
Kiran's Current Swashbuckler Deeds

Apr 1st, 2018
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  1. |KEY |
  2. |{X Panache}: This is an activated ability, and costs X Panache points. |
  3. |{Passive, X}: This is an effect that is active/can be used while Kiran has X Panache points. |
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  8. >>> D E R R I N G D O (Ex; Lv 1)
  9. {1 Panache}: When making an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride or Swim check, add +1d6 to the check. If 6, then roll again. Continue doing this a number of times up to your DEX mod.
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  12. >>> D O D G I N G P A N A C H E (Ex, Lv 1)
  13. {1 Panache}: When an opponent attempts a melee attack against you, you move 5'. Add to your AC a Dodge bonus equal to your CHA mod against this attack, up to a maximum of your current panache pool when this deed is activated. This is not a 5-foot-step, and provokes attacks of opportunity as normal (Mobility applies).
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  16. >>> O P P O R T U N E P A R R Y A N D R I P O S T E (Ex, Lv 1, 11)
  17. {1 Panache}: When an opponent attempts a melee attack against you, make an attack roll with full BAB-2. If your result is greater than the attacker's, that attack is considered a miss. For each size category larger than you are the attacker is, the parry takes an additional -2. If you are successful, you may - as an immediate action - attack the one that provoked this deed.
  19. {1 Panache}: When an opponent attempts a melee attack against you, make an attack roll with full BAB. If your result is greater than the attacker's, that attack is considered a miss. For each size category larger than you are the attacker is, the parry takes -2. You cannot Riposte when using the deed this way.
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  22. >>> S W A S H B U C K L E R I N I T I A T I V E (Ex, Lv 3)
  23. {Passive, 1}: +2 to Initiative checks. If you have QUICK DRAW, and your hands are free and unrestrained, you may draw a light/one-handed piercing melee weapon as part of the check.
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  26. >>> K I P U P (Ex, Lv 3)
  27. {Passive, 1}: You can kip-up from PRONE as a MOVE ACTION without provoking an AoO.
  28. {1 Panache}: You can kip-up from PRONE as a SWIFT ACTION without provoking an AoO.
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  31. >>> M E N A C I N G S W O R D P L A Y (Ex, Lv 3)
  32. {Passive, 1}: When you hit an opponent with a light/one-handed piercing melee weapon, you may INTIMIDATE as a SWIFT rather than STANDARD ACTION.
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  35. >>> P R E C I S E S T R I K E (Ex, Lv 3)
  36. {Passive, 1}: +2 to damage with light one-handed piercing melee weapon (increasing +2 for every additional 3 levels). Cannot use this Deed with a weapon in the other hand or a shield other than a buckler.
  37. As a Swift Action, you may spend 1 Panache to double your Precise Strike damage on your next attack before the end of your turn.
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  40. >>> S W A S H B U C K L E R ' S G R A C E (Ex, Lv 7)
  41. {Passive, 1}: When using Acrobatics to move through an opponent's threatened space without provoking an Attack of Opportunity, you may move at your full speed.
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  44. >>> S U P E R I O R F E I N T (Ex, Lv 7)
  45. {Passive, 1}: You may spend a STANDARD ACTION to make a Bluff check to Feint against an adjacent opponent. If you do, that creature is Flat-Footed until the start of the Swashbuckler's next turn (including to attacks made by others). You may perform this Deed only as long as you have at least one Panache point remaining. You may add your BAB in place of your Bluff modifier for this roll if it is higher.
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  48. >>> T A R G E T E D S T R I K E (Ex, Lv 7)
  49. {1 Panache}: As a FULL-ROUND ACTION, you may target and cripple part of an opponent's body with an attack. If successful, the attack has a special effect.
  50. >>> Head: The target is Confused for 1 round.
  51. >>> Arms: The target takes no damage from the attack, but it drops one carried item of the Swashbuckler's choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet cannot be chosen.
  52. >>> Torso: The creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Swashbuckler's level + the Swashbuckler's Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round.
  53. >>> Wings: The target must make a Fly check with a DC equal to 10 + the damage taken or fall 20 ft.
  54. >>> Legs: The target is knocked prone. Creatures with four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.
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  57. >>> I N S P I R E D S T R I K E (Ex, Lv 11)
  58. {1 Panache}: When making an attack with a rapier, you may spend 1 panache. If you do, you gain an insight bonus on that attack equal to your Int modifier. If it hits, you may spend another panache to make the attack a critical threat. If it confirms, you do not regain panache.
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