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a guest
Aug 16th, 2018
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  1. Started GET "/puppetclasses/import_environments" for at Fri May 25 11:31:25 +0200 2012
  2. Processing by PuppetclassesController#import_environments as HTML
  3. Operation FAILED: 404 Resource Not Found: <!DOCTYPE html>
  4. <html>
  5. <head>
  6. <style type="text/css">
  7. body { text-align:center;font-family:helvetica,arial;font-size:22px;
  8. color:#888;margin:20px}
  9. #c {margin:0 auto;width:500px;text-align:left}
  10. </style>
  11. </head>
  12. <body>
  13. <h2>Sinatra doesn't know this ditty.</h2>
  14. <img src='/__sinatra__/404.png'>
  15. <div id="c">
  16. Try this:
  17. <pre>get '/puppet/environments' do
  18. "Hello World"
  19. end</pre>
  20. </div>
  21. </body>
  22. </html>
  23. Rendered bookmarks/_list.html.erb (2.0ms)
  24. Rendered bookmarks/_list.html.erb (0.5ms)
  25. Rendered home/_settings.html.erb (6.3ms)
  26. Rendered home/_topbar.rhtml (16.0ms)
  27. Rendered common/500.rhtml within layouts/application (29.4ms)
  28. Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 237ms (Views: 30.8ms | ActiveRecord: 7.3ms)
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