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  1. Eric Aboadwe
  2. August 30, 2017 ·
  6. Today’s’ reading of the Word continues from 1st Corinthians where it is written:
  8. “LOVE never FAILS. But whether there are PROPHECIES they will FAIL; whether there are TONGUES, they will CEASE; whether there is KNOWLEDGE, it will VANISH away” (1 Corinthians 13:8).
  10. We thank God for another awesome day. Every day is an awesome day for us because the LORD makes all things to work for our good (Romans 8:28). There is nothing like a “Bad Day” for the Saints. That’s why the Scripture tells us to give THANKS to God in all things because this is the will of God in CHRIST JESUS for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
  12. And what actually makes our “Day” so wonderful irrespective of what happens is the fact that we have set our mind, focus, and attention on our BLESSED Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Therefore Isaiah tells us what God does for those who set their “minds” on CHRIST. He said, “You will keep him in perfect PEACE, whose MIND is stayed on You, because he TRUSTS in You. TRUST in the LORD forever, for in YAH the LORD, is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:3-4).
  14. We thank God for such a BLESSING. Now going back to our main Scripture passage of study, the Word of God tells us that, “LOVE never FAILS. But whether there are PROPHECIES they will FAIL; whether there are TONGUES, they will CEASE; whether there is KNOWLEDGE, it will VANISH away.”
  16. Paul the Apostle spoke these words as the “Spirit” of God gave him utterance, and he said these things so that we will know the direction of which we must direct our FAITH towards. The above passage tells us that our FAITH, attention and focus should be directed towards the “LOVE” of God which has SAVED us forever from SIN and not on spiritual gifts.
  18. We must know that spiritual gifts themselves is not God. “Prophecy” is not God, “Signs and wonders” is not God, “A miracle” is not God, and “Knowledge” is not God. The reason why these things has come into light is because there are many Bible believers who think that where “PROPHECIES” exist, there is God, and where “Signs and Wonders” exist, there is God, and where “KNOWLEDGE” exist, there is God.
  20. Therefore some people have made a “god” out of their own making, thinking that when they operate these gifts, then God is at work. As a result of this, many FALSE prophets and pastors have risen in our times more than any era. And they have become the “Antichrists” because John the Apostle said that there are already many “Antichrists” in the world (1 John 4:3).
  22. These “Antichrists” do not preach about the “LOVE” of God which is the GOSPEL of the “REMISSION of SINS” through the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of JESUS CHRIST. But rather, they do things “according to the working of Satan, with all power, SIGNS and lying WONDERS, and with all UNRIGHTEOUS DECEPTION among those who perish, because they did not receive the LOVE of the TRUTH, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).
  24. Please just take your time and pay attention to this passage. Have you see that right here Paul spoke about “the LOVE of the TRUTH?” It is this “LOVE of the TRUTH” which the Apostle Paul was saying in our main Scripture reading that it “never FAILS.” But the false ministers are only interested in the gifts of “TONGUES, PROPHECY” and “KNOWLEDGE” but they are not interested in God’s “LOVE” of the “REMISSION of SINS” which “never FAILS.”
  26. Paul was saying that those who speak in “TONGUES” and who “PROPHECY” and who claim to have “KNOWLEDGE” whiles they don’t know God’s “LOVE” which “never FAILS” will be taken over by Satan to do “SIGNS and lying WONDERS, and with all UNRIGHTEOUS DECEPTION among those who perish.” Paul said that the reason for this is because, “they did not receive the LOVE of the TRUTH, that they might be saved.”
  28. Here the “Spirit” of the Living God was using Paul to draw our minds to the fact that “PROPHECY” cannot SAVE us, and speaking in “TONGUES” is never the evidence that one has received the “Holy Spirit” and so he is SAVED. Paul the servant of the “Most High” God was telling us that, preachers with large congregation who operate with higher “KNOWLEDGE” does not mean they are the servants of God.
  30. He said that their so called “KNOWLEDGE” and “PROPHECY” and “TONGUES” and performing “SIGNS and lying WONDERS” which has made them popular to have many followers will “FAIL” and “CEASE” and “VANISH away.” And the truth is that those who do not have God’s “LOVE” in them will also “FAIL” in their Christian faith, and they will “CEASE” to exist before God, and they will finally “VANISH away” to perish in Hell.
  32. The only REMEDY to escape from the “Judgment” of Hell is to receive God’s “LOVE” of the “REMISSION of SINS” through the water and the blood of CHRIST which “never FAILS.” Therefore as Christians, we must understand these issues seriously because it is a matter of “Heaven” and “Hell.” It is very sad that many Christians are not interested in God’s “LOVE” of SALVATION which “never FAILS,” but they are interested in those things which our Scripture reading says will “FAIL.”
  34. As Christians the God of “MERCY” wants all of us to know that, if we lay aside His “LOVE” revealed by JESUS CHRIST through His “sacrifice” of being baptized by John the Baptist to take away our SINS upon Himself, dying on the Cross, and resurrecting to “PURGE” away our SINS once for all, then our FAITH will also “FAIL.”
  36. Every Christian must be born again of God’s “LOVE.” We must understand that God is “LOVE,” and therefore when you are born of His “LOVE,” He cannot throw you into the fires of “Hell.” If it were to happen like that, then it means God has “FAIL” to SAVE you from your SINS and “Hell.” But the Apostle Paul tells us in our Scripture reading that the “LOVE” of God “never FAILS.”
  38. This is the “mystery” which the Apostle Paul APPRECIATED all the day of his life. And BLESSED are those who themselves also appreciate the “mystery” of the “LOVE” of CHRIST which “never FAILS.”
  40. Our study continues.............
  44. Eric Aboadwe
  45. August 31, 2017 ·
  49. Our study of the Word continues from the previous day. So we will take our reading once again from 1st Corinthians where it says:
  51. “LOVE never FAILS. But whether there are PROPHECIES they will FAIL; whether there are TONGUES, they will CEASE; whether there is KNOWLEDGE, it will VANISH away” (1 Corinthians 13:8).
  53. We thank God for a New Day and for speaking to us through His “Word.” King David said that the Words of the LORD are “Pure Words” like a silver tried in a furnace of the earth which is “Purified SEVEN times” (Psalm 12:6). This shows the PERFECTION of the “Word,” and so when we BELIEVE in the “Word,” it also works in us PERFECTLY and spiritually.
  55. Today the LORD wants us to understand when He speaks to us in His “LOVE.” There are many religious people who say “God is LOVE, God is GOOD, God is GRACIOUS, God is KIND.” But JESUS said that they “Draw near” to God with their “mouth,” and “honor” Him with their “lips,” but their “heart is far from” Him (Matthew 15:8). Therefore they don’t actually know His “LOVE” but they only pay a “lip service” to God.
  57. If we are able to recognize the VOICE of God’s “LOVE” and the MESSAGE of His “LOVE,” then we will be able to identify His VOICE “LOVE” and His MESSAGE of “LOVE” by which He speaks to us, and we will realize that everything He spoke to us in His “LOVE” will “never FAIL.” This is because our Scripture reading tells us that His “LOVE never FAILS.” Recognizing God’s “Word” of “LOVE” is very important because we can rely and depend on His “Word” 100% since it “never FAILS.”
  59. Therefore when God speaks to us and He says, “By His knowledge My RIGHTEOUS Servant (JESUS) shall JUSTIFY many, for He shall BEAR their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:11), then we must know that God is speaking to us in His “LOVE” which “never FAILS.” That’s why JESUS did not “FAIL” to “BEAR” our SINS upon Himself when He was baptized by John the Baptist, and He did not “FAIL” to die on the Cross for the judgment of our SINS. His “LOVE” was in action.
  61. God’s “LOVE never FAILS” and so when He speaks to us in His “LOVE,” He fulfills everything. However because many Christians do not understand His “LOVE,” they have put God’s “RIGHTEOUS Servant” aside, and they are trying to be “JUSTIFIED” before Him through their own acts of righteousness which the LORD says are “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6).
  63. The reason why God refer to JESUS as His “RIGHTEOUS Servant” is because He alone is “RIGHTEOUS” but we are not. However because He “LOVES” us and His “LOVE never FAILS,” JESUS bore all our iniquities and He “JUSTIFIED” us in His “LOVE” and made us “RIGHTEOUS” and “HOLY” and BLAMELESS “in His LOVE” (Ephesians 1:4). That’s why JESUS gave us a new name and He said, “That they may be called TREES of RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Isaiah 61:3b). This is the VOICE of “LOVE” coming from JESUS CHRIST the REDEEMER of mankind.
  65. But those who have not been made “TREES of RIGHTEOUSNESS” in His “LOVE” are still SINNERS because they are the “TREES of SIN” who do not believe in the transformational POWER of God’s “LOVE” which “never FAILS.” But every Christians must know that if he or she continues to remain as a “TREE of SIN,” then John the Baptist is warning him that, “Even now the AXE is laid to the root of the TREES. Therefore every TREE which does not bear good FRUIT is cut down and thrown into the fire (Hell)” (Matthew 3:10).
  67. Again when God speaks to us and He says, “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD, “Though your SINS are like scarlet, they shall be as WHITE as SNOW; Thought they are red like crimson, they shall be as WOOL” (Isaiah 1:18), we must understand the fact that here too God was speaking to us in His “LOVE” which “never FAILS.”
  69. But because Satan has made many Christians to believe that God has “FAIL” in His “LOVE” of promise in Isaiah 1:18, they are still the SINNERS who have not be WASHED as “WHITE as SNOW” through the water baptism and the blood of CHRIST. Therefore they are still begging God everyday for forgiveness because they don’t believe in His “Word” of “LOVE,” but they believe in the “lies” and the HATRED of Satan.
  71. The opposite of “LOVE” is “HATRED.” Satan HATES the image of God (Man), and he led him into transgression, and he does not want man to be CLEANSED from his SINS once for all. But God “LOVES” His own “image” and His own “likeness” even though they fell into transgression. Therefore He “gave Himself for our SINS that He might deliver us from this present EVIL age” (Galatians 1:4) according to the will of His “LOVE” in CHRIST JESUS.
  73. We must know that because God is “LOVE” and He does not “FAIL,” His “LOVE” also “never FAILS.” But those who don’t recognize the voice of God’s “LOVE” and His compassion for them will become “divisive” people “warped and sinning,” and being “self-condemned” (Titus 3:10).
  75. Also when God says, “I, even I, am He Who BLOTS OUT your transgression for My own sake; and I will NOT REMEMBER your SINS” (Isaiah 43:25), we must know that He is speaking to us in His “LOVE.” But because many believers do not understand what the Apostle Paul mean by God’s “LOVE never FAILS,” they are ignorant of the “Word” of “LOVE” spoken to them.
  77. Human beings by nature are FAILURES. Because of this, they think that Gods “LOVE” also “FAILS” like them, and therefore even though God said that He will “NOT REMEMBER” their SINS, they don’t believe in that, and so they themselves REMIND God of their SINS every day. This is the “religion” whose founder and originator is Satan. Only “few” people know the “TRUTH” just like Noah and his family of eight (8) who were SAVED through “WATER” (1 Peter 3:20-21).
  79. Many blind Christians feel like they must offer the “Prayers of Repentance” because their FAITH is based on the “REMEMBRANCE of their SINS,” and not on the “LOVE” of God which says “Their SINS and LAWLESS deeds I will REMEMBER no more” (Hebrews 10:17). Therefore how can God’s “LOVE” be poured in the hearts of those who don’t believe in His “Word” of “LOVE” which “never FAILS?”
  81. That’s why God told us, “I have not SPOKEN in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘SEEK Me in VAIN.’ I the LORD, speak RIGHTEOUSNESS, I declare things that are RIGHT” (Isaiah 45:19). We have no other choice than to BELIEVE in His “LOVE” which “never FAILS.”
  83. “A WORD to a WISE is ENOUGH.”
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