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a guest
Dec 27th, 2016
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  1. unbreakable-blocks: []
  2. force-field-blocks:
  3. - title: City Protection
  4. block: diamond_block
  5. radius: 20
  6. custom-height: 15
  7. meta-name: '&bCity Protection'
  8. meta-autoset: true
  9. meta-lore:
  10. - '&eThis will protect a city'
  11. - '&eIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  12. - '&eWith a max height of 15'
  13. price: 1000
  14. refund: 0
  15. prevent-fire: true
  16. prevent-place: true
  17. prevent-destroy: true
  18. prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  19. prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  20. prevent-explosions: true
  21. prevent-unprotectable: true
  22. prevent-item-frame-take: true
  23. protect-armor-stands: true
  24. prevent-flow: true
  25. protect-crops: true
  26. protect-inventories: true
  27. prevent-place-blacklist:
  28. - 153
  29. ?welcome-message: true
  30. ?farewell-message: true
  31. ?prevent-portal-enter: true
  32. ?prevent-portal-destination: true
  33. ?prevent-portal-create: true
  34. ?prevent-vehicle-enter: true
  35. ?prevent-vehicle-exit: true
  36. ?prevent-teleport: true
  37. command-blacklisting: true
  38. can-change-owner: true
  39. enable-on-src: true
  40. mixing-group: 1
  41. rentable: true
  42. buyable: true
  43. cuboid: true
  44. mask-on-disabled: 80
  45. - title: City Plot
  46. block: quartz_ore
  47. radius: 20
  48. custom-height: 15
  49. meta-name: '&bCity Plot'
  50. meta-autoset: true
  51. meta-lore:
  52. - '&eCity Protection plots'
  53. - '&eIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  54. - '&eWith a max height of 15'
  55. allowed-only-inside:
  56. - City Protection
  57. plot: true
  58. no-conflict: true
  59. prevent-use:
  60. - wooden_door
  61. - iron_door
  62. - spruce_door
  63. - birch_door
  64. - jungle_door
  65. - acacia_door
  66. - dark_oak_door
  67. prevent-fire: true
  68. prevent-place: true
  69. prevent-destroy: true
  70. prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  71. prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  72. prevent-explosions: true
  73. prevent-unprotectable: true
  74. protect-inventories: true
  75. prevent-flow: true
  76. ?prevent-teleport: true
  77. protect-crops: true
  78. ?welcome-message: true
  79. ?farewell-message: true
  80. can-change-owner: true
  81. enable-on-src: true
  82. mixing-group: 1
  83. rentable: true
  84. buyable: true
  85. cuboid: true
  86. mask-on-disabled: 80
  87. - title: Entry Bouncer
  88. block: lapis_block
  89. radius: 5
  90. meta-name: '&bEntry Bouncer'
  91. meta-autoset: true
  92. meta-lore:
  93. - '&ePrevents entry into an area'
  94. - '&eIt covers an area of 5 radius'
  95. prevent-entry: true
  96. prevent-unprotectable: true
  97. prevent-flow: true
  98. enable-on-src: true
  99. can-change-owner: true
  100. cuboid: true
  101. mask-on-disabled: 80
  102. - title: Grief Revert
  103. block: gold_block
  104. radius: 20
  105. custom-height: 15
  106. meta-name: '&bGrief Revert'
  107. meta-autoset: true
  108. meta-lore:
  109. - '&eReverts grief in an area'
  110. - '&eIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  111. - '&eWith a max height of 15'
  112. allow-grief:
  113. - 37
  114. - 38
  115. - 39
  116. - 40
  117. grief-revert: true
  118. grief-revert-safety: true
  119. ?welcome-message: true
  120. ?farewell-message: true
  121. enable-on-src: true
  122. can-change-owner: true
  123. mixing-group: 1
  124. cuboid: true
  125. mask-on-disabled: 80
  126. - title: Peace Keeper
  127. block: sponge
  128. radius: 10
  129. meta-name: '&bPeace Keeper'
  130. meta-autoset: true
  131. meta-lore:
  132. - '&eMakes peaceful areas'
  133. - '&eIt covers an area of 10 radius'
  134. prevent-pvp: true
  135. no-player-place: true
  136. prevent-mob-damage: true
  137. protect-animals: true
  138. protect-mobs: true
  139. protect-villagers: true
  140. cuboid: true
  141. mask-on-disabled: 80
  142. - title: Creature Repeller
  143. block: web
  144. radius: 20
  145. meta-name: '&bCreature Repeller'
  146. meta-autoset: true
  147. meta-lore:
  148. - '&ePrevents creature spawning'
  149. - '&eAnd removes all mobs in an area'
  150. - '&eIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  151. single-use: true
  152. prevent-mob-damage: true
  153. prevent-mob-spawn: true
  154. prevent-animal-spawn: true
  155. remove-mob: true
  156. no-conflict: true
  157. mixing-group: 1
  158. cuboid: true
  159. mask-on-disabled: 80
  160. - title: Air of Atlantis
  161. block: lapis_ore
  162. radius: 10
  163. custom-height: 256
  164. meta-name: '&9Air of Atlantis'
  165. meta-autoset: true
  166. meta-lore:
  167. - '&fAllows you to breathe underwater'
  168. - '&fIt covers an area of 10 radius'
  169. - '&fbut unlimmited height'
  170. air: true
  171. no-conflict: true
  172. mixing-group: 1
  173. cuboid: true
  174. mask-on-disabled: 80
  175. - title: Proximity Snitch
  176. block: noteblock
  177. radius: 5
  178. meta-name: '&1Proximity Snitch'
  179. meta-autoset: true
  180. meta-lore:
  181. - '&9Will report to you when someone'
  182. - '&9enters your base.'
  183. - '&9It covers an area of 5 radius'
  184. snitch: true
  185. entry-alert: true
  186. no-conflict: true
  187. mixing-group: 2
  188. cuboid: true
  189. mask-on-disabled: 80
  190. - title: Jack-o-Death
  191. block: lit_pumpkin
  192. radius: 5
  193. damage: 4
  194. meta-name: '&4Jack-o-Death'
  195. meta-autoset: true
  196. meta-lore:
  197. - '&6Does damage to anyone near it'
  198. - '&6Sneak to bypass'
  199. - '&6It covers an area of 5 radius'
  200. - '&6You can allow people to be immune'
  201. no-conflict: true
  202. sneaking-bypass: true
  203. no-player-place: true
  204. mixing-group: 2
  205. mask-on-disabled: 80
  206. - title: The Shocker
  207. block: monster_egg
  208. radius: 0
  209. custom-height: 3
  210. meta-name: '&4The Shocker'
  211. meta-autoset: true
  212. meta-lore:
  213. - '&6Drops a lightning bolt to anyone'
  214. - '&6who steps on it.'
  215. - '&6It can be bypassed by sneaking'
  216. - '&6You can allow people to be immune'
  217. lightning: true
  218. lightning-replace-block: 0
  219. sneaking-bypass: true
  220. breakable: true
  221. no-conflict: true
  222. mixing-group: 2
  223. mask-on-disabled: 80
  224. - title: Proximity Mine
  225. block: redstone_ore
  226. radius: 1
  227. custom-height: 5
  228. meta-name: '&4Proximity Mine'
  229. meta-autoset: true
  230. meta-lore:
  231. - '&6Blows up when someone gets near it'
  232. - '&6It can be bypassed by sneaking'
  233. - '&6You can allow people to be immune'
  234. mine: 5
  235. mine-has-fire: true
  236. mine-delay-seconds: 0
  237. breakable: true
  238. sneaking-bypass: true
  239. mixing-group: 2
  240. no-conflict: true
  241. mask-on-disabled: 80
  242. - title: Launch Pad
  243. block: iron_ore
  244. radius: 1
  245. custom-height: 3
  246. custom-volume: 20
  247. meta-name: '&9Launch Pad'
  248. meta-autoset: true
  249. meta-lore:
  250. - '&fLaunches players in the air'
  251. - '&fin the direction they are walking'
  252. - '&fwhen they step over it.'
  253. - '&fWhile looking up = fast'
  254. - '&fWhile looking down = slow'
  255. - '&fWorks for only players allowed'
  256. launch: true
  257. no-conflict: true
  258. sneaking-bypass: true
  259. mixing-group: 2
  260. cuboid: true
  261. mask-on-disabled: 80
  262. - title: Sky Cannon
  263. block: coal_ore
  264. radius: 0
  265. custom-height: 3
  266. custom-volume: 20
  267. meta-name: '&9Sky Cannon'
  268. meta-autoset: true
  269. meta-lore:
  270. - '&fLaunches players in the air'
  271. - '&fstraight up'
  272. - '&fwhen they step over it.'
  273. - '&fWhile looking up = fast'
  274. - '&fWhile looking down = slow'
  275. - '&fWorks for only players allowed'
  276. sneaking-bypass: true
  277. cannon: true
  278. no-conflict: true
  279. mixing-group: 2
  280. cuboid: true
  281. enable-with-redstone: true
  282. mask-on-disabled: 80
  283. - title: Translocator
  284. block: red_mushroom_block:14
  285. radius: 8
  286. custom-volume: 5000
  287. meta-name: '&9Translocator'
  288. meta-autoset: true
  289. meta-lore:
  290. - '&fAllows you to move your builds'
  291. - '&fIt covers an area of 8 radiuss'
  292. - '&fbut can be expanded'
  293. enable-with-redstone: true
  294. translocation: true
  295. dynmap-area: true
  296. dynmap-disabled: true
  297. translocation-blacklist:
  298. - diamond_block
  299. - gold_block
  300. cuboid: true
  301. mask-on-disabled: 17
  302. - title: GodStone
  303. block: brown_mushroom_block
  304. radius: 5
  305. meta-name: '&eGodStone'
  306. meta-autoset: true
  307. meta-lore:
  308. - '&fHeal, feed, repair, neutralize portions'
  309. - '&6It covers an area of 5 radius'
  310. - '&fWorks for only players allowed'
  311. heal: 4
  312. feed: 2
  313. repair: 25
  314. neutralize-potions:
  315. - HARM
  316. - CONFUSION
  317. - BLINDNESS
  318. - HUNGER
  319. - WEAKNESS
  320. - POISON
  321. - SLOW
  322. no-conflict: true
  323. mixing-group: 2
  324. cuboid: true
  325. mask-on-disabled: 80
  326. - title: Miner's Haste
  327. block: ice
  328. radius: 10
  329. meta-name: '&eMiner''s Haste'
  330. meta-autoset: true
  331. meta-lore:
  332. - '&fDig fast, Run fast, Jump, high'
  333. - '&fIt covers an area of 10 radius'
  334. - '&fWorks for only players allowed'
  335. custom-height: 128
  336. cuboid: true
  337. dynmap-area: true
  338. ^potions:
  340. - SPEED
  341. - JUMP
  342. potion-intensity:
  343. - 5
  344. - 3
  345. - 5
  346. enable-with-redstone: true
  347. no-fall-damage: true
  348. mask-on-disabled: 17
  349. - title: Mild Forester
  350. block: leaves:4
  351. radius: 20
  352. custom-height: 15
  353. meta-name: '&2Mild Forester'
  354. meta-autoset: true
  355. meta-lore:
  356. - '&aGrow a forest around an area'
  357. - '&aRegular small and large trees'
  358. - '&aAnd a little bit of birch'
  359. - '&aIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  360. forester: true
  361. ground-block: dirt
  362. fertile-blocks:
  363. - dirt
  364. - grass
  365. - gravel
  366. - netherrack
  367. - snow
  368. - soul_sand
  369. tree-types:
  370. - 0
  371. - 0
  372. - 0
  373. - 1
  374. - 1
  375. - 4
  376. shrub-types:
  377. - 1
  378. - 1
  379. - 1
  380. - 2
  381. - 2
  382. - 3
  383. - 4
  384. shrub-density: 64
  385. tree-count: 32
  386. grow-time: 10
  387. no-owner: true
  388. no-conflict: false
  389. - title: Redwood Forester
  390. block: leaves:5
  391. radius: 20
  392. custom-height: 15
  393. meta-name: '&2Redwood Forester'
  394. meta-autoset: true
  395. meta-lore:
  396. - '&aGrow a forest around an area'
  397. - '&aRedwood and tall redwood only'
  398. - '&aIt covers an area of 20 radius'
  399. forester: true
  400. ground-block: dirt
  401. fertile-blocks:
  402. - dirt
  403. - grass
  404. - gravel
  405. - netherrack
  406. - snow
  407. - soul_sand
  408. tree-types:
  409. - 2
  410. - 2
  411. - 2
  412. - 3
  413. shrub-types:
  414. - 1
  415. shrub-density: 64
  416. tree-count: 32
  417. grow-time: 10
  418. no-owner: true
  419. no-conflict: false
  420. - title: Jungle Forester
  421. block: leaves:6
  422. radius: 20
  423. custom-height: 15
  424. meta-name: '&2Jungle Forester'
  425. meta-autoset: true
  426. meta-lore:
  427. - '&aGrow a jungle around an area'
  428. - '&aRegular, jungle trees and bushes'
  429. - '&aAnd a little bit of birch'
  430. forester: true
  431. ground-block: dirt
  432. fertile-blocks:
  433. - dirt
  434. - grass
  435. - gravel
  436. - netherrack
  437. - snow
  438. - soul_sand
  439. tree-types:
  440. - 0
  441. - 0
  442. - 7
  443. - 7
  444. - 7
  445. - 8
  446. - 8
  447. - 8
  448. - 8
  449. shrub-types:
  450. - 2
  451. shrub-density: 30
  452. tree-count: 64
  453. grow-time: 10
  454. no-owner: true
  455. no-conflict: false
  456. - title: Birch Forester
  457. block: leaves:7
  458. radius: 20
  459. custom-height: 15
  460. meta-name: '&2Birch Forester'
  461. meta-autoset: true
  462. meta-lore:
  463. - '&aGrow a birch forest around an area'
  464. - '&aMostly birch with a bit of tall trees'
  465. - '&aand jungle trees'
  466. forester: true
  467. ground-block: dirt
  468. fertile-blocks:
  469. - dirt
  470. - grass
  471. - gravel
  472. - netherrack
  473. - snow
  474. - soul_sand
  475. tree-types:
  476. - 4
  477. - 4
  478. - 4
  479. - 4
  480. - 1
  481. - 7
  482. shrub-types:
  483. - 2
  484. shrub-density: 85
  485. tree-count: 64
  486. grow-time: 10
  487. no-owner: true
  488. no-conflict: false
  489. bypass-blocks: []
  490. unprotectable-blocks: []
  491. hiding-mask-blocks:
  492. - '1'
  493. - '2'
  494. - '3'
  495. - '4'
  496. - '5'
  497. - '7'
  498. - '12'
  499. - '13'
  500. - '17'
  501. - '18'
  502. - '20'
  503. - '24'
  504. - '35'
  505. - '43'
  506. - '45'
  507. - '47'
  508. - '48'
  509. - '49'
  510. - '53'
  511. - '60'
  512. - '67'
  513. - '80'
  514. - '81'
  515. - '82'
  516. - '87'
  517. - '88'
  518. - '89'
  519. - '99'
  520. - '100'
  521. - '108'
  522. - '109'
  523. - '110'
  524. - '123'
  525. - '124'
  526. - '125'
  527. - '128'
  528. - '134'
  529. - '135'
  530. - '136'
  531. tool-items:
  532. - '256'
  533. - '257'
  534. - '258'
  535. - '269'
  536. - '270'
  537. - '271'
  538. - '273'
  539. - '274'
  540. - '275'
  541. - '277'
  542. - '278'
  543. - '279'
  544. - '284'
  545. - '285'
  546. - '286'
  547. - '290'
  548. - '291'
  549. - '292'
  550. - '293'
  551. - '294'
  552. repairable-items:
  553. - '256'
  554. - '257'
  555. - '258'
  556. - '259'
  557. - '261'
  558. - '267'
  559. - '268'
  560. - '269'
  561. - '270'
  562. - '271'
  563. - '272'
  564. - '273'
  565. - '274'
  566. - '275'
  567. - '276'
  568. - '277'
  569. - '278'
  570. - '279'
  571. - '283'
  572. - '284'
  573. - '285'
  574. - '286'
  575. - '290'
  576. - '291'
  577. - '292'
  578. - '293'
  579. - '294'
  580. - '298'
  581. - '299'
  582. - '300'
  583. - '301'
  584. - '302'
  585. - '303'
  586. - '304'
  587. - '305'
  588. - '306'
  589. - '307'
  590. - '308'
  591. - '309'
  592. - '310'
  593. - '311'
  594. - '312'
  595. - '313'
  596. - '314'
  597. - '315'
  598. - '316'
  599. - '317'
  600. - '359'
  601. log:
  602. translocation: true
  603. rollback: true
  604. fire: true
  605. entry: true
  606. place: true
  607. use: true
  608. pvp: true
  609. destroy: true
  610. destroy-area: false
  611. place-area: false
  612. unprotectable: true
  613. bypass-pvp: true
  614. bypass-delete: true
  615. bypass-place: true
  616. bypass-destroy: true
  617. conflict-place: true
  618. rents-and-purchases: true
  619. notify:
  620. translocation: true
  621. rollback: true
  622. place: true
  623. destroy: true
  624. bypass-unprotectable: true
  625. bypass-pvp: true
  626. bypass-place: true
  627. bypass-destroy: true
  628. fly-zones: true
  629. warn:
  630. instant-heal: true
  631. slow-heal: true
  632. slow-damage: true
  633. slow-feeding: true
  634. slow-repair: true
  635. fast-damage: true
  636. air: true
  637. fire: true
  638. entry: true
  639. place: true
  640. use: true
  641. pvp: true
  642. destroy: true
  643. destroy-area: true
  644. unprotectable: true
  645. launch: true
  646. cannon: true
  647. mine: true
  648. settings:
  649. disable-messages: false
  650. prevent-removal-if-player-in-field: true
  651. use-commands-to-rent: false
  652. disable-simpleclans-hook: false
  653. max-size-translocation: 100000
  654. max-size-translocation-for-redstone: 1000
  655. version: 14
  656. prevent-place-everywhere:
  657. - creative_world
  658. prevent-destroy-everywhere:
  659. - creative_world
  660. show-default-welcome-farewell-messages: true
  661. sneak-to-place-field: false
  662. sneak-to-place-normal-block: true
  663. disable-ground-info: false
  664. global-field-limit: 1000000
  665. no-refund-for-fields: true
  666. public-block-details: false
  667. drop-on-delete: true
  668. disable-alerts-for-admins: true
  669. disable-bypass-alerts-for-admins: false
  670. off-by-default: false
  671. lines-per-page: 100
  672. show-debug-info: false
  673. blacklisted-worlds:
  674. - creative_world
  675. auto-allow-clan-on-fields: true
  676. auto-allow-team-on-fields: false
  677. check-once-per-block-on-move: false
  678. use-blockids-in-snitches: false
  679. fence-max-depth: 50
  680. max-target-distance: 100
  681. default-item-currency: '266'
  682. cuboid:
  683. defining-blocktype: obsidian
  684. visualization-blocktype: glass
  685. cleanup:
  686. player-inactivity-purge-days: 180
  687. purge-banned-players: true
  688. saving:
  689. frequency-seconds: 1
  690. max-records-per-snitch: 50
  691. visualization:
  692. frame-block-type: glass
  693. block-type: glass
  694. seconds: 30
  695. new-dotted-style: true
  696. end-on-player-move: false
  697. mark-block-type: obsidian
  698. default-density: 8
  699. blocks-to-send: 100
  700. max-fields-to-visualize-at-once: 5
  701. ticks-between-sends: 10
  702. visualize-on-expand: true
  703. grief-revert:
  704. min-interval-secs: 30
  705. black-list:
  706. - '92'
  707. mysql:
  708. enable: false
  709. host: localhost
  710. port: 3306
  711. database: minecraft
  712. username: ''
  713. password: ''
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