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Nov 21st, 2024
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  1. WotC: robojumper's Squad Select
  2. Capnbubs Accessories - WotC
  3. More Nations and Names WotC
  4. [WOTC] Invisible Parts For Hero Units
  5. Hack Plus - WotC
  6. Evac All - WotC
  7. Empty WOTC Deco Slots for XCOM Soldiers (+ Some other empty things)
  8. [WOTC] Revert Overwatch Rules Change
  9. [WOTC] More Clothes Options (and other stuffs)
  10. More Cities WotC
  11. WOTC Bulletstorm Sarrano Voice Pack - WTR
  12. WOTC Bulletstorm Grayson Voice Pack - WTR
  13. X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.28.1
  14. WOTC Even More Backstories
  15. WOTC Half-Life 2 Alyx Voice Pack - WTR
  16. [WOTC] LW2 Secondary Weapons (Disabled)
  17. Birthdates [WOTC]
  18. ADVENT Warlock - WotC
  19. Better Second Wave Mod Support
  20. [WotC] BobBricks' Facepaint Pack
  21. [WOTC] LW2 Classes and Perks (Disabled)
  22. More Mission SITREPs
  23. [WOTC] Corrosive Rounds
  24. WotC Ballistic Shields
  25. WOTC Female Hair Pack
  26. [WOTC] Dual Wielded Pistols 2.0
  27. [WOTC] Iridar's Akimbo Class
  28. [WOTC] WSR Weapon Skin Replacer - Core
  29. [WOTC] Shadow Ops Perk Pack
  30. [WOTC] Open Class Weapon Restrictions
  31. TLP: Unlocker
  32. Skirmish Mode+
  33. Warden Class - WOTC
  34. [WOTC] Iridar's Underbarrel Attachments
  35. [WOTC] Extended Perk Pack
  36. [WOTC] Bayonets by Iridar
  37. Ketaros 2D Package
  38. Mitzruti's Perk Pack
  39. Advent Cryo Priest Standalone
  40. [WOTC] Alien Hunters Armor Customization
  41. [WOTC] Bio Division 2.0
  42. WOTC Male Hair Pack
  43. [WotC] Weapon Fixes
  44. [WOTC] Rocket Launchers 2.0
  45. [WOTC] Configurable Immunities
  46. [WOTC] Choose Your Aliens
  47. [WOTC] Ability Editor
  48. [WOTC] Repurpose Abilities
  49. [WotC] Enemy Reskinner
  50. Overwatch Voicepack COLLECTION
  51. [WotC] International Combat Uniforms
  52. Bitterfrost Protocol
  53. Immolator + Chemthrower Abilities
  54. [WOTC] Rusty's Alchemist
  55. Perk Pack - A Better Barracks (WOTC)
  56. [WOTC] Iridar's Stormrider Class
  57. [WOTC] Improved Weapon Upgrade UI
  58. Mitzruti's Perk Pack - DLC Extension
  59. [WOTC] Normalize Loot
  60. Chimera Squad Ability Icons
  61. [WOTC] Iridar's SPARK Arsenal 3.2
  62. Ability To Slot Reassignment
  63. True Primary Secondaries [BETA]
  64. [WOTC] Skulljack Mind-Controlled Enemies
  65. [WOTC] Immolator Overhaul
  66. A Better Barracks Arsenal for LWOTC
  67. [WOTC] Avenger DeJanker
  68. Inventory Slot Weight Toggler for LWOTC
  69. Heavy Class For LWOTC
  70. Warden Class For LWOTC
  71. Dutch van der Linde Voicepack
  72. Agent Class For LWOTC
  73. Stormrider Class For LWOTC
  74. Akimbo Class For LWOTC
  75. Hoplite Class For LWOTC
  76. [WOTC] Iridar's Template Master - Core
  77. [WOTC] Iridar's LW2 Laser and Coil Weapons - Assets
  78. [WotC] The Drome Dome
  79. [WOTC] Alien Hunters Community Highlander v1.28.1
  80. [WOTC] Community Promotion Screen
  81. [WOTC] Accurate Situation Report
  82. [WOTC] Musashi's Mods Fixes
  83. [WoTC] Hero Gear
  84. Gears Marcus Fenix Voicepack (WOTC version)
  85. Gears Cole Voicepack (WOTC version)
  86. Long War of the Chosen
  87. Mod Jam for Long War of the Chosen
  88. [WOTC] PAYDAY Voice Compilation (WTR)
  89. [WOTC] WTR L4D Voice Compilation
  90. [WOTC] WTR TF2 Voice Compilation
  91. [WOTC] WTR Saints Row Voice Compilation
  92. [WOTC] WTR Borderlands Voice Compilation
  93. [WOTC] Points of Interest Recycler
  94. [WOTC] Voice Patcher
  95. Negative Mobility Fix
  96. [WOTC] Iridar's Perk Pack
  97. [Vanilla/WOTC] RDR2 Arthur Morgan Voice Pack REDUX
  98. Surplus Class Icons Pack
  99. Buccaneer Class For LWOTC
  100. Pre-Scamper Ability Stopper
  101. Hijacker Class For LWOTC
  102. [Vanilla/WOTC] RDR2 Sadie Adler Voice Pack
  103. Wei Shen Voicepack
  104. Jackie Ma Voicepack
  105. [SOW]Orc captain voice pack (Michael Gough)
  106. [SOW]Orc captain voice pack (Robbie Rist)
  107. [SOW]Orc captain voice pack (Nolan North)
  108. [SOW]Orc captain voice pack (Dwight Schultz)
  109. [WOTC] Tunnel & Abandoned Lighting Maps
  110. [WOTC] Chemthrower Addon Redux
  111. [WOTC] DLC Lighting Maps
  112. [WOTC] Aquilio's Weather Pack
  113. [SOW]Orc captain voice pack (Steve Blum)
  114. Leon Kennedy Voicepack
  115. Jericho Squad Voicepack [WOTC]
  116. Stop Wasting My Time - WotC
  117. Reward Decks Refresher
  118. [WotC] Mod Config Menu
  119. ISky's Big LW2 Name Mod
  120. Add Part Names
  121. Warden Gear[WoTC Friendly Now]
  122. Yet Another F1
  123. Biography On Armory Screen
  124. WOTC Portal 2 Wheatley Voice Pack - WTR
  125. WOTC Portal 2 GLaDOS Voice Pack
  126. WOTC Far Cry 3 Coop Characters Voice Pack - WTR
  127. WOTC Black Ops Harper Voice Pack - WTR
  128. WOTC Black Ops Hudson Voice Pack - WTR
  129. WOTC Black Ops Reznov Voice Pack - WTR
  130. WOTC Black Ops Woods Voice Pack - WTR
  131. Modular Legacy Armors
  132. Modular Legacy Armors: Cross-Tier
  133. FTH Capnbubs Addon - WotC
  134. RDR John Marston Voicepack (WOTC version)
  135. RE2 Claire Redfield Voicepack (WOTC version)
  136. [WOTC] WTR CoD SAS Voice Compilation
  137. [WotC] Gotcha Again
  138. Long War Voices Complete
  139. XCOM: Enemy Unknown Soldier Voices
  140. [WOTC] SITREP: Operation Aftermath
  141. [WotC] Get A Rifle Grip! - Animation Fix
  142. [WOTC] Bstar's Perk Pack
  143. [WOTC] Rescue Denmother
  144. AP Grenades Redux for LWOTC
  145. Arsonist Class For LWOTC
  146. Mechatronic Warfare Perk Pack
  147. Keeper Class For LWOTC
  148. [WOTC] Tactical UI Kill Counter Redux
  149. Templar Gauntlets For Soldiers Animation Patch
  150. Watchdog Class - LWOTC
  151. Quartermaster Class - LWOTC
  152. Saboteur Class - LWOTC
  153. Knight Class - LWOTC
  154. Marksman Class - LWOTC
  155. Skirmisher Abilities For Soldiers Animation Patch
  156. Gunslinger Class - LWOTC
  157. Marauder Class - LWOTC
  158. Pet Rock Perk Pack - LWOTC
  159. Commando Class - LWOTC
  160. Geneva Class - LWOTC
  161. Titan Class - LWOTC
  162. Bishop Class - LWOTC
  163. Destroyer Class - LWOTC
  164. Scout Class - LWOTC
  165. Combat Medic Class - LWOTC
  166. Roboticist Class - LWOTC
  167. Ninja Class - LWOTC
  168. Overseer Class - LWOTC
  169. [WotC] Color Class Icons
  170. Heretic Class - LWOTC
  171. Shredder Class - LWOTC
  172. Technician Class - LWOTC
  173. Rook Class - LWOTC
  174. Electrician Class - LWOTC
  175. Pyromaniac Class - LWOTC
  176. Executioner Class - LWOTC
  177. Demolitionist Class - LWOTC
  178. Dual Wield Melee
  179. Additional Ammo Types
  180. [WOTC] Disable Any Class GTS Redux
  181. [WOTC] Mission Launch Auto Save
  182. [WOTC] Stats on New Promotion Screen
  183. [WOTC] Show Tech Rewards
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