
Pandora's Evening [FC, C1, Instance]

Oct 29th, 2013
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  1. [01:38:37] * Boris[Ronin] tentatively approached the domicile, nervous if this was actually the place or not. He hastily pulled out his notepad as he reached the door, knocking before scribbling down some things
  2. [01:45:32] * Boris[Ronin] shifts around, knocking some more Oh come on, not another mix-up...
  3. [01:49:31] * Able_Tome 's ear perks up as he hears a knock coming from downstairs. He moves slightly away from the table, looking back at the bed where a blue coated mare continues to sleep soundly on her bed, resting after several days of lonely survival in the forest. The grey unicorn stands up, leaving writing implements on the table and slowly walks out of the old study, trying to make as less noise as possible, closing the door behind him before he comes down to the ground floor and opens the door up.
  4. [01:50:42] * Able_Tome looks through the open crack between the door and the doorway, noticing a familiar yellow-coated stallion, "Well well, would you look at that... g' evening, Boris."
  5. [01:51:40] * Able_Tome opens the door completely, his body still looking severely bruised after the latest encounter near the tower, his chest, right fore and hind legs wrapped in a fresh bandage.
  6. [01:52:03] * Boris[Ronin] screams internally, oh thank God this si the place. Externally he extends a hoof out, levitating the notes over to the side "Evenin' Able. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I been needing to speak to you, and last nights abrupt end to the talk left me a bit anxious. You holding up okay after it all?"
  7. [02:00:30] * Able_Tome shakes the unicorn's hoof, "Ehh... had to visit clinic today, but... it's alright. Mostly.", he says and steps aside, beckoning the visitor to walk into the house with a motion of his head, "Been bruised heavily and that last bit was... ugh... Frankly after yesterday, I'm more worried about Broken and that horn of his..."
  8. [02:04:42] * Boris[Ronin] heads on inside, looking over to Dr.Ablestein and giving him a quick bow "I didn't even know we were capable of such things. And in his unstable condition...Let's not think on the possible ramifications of it..."
  9. [02:05:10] <Flora> "i hope this is the right door"
  10. [02:05:18] <Flora> *knock knock
  11. [02:09:07] * Able_Tome follows the unicorn with his gaze as he walks in and closes the door, "There were -already- ramifications... his horn cast uns- huh?", he halts as several knocks come from the other side of the door, "Um... Boris... seems like someone followed you... heh..."
  12. [02:10:12] * Able_Tome smirks and opens the door again, his eyes meeting the sight of the familiar zebra, "Oh now, Flora? Heh... did Kai sent you over on an errand or something?", he chuckles a little
  13. [02:11:08] * Boris[Ronin] waves over to Flora, smirking "Ah, well this is most fortuitous. Just the two together I needed."
  14. [02:11:55] <Flora> "Nope I've been needing to talk to you for quite some time. I hope i'm not intruding on something"
  15. [02:14:51] * Able_Tome shrugs and steps aside again, clearing the doorway for her to pass, "Not at all... Boris just wanted to have a talk, 'tis all.", he says and looks at the unicorn, "Nothing that should be kept private, I hope, or...?"
  16. [02:24:32] * Able_Tome shrugs and steps aside again, clearing the doorway for her to pass, "Not at all... Boris just wanted to have a talk, 'tis all.", he says and looks at the unicorn, "Nothing that should be kept private, I hope, or...?"
  17. [02:25:52] * Flora looks at Boris before entering
  18. [02:26:28] * Boris[Ronin] shakes his head "Not really, although I'd rather we kept some thing between us three for the time being."
  19. [02:26:59] <Boris[Ronin]> [Oh my God I have the greatest idea for halloween now and a use for the glowing fruit]
  20. [02:28:05] * Flora wipes her feet first and enters the house and sits near Boris
  21. [02:29:15] <Flora> "So what is it Boris"
  22. [02:29:23] * Able_Tome levitates the door shut and starts walking through the hall into the living room, inviting everyone to follow him, "Right right... come it..."
  23. [02:29:47] <Able_Tome> "Aye, do tell, Boris... you were mentioning something yesterday near the tower..."
  24. [02:30:30] * Able_Tome opens the door to the living room and walks through the doorway, gazing at the couch in the middle of the room, that faces the window.
  25. [02:31:08] * Flora follows Able
  26. [02:31:13] * Able_Tome glances back at guests before he disappears in the room, walking behind the couch and talking a brief look at the fireplace behind it
  27. [02:31:56] * Boris[Ronin] follows along behind, levitating out his notes as he sits on down at the couch "Ah, well, a couple things. You of course know about the whole 'test cycle', among other things"
  28. [02:33:11] * Able_Tome stretches his spine a little, circling around the couch and sits down on it, rubbing his wrapped hind leg against the corner of the table right in front of the couch before he switches his gaze to Boris, "Aye and it should've finished, what, numerous days ago, if I'm correct..."
  29. [02:33:46] * Able_Tome looks back at Flora, "Well... make yourself comfortable, dear... this might take a little bit of time, hehe..."
  30. [02:33:57] * Flora sits down listening to the unicorns talk about their dildo project
  31. [02:37:43] * Boris[Ronin] leans back, sighing "Yeah, all done. Keepin everything logged on here." setting the pad on down between them "Also wanted to see if you could help me out with this here old thing..."
  32. [02:38:05] * Boris[Ronin] reaches into his bags, producing one of the dewglows, rolling it around in his hooves
  33. [02:39:23] <Flora> "i have one of those"
  34. [02:40:10] * Able_Tome observes the peculiar little plant with his eyes and then looks between two guests, "Mmm? What about it?"
  35. [02:40:18] * Boris[Ronin] looks over to Flora "Oh? Did you find one as well?"
  36. [02:40:28] <Flora> "I think I got it from Matches at one point"
  37. [02:41:54] <Flora> "i never really messed around with it mostly because I had no clue what to do with it"
  38. [02:44:05] <Boris[Ronin]> "Ah, well then. I was just seeing if perhaps you knew anything about it, or if you'd care to study it. I've already got some notes on...Well, you know me for going full CoC..."
  39. [02:45:30] <Flora> "That is actually one reason why I am here. I wanted to study some of the plants I found"
  40. [02:45:31] * Able_Tome raises his brow, "What do you mean... note- wait. You've tested it out by... ingesting it?"
  41. [02:45:50] * Flora giggles lightly
  42. [02:46:18] * Able_Tome looks down at the plant again, "Those vines, Flora? Hmm... and what about this one plant, Boris?"
  43. [02:46:50] * Flora nods
  44. [02:46:54] <Flora> "and more"
  45. [02:48:11] * Boris[Ronin] chuckles "Anything for the quest of knowledge. You can see the notes on its effects here", sliding the notepad over to Able
  46. [02:49:36] * Able_Tome levitates the notepad into air and brings it closer to his eyes, reading through it
  48. [02:53:03] <Able_Tome> [The tasty nectar of mint and mango trickle down your throat, slowly enveloping the insides of your mouth, delicious juice going down the throat. Small traces of messiness is surely there, but surely, no one would give a second thought about it, especially during this time of day... right? Right?! Suddenly, you start to sense... something... Something peculiar, soft... ticklish? The little ticklish sensation begins to fill your stomach and throat, faintly reminding you about childhood's tickle fights... or feathers. You are not quite sure how to react... or do you? As this jittering bouquet of ticklishness starts to spread around and far, small, faint echoes of gnawing, unsettling pressure begins to appear, masqueraded, veiled, but still detectable. You feel... pressure. In-ordinary pressure, that's for sure that follows the flowing, giddy sensation behind it, like a pack of wolves tracking its prey, smelling the air, waiting... not quite there yet, but surely ready to pounce. The feeling spreads further, through your limbs, fore and hind legs, neck and head, making your attention wobble slightly... perhaps even disturbed as the sensation might remind one about... spiders? Many little spiders crawling under your skin very, very faintly.The feeling spreads wider and farther, slowly reaching the surface of your skin as... traces of light? No... a glow, that's right. Faint little glow begins to pour out from under your fur, slowly intensifying more and more as the pressure in your stomach increases. Your eyes become a bit watery, blurring out the surroundings for a bit in a teary mess, the ball of pressure suddenly released from its prison. As floodgates get opened, the gnawing sensation begins to follow the silver threads of spiders, washing the ticklishness away with cool, chilly water, the ticklishness slowly beginning to disappear, first the stomach, then the throat... muscles and bones and ligaments, all being filled with stillness and eerie silence as one by one, the spiders drown out of existence. Soon, the spiders are all, but disappear with only the faint little yellowish glow continuing to pour from within your fur. You continue to feel yourself a bit lightheaded, the pressure turning into a weak, barely seen nausea... and definitely that dry, scrabbin' throat as if you've had one hell of a night in the inn. Smells like tee- hangovers. Definitely hangover even though minutes ago you could've sworn that your entirety was filled up with chilly water... or something close to it. The stallion glows with a faint, yellowish glow... like a true faux slav saint :3]
  50. [02:56:17] * Flora reads over Boris's notes
  51. [02:57:11] * Able_Tome raises his brow as he goes through stallion's notes, "Um... wait... illumination?"
  52. [02:58:15] * Able_Tome rubs the back of his head, "And how, um... hm... what do you mean by -crawling-?"
  53. [02:58:16] * Boris[Ronin] nods "Yup, not for a long time, but it's fascinating to watch."
  54. [02:59:22] <Flora> "Ticklish sensations... interesting"
  55. [03:00:55] <Flora> "Any ill effects from this Boris?"
  56. [03:00:55] <Boris[Ronin]> "Oh, well, ehh, imagine having centipedes all over your bdy. Eugh, not the most pleasant of feelings, but not terrible."
  57. [03:01:37] <Able_Tome> "Good question, Flora... and, how many times have you experimented with this specimen?"
  58. [03:02:01] <Able_Tome> "Hm... another minor magic-infu-... wait..."
  59. [03:02:12] * Able_Tome pauses as he looks into space
  60. [03:02:37] <Able_Tome> "... weak minor magic infused plant... minor magic..."
  61. [03:03:01] <Boris[Ronin]> "Twice, so as to make sure it was a constant. Ill effects afterwards were confined to just some dizziness, and dry throat."
  62. [03:03:45] <Boris[Ronin]> "Along with that was the whole lighting up like a glowstick at a rave. Lasts a couple minutes."
  63. [03:04:01] * Able_Tome blinks several times as he brings his forehoof closer and scratches his cheek, eyes still staring into space, "... where did you find it? And I mea, most importantly, where ?"
  64. [03:04:19] <Flora> "not the worst effects. Did you get any enhancements like better eyesight, or smell, or spider powers"
  65. [03:06:05] * Boris[Ronin] rubs his chin "I found it while out doing some of my usual searches out in the forests for ingredients. Actually have more with me, if there is the possiblity of cultivating it."
  66. [03:07:17] * Flora smiles cultivation is my middle name
  67. [03:08:42] <Able_Tome> "That's... that's not the point..."
  68. [03:08:54] <Able_Tome> "Do you remember the -precise- spot where these were spotted?"
  69. [03:09:19] * Able_Tome scratches his cheek ones more, "Flora, you remember what I was saying about goodberries?"
  70. [03:10:02] <Flora> "you can only grow them with a direct stream of magic"
  71. [03:10:09] <Able_Tome> "In-cultivatable in ordinary environment unless it is Ghost Leaf... well OR any environment that possesses increased levels of magical energy..."
  72. [03:10:19] <Boris[Ronin]> "Not exact spot, but I did make sure to mark the surrounding trees."
  73. [03:10:47] <Boris[Ronin]> "Although the problem is, we've now had the first snows, so would it still be able to grow?"
  74. [03:11:06] <Flora> "Bing bing bing greenhouse"
  75. [03:11:14] * Able_Tome smiles faintly, "Good good... very good... if these plants that you've found also -feed- on magical energy, maybe, just maybe that particular patch of land has higher levels of energy around it..."
  76. [03:11:52] <Able_Tome> "In the Vault we've accounted for around 56 goodberry seeds that I've extracted during potion production..."
  77. [03:12:45] * Able_Tome nods a little, "Snow and seasons are a problem... considering that these were extracted from Ghost Leaf where such problems don't exists... well, maybe don't exists... ugh..."
  78. [03:13:26] <Able_Tome> "Might not even be enough for goodberries, but... but it's worth a try."
  79. [03:13:28] <Boris[Ronin]> [Flora pls, we already had Phoe trying to charge up a changeling horn using fizz]
  80. [03:14:11] <Flora> "you know we could always plant a small garden near the chasm"
  81. [03:14:38] <Flora> "dangerous yes but it would be worth it... potentially"
  82. [03:17:36] <Boris[Ronin]> "Possible, but it'd need to be constantly monitored and need postings."
  83. [03:18:47] * Able_Tome glances at Flora with a grim expression, "After that spill out... and, well, um...", he stammers a little bit, "Uh... the, um, rays might... might not pose a, um, problem now after... after certain things have happened, but I'd not try going there... for now, at least."
  84. [03:19:42] <Able_Tome> "Not to mention that the patch would be located in a labyrinth... sixteen kilometers from here."
  85. [03:20:29] <Able_Tome> "And fey, of course... uh... you'd need to create an outpost there to effectively manage it... lay a path even..."
  86. [03:21:07] <Boris[Ronin]> "It's a logistics nightmare, to put it lightly."
  87. [03:21:46] * Flora barely knows what Able is talking about "ok I don't really know what happens down there besides weird shit with clowns *shudders* and squids but i think my plan has potential. But it is risky"
  88. [03:22:15] <Flora> "I do see your point"
  89. [03:30:52] * Able_Tome shakes his head, "The fey are only but a one problem. The mind rays have been dealt with, but I'm pretty sure that the Underdark from where all those other creatures came out is still infested by some of them... The problem with cultivating things near the chasm itself is that it seems like the fey don't take it lightly when others exploit -their- land or anomalous effects that their land provides... even for minor things..."
  90. [03:31:46] <Able_Tome> "Iron Hoof was getting fey-induced nightmares with messages that were clearly pushing him to leave the chasm and tunnels near it alone..."
  91. [03:33:04] <Flora> "Hmm so the chasm is out of the question unless we want more spirits hanging around. Guess we have to find a magic spot or a book or spell to help us out"
  92. [03:33:06] <Able_Tome> "Hmm... not to mention what reputation our groups and town in general have earned out there... ugh... I'd say better go with these small patches of land and hope that these seeds can be cultivated... might take lots of time to produce them and seasons out here might not be good enough..."
  93. [03:33:28] * Able_Tome huffs, "Spirits? Please... the fey are not strictly -spirits-..."
  94. [03:33:52] <Flora> "Explain that to George"
  95. [03:34:30] * Able_Tome frowns, "George... the rock? Again, fey are not strictly spirits. They are more closer to supernatural beings."
  96. [03:34:47] <Able_Tome> "And please, what's with this rock anyway?"
  97. [03:35:23] * Ruby_McCoal approaches the unicorn den, tapping slightly on the door with her hoof
  98. [03:35:48] <Flora> "Mofo is a talking rock"
  99. [03:35:58] * Able_Tome tilts his head to the side, "You've been talking with that piece or stone as if it's aliv-... hmm, well now...", he trails off as a knock comes echoing through the corridor into the living room.
  100. [03:36:03] <Boris[Ronin]> "Talking rock...?"
  101. [03:36:18] <Flora> "you just have to listen"
  102. [03:36:23] <Boris[Ronin]> "And then there we four..."
  103. [03:36:25] * Able_Tome stands up and looks at Boris, "Flora's been talking with a rock..."
  104. [03:37:45] * Boris[Ronin] shakes his head "A town of deviants and crazies, what to expect."
  105. [03:37:48] * Able_Tome starts to go towards the living room's entrance, "One moment...", he stops at the doorway and looks back at Flora, "Listen? What do you -mean- by that?! You see, all I see is a zebra that's talking with a rock... and get no explanation regarding that..."
  106. [03:38:43] * Flora flicks her ear "Not everything needs a explanation"
  107. [03:38:44] * Able_Tome turns in doorway's direction and steps through, quickly going through foyer until he reaches the entrance and slightly opens the door, looking through the crack, "Huh... well now..."
  108. [03:39:00] <Able_Tome> "Evening, Ruby..."
  109. [03:39:37] <Boris[Ronin]> "It helps to at least try though..."
  110. [03:39:39] * Able_Tome opens the door wider, smiling faintly at her before he steps back and away from the doorway
  111. [03:40:24] * Ruby_McCoal contemps the inside with hesitation "Hey there Able... am I coming at a wrong time?"
  112. [03:40:36] <Flora> "See Boris has the right idea"
  113. [03:42:00] * Able_Tome shrugs a little, "Just a few guests and a discussion going, Ruby... do come inside.", he beckons her to enter the warm foyer, a chilly gust of wind shooting through the entrance door.
  114. [03:44:24] * Ruby_McCoal nods as she steps inside, sheltering her cloak-wearing body away from the bitter chill of the fall evening. She wipes her wet hooves on the mug as she soften her voice to Able "I'd like to speak to you in private, if you have time."
  115. [03:49:12] * Able_Tome nods to the mare and uses kinesis to close the door behind her, "Of course... if you have time, relax, get comfortable and warm yourself up for a bit here and we'll be able to do so...", the unicorns says and starts to walk towards the living room with other guests, "We were just having a discussion on plants and, well, several other things..."
  116. [03:49:39] * Able_Tome looks back at the mare as he reaches the doorway, "Perhaps a bit of a tea will do well, mm?"
  117. [03:51:36] * Able_Tome walks into the living room, looking between Flora and Boris, "And we have an addition, heh...", he says with a cheerish voice and walks closer to the window in front of the couch, looking outside at the palisade, "Would you both like some tea, mm?"
  118. [03:51:45] * Ruby_McCoal motions to remove and fold her Moonware cloak, smiling at the proposition "You're the host, I cant order you around. But i'd accept this gladly if its that your wish."
  119. [03:52:30] <Flora> "Thanks Able and who else is here?"
  120. [03:55:17] * Ruby_McCoal , following Able, appear in the living room doorframe. She immediatly recognize the duo before her. With a little wave, she speaks "Hey Flora, hi Boris. I see that you three were quite busy in here, eh?"
  121. [03:55:53] * Boris[Ronin] gives Able a nod, and a wave to Rubeh "That'd be lovely, thank you. And a good evening to you, Ruby. Eh, just some good ol' discourse."
  122. [03:56:54] <Flora> "Hola Ruby. We were just discussing issues with with the native flora"
  123. [03:57:17] <Flora> "sounds like im using 3rd person"
  124. [03:58:37] * Able_Tome claps his hooves together, "Great... uno momento...", he says and quickly disappears behind the door in the back of the living room, firing up the large stove and putting up a batch of herbs into the tea kettle
  125. [03:59:52] <Ruby_McCoal> The red mare turns to the grey unicorn, unsurprised expression on her face "Oh, so I am interrupting something afterall. Perhaps I should leave to let you three fini-" Her eyes lands on the tea kettle, a quick roll they do before she smiles "Well, looks like I cant refuse tea tonight, eh."
  126. [04:03:26] <Flora> "So how have you been Ruby. I have't talked to you when your in a good mood for a long time"
  127. [04:05:05] * Able_Tome puts the silver tea kettle on the stove and lets the water in it boil up, yawing slightly before he returns back into the living room, plomping down on his flank near the couch
  128. [04:05:20] <Able_Tome> "Should be ready in several minutes there."
  129. [04:06:11] * Ruby_McCoal moves toward the sofa, resting her cold flanks on the puffy pillows. With a quick shiver, she speaks "Been alright, Flora. Up and downs as usual but things seems to get better. How about you?"
  130. [04:07:04] * Ruby_McCoal nods to Able "That would be fantastic Able, now that I realise how cold this is outside for such lightwear."
  131. [04:07:13] <Flora> "been better but for the most part... ok'
  132. [04:13:15] * Able_Tome nods a little and sighs, "So, um... where were we... map the patches for that plant, check. Establish test sites in the future for growing goodberries, check. Sample of the plant for testing its detrimental effects and trying to cultivate it, check. Looking into possible applications, check. Vines and George... not check."
  133. [04:14:07] * Able_Tome glances at Flora, "How are those vines doing? Been meaning to take a look on those, but was constantly getting distracted..."
  134. [04:14:30] * Boris[Ronin] chimes in "I'd also like to see the Vault sometime as well, if that's not too much of a hassle."
  135. [04:15:10] <Flora> "I would like to see this vault to and the vines now have mouths"
  136. [04:15:43] <Boris[Ronin]> "I'm sorry what. Mouths?"
  137. [04:16:50] <Flora> "Yea they grew mouths"
  138. [04:17:22] <Able_Tome> "... mouths...?"
  139. [04:18:20] * Able_Tome rolls his eyes, "Uh... and of -course- if they grew mouths, they'll also have teeth..."
  140. [04:18:29] <Able_Tome> "Or not?"
  141. [04:18:40] <Flora> "Yea they just grew in. It didn't surprise me too much considering the fact these thing eat people"
  142. [04:18:53] <Flora> "i wouldn't say teeth"
  143. [04:19:36] * Ruby_McCoal remains silent, not fully exposed to the context. However, that doesnt prevent the mare from growing a concerned expression upon hearing things about mouthed plants.
  144. [04:20:12] <Boris[Ronin]> "And where do you keep this exactly?"
  145. [04:20:18] * Able_Tome casts a quizzical look at the zebra, "You said... eat people? Well, I remember that batch of plants acting aggressively inside the jar, to say the least... where did you picked it up from anyway?"
  146. [04:21:59] <Flora> "It's not really teeth persay but it's like hard extensions from the plants mouth. Shit they could harden even more into teeth teeth. "I have them in a jar at my greenhouse and a group of us found it when it dragged us in a cave. We burned the plant down"
  147. [04:22:16] <Flora> *dragged further into a cave
  148. [04:22:53] * Boris[Ronin] gives FLora is this nigger srs face "You're keeping the creature. That we barely escaped. In a jar..."
  149. [04:23:37] <Flora> "a better example for it's mouth right now is hat like a venus fly trap and yes i have them in a jar"
  150. [04:24:33] <Flora> "it's not like they have made a attempt to excape"
  151. [04:26:10] <Able_Tome> "Hm... and how large is it right now? Is it still growing?"
  152. [04:27:41] <Flora> "Not the largest considering the fact I have like 7 of them in the one jar. I would think they are still growing because these mouths are new and I haven't watered them"
  153. [04:32:16] <Able_Tome> "Ugh... great... so it can be assumed that they might regrow to their original state which was... how large? You've said that it dragged you into the cave?"
  154. [04:34:24] <Flora> "It was huge but looked different then it did now. It looked like a giant asshole. I can only assume the mouth comes out of the hole where the vines came out or connected to it someway"
  155. [04:34:49] * Ruby_McCoal tries to muffles her laughter
  156. [04:37:34] * Able_Tome stands up and looks back at the door to the kitchen, "Mmhm... giant asshole... riiight... well, tea should be ready by now... Plant wise? I'd say a better containment needs to be thought through... perhaps even thin out the herd if you have 7 of those.", he turns around and walks into the kitchen, quickly levitating out four cups onto a place. Promptly he pours equal amount of brew into tea cups, being extra careful not to be wasteful and puts the kettle aside, levitating the service plate into the air.
  157. [04:38:25] * Able_Tome returns back into the living room and puts the plate with four cups on the table, "There we go... lil' something to warm yourself up."
  158. [04:39:27] * Able_Tome directs one of the cups into air and brings it closer to himself as he circles around the table and sits down on the floor, right before his guests
  159. [04:40:21] * Ruby_McCoal reaches her hooves toward the steaming container. With a little blow, she sips at the delicious nectar with as it warms her body and her mood. She smiles, looking over Able "Is it..."
  160. [04:40:47] * Boris[Ronin] levitates one of the cups over to himself, giving Dr.Slav a smile "Thank you, Able."
  161. [04:40:48] * Flora grabs a cup "Feel free to stick your hand in the jar to remove them Able and thank you"
  162. [04:42:43] <Able_Tome> "Pfft... hoof. Not touching those plants, that's for sure. Kinesis is a go, though they seemed to respond negatively to it..."
  163. [04:44:14] * Able_Tome takes a little sip and sighs, "'S for Vault... sure. Would be just the time to bring those vines, said plants and notes for storage there."
  164. [04:46:13] * Flora nods "i can bring them over later on but i will take a vine or two so i can grow them in monitored conditions. I f they act up they will be terminated with extreme prejudices"
  165. [04:51:24] <Able_Tome> "Hehe, extreme prejudice... alright then. Not sure how they can be used for common benefit, though. Seems like your usual predator plant that in its adult stage is dangerous to us... mm... need more thought to be put into it...", the unicorn says with a calm voice as his eyes lock up with the herbal tea, "Side question... how's that work with Liven progresses?"
  166. [04:56:41] <Flora> "which work to be specific"
  167. [04:57:56] <Able_Tome> "Hmm... several, eh... well...", he trails off a bit, "... mostly the one that is connected with your type of magic..."
  168. [04:58:58] * Boris[Ronin] has an urge to yell out Das Raysciss
  169. [04:59:18] <Able_Tome> "You know... that spiritual contact and what not that you were performing."
  170. [05:01:15] <Able_Tome> "Both of you and Liven, actually. He mentioned that he was studying it for, um, what... several months now, correct? Would be great to hear about the progress and discoveries that you two made, especially in an expanded explanation..."
  171. [05:08:26] * Ruby_McCoal sip quietly at her tea, listening tothe trio of ponies speaking about plants that eat people.
  172. [05:08:44] <Flora> "Well I can't really tell you his views on it but I can tell you mine"
  173. [05:09:08] <Flora> "i think it would vary from person to person"
  174. [05:09:54] * Boris[Ronin] takes a quick sip of the tea before levitating it away, bringing his notepad over
  175. [05:10:15] * Able_Tome tilts his head at her words, "Heh, can't really tell his views? Hehe, that would actually be interesting considering that he's a, um, main dabbler... hm, but do continue..."
  177. [05:12:36] <Flora> "When we do our thing we go into these trances like states. That's when things start to probably diverge for us. I start seeing odd things like trails of diffrent colors leading in and out of the woods or I'll see just some form floating around, Everything is just so surreal and vivid. It's actually hard to explain. It'a like your brain can't actively process all that it's seeing and just tweaks out. I remember one time going out and following one of these trails. I followed one that had orange and green foot steps. I followed it for I would want to say a hour or so untill it stopped. I was deep in the woods at this point so I panicked. After running around like a headless chicken I smacked into a tree. Naturally I looked up and all I saw was a rock. Since I had no way of knowing where I was and at the time what I was I asked it for help. It just rolled down and showed me the way back home. Said his name was *starts making sounds reminiscent of sounds a bug would make nad makes them for awhile* I still don't think I have his name properly down but I just call him George. After letting him or it i should really say into the house we just started talking. He's a pretty bro tier rock and he helps me out when I have a problem or offers different solutions to current problem. To bad he doesn't have all the answers he's really smart."
  178. [05:25:33] * Able_Tome listens intently to the zebra as he calmly sips on the tea
  179. [05:29:11] <Flora> "Bet I sound crazy don't I"
  180. [05:30:32] * Ruby_McCoal shakes her head in disagreement. "Of course you dont, the real crasies are those with thier forehead phaluses who think that can move everything with it." She giggles, looking over the pair o'stallions.
  181. [05:31:18] * Flora laughs
  182. [05:32:32] * Able_Tome scratches his temple a little bit, glancing at the red-coated mare with a smirk, "Pfft... move. Someone haven't seen other things that these 'phaluses' can do..."
  183. [05:34:13] <Flora> me laughs even harder
  184. [05:36:56] <Flora> "But just know that is only one of the trips I've had with Liven. You should ask him for his imput"
  185. [05:37:14] * Ruby_McCoal 's grin reenforce upon hearing her audience satisfied. She glances at Able, defying look in her gaze "I've seen some things, hence the phalus nickname." The mare stop speaking, barely containing her laughter and her blush. She clears her throat, claming herself "But that was only a playfull joke, god knows how usefull these little phal- horns are."
  186. [05:43:44] <Able_Tome> "Asking Liven... hm, actually something that I'd like you Flora do there, considering the fact that you two work on it. Liven's been quite... stressed out recently and there's a, heh, "feud" as one would call it going on between him and me... well, at least that's how he sees it at least.", he shrugs and takes a small sip, "Something that has been tampering with our, um... overall work and progress, so to say... so, if it's not a problem from your side, it would be very great if you'd ask him more about said things... especially about this Kain individual that he mentioned during our little gem operation, remember?"
  187. [05:45:41] * Able_Tome sips again, "If it's not a problem, of course... just, heh, don't mention me anywhere there, if you can, because I'm quite sure that he's going to, well... I really don't want to introduce any bad water between you two and your work..."
  188. [05:47:38] <Flora> "oh yea with the exorcism with the gem. Ok Able I wont say your name in the matter"
  189. [05:49:05] * Boris[Ronin] tilts his head as he stops hi notes "Exorcism? I didn't things were so bad here."
  190. [05:49:28] <Able_Tome> "Good... know that there were several zebras asking about said knowledge and it would be bad to isolate them from it...", he sighs and rubs his cheek a little, "... especially this Kain fellow. He's a zebra too, you know... could've conveyed interesting information to Liven himself..."
  191. [05:51:02] <Able_Tome> "Wonder where he disappeared, though... do ask him this too if you can, but don't press the matter too much... oh, and yes, Boris... we had to perform a procedure, with Flora here acting as our guide, to banish a, um, spirit out of Liven after he got possessed."
  192. [05:51:37] <Flora> "If you get some wonky greed spirit enter your brian and push you under the water and attempt to use your bad for evil it's pretty bad Boris.
  193. [05:52:17] <Flora> "Uhg Liven's brain is a messy place"
  194. [05:53:24] <Boris[Ronin]> "Oh, well now, good thing it's out of Liven then."
  195. [05:54:29] * Able_Tome shudders slightly, "Ugh... submerging into that was... brr... 'least he got freed there..."
  196. [05:55:23] <Flora> "yea wouldn't want to have to cut down my roommate"
  197. [05:56:43] * Flora sighs "He'll be fine"
  198. [05:58:03] <Flora> "We'll it's getting late. I think im going to start heading home"
  199. [06:01:02] * Ruby_McCoal finishes her cup, quietly putting it back on the plate, carefull not to interrupt yet again.
  200. [06:01:15] * Able_Tome nods faintly, eyes still looking into cup's contents and tilts his head up 'n away from it, "Alright... have a good rest, Flora... hm, and I'll think about that story that you've told. Going to ask some questions after those talks with Liven and, well, we do have an excursion to the Vault planned out..."
  201. [06:01:53] * Boris[Ronin] sets his notepad into his bags, shifting some "As should I. Not the only stop I had planned tonight anyway, hehe..."
  202. [06:03:21] * Ruby_McCoal smiles to the leaving ponies, nodding her head in salutations "Have a good night, both of you."
  203. [06:04:23] <Flora> "Right have a nice one everybody. "
  204. [06:04:29] * Boris[Ronin] gets on up, giving them all a quick bow "It was a pleasure to get to talk to you all, and I hope you all have a good night.", before making his way on out
  205. [06:05:26] <Able_Tome> "Alrighty then... safe trip both of you..."
  206. [06:06:15] <Flora> "Oh and Able. You just have to listen"
  207. [06:07:24] * Flora leaves for good this time
  208. [06:07:26] * Able_Tome raises his brow, "Um... that's what I usually do... listen to clarifications if you're referencing that bit about the rock..."
  209. [06:08:13] * Ruby_McCoal raises an eyebrow to both pones "Listening to rocks now?"
  210. [06:08:24] * Able_Tome shrugs and stands up from the floor, leisurely reaching and sitting down on the couch
  211. [06:09:23] <Able_Tome> "I think she meant -spirits- there... mmhm..."
  212. [06:11:13] * Ruby_McCoal sighs a long breath, scratching the side of her head as she slouch on the chair she's in. "Figures... must be a zebra thing." The red mare yawns "No racist intended."
  213. [06:14:05] * Ruby_McCoal straighten herself a bit, reaching for her saddlebag "Anyway, I was looking foward meeting you, Able. And I bet you know why."
  214. [06:15:41] * Able_Tome shifts on the spot, assuming a more comfortable position as he drinks last bits of the tea and puts down the cup on the table, "Aye, most likely... I've been informed when, well... woke up and all that. Sunny told me about the box..."
  215. [06:15:56] <Able_Tome> "... cube, or whatever."
  216. [06:17:02] * Ruby_McCoal let slip a giggle "I bet she also told you how you miraculously got home after falling asleep in the wetlands."
  217. [06:18:16] * Able_Tome sighs, "Don't know what happened there, but yeah... sometimes I lose it... Thank you for helping us out... I appreciate it."
  218. [06:29:20] * Ruby_McCoal perks a smileon the corner of her mouth "Eh, Sun was tired and obviously had problem carrying you around... That would have been a shame to not at least use the gift I recieved to help her out."
  219. [06:30:21] * Ruby_McCoal grins micheviously "Altho you could eat vegetables more often. tsssk"
  220. [06:33:43] * Ruby_McCoal 's eyes lays on him as she giggles, witness his broken, beat and scared state that are enough to blow away her pestering expression. Her pupils raises to his, concern glimming across her eyes "Good land Able, you look like you went under a steamroller... what happened to you?"
  221. [06:33:45] * Able_Tome snorts at her remark, "Vegetables? You're saying that as if I'm having a bad diet or something, hm... and here I've thought that you've noticed that Hidden, Sun and me are a bit on a lightweight there, hehe...", he smirks and shifts in the sofa some more, "... probably has to do with unicorn thing -and- extensive magic practitioners... takes a bit of a toll, you know.."
  222. [06:39:06] <Able_Tome> "Every spare moments of time are used for casting more powerful spells, and pulling and moving items around with kinesis... or experimenting with spell transformation or completely uncharted ones that fatigues the body very fast... and when it's time to do something else, I let my horn burn down and run light incantation at all times under the hood to, well... burn down more energy and ingrain that control into the head... uh... ", he says and tilts his head down, observing his bandaged and bruised regions, "As for this... well... we've had a situation near Broken's tower yesterday..."
  223. [06:39:37] * Ruby_McCoal resist the urge to look down her body to compare, visibly twiching her chin. She sighs, smiling wide as she leans her head back "I was only poking fun at you, eheh. I can understand how tiring extensve use of magic can be while it aslo not let you train muscle mass... leading in loss of weight and mass overall..." The red pone scratches her forehead, deviating her gaze from his a single moment.
  224. [06:42:09] * Able_Tome rolls his eyes, "Not letting it train? Please, Ruby, I do use some of my time for that... you do remember the self defense courses that I've talked about, mm?"
  225. [06:44:19] <Able_Tome> "Not to mention all expeditions that tend to tax those muscles out, but... eh... I, um... insomnia's doing its share of work too, though it was... well, stabilized a bit through...", he looks away at the wall for a moment, "... through, heh... physical exhaustion."
  226. [06:44:50] * Ruby_McCoal frowns as she blinks, rubbing her forehead "Yes I do, tho you can admit that your training is not as extensive as someone who use their raw body to achieve tasks daily."
  227. [06:45:20] * Ruby_McCoal covers her month at his last bit, trying to muffle a laughter as best as she can.
  228. [06:51:12] * Able_Tome turns his eyes in her direction, smirking lightly at her, "What... exhaust the body enough and the mind won't be able to keep up with fatigue... why'd ya think that, even now, in this... this damn weather, I still continue to have forest herbal runs with Hidden... daily check up with the Vault while burning that light spell, check up in the town's hall, clinic, documentation, afternoon session with magic... foraging runs... then another session, and I'm not including days with Feldspar and her courses..."
  229. [06:52:24] * Able_Tome smirks a little wider, "And by the end of the day if it's not enough to.... uh, what happened to me in wetlands, well..."
  230. [06:53:28] * Able_Tome closes his eyes and sighs, "It's either mica, clinic's sedatives... or alternatives which includes more work..."
  231. [06:56:03] * Ruby_McCoal laught quietly, hiding her face with both hooves "o-oh that was just how you put 'insomnia' and 'physical fatigue' next to each other. Nothing specific in mind." Her laughter dies slowly, hearing the unicorn's words, his apparence the evidence of his pain,
  232. [06:57:23] <Ruby_McCoal> "Welp, could be booze, no sleep a all or a mix of what you said... Days should last longer than twenty-four hours, I'd say."
  233. [07:05:02] * Able_Tome rests his head on the back of the soft couch, eyes looking up at the ceiling, "Booze... mm, not that much of a drinker, to be honest, though this liver's still can hold up against most of whimps in this town...", he smiles and closes his eyes shut, "... mmhm, that would be great. A little pocket dimension of an enclave with its own little time flow... eh... and these seem to exist if you'll take Ghost Leaf for an example..."
  234. [07:08:55] <Ruby_McCoal> "Aside from the fact that this place is a death trap to whatever no longer fit the agenda of the established dwellers." She streches, lying even mure ungracefully on her armchair, popping a few joints in the opportunity.
  235. [07:10:47] <Able_Tome> "So... aside from all blackouts, exhaustion and routines... what happened with the cube itself? Heard that you've decided to keep it in safety."
  236. [07:12:21] * Ruby_McCoal opens her saddlebag, reaching for a dark, inert cube. "Aye, it was unactive so we judged more wise that I carry it with me."
  237. [07:15:15] * Ruby_McCoal pulls both hooves out her bag, exposing the fabled, infamous cube
  238. [07:16:44] * Able_Tome blinks at the sudden appearance of the cube, his attention immediately wanting to grab it telekinetically, but stopping at the last moment as he recalls the magic bit, "Uh... whew, right. Mmhm... so almost a week have passed and... nothing? No skeletons?"
  239. [07:17:50] <Able_Tome> "Also, can you elaborate on what exactly was performed with it while I was out?"
  240. [07:23:46] * Ruby_McCoal straighten her pose to offer a better view to Able, "Once we've destroyed the skeletons? Nothing. I unearthed it and it did not seemed to be active due to the lack of light and more skeletons. Then we talked about it, I bagged it and we left..." She's about to continue, before being struct by a memory "Wait, we DID tried something. Mary, Green and I tried to press the tri-button. It would have worked if the mechani
  241. [07:24:42] * Ruby_McCoal points the two cavities on the side, one being a pair of scissors, other being a meat cleaver. "Perhaps in link with these, they appeared after the cube as completed."
  242. [07:27:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (
  243. [07:28:56] <RubysCube> (three cavitites, one for each of the objects. the side posted in thread is the only remaining normal one left)
  244. [07:29:36] <RubysCube> (top contains button and inscriptions, bottom is blank)
  245. [07:29:41] * Able_Tome leans closer to the cube looking around and examining its sides as he scratches his chin, "So it wasn't deactivated then, I presume... more undead can emerge through it if not taken care, right? Mmhm... can you elaborate how exactly this... this mosaic of a puzzle was solved. What was the sequence that led to, well, this...", he points at the cube.
  246. [07:34:19] * Able_Tome looks at the top of the cube and goes visually goes through inscriptions.
  247. [07:36:35] <Ruby_McCoal> "mmm, even tho skeletons did not bursed out of my saddlebag during this week... perhaps it require magic as fuel to work, seeing how easy it absorb it... Anyway, when we've found the cube, the faces couldnt move just yet. Its only after using magic it allowed me to move tiles around its face. Oddly enough, the cube was cold to my touch where Rain said it burned her and Mary didnt felt a thing."
  248. [07:36:38] <RubysCube> Top contains a button that is divided into thre parts equally, like a pie chart. Each section contains an insignia. A horseshoe, a horn, and a wing.
  249. [07:37:32] <RubysCube> Inscription reads, "press once to stop, twice for fun, three times to get punished."
  250. [07:40:25] * Able_Tome raises his brow, "Any... any other pegasi or earth ponies exhibited this effects? Is it cold to your touch even now?", he asks inquisitively as he observes insignias, "Mmhm... and lets see... you've tried to press these buttons with a unicorn, pegasus and yourself simultaneously?"
  251. [07:43:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "Mary, Green and I tried the button, moved halfway down to be blocked completely. As for the cold, nothing since magic was used."
  252. [07:44:17] <Able_Tome> "Have you all three used hooves to do so?"
  253. [07:44:37] <Ruby_McCoal> "Yes, by myself the button couldnt even move."
  254. [07:44:52] <Cherenkov> Guess what Able and Ruby hear?
  255. [07:46:22] * Ruby_McCoal looks down, worried by the sudden music "Wait, thats inst supposed to happen... Get back!"
  256. [07:46:31] * Able_Tome shivers a bit as he hears a melody, "W.. what the-?"
  257. [07:47:49] * Able_Tome leans away, observing the cube with a cautious look, "Is this... recurring?"
  258. [07:48:50] <RubysCube> Nothing else happens. For now.
  259. [07:49:57] * Ruby_McCoal remains motionless, unsure "Usually... if it plays something happens."
  260. [07:52:09] * Able_Tome shifts his look at Ruby, looking at her with a worried expression, "Get the weapon ready, just in case...", he says and stands up from the couch, wincing at the nagging wound in his chest, "I-Is this the same melody...?"
  261. [07:52:55] * Able_Tome turns around and starts to walk towards foyer, "One moment... I'll get my sword, just in case."
  262. [07:54:39] * Ruby_McCoal slowly lowers an hoof toward her saddlebag."Doesnt sound quite the same, good point there."
  263. [07:56:55] * Able_Tome quickly walks out of the living room, ascends to the second floor and quietly sneaks into the room on his left, trying not to wake up the sleeping, blue-coated mare on her bed. He grabs the well-cleaned longsword out of the sheath near the lying armor piece and a vial with a goodberry extract, stashing the glass container into his cloak's pocket compartment. He takes a look at Hidden before he promptly returns back into the living room downstairs
  264. [07:57:40] <Able_Tome> "Anhhin hahhind?"
  265. [07:58:28] * Able_Tome walks back to the couch and releases the blade out of his mouth, letting it fall on the couch
  266. [07:58:52] * Ruby_McCoal is inches away from her pick while another shaking hoof holding the cube. "Nothing... yet..."
  267. [08:01:10] <RubysCube> !roll d20
  268. [08:01:11] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  269. [08:01:21] <Able_Tome> "Alright, quick question...", the stallion says while he cautiously observes the object, "... assuming that the cube can absorb the magic, have unicorns tried to use, well... -magic-, as in, telekinesis to press the button? Considering that both pegasi and earth ponies were feeling, well... different sensations there."
  270. [08:02:19] <Able_Tome> "Earth ponies clearly exhibit magic through hooves... Pegasi? Through bodies, because their entire bodies can lie perfectly still on clouds..."
  271. [08:02:38] <Able_Tome> "So both types of magic could've been consumed by a mere touch."
  272. [08:03:23] <Able_Tome> "However, in unicorn's case the magic exhibits through horns... so... either a horn, or active magic in form of kinesis."
  273. [08:04:04] * Ruby_McCoal looks more and more concerned "Mary used a blast each time to activate it. Discharge you may call."
  274. [08:04:27] <Chere-sleep> The colors of the sides of the cube flare back to life. The one with the mangled braclet inscription glows the brightest and red. The one with the scissors glows green. The third one with the butcher's knife remains dark, but the face gets an update. Oh, yeah, and the entire room flares with light and then dies down.
  275. [08:04:39] <Able_Tome> "Right... activate it, but wh-... huh."
  276. [08:07:19] * Ruby_McCoal eeps in surprise, almost dropping the device as she abandon her pick for a dual grip. "Whoa there!"
  277. [08:08:13] * Able_Tome 's hoof instinctivly stretches in the direction of the sword as he looks around himself, "Riiight... good sign...", he mutters looks back at cube's inscriptions, "And anything similar to -this- happened in the past or...?"
  278. [08:08:46] <Chere-sleep> Good enough in thread. looks like kek wants this to happen. You get the idea of the lights coming from that side as well. Oh, and the cube emits a light beam pointed east south east from now on.
  279. [08:09:57] <Chere-sleep> *west south west
  280. [08:10:02] <Chere-sleep> cannot into directions
  281. [08:12:15] <Ruby_McCoal> "It.. it happened in my warehouse, except that it tried to jump off my hooves and created a skeleton!"
  282. [08:12:56] * Able_Tome observes the beaming ray and seemingly changed inscriptions, "And... the light?"
  283. [08:13:52] * Able_Tome rubs the back of his head, "This... is looking... huh... it's as if the damn thing listens up into the environment."
  284. [08:14:35] <Able_Tome> "Or a cycle... mhm..."
  285. [08:16:09] * Able_Tome looks in the direction that cube's light is pointing and then back at it. He carefully reaches the box with his hooves and starts to rotate it around, observing ray's behavior
  286. [08:16:45] <RubysCube> The light stays pointed in the west south west direction
  287. [08:16:54] * Ruby_McCoal let him do so "I see, in case it isnt a cohesidence."
  288. [08:18:08] <Able_Tome> "How much time have passed since that first incident? Anything in particular that you've said around it that could've caused appearance of a skeleton? Threatening it?"
  289. [08:19:14] <Able_Tome> "Also, you've said that Mary used discharge? Why haven't she tried a more mild telekinesis on it?"
  290. [08:20:24] <Ruby_McCoal> "It was months ago... I cant remember... we were discussing the motifs and how we could activate it." The mare's sight raise from the cube, locking on Able "She was the unicorn, I let her do.Would be best to ask her."
  291. [08:24:26] <Able_Tome> "Not good... And now it seems to point in a specific direction.", he sighs and sits down, "We can gather a makeshift team and try to investigate it..."
  292. [08:25:11] <Able_Tome> "Though who knows where this beam might lead to..."
  293. [08:27:05] <Ruby_McCoal> "Able, take note of where it leads, we might need to check that out once that damnable thing stop shining.
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