
F3: Fast Flavored Fudge

Dec 11th, 2015
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  1. F3: Fast Flavored Fudge
  3. Ingredients:
  5. 1x 14oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk
  6. 1x 12oz bag Chocolate Chips
  7. -The darker the chocolate, the harder it will set.
  8. 2 to 3 tbs flavored alcohol, to taste
  9. -Rum, Brandy, and Liqours work well. Do NOT use Flavored Vodka.
  11. Preparation: Find a heat resistant 30oz container or greater, such as a non-metallic mixing bowl or a tupperware container. Empty chocolate Chips into this container. Set aside.
  13. Find something to pour the Fudge into, such as an 8x8 or 9x9 square cake pan. It is recommended to line this container with wax or parchment paper for easy removal and cutting of the set Fudge.
  15. Open Sweetened Condensed Milk. Place contents into a small, heavy bottomed sauce pan.
  16. Scrape the sides of the can!
  17. If adding flavoring, add two to three tablespoons of flavored alcohol into sweetened condensed milk now.
  18. Stir milk mixture over medium heat until it begins to sizzle when drawn away from bottom of pan. At that point, remove from heat.
  20. Pour hot milk mixture over chocolate chips in heat resistant container. Tap the container against the counter top once or twice to settle the mixture into the spaces between the chocolate chips. Let sit for one minute. Maybe take this time to wash the sauce pan.
  22. Using a wooden spoon or large bladed spatula, begin to stir the warm milk mixture into the chocolate. Continue to stir until all lumps are melted and mixture feels smooth. Pour Fudge batter into prepared container. It is recommended to refrigerate the Fudge until it hardens enough to cut. This can take one to two hours, depending on type of chocolate used. Note: while you may use this recipe to make White Chocolate Fudge, White Chocolate is not chocolate, and will not set without freezing due to the lack of Cocoa Butter. Refreeze immediately after cutting, remove from freezer only to consume, otherwise it will turn into a white gooey puddle -The Voice of Experience.
  24. To cut Fudge, pull out of the container using the wax paper. Peel wax paper off the bottom of Fudge. Slice Fudge blocks into strips approximately one half inch wide. Cut strips again to desired size. One half or one quarter inch cubes work well.
  26. Replace wax paper into cake pan for easy Fudge serving tray.
  28. Enjoy!
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