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Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. #
  3. # Your file has been automatically updated at 17.02.2020 09:40:17
  4. # to CoreArena 2.5.4
  5. #
  6. # Unfortunatelly, due to how Bukkit saves all .yml files, it was not possible
  7. # preserve the documentation comments in your file. We apologize.
  8. #
  9. # If you'd like to view the default file, you can either:
  10. # a) Open the CoreArena-2.5.4.jar with a WinRar or similar
  11. # b) or, visit:
  12. #
  13. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Arena:
  16. Action_Denied_While_Editing: '&cFor safety reasons, finish editing your arena first!
  17. Run /arena edit {arena}'
  18. Error:
  19. Not_Enabled: '&cThe arena {arena} is not enabled.'
  20. Not_Found: '&cThe arena ''{arena}'' does not exist!'
  21. Not_Ready: '&cThe arena is not yet configured!'
  22. Edited: '&cThe {arena} is currently being edited!'
  23. Already_Playing: '&cYou are already playing in arena {arena}!'
  24. Already_Running: '&cThe arena is already running, try again later!'
  25. Full: '&cThe arena is full, try again later!'
  26. No_Arena_At_Location: Could not find an arena by your location. Please specify
  27. the arena name.
  28. Inventory_Not_Empty: '&cPlease clear your inventory before joining!'
  29. Cannot_Run_Command_In_Arena: '&cThis command is disallowed while playing!'
  30. Setup:
  31. Cannot_Edit: '&cTo edit the arena, please enter its setup mode.'
  32. Cannot_Clone: '&cCannot clone visualized blocks!'
  33. Clone_Mob_Spawnpoint_Unknown: '&cThe selected block is not a mob spawnpoint!'
  34. Lobby:
  35. Join_Player: '&7Welcome to &6{arena}&7. We are starting in &6{time}&7.'
  36. Join_Others: '&6{player} &7joined the lobby ({players}/{maxPlayers})!'
  37. Start_Countdown: '&6Get ready! &7Arena {arena} starts in {seconds}!'
  38. Not_Enough_Players: '&c{arena} could not start due to too few players ({players}/{minPlayers})!'
  39. Kick_No_Class: '&cYou have not selected any class, and we couldn''t find you a
  40. suitable one!'
  41. Kick_No_Team: '&cYou haven''t selected a team and we couldn''t assign you any!'
  42. Tier_Too_Low: '&7The arena requires at least &6Tier {arenaTier} &7on classes,
  43. while you only have &6Tier {classTier} &7on this class.'
  44. Game:
  45. Start: '&7The game in &6{arena} &7has begun ({players}/{maxPlayers})!'
  46. End_Countdown: '&6Watch out! &7Arena {arena} ends in {seconds}!'
  47. End: '&6&lGG! &7The game in &6{arena} &7has finished!'
  48. End_Last_Player: '&7The arena has &6ended &7because you were the last player left!'
  49. Death_Broadcast: '&c{player} has died! ({deaths}/{lifes_max})'
  50. Death_To_Victim: '&cYou have died and have {lifes_left} left.'
  51. Kick_Death_Broadcast: '&c{player} has died for the last time and leaves the game!'
  52. Kick_Death_To_Victim: '&cYou have died and have no more lifes left, better luck
  53. next time!'
  54. Kill_Broadcast: '&6{player} &7has been killed by &6{killer} &7({lifes_left}/{lifes_max})'
  55. Kill_To_Victim: '&7You have been killed and have &6{lifes} &7left.'
  56. Kick_Kill_Broadcast: '&6{killer} &7has killed &6{player}&7! {players} player(s)
  57. left!'
  58. Kick_Kill_To_Victim: '&7You have been killed by &6{killer} &7and the game has
  59. ended for you! Better luck next time {player}!'
  60. Class_Auto_Assigned: '&7You did not select any class and were given the class
  61. &6{class}&7.'
  62. Friendly_Fire_Activated: '&cWatch out! &6PvP &7has been enabled!'
  63. Explosive_Arrow_No_Ammo: '&7You lack &cExplosive Arrows&7 to shoot from this bow.'
  64. State:
  65. Stopped: '&4Stopped'
  66. Lobby: '&6Launching'
  67. Running: '&2Running'
  68. Experience:
  69. Next_Phase: '&7Received &6{amount}&7 exp for surviving the {phase}. phase!'
  70. Pickup: '&6You have now &7{level} &6and &7{exp}&6.'
  71. Upgrades:
  72. Locked: '&7This upgrade is available from the &6{phase}. phase&7!'
  73. Lack_Levels: '&7You lack &6{levels} &7to afford this upgrade.'
  74. Lack_Space: '&6Your inventory lacks space! Dropping rest of the items on the floor.'
  75. Successful_Purchase: '&aPurchased: &7{upgrade} for {levels}!'
  76. Bossbar:
  77. Title: Phase {phase}
  78. Next_Phase: '&6&lArena Entered the &4&l{phase} &6&lPhase'
  79. Color:
  80. Start: GREEN
  81. Mid: BLUE
  82. Near_End: RED
  83. Phase:
  84. Next_Phase_Wait: '&6Prepare yourself! The next phase starts in {delay} seconds.'
  85. Max_Phase:
  86. Text: '&6&lArena reached its maximum phase.'
  88. Sidebar:
  89. Playing_Team:
  90. Title: '&8[&fPlaying {arena}&8]'
  91. Team_Format: '{team} &f- {players_left}'
  92. Lines: "&cPlayers\n&f{players}\n&r\n&cTeams Alive\n{teams}\n&r\n&cRemaining Time\n\
  93. &f{remainingTime}\n&8&m------------------ "
  94. Title:
  95. Kick:
  96. Title: '&cGame over'
  97. Subtitle: '&7Thank you for playing in {arena}'
  98. Escape:
  99. Title: '&cGame over'
  100. Subtitle: '&7You abandoned the {arena} area'
  101. Currency:
  102. Name: Nugget, Nuggets
  103. Color: GOLD
  104. Received: '&7You received &6{amount} &7and have &6{balance}. &7Go spend them on
  105. /arena rewards!'
  106. Rewards:
  107. Menu:
  108. Label: Rewards Menu
  109. Individual_Label: Choose a Reward
  110. Items_Label: Items
  111. Items_Description: |-
  112. &r
  113. Purchase valuable items to
  114. enhance your survival experience.
  115. Blocks_Label: Blocks
  116. Blocks_Description: |-
  117. &r
  118. Purchase blocks you can build
  119. with while playing in survival.
  120. Packs_Label: Packs
  121. Packs_Description: |-
  122. &r
  123. Purchase reward packs or special
  124. items only available here.
  125. Class_Label: Upgrade Your Class
  126. Class_Description: |-
  127. &r
  128. Upgrade your classes to
  129. higher tiers here.
  130. Info_Player: |-
  131. Balance: &f{nuggets}
  132. &r
  133. You can spend them on rewards
  134. in form of items or special packs.
  135. Info_Admin: |-
  136. &6Nuggets&7 that players receive in
  137. arena, can be spent on rewards.
  138. &r
  139. You can configure the rewards here.
  140. Menu:
  141. Cannot_Open_In_Arena: '&cCannot open menu while playing in an arena!'
  142. Cannot_Open_Outside_Arena: '&cThis menu is only accessible inside an arena!'
  143. Cannot_Open_Outside_Lobby: '&cThis menu is only accessible in the lobby!'
  144. Commands:
  145. No_Console: '&cYou may only use this command as a player'
  146. Disallowed_While_Playing: '&cThis command is disabled while you play in an arena.'
  147. Invalid_Argument: '&cInvalid parameter. Run &6/{label} ? &cfor help.'
  148. Invalid_Sub_Argument: '&cInvalid parameter. Run ''/{label} {0}'' for help.'
  149. Invalid_Argument_Multiline: '&cInvalid parameter. Usage:'
  150. Label_Description: '&cDescription: {description}'
  151. Label_Usage: '&cUsage:'
  152. Label_Usages: '&cUsages:'
  153. Error: '&4&lOups! &cThe command failed :( Check the console and report the error.'
  154. Join:
  155. Suggest: Use '/{label} join <arena>' to join one.
  156. Leave:
  157. Not_Playing: '&cYou are not playing in any arena.'
  158. Success: '&6You have abandoned the game in {arena}!'
  159. Start:
  160. Not_Lobby: '&cYou can only start arenas in lobby state. Use /{label} join first
  161. to join an arena.'
  162. Success: '&6Forced start of the arena {arena}.'
  163. Fail: '&cArena {arena} could not start, perhaps player limits were not met?'
  164. Stop:
  165. Already_Stopped: '&cThe arena {arena} is already stopped.'
  166. Success: '&7The arena {arena} has been &cstopped.'
  167. Menu:
  168. Lookup_Failed: '&cObject ''{object}'' not found. Run &7/{label} {0}&c.'
  169. Nuggets:
  170. Specify_Player: '&cPlease specify the player name.'
  171. Invalid_Parameter: '&cUnknown parameter ''{2}''. Available: {available}'
  172. Invalid_Amount: '&cInvalid {currency_name} amount: {3}'
  173. Balance: '&7You have &6{balance}'
  174. Balance_Other: '&6{player} &7has &6{balance}'
  175. Set: '&7Set &6{player}''s &7{currency_name} &7to &6{balance}'
  176. Gave: '&6{player} &7was given {amount} and has &6{balance}'
  177. Took: '&6{player} &7was taken {amount} and has &6{balance}'
  178. Edit:
  179. Arena_Running: '&cCannot edit running arenas. Please stop the arena first via
  180. &7/{label} stop {arena}&c.'
  181. Already_Editing: '&cYou are already editing {arena}.'
  182. Enabled: '&7Arena {arena} is now in &aedit mode&7. Use /{label} tools to obtain
  183. setup tools.'
  184. Disabled: '&7Arena {arena} is &cno longer in edit mode&7.'
  185. Find:
  186. Wrong_Syntax: '&cInvalid syntax! Enter &7player''s name&c, or &7world x y z&c,
  187. or just &7x y z'
  188. Not_Found: '&cNo arena found at your location.'
  189. Not_Found_Location: '&cNo arena found at {location}.'
  190. Found: '&7Found the &2{arena}&7 arena at your location.'
  191. Found_Other: '&7{player} is playing in the &2{arena}&7 arena.'
  192. Found_Location: '&7Found &2{arena}&7 arena at {location}.'
  193. Reload_Success: '&7The plugin has been reloaded successfully.'
  194. Reload_Fail: '&4Oups! &cReloading failed due to an error! See console for more information.
  195. &4Error: &c{error}'
  196. Conversation:
  197. Invalid_Input: '&cInvalid input! Please follow instructions above.'
  198. Stopped: '&cThe server conversation has been cancelled.'
  199. Number_Help: '&cEnter a non-zero number, or type ''exit'' to exit.'
  200. New:
  201. Help: '&7Type &6the name&7 of the new {type}, or ''exit'' to stop.'
  202. Already_Exists: '&cThis {type} already exists. Choose a different name.'
  203. No_Spaces: '&cSpaces are not allowed in names. Use _ instead.'
  204. Success: '&7A new &6{type} &7{name} has been created! Use /arena menu to edit
  205. it.'
  206. Success_Arena: '&7A new &6arena &7{name} has been created. The arena has been
  207. put into the &eedit mode. &7Use /arena tools to edit it.'
  208. Error: '&cAn unhandled error occured during adding new object.'
  209. Team:
  210. Help: '&cEnter permission required for this team, or ''none'' for no permission.
  211. Current: &7{current}'
  212. Usage: '&cInvalid permission! Correct format example: {example}'
  213. Set: '&7Team permission set to ''&6{permission}&7''.'
  214. Tier:
  215. Help: '&7Type &6the price&7 for {class} Tier {tier}, or ''exit'' to stop.'
  216. Price_Set: '&7This tier is now worth &6{amount}&7.'
  217. Reward:
  218. Help: '&7Type &6the price&7 for this reward ({material}), or ''exit'' to stop.'
  219. Price_Set: '&7This reward is now worth &6{amount}&7.'
  220. Spawner_Minimum_Players:
  221. Help: '&7Type &6the minimum amount&7 of players for this spawner to function.'
  222. Set: '&7The spawner now requires at least &6{amount_players} &7to function.'
  223. Spawner_Chance:
  224. Help: '&7Type &6the chance&7 (in percent) for this spawner to spawn mobs, from
  225. 0 (never working) to 100 (always working).'
  226. Set: '&7The spawner has now {chance}% chance of spawning when it turns on.'
  227. Phase:
  228. Input_Matcher: (from|between|on|till) ([0-9]{1,6})(((-)[0-9]{1,6})|)( phase|)
  229. Help: |-
  230. &7Type &owhen &7you want this spawner to function.
  231. &7a) from the start till a phase: Type &6"till <phase>"
  232. &7b) only on one phase: Type &6"on <phase>"
  233. &7c) from a phase and forever after: Type &6"from <phase>"
  234. &7d) between phases: Type &6"between <phase>-<endPhase>"
  235. Set_From: '&7The spawner will function from the &6{period}. phase&7.'
  236. Set_On: '&7The spawner will function on the &6{period}. phase&7.'
  237. Set_Till: '&7The spawner will function till the &6{period}. phase&7.'
  238. Set_Between: '&7The spawner will function between &6{period} phases&7.'
  239. Signs:
  240. Removed_Outside_Arena: '&cThe sign is outside any arena, removing!'
  241. Removed: '&7Registered sign in &6{arena} &7has been removed.'
  242. Outside_Arena: '&cYou must place the sign within an arena!'
  243. Object_Not_Found: '&cThe {type} {line} doesn''t exist!'
  244. Created: '&7Registered new sign for arena &6{arena}&7.'
  245. Arena:
  246. Help: |-
  247. &7When making an arena sign, use the following syntax:
  248. &6[arena] &f- makes the plugin recognize the sign
  249. &6<name> &f- the arena name
  250. Class:
  251. Help: |-
  252. &7When making a class sign, use the following syntax:
  253. &6[class] &f- makes the plugin recognize the sign
  254. &6<name> &f- the class name
  255. Team:
  256. Help: |-
  257. &7When making a team sign, use the following syntax:
  258. &6[team] &f- makes the plugin recognize the sign
  259. &6<name> &f- the team name
  260. Upgrade:
  261. Cost_Missing: '&cSpecify the cost on the third line, example: 5, 20, ...'
  262. Cost_Invalid: '&cOnly specify the level number, example: 5, 20, ...'
  263. Help: |-
  264. &7When making an upgrade sign, use the following syntax:
  265. &6[upgrade] &f- makes the plugin recognize the sign
  266. &6<name> &f- the upgrade name
  267. &6<level> &f- the price, in levels
  268. Power:
  269. Type_Invalid: '&cThe trigger type {type} does not exist!'
  270. Help: |-
  271. &7When making a power sign, use the following syntax:
  272. &6[power] &f- makes the plugin recognize the sign
  273. &6<type> &f- when the redstone should be powered?
  274. &fPossible: lobby (when lobby starts)
  275. &fstart (when arena starts)
  276. &fphase (on a new phase)
  277. &fend (when arena ends)
  278. Player:
  279. Never_Played: '&c{player} has never played on the server.'
  280. Never_Played_Arena: '&c{player} has never played an arena.'
  281. Not_Found: '&c{player} has not been found on the server.'
  282. Not_Online: '&cPlayer named ''{player}'' is not online!'
  283. Not_Playing: '&c{player} is not playing in any arena.'
  284. Class:
  285. Selected: '&7Class &b{class} &7has been selected.'
  286. No_Permission: '&cYou lack permission to use {class}!'
  287. Not_Available: '&cArena {arena} does not support classes.'
  288. Team:
  289. Not_Supported: '&cArena {arena} does not support teams!'
  290. Selected: '&7Team {team} &7has been selected.'
  291. Reward: '&7{team} &7received &6{nuggets} &7for the &6{place}. &7place!'
  292. World:
  293. Not_Found: '&cWorld ''{world}'' doesn''t exist!'
  294. Cases:
  295. Player: player, players
  296. Level: level, levels
  297. Exp: exp, exp
  298. Nugget: Nugget, Nuggets
  299. Hour: hour, hours
  300. Minute: minute, minutes
  301. Second: second, seconds
  302. Life: life, lifes
  303. Parts:
  304. Usage: '&cUsage: '
  305. Amount: amount
  306. State: 'State: '
  307. Size: 'Size: &7'
  308. Players: 'Players: &7'
  309. Team: Team
  310. None: none
  311. Data_Missing: '{name} lacks database information! Please only create {type} in-game!
  312. Skipping..'
  313. No_Permission: '&cInsufficient permission ({permission}).'
  314. Version: 1
  315. Update:
  316. Available: |-
  317. &2A new version of &3CoreArena&2 is available.
  318. &2Current version: &f{current}&2; New version: &f{new}
  319. &2URL: &7{resource_id}/.
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