
Patience Arland

May 30th, 2014
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  1. Her name is Patience Arland. She is 21 years of age and her birthday is May 30th. She is a Maid of Mind and has a 26-year-old sister, Grace. She and Grace are quite close, and would do anything for each other. She enjoys lounging outside and reading, as well as doing puzzles and causing trouble. She is quite the rebel, often immature with her actions, and skilled with bartending and auto repair.
  3. Appearance: Patience is the opposite of her sister, save for her eyes, which are the same shade of deep blue as Grace's. She has blonde hair that's been bleached white by the sun, cut in pixie style. Her facial features are quite beautiful, with the features of a tropical islander, though from what region it's hard to say. Her skin is deeply tanned, and as flawless as her sister's. She stands at five feet-eight and is thin, with somewhat small, graceful curves.
  5. Patience wears a simple outfit the majority of the time unless she needs to be dressed nicely, which isn't often. Her clothes are a simple black tank top with the bottom half ripped off to show tanned stomach, with a grey hooded vest over it. Said vest looks like it originally was a sweater, with the arms ripped off, and is zipped up only halfway at the most. For pants she wears loose grey-camouflage pants that have some rips in it. On her feet are black combat-styled, steel-toed boots.
  7. Weapons: Guns. Any gun. Every gun. Bazooka, sniper, pistol, semi-auto, if it shoots, she's trained to use it. Only thing that overprotective sister was good for. (Gotta love her)
  9. Ride: hell yeah.
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