
Wrapping it all up.

May 30th, 2018
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  1. Twelve prompts later, it’s the beginning of the end. You’ve all been waiting for it, so here it is.
  3. To start this past piece off, I’d like to share a story with you all. Once upon a time, there was a normal boy, who lived in a normal house and had a normal life. One day, he decided he would grow a tree. He decided he would grow the biggest tree ever, and everyone would want to see it. He cleared his backyard for it, bought all sorts of fancy soil, and read hundreds of books and articles about trees. He even told all of his friends about it, and they were all hyped up and impressed. Except for one thing. He never bought a tree.
  5. This boy was me, just under two years ago. Except it was a tree, but a book. I started that book, but haven’t touched it since. It has one paragraph, and is sitting in a folder somewhere, forgotten. After I had the crazy idea I could write a book, which lasted about a day, I just gave up. Until this month.
  7. When I heard about a new fan fiction event, I got very excited. After the first few prompts, I thought to myself, maybe I really can write. Maybe, just maybe, I can do this. A skill I never touched on much or practiced was suddenly brought to light in my eyes.
  9. Throughout this month, I think we’ve all grown. I've gotten to see many different writing styles, from Funbam’s narrative yet funny style, or Terry’s loose, humorous pieces, to Cheesegrater’s simple style, which is so complex at the same time. I learned a lot about all of you, and got to see you in a different light, not from outside, but from within.
  11. Not many of us will get the role. I get it, we have lives. But I grew a lot this month, and I enjoyed the whole thing. I’ve gone through ups and downs and learned a lot along the way. I’ve developed my writing skills, and I managed to stay on schedule. Each piece was fun to write in its own way. I have no regrets, except that I never really got to finish my Zuzhi piece after Zullu threatened to kill me.
  13. My favorite prompts have got to be the poem and the collab piece. I enjoyed writing limericks and may attempt more in the future. The bit of satisfaction you get when you think of a genius rhyme is worth the pain of not being able to come up with one. As for the collab, Cheese and I wrote this very long but elaborate piece, and I think I speak for both of us when I say I’m proud of it.
  15. All-in-all, this was my favorite event. Art month was great, but in my humble opinion, writing takes tons more skill. Anyone can write, or draw, sure. It does take skill to make a piece of great art. But it takes a true hard worker to write a good piece of literature, be it a novel, a fanfiction, a poem, or even just a simple letter. I encourage you all to attempt to finish as much as you can. You can trust me, it’s worth it.
  17. Thank you all for such a great event. Frost and Cata for organizing it, along with the other mods for supporting it. Cheese, for being my partner and being patient even though I took forever to finish it. The other writers, for giving me your true thoughts and helping me develop. And last but not least, my non-existent pet cat, because why the hell not. Thank you!
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