
More than Wit

Sep 25th, 2019
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  1. [23:14] {NARRATION} []
  3. This sound echoes throughout the chamber - The cavern itself begins to quake and tremble. Feel free to watch the rest of the video for an explanation and description of what follows next.
  5. .. Because quickly, the rocks begin to fall from the ceiling and loud slamming can be heard in the cavern room directly to their right. Three directions can be followed.
  7. Left, Right. Center. The screeching and thrashing seems to get louder as whatever was following was slowly coming to pick out their location.
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. [23:32] The noises and trembling perked up.
  12. Monsters? Was it demons? Demons?
  14. More demons. A ton of demons. Jesus christ that's a lot of demons.
  16. Rocks? Slamming? Wonderful. He should've brought spare underwear, two sets. One was wet, of course.
  18. Trusting his navigator's gut, Adar's tugged on the penguin lady's sleeve and took the lead brashly. Separating would've certainly not been viable in the face of a potential ambush. Therefore, he'd summon the rest to follow in tow. You know, those who weren't demotivated.
  20. Hushedly: "This way!" With such a narrow timeframe to think, and sprinting into the cavern opposite from which slamming could be heard, the navigator took a leap of faith. Hoping facing the unpredictable option would not be the correct one, they'd be forced to sneak.
  22. "Vetani… what the hell is hunting for us?"
  23. (Adar)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [23:35] Vetani crouches low to the ground, suddenly. She looked very deep in concentration, when all Hel seemed to break loose. It shatters and rattles at the morphed nature of the cave. To her right was even louder, rocks and more rocks falling to shatter.
  28. Just like the spire-tainted Swuisarme, another predator. The strongest creatures, mutated beyond imagination from the shard. Vetani couldn't waste much time before it came for them, won't make this like how Adar was grabbed from her.
  30. She was about to act, when Vetani was thus dragged to her left! (Oh gods, a straight path from where the creature was stomping.) Vetani waves around, really hoping Milon follows her and does not jump straight for the monster.
  32. Vetani begins, mind racing under the dangers... she takes a very long look and sense around the leftmost area.
  34. (Vetani)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [23:37] Milon sticks by Vetani's side! She is probably the most likely to start shooting if she sees anything, though.
  38. (Milon)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [23:38] Vetani says, "Let's-sss see what we got here..."
  42. [23:41]
  43. {LOAD GAME}
  45. [23:41] Vetani exclaims, "Monster, hem...!"
  46. [23:44] {NARRATION} To the left, a glowing door can be seen. The creature seems to thrash about in the room they'd just left for a time.
  48. There is a small, 3x3 grid in front of them. To which magical looking orbs were scattered around the room.
  50. A runic set of directions seem to be written below the grid. Eight orbs in total.
  51. Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, White, Black.
  53. C1 C3 C2
  54. X X X
  55. X X X
  56. X X X
  58. Chamber 1: Low Gray. Chamber 2: High Green, components follow.
  59. Chamber 3: Low Red, derivatives above.
  61. Time seems.. Limited at best.
  62. [23:48] Vetani in her adrenaline-laden mind, simply put... needs a few seconds to do something productive beyond running, fighting, and drumming. Her rattled throat swigs down one of her elixirs as she goes cross-eyed at an orb.
  63. (Vetani)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [23:49] Vetani says, "We needa'... match them together. But you all know that much."
  67. [23:49] Adonis Lelhua says, "Mhm. But the key is..."
  68. [23:50] Milon stepped up to bat! She investigated the grid, and then looked about at the orbs. The shining in her eyes suggested that she's not even thinking about the puzzle; she's mostly enamored by all the pretty colors. The blue one in particular caught her attention, and she stared idly at it.
  70. "...You know - I wouldn't want to be the smart guy of the group in this situation," she mused, flashing a grin at Adar. No sir - Milon was the certified dumb muscle of this group. Even something as simple as a jigsaw puzzle would probably prompt her to throw her hands up in frustration.
  72. "...Anyway! I already see the answer," she said completely unconvincingly, "But I wanna see you guys get it."
  73. (Milon)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [00:08] Adar was abnormally quick, as if he had ever completed this exact puzzle at some other point in his lifetime. His eyes would bolt from one direction to the other, orb to orb. Time was narrow, yet his breath didn't falter much at all, even in spite of his fellow's teasing of his brain.
  78. It was as if he had been bubbled of outside stimuli, instead adverting his gaze towards the empty grid. What followed took just under a dozen seconds.
  80. Eight orbs.
  82. The second chamber, at the right was filled at an inhumanly quick pace, as the navigator's hands carried the subsequent orbs towards the column in question.
  84. "Chamber two." He'd mouth to himself, rushing through the solution.
  86. "High: Green." The obvious hint. "Components follow." The blue and yellow ones. Easy enough. Two down.
  88. "Chamber three." Placing red down low impulsively, the keeper computed the answer within a moment. "Derivatives." The purple and orange orbs would swiftly press themselves against the slotted center and top spots of the middle row.
  90. "Chamber one." Obvious enough. Black. White.
  92. Within two blinks of an eye, Adar had placed down his safest bet for the puzzle. In the background, the creature's thrashing could be easily made out.
  94. "Come on - Come on!" Below his breath. He'd pray his talents hadn't failed him.
  96. C1 C3 C2
  97. Bl Or Green
  98. Wh Pu Yellow
  99. Gr Re Blue
  101. (Adar)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [00:11] {NARRATION} Chamber door opens up very slowly moments before the beast crashed through into their room with intent to tear them to pieces.
  106. They now find themselves in a completely crystalline-covered room, as rain drops coming from condensation in the ceiling above fall very softly on crystals of varying size.
  108. It plays a melody.
  109. [00:12] "Wow, Adar, I can't believe you stole her thunder like that," the girl said in that lilting voice of hers - aided by the melody, perhaps. "...But that's fine - I think this room is made for you, My-tani. What do you think, hm?"
  110. (Milon)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [00:18] A few blinks are taken as Vetani licks off the elixir on her lips, and the scattering of orbs are locked into place. All of them barrel into the next room in the nick of time.
  115. Sweetness swirls around her ears in music... "Milon, Milon. This is great; even nature can play herself a song."
  117. "The only thing that surrounds us is crystals, but a blessed place like this cannot be a dead end! We just need to listen; I just need to follow its pattern."
  119. It's all up to her. Vetani puts all her dreams into an effort to follow her ears with the crystals.
  120. (Vetani)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [00:19] Vetani says, "But, what if I..."
  124. [00:20] {NARRATION} Starting to slowly overwhelm the tune of the crystals in this room, the beating of a heart starts to slowly churn and sound in their ears. Little by little, the tune is blotched out.
  126. ... And the visceral beating of a nearby heart can be heard so loud. Like it was being telepathically put into their heads. Like it was right next to their ear.
  128. The crystals seem to lose their illumination - Their light. They grow dull as power is re-routed towards something.. Near the back end of the crystalline room.
  130. The beating of the heart drowns out all other noises.
  132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. [00:27] A vague set of eyes would bounce towards the cosmic magi, Adonis, mustering complicity, as if to completely disregard Milon's smug, shit-eating grin. A short, drowsy nod later, he'd force them to press on into the crystalized chamber.
  136. Out of touch with doing, he'd instead merely observe the crystals in question.
  138. They'd function like diapasons. Tuning forks. Their temperament, however, was unlike any analog man-made instrument. A contentive hum would vaguely spurt itself out.
  140. Then, as if to flatten the delicate melody, a booming bass drum begun to loop into their senses, almost intruding them completely. A quick, desperate bolt of his stare across the now lifeless room would soon return to Vetani, offering her a look of bewilderment. The cartilage-like sounds grew clearer, lucid, unnerving.
  142. "Tani. Where are they taking it?!" He clearly meant the energy. Keeping up with his loose, non verbatim-dependent train of thought could prove puzzling at times. "Can you make it out!?"
  144. Nearly shouting by the end, Adar's senses would start to become drowned by the drumming heartbeat.
  145. (Adar)
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