);
- const i = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.shadow.width, 0);
- 0 === this.shadow.direction
- ? (this.ctx.translate(0, -100),
- i.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")"),
- i.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"))
- : (this.ctx.translate(-this.shadow.width, -100),
- i.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"),
- i.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")")),
- this.ctx.clip(),
- (this.ctx.fillStyle = i),
- this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.shadow.width, 2 * t.height),
- this.ctx.restore();
- }
- drawInnerShadow() {
- const t = this.getRect();
-, this.ctx.beginPath();
- const e = this.convertToGlobal({
- x: this.shadow.pos.x,
- y: this.shadow.pos.y
- }),
- i = this.convertRectToGlobal(this.pageRect);
- this.ctx.moveTo(i.topLeft.x, i.topLeft.y),
- this.ctx.lineTo(i.topRight.x, i.topRight.y),
- this.ctx.lineTo(i.bottomRight.x, i.bottomRight.y),
- this.ctx.lineTo(i.bottomLeft.x, i.bottomLeft.y),
- this.ctx.translate(e.x, e.y),
- this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI + this.shadow.angle + Math.PI / 2);
- const s = (3 * this.shadow.width) / 4,
- n = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, s, 0);
- 0 === this.shadow.direction
- ? (this.ctx.translate(-s, -100),
- n.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")"),
- n.addColorStop(0.9, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"),
- n.addColorStop(0.7, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")"),
- n.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"))
- : (this.ctx.translate(0, -100),
- n.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")"),
- n.addColorStop(0.1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"),
- n.addColorStop(0.3, "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + this.shadow.opacity + ")"),
- n.addColorStop(1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)")),
- this.ctx.clip(),
- (this.ctx.fillStyle = n),
- this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, s, 2 * t.height),
- this.ctx.restore();
- }
- clear() {
- (this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"),
- this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
- }
- }
- class u {
- constructor(t, e, i) {
- (this.touchPoint = null),
- (this.swipeTimeout = 250),
- (this.swipeDistance = 80),
- (this.wrapper = t),
- this.wrapper.classList.add("stf__wrapper"),
- ( = e);
- const s = ? 1 : 2;
- ( = i.minWidth * s + "px"),
- ( = i.minHeight * s + "px"),
- "fixed" === i.size &&
- (( = i.width * s + "px"),
- ( = i.height * s + "px")),
- i.autoSize &&
- (( = "100%"),
- ( = 2 * i.maxWidth + "px")),
- ( = "block");
- }
- getDistElement() {
- return this.distElement;
- }
- getWrapper() {
- return this.wrapper;
- }
- setOrientationStyle(t) {
- this.wrapper.classList.remove("--portrait", "--landscape"),
- "portrait" === t
- ? ( &&
- ( =
- ( / * 100 +
- "%"),
- this.wrapper.classList.add("--portrait"))
- : ( &&
- ( =
- ( / (2 * *
- 100 +
- "%"),
- this.wrapper.classList.add("--landscape")),
- this.update();
- }
- setHandlers() {
- this.distElement.addEventListener("mousedown", (t) => {
- const e = this.getMousePos(t.clientX, t.clientY);
-, t.preventDefault();
- }),
- this.distElement.addEventListener("touchstart", (t) => {
- if (t.changedTouches.length > 0) {
- const e = t.changedTouches[0],
- i = this.getMousePos(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- (this.touchPoint = { point: i, time: }),
- setTimeout(() => {
- null !== this.touchPoint &&;
- }, this.swipeTimeout),
- t.preventDefault();
- }
- }),
- window.addEventListener("mousemove", (t) => {
- const e = this.getMousePos(t.clientX, t.clientY);
-, !1);
- }),
- window.addEventListener("touchmove", (t) => {
- if (t.changedTouches.length > 0) {
- const e = t.changedTouches[0];
-, e.clientY), !0);
- }
- }),
- window.addEventListener("mouseup", (t) => {
- const e = this.getMousePos(t.clientX, t.clientY);
- }),
- window.addEventListener("touchend", (t) => {
- if (t.changedTouches.length > 0) {
- const e = t.changedTouches[0],
- i = this.getMousePos(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- let s = !1;
- if (null !== this.touchPoint) {
- const t = i.x - this.touchPoint.point.x,
- e = Math.abs(i.y - this.touchPoint.point.y);
- Math.abs(t) > this.swipeDistance &&
- e < 2 * this.swipeDistance &&
- - this.touchPoint.time < this.swipeTimeout &&
- (t > 0
- ?
- this.touchPoint.point.y < / 2
- ? "top"
- : "bottom"
- )
- :
- this.touchPoint.point.y < / 2
- ? "top"
- : "bottom"
- ),
- (s = !0)),
- (this.touchPoint = null);
- }
-, s);
- }
- });
- }
- getMousePos(t, e) {
- const i = this.distElement.getBoundingClientRect();
- return { x: t - i.left, y: e - };
- }
- }
- class m extends u {
- constructor(t, e, i, s) {
- super(t, e, i),
- t.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", '<div class="stf__block"></div>'),
- (this.distElement = t.querySelector(".stf__block"));
- for (const t of s) this.distElement.appendChild(t);
- window.addEventListener(
- "resize",
- () => {
- this.update();
- },
- !1
- ),
- this.setHandlers();
- }
- update() {
- }
- }
- class f extends u {
- constructor(t, e, i) {
- super(t, e, i),
- (t.innerHTML = '<canvas class="stf__canvas"></canvas>'),
- (this.canvas = t.querySelectorAll("canvas")[0]),
- window.addEventListener(
- "resize",
- () => {
- this.update();
- },
- !1
- ),
- (this.distElement = this.canvas),
- this.resizeCanvas(),
- this.setHandlers();
- }
- resizeCanvas() {
- const t = getComputedStyle(this.canvas),
- e = parseInt(t.getPropertyValue("width"), 10),
- i = parseInt(t.getPropertyValue("height"), 10);
- (this.canvas.width = e), (this.canvas.height = i);
- }
- getCanvas() {
- return this.canvas;
- }
- update() {
- this.resizeCanvas(),;
- }
- }
- class y extends d {
- constructor(t, e, i, s) {
- super(t, e),
- (this.outerShadow = null),
- (this.innerShadow = null),
- (this.element = i),
- (this.items = s);
- }
- getBlockWidth() {
- return this.element.offsetWidth;
- }
- getBlockHeight() {
- return this.element.offsetHeight;
- }
- clearShadow() {
- super.clearShadow(),
- this.outerShadow.remove(),
- this.innerShadow.remove(),
- (this.outerShadow = null),
- (this.innerShadow = null);
- }
- drawShadow(t, e, i, s, n) {
- super.drawShadow(t, e, i, s, n),
- null === this.outerShadow &&
- (this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- '<div class="stf__outerShadow"></div>'
- ),
- (this.outerShadow = this.element.querySelector(".stf__outerShadow")),
- ( = (
- this.getSettings().startZIndex + 10
- ).toString(10)),
- ( = "0px"),
- ( = "0px")),
- null === this.innerShadow &&
- (this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- '<div class="stf__innerShadow"></div>'
- ),
- (this.innerShadow = this.element.querySelector(".stf__innerShadow")),
- ( = (
- this.getSettings().startZIndex + 10
- ).toString(10)),
- ( = "0px"),
- ( = "0px"));
- }
- drawInnerShadow() {
- const t = this.getRect(),
- e = (3 * this.shadow.width) / 4,
- i = 0 === this.getDirection() ? e : 0,
- s = 0 === this.getDirection() ? "to left" : "to right",
- n = this.convertToGlobal(this.shadow.pos),
- o = this.shadow.angle + (3 * Math.PI) / 2;
- ( = e + "px"),
- ( = 2 * t.height + "px"),
- ( =
- "linear-gradient(" +
- s +
- ", rgba(0, 0, 0, " +
- this.shadow.opacity +
- ") 5%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 15%,rgba(0, 0, 0, " +
- this.shadow.opacity +
- ") 35%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100% )"),
- ( = i + "px 100px"),
- ( =
- "translate3d(" +
- (n.x - i) +
- "px, " +
- (n.y - 100) +
- "px, 0) rotate(" +
- o +
- "rad)");
- const h = [
- this.pageRect.topLeft,
- this.pageRect.topRight,
- this.pageRect.bottomRight,
- this.pageRect.bottomLeft
- ];
- let r = "polygon( ";
- for (const t of h) {
- let e =
- 1 === this.getDirection()
- ? { x: -t.x + this.shadow.pos.x, y: t.y - this.shadow.pos.y }
- : { x: t.x - this.shadow.pos.x, y: t.y - this.shadow.pos.y };
- (e = a.GetRotatedPoint(e, { x: i, y: 100 }, o)),
- (r += e.x + "px " + e.y + "px, ");
- }
- (r = r.slice(0, -2)),
- (r += ")"),
- ( = r),
-"-webkit-clip-path", r);
- }
- drawOuterShadow() {
- const t = this.getRect(),
- e = this.convertToGlobal({ x: this.shadow.pos.x, y: this.shadow.pos.y }),
- i = this.shadow.angle + (3 * Math.PI) / 2,
- s = 1 === this.getDirection() ? this.shadow.width : 0,
- n = 0 === this.getDirection() ? "to right" : "to left";
- ( = this.shadow.width + "px"),
- ( = 2 * t.height + "px"),
- ( =
- "linear-gradient(" +
- n +
- ", rgba(0, 0, 0, " +
- this.shadow.opacity +
- "), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))"),
- ( = s + "px 100px"),
- ( =
- "translate3d(" +
- (e.x - s) +
- "px, " +
- (e.y - 100) +
- "px, 0) rotate(" +
- i +
- "rad)");
- const o = [];
- o.push(
- { x: 0, y: 0 },
- { x: t.pageWidth, y: 0 },
- { x: t.pageWidth, y: t.height },
- { x: 0, y: t.height }
- );
- let h = "polygon( ";
- for (const t of o)
- if (null !== t) {
- let e =
- 1 === this.getDirection()
- ? { x: -t.x + this.shadow.pos.x, y: t.y - this.shadow.pos.y }
- : { x: t.x - this.shadow.pos.x, y: t.y - this.shadow.pos.y };
- (e = a.GetRotatedPoint(e, { x: s, y: 100 }, i)),
- (h += e.x + "px " + e.y + "px, ");
- }
- (h = h.slice(0, -2)),
- (h += ")"),
- ( = h),
-"-webkit-clip-path", h);
- }
- drawFrame(t) {
- this.clear(),
- "portrait" !== this.orientation
- ? null != this.leftPage && this.leftPage.simpleDraw(0)
- : null != this.leftPage && this.leftPage.clearSaved(),
- null != this.rightPage && this.rightPage.simpleDraw(1),
- null != this.bottomPage &&
- (("portrait" === this.orientation && 1 === this.direction) ||
- ((this.bottomPage.getElement().style.zIndex = (
- this.getSettings().startZIndex + 3
- ).toString(10)),
- this.bottomPage.draw())),
- null != this.flippingPage &&
- ((this.flippingPage.getElement().style.zIndex = (
- this.getSettings().startZIndex + 4
- ).toString(10)),
- this.flippingPage.draw()),
- null != this.shadow && (this.drawOuterShadow(), this.drawInnerShadow());
- }
- clear() {
- const t = [];
- this.leftPage && t.push(this.leftPage.getElement()),
- this.rightPage && t.push(this.rightPage.getElement()),
- this.flippingPage && t.push(this.flippingPage.getElement()),
- this.bottomPage && t.push(this.bottomPage.getElement());
- for (const e of this.items)
- t.includes(e) ||
- (( = "none"),
- ( = (this.getSettings().startZIndex + 1).toString(10)),
- ( = ""));
- }
- clearClass(t) {
- null !== t && t.getElement().classList.remove("--left", "--right");
- }
- setRightPage(t) {
- this.clearClass(this.rightPage),
- null !== this.rightPage &&
- t !== this.rightPage &&
- this.rightPage.clearSaved(),
- null !== t && t.getElement().classList.add("--right"),
- super.setRightPage(t);
- }
- setLeftPage(t) {
- this.clearClass(this.leftPage),
- null !== this.leftPage &&
- t !== this.rightPage &&
- this.leftPage.clearSaved(),
- null !== t && t.getElement().classList.add("--left"),
- super.setLeftPage(t);
- }
- setBottomPage(t) {
- null !== t &&
- t.getElement().classList.add(1 === this.direction ? "--left" : "--right"),
- super.setBottomPage(t);
- }
- setFlippingPage(t) {
- null !== t &&
- t.getElement().classList.add(1 === this.direction ? "--right" : "--left"),
- super.setFlippingPage(t);
- }
- update() {
- super.update(),
- null !== this.rightPage &&
- (this.rightPage.getElement().classList.add("--right"),
- this.rightPage.clearSaved()),
- null !== this.leftPage &&
- (this.leftPage.getElement().classList.add("--left"),
- this.leftPage.clearSaved());
- }
- }
- let x = (() => {
- class t {
- static GetSettings(t) {
- const e = this._default;
- if ((Object.assign(e, t), "stretch" !== e.size && "fixed" !== e.size))
- throw new Error(
- 'Invalid size type. Available only "fixed" and "stretch" value'
- );
- if (e.width <= 0 || e.height <= 0)
- throw new Error("Invalid width or height");
- if (e.flippingTime <= 0) throw new Error("Invalid flipping time");
- return (
- e.minWidth <= 0 && (e.minWidth = e.width),
- e.maxWidth < e.minWidth && (e.maxWidth = e.minWidth),
- e.minHeight <= 0 && (e.minHeight = e.height),
- e.maxHeight < e.minHeight && (e.maxHeight = e.minHeight),
- e
- );
- }
- }
- return (
- (t._default = {
- startPage: 0,
- size: "fixed",
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- minWidth: 0,
- maxWidth: 0,
- minHeight: 0,
- maxHeight: 0,
- drawShadow: !0,
- flippingTime: 1e3,
- usePortrait: !0,
- startZIndex: 0,
- autoSize: !0,
- maxShadowOpacity: 1
- }),
- t
- );
- })();
- i(0);
- class w extends class {
- constructor() {
- = {};
- }
- on(t, e) {
- return (
- t in ?[t].push(e) : ([t] = [e]), this
- );
- }
- off(t) {
- delete[t];
- }
- trigger(t, e, i = null) {
- t in &&
-[t].forEach((t) => {
- t({ data: i, object: e });
- });
- }
- } {
- constructor(t, e) {
- super(),
- (this.isUserTouch = !1),
- (this.isUserMove = !1),
- (this.pages = null),
- (this.currentPage = 0),
- (this.setting = null);
- try {
- (this.setting = x.GetSettings(e)), (this.block = t);
- } catch (t) {}
- }
- update() {
- this.render.update(),;
- }
- turnToPrevPage() {
- const t = "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation() ? 1 : 2;
- this.currentPage < t ||
- ((this.currentPage -= t),;
- }
- turnToNextPage() {
- const t = "portrait" === this.render.getOrientation() ? 1 : 2;
- this.currentPage > this.pages.getPageCount() - t ||
- ((this.currentPage += t),;
- }
- turnToPage(t) {
- this.checkPage(t) &&
- ((this.currentPage = t),;
- }
- flipNext(t = "top") {
- this.flip.flipNext(t);
- }
- flipPrev(t = "top") {
- this.flip.flipPrev(t);
- }
- loadFromImages(t) {
- this.ui = new f(this.block, this, this.setting);
- const e = this.ui.getCanvas();
- (this.render = new p(this, this.setting, e)),
- (this.flip = new c(this.render, this)),
- (this.pages = new h(this, this.render, t)),
- this.pages.load(),
- this.render.start(),
- (this.currentPage = this.setting.startPage),
- }
- loadFromHTML(t) {
- (this.ui = new m(this.block, this, this.setting, t)),
- (this.render = new y(this, this.setting, this.ui.getDistElement(), t)),
- (this.flip = new c(this.render, this)),
- (this.pages = new l(this, this.render, this.ui.getDistElement(), t)),
- this.pages.load(),
- this.render.start(),
- (this.currentPage = this.setting.startPage),
- }
- updateState(t) {
- this.trigger("changeState", this, t);
- }
- updatePage(t) {
- this.trigger("flip", this, t);
- }
- updateOrientation(t) {
- "landscape" === t
- ? (this.currentPage % 2 != 0 && this.currentPage--, this.update())
- : (this.currentPage++, this.update()),
- this.ui.setOrientationStyle(t),
- this.trigger("changeOrientation", this, t);
- }
- getPageCount() {
- return this.pages.getPageCount();
- }
- getCurrentPageIndex() {
- return this.currentPage;
- }
- getCurrentPage() {
- return this.pages.getPage(this.currentPage);
- }
- getPage(t) {
- return this.pages.getPage(t);
- }
- getRender() {
- return this.render;
- }
- getFlipObject() {
- return this.flip;
- }
- getOrientation() {
- return this.render.getOrientation();
- }
- getBoundsRect() {
- return this.render.getRect();
- }
- getSettings() {
- return this.setting;
- }
- getUI() {
- return this.ui;
- }
- startUserTouch(t) {
- (this.mousePosition = t), (this.isUserTouch = !0), (this.isUserMove = !1);
- }
- userMove(t, e) {
- this.isUserTouch || e
- ? this.isUserTouch &&
- a.GetDestinationFromTwoPoint(this.mousePosition, t) > 5 &&
- ((this.isUserMove = !0), this.flip.fold(t))
- : this.flip.showCorner(t);
- }
- userStop(t, e = !1) {
- this.isUserTouch &&
- ((this.isUserTouch = !1),
- e || (this.isUserMove ? this.flip.stopMove() : this.flip.flip(t)));
- }
- checkPage(t) {
- return t >= 0 && t < this.pages.getPageCount();
- }
- }
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
- const t = new w(document.getElementById("canvasBookExample"), {
- width: 550,
- height: 733,
- size: "stretch",
- minWidth: 350,
- maxWidth: 700,
- minHeight: 467,
- maxHeight: 933
- });
- t.loadFromImages([
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- ]);
- const e = new w(document.getElementById("htmlBookExample"), {
- width: 550,
- height: 733,
- size: "stretch",
- minWidth: 350,
- maxWidth: 700,
- minHeight: 467,
- maxHeight: 933,
- autoSize: !0,
- maxShadowOpacity: 0.5
- }),
- i = document.getElementById("htmlBook"),
- s = document.getElementById("canvasBook"),
- n = document.getElementById("buttonDemoSelection"),
- o = n.querySelectorAll("button");
- let h = e;
- for (const a of o)
- a.addEventListener("click", (o) => {
- const a = n.querySelector(".btn-primary");
- a.classList.remove("btn-primary"), a.classList.add("btn-secondary");
- const r =;
- r.classList.add("btn-primary"), r.classList.remove("btn-secondary");
- "html" === r.dataset.dest
- ? ((h = e),
- ( = "none"),
- ( = "block"),
- e.getUI().update(),
- e.update())
- : ((h = t),
- ( = "block"),
- ( = "none"),
- t.getUI().update(),
- t.update());
- });
- document.querySelector(".btn-book-next").addEventListener("click", () => {
- h.flipNext();
- }),
- document.querySelector(".btn-book-prev").addEventListener("click", () => {
- h.flipPrev();
- }),
- t.on("flip", (e) => {
- const i = parseInt(, 10) + 1;
- (document.querySelector(".page-count").innerHTML = i.toString(10)),
- (document.querySelector(
- ".page-total"
- ).innerHTML = t.getPageCount().toString(10));
- }),
- e.on("flip", (t) => {
- const i = parseInt(, 10) + 1;
- (document.querySelector(".page-count").innerHTML = i.toString(10)),
- (document.querySelector(
- ".page-total"
- ).innerHTML = e.getPageCount().toString(10));
- }),
- e.loadFromHTML(document.querySelectorAll(".page"));
- });
- }
- ]);
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