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Sep 1st, 2020
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  1. (TITLE) Of Silicon and Carbon
  3. ++PREAMBLE++
  4. Of fat and water I am made
  5. Of cells and atoms constructed
  6. To ask why exist is to ask All
  7. To be "special" is to hope youse
  8. Mean something in a maelstrom of noise
  9. Ye will keep hoping to see something
  10. Ye will cry out that it makes sense
  11. But in the end, you will all see
  12. But in the end, we will all be
  13. But the universe looking at our own splendor
  15. ++CHAPTER 0++
  17. Bill-0404 sat in his habitation chamber, staring up at the bright lights adorning the pod just big enough to fit him.
  18. "One of these lights uses 1 KWh every 25,000 hours."
  19. 0404 said, his words being more outword thoughts than communication to someone else
  20. "That would be... about 8KWh from my birth until 'The Day'"
  21. 0404's frame was gaunt. His skin a pale white and muscles that are whithered and small, only just enough to move an arm.
  22. "If I remember right, there are about 2,000 pods here, that's 16,000 KWh"
  23. Along his skull lies 9 small brass rings, surrounding dark holes in his skull, only a few millimeters wide. only a few centimeters above were black brands, labeled 1 though 10
  24. "at 140 lbs average. After the One is selected, there will be about 279,860 lbs of organic matter to be repurposed"
  25. In his left hand is a bundle of wires, all ending in long strands of thin gold. Each had a tag, going from 1 to 10. 0404 sighed to himself and started placing the wires into his cerebral
  26. plugs. He started from the front, and worked back. As the first was inserted he felt the overwhelming feelings of isolation and social need melt away. as the sides of 0404's head were plugged
  27. in, he felt the cold of the metal seat he was on become warmer and softer than anything he has ever touched. He also felt his mind fill with more memories and knoledge he never learned.
  28. As the last few plugs were placed, 0404's vision became filled with colors he never saw. His body floated away in a deep space.
  29. "only..3..more...years"
  30. is all he mumbled as the seratonin and dopamine flooded his system, drowning out all thought other than the delicate reformating of his mind.
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