

Jan 20th, 2018
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  1410. subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien-subscribe";
  1411. }else {
  1412. subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien-signup";
  1413. }
  1414. }
  1415. freeGamesExceeded = true;
  1417. //display Ads to anonymous users the time from 7am to 13pm, display ads to anonymous users
  1418. // from 13pm to 11:59pm and 00 to 7am only if the user is not from New York city
  1419. // TODO --> Need to add day of the week for school hours logic, day < 6
  1420. if( getCookie('cmg_schwl') !== null || typeof cmg_no_ads !== 'undefined' || (!validSubscriber && schoolHours || ( !schoolHours && !targetStateUser ) || ( !schoolHours && targetStateUser && getCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user') !== null) ) ) {
  1421. //TODO Display Game
  1422. removeAdSwfJWPLayer();
  1423. if(!/0-chess/.test(window.location.pathname)) {
  1424. //setCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user', 'active', 30*60*1000);
  1425. }
  1426. } else if(!validSubscriber && !schoolHours && targetStateUser && getCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user') === null && getCookie('cmg_editor') === null) {
  1427. //if user comes from google dont show the subscription paywall
  1428. var ref = document.referrer;
  1429. //count number of games played by the user this month
  1430. userPlayedGames = 0;
  1431. var userFreeGameList = [];
  1432. var freeGameNid = 11697;
  1433. if(sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList") !== null) {
  1434. userFreeGameList = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList"));
  1435. }
  1436. if((localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames") == null || getCookie('cmg_upg') === null) && freeGameLimit !== 0 ) {
  1437. userPlayedGames = 1;
  1438. localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames",userPlayedGames);
  1439. //TODO monthly cookie
  1440. setCookie('cmg_upg', 'true', cmg_upg_days_limit * 24*60*60*1000);
  1441. userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid];
  1442. sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList));
  1443. //TODO Display Game
  1444. removeAdSwfJWPLayer();
  1446. } else {
  1447. //userPlayedGames = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear));
  1448. //Monthly limit
  1449. if(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames") !== null && getCookie('cmg_upg') !== null) {
  1450. userPlayedGames = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames"));
  1451. } else {
  1452. userPlayedGames = 0;
  1453. setCookie('cmg_upg', 'true', cmg_upg_days_limit * 24*60*60*1000);
  1454. }
  1455. if(freeGameLimit != 0 && userPlayedGames < freeGameLimit && userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) === -1) {
  1456. userPlayedGames++;
  1457. freeGamesExceeded = false;
  1458. if(userFreeGameList.length > 0) {
  1459. userFreeGameList = userFreeGameList.concat(freeGameNid);
  1460. } else {
  1461. userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid];
  1462. }
  1463. localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames",userPlayedGames);
  1464. sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList));
  1465. } else {
  1466. freeGamesExceeded = true;
  1467. }
  1468. //console.log("Number of games user has played "+ userPlayedGames );
  1469. var validReferer = false;
  1470. var validGameSession = false;
  1471. if(userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) > -1) {
  1472. validGameSession = true;
  1473. }
  1474. if(ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null) {
  1475. validReferer = true;
  1476. }
  1477. subscriptionSignUpUrl();
  1478. if(!validReferer && userPlayedGames >= freeGameLimit && !validGameSession) { //subscription paywall
  1479. //block anonymous users for New York City from 0-7am and 13pm to 11:59pm
  1480. //console.log("Free games limit exceeded and referer is not google");
  1481. clearInterval(intervalId);
  1482. jQuery("#afg_container").remove();
  1483. jQuery(".title-instructions").remove();
  1484. jQuery(".body-instructions").remove();
  1485. var alreadySubscriberText = '<p class="already-subscribed">Already a Subscriber? <a class="learn-more-link" href="/user/login">Login</a></p>';
  1486. if(getCookie('cmg_l') != null) {
  1487. alreadySubscriberText = '';
  1488. }
  1489. var headLine = '<p class="no-free-games-headline">Please Sign up to keep playing</p>';
  1490. if(Drupal.settings.isSubscriptionActive == false && getCookie('cmg_l') != null) {
  1491. headLine = '<p class="no-free-games-headline" style="padding-top:46px;">PLEASE SUBSCRIBE NOW TO KEEP PLAYING</p>';
  1492. }
  1493. jQuery(".field-game").html('<div class="subscription-overlay" style="height:360px;width:500px;background:#008aa3;white-space:normal;">'+
  1494. headLine +
  1495. '<p class="free-in-schools">To keep Coolmath-Games free in schools, <br>we offer subscriptions for unlimited use<br>at home. '+
  1496. '<a class="learn-more-link" href="/subscribe-info"> Learn More > </a></p>' +
  1497. '<a class="'+ subscribeNowAlienClass +'" onclick="subscription_promo_handler();" href="' + signUpURL + ' ">Subscribe Now</a>' +
  1498. alreadySubscriberText + '</div>');
  1499. } else {
  1500. //console.log("User may have come from google or is within the free game limit "+ (freeGameLimit-userPlayedGames) );
  1501. //TODO Display Game
  1502. removeAdSwfJWPLayer();
  1503. }
  1504. }
  1505. //display to user how many free games left once page load completes.
  1506. if (window.addEventListener)
  1507. window.addEventListener('load', checkPageLoad, false);
  1508. else if (window.attachEvent)
  1509. window.attachEvent('onload', checkPageLoad);
  1510. else window.onload = checkPageLoad;
  1511. }
  1512. }
  1514. function checkPageLoad() {
  1515. //console.log("checkPageLoad: Checkers test ");
  1516. if(freeGameLimit) {
  1517. freeGamesLeft = ((freeGameLimit - userPlayedGames));
  1518. } else {
  1519. freeGamesLeft = 0;
  1520. }
  1521. if(freeGamesLeft === 0) {
  1522. var zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers =localStorage.getItem("zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers");
  1523. if(zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers == null) {
  1524. localStorage.setItem("zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers","1");
  1525. __gaTracker('send', {
  1526. 'hitType': 'event', // Required.
  1527. 'eventCategory': "ZeroFreeGamesLeftUsers", // Required.
  1528. 'eventAction': subscriberLeg, // Required.
  1529. 'eventLabel': document.title,
  1530. 'eventValue': "0",
  1531. 'nonInteraction': 1
  1532. });
  1533. }
  1534. }
  1535. //Replace Go Ad Free header promo with parents and teachers promo
  1536. if(typeof freeTrialUser !== 'undefined' && freeTrialUser && typeof targeted_state !== 'undefined' && targeted_state && jQuery('.panel-pane.pane-block.pane-bean-subscriber-promo').length) {
  1537. jQuery('.panel-pane.pane-block.pane-bean-subscriber-promo').replaceWith('<div class="panel-pane pane-block"><div class="panel-pane pane-block"><div class="pane-bean-parents-promo" style="display: block;"><a href="/subscribe-info/" style="display: block;">Parents and Teachers</a></div></div></div>')
  1538. } else if(typeof freeTrialUser !== 'undefined' && freeTrialUser && typeof targeted_state !== 'undefined' && targeted_state && jQuery('.panel-pane.pane-block .pane-bean-subscriber-promo').length) {
  1539. jQuery('.panel-pane.pane-block .pane-bean-subscriber-promo').replaceWith('<div class="panel-pane pane-block"><div class="panel-pane pane-block"><div class="pane-bean-parents-promo" style="display: block;"><a href="/subscribe-info/" style="display: block;">Parents and Teachers</a></div></div></div>')
  1540. }
  1541. subscriptionSignUpUrl();
  1543. if(Drupal.settings.isSubscriptionActive == false && getCookie('cmg_l') !== null) {
  1544. subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien-subscribe";
  1545. }else if(getCookie('cmg_l') == null) {
  1546. subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien";
  1547. }else if(getCookie('cmg_l') == null && subscriberLeg == 'Default Leg') {
  1548. subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-signup";
  1550. }
  1551. var alreadySubscriberText = '<p class="already-subscribed">Already a Subscriber? <a class="learn-more-link" href="/user/login">Login</a></p>';
  1552. if(getCookie('cmg_l') != null) {
  1553. alreadySubscriberText = '';
  1554. }
  1555. if(freeGamesLeft === 0 && (!freeGamesExceeded || freeGameLimit > 0) ){
  1556. freeGamesLeftDiv = '<div class="free-games-left-sidebar">'+
  1557. '<p class="no-free-games-headline">You Have <span class="remaining">'+ freeGamesLeft + '</span> <br>Free Games Remaining</p>' +
  1558. '<p class="free-in-schools">To keep Coolmath-Games free <br> in schools, we offer subscriptions for unlimited use at home.</p>'+
  1559. '<p><a class="learn-more-link" href="/subscribe-info">Learn More > </a></p>' +
  1560. '<a class="'+ subscribeNowAlienClass +'" onclick="subscription_promo_handler();" href="' + signUpURL + ' ">Subscribe Now</a>' +
  1561. alreadySubscriberText +
  1562. '</div>';
  1563. jQuery(".pane-bean-remaining-games-placeholder").html(freeGamesLeftDiv);
  1564. } else if(freeGamesLeft === 1) {
  1565. freeGamesLeftDiv = '<div class="free-games-left-sidebar">'+
  1566. '<p class="no-free-games-headline">You Have <span class="remaining">'+ freeGamesLeft + '</span><br>Free Game Remaining</p>' +
  1567. '<p class="free-in-schools">To keep Coolmath-Games free <br> in schools, we offer subscriptions for unlimited use at home.</p>'+
  1568. '<p><a class="learn-more-link" href="/subscribe-info">Learn More > </a></p>' +
  1569. '<a class="'+ subscribeNowAlienClass +'" onclick="subscription_promo_handler();" href="' + signUpURL + ' ">Subscribe Now</a>' +
  1570. alreadySubscriberText+
  1571. '</div>';
  1572. jQuery(".pane-bean-remaining-games-placeholder").html(freeGamesLeftDiv);
  1573. } else if(freeGamesLeft === 0 && freeGamesExceeded){
  1574. freeGamesLeftDiv = '';
  1575. jQuery(".pane-bean-remaining-games-placeholder").html(freeGamesLeftDiv);
  1576. } else {
  1577. freeGamesLeftDiv = '<div class="free-games-left-sidebar">'+
  1578. '<p class="no-free-games-headline">You Have <span class="remaining">'+ freeGamesLeft + '</span><br> Free Games Remaining</p>' +
  1579. '<p class="free-in-schools">To keep Coolmath-Games free <br> in schools, we offer subscriptions for unlimited use at home.</p>'+
  1580. '<p><a class="learn-more-link" href="/subscribe-info">Learn More > </a></p>' +
  1581. '<a class="'+ subscribeNowAlienClass +'" onclick="subscription_promo_handler();" href="' + signUpURL + ' ">Subscribe Now</a>' +
  1582. alreadySubscriberText +
  1583. '</div>';
  1584. jQuery(".pane-bean-remaining-games-placeholder").html(freeGamesLeftDiv);
  1585. }
  1586. }// end checkPageLoad();
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  1589. <article class="game-field-wrapper node-11697 node node-game view-mode-full game-w-summary clearfix" about="/0-run-3" typeof="sioc:Item foaf:Document">
  1590. <header>
  1591. <span property="dc:title" content="Run 3" class="rdf-meta element-hidden"></span>
  1592. </header>
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  1594. function unlockAllLevels() {
  1595. trackEvent('Unlock All Levels category', 'unlock all levels button clicked', document.title);
  1596. alllevels = '<div class="adobe-analytics-sub-experience levels-unlocked">levels-unlocked</div>';
  1597. jQuery("#subscriber-banner").replaceWith(alllevels);
  1598. if(game_type == "html5") {
  1599. document.getElementById("html5game").contentWindow.unlockAllLevels();
  1600. } else {
  1601. document.getElementById("swfObjID").unlockAllLevels();
  1602. }
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  1609. <div id="no-flash-overlay" style="display:none;">
  1610. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="click to enable flash"></a>
  1611. <div class="bottom-text"><p>If that doesn't work, <a href="" class="fix-flash-2">go here for more help.</a></p></div>
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  1730. document.write('<h1 style="margin:20px 0px; font-size: 20px">Just a moment while your game loads...</h1>');
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  1745. </div>
  1746. </div>
  1747. <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc=""></script>
  1748. <script type="text/rocketscript">
  1749. /**
  1750. * Handles user interaction and creates the player and ads controllers.
  1751. */
  1752. var Application = function(displayAds) {
  1753. this.playing_ = false;
  1754. this.adsActive_ = false;
  1755. this.adsDone_ = false;
  1756. if(typeof displayAds === 'undefined' || displayAds === null) {
  1757. this.displayAds = true;
  1758. } else {
  1759. this.displayAds = displayAds;
  1760. }
  1762. this.videoPlayer_ = new VideoPlayer();
  1763. if(this.displayAds && typeof targeted_state === 'undefined') {
  1764. //console.log("Preload ads for non subscription time games");
  1765. this.ads_ = new Ads(this, this.videoPlayer_);
  1766. //Adx Preroll Tag with fallback display Ad
  1767. /*
  1768. this.adTagUrl_ = '';
  1769. */
  1770. this.adTagUrl_ = '' + new Date();
  1771. // The user clicked/tapped - inform the ads controller that this code
  1772. // is being run in a user action thread.
  1773. this.ads_.initialUserAction();
  1774. // At the same time, initialize the content player as well.
  1775. // When content is loaded, we'll issue the ad request to prevent it
  1776. // from interfering with the initialization. See
  1777. // https://developers.
  1778. // for more information.
  1779. this.videoPlayer_.preloadContent(this.bind_(this, this.loadAds_));
  1780. this.adsDone_ = true;
  1781. } else {
  1782. //console.log("Do not preload ads for free trial user");
  1783. removeAdSwfJWPLayer();
  1784. }
  1786. };
  1788. Application.prototype.bind_ = function(thisObj, fn) {
  1789. return function() {
  1790. fn.apply(thisObj, arguments);
  1791. };
  1792. };
  1794. Application.prototype.loadAds_ = function() {
  1795. this.ads_.requestAds(this.adTagUrl_);
  1796. };
  1798. /**
  1799. * Handles video player functionality.
  1800. */
  1801. var VideoPlayer = function() {
  1802. this.contentPlayer = document.getElementById('content123');
  1803. this.adContainer = document.getElementById('adcontainer');
  1804. this.videoPlayerContainer_ = document.getElementById('videoplayer');
  1805. this.width = 640;
  1806. this.height = 480;
  1807. };
  1809. VideoPlayer.prototype.preloadContent = function(contentLoadedAction) {
  1810. contentLoadedAction();
  1811. };
  1812. = function() {
  1814. };
  1816. VideoPlayer.prototype.pause = function() {
  1817. this.contentPlayer.pause();
  1818. };
  1821. /**
  1822. * Shows how to use the IMA SDK to request and display ads.
  1823. */
  1824. var Ads = function(application, videoPlayer) {
  1825. this.application_ = application;
  1826. this.videoPlayer_ = videoPlayer;
  1827. this.customClickDiv_ = document.getElementById('customClick');
  1828. this.contentCompleteCalled_ = false;
  1829. google.ima.settings.setVpaidMode(google.ima.ImaSdkSettings.VpaidMode.ENABLED);
  1830. // Call setLocale() to localize language text and downloaded swfs
  1831. // google.ima.settings.setLocale('fr');
  1832. this.adDisplayContainer_ =
  1833. new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(
  1834. this.videoPlayer_.adContainer,
  1835. this.videoPlayer_.contentPlayer,
  1836. this.customClickDiv_);
  1837. this.adsLoader_ = new google.ima.AdsLoader(this.adDisplayContainer_);
  1838. this.adsManager_ = null;
  1840. this.adsLoader_.addEventListener(
  1841. google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED,
  1842. this.onAdsManagerLoaded_,
  1843. false,
  1844. this);
  1845. this.adsLoader_.addEventListener(
  1846. google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR,
  1847. this.onAdError_,
  1848. false,
  1849. this);
  1850. };
  1852. // On iOS and Android devices, video playback must begin in a user action.
  1853. // AdDisplayContainer provides a initialize() API to be called at appropriate
  1854. // time.
  1855. // This should be called when the user clicks or taps.
  1856. Ads.prototype.initialUserAction = function() {
  1857. this.adDisplayContainer_.initialize();
  1858. this.videoPlayer_.contentPlayer.load();
  1860. };
  1862. Ads.prototype.requestAds = function(adTagUrl) {
  1863. var adsRequest = new google.ima.AdsRequest();
  1864. adsRequest.adTagUrl = adTagUrl;
  1865. adsRequest.linearAdSlotWidth = this.videoPlayer_.width;
  1866. adsRequest.linearAdSlotHeight = this.videoPlayer_.height;
  1867. adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = this.videoPlayer_.width;
  1868. adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = this.videoPlayer_.height;
  1869. this.adsLoader_.requestAds(adsRequest);
  1870. };
  1872. Ads.prototype.onAdsManagerLoaded_ = function(adsManagerLoadedEvent) {
  1873. //console.log('Ads loaded.');
  1874. var adsRenderingSettings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings();
  1875. //adsRenderingSettings.loadVideoTimeout = 4000;
  1876. adsRenderingSettings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = true;
  1877. this.adsManager_ = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager(
  1878. this.videoPlayer_.contentPlayer, adsRenderingSettings);
  1879. this.processAdsManager_(this.adsManager_);
  1880. };
  1882. Ads.prototype.processAdsManager_ = function(adsManager) {
  1883. if (adsManager.isCustomClickTrackingUsed()) {
  1884. = 'table';
  1885. }
  1886. // Handle errors.
  1887. adsManager.addEventListener(
  1888. google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR,
  1889. this.onAdError_,
  1890. false,
  1891. this);
  1892. var events = [google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED,
  1893. google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE,
  1894. google.ima.AdEvent.Type.FIRST_QUARTILE,
  1895. google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED,
  1896. google.ima.AdEvent.Type.MIDPOINT,
  1897. google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED,
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  1941. //TODO remove the ad slot and display the game
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  1943. removeAdSwfJWPLayer();
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  1946. if(Drupal.settings.isSubscriptionActive == false && getCookie('cmg_l') !== null) {
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  1960. var application = null;
  1961. var freeGamesExceeded = true;
  1962. //display Ads to anonymous users the time from 7am to 13pm, display ads to anonymous users
  1963. // from 13pm to 11:59pm and 00 to 7am only if the user is not from New York city
  1964. // TODO --> Need to add day of the week for school hours logic, day < 6
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  1975. //if user comes from google dont show the subscription paywall
  1976. var ref = document.referrer;
  1977. //count number of games played by the user this month
  1978. userPlayedGames = 0;
  1979. var userFreeGameList = [];
  1980. var freeGameNid = 11697;
  1981. if(sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList") !== null) {
  1982. userFreeGameList = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList"));
  1983. }
  1984. //if(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear) == null) {
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  1986. userPlayedGames = 1;
  1987. //localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear,userPlayedGames);
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  1990. userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid];
  1991. sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList));
  1992. application = new Application(false);
  1993. } else {
  1994. //userPlayedGames = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear));//monthly limit
  1995. if(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames") !== null && getCookie('cmg_upg') !== null) {
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  1997. } else {
  1998. userPlayedGames = 0;
  1999. setCookie('cmg_upg', 'true', cmg_upg_days_limit * 24*60*60*1000);
  2000. }
  2001. if(freeGameLimit !== 0 && userPlayedGames < freeGameLimit && userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) === -1) {
  2002. userPlayedGames++;
  2003. freeGamesExceeded = false;
  2004. if(userFreeGameList.length > 0) {
  2005. userFreeGameList = userFreeGameList.concat(freeGameNid);
  2006. } else {
  2007. userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid];
  2008. }
  2009. localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames",userPlayedGames);
  2010. sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList));
  2011. } else {
  2012. freeGamesExceeded = true;
  2013. }
  2015. var validReferer = false;
  2016. var validGameSession = false;
  2017. if(userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) > -1) {
  2018. validGameSession = true;
  2019. }
  2020. if(ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null) {
  2021. validReferer = true;
  2022. }
  2023. subscriptionSignUpUrl();
  2024. var alreadySubscriberText = '<p class="already-subscribed">Already a Subscriber? <a class="learn-more-link" href="/user/login">Login</a></p>';
  2025. if(getCookie('cmg_l') != null) {
  2026. alreadySubscriberText = '';
  2027. }
  2028. var headLine = '<p class="no-free-games-headline">Please Sign up to keep playing</p>';
  2029. if(Drupal.settings.isSubscriptionActive == false && getCookie('cmg_l') != null) {
  2030. headLine = '<p class="no-free-games-headline" style="padding-top:46px;">PLEASE SUBSCRIBE NOW TO KEEP PLAYING</p>';
  2031. }
  2032. if(!validReferer && userPlayedGames >= freeGameLimit && !validGameSession) { //subscription paywall
  2033. //block anonymous users for New York City from 0-7am and 13pm to 11:59pm
  2034. clearInterval(intervalId);
  2035. jQuery("#afg_container").remove();
  2036. jQuery(".title-instructions").remove();
  2037. jQuery(".body-instructions").remove();
  2038. jQuery(".field-game").html('<div class="subscription-overlay" style="height:360px;width:500px;background:#008aa3;white-space:normal;">'+
  2039. headLine +
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  2042. '<a class="'+ subscribeNowAlienClass +'" onclick="subscription_promo_handler();" href="' + signUpURL + ' ">Subscribe Now</a>' +
  2043. alreadySubscriberText+'</div>');
  2044. //localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear,userPlayedGames);
  2045. //localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames",userPlayedGames);
  2046. } else {
  2047. application = new Application(false);
  2048. //localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear,userPlayedGames);//monthly limit
  2049. //localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames",userPlayedGames);//lifetime limit
  2050. }
  2051. }
  2052. //display to user how many free games left once page load completes.
  2053. if (window.addEventListener)
  2054. window.addEventListener('load', checkPageLoad, false);
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  2056. window.attachEvent('onload', checkPageLoad);
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  2073. <span id="timer_div" style="margin-left:5px;">15</span>
  2074. </div>
  2075. </div>
  2076. <div class="title-instructions" id="game-instructions">Instructions</div>
  2077. <div class="body-instructions"><p>Use the arrow keys to run and jump. Land on&nbsp;a&nbsp;side wall&nbsp;to rotate the world. Beat levels to unlock all-new characters with special powers. There's a whole new galaxy waiting to be explored!</p>
  2078. <p>Feel like you're stuck in&nbsp;a crazy hard level? Press pause and then change your character using&nbsp;the menu at the bottom of the screen. (For example, try using the skater in the snow levels!)</p>
  2079. </div>
  2080. </article>
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  2090. <div class="panel-pane pane-views-panes pane-game-details-pane-top-picks">
  2091. <h2 class="pane-title">
  2092. Coolmath top picks </h2>
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  2096. <div class="views-row views-row-1 views-row-odd views-row-first">
  2097. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2098. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2099. <a href="">
  2100. <div class="field-image">
  2101. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Clicker Heroes Game" title="Clicker Heroes game"> </div>
  2102. <h3 class="game-title">Clicker Heroes</h3></a> </div>
  2103. <div class="game-item-description">
  2104. <div class="field-body">
  2105. <p>Click to defeat monsters, earn gold and level up heroes. Ascend and transcend to reach new heights of power.&nbsp;See how far you can go!</p>
  2106. </div>
  2107. </div>
  2108. </div>
  2109. </span> </div> </div>
  2110. <div class="views-row views-row-2 views-row-even">
  2111. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2112. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2113. <a href="">
  2114. <div class="field-image">
  2115. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Checkers Game" title="Checkers game"> </div>
  2116. <h3 class="game-title">Checkers</h3></a> </div>
  2117. <div class="game-item-description">
  2118. <div class="field-body">
  2119. <p>The classic board game of moving and jumping. Play vs. the computer, or against a friend.</p>
  2120. </div>
  2121. </div>
  2122. </div>
  2123. </span> </div> </div>
  2124. <div class="views-row views-row-3 views-row-odd">
  2125. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2126. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2127. <a href="">
  2128. <div class="field-image">
  2129. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Run 2 game" title="Run 2 game"> </div>
  2130. <h3 class="game-title">Run 2</h3></a> </div>
  2131. <div class="game-item-description">
  2132. <div class="field-body">
  2133. <p>Warning: This game requires a huge amount of concentration and memorization as you run (or skate) through the 3 dimensional courses.</p>
  2134. </div>
  2135. </div>
  2136. </div>
  2137. </span> </div> </div>
  2138. <div class="views-row views-row-4 views-row-even">
  2139. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2140. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2141. <a href="">
  2142. <div class="field-image">
  2143. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="World's Hardest Game game" title="World's Hardest Game game"> </div>
  2144. <h3 class="game-title">World's Hardest Game</h3></a> </div>
  2145. <div class="game-item-description">
  2146. <div class="field-body">
  2147. <p>It really is. Don't ask us&nbsp;how to beat it. We&nbsp;can't. But we've seen it done and it's possible. You guys are on your own!</p>
  2148. </div>
  2149. </div>
  2150. </div>
  2151. </span> </div> </div>
  2152. <div class="views-row views-row-5 views-row-odd">
  2153. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2154. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2155. <a href="">
  2156. <div class="field-image">
  2157. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Chess game" title="Chess game"> </div>
  2158. <h3 class="game-title">Chess</h3></a> </div>
  2159. <div class="game-item-description">
  2160. <div class="field-body">
  2161. <p>Checkmate! Get your pawns in a row and play this classic strategic board game. Play vs. the computer, a friend, or join a match against another online player.</p>
  2162. </div>
  2163. </div>
  2164. </div>
  2165. </span> </div> </div>
  2166. <div class="views-row views-row-6 views-row-even">
  2167. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2168. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2169. <a href="">
  2170. <div class="field-image">
  2171. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Coffee Shop game" title="Coffee Shop game"> </div>
  2172. <h3 class="game-title">Coffee Shop</h3></a> </div>
  2173. <div class="game-item-description">
  2174. <div class="field-body">
  2175. <p>A great business game where you run your own coffee shop. You have to plan your budget, your recipe and how much to charge.&nbsp;</p>
  2176. </div>
  2177. </div>
  2178. </div>
  2179. </span> </div> </div>
  2180. <div class="views-row views-row-7 views-row-odd">
  2181. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2182. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2183. <a href="">
  2184. <div class="field-image">
  2185. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Gluey 2 game" title="Gluey 2 game"> </div>
  2186. <h3 class="game-title">Gluey 2</h3></a> </div>
  2187. <div class="game-item-description">
  2188. <div class="field-body">
  2189. <p>The sequel to the popular Gluey! Group and remove blobs of the same color to get them to disappear. You're going to have to think and plan ahead!</p>
  2190. </div>
  2191. </div>
  2192. </div>
  2193. </span> </div> </div>
  2194. <div class="views-row views-row-8 views-row-even">
  2195. <div class="views-field views-field-rendered-entity"> <span class="field-content"><div class="game-item">
  2196. <div class="game-link-wrapper">
  2197. <a href="">
  2198. <div class="field-image">
  2199. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Solitaire Game" title="Solitaire game"> </div>
  2200. <h3 class="game-title">Solitaire</h3></a> </div>
  2201. <div class="game-item-description">
  2202. <div class="field-body">
  2203. <p>The classic singleplayer card game. Choose your difficulty, and see if you can stack all four suits, Ace to King!</p>
  2204. </div>
  2205. </div>
  2206. </div>
  2207. </span> </div> </div>
  2208. <div class="views-row views-row-9 views-row-odd">
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  2211. <a href="">
  2212. <div class="field-image">
  2213. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Sudoku Game" title="Sudoku game"> </div>
  2214. <h3 class="game-title">Sudoku</h3></a> </div>
  2215. <div class="game-item-description">
  2216. <div class="field-body">
  2217. <p>The highly addicting number puzzle. Three difficulty levels to choose from, unlimited boards to solve!</p>
  2218. </div>
  2219. </div>
  2220. </div>
  2221. </span> </div> </div>
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  2227. <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="83" height="50" alt="Spider Solitaire Game" title="Spider Solitaire game"> </div>
  2228. <h3 class="game-title">Spider Solitaire</h3></a> </div>
  2229. <div class="game-item-description">
  2230. <div class="field-body">
  2231. <p>An easier twist on classic Solitaire. Play with 1, 2 or 4 Suits and try to remove all of the cards from the board!</p>
  2232. </div>
  2233. </div>
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