
Why AMD APU tablets beat t hell of ARM devices: PC/BIOS arch

Oct 27th, 2014
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  2. to:
  4. the situation that all arm-based gnu/linux distros face is the stark
  5. reality of ARM systems having absolutely no concept of a BIOS of any
  6. kind in any way. having repeated this enough times in enough forums i
  7. think it's finally beginning to be recognised.
  9. there isn't going to be a "solution": the sooner that's accepted the
  10. easier things will become for people. they can e.g. pick a particular
  11. SoC or a particular piece of harware and get that up-to-scratch for
  12. example, rather than going "wtf??".
  14. in the x86 world, the problem goes away by virtue of the x86 world
  15. being effectively a total design monopoly: external peripherals,
  16. monolithic BIOS and so on. the hilarious irony is that as intel tries
  17. to cross over into the ARM world (e.g. the Quark X1000) they apply
  18. those "external peripherals" design rules with what will turn out to
  19. be disastrous results.
  21. i never thought i'd say that a monopoly is actually a good thing, but
  22. it is. the alternative is that in any two near-identical bits of
  23. ARM-based hardware even when they use the exact same CPUs and even the
  24. exact same ICs the chances of them being able to use the exact same
  25. kernel is absolutely zero. all it takes is for the designers to have
  26. used a different GPIO pin for a different purpose than the other
  27. design and that's it, you're f*****d.
  29. now multiply that across 650 ARM licensees each making in total
  30. thousands of different SoCs, now multiply that across tens of
  31. thousands of peripheral ICs many of which do not have
  32. publicly-accessible datasheets, and then multiply that across the
  33. number of products.
  35. ... is it any wonder then, that when reverse-engineering 9 HTC
  36. smartphones we ended up with *TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY*
  37. platform-dependent files? the only reason there were *only* as few as
  38. 250 files was because the designs all used the same Intel PXA 270
  39. processor and they all used the same external peripheral-extender IC
  40. (we called it "ASIC3").
  42. basically what i'm trying to get across is that if you, fedora-arm,
  43. continue to wait until this situation "stabilises", you are going to
  44. be waiting for a very very long time.
  45. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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