

Aug 22nd, 2016
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  1. # ===================================================================
  2. # Spring Boot configuration for the "prod" profile.
  3. #
  4. # This configuration overrides the application.yml file.
  5. # ===================================================================
  7. # ===================================================================
  8. # Standard Spring Boot properties.
  9. # Full reference is available at:
  10. #
  11. # ===================================================================
  14. spring:
  15. devtools:
  16. restart:
  17. enabled: false
  18. livereload:
  19. enabled: false
  20. datasource:
  21. url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/frontend?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false
  22. name:
  23. username: root
  24. password:
  25. hikari:
  26. data-source-properties:
  27. cachePrepStmts: true
  28. prepStmtCacheSize: 250
  29. prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048
  30. useServerPrepStmts: true
  31. jpa:
  32. database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
  33. database: MYSQL
  34. show_sql: false
  35. properties:
  36. hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache: true
  37. hibernate.cache.use_query_cache: false
  38. hibernate.generate_statistics: false
  39. hibernate.cache.region.factory_class: org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory
  40. data:
  41. elasticsearch:
  42. cluster-name:
  43. cluster-nodes: localhost:9300
  44. mail:
  45. host: localhost
  46. port: 25
  47. username:
  48. password:
  49. thymeleaf:
  50. cache: true
  52. multipart:
  53. maxFileSize: 10MB
  54. maxRequestSize: 50MB
  56. liquibase:
  57. contexts: prod
  59. server:
  60. port: 9000
  61. compression:
  62. enabled: true
  63. mime-types: text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css, application/javascript, application/json
  64. min-response-size: 1024
  66. # ===================================================================
  67. # JHipster specific properties
  68. # ===================================================================
  70. jhipster:
  71. http:
  72. cache: # Used by the CachingHttpHeadersFilter
  73. timeToLiveInDays: 1461
  74. cache: # Hibernate 2nd level cache, used by CacheConfiguration
  75. timeToLiveSeconds: 3600
  76. hazelcast:
  77. backupCount: 1
  78. ehcache:
  79. maxBytesLocalHeap: 256M
  80. security:
  81. authentication:
  82. oauth:
  83. clientid: frontendapp
  84. secret: my-secret-token-to-change-in-production
  85. # Token is valid 30 minutes
  86. tokenValidityInSeconds: 1800
  87. mail: # specific JHipster mail property, for standard properties see MailProperties
  88. from: frontend@localhost
  89. metrics: # DropWizard Metrics configuration, used by MetricsConfiguration
  90. jmx.enabled: true
  91. spark:
  92. enabled: false
  93. host: localhost
  94. port: 9999
  95. graphite:
  96. enabled: false
  97. host: localhost
  98. port: 2003
  99. prefix: frontend
  100. logs: # Reports Dropwizard metrics in the logs
  101. enabled: false
  102. reportFrequency: 60 # in seconds
  103. logging:
  104. logstash: # Forward logs to logstash over a socket, used by LoggingConfiguration
  105. enabled: false
  106. host: localhost
  107. port: 5000
  108. queueSize: 512
  109. swagger: # swagger is disabled. It can be disabled by pasing 'no-swagger' profile at run time as well
  110. enabled: false
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