
CS284 V1 Rice silverscript

Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. CS284 V1 silverscript Rice a Roni 0300 July 31 2017
  3. Transcript
  4. 0:00
  5. hello rice-a-roni it's Jason how are you
  6. 0:02
  7. oh my god man how are you I'm doing well
  8. 0:06
  9. I got your text and wanted to follow up
  10. 0:08
  11. and see what's what well I'm just I'm
  12. 0:17
  13. learning like everybody else's but
  14. 0:19
  15. apparently I don't know if you're
  16. 0:21
  17. familiar with that user sonic Twitter
  18. 0:24
  19. yes okay I don't know it's track record
  20. 0:28
  21. is or she I don't know who that may be
  22. 0:31
  23. the I saw the actual contract um the
  24. 0:38
  25. renewal for the whore that affirms base
  26. 0:41
  27. or something some office space yeah well
  28. 0:44
  29. I mean we're talking about the company
  30. 0:46
  31. contract it appears that when you read
  32. 0:48
  33. over that contract and what they're
  34. 0:50
  35. doing and then he apparently happened to
  36. 0:54
  37. cider he he couldn't believe how easy it
  38. 0:57
  39. was this year to see the company all its
  40. 1:01
  41. members all their contact information
  42. 1:03
  43. yeah just don't know you're me in a
  44. 1:05
  45. little bit because I'm not directly
  46. 1:06
  47. familiar with this particular tweet and
  48. 1:08
  49. I'm sure I'm going to obviously play
  50. 1:10
  51. this and a lot of people aren't going to
  52. 1:11
  53. have seen it so what is it that
  54. 1:13
  55. zero-hours claiming and what have you
  56. 1:15
  57. found
  58. 1:16
  59. okay there are saying that he has found
  60. 1:20
  61. taking one of the yuan brothers
  62. 1:22
  63. addresses boom I think it's the 1920 I'm
  64. 1:26
  65. gonna pull it up here chin drive yeah
  66. 1:28
  67. Imran along the 1820 Association drives
  68. 1:30
  69. right in Virginia right so he started
  70. 1:33
  71. digging into that and trying to figure
  72. 1:35
  73. out what is located in that office
  74. 1:39
  75. building and he pulled up a number of
  76. 1:41
  77. different companies one of which uh is a
  78. 1:47
  79. contractor that does all of the cyber
  80. 1:52
  81. security for the Navy the army the UH
  82. 1:59
  83. time together ones hold on a second see
  84. 2:02
  85. when I saw the language that said he was
  86. 2:03
  87. hacking the mainframes I sort of
  88. 2:06
  89. dismissed this tweet because does anyone
  90. 2:08
  91. use mainframes does the army still use
  92. 2:10
  93. Maine
  94. 2:11
  95. frame computers isn't that old yeah
  96. 2:14
  97. going out in the 80s type stuff right I
  98. 2:17
  99. don't know exactly what he would be
  100. 2:20
  101. referring to in terms of if he had
  102. 2:22
  103. access to their Intel but it said that
  104. 2:25
  105. the company was established in 2008
  106. 2:27
  107. called global Infotech and their annual
  108. 2:31
  109. revenues over ten million dollars they
  110. 2:34
  111. have been providing cyber security to
  112. 2:37
  113. the Air Force Army Navy Homeland
  114. 2:38
  115. Security US Special Operations Command
  116. 2:41
  117. office of policy management budget
  118. 2:43
  119. defense Contract Management Agency and a
  120. 2:47
  121. I guess this is where Enron was in that
  122. 2:52
  123. office : ok so the question would be is
  124. 2:59
  125. number one why would he set up in that
  126. 3:01
  127. building and was he able to gain access
  128. 3:05
  129. to any of those networks
  130. 3:08
  131. the bigger question I guess the one that
  132. 3:11
  133. has been kind of hanging out there and
  134. 3:14
  135. it's been asked by a few people but
  136. 3:15
  137. nobody's been able to answer is how did
  138. 3:18
  139. special access program intelligence
  140. 3:21
  141. which is the highest of your eyes secure
  142. 3:23
  143. yeah Hillary click it on Hillary a lens
  144. 3:26
  145. or a bad private server right I mean
  146. 3:30
  147. you're talking about if you go to
  148. 3:32
  149. Wikipedia you look up special access
  150. 3:36
  151. programs
  152. 3:37
  153. it pretty much names these apartments
  154. 3:40
  155. that had access to it and only the
  156. 3:42
  157. highest authority in those departments
  158. 3:44
  159. and only the only exceptions are is the
  160. 3:50
  161. President himself
  162. 3:53
  163. signs for a personnel clearance yeah I'm
  164. 3:58
  165. just looking on Wikipedia here and it
  166. 4:00
  167. does say that yes a homegrown IBM is its
  168. 4:04
  169. own large research and development
  170. 4:06
  171. organization designing new homegrown
  172. 4:07
  173. CPUs including mainframe processors such
  174. 4:10
  175. as 2012's 5.5 gigahertz six core ze c12
  176. 4:17
  177. mainframe microprocessor I guess
  178. 4:19
  179. mainframes are still in use I haven't
  180. 4:21
  181. heard that term in a long time now
  182. 4:24
  183. it's forget Eastern yeah all right so
  184. 4:27
  185. all right so go on so we're saying that
  186. 4:30
  187. Imran took office space here in this
  188. 4:32
  189. building so he could hack mainframe
  190. 4:35
  191. computers utilized by the army the Navy
  192. 4:38
  193. etc I don't even know if he had a happen
  194. 4:42
  195. but there's been suggestions that he's
  196. 4:46
  197. had uh well let me get these are
  198. 4:50
  199. unverified claims that suggests that
  200. 4:53
  201. some of the US operations abroad were
  202. 4:58
  203. known ahead of time by people that
  204. 5:01
  205. didn't need to know them well that could
  206. 5:03
  207. be where we have a counter-intel going
  208. 5:06
  209. out to people in the field this was
  210. 5:10
  211. suggested last year when they were found
  212. 5:13
  213. out Hillary Clinton email server her
  214. 5:15
  215. private server and I can't read on the
  216. 5:18
  217. side of the website wasn't in mainstream
  218. 5:20
  219. media but there was an individual who
  220. 5:22
  221. had claimed that their concerns were
  222. 5:26
  223. rooted in the fact that Intel on the
  224. 5:29
  225. ground overseas uh with covert
  226. 5:33
  227. operations have been compromised
  228. 5:36
  229. yeah well George told Anthony about how
  230. 5:39
  231. you know the the SEAL team that was
  232. 5:42
  233. killed in the Chinook in Afghanistan
  234. 5:45
  235. right so I think we're - so this is at
  236. 5:51
  237. the beginning of learning and a
  238. 5:54
  239. zero-hour continues to dig which he
  240. 5:58
  241. seems to have done he's he's posting
  242. 6:01
  243. pictures of all of these people who are
  244. 6:05
  245. have contact over in Iraq and he's
  246. 6:09
  247. showing the American companies or the
  248. 6:13
  249. American founders of these companies
  250. 6:15
  251. meeting with people from Iran right uh
  252. 6:21
  253. so it's all circumstantial at this point
  254. 6:25
  255. but it's something that needs to be
  256. 6:27
  257. further investigated and routinized
  258. 6:31
  259. I agree because you know what I'm
  260. 6:33
  261. looking here in an article from 2015
  262. 6:36
  263. from Wired magazine
  264. 6:38
  265. called why on earth is IBM still making
  266. 6:40
  267. mainframes and it does show an
  268. 6:42
  269. incredibly large I mean it looks like a
  270. 6:44
  271. big refrigerator but it's IBM's new z13
  272. 6:48
  273. mainframe so there's still mail out and
  274. 6:51
  275. people must still be buying them and
  276. 6:53
  277. using them for something it's
  278. 6:56
  279. interesting yeah I saw that word
  280. 6:58
  281. mainframe and I thought it was a joke I
  282. 7:00
  283. didn't realize that was still again hey
  284. 7:03
  285. Georgia servicer owner
  286. 7:04
  287. hayri Cerrone uh this is George hey I I
  288. 7:07
  289. worked for IBM a couple years ago and
  290. 7:10
  291. they sold the Z series I don't know if
  292. 7:13
  293. that's yeah ZZ 13 right yeah and you
  294. 7:16
  295. know I there's a couple of you know
  296. 7:20
  297. customers like the old fidelity or any
  298. 7:24
  299. of the old mutual funds 401k type that's
  300. 7:27
  301. where in place can go in and check their
  302. 7:29
  303. 401 K that run on right old applications
  304. 7:34
  305. like 43 81 you know why do they have
  306. 7:38
  307. this and not just a bank of servers
  308. 7:40
  309. well because it's all it can be run in
  310. 7:43
  311. such smaller space now but that does
  312. 7:45
  313. that's a 20 million dollar gear right
  314. 7:47
  315. there what does it do I mean it just
  316. 7:49
  317. runs that old operating system and
  318. 7:51
  319. they're so afraid to rewrite the code I
  320. 7:54
  321. see because if you look at like all the
  322. 7:57
  323. 401 K programs through all the different
  324. 8:00
  325. hump country let's just say for fidelity
  326. 8:04
  327. so this is a 1950 computer that's just
  328. 8:06
  329. been upgraded and upgraded operating
  330. 8:08
  331. systems that'll holy crap and it's they
  332. 8:13
  333. just afraid to rewrite it wow it's such
  334. 8:16
  335. a big program that they could never cut
  336. 8:17
  337. over because so many people get a
  338. 8:19
  339. statement every month Wow and mostly
  340. 8:21
  341. that thing just runs statements
  342. 8:23
  343. boy that's a shocking image yeah it runs
  344. 8:25
  345. statements every month or every day of
  346. 8:28
  347. every month in order to complete the
  348. 8:29
  349. business cycle well so I'm going to
  350. 8:33
  351. check into this 1920 Association yeah we
  352. 8:36
  353. got a look at zero hours so what else do
  354. 8:38
  355. you think rice-a-roni I mean what do you
  356. 8:40
  357. will should we be looking at with this I
  358. 8:43
  359. think they need to figure out what
  360. 8:44
  361. relationships are I think if you're
  362. 8:47
  363. going to look at the people and he's
  364. 8:49
  365. posted some of the members of these
  366. 8:51
  367. companies
  368. 8:52
  369. what relationships and they had with
  370. 8:54
  371. members of Congress what kind of
  372. 8:56
  373. contract they had gotten in the last few
  374. 9:01
  375. years there's the gentleman that's up
  376. 9:03
  377. lifted up their names shit block he's
  378. 9:06
  379. the vice president of the vulgar and he
  380. 9:09
  381. has managed over 1 billion contract the
  382. 9:13
  383. government in all levels of the
  384. 9:15
  385. government being program offices up to
  386. 9:18
  387. congressional support so I think I mean
  388. 9:24
  389. I'm not saying that this is the only way
  390. 9:26
  391. to look at this but is it FBI FBI and
  392. 9:29
  393. law is to be believed from last year in
  394. 9:32
  395. fortunes before Comey came out and
  396. 9:36
  397. gonorrhea Clinton he basically said that
  398. 9:40
  399. all of this with the Clinton Foundation
  400. 9:44
  401. it all comes back to the Clinton
  402. 9:46
  403. Foundation and it implicates about half
  404. 9:50
  405. of the government well I mean the thing
  406. 9:53
  407. that I that I looked at this and I go
  408. 9:56
  409. okay you promoted 10,000 fuck you what
  410. 9:58
  411. is the scene uh regardless of who's
  412. 10:01
  413. involved let's start with every awesome
  414. 10:03
  415. show yes if again welcome to shows has
  416. 10:06
  417. had Lea Juan on her staff for several
  418. 10:10
  419. years working with multiple members of
  420. 10:13
  421. Congress and all of this with Artie yeah
  422. 10:17
  423. the deep state knows everything that
  424. 10:20
  425. they've done right but there's no way
  426. 10:23
  427. they can the NSA alone tracks all data
  428. 10:27
  429. globally right and so but the only way
  430. 10:31
  431. that you get you get approval from them
  432. 10:35
  433. is if you not only subscribe to their
  434. 10:39
  435. financial strategies but you also have
  436. 10:44
  437. to prove to them that you're disciplined
  438. 10:48
  439. and worthy of bringing something that
  440. 10:52
  441. increases their power in other words
  442. 10:54
  443. there are people within the higher
  444. 10:56
  445. levels of government that know exactly
  446. 11:00
  447. what's going on and it has been going on
  448. 11:02
  449. right a very long time and
  450. 11:05
  451. I think this is part of the reason why
  452. 11:07
  453. you're trying to keep it out of the
  454. 11:08
  455. mainstream or mitigated as much as
  456. 11:10
  457. possible because once the investigations
  458. 11:14
  459. began is drinks again and more begin to
  460. 11:16
  461. be leaked out um I can see where the
  462. 11:22
  463. mainstream is going to play this is a
  464. 11:23
  465. wish shot right so I was like the exact
  466. 11:25
  467. opposite or the exact same things to
  468. 11:28
  469. doing with Trump in Russia right so
  470. 11:31
  471. they'll be able to say that this is
  472. 11:33
  473. Trump doing political retribution
  474. 11:35
  475. against whatever it doesn't matter
  476. 11:37
  477. most of the people online are just
  478. 11:39
  479. trying to catch up there's so much stuff
  480. 11:41
  481. that's coming out every day on new
  482. 11:43
  483. reports Daily Caller new details that
  484. 11:46
  485. are learned and what the only thing that
  486. 11:50
  487. was there's people I've been talking a
  488. 11:51
  489. lot of people on Facebook today is that
  490. 11:54
  491. most important thing that people can
  492. 11:56
  493. understand is that the work that you all
  494. 11:59
  495. have been doing for months and the
  496. 12:03
  497. independent media has been doing for
  498. 12:05
  499. months the mainstream press is just now
  500. 12:09
  501. starting to catch up and so this is
  502. 12:11
  503. we're actually outpacing all of the
  504. 12:15
  505. mainstream and our leaders in Congress
  506. 12:19
  507. well I don't even call them leaders at
  508. 12:20
  509. this point but all the members of
  510. 12:22
  511. Congress the people that are the point
  512. 12:25
  513. of authority that has been established
  514. 12:28
  515. for many years so this is going to be a
  516. 12:31
  517. much slower process probably than the
  518. 12:33
  519. internet would like or the Internet the
  520. 12:35
  521. US and other people occu who are trying
  522. 12:39
  523. to find the truth right but in the court
  524. 12:43
  525. of public opinion uh everybody is pretty
  526. 12:47
  527. much you know taking different-sized I
  528. 12:49
  529. think we still need to be skeptical or
  530. 12:51
  531. dumping me to jump out with every single
  532. 12:53
  533. thing that we find right but we need to
  534. 12:56
  535. scrutinize that evidence we need to look
  536. 12:58
  537. at different perspectives we need here
  538. 13:00
  539. uh you know I remember al just get an
  540. 13:04
  541. example on things because they go to the
  542. 13:06
  543. YouTube video that came out out in Raw
  544. 13:08
  545. on YouTube subscriptions right yeah that
  546. 13:11
  547. was there not that that was totally fake
  548. 13:14
  549. yeah I mean we have to go through it
  550. 13:18
  551. and even if it's something that in other
  552. 13:21
  553. words our critical problem-solving
  554. 13:23
  555. skills cannot be that the answer is
  556. 13:26
  557. definitive in other words I can tell you
  558. 13:29
  559. that the answer is 27 right you go what
  560. 13:32
  561. the hell is that mean you know how did
  562. 13:34
  563. you get 27 what is what is the question
  564. 13:36
  565. that I'm trying to answer
  566. 13:37
  567. well you're right by that matter all I
  568. 13:39
  569. shouldn't have said that it was fake but
  570. 13:41
  571. the reason why I did is because that
  572. 13:44
  573. immediately struck me is see here's the
  574. 13:47
  575. problem for us at least and I'm glad we
  576. 13:49
  577. brought this to my attention because
  578. 13:51
  579. like we're getting so much info coming
  580. 13:55
  581. at us and so much of it is dis info
  582. 13:57
  583. coming from there's a lot of trusted
  584. 14:00
  585. members of the community like you and
  586. 14:01
  587. obviously you connected with us early
  588. 14:03
  589. and you've given us a lot of good
  590. 14:05
  591. information and that's why you know you
  592. 14:07
  593. have my attention and when you tell me
  594. 14:08
  595. something's important I pay attention to
  596. 14:10
  597. it I'm glad you showed me this was a
  598. 14:12
  599. first saw that thing I saw the word
  600. 14:13
  601. mainframe and I was like fake with him
  602. 14:16
  603. Ronald Wallace subscriptions on YouTube
  604. 14:18
  605. to pedophilia channels it's like well
  606. 14:20
  607. you know what George has been looking at
  608. 14:22
  609. this guy under a microscope for almost a
  610. 14:25
  611. year and nothing nothing related to
  612. 14:28
  613. pedophilia or pizza gate or any of that
  614. 14:31
  615. has come up in association with him so
  616. 14:33
  617. as soon as I saw that my immediate
  618. 14:36
  619. response is okay you know what this is
  620. 14:38
  621. someone trying to discredit what we're
  622. 14:40
  623. doing trying to tie it to you know
  624. 14:43
  625. something and I'm not saying that
  626. 14:45
  627. pedophilia isn't real I'm not saying
  628. 14:47
  629. there aren't valid claims within
  630. 14:50
  631. whatever it is that people think Pizza
  632. 14:52
  633. Gate is obviously you say that word and
  634. 14:53
  635. it's you know radioactive it said you
  636. 14:56
  637. know one person thinks it means one
  638. 14:58
  639. thing another person thinks it means
  640. 14:59
  641. another thing but you know even that
  642. 15:01
  643. lawyers letter in Ron's lawyer put out a
  644. 15:03
  645. press release where he was like all this
  646. 15:06
  647. is xenophobia and racism and pizza gate
  648. 15:08
  649. I was like what I mean that's like
  650. 15:10
  651. blaming it on yeah you know it rained
  652. 15:13
  653. yesterday that's why you think this guy
  654. 15:15
  655. committed to thank fraud it's like wait
  656. 15:16
  657. a minute
  658. 15:17
  659. it just didn't make sense so I'm glad
  660. 15:19
  661. you brought this to my attention and you
  662. 15:21
  663. know George and I will definitely look
  664. 15:23
  665. at it and definitely look at the the
  666. 15:25
  667. details related to that 1920 Association
  668. 15:30
  669. dress yeah yeah we're going to leave
  670. 15:32
  671. we run stuff down as many different
  672. 15:35
  673. angles as we can before we see a word
  674. 15:38
  675. about it and we I mean zero hours fine
  676. 15:43
  677. pushing that out as unconfirmed as we do
  678. 15:46
  679. that stuff - we do that occasionally and
  680. 15:50
  681. we invite criticism that's what he's
  682. 15:53
  683. doing
  684. 15:54
  685. and that's what he's doing so that's how
  686. 15:56
  687. I treated until it could be cross front
  688. 15:58
  689. I think we got to connect with this guy
  690. 15:59
  691. if you don't like to do that and just
  692. 16:01
  693. sort of share information and see he's
  694. 16:05
  695. like a very smart guy definitely
  696. 16:06
  697. rice-a-roni are you happy non-tech he's
  698. 16:09
  699. mentioned I'm not personally I just
  700. 16:12
  701. started getting more into this today
  702. 16:15
  703. because we came across my Twitter feed
  704. 16:17
  705. right someone else that retweeted it and
  706. 16:20
  707. he's actually mentioned both of you
  708. 16:22
  709. before and in particular there's been a
  710. 16:25
  711. lot of people yet I don't know where the
  712. 16:27
  713. tweet was in the last 12 hours or so
  714. 16:29
  715. because a lot of people were hitting him
  716. 16:31
  717. up about this tie-in to set bridge how
  718. 16:34
  719. to tie this beverage and he said uh he
  720. 16:37
  721. said there's a reason why I'm not
  722. 16:39
  723. looking at George Webb State a lot of
  724. 16:41
  725. kids work because I like it work but
  726. 16:43
  727. this is another route I'm heading so
  728. 16:45
  729. he's he's going off in another route I
  730. 16:47
  731. think more from the Intel part of it
  732. 16:50
  733. rather than to try to connect all the
  734. 16:52
  735. players when he's trying to dig and see
  736. 16:56
  737. where does all of this go and I think
  738. 17:00
  739. there needs to be more eyes on it I I
  740. 17:02
  741. mean I just I saw the document of the
  742. 17:06
  743. there's a PDF it's a multiple page PDF
  744. 17:09
  745. it's got signatures and based on it was
  746. 17:11
  747. refined earlier this year in March now
  748. 17:14
  749. this has nothing to do with Imran but
  750. 17:16
  751. the people in that building are legit
  752. 17:18
  753. yeah and they are doing cybersecurity
  754. 17:21
  755. yeah for those departments I mentioned
  756. 17:24
  757. yeah so that's the happen office in that
  758. 17:27
  759. building uh yeah pretty good I mean it's
  760. 17:30
  761. worth looking at you know I looked at
  762. 17:33
  763. the invoices and I looked at the tenants
  764. 17:35
  765. and I looked at all of his files and it
  766. 17:38
  767. looked really good I mean SOCOM is in
  768. 17:40
  769. there Special Forces Command is in there
  770. 17:43
  771. they are contracting with all these
  772. 17:45
  773. different agents
  774. 17:46
  775. they are doing the shipping they are
  776. 17:47
  777. doing these blah blah blah the only
  778. 17:50
  779. thing I couldn't do is connect it to em
  780. 17:51
  781. rod because I had gone through all of em
  782. 17:53
  783. ron's 12 houses and and 22 businesses
  784. 17:57
  785. and I didn't have I as soon as I saw
  786. 18:00
  787. 1922 Association I wasn't in one of my
  788. 18:04
  789. addresses 19 20 19 20
  790. 18:06
  791. so that didn't that doesn't mean I
  792. 18:08
  793. didn't miss something but I just didn't
  794. 18:11
  795. see it so that's why I said this is
  796. 18:13
  797. going to do here I can't come here with
  798. 18:15
  799. our endorsement of something I haven't
  800. 18:17
  801. looked at and been to and knocked on the
  802. 18:19
  803. door yeah how did it come out all of a
  804. 18:21
  805. sudden that's the thing kind of came out
  806. 18:22
  807. oh yeah so here's the thing I don't know
  808. 18:26
  809. the source of the website he posted a
  810. 18:28
  811. screenshot up I gotta find it sweet for
  812. 18:31
  813. you all these steps I think it would
  814. 18:33
  815. look at that 56 hours ago I'll send a
  816. 18:38
  817. link when we get off here but it is we
  818. 18:41
  819. did it you know the Google yeah um maps
  820. 18:44
  821. and we got a picture right next to it of
  822. 18:47
  823. a screenshot if this Enron Enron diwan's
  824. 18:50
  825. addresses and it's got a list of 1920
  826. 18:54
  827. delineation projects yeah and they've
  828. 18:56
  829. got other ones below now I don't know
  830. 18:58
  831. about the other ones but there's a
  832. 19:00
  833. accomplished there is a data online
  834. 19:03
  835. source that he went to in order to
  836. 19:06
  837. obtain that information start digging in
  838. 19:09
  839. that direction I'm pretty sure I follow
  840. 19:11
  841. him I'm going to take a look at it yeah
  842. 19:14
  843. yeah we'll drill down on it tonight
  844. 19:17
  845. there's several different ways we can do
  846. 19:18
  847. that all right well okay we really
  848. 19:21
  849. appreciated rice-a-roni how's everything
  850. 19:23
  851. else going you feeling all right
  852. 19:25
  853. everything else is great I just wanted
  854. 19:28
  855. to tell you one thing and open at least
  856. 19:30
  857. a month or two since we last talked but
  858. 19:32
  859. there's a great group of people that I
  860. 19:35
  861. met a few weeks ago it's called
  862. 19:38
  863. democracy count
  864. 19:39
  865. it's run by a gentleman by the name of
  866. 19:42
  867. Daniel Wolff he the executive director
  868. 19:45
  869. and your people probably should go on
  870. 19:48
  871. Facebook and look at their their page
  872. 19:50
  873. that'll be too expensive at this point
  874. 19:52
  875. but basically what I wanted to say is as
  876. 19:54
  877. a follow-up to what we talked about
  878. 19:55
  879. before the election fraud the prior
  880. 19:58
  881. yeah what these guys are doing and it's
  882. 20:02
  883. really important they totally get that
  884. 20:06
  885. this is a hacking vote suppression uh
  886. 20:13
  887. effort and you're going to redouble
  888. 20:16
  889. their efforts and they're going to
  890. 20:18
  891. change their tactics
  892. 20:19
  893. this guy's bringing coders programmers
  894. 20:22
  895. and developers who have high level and
  896. 20:24
  897. high IQ oet backgrounds so what he's
  898. 20:28
  899. going to do they have an entire program
  900. 20:30
  901. it goes a little bit beyond election
  902. 20:32
  903. integrity what they're doing is they're
  904. 20:34
  905. doing a process in which you validate
  906. 20:36
  907. and find all the notes that show where
  908. 20:40
  909. election fraud takes place how they
  910. 20:42
  911. actually have an election how they
  912. 20:44
  913. change the results how they suppress the
  914. 20:46
  915. results what keys to look for and then
  916. 20:50
  917. compile all that data in a report run it
  918. 20:53
  919. through algorithms and be able to
  920. 20:55
  921. present eagle challenges six months down
  922. 20:57
  923. the road but immediately after the
  924. 20:59
  925. results are published yeah so I'm
  926. 21:02
  927. starting to work with them to give them
  928. 21:04
  929. some a body data and by information it's
  930. 21:07
  931. in the early stages but they seem to be
  932. 21:10
  933. pretty legit and very serious about this
  934. 21:12
  935. and they're starting to work with other
  936. 21:14
  937. potential candidates for 2018 all right
  938. 21:18
  939. well that's that's very positive and
  940. 21:19
  941. very hopeful because I've worked with
  942. 21:21
  943. cliff arterback and and Bob Petraeus on
  944. 21:24
  945. different elections and it's too late
  946. 21:26
  947. three months later you know you could be
  948. 21:28
  949. right accurate but it's too late and
  950. 21:30
  951. we're working with the backs as well
  952. 21:33
  953. same thing it's it's great but it's too
  954. 21:36
  955. late you know the candidates been
  956. 21:37
  957. nominated and that you know the election
  958. 21:40
  959. is over you know absolutely this is
  960. 21:42
  961. about mounting legal challenges and
  962. 21:44
  963. being able to show in the court the the
  964. 21:47
  965. evidence that suggests that there's
  966. 21:50
  967. something severely wrong here and that
  968. 21:52
  969. they can't what they're doing this is
  970. 21:54
  971. the smart part they're reaching out for
  972. 21:56
  973. the candidate ahead of time to say we're
  974. 21:59
  975. here we want to work with you this is
  976. 22:02
  977. what we're doing so that we're not
  978. 22:03
  979. having to contact people a month or two
  980. 22:06
  981. later and say oh when you're eight we
  982. 22:08
  983. saw something they're actually able to
  984. 22:10
  985. do it in the real
  986. 22:11
  987. that night but they're getting involved
  988. 22:13
  989. with candidates who are going to run
  990. 22:15
  991. we're going to run against incumbent
  992. 22:17
  993. they're going to run a different party
  994. 22:19
  995. they're wanting to go out and get
  996. 22:22
  997. involved in the process with everyone
  998. 22:24
  999. who wants to run and I think that's a
  1000. 22:27
  1001. really smart thing to get ahead of the
  1002. 22:28
  1003. curve because the problem statistical
  1004. 22:31
  1005. analysis and I think it's a very good
  1006. 22:33
  1007. good measurement it's the only one we
  1008. 22:35
  1009. really have had in order to detect
  1010. 22:37
  1011. election fraud but a problem statistical
  1012. 22:39
  1013. analysis that you're measuring fraud off
  1014. 22:43
  1015. of fraudulent results to good boys and
  1016. 22:45
  1017. what you need to know how to do is you
  1018. 22:47
  1019. need to know how they worked how you get
  1020. 22:50
  1021. those fraudulent results so that you're
  1022. 22:52
  1023. not doing some kind of lend or sort of
  1024. 22:55
  1025. looking at the periphery of all the
  1026. 22:57
  1027. possibilities that these results are off
  1028. 22:59
  1029. but odds are after you get to the second
  1030. 23:01
  1031. equation and you block a purely so what
  1032. 23:03
  1033. you got to do you got to say this is how
  1034. 23:05
  1035. we're doing right this is having to do
  1036. 23:07
  1037. it in deed to the sign and now we have
  1038. 23:10
  1039. we're going to court we're going to stop
  1040. 23:12
  1041. the certification so that's what they're
  1042. 23:15
  1043. under circle like a known distorter
  1044. 23:17
  1045. before you do it yeah so right turn that
  1046. 23:23
  1047. very great huh well that was good listen
  1048. 23:27
  1049. all right let me let me do this let me
  1050. 23:28
  1051. push this call out so everybody can
  1052. 23:29
  1053. listen to it and start thinking about
  1054. 23:31
  1055. some of that stuff and we're going to
  1056. 23:32
  1057. look into zero hour
  1058. 23:33
  1059. I really appreciate hearing from you and
  1060. 23:35
  1061. we'll speak to you soon okay all right
  1062. 23:38
  1063. guys thanks so much take care thank you
  1064. 23:40
  1065. to Roni take care bye
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