Guest User


a guest
Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. # Here you can change all the messages to your wishes
  2. Messages:
  3. Commands:
  4. NoPlayer: '%PREFIX% &cOnly players can perform this command!'
  5. NoPermission: '%PREFIX% &cYou do not have permission to perform this command!'
  6. UnknownCommand: '%PREFIX% &cUnknown command! --> /friends help'
  7. WrongUsage: '%PREFIX% &cWrong usage! --> %USAGE%'
  8. Help:
  9. PageError: '%PREFIX% &cThis page does not exists!'
  10. Page1:
  11. '0': ''
  12. '1': '%PREFIX% &e/f add <Player> &f| Adds a friend'
  13. '2': '%PREFIX% &e/f remove <Player> &f| Removes a friend'
  14. '3': '%PREFIX% &e/f block <Player> &f| Blocks a player'
  15. '4': '%PREFIX% &e/f accept <Player> &f|Accepts a request'
  16. '5': '%PREFIX% &e/f deny <Player> &f| Deny a request'
  17. '6': '%PREFIX% &e/f acceptall &f| Accepts all requests'
  18. '7': ''
  19. '8': '%PREFIX% &eMore Commands --> /f help 2'
  20. '9': ''
  21. Page2:
  22. '0': ''
  23. '1': '%PREFIX% &e/f unblock <Player> &f| Unblocks a player'
  24. '2': '%PREFIX% &e/f toggle requests &f| Toggle requests'
  25. '3': '%PREFIX% &e/f toggle <chat|msg> &f| Toggles chat or msg'
  26. '4': '%PREFIX% &e/f toggle jumping &f| Toggle jumping'
  27. '5': '%PREFIX% &e/f toggle spychat &f| Toggle spychat'
  28. '6': '%PREFIX% &e/f list &f| See your friends'
  29. '7': ''
  30. '8': '%PREFIX% &eMore Commands --> /f help 3'
  31. '9': ''
  32. Page3:
  33. '0': ''
  34. '1': '%PREFIX% &e/f jump <Player> &f| Jump to a friend'
  35. '2': '%PREFIX% &e/f info &f| See some informations'
  36. '3': '%PREFIX% &e/msg <Player> <Message> &f| Send a message'
  37. '4': ''
  38. Reload: '%PREFIX% &bThe plugin was successfully reloaded!'
  39. PlayerUnknown: '%PREFIX% &cThis player does not exists!'
  40. MSG:
  41. NoFriend: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend to send him a private message!'
  42. PlayerOffline: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!'
  43. NoMSG: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not allow friends to send him messages!'
  44. Send: '&f[%PREFIX%&f] &6You &f-> &6%NAME%: &f%MESSAGE%'
  45. Format: '&f[%PREFIX%&f] &6%NAME% &f-> &6You: &f%MESSAGE%'
  46. Chat:
  47. Enter: '%PREFIX% &bYou entered the friend-chat!'
  48. Leave: '%PREFIX% &cYou left the friend-chat!'
  49. Add:
  50. SendSelf: '%PREFIX% &cYou cannot send yourself a request!'
  51. PlayerUnknown: '%PREFIX% &cThis player does not exists!'
  52. AlreadyFriends: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already your friend!'
  53. AlreadyRequested: '%PREFIX% &cYou have already sent a request to %NAME%!'
  54. Blocked:
  55. Self: '%PREFIX% &cYou have blocked %NAME%!'
  56. Other: '%PREFIX% &cYou cannot send a request to %NAME%!'
  57. LimitReached:
  58. Self: '%PREFIX% &cYou have already reached the maximum amount of friends!'
  59. Other: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has already reached the maximum amount of friends!'
  60. DisabledRequests: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not want you to send him requests!'
  61. Add:
  62. Requester: '%PREFIX% &bYou send a friendrequest to &e%NAME%&b!'
  63. ToAdd:
  64. '0': ''
  65. '1': '%PREFIX% &bYou received a friendrequest from &e%NAME%&b!'
  67. '3': ''
  68. AcceptButton: "&2[Accept]"
  69. AcceptHover: '&2Click here to accept the request!'
  70. DenyButton: "&c[Deny]"
  71. DenyHover: '&cClick here to deny the requst!'
  72. Deny:
  73. NoRequest: '%PREFIX% &cYou do not have a request from %NAME%!'
  74. Deny:
  75. Denier: '%PREFIX% &7You denied the request from %NAME%!'
  76. Requester: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% denied your request!'
  77. Accept:
  78. NoRequest: '%PREFIX% &cYou do not have a request from %NAME%!'
  79. NoRequests: '%PREFIX% &cYou do not have any request!'
  80. LimitReached:
  81. Self: '%PREFIX% &cYou have already reached the maximum amount of friends!'
  82. Other: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has already reached the maximum amount of friends!'
  83. Accept: '%PREFIX% &b%NAME% is now your friend!'
  84. Remove:
  85. NoFriends: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not your friend!'
  86. Remove: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is no longer your friend!'
  87. Block:
  88. AlreadyBlocked: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already blocked!'
  89. UnknownPlayer: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not exist!'
  90. BlockSelf: '%PREFIX% &cYou cannot block yourself!'
  91. Block:
  92. Self: '%PREFIX% &7You successfully blocked %NAME%!'
  93. Unblock:
  94. NotBlocked: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not blocked!'
  95. Unblock: '%PREFIX% &7You removed %NAME% from the blocked players!'
  96. Toggle:
  97. NoOption: '%PREFIX% &cUnknown Option! -> <requests|chat|jumping>'
  98. ToggleRequests: '%PREFIX% &bYou toggled the requests!'
  99. ToggleChat: '%PREFIX% &bYou toggled the friendchat!'
  100. ToggleJumping: '%PREFIX% &bYou toggled jumping!'
  101. ToggleMsg: '%PREFIX% &bYou toggled private messaging!'
  102. ToggleSpyChat:
  103. Toggle: '%PREFIX% &bThe spychat is now enabled!'
  104. Disabled: '%PREFIX% &cThe spychat is now disabled!'
  105. Jump:
  106. Denied: '%PREFIX% &cJumping is disabled on this server!'
  107. PlayerOffline: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!'
  108. NoFriends: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend to jump to his location!'
  109. Disabled: '%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not want friends to jump to his location!'
  110. Jump:
  111. Jumper: '%PREFIX% &bYou jumped to %NAME%!'
  112. ToJump: '%PREFIX% &b%NAME% jumped to your location!'
  113. List:
  114. '0': '%PREFIX% &eOnline &7(&c%ONLINE_COUNT%&7): &b%ONLINE%'
  115. '1': '%PREFIX% &eOffline &7(&c%OFFLINE_COUNT%&7): &7%OFFLINE%'
  116. Favorites:
  117. Add: '%PREFIX% &bYou successfully added %NAME% to your favorites!'
  118. Remove: '%PREFIX% &7You removed %NAME% from your favorites!'
  119. GUI:
  120. NoMorePages: '%PREFIX% &cThere are no more pages!'
  121. FirstPage: '%PREFIX% &cYou are already on the first page!'
  122. Status:
  123. TooFast: '%PREFIX% &cYou can only change your status every 10 minutes!'
  124. ChangeStatus: '%PREFIX% &bYou successfully changed your status!'
  125. Clear:
  126. UnknownPlayer: '%PREFIX% &cThis player has''''nt choosed a status yet!'
  127. Clear: '%PREFIX% &e%PLAYER%&b''''s status was cleared!'
  128. Nickname:
  129. Remove: '%PREFIX% &7You successfully removed the Nickname from &e%NAME%&7!'
  130. NoNick: '%PREFIX% &cYou do not have set a Nick for &e%NAME% &cyet!'
  131. SetNick: '%PREFIX% &bYou have set &e%NAME%&b''s Nickname to &e%NICK%&b!'
  132. FriendQuit: '%PREFIX% &e%PLAYER% &cis now offline!'
  133. FriendJoin: '%PREFIX% &e%PLAYER% &bis now online!'
  134. FriendChatFormat: '%PREFIX% &e%PLAYER% &c>> &f%MESSAGE%'
  135. FriendChatDisabled: '%PREFIX% &cYou disabled the friendchat!'
  136. RequestNotification: '%PREFIX% &bYou have &7(&e%REQUESTS%&7) &bopen friend-requests!'
  137. SendPartyInvite: '%PREFIX% &bYou have sent a invite to &e%NAME%&b!'
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