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- [16:57] <Alcyone> On Saturday, Alcyone spends the day trying to ALCHEMIZE her BROOM before she remembers she needs to pick up her armor.
- [16:58] <~Paradox> (what are you alchemizing to the broom?)
- [16:58] <Alcyone> (Razor Claw)
- [16:59] <Alcyone> (alternately, Leaf Stone)
- [16:59] <~Paradox> (I'm going to say ALCHEMIZING requires you to input exactly 3 base items each time)
- [16:59] <~Paradox> (So BROOM + RAZOR CLAW + LEAF STONE? )
- [16:59] <Alcyone> (sure)
- [17:01] <~Paradox> Alcyone alchemizes her WINGS OF STARDUST, a RAZOR CLAW, and a LEAF STONE! This results in...
- [17:02] <~Paradox> 4d10 damage broom, 18-20 crit
- [17:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, damage broom, 18-20 crit: 25 [4d10=7,8,4,6]
- [17:02] <~Paradox> grass type damage
- [17:03] <Alcyone> (:3)
- [17:03] <~Paradox> This weapon lets Alcyone use the move RAZOR LEAF once per encounter!
- 03[17:04] * Kit is now known as Ford
- 06[17:05] * Alcyone christens it the Verdant Broom "Blade of the World Tree"
- [17:05] <~Paradox> Or fuck it, lets say At-Will. 4d10+INT melee or 3d10+INT ranged seems fair.
- [17:06] <Alcyone> you sure?
- [17:06] <~Paradox> Yes. She can't be any more broken than Brick is
- [17:06] <Alcyone> :B ok
- [17:06] <~Paradox> hehe I can't wait until tuesday
- [17:07] <~Paradox> so many shenanigans
- 06[17:07] * Alcyone belatedly remembers the armor. OH CRAP OH CRAP ETC
- 06[17:07] * Alcyone runs to pick it up.
- [17:07] <Alcyone> (yes. I CAN'T WAIT EITHER)
- [17:07] <~Paradox> You pick up the armor from Miss Waters without any trouble.
- [17:08] <~Paradox> It's a CHAIN SHIRT. 8DR for Alcyone!
- 06[17:08] * Alcyone pays for it, says thank you, and tries to sell off her old armor so she can eat for the week ;_;
- [17:09] <~Paradox> Alcyone gets a 1k discount for trading her old armor in.
- [17:09] <Alcyone> yaay
- [17:10] <Alcyone> (I'm gonna have to figure out how to take itemfinder without going clairsentient. Though I could totally go clairsentient instead of air adept)
- [17:11] <Alcyone> ANYWAY
- [17:12] <Alcyone> On Sunday, Alcyone takes her spiffy new equipment and goes to meet up with the boss. :]
- 03[17:15] * Alcyone is now known as Nerea
- [17:16] <~Paradox> (We'll do that ... some other time I guess, since you have GAEM)
- 01[17:21] <Plutonis> (Eh, we can do mine now then?)
- [17:22] <~Paradox> (gha I just put things in the oven)
- [17:22] <~Paradox> (In about ... 20/30 mins?)
- 01[17:23] <Plutonis> (Okay, meanwhile i'm going to work on my stuff)
- 03[17:49] * Plutonis is now known as PlutonisBRB
- [17:57] <~Paradox> Let me know when you're about, Plutonis
- 03[18:03] * PlutonisBRB is now known as Plutonis
- 01[18:04] <Plutonis> had to grab some grub, sorry
- [18:05] <~Paradox> It's cool
- [18:06] <~Paradox> You have WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY to do things!
- [18:06] <~Paradox> Options include: Going catchan, training, research, shopping.
- 01[18:08] <Plutonis> Hmmm, some details after we went back to town?
- 01[18:08] <Plutonis> anything new happened?
- 01[18:09] <Plutonis> And what were the stats of the new glaive i got anyway?
- [18:10] <~Paradox> 4d10 damage, Steel Type
- [18:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, damage, Steel Type: 27 [4d10=8,10,1,8]
- 01[18:10] <Plutonis> noice!
- [18:10] <~Paradox> You could try asking Alcyone is she could ALCHEMIZE IT with your cane and another item!
- 01[18:11] <Plutonis> Going to do it on sunday, i guess! Meanwhile...
- 03[18:11] * Plutonis is now known as Dr_Floyd
- [18:12] <~Paradox> Anyway
- [18:12] <~Paradox> Nothing of particular note occured in town during your absence
- 06[18:12] * Dr_Floyd researches the info he got on the temple on Wednesday.
- [18:13] <~Paradox> There's been no other attacks at sea, but the Imperial Navy dispatch that was sent out never did find that sea monster.
- [18:13] <~Paradox> What info in particular?
- 01[18:13] <Dr_Floyd> (Also, how are fossil revivals done? I want to ressurect my kabuto)
- [18:13] <~Paradox> (It's an armor fossil, not a dome fossil~)
- 01[18:13] <Dr_Floyd> (Ah, Anorith)
- [18:14] <~Paradox> (nope, that's the claw fossil. Armor is Shieldon)
- 01[18:15] <Dr_Floyd> The creepy knife and idols we got and maybe the civilization who inhabited the place.
- [18:15] <~Paradox> (roll int 3 times)
- [18:15] <Nerea> (I've got the knife)
- [18:15] <Nerea> (if that matters)
- 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
- [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 8 [1d20=2]
- 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
- [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 20 [1d20=14]
- 01[18:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
- [18:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 9 [1d20=3]
- [18:18] <~Paradox> You spend the day researching, but it seems there isn't much info on the tribe. What you CAN find is that their civilization was basically toppled as a result of a bloody war with the first Imperial Explorers that founded the Imperial Colony at Mankey Island.
- 01[18:19] <Dr_Floyd> "Good riddance to zose savages..." Floyd mumbles while reading.
- [18:19] <~Paradox> So they've been gone for a good 120 year or so, in theory. However, that seems wrong; the catacoms were even older than that.
- 01[18:21] <Dr_Floyd> (Just that?)
- [18:21] <~Paradox> Yep, just that.
- [18:22] <~Paradox> As for your fossil! Make an INT roll.
- 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+6
- [18:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+6: 26 [1d20=20]
- 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> (Whoa nelly!)
- [18:23] <Nerea> (whelp.jpg)
- 01[18:23] <Dr_Floyd> (should have made a revival machine with that roll!)
- [18:25] <~Paradox> You are struck with inspiration. You accidentally make a revival machine.
- [18:25] <~Paradox> You were just bored, it's not like you were trying to or anything. nbd.
- 01[18:26] <Dr_Floyd> "BWAHAHAHHA! Ze pover of ze dead vill return viz ze pover of SCIENCE!" Floyd laughs maniacally while building his apocalyptic fossil revival machine. (That's going to take thursday, right?)
- [18:27] <~Paradox> (yep)
- [18:27] <~Paradox> (actually no, lets say you did that Wednesday too)
- 01[18:28] <Dr_Floyd> (yaay)
- [18:28] <~Paradox> (Since all you did Wed. otherwise is find a little piece of info. Hardly a day's work)
- 01[18:28] <Dr_Floyd> "Should 'ave called madeimoiselle Alcyone to see eet in action. Oh vell, time to test it!" Floyd puts the armor fossil on the steam-powered chamber and pulls a lever on the machine.
- 01[18:32] <Dr_Floyd> (So? It works?)
- [18:33] <~Paradox> 1d20+6
- [18:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20+6: 11 [1d20=5]
- [18:33] <~Paradox> It'll take a few days you think but in theory it's working!
- 01[18:35] <Dr_Floyd> Thursday i will go do some capturing then. What zones?
- [18:36] <~Paradox> For capturing, you can go to the BEACH, the WESTERN HILLS, LAKE VISTVEIL, the SCALDING MARSH, or the CATACOMBS
- 01[18:37] <Dr_Floyd> Catacombs! What's the worse that can happend by returning there?
- [18:39] <~Paradox> 1d20
- [18:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
- [18:39] <~Paradox> Amazingly, Floyd does not encounter any rabid FOES on the way to the catacombs.
- 01[18:40] <Dr_Floyd> (welp!)
- [18:40] <~Paradox> You enter the musty halls once more
- [18:40] <~Paradox> (perception checks)
- [18:40] <~Paradox> (5 of them)
- 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
- [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 15 [1d20=13]
- 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
- 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
- [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 21 [1d20=19]
- 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
- [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 16 [1d20=14]
- [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 5 [1d20=3]
- 01[18:41] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
- [18:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 20 [1d20=18]
- [18:43] <~Paradox> You don't really see much in the catacombs, looking around. You spend quite some time there. Even the courtyard seems pretty empty. You're just about ready to give up, when..
- [18:44] <~Paradox> You see a Golett walking through the narrow halls.
- [18:44] <~Paradox> It's eyes shine brightly in the darkness.
- 01[18:45] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah! Zere eet is! An interesting specimen!" Floyd lets Shorty out and readies for battlan!
- [18:47] <~Paradox> Go Shorty, then
- 01[18:48] <Dr_Floyd> (Initiative or we get the jump on him?)
- [18:48] <~Paradox> (You're faster than him)
- [18:48] <~Paradox> (so shorty goes first. and you used your turn letting him otu)
- 01[18:50] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 powder snow
- [18:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, powder snow: 19 [1d20=19]
- [18:50] <~Paradox> (Haha oh wow.)
- 01[18:50] <Dr_Floyd> Shorty breathes a gust of frozen wind at the Golett!
- 01[18:51] <Dr_Floyd> (That's what i'm talking about.)
- 01[18:51] <Dr_Floyd> 2d10+12 (super effective)
- [18:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, (super effective): 16 [2d10=1,3]
- [18:52] <~Paradox> The little golem is completely frozen!
- [18:53] <~Paradox> 1d20
- [18:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
- [18:53] <~Paradox> Floyd's turn
- 06[18:54] * Dr_Floyd throws a Friend ball at the golett!
- 01[18:54] <Dr_Floyd> 1d100
- [18:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d100: 27 [1d100=27]
- [18:55] <~Paradox> bump, bump, click!
- [18:55] <~Paradox> Floyd gets all the lucky rolls. (You needed 30 or under)
- 01[18:55] <Dr_Floyd> (hahaha yeah, it's my day it seems)
- [18:55] <~Paradox> 1d0
- [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d0: 0 [1d0=0]
- [18:56] <~Paradox> 0, so genderless
- [18:56] <~Paradox> 1d3
- [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d3: 3 [1d3=3]
- [18:56] <~Paradox> Iron Fist ability
- [18:56] <~Paradox> 1d6
- [18:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d6: 5 [1d6=5]
- 01[18:56] <Dr_Floyd> (whew, no klutz)
- [18:57] <~Paradox> oh wait, sorry, No Guard
- [18:57] <~Paradox> I thought Iron Fist was its DW ability and No Guard it's regular
- [18:57] <~Paradox> anyway, no egg moves since he doesn't get any
- [18:57] <~Paradox> level 20
- 01[18:59] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah, vilkommen to ze party, Emet." Floyd holds the friend ball back on his holster as he leaves the catacombs.
- 01[18:59] <Dr_Floyd> (normal typeset?)
- 01[19:00] <Dr_Floyd> (what nature?)
- [19:01] <~Paradox> (normal moveset, yes)
- 01[19:01] <Dr_Floyd> (i meant typeset. if he's ghost/ground or other)
- [19:02] <~Paradox> (yes, ghost/ground)
- 01[19:02] <Dr_Floyd> (nature?)
- [19:03] <~Paradox> (Stoic Nature)
- [19:03] <~Paradox> (neutral)
- 01[19:05] <Dr_Floyd> (;_; iron fist would rock, he has a lot of punching attacks)
- 01[19:06] <Dr_Floyd> (anyway, done statting it!)
- 01[19:08] <Dr_Floyd> (Although the bestiary has no data on his capabilities)
- [19:08] <~Paradox> (yes it does)
- [19:08] <~Paradox> Overland 6, Sky 6, Jump 1, Power 4,
- [19:08] <~Paradox> Intelligence 2, Sinker
- 01[19:09] <Dr_Floyd> (Overland 6? Whoa!)
- 01[19:10] <Dr_Floyd> (Anyway, what day is the one with special deals on the market?)
- [19:11] <~Paradox> (Saturday)
- 06[19:12] * Dr_Floyd trains with Emet on Friday, the perfect opportunity to bond and maybe study how the guy works!
- [19:12] <~Paradox> 1d20 first you need to get OUT of the ruins
- [19:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, first you need to get OUT of the ruins: 1 [1d20=1]
- [19:12] <~Paradox> (.... shit)
- 01[19:13] <Dr_Floyd> (uh oh(
- [19:14] <~Paradox> As you're walking through the marsh from the ruins, you suddenly hear the ground beneat you begin to quake.
- 06[19:14] * Dr_Floyd looks behind him and starts to walk faster. "Bloody place, now even earthquakes!"
- [19:17] <~Paradox> (hang on... I'm ... making some rolls here)
- 01[19:17] <Dr_Floyd> (welp)
- [19:18] <~Paradox> (okay, roll a d100 for me )
- 03[19:18] * zoofman ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
- [19:21] <~Paradox> (Dr_Floyd?)
- 01[19:22] <Dr_Floyd> 1d1--
- [19:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d1--: 1 [1d1=1]
- 01[19:22] <Dr_Floyd> 1d100
- [19:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d100: 13 [1d100=13]
- [19:24] <~Paradox> (hgggn)
- [19:24] <~Paradox> A large Krookodile bursts out of the ground in front of you
- 01[19:24] <Dr_Floyd> (Goddamnit, i shouldn't mention i was getting lucky!)
- [19:24] <Nerea> (run the fuck away)
- [19:25] <~Paradox> It's ... much larger than usual. And its eyes are glowing red.
- 01[19:25] <Dr_Floyd> "Ay yi yi!" Floyd yells while trying to outmanouever the Krookodile by turning to the left.
- [19:26] <~Paradox> The Krookodile runs after you, and snaps at your leg
- [19:26] <~Paradox> 1d20
- [19:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 16 [1d20=16]
- [19:27] <~Paradox> 3d10+22
- [19:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+22: 49 [3d10=7,10,10]
- [19:27] <~Paradox> It grabs ahold of Floyd's leg, and thrashes around wildly.
- 01[19:28] <Dr_Floyd> (oh fuck oh fuck, is that damage?)
- [19:28] <~Paradox> (technically that's a flinch, but I'll let you act; just not move)
- [19:28] <~Paradox> (yes that's a Bite attack)
- 01[19:29] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 stab him to let me go
- [19:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, stab him to let me go: 1 [1d20=1]
- [19:29] <Nerea> (christ)
- [19:30] <Nerea> (can I donate some prob controls)
- [19:30] <~Paradox> (yeah)
- 01[19:30] <Dr_Floyd> (guess it was not my day after all)
- 01[19:30] <Dr_Floyd> (does at least i like, cut my own leg to escape?)
- 01[19:31] <Dr_Floyd> (Although outrunning this jerk with one leg is even worse...)
- [19:31] <~Paradox> (well, I think Anise was gonna let you probcontrol that)
- 01[19:31] <Dr_Floyd> (goddamnit, should have used repel before leaving)
- [19:32] <Nerea> (please do, floyd)
- [19:32] <Nerea> (reroll, that is)
- 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> "AAAAAAAAARGH!" Floyd helplessly tries to wave his Glaive at the giant alligator chomping his leg.
- 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
- [19:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
- [19:33] <~Paradox> You spin your glaive around, and slice into the Krookodile's flank
- 01[19:33] <Dr_Floyd> 4d10
- [19:33] <~Paradox> (damage?)
- [19:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 4d10: 19 [4d10=4,8,1,6]
- 01[19:35] <Dr_Floyd> (<Dr_Floyd> Catacombs! What's the worse that can happend by returning there?)
- 01[19:35] <Dr_Floyd> (guess that's what)
- [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7
- [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d7: 7 [1d7=7]
- [19:35] <~Paradox> (welp)
- [19:35] <~Paradox> (... I'll reroll that)
- [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7
- [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d7: 7 [1d7=7]
- [19:35] <~Paradox> (...)
- [19:35] <~Paradox> 1d7 one more time
- [19:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, one more time: 7 [1d7=7]
- [19:36] <~Paradox> (...)
- [19:36] <~Paradox> 1d20
- [19:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
- [19:37] <~Paradox> 5d10+24
- [19:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 5d10+24: 51 [5d10=3,5,7,3,9]
- 01[19:37] <Dr_Floyd> (100 damage? guess it killed me)
- 03[19:40] * The_Falcon ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
- [19:40] <~Paradox> Floyd wakes up to a concert of pain.
- 01[19:40] <Dr_Floyd> (oh god it raped me when i was passed out, right?)
- [19:41] <~Paradox> As soon as the first pained moan leaves your lips, someone puts a damp cloth to your lips
- 01[19:41] <Dr_Floyd> (that fucking alligator raped me goddamnit)
- [19:41] <~Paradox> "Here, just suck on that, it'll be okay."
- 01[19:41] <Dr_Floyd> "*Hmph*" The badly mangled doctor barely manages to say something.
- 01[19:42] <Dr_Floyd> (Falcon, a FOE raped me :<)
- [19:43] <~Paradox> You manage to sit up
- [19:43] <~Paradox> You're ver much missing your left leg and arm.
- 01[19:43] <Dr_Floyd> "..........oh dear."
- 06[19:43] * Dr_Floyd stares at the stumps.
- [19:44] <~Paradox> There's a middle aged woman in the room with you. She's a nurse, it's plain to see. It looks like you're in the Guild Hospital.
- 01[19:45] <Dr_Floyd> "...Vho found me?"
- [19:46] <~Paradox> "The gate guard saw you ont he edge of town, lying there."
- [19:47] <~Paradox> "We're not sure how you got there."
- 01[19:48] <Dr_Floyd> "I guess ze zing found me not to be really tasty! Ha ha ha..."
- [19:48] <~Paradox> "What was it?"
- 01[19:49] <Dr_Floyd> "A reptilian Pokémon, must 'ave stepped on ze vrong place. Although i now have 50% of chance of not doing it again! Ha ha ha..."
- [19:50] <Nerea> (oh dear)
- [19:51] <~Paradox> She looks uncomfortable with your joke.
- [19:51] <~Paradox> "W-well, it's good you're taking things well..."
- 01[19:51] <Dr_Floyd> "At least i am alive, you can see it by zat angle."
- 01[19:52] <Dr_Floyd> "Vhat day eet ees anyvay? Ze bloodloss must 'ave made me snooze a bit."
- [19:52] <~Paradox> "Oh, yes, I'm sorry, it's Sunday."
- 01[19:53] <Dr_Floyd> "Two days sleeping? Must 'ave been one for each limb! Ha ha ha......"
- [19:53] <The_Falcon> (so much rape)
- [19:54] <~Paradox> "Well, it's a good thing you're a guild member... They're having someone work on your arm and leg."
- 01[19:54] <Dr_Floyd> (D:)
- 01[19:55] <Dr_Floyd> "Someone vill retrieve it from a toilet? Ha ha ha..."
- [19:55] <~Paradox> "Mechanical ones, that is. It shouldn't take you all that long to be back up on your feet."
- [19:56] <~Paradox> "They have their best engineer working on it, I hear! So ... just sit tight. They should be in later today."
- [19:56] <~Paradox> "Here, take these for the pain."
- 01[19:56] <Dr_Floyd> "It's not that i can stay on my feet for now."
- [19:57] <~Paradox> She sents down a small cup of water and two pills in front of you, and exists the room.
- [19:57] <~Paradox> </scene>
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