
for kamal

Dec 11th, 2018
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  1. ・Pronunciation of Japanese and English are pretty spot on, but maybe it might be nice to add a little bit of accent for flavor (e.g. saying "suru" as "sərə" instead of "sooroo")
  2. ・For the rock tracks (of which there are many), I feel like the vocals are lacking in power and energy (e.g. Uragiri no Yuuyake and No Thank You where there's no roughness and rawness in the singing; We Go - "We Go" comes in too softly instead of hitting you hard, despite it being the sort of climax of the chorus)
  3. ・Singing is in key but it's kinda flat and lifeless -- she doesn't change the dynamics/power in vocals so everything is sung at the same "volume" (e.g. No Thank You - "Let's sing motto motto motto koe takaku" and the following chorus - the song has a very prominent bass kick that drives the song so it would sound way more impactful if it was sung like "Let's sing MOtto MOtto MOtto KOe TAkaku" following the kick)
  4. ・Vowels on the other hand can sound a bit too smoothened and dragged out, sometimes they should be sort of cut off abruptly leaving some silent "air", otherwise the singing overall feels draggy and slow, lacking in energy (e.g. also in No Thank You)
  5. ・The consonant phonemes in general feel a bit too softly sung; needs more initial attack (e.g. Sorairo Days - "Kotae wa sou, itsumo koko ni aru" - "koko" comes in too weak)
  6. ・In Kimi wo Nosete, the singing really works because she does do some volume modulation; the falsetto bits in the chorus are pretty good also, but it could do with some raising/lowering of pitch in certain parts to add flavor
  7. ・The vocals in Moonlight Densetsu also go with the song because it's an older, slower sort of song
  8. ・Overall I feel like her voice at its current state is a lot like an utaite more suited for slower/gentler sounding ballads. It's nice but it doesn't have the sort of grasp of the finer points of singing, especially songs that need a lot of impact and energy.
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