
Checking In

Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat in bed surrounded by furry kitties, her book nestled in her lap with her eyes set down in it. She had a bowl of baby carrots sitting on her nightstand beside her, having actually eaten a handful of them because she was trying to be better and shit. Also Bryan was watching her like a hawk now that Felix wasnt around all the time to babysit. // Bryan was in the kitchen standing over the stove, a spatula in one hand as he watched the eggs in the pan in front of him, pushing them around to scramble them as they cooked.-
  2. Tsaaq: Bliss carefully drove up Steph's driveway and finally pulled her Prius into a stop before parking it. She looked out the window and then exited the vehicle hurriedly. Bliss went to the front door and hesistated before firmly knocking. 4
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the knock on the door, Steph lowered her book from her eyes, furrowing her brows because she wasnt really expecting anyone. Harvey stretched and got up from her bed, jumping down to waddle his fat ass out into the living room so he could investigate who was at the door. // At the sound of the knocks, Bryan moved the eggs off the burner and brushed his hands on his pants, making his way over to the front door and sticking his leg out to stop Hennessey from running out when he pulled it open. "Bliss. Hey. Come in before she runs outside." He nodded down to the floor at the little black and brown dog who was excited as fuck to see another human.-
  4. Tsaaq: "Hello Bryan." She greeted as she waved at him. She looked down at the pupper and smiled awkwardly, attempting to shimmy by. "I-Well..." She stammered. "I saw the posts on social media and I wanted to check on Steph if thats alright?" She asked him.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Bliss' voice from the living room, she chewed on the inside of her cheek, slumping down a bit further in her bed because she was a little upset with the fact that Felix had posted a thing on squawks about it for everyone to see. // Bryan nodded and shut the door behind her, turning and walking back over into the kitchen to get a plate down from the cabinet. "Yeah sure. Here. Everyone that goes in there, brings food. New rule." He quickly scraped the eggs from the frying pan onto the plate, turning and holding the plate out to her with a fork.-
  6. Tsaaq: She rose her eyebrows and nodded. "Oh." Bliss said sas she went to take the plate then the fork. "I suppose that's fair." She whispered. "I'll gladly abide by it." She flashed a smile then went to grab a paper towel while she was at it. "Alright, she's in her room or-"
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes when she heard Bryan's words, because when Brad came by earlier, he'd brought the carrots in that she wasnt even that big of a fan of. // Bryan nodded, shifting out of the kitchen just a bit to point toward Steph's bedroom door, which was open. "In there. Trying to pretend I don't exist. It's a fun game."-
  8. Tsaaq: Bliss lowered her head to the plate. She sighed and forced another smile on her face. "Oh wow." She said awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. "I'll come back and say goodnight before I leave..." She told Bryan before she headed towards Steph's room. She gently knocked on the door. "Hello Steph." Bliss smiled. "I have something for you."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat up a bit in bed when Bliss appeared in the doorway, reaching for her bookmark to stick between the pages of her book and setting it aside. "Hey Bliss." She looked down at the plate in her hands, instantly wrinkling her nose, but holding her hand out for it anyway. "Thanks. How is everything with you?" // Bryan nodded and watched as Bliss walked off into Steph's bedroom with the food, making his way over to the couch to drop onto it and watch tv.-
  10. Tsaaq: "Everything's just fine." She said as she walked further into the room. She handed over the plate with a bit of anxiety as she watched Steph. She stood there awkwardly, her hands folded in front of her. "Eli and I are planning on going on vacation soon." She laughed lightly. "I was just checking in..." Bliss trailed off.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She immediately set the plate down on her nightstand and turned her attention back to Bliss. "Oh, that's sweet. Where are you guys going?" She asked, sitting up further in bed and gesturing for her to have a seat amongst the plethora of cats.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Oh we're-" She paused and went to sit at Steph's signal. Bliss stepped around carefully, trying not to interfere with the kitties. She took a seat and crossed her legs. "We're going on a cruise." She said. "A Disney cruise... Because we're such adults." She laughed softly. "But enough about myself. How are you?"
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, I'd go on a Disney cruise in a heart beat. That sounds awesome." She laughed, pushing her glasses up her nose before giving an unsure shrug. "Okay, I guess. Being trapped in this house with Bryan breathing down my neck doesnt exactly help. But I'm... better than I was."-
  14. Tsaaq: Bliss let out a laugh that aided in calming her. She let a serious expression appear on her visage. "Well, that's comforting." She let out a sigh. "I'm sure he's only doing it because he cares. Not to be an ogre." Bliss said before turning to look at Steph. "I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn." She rose her hands a bit.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "No, you're fine." She shook her head, looking down into her lap. "I know he is. Doesn't make him any less annoying, but I know he is. And it's just more apparent that he doesn't trust me to be by myself since Felix left for the week. At least when he's here, it's to hangout and stuff. Now that he's not, Bryan doesn't go away."-
  16. Tsaaq: She exhaled as she placed her hand on her own chest. Looking as if a weight was lifted. "Thank goodness." She said softly. She listened to Steph with a small frown forming on her face. "I understand how that can be vexing." Bliss murmured. "Hopefully it'll be less tense soon?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Haveeeee you met my brother?" She asked with a bit of a laugh. "Nothing about him will ever be less tense." She sat down a bit in bed, covering her mouth to yawn before pulling Hugo closer to her, stroking the grey kitty.-
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded slowly in agreement. "True..." She trailed off. She watched Steph then stood to her feet. "Well I should be heading home now. You know how I don't like to drive around too late at night." She said. "But... I'm here if you need me." Bliss said.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Thanks Bliss. I really appreciate you coming by." She smiled at her, tipping her head to one side to rest it against her pillow.-
  20. Tsaaq: "Have a good night." She waved then backed out of the room. "I'll keep in touch." Bliss told Steph as she made her way through the kitchen towards the living room. "Night Bryan. I'm heading out. You have a lovely evening." She waved at him then headed for the door so she could go to her prius and drive away.
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