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Crocodiles! Why did it have to be Crocodiles!

a guest
Jun 12th, 2011
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  1. [16:57] <Alcyone> On Saturday, Alcyone spends the day trying to ALCHEMIZE her BROOM before she remembers she needs to pick up her armor.
  2. [16:58] <~Paradox> (what are you alchemizing to the broom?)
  3. [16:58] <Alcyone> (Razor Claw)
  4. [16:59] <Alcyone> (alternately, Leaf Stone)
  5. [16:59] <~Paradox> (I'm going to say ALCHEMIZING requires you to input exactly 3 base items each time)
  6. [16:59] <~Paradox> (So BROOM + RAZOR CLAW + LEAF STONE? )
  7. [16:59] <Alcyone> (sure)
  8. [17:01] <~Paradox> Alcyone alchemizes her WINGS OF STARDUST, a RAZOR CLAW, and a LEAF STONE! This results in...
  9. [17:02] <~Paradox> 4d10 damage broom, 18-20 crit
  10. [17:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, damage broom, 18-20 crit: 25 [4d10=7,8,4,6]
  11. [17:02] <~Paradox> grass type damage
  12. [17:03] <Alcyone> (:3)
  13. [17:03] <~Paradox> This weapon lets Alcyone use the move RAZOR LEAF once per encounter!
  14. 03[17:04] * Kit is now known as Ford
  15. 06[17:05] * Alcyone christens it the Verdant Broom "Blade of the World Tree"
  16. [17:05] <~Paradox> Or fuck it, lets say At-Will. 4d10+INT melee or 3d10+INT ranged seems fair.
  17. [17:06] <Alcyone> you sure?
  18. [17:06] <~Paradox> Yes. She can't be any more broken than Brick is
  19. [17:06] <Alcyone> :B ok
  20. [17:06] <~Paradox> hehe I can't wait until tuesday
  21. [17:07] <~Paradox> so many shenanigans
  22. 06[17:07] * Alcyone belatedly remembers the armor. OH CRAP OH CRAP ETC
  23. 06[17:07] * Alcyone runs to pick it up.
  24. [17:07] <Alcyone> (yes. I CAN'T WAIT EITHER)
  25. [17:07] <~Paradox> You pick up the armor from Miss Waters without any trouble.
  26. [17:08] <~Paradox> It's a CHAIN SHIRT. 8DR for Alcyone!
  27. 06[17:08] * Alcyone pays for it, says thank you, and tries to sell off her old armor so she can eat for the week ;_;
  28. [17:09] <~Paradox> Alcyone gets a 1k discount for trading her old armor in.
  29. [17:09] <Alcyone> yaay
  30. [17:10] <Alcyone> (I'm gonna have to figure out how to take itemfinder without going clairsentient. Though I could totally go clairsentient instead of air adept)
  31. [17:11] <Alcyone> ANYWAY
  32. [17:12] <Alcyone> On Sunday, Alcyone takes her spiffy new equipment and goes to meet up with the boss. :]
  33. 03[17:15] * Alcyone is now known as Nerea
  34. [17:16] <~Paradox> (We'll do that ... some other time I guess, since you have GAEM)
  35. 01[17:21] <Plutonis> (Eh, we can do mine now then?)
  36. [17:22] <~Paradox> (gha I just put things in the oven)
  37. [17:22] <~Paradox> (In about ... 20/30 mins?)
  38. 01[17:23] <Plutonis> (Okay, meanwhile i'm going to work on my stuff)
  39. 03[17:49] * Plutonis is now known as PlutonisBRB
  40. [17:57] <~Paradox> Let me know when you're about, Plutonis
  41. 03[18:03] * PlutonisBRB is now known as Plutonis
  42. 01[18:04] <Plutonis> had to grab some grub, sorry
  43. [18:05] <~Paradox> It's cool
  44. [18:06] <~Paradox> You have WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY to do things!
  45. [18:06] <~Paradox> Options include: Going catchan, training, research, shopping.
  46. 01[18:08] <Plutonis> Hmmm, some details after we went back to town?
  47. 01[18:08] <Plutonis> anything new happened?
  48. 01[18:09] <Plutonis> And what were the stats of the new glaive i got anyway?
  49. [18:10] <~Paradox> 4d10 damage, Steel Type
  50. [18:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, damage, Steel Type: 27 [4d10=8,10,1,8]
  51. 01[18:10] <Plutonis> noice!
  52. [18:10] <~Paradox> You could try asking Alcyone is she could ALCHEMIZE IT with your cane and another item!
  53. 01[18:11] <Plutonis> Going to do it on sunday, i guess! Meanwhile...
  54. 03[18:11] * Plutonis is now known as Dr_Floyd
  55. [18:12] <~Paradox> Anyway
  56. [18:12] <~Paradox> Nothing of particular note occured in town during your absence
  57. 06[18:12] * Dr_Floyd researches the info he got on the temple on Wednesday.
  58. [18:13] <~Paradox> There's been no other attacks at sea, but the Imperial Navy dispatch that was sent out never did find that sea monster.
  59. [18:13] <~Paradox> What info in particular?
  60. 01[18:13] <Dr_Floyd> (Also, how are fossil revivals done? I want to ressurect my kabuto)
  61. [18:13] <~Paradox> (It's an armor fossil, not a dome fossil~)
  62. 01[18:13] <Dr_Floyd> (Ah, Anorith)
  63. [18:14] <~Paradox> (nope, that's the claw fossil. Armor is Shieldon)
  64. 01[18:15] <Dr_Floyd> The creepy knife and idols we got and maybe the civilization who inhabited the place.
  65. [18:15] <~Paradox> (roll int 3 times)
  66. [18:15] <Nerea> (I've got the knife)
  67. [18:15] <Nerea> (if that matters)
  68. 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
  69. [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 8 [1d20=2]
  70. 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
  71. [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 20 [1d20=14]
  72. 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
  73. [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 9 [1d20=3]
  74. [18:18] <~Paradox> You spend the day researching, but it seems there isn't much info on the tribe. What you CAN find is that their civilization was basically toppled as a result of a bloody war with the first Imperial Explorers that founded the Imperial Colony at Mankey Island.
  75. 01[18:19] <Dr_Floyd> "Good riddance to zose savages..." Floyd mumbles while reading.
  76. [18:19] <~Paradox> So they've been gone for a good 120 year or so, in theory. However, that seems wrong; the catacoms were even older than that.
  77. 01[18:21] <Dr_Floyd> (Just that?)
  78. [18:21] <~Paradox> Yep, just that.
  79. [18:22] <~Paradox> As for your fossil! Make an INT roll.
  80. 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
  81. [18:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 26 [1d20=20]
  82. 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> (Whoa nelly!)
  83. [18:23] <Nerea> (whelp.jpg)
  84. 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> (should have made a revival machine with that roll!)
  85. [18:25] <~Paradox> You are struck with inspiration. You accidentally make a revival machine.
  86. [18:25] <~Paradox> You were just bored, it's not like you were trying to or anything. nbd.
  87. 01[18:26] <Dr_Floyd> "BWAHAHAHHA! Ze pover of ze dead vill return viz ze pover of SCIENCE!" Floyd laughs maniacally while building his apocalyptic fossil revival machine. (That's going to take thursday, right?)
  88. [18:27] <~Paradox> (yep)
  89. [18:27] <~Paradox> (actually no, lets say you did that Wednesday too)
  90. 01[18:28] <Dr_Floyd> (yaay)
  91. [18:28] <~Paradox> (Since all you did Wed. otherwise is find a little piece of info. Hardly a day's work)
  92. 01[18:28] <Dr_Floyd> "Should 'ave called madeimoiselle Alcyone to see eet in action. Oh vell, time to test it!" Floyd puts the armor fossil on the steam-powered chamber and pulls a lever on the machine.
  93. 01[18:32] <Dr_Floyd> (So? It works?)
  94. [18:33] <~Paradox> 1d20+6
  95. [18:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20+6: 11 [1d20=5]
  96. [18:33] <~Paradox> It'll take a few days you think but in theory it's working!
  97. 01[18:35] <Dr_Floyd> Thursday i will go do some capturing then. What zones?
  98. [18:36] <~Paradox> For capturing, you can go to the BEACH, the WESTERN HILLS, LAKE VISTVEIL, the SCALDING MARSH, or the CATACOMBS
  99. 01[18:37] <Dr_Floyd> Catacombs! What's the worse that can happend by returning there?
  100. [18:39] <~Paradox> 1d20
  101. [18:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  102. [18:39] <~Paradox> Amazingly, Floyd does not encounter any rabid FOES on the way to the catacombs.
  103. 01[18:40] <Dr_Floyd> (welp!)
  104. [18:40] <~Paradox> You enter the musty halls once more
  105. [18:40] <~Paradox> (perception checks)
  106. [18:40] <~Paradox> (5 of them)
  107. 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  108. [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 15 [1d20=13]
  109. 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  110. 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  111. [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 21 [1d20=19]
  112. 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  113. [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 16 [1d20=14]
  114. [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 5 [1d20=3]
  115. 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  116. [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 20 [1d20=18]
  117. [18:43] <~Paradox> You don't really see much in the catacombs, looking around. You spend quite some time there. Even the courtyard seems pretty empty. You're just about ready to give up, when..
  118. [18:44] <~Paradox> You see a Golett walking through the narrow halls.
  119. [18:44] <~Paradox> It's eyes shine brightly in the darkness.
  120. 01[18:45] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah! Zere eet is! An interesting specimen!" Floyd lets Shorty out and readies for battlan!
  121. [18:47] <~Paradox> Go Shorty, then
  122. 01[18:48] <Dr_Floyd> (Initiative or we get the jump on him?)
  123. [18:48] <~Paradox> (You're faster than him)
  124. [18:48] <~Paradox> (so shorty goes first. and you used your turn letting him otu)
  125. 01[18:50] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 powder snow
  126. [18:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, powder snow: 19 [1d20=19]
  127. [18:50] <~Paradox> (Haha oh wow.)
  128. 01[18:50] <Dr_Floyd> Shorty breathes a gust of frozen wind at the Golett!
  129. 01[18:51] <Dr_Floyd> (That's what i'm talking about.)
  130. 01[18:51] <Dr_Floyd> 2d10+12 (super effective)
  131. [18:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, (super effective): 16 [2d10=1,3]
  132. [18:52] <~Paradox> The little golem is completely frozen!
  133. [18:53] <~Paradox> 1d20
  134. [18:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  135. [18:53] <~Paradox> Floyd's turn
  136. 06[18:54] * Dr_Floyd throws a Friend ball at the golett!
  137. 01[18:54] <Dr_Floyd> 1d100
  138. [18:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d100: 27 [1d100=27]
  139. [18:55] <~Paradox> bump, bump, click!
  140. [18:55] <~Paradox> Floyd gets all the lucky rolls. (You needed 30 or under)
  141. 01[18:55] <Dr_Floyd> (hahaha yeah, it's my day it seems)
  142. [18:55] <~Paradox> 1d0
  143. [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d0: 0 [1d0=0]
  144. [18:56] <~Paradox> 0, so genderless
  145. [18:56] <~Paradox> 1d3
  146. [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d3: 3 [1d3=3]
  147. [18:56] <~Paradox> Iron Fist ability
  148. [18:56] <~Paradox> 1d6
  149. [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d6: 5 [1d6=5]
  150. 01[18:56] <Dr_Floyd> (whew, no klutz)
  151. [18:57] <~Paradox> oh wait, sorry, No Guard
  152. [18:57] <~Paradox> I thought Iron Fist was its DW ability and No Guard it's regular
  153. [18:57] <~Paradox> anyway, no egg moves since he doesn't get any
  154. [18:57] <~Paradox> level 20
  155. 01[18:59] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah, vilkommen to ze party, Emet." Floyd holds the friend ball back on his holster as he leaves the catacombs.
  156. 01[18:59] <Dr_Floyd> (normal typeset?)
  157. 01[19:00] <Dr_Floyd> (what nature?)
  158. [19:01] <~Paradox> (normal moveset, yes)
  159. 01[19:01] <Dr_Floyd> (i meant typeset. if he's ghost/ground or other)
  160. [19:02] <~Paradox> (yes, ghost/ground)
  161. 01[19:02] <Dr_Floyd> (nature?)
  162. [19:03] <~Paradox> (Stoic Nature)
  163. [19:03] <~Paradox> (neutral)
  164. 01[19:05] <Dr_Floyd> (;_; iron fist would rock, he has a lot of punching attacks)
  165. 01[19:06] <Dr_Floyd> (anyway, done statting it!)
  166. 01[19:08] <Dr_Floyd> (Although the bestiary has no data on his capabilities)
  167. [19:08] <~Paradox> (yes it does)
  168. [19:08] <~Paradox> Overland 6, Sky 6, Jump 1, Power 4,
  169. [19:08] <~Paradox> Intelligence 2, Sinker
  170. 01[19:09] <Dr_Floyd> (Overland 6? Whoa!)
  171. 01[19:10] <Dr_Floyd> (Anyway, what day is the one with special deals on the market?)
  172. [19:11] <~Paradox> (Saturday)
  173. 06[19:12] * Dr_Floyd trains with Emet on Friday, the perfect opportunity to bond and maybe study how the guy works!
  174. [19:12] <~Paradox> 1d20 first you need to get OUT of the ruins
  175. [19:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, first you need to get OUT of the ruins: 1 [1d20=1]
  176. [19:12] <~Paradox> (.... shit)
  177. 01[19:13] <Dr_Floyd> (uh oh(
  178. [19:14] <~Paradox> As you're walking through the marsh from the ruins, you suddenly hear the ground beneat you begin to quake.
  179. 06[19:14] * Dr_Floyd looks behind him and starts to walk faster. "Bloody place, now even earthquakes!"
  180. [19:17] <~Paradox> (hang on... I'm ... making some rolls here)
  181. 01[19:17] <Dr_Floyd> (welp)
  182. [19:18] <~Paradox> (okay, roll a d100 for me )
  183. 03[19:18] * zoofman ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  184. [19:21] <~Paradox> (Dr_Floyd?)
  185. 01[19:22] <Dr_Floyd> 1d1--
  186. [19:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d1--: 1 [1d1=1]
  187. 01[19:22] <Dr_Floyd> 1d100
  188. [19:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d100: 13 [1d100=13]
  189. [19:24] <~Paradox> (hgggn)
  190. [19:24] <~Paradox> A large Krookodile bursts out of the ground in front of you
  191. 01[19:24] <Dr_Floyd> (Goddamnit, i shouldn't mention i was getting lucky!)
  192. [19:24] <Nerea> (run the fuck away)
  193. [19:25] <~Paradox> It's ... much larger than usual. And its eyes are glowing red.
  194. 01[19:25] <Dr_Floyd> "Ay yi yi!" Floyd yells while trying to outmanouever the Krookodile by turning to the left.
  195. [19:26] <~Paradox> The Krookodile runs after you, and snaps at your leg
  196. [19:26] <~Paradox> 1d20
  197. [19:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 16 [1d20=16]
  198. [19:27] <~Paradox> 3d10+22
  199. [19:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+22: 49 [3d10=7,10,10]
  200. [19:27] <~Paradox> It grabs ahold of Floyd's leg, and thrashes around wildly.
  201. 01[19:28] <Dr_Floyd> (oh fuck oh fuck, is that damage?)
  202. [19:28] <~Paradox> (technically that's a flinch, but I'll let you act; just not move)
  203. [19:28] <~Paradox> (yes that's a Bite attack)
  204. 01[19:29] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 stab him to let me go
  205. [19:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, stab him to let me go: 1 [1d20=1]
  206. [19:29] <Nerea> (christ)
  207. [19:30] <Nerea> (can I donate some prob controls)
  208. [19:30] <~Paradox> (yeah)
  209. 01[19:30] <Dr_Floyd> (guess it was not my day after all)
  210. 01[19:30] <Dr_Floyd> (does at least i like, cut my own leg to escape?)
  211. 01[19:31] <Dr_Floyd> (Although outrunning this jerk with one leg is even worse...)
  212. [19:31] <~Paradox> (well, I think Anise was gonna let you probcontrol that)
  213. 01[19:31] <Dr_Floyd> (goddamnit, should have used repel before leaving)
  214. [19:32] <Nerea> (please do, floyd)
  215. [19:32] <Nerea> (reroll, that is)
  216. 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> "AAAAAAAAARGH!" Floyd helplessly tries to wave his Glaive at the giant alligator chomping his leg.
  217. 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
  218. [19:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  219. [19:33] <~Paradox> You spin your glaive around, and slice into the Krookodile's flank
  220. 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> 4d10
  221. [19:33] <~Paradox> (damage?)
  222. [19:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 4d10: 19 [4d10=4,8,1,6]
  223. 01[19:35] <Dr_Floyd> (<Dr_Floyd> Catacombs! What's the worse that can happend by returning there?)
  224. 01[19:35] <Dr_Floyd> (guess that's what)
  225. [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7
  226. [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d7: 7 [1d7=7]
  227. [19:35] <~Paradox> (welp)
  228. [19:35] <~Paradox> (... I'll reroll that)
  229. [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7
  230. [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d7: 7 [1d7=7]
  231. [19:35] <~Paradox> (...)
  232. [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7 one more time
  233. [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, one more time: 7 [1d7=7]
  234. [19:36] <~Paradox> (...)
  235. [19:36] <~Paradox> 1d20
  236. [19:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  237. [19:37] <~Paradox> 5d10+24
  238. [19:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 5d10+24: 51 [5d10=3,5,7,3,9]
  239. 01[19:37] <Dr_Floyd> (100 damage? guess it killed me)
  240. 03[19:40] * The_Falcon ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  241. [19:40] <~Paradox> Floyd wakes up to a concert of pain.
  242. 01[19:40] <Dr_Floyd> (oh god it raped me when i was passed out, right?)
  243. [19:41] <~Paradox> As soon as the first pained moan leaves your lips, someone puts a damp cloth to your lips
  244. 01[19:41] <Dr_Floyd> (that fucking alligator raped me goddamnit)
  245. [19:41] <~Paradox> "Here, just suck on that, it'll be okay."
  246. 01[19:41] <Dr_Floyd> "*Hmph*" The badly mangled doctor barely manages to say something.
  247. 01[19:42] <Dr_Floyd> (Falcon, a FOE raped me :<)
  248. [19:43] <~Paradox> You manage to sit up
  249. [19:43] <~Paradox> You're ver much missing your left leg and arm.
  250. 01[19:43] <Dr_Floyd> "..........oh dear."
  251. 06[19:43] * Dr_Floyd stares at the stumps.
  252. [19:44] <~Paradox> There's a middle aged woman in the room with you. She's a nurse, it's plain to see. It looks like you're in the Guild Hospital.
  253. 01[19:45] <Dr_Floyd> "...Vho found me?"
  254. [19:46] <~Paradox> "The gate guard saw you ont he edge of town, lying there."
  255. [19:47] <~Paradox> "We're not sure how you got there."
  256. 01[19:48] <Dr_Floyd> "I guess ze zing found me not to be really tasty! Ha ha ha..."
  257. [19:48] <~Paradox> "What was it?"
  258. 01[19:49] <Dr_Floyd> "A reptilian Pokémon, must 'ave stepped on ze vrong place. Although i now have 50% of chance of not doing it again! Ha ha ha..."
  259. [19:50] <Nerea> (oh dear)
  260. [19:51] <~Paradox> She looks uncomfortable with your joke.
  261. [19:51] <~Paradox> "W-well, it's good you're taking things well..."
  262. 01[19:51] <Dr_Floyd> "At least i am alive, you can see it by zat angle."
  263. 01[19:52] <Dr_Floyd> "Vhat day eet ees anyvay? Ze bloodloss must 'ave made me snooze a bit."
  264. [19:52] <~Paradox> "Oh, yes, I'm sorry, it's Sunday."
  265. 01[19:53] <Dr_Floyd> "Two days sleeping? Must 'ave been one for each limb! Ha ha ha......"
  266. [19:53] <The_Falcon> (so much rape)
  267. [19:54] <~Paradox> "Well, it's a good thing you're a guild member... They're having someone work on your arm and leg."
  268. 01[19:54] <Dr_Floyd> (D:)
  269. 01[19:55] <Dr_Floyd> "Someone vill retrieve it from a toilet? Ha ha ha..."
  270. [19:55] <~Paradox> "Mechanical ones, that is. It shouldn't take you all that long to be back up on your feet."
  271. [19:56] <~Paradox> "They have their best engineer working on it, I hear! So ... just sit tight. They should be in later today."
  272. [19:56] <~Paradox> "Here, take these for the pain."
  273. 01[19:56] <Dr_Floyd> "It's not that i can stay on my feet for now."
  274. [19:57] <~Paradox> She sents down a small cup of water and two pills in front of you, and exists the room.
  275. [19:57] <~Paradox> </scene>
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