Guest User


a guest
Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. # Language file you want to use
  2. Language: EN
  3. storage:
  4. # storage method, can be MySQL or sqlite
  5. method: MySQL
  6. mysql:
  7. # Requires Mysql.
  8. username: root
  9. password: bgaN3QaL
  10. hostname: localhost:3306
  11. database: Economy
  12. tablePrefix: CMI_
  13. # If you have no clue what these values does, then keep it at default values
  14. autoReconnect: true
  15. useSSL: false
  16. verifyServerCertificate: false
  17. # Auto save interval in seconds
  18. # This will define how often to write down data into data base
  19. # Save operation will not be performed if there is no changes to save
  20. # !ATTENTION! Keep it in low numbers, around 60 seconds. As there can be to much data waiting to be saved into database if interval is too big and can cause some short freezes
  21. AutoSaveInterval: 15
  22. Economy:
  23. # Enable or disable CMI economy in general
  24. # In case CMIInjector is present, then this will be set to true automatically.
  25. Enabled: true
  26. # Determines if player needs to confirm money payment by clicking on chat message
  27. Confirmation: false
  28. BalTop:
  29. # List of players to exclude from baltop list
  30. Exclude:
  31. - Notch
  32. Global:
  33. # Starting amount of money players will have
  34. StartingAmount: 100.0
  35. # Minimal amount, can go into negative if needed
  36. MinimalAmount: 0.0
  37. # Maximal amount of money player can have. Set to -1 to disable this limit
  38. MaximumAmount: 1.0E8
  39. # Currency symbol to be used when showing balance or similar
  40. CurrencySymbol: $
  41. FileSave:
  42. # Change this to true only if you have issues with drives I/O and you need to save players files in async mode to lower waiting time for mc server
  43. Async: false
  44. Optimizations:
  45. # Format used for displaying money
  46. MoneyFormat: '###,###.###'
  47. # When set to true players with same name but different capitalization will be denyied from joining server to avoid posible issues. In example if on first day player Zrips joined server and on second day player zRips tries to join server, he will be rejected
  48. # RECOMMENDED to keep this at true
  49. PreventDifferentCapitalizationNames: false
  50. # When this set to true by using any command, requiring players name, in case plugin cant determine player by given full name, then partial matches from online players will be used. In example: /cmi heal rips can heal player Zrips
  51. # Useful when you have players with complicated names
  52. PartialPlayerName: false
  53. # When set to true, commands in help page will be sorted alphabeticaly
  54. # If set to false, commands will be sorted by priority
  55. CommandSorting: true
  56. # When set to true, commands in help page starting with /cmi will get shortened by hiding base command. Example /cmi back becomes /back
  57. # Keep in mind that this is automatic feature if alias or custom alias is set to that command
  58. # And keep in mind that this is only cosmetic change and will not impact command usage
  59. RemoveLabel: false
  60. # When set to true, all players can see missing permission node by hovering over error message
  61. # When set to false only players with cmi.permisiononerror permission node can see missing permission node
  62. PermisionOnError: true
  63. # When set to true, each time player tries to use something he doesnthave permission, message will be shown in console
  64. PermisionInConsole: true
  65. Teleport:
  66. # Set this to true if you having issues with entities not being teleported with you
  67. # Keep in mind that this is work arround for some plugins (AKA Towny) and can have undesired results in some situations
  68. VehicleWorkArround: false
  69. # Set to true if you want to use tp commands as /cmi tp [WhoYouWantToTeleport] [WhereToTeleport] when its false, its /cmi tp [whereToTeleport] [WhoYouWantToTeleport]
  70. SwitchPlaces: true
  71. # Defines time in seconds for accepting tpa or tpahere requests
  72. TpaTime: 60
  73. # Defines time in seconds for player being teleported after tpa or tpahere is being accepted
  74. TpaWarmup: 3
  75. # Defines if player can move when tpa or tpahere is being accepted
  76. TpaMove: false
  77. # Defines time in seconds for blocking player teleport offers after denying their request
  78. TpaBlock: 120
  79. # Defines time in seconds for bypassing prevented teleportation to unsafe location
  80. TpBypass: 15
  81. BlackListedItems:
  82. # Option to prevent player teleportation when he has blacklisted items in hies inventory. Can be bypassed with cmi.teleport.bypassblacklist
  83. Enabled: false
  84. EnabledFor:
  85. tp: true
  86. tpa: true
  87. tpahere: true
  88. warp: true
  89. home: true
  90. spawn: true
  91. # Item and amount (if not defined, defaults to 0) we want to protect
  92. # Separate amount with : in example IronOre:5 what will limit ironOre block in players inventory up to 5, more than that and player cant teleport
  93. List:
  94. - Diamond
  95. - DiamondBlock
  96. - DiamondOre
  97. - ironore:5
  98. IP:
  99. # How long in second to wait until players ip is being recorded into data base
  100. # This only applies for offline servers to allow for player first of all to login before recording ip
  101. # Try to keep this value lower than your login plugin's allowed login time
  102. delay: 30
  103. # Max amount of hp you can get when using /cmi maxhp command
  104. MaxHp: 200
  105. # When set to true, player play time will be grabbed from user stats file instead of from CMI user data file
  106. # This can help to get more accurate play time if you have older server and using players stats feature
  107. PlayTimeFromStats: false
  108. OnDurabilityLoss:
  109. # Do you want to inform player when item durability gets lower than set treshhold
  110. # Player should have cmi.informDurability
  111. Use: true
  112. Percentage: 10
  113. OnLimitedItemUse:
  114. # Informs about left uses of item
  115. Inform: true
  116. # Can disable messages outputed durring start for world chunk checks
  117. DisableWorldChunkCheckInfo: false
  118. # Can prevent animals or monsters entering boats
  119. PreventEntityBoatEnter:
  120. Monsters: false
  121. Animals: false
  122. PreventBedExplosion:
  123. Nether: false
  124. TheEnd: false
  125. # Will teleport players down from nether 'roof'
  126. PreventPlayersOnNetherRoof: false
  127. PreventIronGolem:
  128. # When set to true, iron golems will not drop roses on death
  129. Roses: false
  130. # When set to true, fishing rod will not move grabed entity towards you
  131. PreventHook: false
  132. Multicraft:
  133. # When set to true, will prevent multicraft servers to console. This will disable /list command usage in general
  134. DisableList: false
  135. ExploitPatcher:
  136. # When enabled this will prevent item pickup while you have openend workbench or player crafting window. Mainly to prevent 1.12 duplication glitch, until its fixed
  137. PreventItemPickup: true
  138. # When enabled this will prevent exp bootles being destroyied on portal edge and duplicating them in result of that
  139. PreventExpPortals: true
  140. Vault:
  141. # If your having issues with vault grabbing correct players' group or balance, consider to turn this to false
  142. Money: true
  143. Group: true
  144. BossBar:
  145. # Enables or disbales bossbar hp bar on 1.9+ servers
  146. HpBarEnabled: true
  147. Ban:
  148. # When set to true players who are banned will get messages modified by CMI instead of seying vanilla type of message
  149. OverrideLoginMessage: false
  150. Homes:
  151. # Homes groups to define max amount homes player can have. Permission: cmi.command.sethome.[groupname]
  152. # If players home group if not find then amount will be set to 1
  153. # To have unlimited homes use cmi.command.sethome.unlimited permission
  154. # In adition to this you can use simple numeric permission node cmi.command.sethome.[number] which will define max number of homes player can have
  155. Groups:
  156. Newbie: 2
  157. Advanced: 3
  158. Vip: 5
  159. # Requires cmi.bedhome permission node
  160. # When set to true by interacting with bed, regular home location will be created
  161. # When set to false vanilla bed home location will be set
  162. BedInteraction: true
  163. ReSpawn:
  164. Global:
  165. # Defines respawn order if defined world is not present in Specific list
  166. # Posible respawn locations: spawn, bedLocation, homeLocation, worldSpawn, warp![warpName]
  167. # Where warp![warName] can be any valid warp you set for players to be teleported, they will bypass any requirements for that warp
  168. PriorityOrder:
  169. - spawn
  170. - bedLocation
  171. - homeLocation
  172. - worldSpawn
  173. # Defines respawn order for defines worlds
  174. # Remove world if you want to leave respawn handling for server or 3rd party plugin
  175. Specific:
  176. world:
  177. - spawn
  178. - bedLocation
  179. - homeLocation
  180. - worldSpawn
  181. world_nether:
  182. - spawn
  183. - bedLocation
  184. - homeLocation
  185. - worldSpawn
  186. world_the_end:
  187. - spawn
  188. - bedLocation
  189. - homeLocation
  190. - worldSpawn
  191. Afk:
  192. # Enable or disable auto afk system entirely
  193. Enabled: false
  194. # Prevents jumping in one place to avoid afk status
  195. PreventJumping: true
  196. # Prevents damage while afk
  197. PreventDamage: true
  198. # Defines how often in seconds plugin will check for afk players state
  199. CheckInterval: 10
  200. # Defines how long to wait after player stops moving to set him as afk
  201. # Player needs to have permission node
  202. AutoAfkIn: 300
  203. # Defines commands to be performed when player enters afk mode
  204. # Supports specialized commands
  205. AutoAfkCmds:
  206. - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &eis now AFK
  207. # Defines commands to be performed when player leaves afk mode
  208. AfkLeaveCmds:
  209. - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &eis no longer AFK
  210. # Defines how long to wait after player stops moving to kick player
  211. # This can be used not only to kick but to perform repeating action every x seconds if needed
  212. # Keep it at -1 to disable auto kick
  213. # Can be bypassed with cmi.command.afk.kickbypass permission node
  214. AutoKickIn: -1
  215. # This will define how long to wait before performing kick commands again
  216. RepeatingAutoKickInterval: 300
  217. # When set to true, kick command will be repeated each RepeatingAutoKickInterval seconds
  218. RepeatKickCommand: false
  219. # Defines commands to be performed when player can be kicked
  220. # If player is not kicked then commands will be repeated every RepeatingAutoKickInterval seconds
  221. AutoKickCmds:
  222. - cmi kick [playerName] &eYou have been kicked for idling more than [time]
  223. # Disables afk on interaction
  224. DisableOnInteract: true
  225. # Disables afk on inventory click
  226. DisableOnInventoryClick: true
  227. # Disables afk on command usage
  228. DisableOnCommand: true
  229. # Disables afk on public chat message
  230. DisableOnPublicChat: true
  231. # Disables afk on private chat message
  232. DisableOnPrivateChat: true
  233. # Disables afk on move
  234. DisableOnMove: true
  235. # Disables item pickup while afk
  236. DisableItemPickup: false
  237. Votifier:
  238. # When set to true votifier votes will be counted for player
  239. CountVotes: true
  240. # When set to false, commands on sucessfull vote will not be performed
  241. PerformCommands: true
  242. # Defines commands to be performed when player votes
  243. # Supports specialized commands and placeholders
  244. # [serviceName] variable can be used to insert address
  245. CommandsOnVote:
  246. - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &evoted!
  247. - cmi give [playerName] diamond
  248. # List of players to be excluded from top voter list
  249. ExcludeList:
  250. - None
  251. Ranks:
  252. AutoRankUp:
  253. # Defines how often in seconds plugin will check for posible player rankups
  254. # Set it to 0 or less to disable auto rankup checks
  255. Delay: 60
  256. # Defines how often in seconds each separate player will be checked for rankup
  257. # This is different than general check just to avoid couple players ranking up at same time
  258. # This also defines how often player will be notified about posible rankup and it will proportionaly increase with each time player get notification to avoid annoying spam in chat
  259. # Keep it longer or same as general delay time
  260. PlayerDelay: 120
  261. TabList:
  262. # Enable or disable tab list management
  263. Enabled: true
  264. # Defines if we want to run tablist updater in async mode
  265. # While enabled it can increase overall performance but some plugins can have same issues handling async placeholder requests
  266. Async: true
  267. # Enable or disable grouped format tablist's
  268. # You can save some resources by disabling this if you are not interested in grouped format tablist feature
  269. # If disabled then this will use only default format and will skip checking for custom one to save some resources if needed
  270. GroupedEnabled: true
  271. Updates:
  272. # Automaticaly updates tab list every x seconds for ALL online players
  273. # If you are using static Footer and Header you can disable this by setting to -1
  274. # Consider setting this to -1 if its completely enough to update on player events
  275. AutoInterval: 60
  276. OnJoin: true
  277. OnLeave: true
  278. afkStateChange: true
  279. OnWorldChange: true
  280. OnDeath: false
  281. OnTeleport: false
  282. OnNickChange: true
  283. # PlaceholderAPI supported for any custom variable you want to insert into this
  284. # In adition CMI will handle some placeholders without PlaceHolderAPI
  285. # Full list can be checked ingame with /cmi placeholders
  286. GeneralFormat:
  287. PlayerName: '[prefix]&r[playerDisplayName]'
  288. Header:
  289. - '&8[&]'
  290. - ''
  291. Footer:
  292. - ''
  293. - '&2Hicoria &f%server_online%&7/&f%server_max_players%'
  294. # Defines custom formats to be used for players.
  295. # Any player which have cmi.tablist.[number] permission node will use defined grouped format in tablist
  296. # Id should be a number and in case player has more than one, bigger number id will be used
  297. # You can have as many groups as you want by increasing increment
  298. # If player has more than one permission node, then biggest one will be used
  299. GroupFormat:
  300. '1':
  301. PlayerName: '&2{&r[playerDisplayName]&2}'
  302. Header:
  303. - '&f------------------------------------'
  304. - '&7Online &f%server_online%&7/&f%server_max_players%'
  305. - '&f------------------------------------'
  306. Footer:
  307. - '&f------------------------------------'
  308. - '&7%player_world% &f%player_x%:&7%player_y%:&f%player_z%'
  309. - '&7Time: &f%server_time_HH:mm:ss%'
  310. - '&f------------------------------------'
  311. '2':
  312. PlayerName: '&c[&r[playerDisplayName]&c]'
  313. Header:
  314. - '&f------------------------------------'
  315. - '&7Online &f%server_online%&7/&f%server_max_players%'
  316. - '&f------------------------------------'
  317. Footer:
  318. - '&f------------------------------------'
  319. - '&7Money: &f%vault_eco_balance_formatted% &7Time: &f%server_time_HH:mm:ss%'
  320. - '&f------------------------------------'
  321. Notes:
  322. # When enebled, when player logs in who has alert set on him, staff member will get notification that this player have some notes attached to him
  323. ShowOnAlertEvent: true
  324. GroundClean:
  325. # List of item types not to be removed on ground clean action
  326. WhiteList:
  327. - itemType
  328. Chat:
  329. # Will try to modify chat to display it in defined format
  330. ModifyChatFormat: true
  331. # When set to true, regular and private messages (excludes clean messages) will have aditional information when hovering over it (PlaceHOlderAPI supported) and can be clicked for quick reply option
  332. ClickHoverMessages: true
  333. # Used for simple chat messages. Optional variables: {prefix} {suffix} {group}. Supporting PlaceHolderAPI variables like %player_server%
  334. GeneralFormat: '{prefix}&f{displayName}&7: &r{message}'
  335. # Use numeric increments to separate groups from each other. If player has more than one, then line with higher number will be used
  336. # Add as many lines as you need too
  337. # cmi.chatgroup.[id] permnission node to use
  338. GroupFormat:
  339. '1': '&8[&ePlayer&8] &f{displayName}&8: &7{message}'
  340. '2': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &e{message}'
  341. '3': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &e{message}'
  342. '4': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &e{message}'
  343. '5': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &e{message}'
  344. '6': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &e{message}'
  345. '7': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &c{message}'
  346. '8': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &c{message}'
  347. '9': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &c{message}'
  348. '10': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &c{message}'
  349. '11': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &c{message}'
  350. Colors:
  351. # If set to true then all public messages will be filtered from color codes and will allow to colorize them with appropriate permission node
  352. # cmi.colors.publicmessage.[colorName]
  353. # Colors: black(&0), darkblue(&1), darkgreen(&2), darkaqua(&3), darkred(&4), darkpurple(&5), gold(&6), gray(&7), darkgray(&8), blue(&9), green(&a), aqua(&b), red(&c), lightpurple(&d), yellow(&e), white(&f), magic(&k), bold(&l), strikethrough(&m), underline(&n), italic(&o), reset(&r)
  354. PublicMessage: false
  355. # If set to true then private messages will be filtered from color codes and will allow to colorize them with appropriate permission node
  356. # cmi.colors.privatemessage.[colorName]
  357. PrivataMessage: true
  358. # If set to true, then color codes will get removed from text instead of leaving them if player dont have appropriate permission node for that color
  359. CleanUp:
  360. publicmessage: true
  361. privatemessage: true
  362. signs: false
  363. # List of strings to ignore when checkign chat for color codes player cant use.
  364. # This will bypass players colorcode restrictions and will allow usage of particular chat formats
  365. # Applies only for public and private messages
  366. WhiteList:
  367. - '&cā¤&7'
  368. # If set to true then nickName will be filtered from color codes when player changes it
  369. # cmi.colors.nickname.[colorName]
  370. NickName: true
  371. ChatFilter:
  372. Enabled: false
  373. Deny:
  374. ipBlock:
  375. # If not set to true, this filter will not be used
  376. Enabled: true
  377. # Defines filter group and defines required permission node to bypass this filter: cmi.chatfilter.bypass.[groupName]
  378. Group: Advertising
  379. # Regex expresion to filter by. How to use regex
  380. Regex:
  381. - \b[0-9]{1,3}(\.|dot|\(dot\)|-|;|:|,|(\W|\d|_)*\s)+[0-9]{1,3}(\.|dot|\(dot\)|-|;|:|,|(\W|\d|_)*\s)+[0-9]{1,3}(\.|dot|\(dot\)|-|;|:|,|(\W|\d|_)*\s)+[0-9]{1,3}\b
  382. - '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\s?(\.|dot|\(dot\)|-|;|:|,|_|/)\s?([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b'
  383. # With what we need to replace word, if not defined found expresion will not be changed
  384. ReplaceWith: ''
  385. # posible: none, orhers, all
  386. # Where 'none' means everyone will receive this message
  387. # 'others' means that sender will get message but not other players, this is usefull to prevent advertising and silently block it
  388. # 'all' means that no one will receive sent message
  389. BlockType: others
  390. # Players with cmi.chatfilter.inform permisison will receive defined message when rule is broken
  391. msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4advertising with: &r[message]'
  392. # List of commands to perform when rule is broken. Use [senderName] to include message sender name. Supports global variales same as locale file
  393. Commands: []
  394. swearing1:
  395. Enabled: true
  396. Group: Swearing
  397. Regex:
  398. - \bass\b|\basshole
  399. ReplaceWith: dude
  400. BlockType: none
  401. msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4swearing'
  402. Commands:
  403. - msg [senderName] &eDon't swear!
  404. swearing2:
  405. Enabled: true
  406. Group: Swearing
  407. Regex:
  408. - \bfu+ck
  409. ReplaceWith: not good
  410. BlockType: none
  411. msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4swearing'
  412. Commands:
  413. - msg [senderName] &eDon't swear!
  414. # List of regex filter to exlude from block list. Usefull if you want to block all ip/host address but want to allow usage of your own server.
  415. WhiteList:
  416. - \bgoogle.\s?([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b
  417. - \bspigotmc.\s?([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b
  418. DuplicatedMessagePrevention:
  419. # When set to true, plugin will prevent spaming of same or similar messages in short time range. Can be bypased with cmi.chatfilter.spambypass permission
  420. Use: false
  421. # How much in percentage message is counted as same
  422. Percentage: 80
  423. # Defines how often in seconds you can send same/similar message
  424. Interval: 5
  425. # How many commands you can repeat before stopped for cooldown
  426. MinAmount: 2
  427. # If set to true, players public message who is in your ignore list will not be shown
  428. IgnorePublicMessage: false
  429. Tag:
  430. # Enable or not tag system. This will inform player wbout hies name mentioning in public chat if name have @ in front of it
  431. Enabled: true
  432. # When this is set to true, any player mentionings in public messages will be colorized and player will get informed as usual
  433. # This is allot more heavier on server than usual tagging with @, so enable if you know what you are doing
  434. HardCoreMode: false
  435. # Determines color of taged user name in chat with @ in front of name/nickname. Sender should have cmi.tag.color
  436. Color: '&c'
  437. Sound:
  438. # Sound name. Posible ones: ambient_cave, block_anvil_break, block_anvil_destroy, block_anvil_fall, block_anvil_hit, block_anvil_land, block_anvil_place, block_anvil_step, block_anvil_use, block_brewing_stand_brew, block_chest_close, block_chest_locked, block_chest_open, block_chorus_flower_death, block_chorus_flower_grow, block_cloth_break, block_cloth_fall, block_cloth_hit, block_cloth_place, block_cloth_step, block_comparator_click, block_dispenser_dispense, block_dispenser_fail, block_dispenser_launch, block_enchantment_table_use, block_enderchest_close, block_enderchest_open, block_end_gateway_spawn, block_end_portal_frame_fill, block_end_portal_spawn, block_fence_gate_close, block_fence_gate_open, block_fire_ambient, block_fire_extinguish, block_furnace_fire_crackle, block_glass_break, block_glass_fall, block_glass_hit, block_glass_place, block_glass_step, block_grass_break, block_grass_fall, block_grass_hit, block_grass_place, block_grass_step, block_gravel_break, block_gravel_fall, block_gravel_hit, block_gravel_place, block_gravel_step, block_iron_door_close, block_iron_door_open, block_iron_trapdoor_close, block_iron_trapdoor_open, block_ladder_break, block_ladder_fall, block_ladder_hit, block_ladder_place, block_ladder_step, block_lava_ambient, block_lava_extinguish, block_lava_pop, block_lever_click, block_metal_break, block_metal_fall, block_metal_hit, block_metal_place, block_metal_pressureplate_click_off, block_metal_pressureplate_click_on, block_metal_step, block_note_basedrum, block_note_bass, block_note_bell, block_note_chime, block_note_flute, block_note_guitar, block_note_harp, block_note_hat, block_note_pling, block_note_snare, block_note_xylophone, block_piston_contract, block_piston_extend, block_portal_ambient, block_portal_travel, block_portal_trigger, block_redstone_torch_burnout, block_sand_break, block_sand_fall, block_sand_hit, block_sand_place, block_sand_step, block_shulker_box_close, block_shulker_box_open, block_slime_break, block_slime_fall, block_slime_hit, block_slime_place, block_slime_step, block_snow_break, block_snow_fall, block_snow_hit, block_snow_place, block_snow_step, block_stone_break, block_stone_button_click_off, block_stone_button_click_on, block_stone_fall, block_stone_hit, block_stone_place, block_stone_pressureplate_click_off, block_stone_pressureplate_click_on, block_stone_step, block_tripwire_attach, block_tripwire_click_off, block_tripwire_click_on, block_tripwire_detach, block_waterlily_place, block_water_ambient, block_wooden_door_close, block_wooden_door_open, block_wooden_trapdoor_close, block_wooden_trapdoor_open, block_wood_break, block_wood_button_click_off, block_wood_button_click_on, block_wood_fall, block_wood_hit, block_wood_place, block_wood_pressureplate_click_off, block_wood_pressureplate_click_on, block_wood_step, enchant_thorns_hit, entity_armorstand_break, entity_armorstand_fall, entity_armorstand_hit, entity_armorstand_place, entity_arrow_hit, entity_arrow_hit_player, entity_arrow_shoot, entity_bat_ambient, entity_bat_death, entity_bat_hurt, entity_bat_loop, entity_bat_takeoff, entity_blaze_ambient, entity_blaze_burn, entity_blaze_death, entity_blaze_hurt, entity_blaze_shoot, entity_boat_paddle_land, entity_boat_paddle_water, entity_bobber_retrieve, entity_bobber_splash, entity_bobber_throw, entity_cat_ambient, entity_cat_death, entity_cat_hiss, entity_cat_hurt, entity_cat_purr, entity_cat_purreow, entity_chicken_ambient, entity_chicken_death, entity_chicken_egg, entity_chicken_hurt, entity_chicken_step, entity_cow_ambient, entity_cow_death, entity_cow_hurt, entity_cow_milk, entity_cow_step, entity_creeper_death, entity_creeper_hurt, entity_creeper_primed, entity_donkey_ambient, entity_donkey_angry, entity_donkey_chest, entity_donkey_death, entity_donkey_hurt, entity_egg_throw, entity_elder_guardian_ambient, entity_elder_guardian_ambient_land, entity_elder_guardian_curse, entity_elder_guardian_death, entity_elder_guardian_death_land, entity_elder_guardian_flop, entity_elder_guardian_hurt, entity_elder_guardian_hurt_land, entity_enderdragon_ambient, entity_enderdragon_death, entity_enderdragon_fireball_explode, entity_enderdragon_flap, entity_enderdragon_growl, entity_enderdragon_hurt, entity_enderdragon_shoot, entity_endereye_death, entity_endereye_launch, entity_endermen_ambient, entity_endermen_death, entity_endermen_hurt, entity_endermen_scream, entity_endermen_stare, entity_endermen_teleport, entity_endermite_ambient, entity_endermite_death, entity_endermite_hurt, entity_endermite_step, entity_enderpearl_throw, entity_evocation_fangs_attack, entity_evocation_illager_ambient, entity_evocation_illager_cast_spell, entity_evocation_illager_death, entity_evocation_illager_hurt, entity_evocation_illager_prepare_attack, entity_evocation_illager_prepare_summon, entity_evocation_illager_prepare_wololo, entity_experience_bottle_throw, entity_experience_orb_pickup, entity_firework_blast, entity_firework_blast_far, entity_firework_large_blast, entity_firework_large_blast_far, entity_firework_launch, entity_firework_shoot, entity_firework_twinkle, entity_firework_twinkle_far, entity_generic_big_fall, entity_generic_burn, entity_generic_death, entity_generic_drink, entity_generic_eat, entity_generic_explode, entity_generic_extinguish_fire, entity_generic_hurt, entity_generic_small_fall, entity_generic_splash, entity_generic_swim, entity_ghast_ambient, entity_ghast_death, entity_ghast_hurt, entity_ghast_scream, entity_ghast_shoot, entity_ghast_warn, entity_guardian_ambient, entity_guardian_ambient_land, entity_guardian_attack, entity_guardian_death, entity_guardian_death_land, entity_guardian_flop, entity_guardian_hurt, entity_guardian_hurt_land, entity_horse_ambient, entity_horse_angry, entity_horse_armor, entity_horse_breathe, entity_horse_death, entity_horse_eat, entity_horse_gallop, entity_horse_hurt, entity_horse_jump, entity_horse_land, entity_horse_saddle, entity_horse_step, entity_horse_step_wood, entity_hostile_big_fall, entity_hostile_death, entity_hostile_hurt, entity_hostile_small_fall, entity_hostile_splash, entity_hostile_swim, entity_husk_ambient, entity_husk_death, entity_husk_hurt, entity_husk_step, entity_illusion_illager_ambient, entity_illusion_illager_cast_spell, entity_illusion_illager_death, entity_illusion_illager_hurt, entity_illusion_illager_mirror_move, entity_illusion_illager_prepare_blindness, entity_illusion_illager_prepare_mirror, entity_irongolem_attack, entity_irongolem_death, entity_irongolem_hurt, entity_irongolem_step, entity_itemframe_add_item, entity_itemframe_break, entity_itemframe_place, entity_itemframe_remove_item, entity_itemframe_rotate_item, entity_item_break, entity_item_pickup, entity_leashknot_break, entity_leashknot_place, entity_lightning_impact, entity_lightning_thunder, entity_lingeringpotion_throw, entity_llama_ambient, entity_llama_angry, entity_llama_chest, entity_llama_death, entity_llama_eat, entity_llama_hurt, entity_llama_spit, entity_llama_step, entity_llama_swag, entity_magmacube_death, entity_magmacube_hurt, entity_magmacube_jump, entity_magmacube_squish, entity_minecart_inside, entity_minecart_riding, entity_mooshroom_shear, entity_mule_ambient, entity_mule_chest, entity_mule_death, entity_mule_hurt, entity_painting_break, entity_painting_place, entity_parrot_ambient, entity_parrot_death, entity_parrot_eat, entity_parrot_fly, entity_parrot_hurt, entity_parrot_imitate_blaze, entity_parrot_imitate_creeper, entity_parrot_imitate_elder_guardian, entity_parrot_imitate_enderdragon, entity_parrot_imitate_enderman, entity_parrot_imitate_endermite, entity_parrot_imitate_evocation_illager, entity_parrot_imitate_ghast, entity_parrot_imitate_husk, entity_parrot_imitate_illusion_illager, entity_parrot_imitate_magmacube, entity_parrot_imitate_polar_bear, entity_parrot_imitate_shulker, entity_parrot_imitate_silverfish, entity_parrot_imitate_skeleton, entity_parrot_imitate_slime, entity_parrot_imitate_spider, entity_parrot_imitate_stray, entity_parrot_imitate_vex, entity_parrot_imitate_vindication_illager, entity_parrot_imitate_witch, entity_parrot_imitate_wither, entity_parrot_imitate_wither_skeleton, entity_parrot_imitate_wolf, entity_parrot_imitate_zombie, entity_parrot_imitate_zombie_pigman, entity_parrot_imitate_zombie_villager, entity_parrot_step, entity_pig_ambient, entity_pig_death, entity_pig_hurt, entity_pig_saddle, entity_pig_step, entity_player_attack_crit, entity_player_attack_knockback, entity_player_attack_nodamage, entity_player_attack_strong, entity_player_attack_sweep, entity_player_attack_weak, entity_player_big_fall, entity_player_breath, entity_player_burp, entity_player_death, entity_player_hurt, entity_player_hurt_drown, entity_player_hurt_on_fire, entity_player_levelup, entity_player_small_fall, entity_player_splash, entity_player_swim, entity_polar_bear_ambient, entity_polar_bear_baby_ambient, entity_polar_bear_death, entity_polar_bear_hurt, entity_polar_bear_step, entity_polar_bear_warning, entity_rabbit_ambient, entity_rabbit_attack, entity_rabbit_death, entity_rabbit_hurt, entity_rabbit_jump, entity_sheep_ambient, entity_sheep_death, entity_sheep_hurt, entity_sheep_shear, entity_sheep_step, entity_shulker_ambient, entity_shulker_bullet_hit, entity_shulker_bullet_hurt, entity_shulker_close, entity_shulker_death, entity_shulker_hurt, entity_shulker_hurt_closed, entity_shulker_open, entity_shulker_shoot, entity_shulker_teleport, entity_silverfish_ambient, entity_silverfish_death, entity_silverfish_hurt, entity_silverfish_step, entity_skeleton_ambient, entity_skeleton_death, entity_skeleton_horse_ambient, entity_skeleton_horse_death, entity_skeleton_horse_hurt, entity_skeleton_hurt, entity_skeleton_shoot, entity_skeleton_step, entity_slime_attack, entity_slime_death, entity_slime_hurt, entity_slime_jump, entity_slime_squish, entity_small_magmacube_death, entity_small_magmacube_hurt, entity_small_magmacube_squish, entity_small_slime_death, entity_small_slime_hurt, entity_small_slime_jump, entity_small_slime_squish, entity_snowball_throw, entity_snowman_ambient, entity_snowman_death, entity_snowman_hurt, entity_snowman_shoot, entity_spider_ambient, entity_spider_death, entity_spider_hurt, entity_spider_step, entity_splash_potion_break, entity_splash_potion_throw, entity_squid_ambient, entity_squid_death, entity_squid_hurt, entity_stray_ambient, entity_stray_death, entity_stray_hurt, entity_stray_step, entity_tnt_primed, entity_vex_ambient, entity_vex_charge, entity_vex_death, entity_vex_hurt, entity_villager_ambient, entity_villager_death, entity_villager_hurt, entity_villager_no, entity_villager_trading, entity_villager_yes, entity_vindication_illager_ambient, entity_vindication_illager_death, entity_vindication_illager_hurt, entity_witch_ambient, entity_witch_death, entity_witch_drink, entity_witch_hurt, entity_witch_throw, entity_wither_ambient, entity_wither_break_block, entity_wither_death, entity_wither_hurt, entity_wither_shoot, entity_wither_skeleton_ambient, entity_wither_skeleton_death, entity_wither_skeleton_hurt, entity_wither_skeleton_step, entity_wither_spawn, entity_wolf_ambient, entity_wolf_death, entity_wolf_growl, entity_wolf_howl, entity_wolf_hurt, entity_wolf_pant, entity_wolf_shake, entity_wolf_step, entity_wolf_whine, entity_zombie_ambient, entity_zombie_attack_door_wood, entity_zombie_attack_iron_door, entity_zombie_break_door_wood, entity_zombie_death, entity_zombie_horse_ambient, entity_zombie_horse_death, entity_zombie_horse_hurt, entity_zombie_hurt, entity_zombie_infect, entity_zombie_pig_ambient, entity_zombie_pig_angry, entity_zombie_pig_death, entity_zombie_pig_hurt, entity_zombie_step, entity_zombie_villager_ambient, entity_zombie_villager_converted, entity_zombie_villager_cure, entity_zombie_villager_death, entity_zombie_villager_hurt, entity_zombie_villager_step, item_armor_equip_chain, item_armor_equip_diamond, item_armor_equip_elytra, item_armor_equip_generic, item_armor_equip_gold, item_armor_equip_iron, item_armor_equip_leather, item_bottle_empty, item_bottle_fill, item_bottle_fill_dragonbreath, item_bucket_empty, item_bucket_empty_lava, item_bucket_fill, item_bucket_fill_lava, item_chorus_fruit_teleport, item_elytra_flying, item_firecharge_use, item_flintandsteel_use, item_hoe_till, item_shield_block, item_shield_break, item_shovel_flatten, item_totem_use, music_creative, music_credits, music_dragon, music_end, music_game, music_menu, music_nether, record_11, record_13, record_blocks, record_cat, record_chirp, record_far, record_mall, record_mellohi, record_stal, record_strad, record_wait, record_ward, ui_button_click, ui_toast_challenge_complete, ui_toast_in, ui_toast_out, weather_rain, weather_rain_above
  439. Name: BLOCK_NOTE_HARP
  440. Volume: 1
  441. Pitch: 3
  442. # When set to true, @ simbol will be removed
  443. RemoveEta: false
  444. Command:
  445. CommandFilter:
  446. Duplicate:
  447. # When set to true, plugin will prevent spaming of same or similar command in short time range. Can be bypased with cmi.commandfilter.bypass permission
  448. Use: false
  449. # How much in percentage command is counted as same
  450. Percentage: 80
  451. # Defines how often in seconds you can send same/similar commands
  452. Interval: 5
  453. # How many commands you can repeat before stopped for cooldown
  454. MinAmount: 2
  455. # Whitelisted commands to ignore
  456. WhiteList:
  457. - msg
  458. - tell
  459. - login
  460. - register
  461. Spy:
  462. # Delay in seconds for commands spy to turn on after relog
  463. # This will prevent some one from loging in with admin account and seying commands before loging in
  464. # Keep it at same or higher than your login plugin delay for entering password
  465. # This includes social spy too
  466. DelayForTrigger: 60
  467. # Commands in this list will not be shown when command spy is enabeld for player for security/privacy reasons
  468. BlackListed:
  469. - register
  470. - login
  471. - l
  472. PlayerNotes:
  473. # For how long to keep players notes in days
  474. ExpiresIn: 30
  475. PlayerMail:
  476. # For how long to keep players mail in days
  477. ExpiresIn: 30
  478. NickName:
  479. # Format of nick name. By default only nick name will be visible. Keep in mind that in example Essentials add groups prefix in front
  480. # Posible varibales: {prefix} {suffix}
  481. Format: '{nickName}'
  482. # Prevents players to change their nick name to one of defined without permission
  483. # Use lower case
  484. # cmi.command.nick.bypassblacklist
  485. # to bypass protection against already in use name/nickname use cmi.command.nick.bypassinuse
  486. BlackList:
  487. - admin
  488. - administrator
  489. - server
  490. - staff
  491. - staf
  492. # Max length of nick name, can be bypassed with cmi.command.nick.bypass.length
  493. MaxLength: 16
  494. # Shows if there is an available new version on login with cmi.versioncheck permission node
  495. ShowNewVersion: true
  496. Spawners:
  497. Break:
  498. # Enable or disable spawner handler for spawner break
  499. # If enabled player will get spawner if using silktouch pickaxe and have cmi.dropspawner permission node
  500. # If player has cmi.dropspawner.nosilk permission node, player is not required to use silk touch pickaxe to get droped spawner
  501. Enabled: false
  502. # Minimal silktouch level required to get spawner back
  503. SilkTouchLevel: 1
  504. Place:
  505. # Enable or disable spawner handler for spawner place
  506. # If enabled player will place spawner depending from what it is by its type
  507. # If disabled then spawner will be placed in normal way and it will allow other plugins to handle its placement
  508. Enabled: true
  509. # If set to true, player will need to have appropriate permission node to place spawner by its type
  510. RequiresPermission: false
  511. # RequiresPermission should be set to true for this to work. If set to true, player will need to have particular permission node to place particular spawner.
  512. # In example: player should have cmi.placespawner.pig to place pig spawner, or cmi.placespawner.zombie to place zombie spawner
  513. # If set to false, then player will need to have basic cmi.placespawner permission to place any type of spawner
  514. RequiresExactPermission: false
  515. Interact:
  516. # When set to true, players trying to change spawner with monster egg will require approrpiate permission node
  517. # In example: player should have cmi.egginteract.pig to change spawner into pig, or cmi.egginteract.zombie to change into zombie spawner
  518. EggRequiresPermission: false
  519. # If set to true, spawners will have chance to be dropped when destroying with tnt
  520. TnTExplosionDrop:
  521. use: false
  522. # Chance in percentage for spawner to drop
  523. Chance: 30
  524. # If set to true, spawners will have chance to be dropped when destroyed by creeper
  525. CreeperExplosionDrop:
  526. use: false
  527. Chance: 30
  528. Charges:
  529. # When enabled players will be assigned to particular spawner charges group who have cmi.spawners.charge.[groupName] permission node
  530. # Players will be limited to how many spawners they can mine
  531. # StartingCharge will determine how many charges they will have on first time joining group
  532. # MaxCharge will limit to how many charges you can have at one time
  533. # Cooldown determines how often new charge will be given
  534. # Bonus is optional and it will determine by how many seconds to lower cooldown for next charge when placing spawner
  535. # Option to bypass limitations with cmi.spawners.charge.bypass
  536. Use: false
  537. # If set to true when player runs out of spawner charges spawner will be destroyed without droping it
  538. BreakWithoutCharge: false
  539. List:
  540. Noob:
  541. Use: false
  542. StartingCharge: 2
  543. MaxCharge: 5
  544. Cooldown: 3600
  545. Bonus: 10
  546. Advanced:
  547. Use: false
  548. StartingCharge: 3
  549. MaxCharge: 6
  550. Cooldown: 3000
  551. Bonus: 10
  552. Proximity:
  553. # Allws to limit how tight spawners can be placed from each other
  554. Use: false
  555. # Radius in blocks from blaced block. Max range is 16
  556. # Can bypass with cmi.spawners.proximity.bypass
  557. Range: 3
  558. ItemRenaming:
  559. # When set to true, players will be denyied from renaming defined items
  560. # Option to define specific name by using regex format
  561. Prevent: false
  562. List:
  563. - mobspawner:([A-z]+ (?i)\w*spawner)
  564. SpawnMob:
  565. # Defines how many passengers entities can be spawned at once
  566. MaxQuantity: 10
  567. MaxPassengers: 10
  568. Counter:
  569. # Default range to use when performing /counter start
  570. Range: 10
  571. Mirror:
  572. # Defines how far in blocks from mirror center you can build
  573. # This is mainly to protect from forgeting to turn off mirror and starting to build on different side of map
  574. MaxRange: 50
  575. NetherPortal:
  576. # Can prevent nether portal creation entirely. Option to bypass with cmi.netherportalbypass
  577. PreventCreation: false
  578. # Maximum height nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  579. MaxHeight: 23
  580. # Maximum width nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  581. MaxWidth: 23
  582. Portals:
  583. # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player entered portal or not
  584. # Bigger numbers can help slightly lower server load but small portals, 1 block depth without back wall can be passed throw without teleportations if player moves fast enought
  585. CheckInterval: 300
  586. # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player entered portal range for particles to apear
  587. CheckParticleInterval: 500
  588. # Perform commands on teleport or not
  589. PerformCommands: true
  590. # Commands to be performed on teleport event
  591. Commands:
  592. - cmi effect [playerName] blindness 2 1 -s
  593. Animations:
  594. # Enable siting on stair block by clicking on them with empty hand or by looking and using command
  595. # Requires cmi.command.sit.stairs
  596. SitOnStairs: true
  597. StairsAsChairs: true
  598. SlabsAsChairs: true
  599. # All posible damage causes: contact, entity_attack, entity_sweep_attack, projectile, suffocation, fall, fire, fire_tick, melting, lava, drowning, block_explosion, entity_explosion, void, lightning, suicide, starvation, poison, magic, wither, falling_block, thorns, dragon_breath, custom, fly_into_wall, hot_floor, cramming,
  600. # Sintax should be [permissionNode]:[damageCause]:[multiplier]
  601. # Example: nolavadamage:lava:0 will prevent lava damage with cmi.damagecontrol.nolavadamage permission node
  602. # Negative values will heal player instead of damaging him
  603. # If player have more than one permission node for same damage cause, then last one in list will be used to determine final damage
  604. DamageControl:
  605. - nowalldamage:fly_into_wall:0
  606. - lowermagmacubedamage:hot_floor:0.5
  607. Totem:
  608. # When this set to true, on players death totem will be used even if he is not holding it in hand
  609. RemoveFromInventory: false
  610. Cooldown:
  611. # When this set to true player can use totem only every X second
  612. Use: false
  613. Time: 600
  614. Warmup:
  615. # When this set to true player can use totem to have X amount of second's, during which he can die and be resurected
  616. # Totem will be consumed durring activation and wont be returned even if resurection is not used during warmup time
  617. Use: false
  618. Time: 10
  619. Elytra:
  620. # cmi.elytra - allows usage of elytra
  621. # cmi.elytra.boost - allows usage of boost
  622. # cmi.elytra.superboost - allows ussage of super boost
  623. # cmi.elytra.speedometer - allows to see speedometer
  624. Boost:
  625. # Max speed until player wont get any boost
  626. SpeedLimit: 200
  627. # When enabled items/exp wont be consumed if player is over speed limit
  628. SpeedLimitStop: false
  629. # Do you want to show decimals in speed
  630. SpeedDecimals: true
  631. # By how much boost player on each use
  632. GeneralMultyplier: 0.1
  633. # By how much boost player on each super boost use
  634. # Use shift while using simple boost
  635. SuperMultyplier: 0.3
  636. # Uses defined items instead of exp
  637. UseItems: false
  638. # item id
  639. Item: '288'
  640. # Requires to hold defined item in hand. Only when UseItems is set to false
  641. RequiresItem: true
  642. # Amount consumed on each boost
  643. Amount: 1
  644. # Amount consumed on each super boost
  645. SuperAmount: 5
  646. # Shows particles when flying
  647. ShowParticles: true
  648. Launch:
  649. Time: 2
  650. FlightCharge:
  651. # Do you want to enable flight charge feature
  652. Enabled: false
  653. # How much charge to give for one exp point
  654. # Set to 0 to disable this type of recharge
  655. ExpRechargeRate: 1
  656. # How much charge to give for one currency point
  657. # Set to 0 to disable this type of recharge
  658. MoneyRechargeRate: 1
  659. # Defines maximum amount of charge player can have
  660. # One charge is one traveled block while flying
  661. # if player dosent move, then one charge for each second while hovering
  662. MaxChargeLevel: 1000
  663. # Defines multiplier when player doesnt move but is hovering. For each second player hovers.
  664. # Set to 0 to disable
  665. DeductOnIdling: 1
  666. # Defines multiplier when player falls down of charge to be taken
  667. # This only effects when player falls from above 3 blocks of hight
  668. # In example if player falls from 10 blocks height, then 7 * 2 = 14 charges will be taken
  669. # This is to prevent avoiding no penealty from jumping from clifs
  670. # Set to 0 if you want to disable it
  671. DeductOnFallMulti: 2
  672. # Defines if you want to damage player when he falls down from higher than 3 blocks height
  673. # This will not kill player even if he would drop from 200 block height, but will leave him with 1 hp
  674. # This will only effect players who jumped down and not those who disabled fly mode in mid air
  675. DamageOnFall: true
  676. # DamageOnFall should be enabled for this to work
  677. # This will define if you want to damage player when he deactivates fly mode in mid air
  678. DamageOnToggle: false
  679. # DamageOnFall should be enabled for this to work
  680. # This will define if you want to kill player if fall damage if higher than his health amount
  681. KillOnFall: false
  682. Point:
  683. # Default particle for point command. Options: fireworks_spark, crit, magic_crit, potion_swirl, potion_swirl_transparent, spell, instant_spell, witch_magic, note, portal, flying_glyph, flame, lava_pop, footstep, splash, particle_smoke, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion, void_fog, small_smoke, cloud, coloured_dust, snowball_break, waterdrip, lavadrip, snow_shovel, slime, heart, villager_thundercloud, happy_villager, large_smoke, tile_break, tile_dust,
  684. DefaultParticle: COLOURED_DUST
  685. Messages:
  686. Login:
  687. # If set to true, login message wont be shown
  688. Disabled: false
  689. Custom:
  690. # If set to true, custom login message will be used. cmi.messages.disablelogin can be used to disable message for player
  691. Use: false
  692. Logout:
  693. # If set to true, logout message wont be shown
  694. Disabled: false
  695. Custom:
  696. # If set to true, custom logout message will be used. cmi.messages.disablequit can be used to disable message for player
  697. Use: false
  698. # Check locale file for translation and custom placeholders: [playername], [totalUsers], [onlinePlayers]
  699. FirstJoinMessage:
  700. Use: false
  701. # Defines name of customtext on players login to server. To disable just set name to non existing customText
  702. Motd: welcomeMessage
  703. Spawn:
  704. # Defines players spawn point after death if set to true, if not, then it will be used only for /cmi spawn command
  705. Main:
  706. World: spawn
  707. X: 0.36159453768896266
  708. Y: 100.0
  709. Z: 0.5101071882486693
  710. Pitch: 7.1999993
  711. Yaw: -6.177711
  712. RespawnLocation: false
  713. Rng: 0
  714. # Defines players first spawn point when he logs into server for the first time
  715. FirstSpawn:
  716. Use: true
  717. World: None
  718. X: 0.0
  719. Y: 0.0
  720. Z: 0.0
  721. Pitch: 0.0
  722. Yaw: 0.0
  723. Newbie:
  724. # Kit name to give for new players joining server
  725. Kit: Newbie
  726. Kits:
  727. # When set to true, kit list will be shown in GUI instead of chat list
  728. GUI: true
  729. # When set to true, kit selection gui empty fields will get filled with definet item
  730. FillEmptyFields: true
  731. Warps:
  732. # When set to true, warps list will be shown in GUI instead of chat list
  733. GUI: true
  734. # How many warps to show in each page
  735. perPage: 50
  736. # Do you want to save warp creator
  737. saveCreator: false
  738. # Do you want to show creator in warp list
  739. showCreator: false
  740. GlobalGui:
  741. # Defines item type in empty fields in GUI when its needed to be filled up
  742. EmptyField: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  743. DynamicViewRange:
  744. # By setting to true will enable dynamic view range feature. Its still in beta stage and can result in some CPU load increase.
  745. # Don't enable if you are not using this feature on your server
  746. Enabled: false
  747. WorldLimits:
  748. # By setting to true fly and gamemode limitations per world will be aplied for player on world change if they dont have appropiate permission node
  749. Enabled: false
  750. # World list with default game modes
  751. # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass permission node, game mode wont be changed
  752. # Posible modes: creative, survival, adventure, spectator,
  753. Gamemode:
  754. - world:Survival
  755. # If player will have permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  756. Fly:
  757. - world:False
  758. # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  759. GodMode:
  760. - world:False
  762. SpawnReasons:
  763. world:
  764. - None
  765. world_nether:
  766. - None
  767. world_the_end:
  768. - None
  769. # Checks and shows on players login if he have been changed hes name over Mojang
  770. # Looks to be working only with online servers, duhhhh
  771. CheckForNameChange:
  772. OnLogin: true
  773. AmountToShow: 3
  774. OnInfoShow: true
  775. inv:
  776. # Do you want to save the player's inventory on his death
  777. SaveOnDeath: false
  778. # When set to true, empty inventories (no items in inventory) will not be saved on players death
  779. IgnoreEmpty: false
  780. # If set to true then player should have cmi.saveinv permission node for inventory to be saved on death
  781. RequiresPermission: false
  782. # How many inventories, we will keep for each player
  783. SavedInventories: 5
  784. hunger:
  785. # Do you want to give more than 20 hunger for players
  786. overide: false
  787. heal:
  788. RemoveNegative:
  789. # Do you want to remove negative potion effects from player on heal
  790. use: false
  791. List:
  792. - blindness
  793. - confusion
  794. - harm
  795. - hunger
  796. - poison
  797. - slow
  798. - slow_digging
  799. - weakness
  800. - wither
  801. Cuff:
  802. # When set to false will allow players to talk who is cuffed
  803. Mute: true
  804. AllowedCommands:
  805. - msg
  806. - r
  807. - tell
  808. Dispose:
  809. # defines how big is dispose ui 1-6
  810. UILines: 4
  811. ItemRepair:
  812. RepairShare:
  813. # When enabled will prevent players repairing items for others in anvil regular way. They still can use items and repairs normaly for them selfs
  814. # Can be bypassed with
  815. ProtectNormalRepair: false
  816. # When enabled will prevent players repairing items for others with CMI command. They still can use items and repairs normaly for them selfs
  817. ProtectCommandRepair: false
  818. # Sets durability on item when another picks it up or selects in inventory. Set to 0 or less if you don't want to change durability
  819. Durability: 1
  820. # When set to true, player who have permission will bypass this protection and can use other user repaired items without any aditional actions
  821. BypassWithRepairPermission: true
  822. # When enabled aditional lore line will be added when player can't use that item. This will not be shown for owner of item
  823. AddLore: true
  824. # When set to true, interact event will be canceled to prevent item usage
  825. CancelEvent: true
  826. # When set to true, player will get message informing about item usage he dint repaired him self
  827. InformWithMessage: true
  828. Cooldowns:
  829. # You can enable any command cooldown to prevent intence usage of it
  830. # Heal:180 means that player can use /heal command only once every 180 seconds
  831. # if cooldown set to -1 then this command can be performed only one time
  832. # Administration can bypass limitations with cmi.command.[comandName].cooldownbypass permission node
  833. Enabled: false
  834. List:
  835. - Heal:180
  836. - Feed:120
  837. WarmUps:
  838. # You can enable any command warmup to prevent instant command usage
  839. # tp:5:false means that when player performs /tp command he will need to wait 5 sec
  840. # false variable is optional and when its set to false player cant move while warmup is counting
  841. # If you dont want to deny empty warp command but want to deny any extra variable after that, then just add space, in example 'warp :5:false'
  842. # When setting warmups for CMI commands, use full command name and not allias, in example 'cmi warp:5false'
  843. # Administration can bypass limitations with cmi.command.[comandName].warmupbypass permission node
  844. # ATTENTION! cmi home command is being handled in special way and to prevent double warmup, add space, example: - cmi home :5:false
  845. Enabled: false
  846. InformOnNoMove: true
  847. List:
  848. - tp:5:false
  849. - back:3:true
  850. scan:
  851. # Tps cap from which to start adjusting scan speed
  852. SoftCap: 19.0
  853. # Staring speed when scanning. Range from 1 to 30
  854. DefaultSpeed: 15
  855. # When this set to true, when using scan feature and not providing range, whole map will be scanned
  856. GlobalRangeByDefault: false
  857. # Range in chunks. 2 is 25 chunks, 1 is 9 and 0 is only chunk you are standing in
  858. DefaultRange: 0
  859. # When this set to true, all found items in containers will be removed automaticaly durring scan. Ex: /scan id 7 purge
  860. EnablePurge: false
  861. search:
  862. # When this set to true, all found items in inventories will be deleted durring search. Ex: /cmi search id 7 purge
  863. EnablePurge: false
  864. lfix:
  865. # This is heavy on server resourses feature, enable if you have to spare some or pregenerating world
  866. # When set to true, plugin will try to fix light issues on chunk generation
  867. # This will remove most light gliches but its not 100% bullet prof and some bugs can still be seen
  868. # In some cases you will need to relog to see updated light's
  869. FixOnChunkGeneration: false
  870. # List of worlds where we need to fix light issues on chunk generation
  871. WorldsToFix:
  872. - world
  873. - world_nether
  874. - world_the_end
  875. # Tps cap from which to start adjusting light fix speed
  876. SoftCap: 19.0
  877. # Staring speed when fixing light. Range from 1 to 100
  878. DefaultSpeed: 15
  879. purge:
  880. # Cleans files on server startup
  881. CleanOnStart: true
  882. # How long player should be offline for his data to be moved
  883. OfflineDays: 60
  884. PlayerData:
  885. # Do you want to enable player data file cleaning
  886. Enabled: true
  887. # Source folder to take files from
  888. SourceFolder: world/playerdata
  889. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  890. DeleteFiles: false
  891. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  892. DestinationFolder: world/playerdata_backup
  893. PlayerStats:
  894. # Do you want to enable player stats file cleaning
  895. Enabled: true
  896. # Source folder to take files from
  897. SourceFolder: world/stats
  898. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  899. DeleteFiles: false
  900. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  901. DestinationFolder: world/stats_backup
  902. PlayerAdvancements:
  903. # Do you want to enable player Advancements file cleaning
  904. Enabled: true
  905. # Source folder to take files from
  906. SourceFolder: world/Advancements
  907. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  908. DeleteFiles: false
  909. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  910. DestinationFolder: world/Advancements_backup
  911. Essentials:
  912. # Do you want to enable essentials playerdata file cleaning
  913. Enabled: false
  914. # Source folder to take files from
  915. SourceFolder: plugins/Essentials/userdata
  916. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  917. DeleteFiles: false
  918. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  919. DestinationFolder: plugins/Essentials/userdata_backup
  920. LWC:
  921. # Do you want to enable lwc protection cleaning
  922. Enabled: false
  923. Selection:
  924. # Tool id to use for selection actions
  925. Tool: wood_hoe
  926. Time:
  927. # Defines preset time
  928. Day: '12:00'
  929. Night: '24:00'
  930. Morning: 06:00
  931. Dusk: '18:00'
  932. AutoTime:
  933. # Time in seconds time in game will be adjusted to match real
  934. # Keep it at arround one minute
  935. Interval: 60
  936. # Worlds effected by autotime adjustment
  937. Worlds:
  938. - ''
  939. Enchanting:
  940. enchantLimits:
  941. # By disabling this, no limitation to enchanting will be applied
  942. Enabled: true
  943. MaxLevel:
  944. protection_environmental: 4
  945. protection_fire: 4
  946. protection_fall: 4
  947. protection_explosions: 4
  948. protection_projectile: 4
  949. oxygen: 3
  950. water_worker: 1
  951. mending: 1
  952. thorns: 3
  953. vanishing_curse: 1
  954. depth_strider: 3
  955. frost_walker: 2
  956. binding_curse: 1
  957. damage_all: 5
  958. damage_undead: 5
  959. damage_arthropods: 5
  960. knockback: 2
  961. fire_aspect: 2
  962. loot_bonus_mobs: 3
  963. sweeping_edge: 3
  964. dig_speed: 5
  965. silk_touch: 1
  966. durability: 3
  967. loot_bonus_blocks: 3
  968. arrow_damage: 5
  969. arrow_knockback: 2
  970. arrow_fire: 1
  971. arrow_infinite: 1
  972. luck: 3
  973. lure: 3
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