

Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. < AXIS - BASIC INFO >
  3. —full name: song hwanjae (송환재)
  4. —english name: hanes song
  5. —nickname(s):
  6. ◦ jayjay — by his twin
  7. ◦ hwanjie — by the other members
  8. ◦ loud jae
  9. ◦ prince song #2
  11. —dob (date of birth): september 1, 1996
  12. —age: 20
  14. —nationality: british
  15. —ethnicity: korean
  17. —faceclaim: l from Infinite
  18. —backup faceclaim: youngmin of boyfriend
  22. < MARS - MORE DETAIL >
  24. —slot: the sass king
  25. —backup slot: —
  27. —personality description:
  28. ◦ hwanjae is loud and in your face. he is the exact opposite from his brother: loud, confident, sassy, social, and one who doesn't give a shit if he has offended someone. due to having a very shy and sensitive other, hwanjae tends to act like the other twin at times, protecting and defending his brother when hwanjung is put in very uncomfortable situations. hwanjae is a very talkative person, one that can keep a conversation going smoothly without any issue. he isn't really the bubbly type of extrovert, but rather more of a diva (in a sense). he is oozing with sass and sarcasm, and has a hard time letting anyone live. he is often tearing people down humorously, continuing to pick at them as they fail over and over again.
  29. ◦ despite being pretty friendly and popular with anyone, there isn't anyone he is closer to than his brother. he can often be quick to anger, but the easiest way to piss him the hell off is to try and attack his brother (attacking his band mates is a close second). if anyone dares to mess with the people he cares about he can be downright vicious. he often has to hold himself back for the sake of others (mostly not wanting them to pay for his consequences. examples of this was when he stared down h of mars in episode 1a). he is very vocal with his emotions, especially if it's anger. he really cares for the people he is close with, and will defend and protect them because it something that has become second nature to him (he stood by his shy twin his whole life, and plus he is too vocal to just sit there). he tends to act without thought, often getting him with situations. however he tries to think before he acts, keyword tries, because honestly he doesn't really think at all before he acts, but he never really regrets his actions unless they get people other than himself in trouble.
  30. ◦ jae is also pretty dirty minded. he, along with sam and even aki, can take anything remotely sexual (or not at all) and turn it into a something raunchy. he is very childish in this way, laughing at things that can be mistake as sexual, even in the slightest. he tends to say things that often go over the more innocent members heads (or make them incredibly embarrassed).
  32. —birthplace: manchester, england
  33. —hometown: manchester, england
  35. —background:
  36. ◦ hwanjae was born song hwanjae (송환재), with the english name hanes song, in manchester, england. growing up he was a very sociable, able to get along with everyone. he, as did his brother, felt a sense of disconnect among their peers, being that they had a different heritage. however he didn't want it to effect him, and he threw away that difference knowing that he was still (hopefully) an equal to his peers. throughout school hwanjae was popular due to his extrovert personality and his outgoing appearance. his humor and sass were two things that made him well liked by all. he had many acquaintances, and many people sat with him at lunch, but no matter how many people wanted his attention he always managed to make sure his twin brother was comfortable. he was always with his brother, and his friends, and didn't really ditch his brother. sure the two had things they did separately, but hwanjae made sure that his brother was never left out.
  37. ◦ when his brother got into music, hwanjae was supportive. he never really paid much attention to music other than listening to it and singing off key to whitney huston. however when he saw how amazing his brother was when he rapped or played he piano, he wanted in. hwanjung helped teach him all the thing he knew, and he was thankful. the two ended up practicing a lot together, watching videos on how to improve, and critiquing each other. hwanjae knew hwanjung wanted to pursue a career in music, and the korean music industry came to mind. he came across kpop once accidentally, but was surprised at how good it was, and he knew that it could be something hwanjung was interested in. hwanjae brought it up to
  38. his brother and hwanjung agreed, albeit nervous and slightly unsure. so they decided to go audition (with the green light from their parents). the twins audition for jyp entertainment first, and hwanjae made it in, but not hwanjung. while hwanjae was proud of himself for making it in, he was also extremely guilty for making it in. he knew his brother was crushed on not making it in, and hwanjae knew that his brother wanted this far more than he did. the boy couldn't imagine not debuting with his brother, so he decided not to sign with jyp and the two auditioned for leon entertainment, both making it in.
  40. —languages spoken:
  41. ◦ english — fluent
  42. ◦ korean — fluent
  44. —family members:
  45. ◦ song hanuel / father / dentist / 3
  46. — since there father was a dentist, he was often very busy with work and never really had time to spend with his children. he wasn't a bad father, and still took care of his children by providing them with many thing via his job. he still patented his children properly, but his impact wasn't as strong as their mother's was, who was around more often.
  47. ◦ song sujin / mother / shop owner / 4
  48. — their mother was very present in their life. after the children got out of school, they would come to the flower shop that their mother owned and help her. they were with their mother all the time if not at school or at practice. she was always there for them and often gave them guidance. she took them to all of their practices and made time for them because she knew their father couldn't.
  49. ◦ song hwanjung / twin brother / trainee / 1000
  50. — these two are incredibly close, whether it be a twin bond or the fact that they get alone amazingly, despite being polar opposites. hwanjae cares about his older brother (by 5 minutes) deeply, and always wants to be with him. he confides in hwanjung, just as hwanjung in him, and he couldn't imagine a life without his brother.
  52. —habits:
  53. ◦ clicking his tongue
  54. ◦ sucking in his lip
  55. ◦ tapping his heels together
  56. ◦ sucking out his tongue when thinking
  58. —hobbies:
  59. ◦ watching kdramas
  60. ◦ watching cheesy american sitcoms
  61. ◦ doing the other members' hair
  63. —likes:
  64. ◦ coffee — his favorite is starbucks, he claims it helps him channel his inner white girl
  65. ◦ french fries
  66. ◦ swimming — he and his brother were both on the swim team in school
  67. ◦ rollercoasters — he is a adrenaline junkie
  68. ◦ horror movies
  69. ◦ super hero movies — his favorite is guardians of the galaxy
  70. ◦ teenage mutant ninja turtles
  71. ◦ 60's, 70's, & 80's music
  73. —dislikes:
  74. ◦ airplanes
  75. ◦ peanuts
  76. ◦ the sound of knuckles cracking
  77. ◦ tight spaces — he doesn't have problems with being in a crowded room but he hates tight spaces
  78. ◦ being told no — he's a bit of a diva so he gets a bit bitchy when people tell him no
  79. ◦ english food — the only food he likes is fish and chips
  82. —talents/trivia:
  83. ◦ he can play the piano, however he isn't as good as his older brother
  84. ◦ he is really bad at math
  85. ◦ he doesn't know how to ride a bike
  86. ◦ he loves eating chocolate — to make it better, his brother despises it
  87. ◦ he has a british accent when he speaks
  88. ◦ he has a pet cat named rocket
  89. ◦ his favorite ninja turtle is leonardo
  90. ◦ he was on the swim team as a child
  91. ◦ he really wants to go on a reality show, specifically weekly idol.
  92. ◦ one of his school friends taught him a dance once and after noticing how well he danced, encourages hwanjae to join the dance team. hwanjae made it into the dance team, which helped him acquire his dance skills.
  93. ◦ hwanjae was really popular in school, almost everyone knew him whether it be personally or just hearing about him.
  94. ◦ hwanjae claims he is the personification of the comic book character peter quill from the guardians of the galaxy because they are both "witty, handsome, big idiots, and popular with the ladies."
  95. ◦ hwanjae loves whitney huston & michael jackson
  99. —stage name: jae (재)
  100. —stage persona:
  101. ◦ this boy is beyond greasy. he is filled with all the fan service, and is oozing with charisma. he isn't as cute as his brother but rather makes you want to punch him for being so extra.
  103. —audition song and dance:
  104. ◦ rapped to wake me up by zico
  105. ◦ did a dance with his brother to with you by chris brown
  107. —why did you choose the company you're at?
  108. ◦ they went to leon because they wanted to debut together, and that was something jyp didn't give to them that leon could.
  113. —idol relations/relatives: —
  115. —requested scenes:
  116. ◦ them having to do a really ridiculous game and someone gets injured (idk rip)
  117. ◦the losers of another game have to fish for their meal and nobody knows how to fish so the group is pretty much screwed
  118. ◦ one of the other members of another group making fun of hwan for wearing a tmnt shirt and jae about to fight the fuck out of them bc he ain't gonna stand for someone bullying his brother
  119. ◦ the group just being cute and doing something cute like having a pillow fight or dog piling each other (i took this from one of the up10tion vids you sent me rip)
  120. ◦ all 4 teams trying to cook and shit and then it turned into a huge food fight
  121. ◦ a few members of one team ganging up on hwan in attempts to either scare him or maybe get information out of him and hwan getting really nervous and uncomfortable and the other members coming in and saving hwan from his bullies.
  123. —song requests:
  124. ◦ hide and seek by astro
  125. ◦ stop it by b.a.p
  126. ◦ cats eye by astro
  127. ◦ balloons by pure-l
  128. ◦ lollipop by imfact
  129. ◦ i'm fine by victon
  130. ◦ pretty pretty by pentagon
  131. ◦ hello by shinee
  132. ◦ boyfriend by boyfriend
  133. ◦ 20 by seventeen
  134. ◦ carnival by b.a.p
  135. ◦ pretty u by seventeen
  136. ◦ g.r.8.u by vixx
  137. ◦ chewing gum by nct dream
  138. ◦ my first and my last by nct dream
  139. ◦ mariya by halo
  140. ◦ you=heaven by snuper
  141. ◦ shall we dance by snuper
  142. ◦ to my best friend by boyfriend
  144. —fanclub name
  146. —fanclub color:
  147. ◦ group: powder blue and lavender
  148. ◦ individual: pastel green
  150. —why do you want to join?
  151. —why should I pick you?
  152. —note to the author: i added more angst to his backstory as well (not as bad as hwanjung).
  153. —anything else? not that i can think of
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