
chapter 1

Jan 20th, 2016
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  1. "Ahsoka what do you mean!" Anakin yells out to his padawan apprentice, showing obvious frustration in his words.
  2. "I mean what I said master, the homeworld troops are advancing at a rapid pace, and our troops aren't going to be able to take them alone, especially with news of Ventress..." Ahsoka's words are filled with truth and sorrow, although she is a very unique gem, a Howlite, Ahsoka does't wield enough power to take on Ventress, none of them do alone.
  3. "That's just what we NEEDED , Ventress....." Ahsoka sensed her masters anger and pulls a worried face.
  4. "I'm sorry Ahsoka... You know how I am towards homeworld in general, especially against Ventress for leaving quite a nasty scratch on my gem." Anakin places his hand briefly over his gem, a Bloodstone in a teardrop cut directly over his heart.
  5. "Never the less, it was no excuse to lash out at you of all people, but right now, we need a plan."
  6. "If i may but in, I feel we all know what we must do." a voice chimes in, somewhat calming the two.
  7. "Obi-Wan what are you suggesting?"
  8. "I'm suggestion Fusion." Obi-Wan grins, because if there is one thing he knows, it's fusion always catches the homeworld troops off guard.
  9. "Master you've got to be kidding me."
  10. "Do you really think I would joke about fusion Anakin? Now we should probably act quickly, Ahsoka could you prepare the troops while we do this?" Obi-Wan readies himself for what hes about to do, he swipes a few locks of hair out of his face and off his gem, a rather beautiful cats eye moonstone, and begins stretching.
  11. "Of course master." Ahsoka prepares herself, going off to her troops, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan alone to fuse.
  12. "Master are you sure this is a good idea?"
  13. "Of course, why would I suggest it if it wasn't."
  14. "You make a good point."
  16. -
  18. Ahsoka makes it too her troops, all kindergarten grown gems turned to their cause, they're loyal strong soldiers and she wouldn't have anyone else fight with her against homeworld.
  19. "Commander, what's the battle plan?" a young topaz asks, he hasn't been on alot of battles but he is amazing at what he does.
  20. "Oh you just wait, it's going to be amazing. Are we braced for attack?" Ahsoka grins, she's always eager for battles.
  21. "Yes Commander, should we activate?"
  22. "Of course, ready when you are"
  23. With a swift movement, the battalion summons their weapons from their various gem places, all the same type of weapon; either a bow and arrow or a staff.
  24. Ahsoka activates the her weapon, channeling her gem on her bellybutton and summoning her weapon. A rare type of lazersword that only a certain amount of gems can possess, they call them lightsabers. Her lightsaber omits a glowing green ray of light, unlike anything the homeworld gem fighter will have ever seen. It would normally surprise any gem, but her soldiers are used to fighting with Lightsaber wielders. It wasn't new to them.
  25. "Commander, here they come!" The topaz yells, bracing himself.
  26. "Bring on the fight!"
  28. -
  29. Ventress is sure as hell ready for this attack, she was made to fight, and will die fighting, not that she intends to though. She's been fighting this rebellious gems for a long time, and she isn't giving up anytime soon. She just wishes homeworld would give her more capable gems, these droney Peridots are useless most of the time, if it wasn't for the skills she possesses as a powerful obsidian the homeworld front would of been wiped out ages ago.
  30. "I hope you pathetic gems are ready for this fight, try not to have your physical form destroyed, it isn't a very good TACTIC!"
  32. Ventress homes in on her targets, a battalion of rebel gems with one of her favourite little Howlites waiting for her, finally a challenging opponent she can be proud to fight.
  33. "So it seems the Apprentice fights alone without her meddling masters, wonderful. I've always wanted to be the one to cause your fall." Ventress grins, pulling out of her gem on her shoulder a stunningly formed lightsaber, glowing bright like a freshly cut ruby. Ahsoka is aware Ventress possesses a lightsaber, but she wasn't aware of how bright and striking it was.
  34. "In your dreams Ventress, I have a little trick up my sleeve."
  35. Ventress groans, growing impatient of the Padawans words. She separates her lightsabers into two, to Ahsoka's surprise and goes into for the kill, only to be stopped by a larger, double bladed lightsaber shining brighter than either of them have seen.
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