
Markus brawl tutor

Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> "Anyway- if you're down for it, I think I could umm, use a bit of sparring practice- I wanna get better at close combat fighting, in case I ever need to resort to it"
  2. <ImpKitsu> Kir nodded. "Whenever you want. I have very little to do in my day to day life." he studied this world in books and tv when he caught it already on. But really he did a lot of nothng. It was boring.
  3. * Guest96722 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  4. <DarnellJermaine> "Well then- shall we get started?" Markus drops into the fighting stance Kir had been teaching him- starting to actually get the hang of it, "I wanna learn some new moves and perfect a few you've already taught me, and see if I can actually knock ya down"
  5. * Leo ( has joined
  6. * Leo is now known as Guest98367
  7. <ImpKitsu> Kir nodded and at the rabbits on the ground away from the entrails but on the skins. "Go ahead, then" he said, he was covered in rabbit gore to his elbows and his entire skirt- so this could be messy.
  8. <DarnellJermaine> (rolls or soft rp?)
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  13. <ImpKitsu> (Soft works)
  14. <DarnellJermaine> Markus pulls up and starts runnin forward, planning to use his real hand to strike- he pulls his fist back as he runs forward, throwing it towards Kir as he approaches
  15. <ImpKitsu> Kir took the hit with a grunt, stumbling back a bit. "You've gotten stronger...." he commented before surging forward to deliver his own. He'd just wanted to see what Markus could manage.
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  17. <DarnellJermaine> Markus tries to block the hit but Kir easily lands it, nearly knocking Markus on his ass as he stumbles back, "Holy shit man, you're still tough as ever" he holds his knees and leans forward to breathe for a moment.
  18. <ImpKitsu> "You need to learn how to dodge." Kir said- "It's always better to not take the hit if you can help it." he considered that a near-absolute. It wasn't running or cowardly to dodge- it was the right move- no matter what the knights back home had said. There was a reason they had a three year life expectancy on joining.
  19. * Leo ( has joined
  20. * Leo is now known as Guest94348
  21. <DarnellJermaine> "Dodge- dodge, got it. Alright, here I come!" probably not smart to announce your moves, but Markus plans to make it look like he's going for the same attack again, only to feint with his right and try to land a hit with his mechanical hand.
  22. <ImpKitsu> (Does the mechnical hand have any potentially sharp edges?)
  23. <DarnellJermaine> (nope, but it's heavier than his normal arm by a bit and probs hits harder)
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  25. <ImpKitsu> Exactly as he had instructed, Kir tried to dodge, bit he got hit with the mechanical hand which scraped off of his side- taking a bit of skin with it. He took the hit but tried to elbow jab Markus in the face. He wasn't sure he could pull that off.
  26. * Leo ( has joined
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  29. <DarnellJermaine> Well, Kir did pull it off. Markus tried to turn his face in time, but he only succeeded in taking that elbow hit right in his eye, "Fuck" he shouted as he fell over on his side, gripping his face with his normal hand.
  30. <ImpKitsu> In a normal fight, Kir would have resorted to kicking his opponent in the face until all his teeth were out. "Get up. Defend yourself" he said instead. His voice was flat and to the point. His only show of concern was that the attack stopped.
  31. * Leo ( has joined
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  33. <DarnellJermaine> Markus quickly picked himself up, stumbling a bit and still grasping his face as he tried to throw out a roundhouse kick with his left leg.
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  37. <ImpKitsu> Kir nodded "Good." he said as he dodged- hard to aim when you're not looking "Again" he said, trying to egg him on and get him to fight through whatever concern he had for his eye.
  38. * Leo is now known as Guest94497
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  41. <DarnellJermaine> Markus removed his hand from the spot he was hit- a bruise already formed there. That was definitely gonna turn into a black eye. He yelled loud as he came in for a punch with his now free hand.
  42. * Leo ( has joined
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  50. <ImpKitsu> Kir tried to dodge, and mostly did. "Good... Very good" he said, he wasn't trying to engage Markus, just keep him moving. He didn't feel bad at all about hitting him in the face.
  51. * Leo is now known as Guest38984
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  58. <DarnellJermaine> Markus starts getting back into the stance Kir taught him, bouncing back and forth. Alright- maybe he can surprise him- try fighting dirty. Markus runs towards him, making it looks as if he's aiming for Kir chest, but then switching to try and strike with his other hand towards Kir's lower stomach area, hoping that this actually works
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  61. * Ashi_ (Ashi@2605:6000:6d85:gytj:ozio:nznv:guws:osnz) has joined
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  63. <ImpKitsu> Kir had thought Markus was going higher and had lept up to attempt to knee him in the jaw.... Unfortunately, with Markus aiming lower- the result was, for his part, that he got punched in the nuts. He didn't know if he landed the kick. But he was sat on the floor holding himself a second later. Not a good time. He felt sick to his stomach- as per usual with nutshots.
  64. <DarnellJermaine> Kir did indeed land the knee on Markus's jaw, Markus once again falling on his back and gripping his face, before realizing Kir was probably in greater pain. He quickly waddled over to Kir and tried to check him out, "Hey man, do you want me to call for help or somethin? You don't look too good"
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