
Polish Translation

Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. 'page.header.navbar.signIn': 'Zaloguj,
  2. '': 'Handel',
  3. 'page.header.navbar.wallets': 'Potfele',
  4. 'page.header.navbar.openOrders': 'Zamówienia',
  5. 'page.header.navbar.history': 'Historia',
  6. 'page.header.navbar.profile': 'Profil',
  7. 'page.header.navbar.logout': 'Wyloguj',
  8. '': 'Rynki',
  9. '': 'Rynek',
  10. '': 'Para',
  11. '': 'Cena',
  12. '': 'Ostatnia Cena,
  13. '': 'Zamiana',
  14. '': 'Szukaj',
  15. '': 'Wolumen',
  16. '': 'Order Form',
  17. '': 'Buy',
  18. '': 'Sell',
  19. '': 'Order Type',
  20. '': 'Limit',
  21. '': 'Market',
  22. '': 'Price',
  23. '': 'Amount',
  24. '': 'Total',
  25. '': 'Available',
  26. '': 'Fee',
  27. '': 'Market Depth',
  28. '': 'Price:',
  29. '': 'Amount:',
  30. '': 'Total:',
  31. '': 'Estimated Value:',
  32. '': 'Asks',
  33. '': 'Bids',
  34. '': 'Order Book',
  35. '': 'Price',
  36. '': 'Amount',
  37. '': 'Total',
  38. '': 'Recent Trades',
  39. '': 'Time',
  40. '': 'Price',
  41. '': 'Amount',
  42. '': 'Open Orders',
  43. '': 'Date',
  44. '': 'State',
  45. '': 'Price',
  46. '': 'Amount',
  47. '': 'Value',
  48. '': 'Filled',
  49. 'page.body.wallets.estimated_value': 'Estimated Value',
  50. 'page.body.wallets.locked': 'Locked',
  51. 'page.body.wallets.balance': 'Balance',
  52. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit': 'Deposit',
  53. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit.ccy.message.submit': 'Submit a deposit using the following address or QR code. Your deposit will be reflected in your account after 6 confirmations',
  54. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit.ccy.message.address': 'Deposit Address',
  55. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit.ccy.message.button': 'COPY',
  56. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit.ccy.message.success': 'Address copied',
  57. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.deposit.ccy.message.error': 'Generating deposit address',
  58. '': 'Deposit using bank transfer',
  59. '': 'Please use the following credentials to initiate your bank transfer. Your deposit will be reflected in your account within 2 business days.',
  60. '': 'Bank Name',
  61. '': 'Account number',
  62. '': 'Account name',
  63. '': 'Phone Number',
  64. '': 'Your reference code',
  65. 'page.body.wallets.table.pending': 'Pending',
  66. '': ' To initiate a fiat withdrawal, please contact administrator!',
  67. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw': 'Withdraw',
  68. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.address': 'Withdrawal Address',
  69. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.amount': 'Withdrawal Amount',
  70. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.code2fa': '2FA code',
  71. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.fee': 'Fee',
  72. '': 'Total Withdrawal Amount',
  73. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.button': 'WITHDRAW',
  74. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.addressPlaceholder': 'Withdrawal Address',
  75. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.modal.confirmation': 'Confirmation',
  76. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.modal.message1': 'You will receive ',
  77. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.modal.message2': ' on address',
  78. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.modal.button.cancel': 'Cancel',
  79. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.modal.button.withdraw': 'Withdraw',
  80. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.enable2fa': 'To withdraw you have to enable 2FA',
  81. 'page.body.wallets.tabs.withdraw.content.enable2faButton': 'Enable 2FA',
  82. '': 'All',
  83. '': 'Open',
  84. 'page.body.openOrders.header.orderType': 'Order Type',
  85. '': 'Buy market',
  86. '': 'Buy limit',
  87. '': 'Sell market',
  88. 'page.body.openOrders.header.orderType.sell.limit': 'Sell limit',
  89. 'page.body.openOrders.header.pair': 'Pair',
  90. 'page.body.openOrders.header.amount': 'Amount',
  91. 'page.body.openOrders.header.price': 'Price',
  92. 'page.body.openOrders.header.executed': 'Executed',
  93. 'page.body.openOrders.header.remaining': 'Remaining',
  94. 'page.body.openOrders.header.costRemaining': 'Cost Remaining',
  95. 'page.body.openOrders.header.status': 'Status',
  96. 'page.body.openOrders.content.status.done': 'Executed',
  97. 'page.body.openOrders.content.status.wait': 'Open',
  98. 'page.body.openOrders.content.status.cancel': 'Stopped',
  99. 'page.body.openOrders.header.button.cancelAll': 'Stop all',
  100. 'page.body.history.deposit': 'Deposit History',
  101. 'page.body.history.deposit.header.txid': 'txID',
  102. '': 'Date',
  103. 'page.body.history.deposit.header.currency': 'Currency',
  104. 'page.body.history.deposit.header.amount': 'Amount',
  105. 'page.body.history.deposit.header.status': 'Status',
  106. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.accepted': 'Accepted',
  107. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.collected': 'Collected',
  108. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.submitted': 'Submitted',
  109. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.canceled': 'Canceled',
  110. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.rejected': 'Rejected',
  111. 'page.body.history.deposit.content.status.skipped': 'Skipped',
  112. 'page.body.history.withdraw': 'Withdrawal History',
  113. '': 'ID',
  114. '': 'Date',
  115. 'page.body.history.withdraw.header.currency': 'Currency',
  116. 'page.body.history.withdraw.header.address': 'Address',
  117. 'page.body.history.withdraw.header.amount': 'Amount',
  118. 'page.body.history.withdraw.header.fee': 'Fee',
  119. 'page.body.history.withdraw.header.status': 'Status',
  120. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.prepared': 'Prepared',
  121. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.submitted': 'Submitted',
  122. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.canceled': 'Canceled',
  123. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.accepted': 'Accepted',
  124. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.suspected': 'Suspected',
  125. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.rejected': 'Rejected',
  126. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.processing': 'Processing',
  127. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.succeed': 'Succeed',
  128. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.failed': 'Failed',
  129. 'page.body.history.withdraw.content.status.confirming': 'Confirming',
  130. '': 'Trade History',
  131. '': 'ID',
  132. '': 'Date',
  133. '': 'Side',
  134. '': 'Buy',
  135. '': 'Sell',
  136. '': 'Market',
  137. '': 'Price',
  138. '': 'Funds',
  139. '': 'Amount',
  140. '': 'Balance',
  141. 'page.body.profile.header.account': 'Profile',
  142. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password': 'Password',
  143. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.button.change': 'Change',
  144. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.old': 'Old password',
  145. '': 'New password',
  146. '': 'Save',
  147. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.button.cancel': 'Cancel',
  148. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.conf': 'Password Confirmation',
  149. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.dont.match': 'Passwords don\'t match',
  150. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.change.success': 'Success!',
  151. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.password.change': 'Change password',
  152. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication': '2FA',
  153. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.enable': 'Enabled',
  154. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.disable': 'Disabled',
  155. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.header': 'Google Authenticator',
  156. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.1': 'Download and install Google Authenticator application from ',
  157. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.or': 'or ',
  158. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.2': 'Scan QR code or use secret MFA code:',
  159. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.3': '* Save this secret in a secure location. This code can used to gain 2FA access from a different device.',
  160. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.mfa': 'MFA code',
  161. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.message.4': 'Enter 2fa code from the app',
  162. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.subHeader': '2FA code',
  163. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.enable': 'ENABLE',
  164. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.disable': 'DISABLE 2FA',
  165. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.modalBody': 'Please сontact administrator to disable',
  166. 'page.body.profile.header.account.content.twoFactorAuthentication.modalHeader': 'Two-factor authentication is enabled',
  167. 'page.body.profile.header.account.profile': 'Profile Verification',
  168. '': 'Email verified',
  169. '': 'Deposit/Withdraw enabled',
  170. '': 'Phone verification',
  171. '': 'Phone verified',
  172. '': 'Deposit/Trade enabled',
  173. 'page.body.profile.header.account.profile.identity.unverified.title': 'Identity verification',
  174. 'page.body.profile.header.account.profile.identity.title': 'Identity verified',
  175. 'page.body.profile.header.account.profile.identity.message': 'Withdraw enabled',
  176. 'page.body.profile.header.referralProgram': 'Referral Link',
  177. 'page.body.profile.content.copyLink': 'Copy',
  178. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.header': 'My API Keys',
  179. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.header.create': 'Create new',
  180. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.noOtp': 'Please enable Two-factor authentication',
  181. '': 'Show',
  182. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.noKeys': 'You have no API keys',
  183. '': 'Show',
  184. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.btn.create': 'Confirm',
  185. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.btn.copy': 'Copy',
  186. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.btn.activate': 'Activate',
  187. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.btn.disabled': 'Disable',
  188. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.btn.delete': 'Delete',
  189. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.header': '2FA Verification',
  190. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.created_header': 'Created',
  191. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.access_key': 'Access Key',
  192. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.secret_key': 'Secret Key',
  193. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.secret_key_info': 'This information will be shown only once and cannot be retrieved once lost.',
  194. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.secret_key_store': 'Please store it properly.',
  195. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.note': 'Note',
  196. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.note_content': `To avoid asset loss, please do not tell your Secret Key and Private Key to others.\
  197. If you forget you Secret Key, please delete it and apply for a new Secret Key pair.`,
  198. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.title': 'Enter 2fa code from the app',
  199. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.label': '6-digit Google Authenticator code',
  200. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.modal.placeholder': 'Enter Code',
  201. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.table.header.kid': 'Kid',
  202. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.table.header.algorithm': 'Algorithm',
  203. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.table.header.state': 'State',
  204. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.table.header.created': 'Created',
  205. 'page.body.profile.apiKeys.table.header.updated': 'Updated',
  206. 'success.api_keys.fetched': 'Successfully fetched API keys',
  207. 'success.api_keys.created': 'API key was created',
  208. 'success.api_keys.copied.access': 'Access key was copied',
  209. 'success.api_keys.copied.secret': 'Secret key was copied',
  210. 'success.api_keys.updated': 'API key was updated',
  211. 'success.api_keys.deleted': 'API key was deleted',
  212. 'page.body.profile.header.accountActivity': 'Account Activity',
  213. '': 'Date',
  214. 'page.body.profile.header.accountActivity.content.addressip': 'Address IP',
  215. 'page.body.profile.header.accountActivity.content.action': 'Action',
  216. 'page.body.profile.header.accountActivity.content.result': 'Result',
  217. 'page.body.profile.header.accountActivity.content.userAgent': 'User Agent',
  218. 'page.body.profile.content.action.login': 'Login',
  219. 'page.body.profile.content.action.logout': 'Logout',
  220. 'page.body.profile.content.action.request2fa': 'Request QR code for 2FA',
  221. 'page.body.profile.content.action.enable2fa': 'Enable 2FA',
  222. 'page.body.profile.content.action.login.2fa': 'Login with 2FA',
  223. 'page.body.profile.content.action.requestPasswordReset': 'Request password reset',
  224. 'page.body.profile.content.action.passwordReset': 'Password reset',
  225. 'page.body.profile.content.result.succeed': 'Succeed',
  226. 'page.body.profile.content.result.failed': 'Failed',
  227. '': 'Verify Phone',
  228. '': 'Enter phone number',
  229. '': 'Phone Number',
  230. '': 'Enter confirmation code',
  231. '': 'SMS Code',
  232. '': 'SEND CODE',
  233. '': 'RESEND CODE',
  234. 'page.body.kyc.identity.firstName': 'First Name',
  235. 'page.body.kyc.identity.lastName': 'Last Name',
  236. 'page.body.kyc.identity.dateOfBirth': 'Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY',
  237. 'page.body.kyc.identity.residentialAddress': 'Residential Address',
  238. '': 'City',
  239. 'page.body.kyc.identity.postcode': 'Postcode',
  240. 'page.body.kyc.identity.nationality': 'Citizenship',
  241. 'page.body.kyc.identity.CoR': 'Country of Residence',
  242. 'page.body.kyc.documents.expiryDate': 'Expiration Date DD/MM/YYYY',
  243. 'page.body.kyc.documents.drag': 'Drag and drop or browse files',
  244. 'page.body.kyc.documents.maxFile': 'Maximum file size is 10MB',
  245. 'page.body.kyc.documents.maxNum': 'Maximum number of files is 5',
  246. 'page.body.kyc.documents.upload': 'Upload your Photo ID',
  247. '': 'Passport',
  248. '': 'Identity Card',
  249. '': 'Driver License',
  250. '': 'Utility Bill',
  251. 'page.body.kyc.documents.number': ': Number',
  252. 'page.body.kyc.documentsType': 'Document type',
  253. '': 'Next',
  254. 'page.body.kyc.submit': 'Submit',
  255. '': 'Phone Verification',
  256. 'page.body.kyc.head.identity': 'Identity Verification',
  257. 'page.body.kyc.head.document': 'Document Verification',
  258. 'page.footer.legalDocuments': 'Legal documents',
  259. 'page.footer.faq': 'FAQ',
  260. 'page.header.signIn': 'Sign In',
  261. '': 'Email',
  262. 'page.header.signIn.password': 'Password',
  263. 'page.header.signIn.password.message.error': 'Password is invalid',
  264. 'page.header.signIn.receiveConfirmation': 'Didn\'t receive your confirmation email?',
  265. 'page.header.signIn.forgotPassword': 'Forgot your password?',
  266. 'page.header.signIn.resetPassword.title': 'Reset password',
  267. 'page.header.signIn.resetPassword.newPassword': 'New password',
  268. 'page.header.signIn.resetPassword.repeatPassword': 'Repeat password',
  269. 'page.header.signIn.resetPassword.button': 'Change',
  270. 'page.header.signIn.resetPassword.error': 'Fields are empty or don`t matches',
  271. 'page.header.signUp': 'Sign Up',
  272. '': 'Email',
  273. '': 'Email is invalid',
  274. 'page.header.signUp.password': 'Password',
  275. 'page.header.signUp.password.message.error': 'Password must contain at least 8 symbols, at least one capital letter and one digit',
  276. 'page.header.signUp.confirmPassword': 'Confirm Password',
  277. 'page.header.signUp.confirmPassword.message.error': 'Passwords don\'t match',
  278. 'page.header.signUp.referalCode': 'Referral Code',
  279. 'page.header.signUp.terms': 'I have read and agree to the Terms of Service',
  280. 'page.header.signUp.modal.header': 'VERIFY YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS',
  281. 'page.header.signUp.modal.body': 'To complete registration, check for an ' +
  282. 'email in your inbox with further ' +
  283. 'instruction. If you cannot find the email, ' +
  284. 'please check your spam folder',
  285. 'page.resendConfirmation': 'Resend Confirmation',
  286. 'page.forgotPassword': 'Forgot Password',
  287. 'page.forgotPassword.message': 'Enter email to reset password',
  288. 'page.password2fa': '2FA verification',
  289. 'page.password2fa.message': 'Enter 2fa code from the app',
  290. '': 'Email',
  291. 'page.forgotPassword.send': 'Send',
  292. 'page.noDataToShow': 'There is no data to show',
  293. 'page.modal.withdraw.success': 'Success!',
  294. 'page.modal.withdraw.success.message.content': 'Your withdrawal request has been received',
  295. 'page.modal.withdraw.success.button': 'OK',
  296. // success messages
  297. 'success.documents.accepted': 'Documents upload was successful',
  298. 'success.withdraw.action': 'Withdrawal request was received',
  299. 'success.otp.enabled': '2FA was enabled',
  300. 'success.password.changed': 'Password was changed',
  301. 'success.password.forgot': 'Password reset link has been sent to your email',
  302. 'success.password.changed.successfuly': 'Password was changed',
  303. 'success.order.canceled': 'Order was canceled',
  304. 'success.order.canceled.all': 'All orders were canceled',
  305. 'success.order.created': 'Order was created',
  306. '': 'Verification code was sent to your phone',
  307. '': 'Your phone was confirmed',
  308. 'success.message.sent': 'Message was sent',
  309. '': 'Your email address has been successfully confirmed',
  310. // error messages
  311. // barong
  312. 'resource.labels.private': 'Can\'t update label',
  313. 'resource.user.no_activity': 'No activity recorded or wrong topic',
  314. 'resource.profile.not_exist': 'User has no profile',
  315. 'resource.profile.exist': 'Profile already exists',
  316. 'resource.api_key.2fa_disabled': 'Only accounts with enabled 2FA alowed',
  317. 'resource.api_key.missing_otp': 'Theaccount has enabled 2FA but OTP code is missing',
  318. 'resource.api_key.invalid_otp': 'OTP code is invalid',
  319. '': 'Something wrong with Twilio Client',
  320. '': 'Phone number is invalid',
  321. '': 'Phone number already exists',
  322. '': 'Phone number already exists',
  323. '': 'Phone is not found or verification code is invalid',
  324. 'resource.documents.limit_reached': 'Maximum number of documents already reached',
  325. 'resource.documents.limit_will_be_reached': 'Documents amount will reach limit by this upload',
  326. 'resource.otp.already_enabled': '2FA has been already enabled for this account',
  327. 'resource.otp.invalid': 'OTP code is invalid',
  328. 'resource.password.doesnt_match': 'New passwords don\'t match',
  329. 'resource.password.prev_pass_not_correct': 'Previous password is not correct',
  330. 'resource.password.no_change_provided': 'New password cant be the same, as old one',
  331. 'resource.document.empty_doc_expire': 'Expiration Date is invalid',
  332. 'password.requirements': 'Password does not meet the minimum requirements',
  333. 'password.password.password_strength': 'Password is too weak',
  334. 'email.taken': 'Email already have been taken',
  335. 'identity.user.invalid_referral_format': 'Invalid referral uid format',
  336. 'identity.user.referral_doesnt_exist': 'Referral doesn\'t exist',
  337. 'identity.user.active_or_doesnt_exist': 'User doesn\'t exist or has already been activated',
  338. 'identity.password.user_doesnt_exist': 'User doesn\'t exist',
  339. 'identity.user.passwords_doesnt_match': 'Passwords don\'t match',
  340. 'identity.user.utilized_token': 'JWT has already been used',
  341. 'identity.session.invalid_login_params': 'Invalid Email or Password',
  342. 'identity.session.invalid': 'Invalid Session',
  343. 'identity.captcha.required': 'captcha_response is required',
  344. 'identity.captcha.mandatory_fields': 'Mandatory fields must be filled in',
  345. 'identity.session.not_active': 'Your account is not active',
  346. 'identity.session.banned': 'Your account is banned',
  347. 'identity.session.invalid_params': 'Invalid Email or Password',
  348. 'identity.session.missing_otp': 'The account has enabled 2FA but OTP code is missing',
  349. 'identity.session.invalid_otp': 'OTP code is invalid',
  350. 'first_name.invalid': 'First name is invalid',
  351. 'last_name.invalid': 'Last name is invalid',
  352. 'city.invalid': 'City is invalid',
  353. 'postcode.invalid': 'Postcode is invalid',
  354. 'address.invalid': 'Address is invalid',
  355. 'first_name.blank': 'First name is missing or empty',
  356. 'last_name.blank': 'Last name is missing or empty',
  357. 'dob.blank': 'Date of birth is invalid',
  358. 'address.blank': 'Address is missing or empty',
  359. 'city.blank': 'City is missing or empty',
  360. 'country.blank': 'Country is missing or empty',
  361. 'postcode.blank': 'Postcode.blank is missing or empty',
  362. 'country.must have alpha2 or alpha3 format': 'Country must have alpha2 or alpha3 format',
  363. 'totp.error': 'OTP code is invalid',
  364. 'record.not_found': 'Record is not found',
  365. 'jwt.decode_and_verify': 'Failed to decode and verify JWT',
  366. 'authz.invalid_session': 'Failed to decode cookies',
  367. 'authz.user_not_active': 'User is not active',
  368. 'authz.invalid_signature': 'API Key header \'signature\' is invalid',
  369. 'authz.apikey_not_active': 'API Key state is \'inactive',
  370. 'authz.disabled_2fa': 'API Key owner has disabled 2FA',
  371. 'authz.invalid_api_key_headers': 'Blank or missing API Key headers',
  372. 'authz.permission_denied': 'Path is blacklisted',
  373. 'authz.unexistent_apikey': 'X-Auth-Apikey header is invalid',
  374. // validation errors
  375. // identity module
  376. 'identity.user.missing_email': 'Email is missing',
  377. 'identity.user.empty_email': 'Email is missing or empty',
  378. 'identity.user.missing_password': 'Password is missing',
  379. 'identity.user.empty_password': 'Password is missing or empty',
  380. 'identity.user.missing_token': 'Token is missing',
  381. 'identity.user.empty_token': 'Token is missing or empty',
  382. 'identity.user.missing_reset_password_token': 'Reset password token is missing',
  383. 'identity.user.empty_reset_password_token': 'Reset password token is missing or empty',
  384. 'identity.user.missing_confirm_password': 'Confirm password is missing',
  385. 'identity.user.empty_confirm_password': 'Confirm password is missing or empty',
  386. 'identity.session.missing_emai': 'Email is missing',
  387. 'identity.session.missing_password': 'Password is missing',
  388. 'identity.session.invalid_captcha_format': 'Invalid captcha format',
  389. // resource module
  390. 'resource.otp.missing_code': 'OTP code is missing',
  391. 'resource.otp.empty_code': 'OTP code is missing or empty',
  392. 'resource.labels.missing_key': 'Key is missing',
  393. 'resource.labels.empty_key': 'Key is missing or empty',
  394. 'resource.labels.missing_value': 'Value is missing',
  395. 'resource.labels.empty_value': 'Value is missing or empty',
  396. 'resource.documents.missing_doc_expire': 'Documents expiration date is missing',
  397. 'resource.documents.empty_doc_expire': 'Documents expiration date is missing or empty',
  398. 'resource.documents.missing_doc_type': 'Documents type is missing',
  399. 'resource.documents.empty_doc_type': 'Documents type is missing or empty',
  400. 'resource.documents.missing_doc_number': 'Documents number is missing',
  401. 'resource.documents.empty_doc_number': 'Documents number is missing or empty',
  402. 'resource.documents.missing_upload': 'Attachment is missing',
  403. 'resource.user.missing_topic': 'Topic is missing',
  404. 'resource.user.empty_topic': 'Topic is missing or empty',
  405. 'resource.user.missing_old_password': 'Old password is missing',
  406. 'resource.user.empty_old_password': 'Old password is missing or empty',
  407. 'resource.user.missing_new_password': 'New password is missing',
  408. 'resource.user.empty_new_password': 'New password is missing or empty',
  409. 'resource.user.missing_confirm_password': 'Confirm password is missing',
  410. 'resource.user.empty_confirm_password': 'Confirm password is missing or empty',
  411. 'resource.profile.missing_first_name': 'First name is missing',
  412. 'resource.profile.missing_last_name': 'Last name is missing',
  413. 'resource.profile.missing_dob': 'Date of birth is missing',
  414. 'resource.profile.missing_address': 'Address is missing',
  415. 'resource.profile.missing_postcode': 'Postcode is missing',
  416. 'resource.profile.missing_city': 'City is missing',
  417. 'resource.profile.missing_country': 'Country is missing',
  418. 'resource.api_key.missing_algorithm': 'Algorithm is missing',
  419. 'resource.api_key.empty_algorithm': 'Algorithm is missing or empty',
  420. 'resource.api_key.empty_kid': 'KID is missing or empty',
  421. 'resource.api_key.empty_scope': 'Scope is missing or empty',
  422. 'resource.api_key.missing_totp': 'TOTP code is missing',
  423. 'resource.api_key.empty_totp': 'TOTP code is missing or empty',
  424. 'resource.api_key.missing_kid': 'KID is missing',
  425. 'resource.api_key.empty_state': 'State is missing or empty',
  426. '': 'Phone number is missing',
  427. '': 'Phone number is missing or empty',
  428. '': 'Verification code is missing',
  429. '': 'Verification code is missing or empty',
  430. // peatio
  431. 'account.currency.doesnt_exist': 'Currency doesn\'t exist',
  432. 'account.deposit.invalid_state': 'Deposit invalid state',
  433. 'account.deposit.non_integer_limit': 'Value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  434. 'account.deposit.invalid_limit': 'Invalid limit',
  435. 'account.deposit.non_positive_page': 'Page value must be positive',
  436. 'account.deposit.empty_txid': 'Txid is missing, txid is empty',
  437. 'account.deposit_address.invalid_address_format': 'Invalid deposit address format',
  438. 'account.deposit_address.doesnt_support_cash_address_format': 'Currency doesn\'t support cash address format',
  439. 'account.withdraw.non_integer_limit': 'Limit Value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  440. 'account.withdraw.invalid_limit': 'Invalid limit',
  441. 'account.withdraw.non_positive_page': 'Page value must be positive',
  442. 'account.withdraw.non_integer_otp': 'Otp value could not be parsed into Integer type',
  443. 'account.withdraw.empty_otp': 'Otp is missing, otp is empty',
  444. 'account.withdraw.empty_rid': 'Rid is missing, rid is empty',
  445. 'account.withdraw.non_decimal_amount': 'Amount value you send could not be parsed into Decimal type',
  446. 'account.withdraw.non_positive_amount': 'Amount value must be positive',
  447. 'account.deposit.not_permitted': 'Deposits allows after phone verification',
  448. 'account.withdraw.not_permitted': 'Please, pass the corresponding verification steps to withdraw funds',
  449. 'account.withdraw.insufficient_balance': 'Account balance is insufficient',
  450. 'account.withdraw.invalid_amount': 'Invalid withdraw amount',
  451. 'account.withdraw.create_error': 'Failed to create withdraw',
  452. 'account.withdraw.invalid_otp': 'Invalid otp',
  453. 'account.withdraw.disabled_api': 'Withdrawal API is disabled',
  454. '': 'Market doesn\'t exist',
  455. 'market.order.invalid_state': 'Invalid deposit state',
  456. 'market.order.invalid_limit': 'Invalid limit',
  457. 'market.order.non_integer_limit': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  458. '': 'Page is missing or empty',
  459. 'market.order.invalid_order_by': 'Invalid order_by',
  460. 'market.order.invalid_side': 'Invalid order side',
  461. 'market.order.non_decimal_volume': 'Volume value you send could not be parsed into Decimal type',
  462. 'market.order.non_positive_volume': 'Volume value must be positive',
  463. 'market.order.invalid_type': 'Invalid order type',
  464. 'market.order.non_decimal_price': 'Volume value you send could not be parsed into Decimal type',
  465. 'market.order.non_positive_price': 'Volume value must be positive',
  466. 'market.order.non_integer_id': 'Id value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  467. 'market.order.empty_id': 'Id is missing or empty',
  468. '': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  469. '': 'Invalid limit',
  470. '': 'Timestamp value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  471. '': 'Timestamp is missing or empty',
  472. '': 'Invalid order_by',
  473. 'market.order.insufficient_market_liquidity': 'Isufficient market liquidity',
  474. 'market.order.invalid_volume_or_price': 'Invalid volume or price',
  475. 'market.order.create_error': 'Failed to create error',
  476. 'market.order.cancel_error': 'Failed to cancel error',
  477. 'market.order.market_order_price': 'Market order doesn\'t have price',
  478. '': 'Please, pass the corresponding verification steps to enable trading',
  479. 'market.account.insufficient_balance': 'Account balance is insufficient',
  480. 'public.currency.doesnt_exist': 'Currency doesn\'t exist',
  481. 'public.currency.invalid_type': 'Invalid currency type',
  482. '': 'Market doesn\'t exist',
  483. 'public.order_book.non_integer_ask_limit': 'Ask limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  484. 'public.order_book.invalid_ask_limit': 'Invlalid ask limit',
  485. 'public.order_book.non_integer_bid_limit': 'Bid limir value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  486. 'public.order_book.invalid_bid_limit': 'Invalid bid limit',
  487. '': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  488. '': 'Invalid limit',
  489. '': 'Page value must be positive',
  490. '': 'Timestamp value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  491. '': 'Invalid order by',
  492. 'public.market_depth.non_integer_limit': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  493. 'public.market_depth.invalid_limit': 'Invalid limit',
  494. 'public.k_line.non_integer_period': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  495. 'public.k_line.invalid_period': 'Invalid period',
  496. 'public.k_line.non_integer_time_from': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  497. 'public.k_line.empty_time_from': 'Time_from param is missing or empty',
  498. 'public.k_line.non_integer_time_to': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  499. 'public.k_line.empty_time_to': 'Time_to param is missing or empty',
  500. 'public.k_line.non_integer_limit': 'Limit value you send could not be parsed into Integer type',
  501. 'public.k_line.invalid_limit': 'Invalid limit',
  502. 'server.internal_error': 'Internal Server Error'
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