
Shadows of St. Clair 1

Oct 1st, 2011
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  1. [22:40:54] <[GM]Moltar> [The sun's finally coming up over Hong Kong, and just as most of the city buckles down for another day of work after a tireless night of its own, a few figures converge around a certain building in the middle of town as is customary for them. Customary for all except one, although one wouldn't know right away...]
  2. [22:42:25] * Thursday is looking as casual as ever. This is a familiar town; one gets used to looking natural within it, no matter the situation...
  3. [22:43:12] * Thursday is dressed a little better than usual, which is to say clothes that are not baggy, loose, faded, or ripped.
  4. [22:43:29] * Wednesday gets off of the taxi a few buildings away, and walk to the rally point. The other should be there soon, if they are punctual.
  5. [22:43:59] * Friday is lounging on a couch inside the lobby, looking as if she's been there for a few hours with how comfortable she is. She probably crashed here last night.
  6. [22:44:14] * Thursday stands on the other side of the street, pretending to be fiddling with a cell phone when the real purpose is to keep an eye on the hotel. Seems... normal enough.
  7. [22:44:19] * Wednesday 's garment is still the same as always. Tight shirt and slacks, with a very large coat covering the rest.
  8. [22:44:37] <Wednesday> ...
  9. [22:44:54] * Wednesday spots Friday, and sit nearby. However, no word is spoken.
  10. [22:45:07] <Friday> ...?
  11. [22:45:17] * Friday looks up and spots her comrade.
  12. [22:45:20] <Friday> Hi, Wendy!
  13. [22:46:38] * Thursday looks at a clock on a nearby jumbotron. It's about that time. Better go in.
  14. [22:47:24] * Wednesday nods.
  15. [22:47:38] <Wednesday> You are here early. Got a good night's sleep?
  16. [22:48:00] <Friday> ...sleep?
  17. [22:48:08] <Friday> ...early?
  18. [22:48:15] <Friday> ...what time is it?
  19. [22:48:21] * Friday looks around for a clock.
  20. [22:48:23] <Wednesday> ...designated time.
  21. [22:48:29] <[GM]Moltar> [Just outside the door, there is someone standing unnaturally still and looking at a fixed point on the other side of the street. It's clear they don't have anything to do with the hotel, judging by the attire.]
  22. [22:48:30] <Friday> Oh!
  23. [22:48:49] * Wednesday 's sharp sense triggers.
  24. [22:48:57] <Wednesday> ...we've been tailed.
  25. [22:49:10] <Friday> We have tails?
  26. [22:49:18] <Wednesday> ...
  27. [22:49:23] * Wednesday stares at Friday a bit.
  28. [22:49:29] * Thursday enters the hotel and keeps it casual. Perhaps it'd be best to go to the front counter and ask about unreserved rooms? Just in case.
  29. [22:49:52] * Friday , upon closer inspection, is visibly under the influence of illicit substances.
  30. [22:50:22] <Wednesday> to dumb it down,
  31. [22:50:43] <Wednesday> SOMEONE follows us.
  32. [22:50:55] <Friday> They did? Uh oh...
  33. [22:51:17] <Wednesday> Act normally.
  34. [22:51:35] * Wednesday stands up, and walk to the woman's restroom.
  35. [22:52:06] * Thursday asks about room openings, and the going rate on various classes of rooms. Anyone looking at the attire of such a person would probably assume they have not even the money for the cheapest room.
  36. [22:55:40] <[GM]Moltar> [They give a straightforward answer but in an offhanded manner, seemingly trying to keep it short. One of the staffers asks if you have anything to do with the person outside, saying they've been there for a while without doing anything.]
  37. [22:57:43] * Friday having been left alone, fails miserably at trying to stay calm as she tries to hide her stash.
  38. [22:57:48] * Thursday shrugs and answers to the negative. Just looking for a cheap room, is all.
  39. [22:59:28] * Thursday has been shunned for looking slobby and walks away from the counter. While walking around the lobby to a phone booth, Thursday observes the clientele lounging nearby. Anyone look like they might be "in the know"?
  40. [22:59:46] <Wednesday> ...
  41. [23:00:04] * Wednesday sees Friday's state, and assume that she cannot be left alone.
  42. [23:00:13] <[GM]Moltar> [The figure outside leans against the wall, but doesn't seem to break focus.]
  43. [23:00:21] * Friday manages to hide what's left of her drugs in the couch she's sitting on and tries to calm down.
  44. [23:00:24] * Wednesday gestures that Friday get out of her seat and just follow her to the blind spot.
  45. [23:00:35] <Friday> !
  46. [23:00:37] <Wednesday> Pzzt.
  47. [23:00:50] * Friday sees Wendy again and scurries over.
  48. [23:01:12] <Wednesday> Take note:
  49. [23:01:33] <Wednesday> Shady person outside. Hobo woman at counter. Might be same group. Cautious.
  50. [23:04:29] <Wednesday> ...
  51. [23:04:37] <Wednesday> Hey. You with me now?
  52. [23:04:45] * Wednesday lightly slaps Friday around.
  53. [23:04:46] * Thursday fiddles with the touchpad phonebook (paper books died out years ago), basically just killing time and sneaking looks at the lobby. Those women seem... out of place.
  54. [23:07:06] <Friday> Where's Sunnyyy...?
  55. [23:07:28] * Friday seems to shrink as she gets more and more nervous.
  56. [23:08:18] <[GM]Moltar> [The figure outside seemingly sighs and pulls a phone out, flipping it open and fiddling with it a little.]
  57. [23:08:34] <[GM]Moltar> [Mu's new phone rings.]
  58. [23:08:44] * Thursday wonders about approaching the women...
  59. [23:08:58] * Thursday 's phone rings. The SPECIAL phone.
  60. [23:09:31] * Thursday guesses this must be "the contact" and flips open the phone. In a hushed voice...
  61. [23:09:58] <Thursday> "...Today is Thursday."
  62. [23:12:55] <[GM]Moltar> [The person looks inside and shuts his phone, walking into the lobby and directly up to Mu.]
  63. [23:13:10] <Thursday> Saturday.
  64. [23:13:12] <Thursday> Saturday.
  65. [23:13:21] <Thursday> [wrong channel...]
  66. [23:14:57] <[GM]Moltar> [Walking closer, you can see that it's actually a man; he's dressed well enough to not look too out of place in this part of the city. He stops directly in front of Mu, his expression not changing in the least.]
  67. [23:15:05] <[GM]Moltar> Man: "Well?"
  68. [23:16:02] * Thursday 's doesn't change either.
  69. [23:16:10] <Thursday> "Well?"
  70. [23:16:37] <Tesla> Man: "Papers?"
  71. [23:18:22] * Thursday reaches into an inside shirt pocket and extracts trifolded "papers", opening and showing them to the man but NOT handing them over.
  72. [23:20:00] * Wednesday is still observing the two at the counter, and try not to make herself visible to them.
  73. [23:20:18] * Wednesday still grabbing Friday's hand, just in case.
  74. [23:21:50] <[GM]Moltar> [The man breaks into a slightly unnerving one-sided smile, speaking with Thursday like he's been working with the person for a while already.]
  75. [23:22:21] <[GM]Moltar> Man: "If we head up to the restaurant, you'll be just in time for breakfast. Have you had any sleep?"
  76. [23:24:05] * Thursday shrugs again.
  77. [23:24:12] <Thursday> "Enough of it."
  78. [23:24:16] <Friday> Breakfast...
  79. [23:24:29] * Friday gets hungry, and decides to head upstairs, pulling away from Wednesday.
  80. [23:26:07] * Thursday is following-not-leading for the moment. The new person shouldn't get too big-headed now.
  81. [23:27:52] * Friday scurries up the stairs in a none-too-inconspicuous manner, but she seems oblivious to it.
  82. [23:28:27] <Wednesday> Blast---!
  83. [23:28:31] <[GM]Moltar> Man: "Hm. I didn't."
  84. [23:29:07] * Wednesday quickly goes after Friday, but attempt nothing to stop her. Might be a good idea to let her scout ahead and take any ambush first.
  85. [23:30:50] * Thursday is on a shrug-fest today.
  86. [23:31:06] <Thursday> "It happens. Let's get a move on; probably on a tight schedule, eh?"
  87. [23:31:20] * Friday gets upstairs and enters the resturant.
  88. [23:32:15] * Wednesday follows not-so-closely behind.
  89. [23:32:17] * Saturday is at the restaurant already. She's sitting at a round table, her back to the wall.
  90. [23:32:35] * Saturday smiles, and waves them over.
  91. [23:32:51] <[GM]Moltar> [The man takes Mu up to a particular table with seven places, two of which are already occupied by men and one by a woman, right next to the window. One twiddles his thumbs, while the other uses an unfolded screen to read the paper. The man himself leaves in short order.]
  92. [23:34:27] <Friday> Hey, Sally!
  93. [23:34:34] * Thursday sits down and vaguely straights the mop of black hair so that a pair of dull eyes are visible.
  94. [23:34:40] * Friday waves when she sees Saturday and heads over to her.
  95. [23:34:51] * Wednesday , after seeing the table, cautiously selects the seat that's not taken AND facing the exit.
  96. [23:35:09] <Wednesday> ..........?
  97. [23:35:37] * Wednesday is not informed of this hobo person joining the table.
  98. [23:35:57] * Wednesday stays cautious, just in case. Well, she sorta do that all the time anyway.
  99. [23:37:00] * Saturday gives everyone a charming smile.
  100. [23:37:12] <Saturday> Good morning!
  101. [23:37:18] <Wednesday> ........
  102. [23:37:22] * Wednesday gives no reply.
  103. [23:37:41] <Tesla> [One of the two men speaks up.]
  104. [23:38:25] <Tesla> Monday: Well met. The new arrival, I presume, is the new Day?
  105. [23:39:50] * Thursday nods and keeps it brief until there's a better handle on what is expected.
  106. [23:40:09] <Thursday> "Yessir. Thursday."
  107. [23:41:26] <Wednesday> 'person', huh.
  108. [23:41:36] * Thursday looks around the table. A rather... odd collection. But such are secret organizations.
  109. [23:41:39] * Wednesday avoid using the word 'agent'.
  110. [23:41:53] * Friday looks excited, as she usually is whenever the group gets together.
  111. [23:41:59] * Saturday is a dark-skinned young woman of average build, with very Caucasian facial features. It's a weird sort of mix, but not an unattractive one, by any means. Unless the beholder in question don't like them dirty nigrahs, of course, in which case she's probably pretty awful-looking.
  112. [23:43:29] * Saturday is giving the newcomer a bright, cheerful smile. She seems to be stuck in "Amiable."
  113. [23:43:30] * Thursday is light-skinned and of a smaller, more athletic build, with very East-Asian facial features.
  114. [23:44:08] * Thursday smirks back and nods.
  115. [23:44:31] <Thursday> "Hey, how ya doing. Good night sleep?"
  116. [23:45:33] * Friday is also light-skinned, and overall wiry and weaselly-looking, with short-cropped hair that's dyed white, and the overall appearance of a junkie who's on the 3'rd day of this particular bender and still going strong.
  117. [23:45:53] * Saturday is wearing a blue skirt, and a purple long-sleeved shirt with a sweater over it. The sweater seems worn and much-loved, and has something in Arabic written on it.
  118. [23:46:51] <[GM]Moltar> [Monday has a rather ordinary look, smiling in a similar one-sided fashion to the man before. His eyes seem alive with intellectual torture, as if pure thought is pain. Tuesday, on the other hand, seems genuinely relaxed, occasionally saying something in a strong foreign accent.]
  119. [23:47:22] * Friday is wearing jean shorts and a tank-top with a denim vest jacket with many pockets along the sides.
  120. [23:49:03] * Thursday is wearing whatever was actually HANGING in the closet rather than whatever was at the top of the drawer.
  121. [23:50:24] <Saturday> No, it was terrible, in fact!
  122. [23:50:30] * Wednesday 's long coat is hiding most of her feature, but you can still see that she's at acerage height. Her long blond hair is only at her shoulder's length. Pale skin, sharp gaze, and a blue vivid eyes. She gives a feeling of sharpened razor. Always on edge, always cautious.
  123. [23:50:38] <Friday> ...sleep?
  124. [23:50:45] * Friday repeats herself from before.
  125. [23:50:48] * Saturday tilts her head and gives a soft giggle.
  126. [23:50:56] * Thursday nods again.
  127. [23:51:11] <Thursday> "Bummer. Ahh well, there's always tonight."
  128. [23:51:27] * Thursday looks at Friday.
  129. [23:51:33] <Saturday> Someone was having an argument down the hall, and the police had to come break it up.
  130. [23:51:40] <Thursday> "So what's your excuse?"
  131. [23:51:50] <Saturday> I didn't get to sleep until four~.
  132. [23:52:10] <Friday> Oh... I wasn't tired, I guess.
  133. [23:52:10] <Wednesday> ...
  134. [23:52:16] * Friday grins
  135. [23:52:38] * Wednesday waits. Discussion is not very productive right now, and joining it would be a waste of breath.
  136. [23:53:04] * Thursday raises an eyebrow.
  137. [23:53:04] * Saturday hasn't stopped looking upbeat even once. The expressions change, but it's never anything negative or downcast.
  138. [23:53:18] <Thursday> "...All right then."
  139. [23:53:56] * Thursday decides not to bug the sunglasses-trenchcoat. She looks very business.
  140. [23:54:01] <[GM]Moltar> [The group's thoughts are interrupted as, amidst all the noise in the restaurant, a very particular set of footsteps sounds as it approaches the table; it isn't very loud, and yet somehow nearly manages to eclipse all other sounds in the vicinity. Most present are familar with it...]
  141. [23:54:25] * Thursday isn't intimidated by scary footsteps.
  142. [23:54:31] * Friday is the first to chime up.
  143. [23:54:34] <Friday> Hi, Sunny!
  144. [23:55:32] * Thursday looks at the newcomer. The boss, perhaps...?
  145. [23:55:59] * Wednesday perks up. Finally, someone she should talk to.
  146. [23:59:42] * PresidentSunday stops just at the one vacant seat, scanning the table once and glancing at Thursday just a little longer than the others. A woman tall enough to physically tower over anyone else present, Sunday seems rather casually dressed but is still a rather imposing figure. She gives an all-too-familar (to most) crooked smile and a resounding chuckle before sitting down without a word.
  147. [00:01:04] * Thursday is used to being short. Is she going to be one of "those" people? Hopefully she's better than whatever-his-name-was, Gregman?
  148. [00:02:43] <Saturday> Good morning, ma'am~
  149. [00:02:52] * Friday sits forward, eager to hear what's to be said.
  150. [00:04:09] * Wednesday nods once to the newcomer.
  151. [00:04:34] <Saturday> Coffee?
  152. [00:05:26] * PresidentSunday takes off her hat and hangs it on the back of her chair, briefly running her hand across her bangs to rearrange them. She speaks with a voice that only a little less quiet than her foosteps, but immeasurably louder in the same way.
  153. [00:05:41] <PresidentSunday> "If you would."
  154. [00:06:43] * Saturday pours her a cup from the pot a waitress left earlier.
  155. [00:07:34] <Saturday> It's quite undrinkable until about the fourth packet of sugar~
  156. [00:07:50] * PresidentSunday gives another one of her smiles.
  157. [00:08:00] <PresidentSunday> "I take it you've had the opportunity to get acquainted with our new Thursday?"
  158. [00:08:25] * Saturday shakes her head.
  159. [00:09:06] <Saturday> I've not had much more than you, I'm afraid~
  160. [00:09:24] <Saturday> They only just arrived!
  161. [00:11:50] * Thursday gives a small half-wave.
  162. [00:12:05] <Thursday> "That's me. Now you're acquainted."
  163. [00:15:24] <[GM]Moltar> Tuesday: "Pleased to meet you, I'm Gogol. Tuesday."
  164. [00:16:06] <Wednesday> I guess I'm next.
  165. [00:16:08] * Wednesday ahems.
  166. [00:16:21] <Wednesday> Wednesday. We'll be seeing each other a lot.
  167. [00:18:32] <Friday> I'm Friday!
  168. [00:18:37] * Friday grins at the new person.
  169. [00:20:33] <Thursday> "Sup."
  170. [00:20:54] <Saturday> I am Saturday. I hope you've been well up to now~
  171. [00:21:15] <[GM]Moltar> Monday: "Monday. Secretary of the Council."
  172. [00:25:41] <PresidentSunday> "I'd like you to take notice of Gogol, particularly. Our friend Tuesday isn't doesn't seem to grasp the idea of exactly how we remain inconspicuous. He's more of a stage version of a dynamiter... we do remain more or less in the open, and no one pays attention, but Gogol keeps his head down around town a bit too low not to attract attention. He has a bit of a difficulty walking upright, now..."
  173. [00:27:56] <[GM]Moltar> Tuesday: "I... am not very good at concealment. Or deception..."
  174. [00:28:04] * Thursday wonders if there was something before that comment? She seemed to have started right in the middle there...
  175. [00:29:05] * PresidentSunday gives another chuckle. It's got a particular ring to it that makes it rather unsettling.
  176. [00:29:17] <PresidentSunday> "Right, right. You aren't very good at anything."
  177. [00:29:39] <Thursday> "...Then why is he here...?"
  178. [00:29:49] * Thursday blurts out curiously.
  179. [00:30:40] * Wednesday gesture Thursday to stay still.
  180. [00:30:42] <Wednesday> ...
  181. [00:31:29] * Thursday notices a few stares.
  182. [00:32:12] <Thursday> "What?"
  183. [00:32:33] <PresidentSunday> "Still, we're deviating from the point of the meeting. Wednesday?"
  184. [00:32:54] <Wednesday> ?
  185. [00:33:19] * Saturday takes a sip of her own coffee. Five sugars in that, although only Monday and Tuesday would know. REAL sugar, too!
  186. [00:36:48] * Thursday does not receive immediate punishment, so obviously the outburst wasn't that big of a deal anyways.
  187. [00:37:07] <PresidentSunday> "I'd like to go over the details of your next operation. I think it best if we keep to the original idea of a bomb, since besides being effective it's an effective symbol. It reaches out, it only destroys because it expands, you know the rhetoric. My brain feels a little like it, in a way."
  188. [00:37:21] * PresidentSunday taps her head and gives a short laugh, much like one of her chuckles.
  189. [00:37:40] * Wednesday nods.
  190. [00:37:41] * Friday perks up. She likes when they get to blow stuff up.
  191. [00:38:09] <Wednesday> So we will go with the original plan.
  192. [00:38:33] <Wednesday> However, I don't think we should discuss the detail here. There are ears and eyes everywhere.
  193. [00:38:48] <Wednesday> I want to be on the safe side.
  194. [00:39:07] <PresidentSunday> "Right, I think that there shouldn't be any objections to keeping it to a bomb. As for the finer details, I'm thinking that tomorrow you should go to-"
  195. [00:39:29] * PresidentSunday suddenly rises up, casting a shadow over the table and several of those still seated.
  196. [00:39:35] <Wednesday> ?
  197. [00:39:38] * Thursday has certainly not been given a chance to get up to speed, but whatever. Just roll with it for now.
  198. [00:40:11] <PresidentSunday> "Before we finish that... let's move back to a private room. I have something particular to say."
  199. [00:40:27] * Friday is taken aback a bit as Sunday stands up fast. She 'waahs' a bit as she almost falls backward on her chair.
  200. [00:40:59] * Saturday looks up in mid-sip.
  201. [00:41:15] * Wednesday nudges the back of Friday's seat to make it balance.
  202. [00:41:15] * Saturday ...Well, that was odd, but whatever.
  203. [00:41:52] * Saturday looks up even further to get a look at Sunday's expression.
  204. [00:42:30] * Thursday has to keep cool. First day on the job means you've got to give it your all.
  205. [00:43:34] * PresidentSunday continues to scan the group with an analytical, slightly bored gaze as she takes her hat back from her chair.
  206. [00:44:29] <[GM]Moltar> [Monday and Tuesday both stand.]
  207. [00:44:40] <[GM]Moltar> Tuesday: "Right... you talk about concealing ourselves out in the open, and when something important comes up we lock ourselves in a box."
  208. [00:45:42] * Saturday stands up as well, hesitantly.
  209. [00:45:59] * Friday scrambles up and gets ready to leave
  210. [00:46:04] <PresidentSunday> "Tuesday... don't you get it? If we'd gone there first, everyone would be listening. Now, come along. For the first time this morning something of consequence is going to be said."
  211. [00:46:04] <Saturday> Shall I ask the waitress for a room, Madam?
  212. [00:46:12] * PresidentSunday nods to Saturday.
  213. [00:46:37] * Thursday shrugs and follows suit. A rather odd sort of ruling class, these six...
  214. [00:49:04] * Saturday nods, and excuses herself to go track down a girl wearing a uniform themed in the restaurant's colors. The woman looks over at the group, and starts to protest when Saturday slips her a bill. Instantly the woman is all cheer, although it seems a bit more forced compared to Saturday's own bright smile.
  215. [00:49:18] * Wednesday stay on the back, making sure everything is ready before following the rest of the group.
  216. [00:49:32] * Saturday nods to Sunday.
  217. [00:50:28] * Thursday edges in closer to Wednesday and whispers a quick question.
  218. [00:50:42] <Thursday> {"Is it always like this?"}
  219. [00:51:51] * Friday hurries behind Sunday
  220. [00:52:29] <Wednesday> not really.
  221. [00:52:43] * Wednesday doesn't give an exact answer.
  222. [00:53:00] * Thursday nods and calls it good for now. More questions would be better for AFTER the meeting is over.
  223. [00:53:26] <[GM]Moltar> [In a few moments, the group has retreated to a room away from prying eyes.]
  224. [00:54:29] <PresidentSunday> "Now, the first point is simple enough. I'd like for no further details of any of our operations to be revealed in present company."
  225. [00:56:38] <PresidentSunday> "Out there it's all fine; everyone thinks we're joking. But the real danger would be for someone to be in here who isn't one of us; someone who knows what we're up to but doesn't share our goal. You all follow?"
  226. [00:57:36] * Wednesday nods.
  227. [00:57:52] <Wednesday> informer. Spy. Mole. Whatever you call it.
  228. [00:57:57] * Thursday thinks it best not to speak right about now. Being the new kid on the block isn't going to win any points with a topic like that.
  229. [00:59:51] <[GM]Moltar> Monday: "What? No..."
  230. [01:00:42] <PresidentSunday> "Yes. There's a spy in here. The name is..."
  231. [01:01:04] * Saturday raises an eyebrow.
  232. [01:02:22] <Friday> Spy...?
  233. [01:02:29] * Friday has lost all cheerfulness
  234. [01:04:16] * PresidentSunday waves her hand around a few times as if conducting an orchestra, before snapping her fingers and freezing it in place while it points directly at Tuesday.
  235. [01:04:40] * Thursday puffs a puff of hair and does an eyeroll, but holds off saying anything when the pointing stops.
  236. [01:04:58] * Thursday looks at Tuesday dully.
  237. [01:04:58] <PresidentSunday> "The name is Gogol. That jackhole there who pretends he's foreign."
  238. [01:05:09] * Friday snaps a look at Tuesday, eyes wide.
  239. [01:05:49] <Wednesday> ...
  240. [01:07:00] <Saturday> 14Goodness!
  241. [01:07:17] <[GM]Moltar> [Tuesday springs to his feet, a pistol in each of his hands.]
  242. [01:07:29] * Friday hits the deck!
  243. [01:10:21] * Saturday kicks back in her seat, and half-falls out of it, going into a low crouch as she grabs the chair and whips it around in front of her, holding it seat-out like a shield.
  244. [01:10:35] * Wednesday flings whatever nearby up into a wall. in this case it would be either table or desk.
  245. [01:12:44] * Friday starts crawling out of sight.
  246. [01:12:57] * Thursday catches sight of the pistols and wastes no time. A quick step brings Thursday within kicking range, and a boot kicks away one of the guns.
  247. [01:13:50] * Thursday immediately brings the opposite hand down on the other gun, flicking it down, then transitions into an elbow-jab to the throat.
  248. [01:14:29] * Thursday delivers a few more jabs and a knee to the solar plexus. For security.
  249. [01:14:32] * PresidentSunday doesn't even flinch as the whole ordeal takes place, brushing some of her bangs out from in front of her right eye.
  250. [01:15:25] * Friday reappears once the man is disarmed, firing a wired taser into the man's back, a sinister little device that Wednesday and Saturday are familiar with. 'Tuesday' drops like a sack of potatoes as she turns the voltage up.
  251. [01:16:13] <Friday> Got him-!
  252. [01:16:18] * Thursday keeps a foot on the downed Tuesday and looks at the group skeptically.
  253. [01:16:27] <Thursday> "Wow. Fine lot of battle-hardened terrorists you are."
  254. [01:16:42] <Thursday> "You just LET that kind of shit happen?"
  255. [01:17:31] * Friday isn't paying attention to 'Thursday's' diatribe. She's busy giggling and watching as Tuesday twitches on the ground.
  256. [01:18:09] <Saturday> ...Madam President, I would prefer being notified of such maneuvers in the future~
  257. [01:18:59] <Thursday> "I mean, seriously, you're gonna let the new kid take this?"
  258. [01:19:21] <Thursday> "But, man, whatever. It's cool. It's cool."
  259. [01:19:25] * Thursday motions/points nonchalantly to Sunday.
  260. [01:19:37] <Thursday> "You were saying something, Prez?"
  261. [01:19:51] * Saturday engages in discussion with Sunday as she slowly untenses, working her way over to Tuesday, getting partway between him and the president, but not quite within reach.
  262. [01:20:04] * PresidentSunday seems focused on Tuesday at the moment.
  263. [01:20:06] <[GM]Moltar> [After a moment, Tuesday begins to struggle again.]
  264. [01:20:15] <Saturday> ...Alternately, the bodyguard option may be purchased at any time for a reasonable monthly fee.
  265. [01:20:45] <PresidentSunday> "SIT down!"
  266. [01:21:05] * PresidentSunday uses a voice an infinity of times more commanding and intense than she did before.
  267. [01:21:09] * Friday hasn't let up on the voltage at all since nailing him. He's not going anywhere.
  268. [01:21:27] <[GM]Moltar> [He goes slack again, instantly.]
  269. [01:21:51] <PresidentSunday> "Now, would you release him? He won't be doing much of anything."
  270. [01:22:05] <Friday> Ohh... ok...
  271. [01:22:25] * Friday sounds disappointed as she shuts off the current. The progs are still stuck in him though, if he tries anything.
  272. [01:22:26] * Saturday is halfway to bringing the chair back around under herself when she realizes she wasn't the one being spoken to.
  273. [01:22:31] * Thursday backs off. Making scenes... It's so uncool. But it happens.
  274. [01:23:17] <Friday> Maybe we should open a window....
  275. [01:23:20] * Wednesday knows that it is not directing to her. She works perfectly, so being scolded for it is unlikely.
  276. [01:23:28] * Friday tries to wave the smell of burning flesh away from her.
  277. [01:23:28] <Wednesday> Don't.
  278. [01:23:47] <Wednesday> We don't know if there's any more adversary outside.
  279. [01:24:05] <Friday> But it smeeeeeells.
  280. [01:24:09] * Friday whines
  281. [01:24:23] <Thursday> "Yeah? Well, not my fault."
  282. [01:24:46] * Thursday air-boxes a bit.
  283. [01:24:48] <Wednesday> YOur thought, boss?
  284. [01:25:07] <Thursday> "If you'd do more of this and less of that, you wouldn't HAVE that problem, would ya?"
  285. [01:25:28] <PresidentSunday> "I think Mr. Tam should show us what he's got in his shirt pocket, don't you?"
  286. [01:25:29] <Thursday> "...Thought you were s'pposed to be against technology and all that?"
  287. [01:28:18] * Friday looks at Thursday like a deer in headlights as the diatribe continues to fly over her head.
  288. [01:28:45] * Thursday looks at Friday a bit closer and squints.
  289. [01:29:05] <Thursday> "...You're high, aren't you?"
  290. [01:29:37] * Thursday doesn't say it antagonistically. Just sort of, says it.
  291. [01:29:41] * Saturday gives Thursday a polite look of non-comprehension, then gazes down at Tuesday's unmoving form.
  292. [01:30:04] <Saturday> ...Shall I, ma'am?
  293. [01:30:12] * Friday nods repeatedly a few times, as if it's the first thing that she's understood.
  294. [01:30:37] <[GM]Moltar> [With some effort, Tuesday pulls out a blue card from a pocket on the inside of his coat. He drops it, laughing twice before coughing thrice.]
  295. [01:31:32] <Thursday> "...and Sunday doesn't care?"
  296. [01:31:36] * PresidentSunday walks forward until she's just over Tuesday, the heels of her boots sounding against the floor in the same distinctive way they did back in the restaurant.
  297. [01:31:52] * Wednesday answers Thursday;
  298. [01:32:23] <Wednesday> It does not concern you or your work. Leave it be.
  299. [01:32:44] * Thursday looks at Wendy skeptically.
  300. [01:33:17] * Saturday is watching the President and Tuesday with pleasant half-interest.
  301. [01:33:23] <Thursday> "Huh? If she's high as a kite, she hurts the mission, mission hurts US, and US is ME now."
  302. [01:33:46] * Thursday backs off all the same.
  303. [01:34:17] <Thursday> "But it's cool, it's cool. Just sayin'. Maybe clean yourself up before a job, s'all."
  304. [01:34:51] * Friday sniffs under her arms, wondering why Thursday might say she needs to clean herself up.
  305. [01:35:17] <PresidentSunday> "Now, Mr. Tam, this is how it's going to be. You amuse me, so if I heard you'd died torturously it might make me uncomfortable for about a minute. If you tell anyone else about us, or the police, I'll have that minute. The thought of your discomfort doesn't really bother me. Saturday, help him out. And mind the step."
  306. [01:36:32] * Friday knows this part!
  307. [01:37:19] * Friday turns up the voltage and then shoves the taser module in his shirt, knowing what comes next. After all, she can always build a new one.
  308. [01:37:33] <Saturday> The step?
  309. [01:37:50] <PresidentSunday> "On the way out."
  310. [01:38:09] * Thursday pays decent attention to Sunday for the moment. Gotta get a feel for what the new boss is like.
  311. [01:38:10] * PresidentSunday points back over her shoulder with her thumb.
  312. [01:38:13] <Wednesday> Need a hand?
  313. [01:38:16] * Saturday asks politely as she straightens up, and sets the chair down.
  314. [01:38:24] <Saturday> Ah.
  315. [01:38:46] * Saturday smiles, and shakes her head.
  316. [01:39:17] <Saturday> I have this covered~
  317. [01:39:44] * Wednesday nods.
  318. [01:39:57] * Saturday pauses by Sunday, and asks quietly,
  319. [01:39:58] * Wednesday take point besides President Sunday.
  320. [01:40:06] <Wednesday> ..
  321. [01:40:22] <Saturday> 14Out the room, the building, or a window~?
  322. [01:41:09] <PresidentSunday> "Don't kill him. We can't be too conspicuous in the wrong ways."
  323. [01:41:22] <Thursday> "Yeah. I thought we were trying to keep a low profile, or something."
  324. [01:41:32] <Thursday> "Window, yeah, not so much.'
  325. [01:43:29] <Thursday> "But I'm new at this sooo..."
  326. [01:43:35] * Saturday 's whisper was apparently too loud. Such is the problem of trying to whisper in the ear of someone a head or so taller than you without reaching up to them.
  327. [01:43:59] * Thursday just shrugs and goes back to standing over there.
  328. [01:45:50] * Saturday goes to the door, and flags down a waitress, once again. She speaks to her, and the girl's face grimaces. She rolls her eyes, and nods, then points to the back of the hall the room branches off from.
  329. [01:47:07] * Saturday thanks her, and then walks in. Crouching down, she effortlessly hauls Tuesday to his feet.
  330. [01:47:14] <Saturday> Up you go~
  331. [01:49:42] * Thursday asks Wednesday again:
  332. [01:49:51] <Thursday> "Is it always like this?"
  333. [01:49:53] * Saturday shifts a little, looking at her reflection in the glass. She adjusts Tuesday's posture a bit, drapes his arm a little more over her shoulders. He now just looks like a sick, or possibly highly drunk friend being carried by a buddy, if said buddy normally hung out with girls a third or half as young as he.
  334. [01:50:42] * Saturday leaves the room with her human cargo, taking care to walk slower as she goes.
  335. [01:53:00] <PresidentSunday> "Wednesday, I'll contact you later today to give you the details of the assignment. The rest of you, unless I tell you otherwise, will carry out your regular duties. Any questions?"
  336. [01:53:17] * Wednesday answers more clearly this time to Thursday:
  337. [01:53:23] <Wednesday> Not always like this.
  338. [01:53:31] <Friday> Nope!
  339. [01:53:37] * Wednesday then reply the boss.
  340. [01:53:43] * Friday is all ready and willing to go blow something up!
  341. [01:53:45] <Wednesday> Got it. Via normal channel?
  342. [01:54:14] <Thursday> "I got one."
  343. [01:54:47] <Thursday> "Is anyone gonna fill me in on... anything? I mean, if not, that's cool, just... asking."
  344. [01:56:59] <PresidentSunday> "You really are new, aren't you? I'll see that it's taken care of."
  345. [01:58:51] <Thursday> "Yeah, I was hired..."
  346. [01:58:59] * Thursday checks the time.
  347. [01:59:16] <Thursday> "Ten, hours ago? Maybe eight? Around there."
  348. [01:59:25] * Thursday shrugs.
  349. [01:59:34] * PresidentSunday chuckles.
  350. [02:00:01] <PresidentSunday> "We'll keep it simple. Wednesday, would you mind introducing your colleague to the job over the course of the day?"
  351. [02:00:55] <Wednesday> Wilco.
  352. [02:01:36] <Wednesday> I'll debrief you later.
  353. [02:01:59] * Thursday nods.
  354. [02:02:02] <Thursday> "Thanks."
  355. [02:03:15] <PresidentSunday> "Well, I suppose that for today that'll be all. I'll make my own way out, and as all of you except maybe Thursday know, you can count on seeing me soon enough. Laters."
  356. [02:03:54] * PresidentSunday turns around and leaves the room herself, the heels of her boots making that distinctive sound for long afterwards until they finally, slowly, fade away.
  357. [02:04:45] <Friday> Bye, Sunny!
  358. [02:04:53] * Thursday stares at the door, strangely.
  359. [02:05:19] <Thursday> "...The cops are afraid of this?"
  360. [02:05:35] <Thursday> "Man, talk about perspective..."
  361. [02:05:47] <Wednesday> Mostly everyone in this island is afraid of this.
  362. [02:06:00] * Friday can be seen having already started taking apart a table lamp, cannibalizing its parts to start building a new taser.
  363. [02:06:45] <Wednesday> Everyone, disperse. I'll contact you via the usual means.
  364. [02:06:54] <Friday> Ok!
  365. [02:06:54] <Thursday> "Well, you know what they say. People fear what they don't understand."
  366. [02:06:59] <Wednesday> Continue with your old order.
  367. [02:07:28] <Wednesday> Thursday, come with me. I'll tell you how we do things here.
  368. [02:07:34] * Friday gathers up the salvaged parts and shoves them in her pockets, leaving the lamp in pieces on the floor as she scampers out.
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